1 calibration test rig
Морской термин: тарировочный стенд -
2 calibration test rig
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > calibration test rig
3 calibration test rig
4 test rig
1. испытательная установка2. испытательный стенд -
5 brake valve test rig
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > brake valve test rig
6 back-to-back gear test rig
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > back-to-back gear test rig
7 test
test nиспытаниеaerodynamic test vehicleмодель для проведения аэродинамических испытанийaircraft acceleration testsиспытания воздушного судна на перегрузкиaircraft alternate-stress testsиспытания воздушного судна на переменные нагрузкиaircraft commissioning testsэксплуатационные испытания воздушного суднаaircraft endurance testsресурсные испытания воздушного суднаaircraft environmental testиспытание воздушного судна в термобарокамереaircraft test dataданные о результатах испытаний воздушного суднаaircraft test stationиспытательная станция воздушных судовaltitude-chamber testиспытания в барокамереaltitude test facilitiesбарокамераaltitude testsвысотные испытанияanechoic test facilitiesбезэховая испытательная установкаapproach test procedureметодика испытаний при заходе на посадкуaural reception testоценка способности принимать на слухautomatic test systemсистема автоматического контроляbench-run testsстендовые испытания на выносливостьbraking action testиспытание на эффективность торможенияbraking test deviceустройство для проверки торможенияbuild-in test systemсистема встроенного контроляbuilt-in test circuitцепь встроенного контроляbuilt-in test equipmentоборудование встроенного контроляcabin leak test setустановка для проверки герметичности кабиныcalibration testтарировкаcalibration test rigтарировочный стендcertification test flightсертификационный испытательный полетcertification test operational procedureметодика сертификационных испытанийcertification testsсертификационные испытанияcheck testsконтрольные испытанияclimatic test benchтермобарокамераclimbing testиспытание на скороподъемностьcompliance testиспытание на соответствиеconduct testsпроводить испытанияcontainment testиспытание на герметичностьcontrolled-crash testиспытание с имитацией аварииdial test indicatorиндикатор с круговой шкалойdirect testиспытание в реальных условияхditching testиспытание на аварийное приводнениеendurance block testsпоэтапные ресурсные испытанияendurance testsресурсные испытанияengine ground test timeвремя опробования двигателя на землеengine test baseиспытательная станцияengine test benchстенд для испытания двигателейfactory test flightзаводской испытательный полетfactory testsзаводские испытанияfatigue testsиспытания на усталостное разрушениеfield testsэксплуатационные испытанияflatter testsиспытания на флаттерflight acceptance testконтрольный полет перед приемкойflight stress measurement testsиспытания по замеру нагрузки в полетеflight testлетное испытаниеflight test noise measurementизмерение шума в процессе летных испытанийflight test procedureметодика летных испытанийflight test recorderрегистратор летных испытанийflight test techniqueметодика летных испытанийflyover noise testиспытание на шум при пролетеfree drop testиспытание на свободное падениеfree-flight testиспытание в свободном полетеfriction test deviceустройство для замера сцепленияfull-distance testиспытание на максимальную дальность полетаfull-scale testsиспытания по полной программеfunctional testsиспытания на соответствие заданным техническим условиямgo-around testиспытание по уходу на второй кругground testsназемные испытанияhovering testиспытание в режиме висенияhydraulic test rigгидростендignition testиспытание на воспламеняемостьimpact testиспытание на ударную нагрузкуinflight engine testиспытание двигателя в полетеintegral testвстроенный контрольlanding gear drop testsдинамические испытания шассиleak testпроверка на герметичностьlicense testsсертификационные испытанияlong-run testресурсное испытаниеmanufacturer's test pilotлетчик - испытатель серийного заводаnoise certification test conditionsусловия сертификационных испытаний по шумуnoise sertification testсертификационное испытаниеnoise testиспытание на шумofficial testгосударственные испытанияoperation testsэксплуатационные испытанияpenalty testsконтрольные испытанияpercent testвыборочное испытаниеpneumatic test rigстенд для проверки пневмосистемыpreliminary testпредварительное испытаниеpressurized leakage testпроверка на герметичностьproduction test flightзаводской испытательный полетproduction testsсерийные испытанияproof-of-compliance testsиспытания на соответствие заданным техническим условиямrating testэкзамен на получение квалификационной отметкиrotocraft snow and dust testиспытание вертолета в условиях снежного и пыльного вихрейrun-in testобкатка двигателяservice life testиспытание на амортизационный ресурсshock testиспытание на ударную нагрузкуsimulated flight testиспытание путем имитации полетаstatic testsстатические испытанияstore testиспытание с наружной подвескойstructural testиспытание на прочностьsubstantiating testиспытание на подтверждениеtachometer test setустановка для проверки тахометровtakeoff noise testиспытание на шум при взлетеtaxi testsрулежные испытанияtest aerodromeиспытательный аэродромtest a fuel nozzleпроливать топливную форсункуtest