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  • 1 get/have one's own way

    (to do, get etc what one wants: You can't always have your own way.) κάνω το δικό μου

    English-Greek dictionary > get/have one's own way

  • 2 counter

    I noun 0. see count II II 1. adverb
    ((with to) in the opposite direction or manner to: The election is running counter to the forecasts.) αντίθετα
    2. verb
    (to meet or answer (a stroke or move etc by another): He successfully countered all criticisms.) αντικρούω
    III noun
    (a kind of table or surface on which goods are laid: Can you get me some sweets from the confectionery counter?) πάγκος

    English-Greek dictionary > counter

  • 3 tell

    1) (to inform or give information to (a person) about (something): He told the whole story to John; He told John about it.) λέγω
    2) (to order or command; to suggest or warn: I told him to go away.) λέγω, διατάζω
    3) (to say or express in words: to tell lies / the truth / a story.) λέγω, αφηγούμαι
    4) (to distinguish; to see (a difference); to know or decide: Can you tell the difference between them?; I can't tell one from the other; You can tell if the meat is cooked by/from the colour.) διακρίνω, ξεχωρίζω, καταλαβαίνω
    5) (to give away a secret: You mustn't tell or we'll get into trouble.) μαρτυρώ την αλήθεια
    6) (to be effective; to be seen to give (good) results: Good teaching will always tell.) φέρνω αποτέλεσμα
    - telling
    - tellingly
    - telltale
    - I told you so
    - tell off
    - tell on
    - tell tales
    - tell the time
    - there's no telling
    - you never can tell

    English-Greek dictionary > tell

  • 4 contact

    ['kontækt] 1. noun
    1) (physical touch or nearness: Her hands came into contact with acid; Has she been in contact with measles?) επαφή
    2) (communication: I've lost contact with all my old friends; We have succeeded in making (radio) contact with the ship; How can I get in contact with him?) επαφή
    3) (a person with influence, knowledge etc which might be useful: I made several good contacts in London.) (χρήσιμη) γνωριμία
    4) ((a place where) a wire etc carrying electric current (may be attached): the contacts on the battery.) σημείο επαφής
    5) (a person who has been near someone with an infectious disease: We must trace all known contacts of the cholera victim.) άτομο που ήρθε σε επαφή
    6) (a person or thing that provides a means of communicating with someone: His radio is his only contact with the outside world.) επαφή
    2. verb
    (to get in touch with in order to give or share information etc: I'll contact you by telephone.) έρχομαι σε επαφή

    English-Greek dictionary > contact

  • 5 however

    1) (in spite of that: It would be nice if we had more money. However, I suppose we'll manage with what we have.) ωστόσο,εντούτοις
    2) ((also how ever) in what way; by what means: However did you get here?; However did you do that?) πώς,με ποιο τρόπο
    3) (to no matter what extent: However hard I try, I still can't do it.) όσο

    English-Greek dictionary > however

  • 6 arrow

    1) (a thin, straight stick with a point, which is fired from a bow.) βέλος
    2) (a sign shaped like an arrow eg to show which way to go: You can't get lost - just follow the arrows.) βέλος

    English-Greek dictionary > arrow

  • 7 hold

    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) κρατώ
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) κρατώ
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) κρατώ
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) αντέχω,βαστώ
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) κρατώ
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) περιέχω,χωρώ
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) οργανώνω,διενεργώ
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) κρατώ
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) διατηρώ
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) θεωρώ,υποστηρίζω
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) ισχύω
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) δεσμεύω
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) υπερασπίζομαι
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) συγκρατώ
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) κρατώ
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) κρατώ
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) γιορτάζω
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) κατέχω
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) βαστώ,διατηρούμαι
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) περιμένω(στο τηλέφωνο)
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) κρατώ(νότα)
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) φυλάγω
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?) επιφυλάσσω
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) πιάσιμο,κράτημα
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) εξουσία,επιρροή
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) λαβή
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) αμπάρι

