1 calibration sample
градуировочный образец
Нрк. образец для градуировки
Образец сравнения или набор таких образцов, используемый для градуировки в химическом анализе вещества или материала объекта аналитического контроля.
Разновидностями градуировочного образца являются градуировочный раствор и градуировочная смесь.
[ ГОСТ Р 52361-2005]Недопустимые, нерекомендуемые
Обобщающие термины
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > calibration sample
2 calibration sample
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > calibration sample
3 calibration sample
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > calibration sample
4 calibration sample
Нефть: калибровочный образец -
5 calibration sample
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > calibration sample
6 sample
1. образец, проба (породы, грунта, шлама) ; керн || отбирать образец; брать пробу2. шаблон; модель
* * *
проба; образец
* * *
образец, проба (породы, грунта, шлама); замер.
* * *
1. выборка, дискретная величина2. замер; проба; образец
* * *
образец, проба (/i]); керн || отбирать образцы; брать пробыto obtain gas samples — отбирать пробы газа;
to test the sample — исследовать образец;
sample under investigation — исследуемый образец;
- all-level samplesample with fossils — образец с ископаемыми;
- arbitration sample
- audit sample
- average sample
- average composite sample
- bailer sample
- bit sample
- boring sample
- bottom sample
- bottomhole sample
- calibration sample
- check sample
- composite sample
- composited sample
- continuous sample
- core sample
- cuttings sample
- cylindrical rock sample
- depth controlled sample
- diamond-drill core sample
- disk-shaped sample
- disturbed sample
- ditch sample
- drill sample
- drill cuttings sample
- drilling mud sample
- drive sample
- dry sample
- dust sample
- fluid sample
- formation sample
- gas sample
- gaseous sample
- grab sample
- laboratory sample
- local sample
- log sample
- lower sample
- middle sample
- mud sample
- natural undisturbed sample
- oil sample
- oriented sample
- point sample
- porosity sample
- proportionated sample
- recorded sample
- representative sample
- rock sample
- running sample
- saturated sample
- seismic noise sample
- side-wall sample
- sludge sample
- snap sample
- soil sample
- solid sample
- spot sample
- standard sample
- subsurface sample
- surface sample
- test sample
- thief sample
- true sample
- undisturbed sample
- upper sample
- very poor sample
- wash drill sample
- well sample
- wet sample* * *• 1) производить выборку; 2) выбранный• выборка• керн• типовой -
7 калибровочный образец
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > калибровочный образец
8 drilling
бурение; сверление; высверливаниеbottom supported marine drilling — бурение скважин с опорой на дно (со стационарной свайной платформы)
* * *
1. бурение2. pl. буровой шлам, буровая мелочь
* * *
* * *
1) бурение; сверление; высверливание || буровой; бурильный2) pl выбуренная порода3) pl буровой шлам, буровая мука; буровая мелочь4) pl скважины5) pl алмазы величиной от 4 до 23 штук на карат•drilling afloat — бурение наплаву;
drilling ahead — 1) бурение ниже башмака обсадной колонны ( на значительную глубину) 2) бурение, опережающее проходку горной выработки;
drilling by flame — 1) термическое бурение 2) прожигание скважин;
drilling by jetting method — 1) бурение гидравлическим способом 2) гидромониторное бурение;
drilling deeper — углубка скважины;
drilling for gas — бурение на газ;
drilling for oil — бурение на нефть;
drilling for structure — картировочное бурение;
drilling for water — бурение на воду;
drilling from floating vessel — бурение с плавучего основания;
drilling in cramped quarter — бурение глубоких скважин из выработки малого сечения;
drilling into abnormal pressure zone — бурение в зоне высокого давления;
not drilling — простаивающий ();
drilling off the whipstock — бурение со стационарного отклонителя;
drilling on the bottom — чистое бурение;
drilling out of cement plug — разбуривание цементной пробки;
drilling suspended indefinitely — бурение прекращено на неопределённое время;
drilling the pay — разбуривание продуктивного пласта;
drilling to completion — бурение до проектной глубины;
drilling to predetermined depth — бурение до проектной глубины;
drilling to projected depth — бурение до проектной глубины;
drilling with aerated fluid — бурение с промывкой аэрированной жидкостью;
drilling with aerated formation water — бурение с промывкой аэрированными пластовыми водами;
drilling with air — бурение с очисткой забоя воздухом;
drilling with counterflow — бурение с обратной промывкой;
drilling with explosives — взрывное бурение;
drilling with localized mud circulation — бурение с местной промывкой;
drilling with mud — бурение с промывкой буровым раствором;
drilling with oil — бурение с промывкой раствором на углеводородной основе;
drilling with salt water — бурение с промывкой солёной водой;
drilling with sound vibration — вибробурение со звуковыми частотами;
- drilling of submarine wellsdrilling without drill pipe — беструбное бурение;
- abrasive jet drilling
- aerated-fluid drilling
- aerated-mud drilling
- aeration drilling
- air drilling
- air-and-gas drilling
- air-and-stable-foam drilling
- air-flush drilling
- air-hammer drilling
- air-hammer rotary drilling
- air-motor drilling
- air-percussion drilling
- air-reverse-circulation drilling
- angled drilling
- angular drilling
- anomaly drilling
- appraisal drilling
- arc drilling
- auger drilling
- balanced drilling
- barge drilling
- bench drilling
- blasthole drilling
- blind drilling
- borehole drilling
- bottom supported marine drilling
- bottomhole circulation drilling
- bottom-supported offshore drilling
- branched-hole drilling
- cable drilling
- cable-churn drilling
- cable-Pennsylvanian drilling
- cable-rotary drilling
- cable-tool drilling
- calibration drilling
- Calyx drilling
- Canadian drilling
- carbide percussion drilling
- chain bit drilling
- checkerboard drilling
- chemical drilling
- chilled-shot drilling
- churn drilling
- churn flame drilling
- city-lot drilling
- clean drilling
- close drilling
- close-spaced surface drilling
- close-spaced underground drilling
- cluster drilling
- cluster directional drilling of slant