aircraftиспытываемое воздушное судноtest boxбокс для испытанияtest certificateсвидетельство о проведенных испытанияхtest cycleиспытательный циклtest dataрезультаты испытанияtest environmentусловия проведения испытанийtest equipmentиспытательное оборудованиеtest facilitiesоборудование для испытанияtest flightиспытательный полетtest flow restrictorпроливать дроссельный пакетtest flyиспытательные полетыtest gears for smoothпроверять шестерни на плавность зацепленияtest in flightиспытывать в полетеtest instrumentконтрольный приборtest in the wind tunnelпродувать в аэродинамической трубеtest laboratoryиспытательная лабораторияtest landingиспытательная посадкаtest marginдопуск на испытанияtest modelопытная модельtest noiseшум при испытанииtest operationиспытательный полетtest pilotлетчик испытательtest pressureиспытательное давлениеtest procedureметодика испытанийtest reportотчет об испытанияхtest standконтрольно-проверочный стендtest the systemиспытывать системуtest ticketконтрольный билетtowing basing testиспытание в гидроканалеtransmission test indicatorсигнализатор работоспособности трансмиссииtwo-dimensional flow testиспытание в двухмерном потокеunder flight testиспытываемый в полетеundergo flight testsпроводить летные испытанияvibration testиспытание на вибрациюwind-tunnel testиспытание в аэродинамической трубе -
8 calibration
calibration nтарировкаacoustic calibrationакустическая калибровкаair-speed calibration cardтаблица поправок воздушной скоростиair-speed indicator calibrationтарировка указателя воздушной скоростиairworthiness calibrationпроверка летной годностиcalibration flightкалибровочный облетcalibration platformтарировочная платформаcalibration signalкалибровочный сигналcalibration systemсистема калибровки(напр. сигналов) calibration testтарировкаcalibration test rigтарировочный стендflight calibrationоблетMach number calibrationтарировка по числу Мpower calibrationтарировка мощностиquadrantal error calibration curveграфик списания четвертной девиацииrange calibrationтарировка по дальностиsound pressure sensitivity calibrationкалибровка чувствительности по звуковому давлениюstatic calibrationстатическая калибровкаtime calibrationтарировка по времени -
9 rig
rig nстендcalibration test rigтарировочный стендhydraulic test rigгидростендpneumatic test rigстенд для проверки пневмосистемыrigging angleугол заклиненияrigging chartсхема размещения снаряженияrigging checkнивелировкаrigging equipmentнивелировочное оборудованиеrigging lineпарашютная стропаrigging positionнивелировочное положениеrigging toleranceнивелировочный допуск -
10 rig
1. n тех. приспособление; устройство; оснастка2. n тех. агрегат; оборудованиеrig hall — аппаратный зал, зал с оборудованием
3. n тех. мор. парусное вооружение; рангоут и такелаж4. n тех. буровая вышка, буровой станок5. n тех. испытательный стенд6. n тех. тех. деррик-кран7. n с. -х. гребень8. n с. -х. борозда9. n с. -х. рядок10. n разг. костюм, одежда; манера одеваться11. n разг. внешний вид человека12. n разг. амер. разг. упряжка; экипаж с лошадью13. v оснащать, вооружать14. v оснащаться, вооружаться15. v приготовить16. v производить сборку основных узлов самолёта17. v укладывать парашют18. v переделывать, приспосабливатьa car rigged for manual control — автомобиль, переделанный на ручное управление
19. n разг. проделка, проказа; плутниto run a rig — проказничать, резвиться; разойтись
20. n разг. спекулятивная скупка товаров21. n разг. группа скупщиков-спекулянтов22. v разг. действовать нечестно или исподтишка; добиваться или достигать обманным путём23. v разг. подстраиватьСинонимический ряд:1. costume (noun) costume; dress; garb; getup; get-up; guise; outfit; setout; turnout2. drill (noun) drill; machine3. equipment (noun) apparatus; carriage; coach; equipment; gear; heavy equipment; implements; materials; materiel; paraphernalia; semi; tackle; tractor-trailer; vehicle; wagon4. doctor (verb) doctor; fix; manipulate; stack5. equip (verb) accouter; accoutre; apparel; appoint; arm; decorate; equip; fit out; fit up; furnish; gear; outfit; provide; supply; turn out -
11 rig
12 rig
1) устройство; оборудование; установка || оборудовать; устанавливать; производить сборку; монтировать2) оснастка || оснащать3) горн. буровой станок4) нефт. буровая установка; вышка5) тягач ( автомобиль или трактор); тягач с трейлером•to rig down — демонтировать (напр. буровую установку);to mobilize a drilling rig — передислоцировать буровую установку;to move a drilling rig in — доставлять буровую установку на буровую площадку;to move a drilling rig out — вывозить буровую установку с буровой площадки;to rig up — монтировать (напр. буровую установку)-
bending rig
blast hole rig
brake valve test rig
cable tool drilling rig
cable tool rig
calibration rig
changing rig
churn drilling rig
coil rotating rig
core drilling rig
crawler drilling rig
deep drilling rig
diamond drilling rig
drilling rig
four boom rig
galvanizing rig
hauling rig
haul rig
hydraulic crawler drilling rig
hydraulic drill rig
hydraulic test rig
jack-knife drilling rig
mine rig
modular drilling rig
offshore rig
optical rig
prospecting drilling rig
pumping rig
raise drill rig
rod-tool drilling rig
rod-tool rig
roller rig
roof-bolting rig
rotary drilling rig
rotary rig
scaling rig
seabed soil-sampling rig
slant drilling rig
slant rig
starting friction test rig