    English-Greek dictionary > hold

  • 8 reach

    [ri: ] 1. verb
    1) (to arrive at (a place, age etc): We'll never reach London before dark; Money is not important when you reach my age; The noise reached our ears; Has the total reached a thousand dollars yet?; Have they reached an agreement yet?) φτάνω/ καταλήγω σε
    2) (to (be able to) touch or get hold of (something): My keys have fallen down this hole and I can't reach them.) φτάνω
    3) (to stretch out one's hand in order to touch or get hold of something: He reached (across the table) for another cake; She reached out and took the book; He reached across/over and slapped her.) απλώνω το χέρι
    4) (to make contact with; to communicate with: If anything happens you can always reach me by phone.) επικοινωνώ με, βρίσκω
    5) (to stretch or extend: My property reaches from here to the river.) εκτείνομαι, απλώνομαι
    2. noun
    1) (the distance that can be travelled easily: My house is within (easy) reach (of London).) (μικρή) απόσταση
    2) (the distance one can stretch one's arm: I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the children's reach; My keys are down that hole, just out of reach (of my fingers); The boxer has a very long reach.) απόσταση που φτάνει το χέρι μου
    3) ((usually in plural) a straight part of a river, canal etc: the lower reaches of the Thames.) ευθεία ποταμού/ έκταση

    English-Greek dictionary > reach

  • 9 hand

    [hænd] 1. noun
    1) (the part of the body at the end of the arm.) χέρι
    2) (a pointer on a clock, watch etc: Clocks usually have an hour hand and a minute hand.) δείκτης
    3) (a person employed as a helper, crew member etc: a farm hand; All hands on deck!) βοηθός,μέλος πληρώματος
    4) (help; assistance: Can I lend a hand?; Give me a hand with this box, please.) χεράκι,χείρα βοηθείας
    5) (a set of playing-cards dealt to a person: I had a very good hand so I thought I had a chance of winning.) χαρτωσιά
    6) (a measure (approximately centimetres) used for measuring the height of horses: a horse of 14 hands.) παλάμη
    7) (handwriting: written in a neat hand.) γραφικός χαρακτήρας
    2. verb
    (often with back, down, up etc)
    1) (to give (something) to someone by hand: I handed him the book; He handed it back to me; I'll go up the ladder, and you can hand the tools up to me.)
    2) (to pass, transfer etc into another's care etc: That is the end of my report from Paris. I'll now hand you back to Fred Smith in the television studio in London.)
    - handbag
    - handbill
    - handbook
    - handbrake
    - handcuff
    - handcuffs
    - hand-lens
    - handmade
    - hand-operated
    - hand-out
    - hand-picked
    - handshake
    - handstand
    - handwriting
    - handwritten
    - at hand
    - at the hands of
    - be hand in glove with someone
    - be hand in glove
    - by hand
    - fall into the hands of someone
    - fall into the hands
    - force someone's hand
    - get one's hands on
    - give/lend a helping hand
    - hand down
    - hand in
    - hand in hand
    - hand on
    - hand out
    - hand-out
    - handout
    - hand over
    - hand over fist
    - hands down
    - hands off!
    - hands-on
    - hands up!
    - hand to hand
    - have a hand in something
    - have a hand in
    - have/get/gain the upper hand
    - hold hands with someone
    - hold hands
    - in good hands
    - in hand
    - in the hands of
    - keep one's hand in
    - off one's hands
    - on hand
    - on the one hand... on the other hand
    -... on the other hand
    - out of hand
    - shake hands with someone / shake someone's hand
    - shake hands with / shake someone's hand
    - a show of hands
    - take in hand
    - to hand