- combination drilling
- compressed air drilling
- continuous penetration drilling
- contract drilling
- control angle drilling
- controlled drilling
- controlled-angle drilling
- core drilling
- counterflush drilling
- counterflush core drilling
- cover drilling
- Craelius method drilling
- deep drilling
- deep-hole drilling
- deep-water drilling
- deep-well drilling
- definition drilling
- dense drilling
- development drilling
- diamond drilling
- diamond core drilling
- direct-air-circulation drilling
- direct-circulation drilling
- directed drilling
- directional drilling
- directional drilling of slant holes
- double-barreled drilling
- double-directional drilling
- double-hand drilling
- double-inclinated drilling
- double-simultaneous drilling
- double-tube drilling
- downhole drilling
- downhole electrical motor drilling
- downhole hammer drilling
- downhole percussion drilling
- downhole turbine motor drilling
- down-the-hole drilling
- drainhole drilling
- drive-pipe drilling
- dry drilling
- dry-hole drilling
- dry percussive drilling
- dual-bore cluster drilling
- dual-hole simultaneous drilling
- dust-free drilling
- dustless drilling
- easy drilling
- electrical drilling
- electrical arc drilling
- electrical bottomhole drilling
- electrohydraulic drilling
- electrojet drilling
- electron beam drilling
- erosion drilling
- erosion jet drilling
- exhaust gas drilling
- exploration drilling
- exploratory drilling
- explosion drilling
- extended reach drilling
- failure-free drilling
- fan drilling
- flame drilling
- flame-jet drilling
- floating drilling
- fluid circulating drilling
- fluid core drilling
- flush drilling
- foam drilling
- formation drilling
- full-diameter drilling
- full-hole drilling
- gas drilling
- gas-well drilling
- geological drilling
- group drilling
- grout-hole drilling
- guided drilling
- hand drilling
- hand churn drilling
- hand hammer drilling
- hard-rock drilling
- heavy weight drilling
- high-frequency drilling
- high-frequency percussion drilling
- high-velocity jet drilling
- hooded dry drilling
- horizontal drilling
- horizontal branched-hole drilling
- horizontal-drainhole drilling
- horizontal-radial diamond drilling
- horizontal-ring drilling
- hydraulical drilling
- hydraulical percussion drilling
- hydraulical rotary drilling
- hydrodynamical drilling
- hydropercussion drilling
- hydropercussion rotary drilling
- hydroturbine downhole motor drilling
- implosion drilling
- inclination drilling
- induction drilling
- infill drilling
- injection drilling
- instrumental drilling
- intermediate hole drilling
- inverted oil emulsion drilling
- jet drilling
- jet-bit drilling
- jet-erosion drilling
- jet-piercer drilling
- jet-piercing drilling
- jetted-particle drilling
- jetting drilling
- jump drilling
- key well drilling
- large-hole drilling
- laser drilling
- lateral drilling
- line drilling
- line-hole drilling
- line-well drilling
- long-hole drilling
- machine drilling
- magnetostriction drilling
- magnetostriction rotary drilling
- marine drilling
- mechanical drilling
- mechanized drilling
- Mesabi structural drilling
- microbit drilling
- mist drilling
- moderate drilling
- mud-circulating drilling
- mud-powered hammer drilling
- multidirectional drilling
- multihole drilling
- multiple drilling
- multiple-plan drilling
- noncore drilling
- nonpressure drilling
- offset drilling
- offshore drilling
- oil-emulsion drilling
- oil-mud drilling
- oil-well drilling
- old-well deeper drilling
- one-man drilling
- on-land drilling
- optimized drilling
- oriented drilling
- original drilling
- outstep drilling
- overbalanced drilling
- overburden drilling
- overhead drilling
- parallel hole drilling
- pay drilling
- pellet impact drilling
- Pennsylvanian drilling
- percussion drilling
- percussion-air drilling
- percussion-rod drilling
- percussion-rotation drilling
- percussive drilling
- percussive-machine drilling
- percussive-rotary drilling
- performance drilling
- permafrost drilling
- petroleum drilling
- pier drilling
- pillar extraction drilling
- pilot drilling
- pipe-driving drilling
- pipeless drilling
- pipeless downhole electrical motor drilling
- placer drilling
- plasma drilling
- plug drilling
- pneumatical drilling
- preliminary drilling
- pressure drilling
- probe drilling
- production drilling
- prospect drilling
- pulsed jet drilling
- push-button drilling
- push-feed drilling
- quick-blow drilling
- radial drilling
- random drilling
- rapid-blow drilling
- reduced-pressure drilling
- remote automated drilling
- reverse-circulation core drilling
- ring drilling
- rock drilling
- rocket drilling
- rod drilling
- rod-tool drilling
- roller-bit drilling
- rope drilling
- rotary drilling
- rotary-percussion drilling
- rotary-turbine drilling
- rotation drilling
- rotation-vibropercussion drilling
- rough drilling
- run-to-waste drilling
- safe drilling
- salt-dome drilling
- sample drilling
- scattered drilling
- seam drilling
- secondary drilling
- sectional steel drilling
- self-cleaning drilling
- shaft drilling
- shallow drilling
- shaped charge drilling
- shelf drilling
- ship-side drilling
- shock-wave drilling
- shot drilling
- shot core drilling
- shothole drilling
- simultaneous drilling
- single-hand drilling
- single-pass drilling
- single-row drilling
- slant-hole drilling
- slim-hole drilling
- sonic combination drilling
- spark drilling
- spindle feed drilling
- spring-pole drilling
- steel-shot drilling
- straight-ahead drilling
- straight-hole drilling
- straight-hole directional drilling
- stratigraphic test drilling
- structure drilling
- subgrade drilling
- submarine drilling
- subsurface drilling
- superdeep drilling
- surface drilling
- surface blasthole drilling
- surface hole drilling
- tension drilling
- test drilling
- test-hole drilling
- test-well drilling
- thermal drilling
- top hammer drilling
- top hole drilling
- tough drilling
- town-lot drilling
- triple-hole simultaneous drilling
- trouble-free drilling
- tungsten-carbide drilling
- turbine motor drilling
- ultradeep drilling
- ultrasonic drilling
- underbalanced drilling
- underground drilling
- underwater drilling
- up-hole drilling
- upper-hole drilling
- vacuum drilling
- vertical drilling
- vertical ring drilling
- vibration drilling