submersible pipe-alignment rig
test rig
turndown rig
twin-boom drill rig
ultradeep drilling rig
well workover rig
wildcat drilling rig
wildcat rig -
13 test
испытание; исследование; опыт, проба; проверка; обнаружение; определение; показатель пробы; характеристика продукта (результат пробы); II испытывать; подвергать испытанию; пробовать; исследовать; делать опыты- test bar- test bed- test by bending and unbending- test car- test conditions - test cubicle - test facilities - test fan - test figures - test for durability - test for ground - test for parallelism - test for short - test gauge - test glass - test hause - test lamp - test method - test miles per day - test mixer - test period - test pick - test pressure - test prod - test pulse - test results- test rig- test-room- test run- test to destruction - test tunnel - test unit - test vehicle - test work- air test- break down test - color test - crash test - exaggerated test - exhaustive test - exposure test - heavy duty test - hill climbing test- hot test- odd test- oil-immersion test - paint rub test - palm test - percentage test - percussion test - performance test - periodic test - physical test - pitting corrosion test - plasticity test - porosity test - pour test - pouring test - preliminaryt test - pressure test - production test - production typical test - programme test - proof test - protracted test - psychotechnic test - pull test - pulling test - punching test - qualification test - quality test - quantitative test - quick test - rebound hardness test - reception test - recovery test - red-heat test - repair test - repeated test - repeated bending stress test - repeated compression test - repeated direct stress test - repeated dynamic stress test - repeated impact test - repeated impact tension test - repeated stress test - repeated tensile stress test - repeated tension test - repeated torsion test - repetition test - replicated field test - resilience test - retardation test - reverse bend test - rig test - rigid test - road test - roll-over test - rolling acceleration test - rotating bar fatigue test - rotating beam fatigue test - rough test - rough-track test - routine test - running test - rupture test - safety test - scratch test - scratch oil test - screening test - scuffing test - separation test - service test - shake test - shock test - short-circuit test - short-time test - simulated test - single test - skid test - skid pad test - roadability test - slow-speed test - small-scale test - soil test - sonic test - standard distillation test - starting test - static test - static torsional test - steering test - step test - stiffness test - stop-and-go test - stop-start test - stopping and starting test - stroking test - structure test - tactical test - tensile and compression test - tensile fatigue test - test tensile impact test - tensile shock test - thermal test - tilting test - torque test - torsion test - torsion impact test - toughness test - towing test - transverse test - transverse bending test - trial test - triaxial compression test - twisting test - type test - ultrasonic test - understandability test - underwater test - vehicle drag test - vehicle road test - vibration test - vibratory test - visibility test - volatility test - warpage test - warranty test - water test - water-absorption test - water-resistance test - wear test - wearing test - weather-exposure test - weather-resistance test - weathering test - wheel test - whirling test - wind-tunnel test -
14 calibration
маркировка; калибровка; градуирование; тарирование; классифицирование; стандартизация; эталонирование; поверка (средств измерений); сличение с эталонов- calibration artifact - calibration bushing - calibration of balancing machine - calibration of reference fuels - calibration orifice - calibration range - calibration rig - calibration rotor - calibration test -
15 test
1) испытание
2) испытательный
3) испытывать
4) опробование
5) проба
6) пробовать
7) тест
8) <engin.> опыт
9) пробный
10) проверять
11) критерий
12) признак
13) проверка
14) испытующий
15) эксперимент
16) тестовый
17) замер
18) проверочный
19) обнаружение
20) определение
21) исследовать
22) выверять
23) контрольный
– abbreviated test
– ability test
– abrasion test
– accelerated test
– acceptance test
– acid test
– ageing test
– arbitration test
– articulation test
– bench test
– bend test
– bend-over test
– bending test
– bending-unbending test
– best test
– biological test
– blank test
– blow-pipe test
– boiling test
– bond test
– breakdown test
– breaking test
– buckling test
– burning test
– busy test
– calibration test
– capillary test
– carry out a test
– centrifuge test
– chi-square test
– cohesion test
– cold test
– cold-pressing test
– collapsibility test
– color test
– coloring test
– combustibility test
– comparison test
– comprehensive test
– compression test
– consumption test
– continuity test
– corrosion test
– cracking test
– creep test
– critical test
– crushing test
– cupel test
– cupping test
– decantation test
– desctructive test
– destruction test
– destructive test
– development test
– do test
– drop test
– duplicate test
– durability test
– eddy-current test
– efficiency test
– elasticity test
– endurance test
– equal-tails test
– Erichsen test
– etch test
– evaporation test
