101 запрограммированная транзакция
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > запрограммированная транзакция
102 стандартный фрагмент текста
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > стандартный фрагмент текста
103 групповой цикл
Русско-английский новый политехнический словарь > групповой цикл
104 заготовка в металлической оболочке
Русско-английский новый политехнический словарь > заготовка в металлической оболочке
105 герметизированный двигатель
двигатель, устанавливаемый на основании — base-mounted motor
Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > герметизированный двигатель
106 герметизированный насос
Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > герметизированный насос
107 насос с герметизированным ротором
Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > насос с герметизированным ротором
108 постоянное сообщение
уплотнение сообщения; сжатие сообщения — message compression
сообщение "для служебного пользования" — classified message
Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > постоянное сообщение
109 баночное пиво
Русско-английский словарь по информационным технологиям > баночное пиво
110 консервы
мн. preserved food, preservesконсервированные продукты, консервы — preserved food
консервированные продукты; консервы — preserved food
111 консервированный
1. tinned2. cannedРусско-английский большой базовый словарь > консервированный
112 консервы
* * *консе́рвы мн.
preserved food (stuffs), preservesконсе́рвы в металли́ческой та́ре — canned food (stuffs)консе́рвы в стекля́нной та́ре — glassed foodмоло́чные консе́рвы — preserved milk productsмясны́е консе́рвы — canned meatовощны́е консе́рвы — canned vegetablesры́бные консе́рвы — canned fishфрукто́вые консе́рвы — canned fruit -
113 мясные консервы
114 консервы
мн.1. tinned / potted / canned food sg.мясные консервы — tinned / canned meat sg.
рыбные консервы — canned fish sg.
фруктовые консервы — tinned / canned fruit sg.
2. ( очки) goggles -
115 баночные консервы
1) Engineering: canned foods, canned goods2) Gastronomy: tinned products3) Advertising: canned products -
116 герметичный насос
1) Mechanics: leakproof pump2) Coolers: canned pump3) Sakhalin energy glossary: Canned pump (pot mounted pump), Pot mounted pump (= caned pump) (без уплотнений, погружной двигатель)4) Automation: glandless pump5) Makarov: canned motor pump -
117 консервированные сосиски
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > консервированные сосиски
118 консервы в металлической таре
Engineering: canned food, canned foodstuff, canned goodsУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > консервы в металлической таре
119 пьяный
1) General subject: bacchic, bibacious, blind drunk, (вдребезги) blind to the world, boxed, canned, cock-eyed, disguised with liquor, drunken man, ebrious, flyblown, foxed, geed up, gingery, glassy eyed, groggy, high, in (one's) pot, in (one's) pots, in drink, in liquor, in wine, inebriate, inebrious, intoxicated, jagged, lit up, lush, off (one's) nut, overcome by drink, overcome with drink, overtaken in drink, pickled, pie eyed, pinko, queer, screwy, shot away, slewed, sodden, sotted, sozzled, spiffed, stewed, the worse for liquor, tiddly, tight, up the pole, vinose, vinous, wall eyed, winy, wiped-out2) Naval: shot-away3) Colloquial: baked, boozy, bousy, disguised, drunk back, loaded, lubricated, malty, pie-eyed, plastered, two sheets to the wind, under-the-table, wat, wet, bevvied, stocious, stotious, drunk, drunken, pissed, topsy4) Slang: nimptopsical5) American: frazzled, fuzzled, gaged, glassy-eyed, liquored up, lit, looped, tanked, vulcanized, half-blind, half-canned, half-crocked, belted6) Obsolete: intoxicate7) Military: one over the eight8) Bookish: ebriate9) Jocular: ebriose10) Rare: tempulent11) Law: drunken person12) Australian slang: half-seas-over14) Scottish language: fou as a wulk15) Jargon: Kentucky fried, Rileyed, awash, bagged, bamboozled, banged, barreled up, behind the cork, bewitched, blind, blitzed, blotto, boiled (How can you get so boiled on wine? Как ты мог стать таким пьяным от вина?), bombed, bongoed, boozed up, bottled, bowzed, bruised, buzzey, canned up, clobbered, comfortable, corked (up) (You'd be corked up, too, if you'd drunk as much as I have. Ты тоже был бы пьян если бы выпил столько как я.), corned, crocked, cronk, crumped up, cuckooed, dagged, damaged, decks awash, discouraged, edged, elevated, embalmed, faint, flooey, fluffy, four sheets in the wind, fractured, fried, geared