- vibratory drilling
- vibratory-percussion drilling
- vibratory-rotary drilling
- vibropercussion drilling
- vibropercussion rotary drilling
- wash drilling
- water drilling
- water-assisted drilling
- water-flush drilling
- water-jet drilling
- water-well drilling
- well drilling
- wet drilling
- wild-cat drilling
- wireline drilling* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > drilling
9 test
1) замер2) испытание; испытания || испытывать; исследовать3) стат. критерий4) обнаружение; определение5) опробывание6) опыт; эксперимент7) признак8) проба || пробовать9) проверка || проверять10) тест || тестовый11) пробный•test for uniformity — мат. критерий равномерности
test for trend — мат. проверка на тренд
test for singularity — мат. критерий особенности
test for regression — мат. проверка на наличие регрессии
test for randomness — мат. критерий случайности
test for primality — мат. признак простоты (числа)
test for optimality — мат. критерий оптимальности
test for nonadditivity — мат. признак неаддитивности
test for minimum — мат. проверка на минимум
test for interaction — мат. критерий взаимодействия
test for exponentiality — мат. критерий экспоненциальности
test for ergodicity — мат. критерий эргодичности
test for divisibility — мат. признак делимости
test for definiteness — мат. критерий определённости
test for convergence — мат. критерий сходимости
test for concordance — мат. критерий согласия
test for casualty — мат. критерий обусловленности
- asymptotically efficient test - asymptotically minimax test - asymptotically most powerful rank test - asymptotically optimum test - asymptotically robust test - asymptotically unbiased test - double-tailed testto make test — стат. строить критерий (напр., для проверки значимости отклонений)
- fat test- general test for homogeneity- jet test- locally unbiased test - multiple comparison test - multiple ranking test - normal scores test - one-tailed test - probability ratio test - process normality test - single-tailed test - statistically valid test - test for goodness of fit - test for homogeneity of means - test for homogeneity of variances - test for nonsphericalness of disturbances - test for significant changes - test for uniform convergence - test hypothesis with experiment - uniformly asymptotically efficient test - uniformly best test - uniformly consistent test -
10 level
1) уровень || устанавливать (регулировать) уровень3) энергетический уровень, уровень энергии4) степень5) градация10) нивелир || нивелировать11) уровень, ватерпас || устанавливать по уровню13) значение ( расчётного параметра)15) планировать, производить планировку ( грунта); разравнивать16) выравнивать(ся) ( о цвете)17) ровно ложиться ( о краске); растекаться с образованием ровной поверхности ( о краске или лаке)19) связь, радио громкость21) горизонтальный полёт || лететь горизонтально•to level off — 1. достигать равновесия; стабилизировать(ся) 2. выпрямлять ( кривую) 3. выравнивать ( положение воздушного судна) 4. приближаться к предельному значению 5. планировать; разравнивать 6. устанавливаться на постоянном уровне;to remain level — выдерживать горизонтальное положение;to reverse a level end-for-end — менять местами концы уровня;-
actuation level
addressing level
adit level
aerodrome level
air level
alert level
allowable level
ambient light level
ambient noise level
amplitude levels
amplitude-modulation noise level
approach noise level
ash level
atomic energy level
atomic level
audio-signal output level
average picture level
average sidelobe level
background level
background noise level
backlobe level
backup water level
band level
band-gap level
base level
basic impulse level
behavioral level
benchmark level
bin-filling level
binocular level
black level
blacker-than-black level
black-out level
bound level
breath sample level
bubble level
builder's level
bulk trap level
burden level
calibration level
carpenter's level
carrier level
carrier noise level
certificated noise level
charge level
charge-storage level
chroma level
circuit noise level
cleanliness level
cloud level
commanded speed level
concentration level
condemnation level
condensation level
confidence level
constraint level
contamination level
control program level
conversion level
corona level
cracking level
crosscut level
cross-product level
cruising level
crusher level
curb level
cutoff level
dam crest level
datum level
decision level
deep-lying level
deep level
defect level
derating level
device level
direct current level
direct sound level
donor level
doping level
downstream water level
drainage level
drawdown level
drive level
dumpy level
dust level
Egault level
electrical level of vacancy
electromagnetic interference level
energy level
engineer's level
equilibrium-xenon level
excitation level
exploration level
failure rate level
failure level
Fermi characteristic energy level
Fermi level
first-order level
flight level
float level
flood-control storage level
fluid level
foreplate level
formation level
foundation level
free energy level
freezing level
fuel irradiation level
geodetic level
geostrophic wind level
glass level
grade level
gray level
ground level
ground vibrational level
groundwater level
gyro level
half-tide level
hand level
haulage level
headwater level
heat-treated strength level
high injection level
highest water level
high-water level
hum level
illumination level
impounded water level
impulse insulation level
impurity level
injection level
input level
insulation level
integration level
intensity level
interference level
internal surge level
interrupt level
intrinsic level
invert level
inverted level
light level
line level
loadout level
local level
logical level
loudness level
lower level
low-pressure level
low-water level
luminance level
main level
manning level
mantle level
masking level
mason's level
mass activity cleanliness level
maximum controllable level
maximum flood level
maximum operating level
maximum rated sound-power level
maximum recording level
maximum water level
mean annoyance level
measurement level
mechanic's level
meniscus level
metal level
metastable level
mezzanine level
minimum drawdown level
mining level
multiplet level
nesting level
neutron level
no activity cleanliness level
noise equivalent level
noise level
normal level