– expansion test
– extraction test
– failure-rate test
– fat test
– fatigue test
– field test
– flammability test
– flange test
– flanging test
– flare test
– flash-point test
– flattening test
– flexure test
– flight test
– floating test
– flow test
– fluidity test
– flutter test
– fracing test
– fracture test
– free-bend test
– free-fall test
– free-flight test
– freezing test
– friability test
– friction test
– fuel-consumption test
– full-scale test
– fusion test
– game test
– goodness-of-fit test
– grindability test
– ground test
– hardenability test
– hardness test
– heat test
– hot twist test
– hot upset test
– humidity test
– hydrostatic test
– icing test
– immersion test
– impact test
– impulse test
– impulse-withstand test
– intelligence test
– jet test
– jumping-up test
– laboratory test
– leakage test
– life test
– liquid-penetrant test
– load test
– long-run test
– longevity test
– macrosolubility test
– magnetic-particle test
– material test
– medial test
– melting test
– microharness test
– microsolubility test
– model test
– no-load test
– non-destructive test
– notch-bar test
– oil dilution test
– oscillation test
– overload test
– overspeed test
– oxidation test
– paint rub test
– panel-spalling test
– pass a test
– pass the test
– peel test
– perfomance test
– performance test
– pickle test
– preliminary test
– pressure test
– primary test
– pull test
– quench test
– quick test
– random test
– referee test
– regression test
– relaxation test
– reliability test
– remolding test
– reverse-bend test
– ringing test
– road test
– root test
– routine test
– run test cut
– salt-mist test
– scratch-hardness test
– screen test
– sedimentation test
– shatter test
– shearing test
– short-term test
– shrinkage test
– sign test
– significance test
– single-end test
– site test
– skein test
– slaking test
– solubility test
– spark test
– splitting test
– spoon test
– spray test
– stopping test
– strength test
– stress test
– stress-rupture test
– subjective test
– survival test
– tackiness test
– tear test
– tensile test
– test baking
– test bank
– test borehole
– test card
– test case
– test certificate
– test chart
– test condition
– test connector
– test current
– test desk
– test device
– test diagram
– test electrolyte
– test equipment
– test facility
– test flight
– test for
– test for convergence
– test for defects
– test for end
– test for leak-proofness
– test for minimum
– test function
– test hypothesis
– test input
– test jack
– test key
– test lead
– test load
– test metal
– test mine
– test mock-up
– test model
– test needle
– test of convergence
– test of homogeneity
– test of hypothesis
– test of location
– test of normality
– test of whether
– test oscillator
– test paper
– test particle
– test pattern
– test piece
– test pilot
– test pole
– test pressure
– test pulse
– test reaction
– test relay
– test report
– test rig
– test rod
– test run
– test set
– test set-up
– test shot
– test specimen
– test stand
– test station
– test technique
– test terminal
– test to failure
– test tree
– test unit
– test voltage
– test weld
– thermal test
– torsion test
– total-lot test
– toughness test
– towing test
– type test
– ultraviolet test
– unbiased test
– upsetting test
– vacuum test
– vibration-survival test
– voltage test
– Votchal-Tiffeneau test
– warranty test
– wear test
– weld test
– weldability test
Abel test for convergence — <math.> признак сходимости Абеля
distribution-free test of fit — непараметрический критерий согласия
international test conference — международная конференция по методам и средствам испытаний
most powerful test — <math.> критерий наиболее мощный
notched test bar — <metal.> образец надрезанный
pulse-reflection ultrasonic test — ультразвуковая дефектоскопия эхом
standard test solution — <energ.> раствор модельный
test compression factor — <comput.> коэффициент сжатия тестов
test for uniform convergence — признак равномерной сходимости
test statistical hypothesis — проверять статистическую гипотезу
16 test
1) испытание; опыт; проба; проверка2) критерий; мерило, пробный камень3) испытательный, контрольный, пробный4) испытывать; делать опыты; подвергать испытанию5) брать пробы•test for soundness — испытание ( цемента) на равномерность изменения объёма
- abruption test - absorption test - accelerated corrosion test - accelerated wear test - acceptance test - acid test - adhesion test - adverse field test - ageing test - air test - air-content test - air-pressure test - alkalimetric test - alternate stress test - alternating bending test - alternating impact test - alternating torsion fatigue test - altitude test - angular test - appearance test - approval test - arbitration test - Atterberg test - autoclave test - axial test - back-and-forth bending test - bacteriological test - ball test - ball hardness test - ball rebound test - beam test - beam rotating fatigue test - beam-strength test - bearing test of soil - bench test - bending test - bending and unbending test - bloating test - blow test - blow-bending test - blowpipe test - bounce test - breakdown test - breaking test - Brinell hardness test - brittleness test - buckling test - burning test - bursting test - calibration test - calorimeter test - cannon test - carbon residue test - Charpy test - check test - chemical test of