1 caliper measure
1) Морской термин: калиперное измерение (способ измерения лесных грузов, применяемый в торговле с Англией)2) Строительство: калиперное измерение (лесных материалов или камня) -
2 caliper measure
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > caliper measure
3 caliper measure
калиперное измерение, (способ измерения лесных грузов, применяемый в торговле с Англией) -
4 caliper measure
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > caliper measure
5 caliper
1) Общая лексика: Federal Detention Center (USA), (USA) Федеральная тюрьма предварительного заключения (США), (USA) Федеральный центр предварительного заключения (США)2) Медицина: Fixed-dose Combination3) Американизм: Food, Drug, And Cosmetics4) Военный термин: Fleet Division Chief, field dental center, fire direction center, fire direction control, flight data center, formation drone control, forward direction center5) Техника: final design certification, fire detection center, fixed decade capacitor, floppy-disc formatter/controller, formation density compensated panel, frequency domain coding, functional design criterion, Охладительная камера принудительной вентилляции (Forced Draft Cooler)6) Шутливое выражение: Future Disney Cabinet7) Бухгалтерия: Fees, Deposits, And Credits8) Автомобильный термин: fuel deceleration valve (Ford)9) Ветеринария: Feline Domesticus Cat10) Телекоммуникации: частотное разделение каналов11) Сокращение: Fire Direction / Distribution Centre, fire department connection12) Физиология: Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy13) Электроника: Fault detection and classification14) Вычислительная техника: flexible disk cartridge, Floppy Disk Controller (FDD), floppy disk controller, контроллер гибкого диска, накопитель на гибком диске15) Нефть: compensated formation-density log, formation density caliper, formation-density content log, измерительная панель аппаратуры плотностного каротажа с компенсацией влияния скважины (formation density compensated panel), Formation Density Log (Compensated)16) Иммунология: follicular dendritic cell17) Пищевая промышленность: Fault Detection Classification18) Воздухоплавание: Flight Director Computer19) Фирменный знак: Financial Development Company, Flamingo Distribution Center, Free Downloads Center20) Экология: Fishery Data Center, Fishery Damage Calculation21) Деловая лексика: Future Disney Council23) Безопасность: Fault Design Criteria24) Электротехника: frequency down conversion25) Общественная организация: Fathers Dot Com26) NYSE. First Data Corporation27) НАСА: Facility Design Criteria28) Хобби: First Date Cover, First Day Cover, Fleur De Coin
См. также в других словарях:
caliper — [kal′ə pər] n. [var. of CALIBER] 1. [usually pl.] an instrument consisting of a pair of movable, curved legs fastened together at one end, used to measure the thickness or diameter of something: there are inside calipers and outside calipers 2.… … English World dictionary
measure — [n1] portion, scope admeasurement, admensuration, allotment, allowance, amount, amplification, amplitude, area, bang, breadth, bulk, capacity, degree, depth, dimension, distance, duration, extent, fix, frequency, height, hit, magnitude, mass,… … New thesaurus
caliper — 1620s, short for calliper compass (1580s), a device used to measure CALIBER (Cf. caliber) (q.v.). Related: Calipers … Etymology dictionary
Caliper — For other uses, see Caliper (disambiguation). A vernier caliper … Wikipedia
caliper — /kal euh peuhr/, n. 1. Usually, calipers. an instrument for measuring thicknesses and internal or external diameters inaccessible to a scale, consisting usually of a pair of adjustable pivoted legs. 2. any of various calibrated instruments for… … Universalium
caliper — cal·i·per or chiefly Brit cal·li·per kal ə pər n 1) any of various measuring instruments having two usu. adjustable arms, legs, or jaws used to measure thickness, diameter, and distance between surfaces usu. used in pl. <a pair of calipers> … Medical dictionary
measure out — verb determine the measurements of something or somebody, take measurements of Measure the length of the wall • Syn: ↑measure, ↑mensurate • Derivationally related forms: ↑mensuration (for: ↑mensurate), ↑ … Useful english dictionary
caliper or calipers — An instrument photo of a caliperused to measure the thickness or diameter of an object. It consists of a pair of movable metal or wooden arms with curved, pointed ends, hinged together; or, having a fixed and a movable arm on a graduated stock … Glossary of Art Terms
caliper — /ˈkæləpə/ (say kaluhpuh) noun 1. (usually plural) a tool in its simplest form having two legs and resembling a compass (def. 7), used for obtaining inside and outside measurements, especially across curved surfaces. 2. → caliper rule. 3. Also,… …
measure — Synonyms and related words: A, Alexandrine, Spenserian stanza, Stabreim, a, accent, accent mark, accentuation, accommodate, accommodation, accomplished fact, accomplishment, accord, achievement, acreage, act, acta, action, ad hoc measure, adapt,… … Moby Thesaurus
caliper method — a method for approximating fat content in the body by measuring the thickness of folds of the skin at stated areas of the body by means of specially designed calipers. Caliper method being used to measure the thickness of the skinfold over the… … Medical dictionary