up, ginned, glazed, glued, greased, half under, half-corned, half-screwed, half-stewed, hammered, happy (обычно слегка), high lonesome, hoary-eyed, hooted, hot, hot short, how-come-ye-so, illuminated, in (one's) cups, in the gun, jazzed, jug-steamed, jugged (up), juiced, juiced (up), jungled, keyed up to the roof, lathered, limp, lined, lit to the guards, lit up like the gills, lit up like the guards, loop-legged, lushed-up, maggoty, melted, merry, moppy, mulled mulled up, nazy, noggy, oiled, on the lee lurch, on the wagon, organized, orie-eyed, orry-eyed, oryide, ossified, out of one's skull, over the hump, overset, owl-eyed, owly eyed, paid, parboiled, pasted, pee'd, peonied, pepped, peppedup, peppy, piffed, pifficated, pigeon-eyed, pilfered, piped, pizz, plunked, polished up, polluted, potted (up), preserved, primed, primed to the ears, primed to the muzzle, pruned, rigid, sawed, scammered, schnozzle, scraunched, scronched, scrooched, shikker, slammed (АБ), sleepy, slopped, slopped over, sloshed, smashed, smoked, snapped, snozzle, snozzled, snubbed, snuffy, soaked, soapy-eyed, soshed, soused, sozzly, spifflicated, sprung, squiffed, squiffy, striped, stunned, swacked, swazzled, swiped, tandiged, tangle-footed, teed up, three sheets in (to) the wind, tipped, torn up (alcohol or drug intoxicated: He wasn't just drunk - he was massively tore up), tuned, tweased, tweeked, twisted, varnished, vegetable, wall-eyed, weak-Jointed, well oiled well-oiled, whipped, whipsy, whittled, whooshed, wilted, wing-heavy, woofled, zonked, chipper (A glass of wine will make her chipper almost immediately. Она становится почти сразу пьяной от стакана вина.), flabbergasted (After about six beers, Harry became flabbergasted and slid under the table. После приблизительно шести кружек пива Гэри опьянел и сполз под стол.), belly up (After four beers, I was belly up, for sure. После четырёх бутылок пива, я точно был пьян.), dinged out (Gary is dinged out and can't drive. Гэри пьян и не может управлять автомобилем.), elephant's (He shouldn't be driving! He's bloody elephant's.), piffled (He was so fiffled he couldn't walk. Он был настолько пьян, что не мог идти.), S.F. (How can that guy get so S.F.? Как мог этот парень так опьянеть?), coo-coo (How'd you get coo-coo so soon? Как ты мог так быстро опьянет?), arseholed (I got totally arseholed on Saturday night.), blown up (I guess I'm a little too blow up to drive Я думаю, я чересчур пьян, чтобы управлять автомобилем.), candу (I thing he's too candy to drive. Я думаю он слышком пьян для вождения.), dipsy (I think that Jed is permanently dipsy. Я думаю Джед постоянно пьян.), that way (I'm sorry, but Fred's that way again and can't drive to work. Я извиняюсь, но Фред опять пьян и не может приехать на работу.), glad (In fact, she was too glad to stand up. В действительности она была слишком пьяна чтобы стоять.), blooey (Man, I' m totaly blooey. I'm stoned to the bones. Чувак, я пьян в стельку.), sauced (Man, do you look sauced. Чувак, ты выглядишь пьяным.), clear (Man, is she ever clear. Чувак, она всегда пьяна.), clinched (Oh, brother, are you clinched! Так ты, брат, пьян!), fuzzy (She was too fuzzy to drive home. Она сильно пьяна чтобы ехать домой.), topsy-turvy (She was too topsy-turvy to stand up. Она была слишком пьяна чтобы стоять.), schicker (Two glasses of wine and she was totally schicker. Два стакана вина и она была совершенно пьяна.), floored (You'd be floored, too, if you'd drank a dozen beers. Ты бы тоже был пьян если бы выпил дюжину бутылок пива.), squizzed, stonkered, impaired, swizzled, whistled, whiffled, Brahms and Liszt, blown away, (от вина) grape shot, groggified, rattled, half-baked, half in the bag, half lit, have-sprung, half up the pole, upholstered, both sheets in the wind (She's both sheets in the wind at the moment. В данный момент она пьяна.), boozy-woozy, hard up, walking on rocky socks, hit under the wing, hepped(up), horizontal, honked, honkers, hooched up, screwed tight, screwed, blued, and tattooed, waxed, in the bag, in the suds, in bad shape, in a bad way, in rare form, shagged, shredded, buzzy, jambled, jiggered, skunked, slewy, sizzled, carrying a heavy load, juiced to the gills, electrified, on the sauce, tanky, tan someone's hide, laid to the bone, slugged, slushed (up), waa-zooed, whazood, snooted, snoozamorooed, soggy, loaded to the gills, loaded to the barrel, sopping(wet), soppy, soupy, spifficated, spificated, winged, maggotty, maxed out, starched, starchy, messed