drain - cleavage test - closure test - coating test - cold test - cold bending test - colorimetric test for organic impurities - commercial test - commissioning tests - compaction test - comparative test - comprehensive test - compression test - compression-compression test - consistency test of concrete - continuous test - continuity of test - corrosion test - corrosive wear test - crack test - crash test - creep test - cross-bending test - crushing test - cupping test - cyclic test - damp test - decantation test - deep test - deflection test - deformation test - degradation rate test - density test - destruction test - destructive test - Deval abrasion test - doubling test - drain test - drill test - drop test - dummy test - duplicate test - dynamic breaking test - elongation test - endurance test - end-use test - evaluation test - extraction test on Portland cement - factory test - failure test - fatigue test - field tests - field in-place test - file test - fire hose reel test - fire resistance test - flange test - flattening test - flexion test - flexure test - float test - flow test - folding test - fracture test - free-bend test - freezing test - freezing and thawing test - fuel test - full-scale test - green test - grinding test - guarantee test - hardness test - hot bend test - hot twist test - immersion test - impact test - impact bend test - indentation test - ink test - intermittent test - internal pressure test - Izod impact test - knock test - Knoop microhardness test - laboratory test - leak test - leakage test - life test - limiting pressure test - load test on pile - load test - loading test - long run tests - minimum flow rate test - model test - moment test - mortar bar test - non-destructive test - notch bar test - notch bending test - on-the-road test - organic impurities test - pat test - pendulum test - penetration test - percentage test - performance test - physical endurance test - pile test - pile loading test - pneumatic test - preliminary test - pressure test - prototype test - pull-out bond test - pumping test - puncture test - qualification test - quality test - rattler test - reduced section tension test - reduction-in-alkalinity test - reduction-in-expansion test - reheat test - relaxation test - remolding test - repair test - repetition test - resistance to corrosion test - resistance to impact test - reversed bend test - ride test - rig test - road tests - rod test - running test - running-in test - salt spray tests - scale test - scratch test - sedimentation test - service test - settleability test - severe test - shear test - shear test of soil - shock test - shop test - Shore's scleroscope hardness test - short-circuit test - size test - sizing test - skid test - slump test - smell test - smoke test - soap test - sodium solution test - soil test - soundness test - spray angle test - spring closure test - squeeze test - stain test - static test - strength test - strip-off adhesion test - subgrade test - subzero test - sugar test of cement - taking over tests - tear test - tee-bend test - tensile test - tension test - throw range test - time-of-setting test - torsion test - transverse test - twisting test - ultrasonic test - unit-weight test - vane test - Vicat needle test - warpage test - warranty test - water test - water absorption test - water retention test - wear test - weather exposure test - weldability test - X-ray testto test the instrument — проверять прибор, эталонировать прибор
* * *испытание; проверка; тест; опыт; проба; анализ; исследование; эксперимент || испытывать; проверять; исследовать- test of timetest by immersion in boiling water — проба [испытание] кипячением в воде
- AASHO density test
- Abbot compaction test
- Abrams' test
- abrasion test
- absorption test
- accelerated test
- accelerated test for compressive strength
- accelerated strength test
- acceptance test
- accredited tests
- acid test
- aggregate crushing test
- aggregate impact test
- air test
- air content test
- air entrainment test
- air filter blackness test
- air leakage test
- air permeability test
- air permeability fineness test
- alternating bending test
- anchorage shear test
- aptitude test
- Atterberg test
- attrition test
- autoclave test
- baling-out permeability test
- ball test
- ball hardness test
- barium sulphate test
- beam test
- bearing test
- bending test
- bending tensile test
- bit wear test
- blackness air filter test
- Blain test
- block shear test
- blow flexure test
- boiling test
- bond test
- bootstrap test
- borehole shear test
- breaking test
- Brinell hardness test
- California bearing ratio test
- cement tests
- Charpy test
- Charpy V-notch impact test
- checking test
- check test
- COLE volume change test
- colorimetric test
- color test
- compacting factor test
- compaction test
- complience test
- compression test
- cone penetration test
- consistency test
- consolidated quick test
- consolidation test
- constant head permeability test
- constant rate of penetration test
- constant rate of uplift test
- constant volume test
- control test
- core test
- creep test
- C.R.P. test
- crushing test
- cube strength test
- cube test
- cylinder test
- dehydration test
- diametral compression test
- diamond pyramid hardness test
- dioctylphthalate test
- direct shear test