normal maximum operating level
normal pool level
normaltopwater level
normalwater level
nose swab level
occupational level
occupied level
octane level
oil level
operating level
operational cleanliness level
output level
overload level
particulate level
peak level
peak recording level
peak signal level
peak white level
pedestal level
pendulum level
perceived noise level
permissible level
phonon level
plumb level
pollution level
power level
power monitoring level
power spectrum level
PPM level
precise level
predetermined level
pressure level
priority level
production level
protective level
pumping level
quantization level
quieting level
radiation level
reactor power level
received signal level
recording level
redundancy level
reference fare level
reference level
reliability level
resonance level
response level
reverberant sound level
river-bed level
safe-health level
saturation level
sea level
self-leveling level
sensation level
sidelobe level
siege level
significance level
slack level
slag level
snorkel level
solar flux level
sound pressure level
sound level
speech level
spirit level
stage level
staggered flight levels
standard isobaric level
static level
steady-state noise level
stress intensity level
striding level
summer oil level
surface level
susceptibility level
switching surge level
switching-surge protective level
sync level
tailwater level
target level of safety
testing level
thermal noise level
threshold level
tilting level
toxicity level
transition level
transmission level
trigger level
upper level
upstream level
user level
vacuum level
variable quantizing level
ventilation level
vibration level
voltage level
volume units level
water level
white level
winter oil level
working level
wye level
zero level
zero transmission level -
11 mode
2) мода, вид [форма, тип\] колебаний; вид [тип\] волн5) вчт. состояние6) швейн. мода•-
ablative pit-forming mode
abnormal mode
acceleration mode
access mode
accumulation mode
acoustic mode
acquisition mode
active mode
adaptive control mode
addressing mode
air-liquefaction mode
alternate mode
anticipation mode
approach mode
assemble mode
astable vibration mode
astable mode
automatic mode
automatic opening mode
automatic skinning mode
autopilot heading mode
autoposition mode
avalanche mode
axial mode
background mode
backward mode
backward propagating mode
backward scattering mode
backward scatter mode
backward traveling mode
bare resonator mode
basic mode
batch mode
birefringent mode
block mode
block-multiplex mode
bound modes
broadcast mode
buckling mode
burst mode
calibration mode
capture mode
cavity flipping mode
cavity mode
central mode
character generation mode
character mode
characteristic mode
charge-coupling mode
circularly polarized mode
cladding mode
clockwise polarized mode
coherently locked modes
cold mode
collective modes
command mode
common failure mode
common mode
compatibility mode
competing modes
compute mode
confined mode
constant cutting speed mode
constant speed mode
contention mode
continuous mode
continuous path mode
continuous-wave mode
contour modes
contradirectional modes
control mode
conversational mode
cooling mode
co-orbital mode
coplanar mode
core-guided mode
core mode
counterclockwise polarized mode
counterrotating circularly polarized modes
counting mode
coupled modes
cross polarized modes
cubic mode
current mode
current saving mode
cutoff mode
cutting mode
damped mode
data-processing mode
Debye-like mode
Debye mode
deceleration mode
deflected mode
degenerated mode
degenerate mode
depletion mode
design mode
dialog mode
difference mode
differential mode
diffraction-limited mode
diffusive mode
discrete mode
dispersion modes
display mode
distributed-feedback mode
DNC mode
dominant mode
double-pass mode
drift mode
dual-processing mode
duplex mode
dynamic mode
dynamic-scattering mode
E mode
edge mode
edit mode
eigen mode
electromagnetic mode
elementary mode
Emn mode
emulation mode
energy dissipating mode
enhancement mode
equal-loss modes
equally spaced modes
erase mode
evanescent mode
even mode
excited mode
exciting mode
executive mode
extensional mode
extraordinary mode
Fabry-Perot mode
face shear modes
fast mode
faulted mode
fiber mode
filamentary mode
first mode
flexural mode
forced mode
force mode
foreground mode
foreground-background mode
forward mode
forward propagating mode
forward scattering mode
forward scatter mode
forward shear mode
forward traveling mode
fracture mode
free-running mode
free-space mode
frequency-division multiplex mode
frequency-shift-keying mode
full program mode
full-duplex mode
fundamental mode
gated mode
gate mode
Gaussian mode
generator mode
go-ahead mode
graphics mode
graphic mode
guidance mode
guided-wave mode
guided mode
half-duplex mode
heating mode
height-lock mode
higher-order mode
high-frequency mode
high-loss mode
high-pass mode
high-resolution mode
Hmn mode
horizontally polarized mode
idler mode
independent mode
index mode
injected mode
injection-locked mode
in-phase modes
in-plane mode
insert mode
integer mode
interacting modes
interactive mode
internally trapped mode
interpretive mode
interrupt mode
inverter mode
isolated mode
jog mode
kernel mode
keyboard mode
laser mode
lasing mode
lattice mode
launched mode
leaking mode
leaky mode
left-hand polarized mode
left polarized mode
length extentional mode
length flexural mode
length modes
length-width flexural mode
light mode
linearly polarized mode
load mode
local mode
locate mode
lock mode
long coherence length mode
long wavelength mode
longitudinal mode
loopback mode
low-frequency mode
low-pass mode
low-resolution mode
lugdown mode
macro-by-macro mode
magnetron mode
main mode
malfunction mode
manual mode
manual skinning mode
mapping mode
maser mode
master mode
matched mode
measurement mode
message mode
mirror image mode
mixed mode
mode of behavior
mode of deformation
mode of excitation
mode of failure
mode of functioning
mode of propagation
mode of test
mode of transport
mode-locked mode
mode-match mode
monopulse mode
move mode
multiple-frame mode
multiplexed mode
multiplex mode
multitask mode
native mode
natural mode
nonaxial mode
noncounting mode
nondegenerate mode
nondegenerative mode
nonoscillating mode
nonpropagating mode
nonradiative mode
nonresonant mode
nonspiking mode
nontransparent mode
normal mode
odd mode
off mode
