1 camber geometry
распределение кривизны < крыла> -
2 geometry
1. геометрия; геометрические характеристики2. (геометрическая) форма, конфигурация; очертания3. (геометрическая) схема; структура; (относительное) расположениеair combat geometryaircraft geometryairfoil geometryapproach geometryarbitrary geometryblade/root geometrycamber geometryCoanda geometryconfiguration geometrycross-sectional geometrycruise geometrydeformed geometrydifferential geometryduct geometryelastic geometryempennage geometryflight path geometryforebody geometryguidance geometryhead-on geometryinput geometryintercept geometrylaminate geometryleading-edge geometryMLS geometrynodal geometryrig geometryrigid geometryrotor geometrysingle-fuselage geometryslender geometrySST-type geometrytail-chase geometrythroat geometrytrailing-edge geometrytwin-fuselage geometryvortex geometrywake geometrywing-body geometry -
3 wing
1. крыло; полукрыло, консоль крыла2. авиационное крыло, авиакрыло < организационная единица>; авиационное подразделение; авиаотрядwing alonewing with separated flowadjustable camber wingadvanced materials wingadvancing wingaeroelastic-loaded wingaeroelastically tailored wingaft-swept winganhedral wingarched wingarrow wingarrowhead wingasymmetric swept wingasymmetrically swept wingaugmentor wingbeam-like wingbigger-span wingboundary layer controlled wingcambered wingcanard wingcantilever wingcantilever restrained wingcantilevered wingcarbon wingcarbon fiber wingcarbon-fiber-reinforced wingcaret wingcaret-shaped wingcenter wingcircular wingcirculation control wingcirculation controlled wingclipped wingclose-coupled wing and canardclumsy wingcomposite planform wingcompound delta wingcomputer-controlled wingconnected wingcranked wingcranked-arrow wingcrescent wingcrescent-moon-shaped wingcropped-delta wingcruciform wingsde-riggable wingdelta wingdelta-rectangular wingdiamond wingdiamond-shaped wingdouble-delta wingdouble-membrane flexible wingdouble-surface wingdowngoing wingelliptic wingelliptically-loaded wingextended-span wingfailed-engine wingfatigue-test wingfenced wingfinite wingfixed wingfixed-camber wingfixed-planform wingflapped wingflapping wingflat wingflat-bottomed wingflat-plate wingflex wingflexible wingflying wingforward-swept wingfuel-carrying wingfully stalled wingfully swept wingfully swept-back winggraphite epoxy winggross winghigh winghigh-alpha winghigh-aspect-ratio winghigh-lift winghigh-mounted winghigh-speed winghigh-sweep winghighly swept winghighly tapered winghybrid winginboard wingincreased-span winginfinite aspect-ratio wingintowind winginverse-tapered wingisolated wingjet flap wingjet flapped wingjoined winglaminar-flow wingleeward wingleft wingleft-side winglow winglow-aspect-ratio winglow-mounted wingmaneuvering wingmembrane wingmid wingmid-mounted wingmission adaptive wingmoderately swept wingnet wingNLF wingnonplanar wingoblique wingogee wingone-piece wingout-of-wind wingoutboard wingouter wingparasol wingplanar wingplunging wingporous wingport wingpowered-lift wingpropulsive-lift wingpure delta wingrange-enhancing wingrectangular wingreplacement wingretreating wingrhomboidal wingright wingright-side wingring wingRogallo wingrolling wingrotary wingrotating winground-edge wingsailplane wingself-optimizing wingsemispan wingserrated wingsharp edged wingsharp-edged wingsharply tapered wingshoulder wingshoulder-mounted wingsingle-membrane flexible wingsingle-piece wingsingle-surface wingskewed wingslab trailing edge wingslatted wingslender wingsmooth variable camber wingsnagged wingstalled wingstarboard wingstationary wingstealth wingstiffened wingSTOL wingstraight wingstraight-edge wingstructurally tailored wingstrut-braced wingstub wingstubby wingstuck wingsupercritical wingsupercritical-section wingsymmetric wingsymmetric swept wingsymmetrical wingtapered wingthree-dimensional wingtransport-type wingtrapezoidal wingtwo-position wingtwo-spar winguncambered wingunflapped wingunstraked wingunswept winguntapered winguntrimmed wingunwarped wingupgoing wingupturned wingupward wingupward moving wingvariable camber wingvariable forward sweep wingvariable span wingvariable symmetric-sweep wingvariable-geometry wingvariable-incidence wingvariable-skew wingvariable-sweep oblique wingvortex generator-equipped wingwashin wingwashout wingwet wingwindward wingwinglet-fitted wingX wingyawed wing -
4 wing
крыло; авиационное крыло, (авиа)крыло ( организационная единица) ; pl. разг. «крылья» ( нагрудный знак лётного состава) ; летать на самолёте; крыльевой60° wing — крыло с углом стреловидности 60° (по передней кромке)