- dispersion test
- dissipation test
- DOP test
- Dorry test
- drain test
- drained triaxial test
- driving test
- drop-weight test
- durability test
- dust spot test
- Dutch sounding test
- dynamic penetration test
- expandable sleeve concrete test
- exposure tests
- fast field tests
- fatigue test
- field tests
- field density test
- field loading test
- field percolation test
- field vane test
- flexure test
- flow-table test
- flow test
- four-point bending test
- fracture test
- freeze-thaw test
- freeze-thaw durability test
- freezing test
- gravimetric air filter test
- hardening test of concrete
- hardness test
- Herbert cloudburst test
- hollow cylinder test
- hydraulic drain test
- hydraulic flat-jack test
- hydraulic pressure test
- hydraulic test
- hydrostatic test
- impact test
- impact crushing value test
- indentation test
- ink test
- in-place test
- in-place slump test
- in-situ test
- in-situ soil tests
- insulation test
- integrity test
- Izod impact test
- Izod test
- jolt test
- Kelly ball test
- Knoop hardness test
- laboratory test
- leakage test
- life test
- line-load test
- load test of structures
- loading test
- long-term test
- long-time creep test
- maintained load test
- manufacturer test
- methylene blue test
- model test
- needle test
- notch bending test
- notched bar test
- nuclear density test
- operational test
- organic test
- organic test for fine aggregate
- orifice tube test
- penetration test
- percussion test
- performance test
- photoelastic test
- pile load test
- pile pulling test
- pile redriving test
- plate-bearing test
- pneumatic test
- point-load test
- preliminary test
- pressure test
- pressure meter test
- proof test
- proof load test
- pumping test
- punching shear test
- pycnometer test
- Q-test
- quick test
- R-test
- Ro test
- radial percolation test
- Raymond standard test
- reception test
- reference test
- reliability test
- repeated load test
- resonant-column test
- reverse bend test
- rock bolts convergence test
- Rockwell hardness test
- Rockwell superficial hardness test
- S-test
- saponification test
- scratch test
- shearing test
- shear test
- shock bending test
- short-term test
- single point test
- site test for cement content of mortars
- slow test
- slump test
- smoke test
- soap test
- splitting tensile test
- standard-density test
- standard penetration test
- static penetration test
- strength test
- stress-relaxation test
- stress-rupture test
- tensile test
- tightness test
- time-of-set test
- torsion test
- triaxial compression test
- triaxial test
- two-point test
- type test
- ultrasonic test
- undrained test
- vacuum test
- vane test
- vibrated mortar cube test
- vibrating crushing test
- Vicat needle test
- water test
- water loading test
- water retention test
- wind loading test
- wind-tunnel test
- works beam test
- works cube test
- yield test -
17 test
1) испытания || испытывать2) проверка; контроль || проверять; контролировать3) тест; тестирование || тестировать4) критерий; условие; признак•- test of independence
- accelerated life test
- acceleration test
- acceptance test
- actual test
- aging test
- alpha test
- asymptotic test
- audible test
- augmented test
- augmented Dickey-Fuller test
- autocorrelation test
- Bayes test
- bed of nails test
- bench test
- best unbiased test
- beta test
- biased test
- Box-Pierce test
- breakdown test
- breaking test
- break-point test
- Breush-Pagan test
- built-in test
- built-in error rate test
- burn-in reliability test
- built-in self-test
- busy test
- calibration test
- camera linearity test
- captive test
- Charpy test
- check test
- chi-square test
- chi-square test for goodness-of-fit
- chi-square test for homogeneity
- Chow test
- clock-rate test
- closed-loop test
- cointegration test
- combined environmental reliability test
- common factor test
- comparative listening test
- comparison test
- computer-aided test
- conditional moment test
- connectivity test
- conservative test
- consistent test
- constant acceleration test
- constant-load amplitude test
- continuity test
- cumulative sum test
- cumulative sum of squares test
- degradation rate test
- destructive test
- development test
- diagnostic test
- diagnostic function test
- Dickey-Fuller test
- dielectric breakdown test
- differencing test
- distribution-free test
- drive fitness test
- dummy test
- Durbin's h-test
- Durbin-Watson test
- dynamic test
- efficient test
- electrostatic discharge test
- engaged test
- engineering test
- environmental test
- ESD test
- exact test
- exhaustive test
- extensive test
- extreme test
- F-test
- failure-rate test
- field test
- Fisher's test
- Fisher's exact test
- flash test
- forced-failure test
- Friedman's test
- functional test
- gamma test
- Gleiser test
- Godfrey test
- Goldfeld-Quandt test
- go/no-go confidence test
- goodness-of-fit test
- goodness-of-fit chi-square test
- Granger causality test
- Hausman test
- high-potential test
- homogeneity test
- hot-weather test
- hypothesis test
- impact test
- in-circuit test
- independence chi-square test
- indoor test
- information matrix test
- integrated test
- intelligence test
- in-use life test
- invariant test
- J-test
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
- Kruskal-Wallis test
- Lagrange multiplier test
- leak test