up, zagged, zissified, zoobang, zooted, zorked, (игра слов на Mickey Finn) Mickey finished, milled, mopped, mixed (up), moist around the edges, stuccoed, stozzled, muddied (up), muggy, swamped, stung, feshnushkied, flaked out, out cold, out of one's head, out of the way, discomboobulated, swoozled, swozzled, folded, foozlified, perked (up), batted, funked out, fuzzed, thawed, tiddled, gauged, pixilated, pixolated, phfft, pifflicated, pipped(up), tiffled, giffed, plootered, poopied, pop-eyed, popped, tipply, toasted, putrid, psyched (out), pummeled, topsy-boozy, quartzed, put the bed with a shovel, totalled, touched, trammeled, cotton-eyed, pafisticated, packaged, out, all geezed up, balmy, bent, blue, blue-eyed, breezy, cockeyed, cooked, crump, cut, fired up, floating, fogmatic, fresh, full, gassed, geezed, ginned up, grogged, guzzled, half-cocked half cocked, heeled, jake, jammed, jolly, knocked out, lit (особенно в приподнятом настроении), loaded for bear, lushed up, on, out of it, out on the roof, overboard, potted, puggled, pushed, queered, raunchie, raunchy, ready the ready, right, ripe, ripped off, ripped up, rocky, ronchie, rosy, rotten, rum dum, rum-dam, rumdum, sap-happy, screwed, sent, shaved, shot, shot in the neck, steamed up, stiff, stinko, tacky, tired, under the table, under the weather, up a tree, wiped out, woozy, wuzzy, zig-zag16) Simple: lumpy18) Makarov: bibulous, ebriated, overtaken with drink19) Taboo: bladdered (от bladder - мочевой пузырь), langered, leathered, peed, screwed up, shit-faced, shitty, snotted, tight as a fart, wazzed20) Aphorism: cherry- marry21) Idiomatic expression: loaded to the gunwales -
120 консервы
только мн.
1) canned/tinned/potted goods
2) (очки)
safety goggles* * ** * *canned/tinned/potted goods* * *preservepreservesspam
См. также в других словарях:
canned — [kænd] adj 1.) canned food is preserved in a round metal container British Equivalent: tinned ▪ canned tomatoes ▪ canned fruit 2.) canned music/laughter music or laughter that has been recorded and is used on television or in radio programmes … Dictionary of contemporary English
canned — [ kænd ] adjective canned food has been preserved in a metal container without air: canned beans/peaches … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
canned — ☆ canned [kand ] adj. 1. preserved in airtight cans or jars 2. Slang a) recorded for reproduction, as on radio or TV [canned commercials] b) prepared for publication in a number of newspapers simultaneously [a canned editorial] … English World dictionary
canned — adj. 1. Recorded; in contrast with {live}; used of sound or video broadcasts. Syn: filmed, taped, tape recorded. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] 2. Sealed in a can or jar. Syn: tinned. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
canned — canned; Canned; … English syllables
canned — ► ADJECTIVE 1) preserved in a sealed can. 2) informal, chiefly derogatory (of music, applause, etc.) pre recorded … English terms dictionary
Canned — The term canned may refer to:* Canned is an episode of Rocko s Modern Life * The canning of food (invented by Francesco Cirio) * Withdrawing/removing something, or putting it on hold (as in The idea to move office has been canned as it s way too… … Wikipedia
canned — консервированный canned sausage консервированные сосиски canned juice консервированный в банках сок canned frankfurters консервированные сосиски canned subsistence консервированные продукты canned button mushrooms консервированные грибы … English-Russian travelling dictionary
canned — [[t]kænd[/t]] adj. 1) coo preserved in a can or jar: canned peaches[/ex] 2) inf recorded or prerecorded: canned music; canned laughter[/ex] 3) inf prepared in advance for repeated use: a canned speech[/ex] 4) sts Slang. drunk • Etymology: 1855–60 … From formal English to slang
canned — 1. mod. alcohol intoxicated. □ I’ll drive. I’m too canned to walk. □ Man, am I canned! 2. mod. having to do with prerecorded laughter or applause that is added to the sound track of a television program. □ Canned laughter really sounds phony … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Canned — Can Can, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Canned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Canning}.] To preserve by putting in sealed cans [U. S.] Canned meats W. D. Howells. [1913 Webster] {Canned goods}, a general name for fruit, vegetables, meat, or fish, preserved in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English