off-axis mode
off-design mode
off-line mode
off-normal mode
on-line mode
on-link mode
opening fracture mode
opening mode
operating mode
optical mode
ordinary mode
original mode
orthogonally polarized modes
oscillating mode
oscillation mode
oscillatory mode
out-of-plane mode
overtype mode
parallel mode
parametric mode
parasitic mode
partially suppressed mode
path following mode
path modifying mode
penetration mode
periodic mode
perturbed mode
photographing mode
photon-counting mode
pipelined mode
plane mode
plane polarized mode
plasma mode
plasma-guide mode
playback mode
point-to-point path mode
polarization mode
polarization-bistable mode
polarized mode
posttrigger mode
power-down mode
p-polarized mode
pretrigger mode
principal mode
priviledged mode
propagating mode
propagation mode
pulse counting mode
pulsed mode
pump mode
push-pull mode
Q-spoiled mode
Q-switched mode
quadrupole mode
quantum noise limited mode
radial mode
radially polarized mode
radiating mode
radiation mode
rail mode
ranging mode
ready mode
real-time mode
receive mode
record mode
rectifier mode
reflected mode
reflection mode
reflective mode
refracted mode
refrigeration mode
repetitive Q-switched mode
request mode
resonant mode
resonator mode
retropropulsion mode
return beam mode
reverse bias mode
reversible recording mode
right-hand polarized mode
right polarized mode
run mode
sample-and-hold mode
satellite mode
saturation mode
scanning mode
scan mode
scope mode
screen mode
search mode
selected mode
selector mode
self-ammoniation mode
self-heating mode
self-locked mode
self-Q-switched mode
self-refresh mode
self-reporting mode
self-trapping mode
serial mode
series mode
setup mode
severe wear mode
shear mode of crack initiation
shear mode
side mode
signal mode
simplex mode
simulation mode
single block mode
single mode
single Q-switched mode
single-channel mode
single-character mode
single-pulse mode
single-step mode
slave mode
slightly coupled modes
spatial mode
spectral mode
spiking mode
split-screen mode
s-polarized mode
spurious mode
spurious pulse mode
square mode
stable mode
standby mode
standing-wave mode
start-stop mode
static mode
stationary mode
steady state mode
stiffened mode
still-frame mode
storage mode
store-and-forward mode
stretching mode
stripped cladding modes
strong mode
strongly excited mode
substrate mode
superradiant mode
supervisor mode
switching mode
symmetric modes
synchronously pumped mode
tape auto mode
teaching mode
tearing mode
thickness-extensional modes
time compression mode
time mode
time-difference mode
time-shared mode
torsional modes
track-and-hold mode
tracking mode
transcribe mode
transfer mode
transformed mode
transient mode
transit mode
transit-time mode
transmission mode
transparent mode
transverse mode
trapped mode
trapped plasma avalanche transit time mode
traveling-wave mode
triggering mode
trimming mode
truncated mode
tuning mode
tunneling mode
twist mode
two-level mode
unattended mode
uncoupled modes
undamped mode
unmanned mode
unperturbed mode
unstable mode
unstiffened mode
vertically polarized mode
vibration mode
vibration-free mode
virtual mode
voting mode
waiting mode
walk-off mode
warped mode
wave mode
wavefront watched modes
waveguide mode
wavy slip mode
wear mode
whispering modes
whistler mode
width modes
write mode
zero-order mode -
12 procedure
2) порядок (действий); установленная схема3) метод; методика4) алгоритм5) правила; технология ( технического обслуживания)•-
dry turn bushing procedure
wet turn bushing procedure
acceptance procedure
aerodrome alerting procedure
approach procedure
approved flight procedure
attached procedure
aviation company procedure
backstep procedure
bargaining procedure
batch procedure
bootstrap procedure
calibration procedure
cataloged procedure
checking procedure
combustion procedure
command procedure
comparison procedure
computational procedure
computerized production-control procedure
crew operating procedure
cross-weave procedure
diagnostic procedure
disassembly procedure
docking procedure
embedded procedures
emergency flight procedure
established procedure
experimental procedure
external procedure
flight procedure
flight training procedure
flood-routing procedure
function procedure
generic procedure
go-no-go gaging procedure
ground training procedure
holding procedure
initialization procedure
in-line procedure
instrument approach procedure
internal procedure
iteration procedure
ladle degassing procedure
landing procedure
measuring procedure
missed approach procedure
nested procedures
noise abatement procedure
observational procedure
off-machine degassing procedure
on-machine continuous degassing procedure
orient procedure
precision approach procedure
proof procedure
racetrack procedure
reciprocity procedure
recursive procedure
reservoir-routing procedure
reversal procedure
sample procedure
service procedure
setting-up procedures
standardized procedure
starting procedure
streamflow-routing procedure
tank usage procedure
test procedure
tool compensation procedure
tool select procedure
unloading procedure
update procedure
user-supplied procedure
user procedure
vertical weave procedure -
13 check
1) бона
2) контролировать
3) контроль
4) контрольный осмотр
5) крестик
6) опробовать
7) проверять
8) чек
9) чековый
10) шашечный
11) выверка
12) остановочный
13) проверка
14) сверять
15) сличать
16) испытание
17) стопорный
18) поверочный
19) выверять
20) проверить
21) сличить
22) проконтролировать
23) испытывать
– accept check
– automatic check
– cash check
– check base
– check base-line
– check bearing
– check beater
– check bit
– check by bluing
– check by resubstitution
– check by substitution
– check character
– check digit
– check experiment
– check flight
– check for
– check for fit
– check for polarity
– check for safetying
– check irrigation
– check is satisfied
– check jigging
– check line
– check locking
– check nut
– check point
– check problem
– check program
– check routine
– check sample
– check scale
– check shaft
– check station
– check sum
– check sum failure
– check valve
– check weave
– check with
– cross check
– current check
– destructive check
– digit check
– edit check
– enter a check
– failure of check
– functional check
– leak check
– maintenance check
– marginal check
– modulo check
– odd-even check