75 per cent swept delta wing — треугольное крыло с углом стреловидности 75° по передней кромке
85 per cent flapped wing — крыло с закрылками на 85% размаха
cock up the wing — разг. задирать крыло вверх
give drop to a wing — уменьшать подъёмную силу крыла (на одной половине); опускать крыло
mid(-mounted, -set) wing — среднерасположенное крыло
one-sixth scale model wing — модель крыла в масштабе 1:6
shoulder(-height, -mounted) wing — высокорасположенное крыло
— aft wing— air wing— dry wing— fly wing— jet wing— top wing— wet wing— X wing -
5 device
устройство; средство; прибор; аппаратdevice under testactuation deviceair-bearing deviceair-cushion devicealerting deviceangle-of-attack inhibiting deviceantishimmy deviceantitorque deviceantivibration devicecombat high-lift devicescontrol-loading devicedamping devicedeceleration devicediagnostic devicedirect lift control devicedisplay deviceDLC devicedrag devicedrag minimizing deviceflight control deviceflow control deviceforce trim devicehearing protection devicehigh-lift devicehigh-lift-producing deviceinflatable evacuation deviceleading-edge devicesleading-edge devicelift devicelift-improvement devicelift-producing deviceMAD devicemagnetic anomaly detection devicemaneuver devicenight-vision devicepropulsive deviceranging deviceroll-control deviceroll-inducing devicerotor folding devicetouch input devicetrailing-edge devicetrailing-edge devicestraining devicetrimming devicevariable-camber devicevariable-geometry devicevortex control devicewingtip devices
См. также в других словарях:
Variable geometry — may refer to: * Various different ways to alter the shape of an aircraft s wings in flight in order to alter their aerodynamic properties: Variable sweep wings or swing wings , variable camber wings, variable incidence wings, and Oblique wings. * … Wikipedia
steering geometry — A term sometimes used to describe the various angles assumed by the components making up the front wheel turning arrangement, camber, caster, toe in, etc. Also used to describe the related angles assumed by the front wheels when the vehicle is… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Bicycle and motorcycle dynamics — A computer generated, simplified model of bike and rider demonstrating an uncontrolled right turn. An … Wikipedia
Suspension (vehicle) — Suspension is the term given to the system of springs, shock absorbers and linkages that connects a vehicle to its wheels. Suspension systems serve a dual purpose – contributing to the car s handling and braking for good active safety and driving … Wikipedia
Steering — For other uses, see Steering (disambiguation). Part of car steering mechanism: tie rod, steering arm, king pin axis (using ball joints). Steering is the term applied to the collection of components, linkages, etc. which will allow a vessel (ship … Wikipedia
Wing configuration — For aircraft configurations in general, including fuselage, tail and powerplant configuration, see Aircraft. For rotary winged aircraft types, see Rotorcraft. For direct lift and compound or hybrid types, see Powered lift. Fixed wing aircraft,… … Wikipedia
NACA airfoil — Profile geometry – 1: Zero lift line; 2: Leading edge; 3: Nose circle; 4: Camber; 5: Max. thickness; 6: Upper surface; 7: Trailing edge; 8: Camber mean line; 9: Lower surface … Wikipedia
Countersteering — For the similar technique used in automobiles, see Opposite lock. Graphs showing the lean and steer angle response of an otherwise uncontrolled typical bike, traveling at a forward speed in its stable range (in this case 6 m/s), to a steer torque … Wikipedia
Car handling — and vehicle handling is a description of the way wheeled vehicles perform transverse to their direction of motion, particularly during cornering and swerving. It also includes their stability when moving in a straight line. Handling and braking… … Wikipedia
Longboard (skateboard) — This page is about skating Longboards, see longboard (surfing) for information about longboards of the surfboard variety. A longboard is a skateboard with a longer and sometimes wider shape used for longboarding. They are most commonly used for… … Wikipedia
Toe (automotive) — In automotive engineering, toe is the symmetric angle that each wheel makes with the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, as a function of static geometry, and kinematic and compliant effects. This can be contrasted with steer, which is the… … Wikipedia