121 консервы
1) bottled goods
2) canned goods
3) preserves
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консервы в металлической таре — canned food
122 Международный постоянный комитет консервной промышленности
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Международный постоянный комитет консервной промышленности
123 баночные консервы из ламинарии
1) Food industry: canned laminaria2) Makarov: canned luminariaУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > баночные консервы из ламинарии
124 быть уволенным
1) General subject: be given cards, be given the sack, be off the pay-roll, be off the payroll, become redundant (по сокращению штата, свёртыванию производства), get the bird, get the boot, get the gate, get the hoof, get the kick, get the knock, get the mitten, get the order of the boot, get the push, get the sack, get the shove, get the walking-papers, get the walking-ticket, get walking orders, to be given (one's) cards, to be off the payroll, get the chop, get the walking orders, lose place, face the sack (http://lingvo.abbyyonline.com/ru/en-ru/face%20the%20sack), get the bird (выгнанным с работы), get the boot (выгнанным с работы), get the gate (выгнанным с работы), get the mitten (выгнанным с работы), get (one's) cards2) American: get the hook3) Law: to be relieved of (one's) duties (from English Collocations in Use Advanced, p.30)4) Jargon: get the ax, shit canned, bounce5) American English: get canned (AmE slang), get a pink slip7) HR. be sacked8) Phraseological unit: get the bullet -
125 готовое ПО
1) Programming: canned software (например, такое, как текстовые процессоры и электронные таблицы)2) Software: ("коробочное") canned software (массовое ПО, например, такое как текстовые процессоры и электронные таблицы) -
126 групповой цикл
1) Mechanics: canned cycle -
127 девственник
128 девственница
2) Colloquial: V card (holding the V card)3) Obsolete: pucelle4) Religion: may5) Jargon: buttercup, canned goods6) Taboo: alreet gal (см. all right; искажённое all right girl), article of virtue, canned goods (sing), herring, undamaged goods
См. также в других словарях:
canned — [kænd] adj 1.) canned food is preserved in a round metal container British Equivalent: tinned ▪ canned tomatoes ▪ canned fruit 2.) canned music/laughter music or laughter that has been recorded and is used on television or in radio programmes … Dictionary of contemporary English
canned — [ kænd ] adjective canned food has been preserved in a metal container without air: canned beans/peaches … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
canned — ☆ canned [kand ] adj. 1. preserved in airtight cans or jars 2. Slang a) recorded for reproduction, as on radio or TV [canned commercials] b) prepared for publication in a number of newspapers simultaneously [a canned editorial] … English World dictionary
canned — adj. 1. Recorded; in contrast with {live}; used of sound or video broadcasts. Syn: filmed, taped, tape recorded. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] 2. Sealed in a can or jar. Syn: tinned. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
canned — canned; Canned; … English syllables
canned — ► ADJECTIVE 1) preserved in a sealed can. 2) informal, chiefly derogatory (of music, applause, etc.) pre recorded … English terms dictionary
Canned — The term canned may refer to:* Canned is an episode of Rocko s Modern Life * The canning of food (invented by Francesco Cirio) * Withdrawing/removing something, or putting it on hold (as in The idea to move office has been canned as it s way too… … Wikipedia
canned — консервированный canned sausage консервированные сосиски canned juice консервированный в банках сок canned frankfurters консервированные сосиски canned subsistence консервированные продукты canned button mushrooms консервированные грибы … English-Russian travelling dictionary
canned — [[t]kænd[/t]] adj. 1) coo preserved in a can or jar: canned peaches[/ex] 2) inf recorded or prerecorded: canned music; canned laughter[/ex] 3) inf prepared in advance for repeated use: a canned speech[/ex] 4) sts Slang. drunk • Etymology: 1855–60 … From formal English to slang
canned — 1. mod. alcohol intoxicated. □ I’ll drive. I’m too canned to walk. □ Man, am I canned! 2. mod. having to do with prerecorded laughter or applause that is added to the sound track of a television program. □ Canned laughter really sounds phony … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Canned — Can Can, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Canned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Canning}.] To preserve by putting in sealed cans [U. S.] Canned meats W. D. Howells. [1913 Webster] {Canned goods}, a general name for fruit, vegetables, meat, or fish, preserved in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English