– odd-parity check
– overflow check
– parity check
– program check
– redundant check
– sight check
– signal check
– slay check
– spot check
– system check
– time check
– to check off
– twin check
check calibration of instrument — поверять измерительный прибор
check lock lever — < railways> рукоятка междупостового замыкания
parity check sequence — <comput.> опознаватель
14 SCS
1) Медицина: Saethre-Chotzen syndrome2) Спорт: Single Card Strategy, Southern California Swimming3) Военный термин: Satellite Control Squadron, Shipboard Computing System, Signal Center and School, Signal Collection System, Source Control System, satellite communication system, screening and costing staff, sea control ship, secondary control system, secret cover sheet, section control station, ship combat system, simulation control subsystem, sonar calibration set, space communication system, special communications system, special contingency stockpile, speed control system, standard coordinate system, stationary capability system, supply control study, supply control system, survivable control system, switch and control subsystem, авианесущий корабль, корабль контроля моря4) Техника: secondary coolant system, security control system, shutdown cooling system, signal communications system, simultaneous color system, single channel of station, single-channel simplex, sodium characterization system, spacecraft control system, stabilization and control system, streamer control system, system control software5) Сельское хозяйство: Seed Conservation Service6) Химия: Solution Case Study7) Религия: Seminary Computing Services, Sanctus ("saint")8) Грубое выражение: Super Crap Service10) Музыка: Star Crest Soloist11) Телекоммуникации: SNA Character String12) Сокращение: Sidewinder Control System, Singapore Computer Systems Limited, Society of Clinical Surgery, Submarine Control Simulator, semiconductor controlled switch13) Физика: Stimulated Compton Scattering14) Электроника: Satellite Communication Systems, Single Crystal Silicon15) Вычислительная техника: Silicon Controlled Switch, Small Computer System, (systimax) Structured Cabling System (AT&T), Switch Control Software (ForeRunner, ATM), SNA Character String (IBM), Singapore Computer Society (organization, Singapur)17) Стоматология: Screw Carrying System18) Картография: State Coast Service19) Транспорт: Stop Control System20) Фирменный знак: Specialist Courier Services21) Экология: Soil Conservation Service22) Деловая лексика: Store Connection System, Supply Chain Solution23) Образование: School Computing Service24) Сетевые технологии: structured cabling system25) Программирование: Scalable Command Set26) Автоматика: supervisory control system27) Сахалин Р: Subsea Control System28) Химическое оружие: Sample collection system, site communication system29) Молочное производство: Soybean Corn Silage30) Безопасность: secure communications service31) Газоперерабатывающие заводы: станционная система управления (station control system)32) Карачаганак: СДТУ (система диспетчерского телеуправления - напр. http://docinfo.ru/annot-5511-15.html)33) ООН: Support to Civil Society34) Должность: Spanish Cultural Studies35) Чат: Soc Culture Soviet36) НАСА: Space Collaboration System, Super Composite Skin37) Программное обеспечение: Sound Cue System38) Зубная имплантология: винтовая несущая система, защитный винт имплантата -
15 scs
1) Медицина: Saethre-Chotzen syndrome2) Спорт: Single Card Strategy, Southern California Swimming3) Военный термин: Satellite Control Squadron, Shipboard Computing System, Signal Center and School, Signal Collection System, Source Control System, satellite communication system, screening and costing staff, sea control ship, secondary control system, secret cover sheet, section control station, ship combat system, simulation control subsystem, sonar calibration set, space communication system, special communications system, special contingency stockpile, speed control system, standard coordinate system, stationary capability system, supply control study, supply control system, survivable control system, switch and control subsystem, авианесущий корабль, корабль контроля моря4) Техника: secondary coolant system, security control system, shutdown cooling system, signal communications system, simultaneous color system, single channel of station, single-channel simplex, sodium characterization system, spacecraft control system, stabilization and control system, streamer control system, system control software5) Сельское хозяйство: Seed Conservation Service6) Химия: Solution Case Study7) Религия: Seminary Computing Services, Sanctus ("saint")8) Грубое выражение: Super Crap Service10) Музыка: Star Crest Soloist11) Телекоммуникации: SNA Character String12) Сокращение: Sidewinder Control System, Singapore Computer Systems Limited, Society of Clinical Surgery, Submarine Control Simulator, semiconductor controlled switch13) Физика: Stimulated Compton Scattering14) Электроника: Satellite Communication Systems, Single Crystal Silicon15) Вычислительная техника: Silicon Controlled Switch, Small Computer System, (systimax) Structured Cabling System (AT&T), Switch Control Software (ForeRunner, ATM), SNA Character String (IBM), Singapore Computer Society (organization, Singapur)17) Стоматология: Screw Carrying System18) Картография: State Coast Service19) Транспорт: Stop Control System20) Фирменный знак: Specialist Courier Services21) Экология: Soil Conservation Service22) Деловая лексика: Store Connection System, Supply Chain Solution23) Образование: School Computing Service24) Сетевые технологии: structured cabling system25) Программирование: Scalable Command Set26) Автоматика: supervisory control system27) Сахалин Р: Subsea Control System28) Химическое оружие: Sample collection system, site communication system29) Молочное производство: Soybean Corn Silage30) Безопасность: secure communications service31) Газоперерабатывающие заводы: станционная система управления (station control system)32) Карачаганак: СДТУ (система диспетчерского телеуправления - напр. http://docinfo.ru/annot-5511-15.html)33) ООН: Support to Civil Society34) Должность: Spanish Cultural Studies35) Чат: Soc Culture Soviet36) НАСА: Space Collaboration System, Super Composite Skin37) Программное обеспечение: Sound Cue System38) Зубная имплантология: винтовая несущая система, защитный винт имплантата -
