1 canard volume coefficient
относительный статический момент (площади) переднего (горизонтального) оперения -
2 coefficient
coefficient of viscositycoefficient with respect to alphaaerodynamic coefficientaerodynamic control force coefficientaerodynamic control moment coefficientaxial force coefficientbarodiffusion coefficientbest-range lift coefficientblowing coefficientblowing momentum coefficientBoussinesq coefficientbraking coefficientbuffet-onset lift coefficientcanard volume coefficientcompliance coefficientcorrelation coefficientcross coefficientscross-coupling coefficientscross-stream force coefficientdamage coefficientdamping coefficientdamping-in-roll coefficientdiffusion coefficientdrag coefficienteddy diffusion coefficientfirst-harmonic coefficientflapping coefficientflexibility influence coefficientsflow coefficientforce coefficientFourier coefficientsfriction coefficientH-force coefficientharmonic coefficientheat transfer coefficienthinge moment coefficienthydraulic drag coefficientincompressible pressure coefficientindicial coefficientsinduced drag coefficientinfluence coefficientjet momentum coefficientkinematic coefficient of viscositylanding flare lift coefficientlateral coefficientslateral flapping coefficientlateral force coefficientlift coefficientlift coefficient due to blowinglift force coefficientlift-drag coefficientlocal lift coefficientlocal skin-friction coefficientlongitudinal flapping coefficientlow-speed coefficientmaneuver drag coefficientmaneuver lift coefficientmaneuvering lift coefficientmass-flow coefficientmoment coefficientmomentum coefficientnondimensional coefficientnormal force coefficientoperating lift coefficientOswald coefficientparasite drag coefficientpitching moment coefficientpower coefficientpressure coefficientprofile drag coefficientpropeller power coefficientroll axis aerodynamic coefficientsroll-damping coefficientrolling moment coefficientscrubbing loss coefficientsection drag coefficientsection lift coefficientsectional lift coefficientshock pressure coefficientsideforce coefficientskin friction coefficientSouthwell coefficientstiffness coefficientsustained lift coefficienttail-volume coefficientthermal diffusion coefficientthrust coefficientthrust included lift coefficientthrust minus drag coefficientthrust momentum coefficienttire/runway friction coefficienttorque coefficienttotal lift coefficienttransport coefficienttransverse force coefficienttrim coefficienttrimmed coefficientuntrimmed lift coefficientusable lift coefficientvariation coefficientvelocity coefficientvertical-force coefficientvirial coefficientvirtual masses coefficientswake drag coefficientweighting coefficientwing lift coefficientY-force coefficientyaw axis aerodynamic coefficientsyawing moment coefficientzero lift-drag coefficient
См. также в других словарях:
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Wind gradient — In common usage, wind gradient, more specifically wind speed gradientcite book | last = Hadlock | first = Charles | title = Mathematical Modeling in the Environment | publisher = Mathematical Association of America | location = Washington | year … Wikipedia
Longitudinal static stability — is important in determining whether an aircraft will be able to fly as intended. Static stability As any vehicle moves it will be subjected to minor changes in the forces that act on it, and in its speed. * If such a change causes further changes … Wikipedia
SYSTÈMES DYNAMIQUES DIFFÉRENTIABLES — Sans doute née avec le mémoire que Poincaré écrivit en 1881 «sur les courbes définies par des équations différentielles», où l’étude quantitative (analytique) locale des équations différentielles dans le champ complexe est remplacée par leur… … Encyclopédie Universelle
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note — [ nɔt ] n. f. • XIIe; lat. nota I ♦ 1 ♦ Signe qui sert à caractériser un son par sa forme (durée du son) et par sa place sur la portée (hauteur du son). Notes de musique. Figures de notes : les différentes formes des notes exprimant leur durée… … Encyclopédie Universelle