1 softening
1. n смягчение2. n фон. ослабление3. n мед. размягчениеСинонимический ряд:1. abatement (noun) abatement; decrease; diminishing; easing off; lessening; loosening; moderation; relaxation; slackening2. calming (verb) appeasing; assuaging; calm down; calming; conciliating; gentling; mollifying; pacifying; placating; propitiating; soothing; sweetening3. depreciating (verb) cheapening; decrying; depreciating; devaluating; devaluing; downgrading; lowering; marking down; underrating; undervaluing; writing down; writing off4. tempering (verb) moderating; muting; subduing; taming; tempering; tone down5. yielding (verb) ease off; relenting; slackening; weakening; yielding -
2 tranquilizing
успокаивать; успокоительныйСинонимический ряд:1. calming (adj.) calming; hypnotic; remedial; sedative; soothing; soporific2. calming (verb) allaying; becalming; calming; composing; lulling; quieting; settling; soothing; stilling -
3 soothing
a утешительный, успокоительный; успокаивающий, облегчающийСинонимический ряд:1. balmy (adj.) balmy; benign; bland; calm; clear; soft2. mild (adj.) fair; gentle; mild; pleasant; summery; temperate; tropical; warm3. calming (verb) allaying; appeasing; assuaging; becalming; calm down; calming; composing; conciliating; gentling; lulling; mollifying; pacifying; placating; propitiating; quieting; settling; softening; stilling; sweetening; tranquilizing4. comforting (verb) comforting; consoling; solacing5. stilling (verb) allaying; becalming; composing; lulling; quieting; settling; stilling; tranquillising -
4 mollifying
a смягчающий, успокоительныйСинонимический ряд:1. soothing (adj.) assuasive; bland; emollient; mellow; mild; smooth; soft; soothing2. calming (verb) appeasing; calm down; calming; conciliating; gentling; pacifying; placating; propitiating; softening; soothing; sweetening3. relieving (verb) allaying; alleviating; assuaging; easing; lightening; mitigating; relieving -
5 stilling
n стеллажСинонимический ряд:1. calming (verb) allaying; becalming; calming; composing; lulling; settling; soothing; tranquilizing; tranquillising2. silencing (verb) choking off; hushing; quieting; shushing; shut up; shutting up; silencing -
6 sweetening
1. очистка2. подслащивать; подслащиваниеСинонимический ряд:1. ripening (adj.) aging; developing; growing; maturing; mellowing; near prime; perfecting; ripening; seasoning2. calming (verb) appeasing; assuaging; calm down; calming; conciliating; gentling; mollifying; pacifying; placating; propitiating; softening; soothing3. honeying (verb) candying; gilding; honeying; sugarcoating; sugaring; sugaring over -
7 settling
1. n обыкн. осадок, отстой; налёт2. n стабилизация3. n юр. урегулирование, улаживание4. n тех. оседание; осаждениеСинонимический ряд:1. alighting (verb) alighting; landing; lighting; perching; roosting; set down; setting down; sitting down; touch down; touching down2. cleaning up (verb) cleaning up; winding up3. clearing (verb) clearing; clearing off; discharging; liquidating; paying; paying up; quitting; satisfying; squaring4. deciding (verb) concluding; deciding; determining; figuring; ruling5. fixing (verb) arranging; attend to; concerting; dispose of; fixing; negotiating6. resolving (verb) reconciling; rectifying; resolving; smooth over; straighten out7. seating (verb) ensconcing; establishing; installing; seating8. setting (verb) laying; placing; putting; setting; sticking9. sinking (verb) gravitating; sinking10. stilling (verb) allaying; becalming; calming; composing; lulling; quieting; soothing; stilling; tranquilizing; tranquillising -
8 composing
1. a составляющий2. a успокаивающийСинонимический ряд:1. component (adj.) basic; component; constituent; elemental; fundamental; integral; partial2. collecting (verb) collecting; containing; controlling; cooling; re-collecting; reining; repressing; restraining; simmering down; smothering; suppressing3. constituting (verb) comprising; constituting; forming; make up; making; making up4. producing (verb) creating; producing; writing5. stilling (verb) allaying; becalming; calming; lulling; quieting; settling; soothing; stilling; tranquilizing; tranquillising -
9 allaying
ослаблять; ослабляющийСинонимический ряд:1. easing (verb) alleviating; assuaging; comforting; easing; lessening; lightening; mitigating; mollifying; palliating; relieving2. stilling (verb) becalming; calming; composing; lulling; quieting; settling; soothing; stilling; tranquilizing; tranquillising -
10 quieting
1. n рассеивание2. n тех. успокоение3. a успокаивающий, утихомиривающий, унимающийСинонимический ряд:1. silencing (verb) choking off; hushing; shushing; shut up; shutting up; silencing2. stilling (verb) allaying; becalming; calming; composing; lulling; settling; soothing; stilling; tranquilizing; tranquillising
См. также в других словарях:
relieve — verb (relieved; relieving) Etymology: Middle English releven, from Anglo French relever to raise, relieve, from Latin relevare, from re + levare to raise more at lever Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. a. to free from a burden ; give aid or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
destimulate — verb To bring out of a state of stimulation. Stimulate and destimulate the boys brain with Nerf balls and other objects he can squeeze. Use music for the same purpose. You can use these tools when the boy needs calming or when he needs to rev his … Wiktionary
alleviate — verb use ice to alleviate the swelling Syn: reduce, ease, relieve, take the edge off, deaden, dull, diminish, lessen, weaken, lighten, attenuate, mitigate, allay, assuage, palliate, damp, soothe, help, soften … Thesaurus of popular words
pacify — verb go out there and try to pacify the passengers Syn: placate, appease, calm (down), conciliate, propitiate, assuage, mollify, soothe Ant: enrage •• pacify, appease, conciliate, mollify, placate, propitiate You might try to pacify a crying baby … Thesaurus of popular words
calm — [[t]kɑ͟ːm[/t]] ♦♦♦ calmer, calmest, calms, calming, calmed 1) ADJ GRADED A calm person does not show or feel any worry, anger, or excitement. She is usually a calm and diplomatic woman... Try to keep calm and just tell me what happened... She… … English dictionary
Passaddhi — is a Pali noun that has been translated as calmness, tranquillity, repose and serenity. [Rhys Davids Stede (1921 25), p. 447, [http://dsal.uchicago.edu/cgi bin/philologic/getobject.pl?c.2:1:2512.pali entry for Passaddhi (retrieved 9 Jul 2007).] ] … Wikipedia
influence — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 effect sb/sth has; power to control sb/sth ADJECTIVE ▪ big, considerable, enormous, great, marked, significant, substantial, tremendous ▪ … Collocations dictionary
effect — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 change that is caused by sth ADJECTIVE ▪ decisive, dramatic, far reaching, important, marked, powerful, profound, pronounced, significant … Collocations dictionary
comfort — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. luxury; ease, coziness; enjoyment, satisfaction; solace, consolation; cheer, air. See pleasure, relief, content. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A state of ease] Syn. contentment, ease, well being, rest, quiet … English dictionary for students
relieve — I (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To replace] Syn. release, remove, take over for, cover for, spell*, discharge, force to resign; see also dismiss 1 , 2 , substitute 2 . 2. [To lessen] Syn. assuage, alleviate, soothe, comfort, allay, lighten, mitigate, ease … English dictionary for students
traffic — noun 1 vehicles going somewhere ADJECTIVE ▪ bad, bumper to bumper, busy, congested, heavy, terrible ▪ The traffic was terrible on the way here. ▪ … Collocations dictionary