    English-Greek dictionary > hand

  • 10 straight

    [streit] 1. adjective
    1) (not bent or curved: a straight line; straight (= not curly) hair; That line is not straight.) ίσιος
    2) ((of a person, his behaviour etc) honest, frank and direct: Give me a straight answer!) ευθύς,ειλικρινής
    3) (properly or levelly positioned: Your tie isn't straight.) ίσιος
    4) (correct and tidy: I'll never get this house straight!; Now let's get the facts straight!) σε τάξη,σε σωστή σειρά
    5) ((of drinks) not mixed: a straight gin.) σκέτος
    6) ((of a face, expression etc) not smiling or laughing: You should keep a straight face while you tell a joke.) ανέκφραστος
    7) ((of an actor) playing normal characters, or (of a play) of the ordinary type - not a musical or variety show.) ηθοποιός ρεπερτορίου, κλασικός ηθοποιός
    2. adverb
    1) (in a straight, not curved, line; directly: His route went straight across the desert; She can't steer straight; Keep straight on.) ίσια
    2) (immediately, without any delay: He went straight home after the meeting.) κατευθείαν
    3) (honestly or fairly: You're not playing (= behaving) straight.) τίμια
    3. noun
    (the straight part of something, eg of a racecourse: He's in the final straight.)
    - straightness
    - straightforward
    - straightforwardly
    - straightforwardness
    - straight talking
    - go straight
    - straight away
    - straighten out/up
    - a straight fight
    - straight off

    English-Greek dictionary > straight

  • 11 sure

    [ʃuə] 1. adjective
    1) ((negative unsure) having no doubt; certain: I'm sure that I gave him the book; I'm not sure where she lives / what her address is; `There's a bus at two o'clock.' `Are you quite sure?'; I thought the idea was good, but now I'm not so sure; I'll help you - you can be sure of that!) σίγουρος
    2) (unlikely to fail (to do or get something): He's sure to win; You're sure of a good dinner if you stay at that hotel.) βέβαιος, σίγουρος
    3) (reliable or trustworthy: a sure way to cure hiccups; a safe, sure method; a sure aim with a rifle.) αξιόπιστος, σίγουρος
    2. adverb
    ((especially American) certainly; of course: Sure I'll help you!; `Would you like to come?' `Sure!') και βέβαια!
    - sureness
    - sure-footed
    - as sure as
    - be sure to
    - be/feel sure of oneself
    - for sure
    - make sure
    - sure enough

    English-Greek dictionary > sure

  • 12 start

    I 1. verb
    1) (to leave or begin a journey: We shall have to start at 5.30 a.m. in order to get to the boat in time.) ξεκινώ
    2) (to begin: He starts working at six o'clock every morning; She started to cry; She starts her new job next week; Haven't you started (on) your meal yet?; What time does the play start?) αρχίζω
    3) (to (cause an engine etc to) begin to work: I can't start the car; The car won't start; The clock stopped but I started it again.) παίρνω μπρος/βάζω μπροστά
    4) (to cause something to begin or begin happening etc: One of the students decided to start a college magazine.) βάζω μπρος, ξεκινάω
    2. noun
    1) (the beginning of an activity, journey, race etc: I told him at the start that his idea would not succeed; The runners lined up at the start; He stayed in the lead after a good start; I shall have to make a start on that work.) αρχή,ξεκίνημα/αφετηρία
    2) (in a race etc, the advantage of beginning before or further forward than others, or the amount of time, distance etc gained through this: The youngest child in the race got a start of five metres; The driver of the stolen car already had twenty minutes' start before the police began the pursuit.) πλεονέκτημα
    - starting-point
    - for a start
    - get off to a good
    - bad start
    - start off
    - start out
    - start up
    - to start with
    II 1. verb
    (to jump or jerk suddenly because of fright, surprise etc: The sudden noise made me start.) τινάζομαι,πετάγομαι
    2. noun
    1) (a sudden movement of the body: He gave a start of surprise.) ξάφνιασμα,τίναγμα
    2) (a shock: What a start the news gave me!) ταραχή

    English-Greek dictionary > start

  • 13 pick someone's brains

    (to ask (a person) questions in order to get ideas, information etc from him which one can use oneself: You might be able to help me with this problem - can I come and pick your brains for a minute!) καταφεύγω στα φώτα κάποιου

