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canard volume coefficient

  • 1 canard volume coefficient

    относительный статический момент (площади) переднего (горизонтального) оперения

    Авиасловарь > canard volume coefficient

  • 2 coefficient

    coefficient of viscosity
    coefficient with respect to alpha
    aerodynamic coefficient
    aerodynamic control force coefficient
    aerodynamic control moment coefficient
    axial force coefficient
    barodiffusion coefficient
    best-range lift coefficient
    blowing coefficient
    blowing momentum coefficient
    Boussinesq coefficient
    braking coefficient
    buffet-onset lift coefficient
    canard volume coefficient
    compliance coefficient
    correlation coefficient
    cross coefficients
    cross-coupling coefficients
    cross-stream force coefficient
    damage coefficient
    damping coefficient
    damping-in-roll coefficient
    diffusion coefficient
    drag coefficient
    eddy diffusion coefficient
    first-harmonic coefficient
    flapping coefficient
    flexibility influence coefficients
    flow coefficient
    force coefficient
    Fourier coefficients
    friction coefficient
    H-force coefficient
    harmonic coefficient
    heat transfer coefficient
    hinge moment coefficient
    hydraulic drag coefficient
    incompressible pressure coefficient
    indicial coefficients
    induced drag coefficient
    influence coefficient
    jet momentum coefficient
    kinematic coefficient of viscosity
    landing flare lift coefficient
    lateral coefficients
    lateral flapping coefficient
    lateral force coefficient
    lift coefficient
    lift coefficient due to blowing
    lift force coefficient
    lift-drag coefficient
    local lift coefficient
    local skin-friction coefficient
    longitudinal flapping coefficient
    low-speed coefficient
    maneuver drag coefficient
    maneuver lift coefficient
    maneuvering lift coefficient
    mass-flow coefficient
    moment coefficient
    momentum coefficient
    nondimensional coefficient
    normal force coefficient
    operating lift coefficient
    Oswald coefficient
    parasite drag coefficient
    pitching moment coefficient
    power coefficient
    pressure coefficient
    profile drag coefficient
    propeller power coefficient
    roll axis aerodynamic coefficients
    roll-damping coefficient
    rolling moment coefficient
    scrubbing loss coefficient
    section drag coefficient
    section lift coefficient
    sectional lift coefficient
    shock pressure coefficient
    sideforce coefficient
    skin friction coefficient
    Southwell coefficient
    stiffness coefficient
    sustained lift coefficient
    tail-volume coefficient
    thermal diffusion coefficient
    thrust coefficient
    thrust included lift coefficient
    thrust minus drag coefficient
    thrust momentum coefficient
    tire/runway friction coefficient
    torque coefficient
    total lift coefficient
    transport coefficient
    transverse force coefficient
    trim coefficient
    trimmed coefficient
    untrimmed lift coefficient
    usable lift coefficient
    variation coefficient
    velocity coefficient
    vertical-force coefficient
    virial coefficient
    virtual masses coefficients
    wake drag coefficient
    weighting coefficient
    wing lift coefficient
    Y-force coefficient
    yaw axis aerodynamic coefficients
    yawing moment coefficient
    zero lift-drag coefficient

    Авиасловарь > coefficient

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