- leakage test
- life test
- likelihood ratio test
- Ljung-Box test
- local loopback test
- logical test
- log-rank test
- longevity test
- long-term test
- long-time test
- loopback test
- lot-by-lot test
- mandrel test
- Mann-Whitney rank sum test
- Mantel-Cox test
- marginal test
- matrix life test
- memory address test
- misspecification test
- mock-up test
- model test
- modem loopback test
- moisture resistance test
- most powerful test
- multiple-comparison test
- nested test
- non-Bayes test
- nondestructive test
- non-linearity test
- non-nested test
- non-parametric test
- normal-theory based test
- off-line test
- omitted variables test
- on-demand test
- one-sample test
- one-sided test
- on-line test
- on-off test
- open-loop test
- operating-life test
- operational readiness and reliability test
- outer product of gradient test
- over-identifying restrictions test
- parameter constancy test
- parameter-free test
- parametric test
- Pearson's test
- percentage test
- performance test
- power-on self test
- predictive failure test
- preliminary test
- premodel test
- progressive stress test
- proof test
- prototype test
- qualification test
- randomization test
- randomized-step test
- rank test
- reliability test
- remote loopback test
- rig test
- ringing test
- robust statistical test
- routine test
- runs test
- semidestructive test
- sequential test
- sequential probability ratio test
- service test
- shakedown test
- shake-table test
- shelf-life test
- shock test
- short-term test
- short-time test
- significance test
- simulated test
- simulation test
- sing test
- space test
- specification test
- SS test
- static test
- statistical test
- step-stress test
- strength test
- structural test
- studentized test
- Student's test
- subjective test
- system test
- systems test
- terminal strength test
- thermal test
- thermal-fatigue test
- thermal-shock test
- tropical test
- truth-table test
- tuning-fork test
- Turing test
- two-sided test
- ultrasonic test
- unbiased test
- uniformly most powerful test
- unit root test
- variable addition test
- variable deletion test
- vertical-interval test
- vibration test
- vitality test
- voltage-breakdown test
- Wald test
- wear test
- White test
- Wilcoxon signed rank test -
18 test
1) испытание; испытания || испытывать2) проверка; контроль || проверять; контролировать3) тест; тестирование || тестировать5) стат. критерий•- accelerated testto dry test — испытывать без резания, испытывать станок без резания, испытывать на холостом ходу
- acceptance test
- alignment test
- alternative test
- angular test
- approval test
- axial load test
- axial test
- back-to-back test
- balance test
- bar-to-bar test
- benchmark test
- bend test
- bending fatigue test
- bending test
- bend-over test
- black-band test
- blow-bending test
- blueing test
- bond test
- brake test
- braking test
- breaking test
- Brinell hardness test
- Brinell test
- buckling test
- calibrated driving machine test
- calibration test
- calorimetric test
- camera-aided test
- carbon test
- certification test
- Charpy impact test
- Charpy test
- check test
- check-out test
- closure test
- cold bend test
- cold pressing test
- collision test
- commissioning test
- commutation test
- comparative test
- compression test
- computer-aided design and test
- computer-assisted fault isolation test
- cone-indentation test
- cone-thrust test
- conformance test
- controlled test
- core test
- corrosion fatigue test
- corrosion test
- creep test
- cutting test
- deflection tests
- destruction test
- destructive test
- determinative test
- development test
- developmental test
- diagnostic test
- diamond-pyramid hardness test
- discrimination test
- disk test
- drawing test
- driving test
- driving-profile test
- drop test
- durability test
- dynamic test
- dynamometer test
- eddy current test
- efficiency test
- electrical back-to-back test
- end-to-end test
- endurance test
- environmental test
- etching test
- evaluation test
- extraction test
- facing test
- factory test
- fatigue test
- fault detection test
- fault location test
- field test
- final test
- flattening test
- flex life test
- flexural test
- flexure test
- forging test
- friction test
- frictional test
- full-scale test
- functional test
- gear life test
- geometric test
- geometrical test
- grab test
- ground test
- hardness test
- harmonic test
- high-voltage test
- hydraulic pressure test
- hydraulic test
- identification tests
- impact test
- impulse test
- in-process test
- inspection test
- investigation test
- Jominy test
- L-2 test
- lab test
- laboratory test
- leak test
- life test
- light load test
- load test
- machinability test
- machine tool alignment test
- machine tool test
- machining performance test
- magnetic test
- maintenance test
- mechanical test
- micrographic test
- monitoring test
- noise-level test
- no-load test
- nondestructive test
- official test
- open-circuit test
- operating test
- optimality test
- out-of-control tests
- overhead load test
- overload test
- overspeed test
- peel test
- performance test
- periodic test
- periodical test
- practical test
- precision test
- predelivery test
- preinstallation test
- preliminary test
- preproduction test
- preventive test
- production test
- production-type test