    English-Greek dictionary > pick someone's brains

  • 14 such

    1. adjective
    1) (of the same kind as that already mentioned or being mentioned: Animals that gnaw, such as mice, rats, rabbits and weasels are called rodents; He came from Bradford or some such place; She asked to see Mr Johnson but was told there was no such person there; I've seen several such buildings; I've never done such a thing before; doctors, dentists and such people.) τέτοιος
    2) (of the great degree already mentioned or being mentioned: If you had telephoned her, she wouldn't have got into such a state of anxiety; She never used to get such bad headaches (as she does now).) τέτοιος
    3) (of the great degree, or the kind, to have a particular result: He shut the window with such force that the glass broke; She's such a good teacher that the headmaster asked her not to leave; Their problems are such as to make it impossible for them to live together any more.) τέτοιος, τόσο(ς)
    4) (used for emphasis: This is such a shock! They have been such good friends to me!) μεγάλος,πολύ
    2. pronoun
    (such a person or thing, or such persons or things: I have only a few photographs, but can show you such as I have; This isn't a good book as such (= as a book) but it has interesting pictures.) αυτός,εκείνος,τέτοιος
    - such-and-such
    - such as it is

    English-Greek dictionary > such

  • 15 dial

    1. noun
    1) (the face of a watch or clock: My watch has a dial you can see in the dark.) πλάκα ρολογιού
    2) (the turning disc over the numbers on a telephone.) επιλογέας,καντράν
    3) (any disc etc bearing numbers etc used to give information: the dial on a radio.) πίνακας επιλογής,ταμπλό
    2. verb
    (to turn a telephone dial to get a number: She dialled the wrong number.) σχηματίζω(αριθμό τηλεφώνου)

    English-Greek dictionary > dial

  • 16 go through

    1) (to search in: I've gone through all my pockets but I still can't find my key.) ψάχνω
    2) (to suffer: You have no idea what I went through to get this finished in time.) υποφέρω, περνώ
    3) (to use up: We went through a lot of money on holiday.) ξοδεύω
    4) (to complete: to go through certain formalities.) ολοκληρώνω
    5) (to be completed: After long hours of negotiations, the deal went through.) ολοκληρώνομαι, κλείνω

    English-Greek dictionary > go through

  • 17 hope

    [həup] 1. verb
    (to want something to happen and have some reason to believe that it will or might happen: He's very late, but we are still hoping he will come; I hope to be in London next month; We're hoping for some help from other people; It's unlikely that he'll come now, but we keep on hoping; `Do you think it will rain?' `I hope so/not'.) ελπίζω
    2. noun
    1) ((any reason or encouragement for) the state of feeling that what one wants will or might happen: He has lost all hope of becoming the president; He came to see me in the hope that I would help him; He has hopes of winning a scholarship; The rescuers said there was no hope of finding anyone alive in the mine.) ελπίδα
    2) (a person, thing etc that one is relying on for help etc: He's my last hope - there is no-one else I can ask.) ελπίδα,αποκούμπι
    3) (something hoped for: My hope is that he will get married and settle down soon.) ελπίδα
    - hopefulness
    - hopefully
    - hopeless
    - hopelessly
    - hopelessness
    - hope against hope
    - hope for the best
    - not have a hope
    - not a hope
    - raise someone's hopes

    English-Greek dictionary > hope

  • 18 light

    I 1. noun
    1) (the brightness given by the sun, a flame, lamps etc that makes things able to be seen: It was nearly dawn and the light was getting stronger; Sunlight streamed into the room.) φως
    2) (something which gives light (eg a lamp): Suddenly all the lights went out.) φως
    3) (something which can be used to set fire to something else; a flame: Have you got a light for my cigarette?) φωτιά
    4) (a way of viewing or regarding: He regarded her action in a favourable light.) φως
    2. adjective
    1) (having light; not dark: The studio was a large, light room.) φωτεινός
    2) ((of a colour) pale; closer to white than black: light green.) ανοιχτός
    3. [lit] verb
    1) (to give light to: The room was lit only by candles.) φωτίζω
    2) (to (make something) catch fire: She lit the gas; I think this match is damp, because it won't light.) ανάβω
    - lighting
    - lighthouse
    - light-year
    - bring to light
    - come to light
    - in the light of
    - light up
    - see the light
    - set light to
    1) (easy to lift or carry; of little weight: I bought a light suitcase for plane journeys.) ελαφρός
    2) (easy to bear, suffer or do: Next time the punishment will not be so light.) ελαφρός
    3) ((of food) easy to digest: a light meal.) ελαφρός
    4) (of less weight than it should be: The load of grain was several kilos light.) ελαφρότερος από το κανονικό
    5) (of little weight: Aluminium is a light metal.) ελαφρός
    6) (lively or agile: She was very light on her feet.) ανάλαφρος
    7) (cheerful; not serious: light music.) ελαφρός
    8) (little in quantity; not intense, heavy, strong etc: light rain.) ελαφρός, ανεπαίσθητος, απαλός
    9) ((of soil) containing a lot of sand.) αμμώδης
    - light-headed
    - light-hearted
    - lightweight
    - get off lightly
    - make light of
    - travel light
    III = light on - past tense, past participle lit [lit] - verb
    (to find by chance: While wandering round the town, we lit on a very cheap restaurant.) συναντώ τυχαία