16 plot
1) делянка, опытный участок3) план; схема; диаграмма•- check plot
- composite plot
- control plot
- experimental plot
- increase plot
- main plot
- propagation plot
- quadruplicated plots
- randomized plot
- record plot
- sample plot
- scatter plot
- seed plot
- split plot
- trial plot
- variety test plot* * * -
17 test
1) испытания || испытывать2) проверка; контроль || проверять; контролировать3) тест; тестирование || тестировать4) критерий; условие; признак•- test of independence
- accelerated life test
- acceleration test
- acceptance test
- actual test
- aging test
- alpha test
- asymptotic test
- audible test
- augmented test
- augmented Dickey-Fuller test
- autocorrelation test
- Bayes test
- bed of nails test
- bench test
- best unbiased test
- beta test
- biased test
- Box-Pierce test
- breakdown test
- breaking test
- break-point test
- Breush-Pagan test
- built-in test
- built-in error rate test
- burn-in reliability test
- built-in self-test
- busy test
- calibration test
- camera linearity test
- captive test
- Charpy test
- check test
- chi-square test
- chi-square test for goodness-of-fit
- chi-square test for homogeneity
- Chow test
- clock-rate test
- closed-loop test
- cointegration test
- combined environmental reliability test
- common factor test
- comparative listening test
- comparison test
- computer-aided test
- conditional moment test
- connectivity test
- conservative test
- consistent test
- constant acceleration test
- constant-load amplitude test
- continuity test
- cumulative sum test
- cumulative sum of squares test
- degradation rate test
- destructive test
- development test
- diagnostic test
- diagnostic function test
- Dickey-Fuller test
- dielectric breakdown test
- differencing test
- distribution-free test
- drive fitness test
- dummy test
- Durbin's h-test
- Durbin-Watson test
- dynamic test
- efficient test
- electrostatic discharge test
- engaged test
- engineering test
- environmental test
- ESD test
- exact test
- exhaustive test
- extensive test
- extreme test
- F-test
- failure-rate test
- field test
- Fisher's test
- Fisher's exact test
- flash test
- forced-failure test
- Friedman's test
- functional test
- gamma test
- Gleiser test
- Godfrey test
- Goldfeld-Quandt test
- go/no-go confidence test
- goodness-of-fit test
- goodness-of-fit chi-square test
- Granger causality test
- Hausman test
- high-potential test
- homogeneity test
- hot-weather test
- hypothesis test
- impact test
- in-circuit test
- independence chi-square test
- indoor test
- information matrix test
- integrated test
- intelligence test
- in-use life test
- invariant test
- J-test
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
- Kruskal-Wallis test
- Lagrange multiplier test
- leak test
- leakage test
- life test
- likelihood ratio test
- Ljung-Box test
- local loopback test
- logical test
- log-rank test
- longevity test
- long-term test
- long-time test
- loopback test
- lot-by-lot test
- mandrel test
- Mann-Whitney rank sum test
- Mantel-Cox test
- marginal test
- matrix life test
- memory address test
- misspecification test
- mock-up test
- model test
- modem loopback test
- moisture resistance test
- most powerful test
- multiple-comparison test
- nested test
- non-Bayes test
- nondestructive test
- non-linearity test
- non-nested test
- non-parametric test
- normal-theory based test
- off-line test
- omitted variables test
- on-demand test
- one-sample test
- one-sided test
- on-line test
- on-off test
- open-loop test
- operating-life test
- operational readiness and reliability test
- outer product of gradient test
- over-identifying restrictions test
- parameter constancy test
- parameter-free test
- parametric test
- Pearson's test
- percentage test
- performance test
- power-on self test
- predictive failure test
- preliminary test
- premodel test
- progressive stress test
- proof test
- prototype test
- qualification test
- randomization test
- randomized-step test
- rank test
- reliability test
- remote loopback test
- rig test
- ringing test
- robust statistical test
- routine test
- runs test
- semidestructive test
- sequential test
- sequential probability ratio test
- service test
- shakedown test
- shake-table test
- shelf-life test
- shock test
- short-term test
- short-time test
- significance test
- simulated test
- simulation test
- sing test
- space test
- specification test
- SS test
- static test
- statistical test
- step-stress test
- strength test
- structural test
- studentized test
- Student's test
- subjective test
- system test
- systems test
- terminal strength test
- thermal test
- thermal-fatigue test
- thermal-shock test
- tropical test
- truth-table test
- tuning-fork test
- Turing test
- two-sided test
- ultrasonic test
- unbiased test
- uniformly most powerful test
- unit root test
- variable addition test
- variable deletion test
- vertical-interval test
- vibration test
- vitality test
- voltage-breakdown test
- Wald test
- wear test
- White test
- Wilcoxon signed rank test -
18 sheet
1) лист; листовой материал, тонколистовой материал2) карта; таблица•- annealed metal sheet
- black sheet
- calibration sheet
- cover sheets
- dimension sheet
- enameled sheet
- foam sheet
- inclined sheet
- job tracking sheet
- machining process sheet
- methods sheet
- oil sheet
- operation sheet
- parent sheet
- perforated sheet
- planning sheet
- process sheet
- rolled sheet
- route sheet
- routing sheet
- run sheet
- sample spread sheet
- setting sheet
- setup sheet
- shop-to-shop flow sheet
- spread sheet
- stacked workpiece sheet
- test sheet
- thin sheet
- tool setup sheet
- tooling setup sheet
- usage history data sheet
- web sheetEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > sheet
19 automatic