- profile tests
- proof test
- qualification test
- quality assurance test
- quality conformance test
- quality performance test
- random test
- ravel test
- reduced test
- reliability compliance test
- reliability determination test
- reliability test
- response test
- retardation test
- rig test
- roller fatigue test
- roller life test
- routine check tests
- routine test
- running test
- rupture test
- safety test
- saline droplet corrosion test
- sampling test
- scoring test
- sequential test
- service test
- shear test
- shearing test
- shock test
- short test
- simulated service test
- single test
- soft test
- sound test
- special test
- stability test
- standard test
- starting test
- state tests
- static bending test
- static test
- step stress test
- storage test
- straightening test
- strength test
- strip test
- sudden short-circuit test
- sustained power test
- sustained short-circuit test
- tear test
- tear-apart test
- temperature-rise test
- tensile test
- tension test
- test of the accuracy
- thermal test
- time-restricted test
- tool wear test
- torsional test
- transportability test
- trouble-free assurance test
- trouble-free quality assurance test
- Turing test
- twist test
- twisting test
- type approval test
- type test
- upsetting test
- use test
- validation test
- vibration test
- waveform test
- wear test
- working testEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > test
19 test
1. испытание, испытания; проверка; контроль; тестирование; опробование;см. тж. testing/ испытывать; проверять; контролировать; тестировать; опробовать2. тест; проба3. критерий; признакaccelerate-stop testsaccelerated mission testacceleration-deceleration testaerobatic flight testsaeroelastic testsagility testair resonance testair-to-air testair-to-air combat testairframe testairspeed calibration testall-attitude flight testasymmetric loads testsasymmetric wing sweep flight testsauto-guidance testsbefore-flight-rated testsbench testbiaxial fatigue testbird impact testbird ingestion testbird strike testbird strike testsburn-in testburst pressure testcatapult testscentrifugal load testcentrifuge testsclean configuration testclosed-loop testcockpit workload testcombined-systems testscompatibility testcomponent testscompression testcomputer-aided testconstant amplitude testcontinued takeoff testscontrol testconvergence testcooling testcrack-detection testscrash testcreep testcrush testscyclic testsdamage tolerance testdamage resistance testdeparture testdepressed-trajectory testdestruction testdevelopment testsdivergence testsdual-frequency testdurability testdynamometer testselectromagnetic interference testselectromagnetic-vulnerability testemergency survival testEMI testsendurance testengine reingestion testenvironmental testexploratory testsfatigue testflammability testflaps up landing testsflexure testflight clearance testflight simulation testsflight-by-flight fatigue testflight simulation fatigue testsflow field testsflow visualization testsflutter testflutter-proof testsflyover testsforce testsforced oscillation testsforeign object damage testfree oscillation testsfree spinning facility testsfree-flight testfree-to-roll testsfrequency response testsfrequency-sweep testfuel runout testfull-scale testground effect testground resonance testhandling qualities testshard-ride testheat testsheavyweight testhigh-angle-of-attack testshigh-alpha testhover testshover in-ground-effect testhover-in-ground testhovering testshumidity testsicing testimpact testin-plant testsinput-to-output testsiron bird testslanding testlanding flap testslife roll testlimit cycle testslimited-envelope flight testload-deflection testlogic testlow-observability testmaneuvering testsmanual flight testsmodal testmodal survey testmode interaction testsmodel tests of airfoilsmoire interferometry testsnoise testnondestructive testnormal takeoff testsNyquist stability testopen-loop testsoperability testoscillatory testsoverland testsoxygen testsperformance testpilot-in-loop testsplenum-chamber burning testspost-flight testpreflight testpressure testpressurization testproof-lood testproof-of-concept testsradar cross-section testradiographic testrain testramp testsrate of climb testrejected takeoff testreliability testremote-site testrepair testresidual strength testresonance testsreverse-thrust testsrig testrobustness testroll-on-rim testrolling testrotary-balance testsrough ground profile testshake testshakedown testshear testsideslip testssimulation verification testsimulator testsmall-scale testsmoke testspin testsspray ingestion teststability teststall testsstatic testsstatic strength teststeady rolling testssteady state teststealth teststiffness teststore compatibility teststrength testsstructural testssupercritical testsystem integration testtail on/off teststakeoff testtaxy testtensile testtension testtethered testtowing testtransfer function testsvalidation testsvectored thrust testvibration testvulnerability testwater-tank testwaveoff testswheel testwhirl testwind blast testwind tunnel testwing-fatigue testwingborne mode flight testyaw oscillation testszero-speed-zero-altitude testzero-zero test -
20 bench-testing rig
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > bench-testing rig
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