1 canch
2 canch
1) Строительство: канава с наклонными стенками2) Железнодорожный термин: канава с уклоном3) Горное дело: бутовый штрек, калотта (при проходке туннелей), канавка с наклонными стенками и узким дном, подрывка породы -
3 canch
4 canch
5 canch
6 canch
1. подрывка породы 2. бутовый штрек
7 canch
8 canch
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and missile bases > canch
9 canch hole
10 canch hole
1) Геология: горизонтальный шпур2) Техника: подошвенный шпур, шпур в забое бутового штрека -
11 canch work
Горное дело: подрывка породы, работы по подрывке породы -
12 canch hole
шпур в забое бурового трека: горизонтальный шпур; подошвенный шпурАнгло-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > canch hole
13 canch hole
горизонтальный шпур, шпур в забое бутового штрека -
14 canch hole
шпур в забое бутового штрека, горизонтальный шпур, подошвенный шпур -
15 repair canch
16 top canch
17 repair canch
Геология: ремонтная канава -
18 top canch
1) Геология: подрывка кровли2) Горное дело: верхняя подрывка -
19 top canch
подрывка кровли, верхняя подрывка -
20 hole
шпур, скважина; закладывать шпуры; бурить; шурф; сбойка; отверстие; сбивать, пробивать, подрубать, проходить•
- angled hole
- angular hole
- auger-hole
- back hole
- bing hole
- blast hole
- bolt hole
- bore hole
- box hole
- bunch holes
- canch hole
- cased hole
- churndrill hole
- connecting hole
- controlled-angle hole
- corner hole
- coyote hole
- crooked hole
- cropper holes
- cross hole
- cut a hole
- cut hole
- day hole
- drill hole
- drilling hole
- dib hole
- diverted hole
- dog hole
- down-hole
- draw hole
- drill hole
- dug hole
- easer hole
- egg hole
- electric cable hole
- empty hole
- end hole
- extra hole
- eyebolt hole
- fan-pattern holes
- fire a hole
- firing hole
- flanking hole
- flat hole
- flushing hole
- foot hole
- gob hole
- glory hole
- gopher hole
- grip hole
- gripping hole
- guide hole
- guide-shoe bolt hole
- gully hole
- hydrauger hole
- inclined hole
- infusion hole
- inspection hole
- intermediate hole
- jack hole
- kettle hole
- key hole
- kibble hole
- knee hole
- lade hole
- lifter hole
- light hole
- line hole
- loaded hole
- make a hole
- man hole
- mill hole
- milling hole
- misfire hole
- miss-shot hole
- natural drainage hole
- oblique hole
- oil hole
- open hole
- ore hole
- outer hole
- outlying hole
- outside holes
- peep hole
- percussion hole
- percussion test hole
- peripheral hole
- pilot hole
- plug hole
- plump hole
- poke hole
- pop hole
- pot hole
- prospect hole
- proving hole
- pull hole
- pyramid cut hole
- ragged hole
- rat hole
- ream hole
- refuge hole
- release hole
- relief hole
- reliever hole
- relieving hole
- rib hole
- ring-fanned holes
- rock-hole
- roof hole
- roof-bolt hole
- safety hole
- scrape out a hole
- second-row hole
- shallow hole
- shaped hole
- short hole
- shot hole
- shot-drill hole
- shoulder hole
- side hole
- side water hole
- sight hole
- sink a hole
- sink-hole
- slab hole
- slim hole
- sludge hole
- small hole
- snake hole
- snubber hole
- spot the holes
- square-up holes
- stable hole
- standardized holes
- stemmed hole
- stope hole
- straight hole
- straight-in holes
- sump hole
- survey hole
- survey plug hole
- tamp a hole
- tap hole
- tapered hole
- test hole
- third-row hole
- toe-hole
- top hole
- trial hole
- trimming hole
- uncharged hole
- unfired hole
- up-hole
- upward hole
- V-hole
- vent hole
- water hole
- water-well hole
- weep hole
- well drill hole
- wet hole
- wild hole
См. также в других словарях:
canch — North Country (Newcastle) Words a perpendicular declivity like a step … English dialects glossary
canch — ˈkanch noun ( es) Etymology: origin unknown 1. dialect England : a sloping slice removed from the roof or floor of a mine roadway to adjust the gradient between adjacent workings 2. dialect England : a small stack or pile : a small quantity … Useful english dictionary
kanchil — kan chil, n. [Malay canch[=i]l.] (Zo[ o]l.) A small chevrotain of the genus {Tragulus}, esp. {Tragulus pygm[ae]us}, or {Tragulus kanchil}, inhabiting Java, Sumatra, and adjacent islands; a deerlet. It is noted for its agility and cunning. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tragulus kanchil — kanchil kan chil, n. [Malay canch[=i]l.] (Zo[ o]l.) A small chevrotain of the genus {Tragulus}, esp. {Tragulus pygm[ae]us}, or {Tragulus kanchil}, inhabiting Java, Sumatra, and adjacent islands; a deerlet. It is noted for its agility and cunning … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tragulus pygmaeus — kanchil kan chil, n. [Malay canch[=i]l.] (Zo[ o]l.) A small chevrotain of the genus {Tragulus}, esp. {Tragulus pygm[ae]us}, or {Tragulus kanchil}, inhabiting Java, Sumatra, and adjacent islands; a deerlet. It is noted for its agility and cunning … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clan MacInnes — Crest badge suitable for wear by members of Clan MacInnes. Clan MacInnes is a Scottish clan from the highlands. As there is currently no clan chief, it is currently regarded as an Armigerous clan. Contents … Wikipedia
Canchánchara — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Canchánchara La canchánchara es un cóctel orginario de Cuba. A pesar de que muchas personas creen que es originario de Trinidad (Cuba), fue inventado en la región oriental de la isla durante el periodo de guerras… … Wikipedia Español
kench — [kench] n. [? var. of Brit dial. canch] a box or bin in which fish or skins are salted … English World dictionary