1 консервированные сосиски
Русско-английский словарь по пищевой промышленности > консервированные сосиски
2 консервированные сосиски
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > консервированные сосиски
3 рыбный
1. fishy2. fish -
4 сосиска
1. frankfurter2. hot dog3. sausage -
5 мясной хлеб
1) General subject: loaf (колбасное изделие)2) Gastronomy: canned meat loaf, meat loaf3) Makarov: loose sausage meat
См. также в других словарях:
canned sausage — консервированные сосиски sausage linking device линкерное устройство для сосисок sausage peeling удаление оболочки с сосисок или колбас fried dough enclosed sausage жареная сосиска в тесте dosing sausage stuffer дозирующий шприц для сосисок… … English-Russian travelling dictionary
canned — консервированный canned sausage консервированные сосиски canned juice консервированный в банках сок canned frankfurters консервированные сосиски canned subsistence консервированные продукты canned button mushrooms консервированные грибы … English-Russian travelling dictionary
Sausage — This article is about the prepared meat. For other uses, see Sausage (disambiguation). Kiełbasa Biała (white sausage), Szynkowa (smoked), Śląska, and Podhalańska styles (Poland) A sausage is a food usually made from ground meat (normally pork or… … Wikipedia
canned fish — рыбные консервы fish sticks рыбные палочки comminuted fish рыбный фарш fish fingers рыбные палочки fish market рыбный магазин fish sausage рыбная колбаса … English-Russian travelling dictionary
Vienna sausage — A Vienna sausage is a wiener. The word wiener means Viennese in German.In many European countries any pre cooked and sometimes smoked wieners bought fresh from supermarkets, delicatessens and butcher shops are called Vienna sausage . In North… … Wikipedia
Oxford sausage — Oxford sausages, on sale in The Covered Market, Oxford. Oxford sausages are a distinctive variety of pork and veal sausage commonly associated with, and thought to have been developed in, the English city of Oxford. Traditionally, Oxford sausages … Wikipedia
Field ration — A French Army combat ration, with two meals and energy bars. A field ration, or combat ration, is a canned or pre packaged meal, easily prepared and eaten, transported by military troops on the battlefield. They are distinguished from regular… … Wikipedia
Meal, Ready-to-Eat — MRE redirects here. For other uses, see MRE (disambiguation). Two MRE packets: beef teriyaki and meatloaf with gravy The Meal, Ready to Eat commonly known as the MRE is a self contained, individual field ration in lightweight packaging bought by… … Wikipedia
List of Chopped episodes — This is the list of episodes for the Food Network competition reality series Chopped. New episodes air every Tuesday at 9pm and 10pm EST. Contents 1 Series overview 2 Season 1 (2009) … Wikipedia
Breakfast — For other uses, see Breakfast (disambiguation). Part of a series on Meals … Wikipedia
meat processing — Introduction preparation of meat for human consumption. Meat is the common term used to describe the edible portion of animal tissues and any processed or manufactured products prepared from these tissues. Meats are often classified… … Universalium