    English-Greek dictionary > light

  • 19 move

    [mu:v] 1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) change position or go from one place to another: He moved his arm; Don't move!; Please move your car.) (μετα)κινώ,-ούμαι
    2) (to change houses: We're moving on Saturday.) μετακομίζω
    3) (to affect the feelings or emotions of: I was deeply moved by the film.) συγκινώ
    2. noun
    1) ((in board games) an act of moving a piece: You can win this game in three moves.) κίνηση
    2) (an act of changing homes: How did your move go?) μετακόμιση
    - moveable
    - movement
    - movie
    - moving
    - movingly
    - get a move on
    - make a move
    - move along
    - move heaven and earth
    - move house
    - move in
    - move off
    - move out
    - move up
    - on the move

    English-Greek dictionary > move

  • 20 town centre

    (the main shopping and business area of a town: You can get a bus from the town centre.) κέντρο της πόλης

    English-Greek dictionary > town centre

См. также в других словарях:

  • How Pop Can You Get? — was the first and only album by American band The Bats. *Members were Jon Brion, Bill Murphy and Don Riff Fertman. *It was recorded in New Haven and West Haven, Connecticut and released on the Gustav label (Gustav UA1001) in the fall of 1982.… …   Wikipedia

  • how selfish can you get? — how selfish, stupid, ungrateful, etc. can you ˈget? idiom (informal) used to express surprise or disapproval that sb has been so selfish, etc. Main entry: ↑getidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • how stupid can you get? — how selfish, stupid, ungrateful, etc. can you ˈget? idiom (informal) used to express surprise or disapproval that sb has been so selfish, etc. Main entry: ↑getidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • how ungrateful can you get? — how selfish, stupid, ungrateful, etc. can you ˈget? idiom (informal) used to express surprise or disapproval that sb has been so selfish, etc. Main entry: ↑getidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • Can I Get A... — Infobox Single Name = Can I Get A... Artist = Jay Z featuring Amil and Ja Rule Album = Def Jam s Rush Hour Soundtrack B side = Released = September 1, 1998 Format = 12 inch single, CD, Vinyl Recorded = Genre = East Coast hip hop Length = 5:09… …   Wikipedia

  • Can't Get You Out of My Head — «Can t Get You Out of My Head» Сингл Кайли Миноуг из альбома Fever Сторона «Б» «Boy» Выпущен 8 сентября 2001 Формат CD сингл Жанр …   Википедия

  • Can You Feel It — Single par The Jacksons extrait de l’album Triumph Sortie 23 Septembre 1980 Enregistrement Mars 1980 Durée 5:57 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • (Can't get my) Head around you — «(Can t Get My) Head Around You» Sencillo de The Offspring del álbum Splinter Formato CD Grabación 2003 Género(s) Punk rock Pop Punk Duración …   Wikipedia Español

  • (Can't Get My) Head Around You — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda (Can t get my) Head around you Obtenido de (Can%27t Get My) Head Around You …   Wikipedia Español

  • Can't Get Enough (album de Barry White) — Can t Get Enough Album par Barry White Sortie 1974 Albums de Barry White …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Can U Get Wit It — Single par Usher extrait de l’album Usher Sortie 1er août 1994 Enregistrement Octobre 1994 New York, NY Durée 4 min 56 …   Wikipédia en Français

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