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  • 1 stick

    n. çubuk, sopa, dal parçası, asa, sap, baston, değnek, direk, çıta, sırık, kol, vites kolu, engel (yarış), tokmak, ardarda atılan bombalar, uçaktan ardarda atlayan askerler, kumpas, çam yarması, hödük
    v. sokmak, geçirmek, batırmak, delmek, saplamak, bıçaklamak, uzatmak, takmak, koymak, yapıştırmak, iğnelemek, tutturmak, alıkoymak, tutmak, çakmak, dayanmak, yapışmak, takılmak, takılıp kalmak, saplanıp kalmak, çıkamamak, çakılıp kalmak, ayrılmamak, sadık kalmak, bırakmamak, şaşırtmak, kandırmak, katlanmak, çıkıntı yapmak, çıkmak
    * * *
    1. sapla (v.) 2. çubuk (n.)
    * * *
    I [stik] past tense, past participle - stuck; verb
    1) (to push (something sharp or pointed) into or through something: She stuck a pin through the papers to hold them together; Stop sticking your elbow into me!) batırmak
    2) ((of something pointed) to be pushed into or through something: Two arrows were sticking in his back.) batırılmak
    3) (to fasten or be fastened (by glue, gum etc): He licked the flap of the envelope and stuck it down; These labels don't stick very well; He stuck (the broken pieces of) the vase together again; His brothers used to call him Bonzo and the name has stuck.) yapış(tır)mak
    4) (to (cause to) become fixed and unable to move or progress: The car stuck in the mud; The cupboard door has stuck; I'll help you with your arithmetic if you're stuck.) saplanmak, sıkış(tır)mak
    - sticky
    - stickily
    - stickiness
    - sticking-plaster
    - stick-in-the-mud
    - come to a sticky end
    - stick at
    - stick by
    - stick it out
    - stick out
    - stick one's neck out
    - stick to/with
    - stick together
    - stick up for
    II [stik] noun
    1) (a branch or twig from a tree: They were sent to find sticks for firewood.) çubuk
    2) (a long thin piece of wood etc shaped for a special purpose: She always walks with a stick nowadays; a walking-stick / hockey-stick; a drumstick.) sopa, değnek
    3) (a long piece: a stick of rhubarb.) sap
    - get hold of the wrong end of the stick
    - get the wrong end of the stick

    English-Turkish dictionary > stick

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Call For Papers — Appel à papiers Un appel à papiers, ou Call For Papers en anglais, est une méthode académique pour rassembler des livres, articles de journaux ou présentations de conférences. L appel à papiers décrit les thématiques sur lesquelles doivent porter …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Call — 〈[kɔ:l] m. 6〉 1. 〈Börse〉 Kaufoption 2. 〈salopp〉 Telefongespräch 3. 〈wiss.〉 Call for Papers Aufruf, Vorträge für eine Tagung anzumelden [engl., „Ruf, Schrei; Anruf“] * * * Call [kɔ:l ], der; s, s [engl. call ( …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • call-up — n BrE 1.) an order to join the army, navy etc American Equivalent: draft ▪ He got his call up papers in July. 2.) an opportunity or invitation to play for a professional sports team, especially a national one call up to ▪ Stewart s recent call up …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Call — 〈[kɔ:l] m.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 1. 〈Börse〉 Kaufoption 2. 〈salopp〉 Telefongespräch 3. 〈wiss.〉 Call for Papers Aufruf, Vorträge für eine Tagung anzumelden [Etym.: engl., »Ruf, Schrei; Anruf«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • call-up — noun (C) BrE an order to join the army, navy etc; draft 1 (2) AmE: He got his call up papers in July. see also: call up call 1 …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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