автоматический аппарат; II автоматический; самодействующий; автоматизированный- automatic acceleration control unit - automatic accumulator charging - automatic action - automatic adjustment - automatic adjustment mechanism - automatic advance control - automatic air regulator - automatic alarm - automatic alarm signal transmitter - automatic alternation - automatic amplitude control - automatic arc welding - automatic arc welding machine - automatic arc-welding machine - automatic assemblage - automatic assembly - automatic assembly machine - automatic backing-up - automatic backlash control - automatic backup - automatic balance control - automatic balancer - automatic balancing - automatic bar fed turning center - automatic bar feed - automatic bias control - automatic block - automatic bonding unit - automatic brake - automatic brake adjuster - automatic brake arrangement - automatic brake controller - automatic braking - automatic braking system - automatic brazing equipment - automatic buffing machine - automatic burette - automatic butt splicer - automatic calibration - automatic cam-controlled machine - automatic cathead - automatic centering - automatic chain-bending machine - automatic change of tools - automatic change-over - automatic change-over switch - automatic check - automatic check-out recording equipment - automatic checking balance - automatic checking machine - automatic checkout equipment - automatic checkout system - automatic checkout-and-readiness equipment - automatic choke - automatic chuck - automatic chuck extractor - automatic chuck-changing system - automatic chuck jaw changing - automatic chucker - automatic circuit - automatic circuit breaker - automatic circuit recloser - automatic climate control system - automatic closing system - automatic clutch - automatic cold upsetter - automatic come-along clamp - automatic compensation option - automatic compensator - automatic consistency checking - automatic constant tension mooring winch - automatic control - automatic control actuator - automatic control channel - automatic control circuit - automatic control engineering - automatic control equipment - automatic control halting instruction - automatic control installation - automatic control loop - automatic control rod - automatic control system - automatic controller - automatic conveying - automatic coupler - automatic coupling - automatic coupling device - automatic coupling screwing unit - automatic crab winch - automatic crimper - automatic crossover - automatic cut-out torque wrench - automatic cutout - automatic cycle - automatic cycle mechanism - automatic cycle working - automatic cycling equipment - automatic data analyzer - automatic data distribution - automatic data entry - automatic data processing - automatic data processing field branch - automatic data unit - automatic datum search - automatic deicing system - automatic device - automatic diagnosis - automatic diagnostic-and-recovery system - automatic discharging device - automatic disk changer - automatic door - automatic door closer - automatic door photoelectric relay - automatic drilling control - automatic drilling rig - automatic drinking bowl - automatic drive - automatic drive detection - automatic drive engagement - automatic dump - automatic-dump truck - automatic dust ejector - automatic dust unloading valve - automatic ejection - automatic electric drive - electrical drive - automatic electrode changer - automatic elevator - automatic emergency valve - automatic end stop - automatic error correction - automatic error detection - automatic exchange of tools - automatic expansion valve - automatic fault detection - automatic fault finding - automatic fault isolation - automatic fault isolation tester - automatic fault reporting - automatic fault signalling - automatic feature - automatic feed - automatic feed drill - automatic feed-off mechanism - automatic feeder - automatic feeding mechanism - automatic feedoff - automatic fire alarm - automatic fire alarm system - automatic fire annunciator - automatic fire detector - automatic fire sprinkler - automatic fixturing system - automatic flanger - automatic float-type pump-out unit - automatic flour meter - automatic flow tank - automatic focus correction servo-system - automatic forging machine - automatic front wheel drive engagement - automatic fuel economizing device - automatic fuel-control unit - automatic fuel saving device - automatic fuel shut-off - automatic fuse - automatic gage - automatic gaging-and-compensating system - automatic gain adjustment - automatic gain control - automatic gas-cutting machine - automatic gas-welding machine - automatic gate - automatic gate closer - automatic gate opener - automatic gauging - automatic gearbox - automatic generating plant - automatic generator - automatic grab - automatic gripper change - automatic gripper control - automatic guided vehicle - automatic half-hose machine - automatic heater - automatic hill holder - automatic hinged trip spider - automatic hitch - automatic holding - automatic holding device - automatic hopper-feed machine - automatic humidity regulator - automatic identification- Auto-ID- AIS - automatic idling control - automatic ignition - automatic ignition system - automatic ignition timing - automatic input - automatic insertion - automatic interlocking - automatic internal diagnosis - automatic jaw changer - automatic jaw shift device - automatic latching - automatic level - automatic level compensation - automatic level control - automatic level control system - automatic level gauge - automatic level setup - automatic leveling control system - automatic light - automatic light control - automatic light regulation - automatic line - automatic line disconnection - automatic line switching - ALS - automatic load control - automatic load sustaining brake - automatic load-gripping device - automatic loader - automatic loading - automatic lock - automatic locking - automatic locking holder - automatic locking hub - automatic locking spindle - automatic lockout - automatic lockout feature - automatic lubrication - automatic lubricator - automatic machine cycle - automatic magazine bar feed - automatic maintenance - automatic manipulator - automatic measurement-and-compensation system - automatic measuring facilities - automatic metal forming machine - automatic mixture control - automatic mode switching - automatic moisture regulator - automatic monitoring - automatic motor control gear - automatic movements starting - automatic multicam machine - automatic noise limiter - automatic noise-reduction system - automatic oil-flow controller - automatic oiling - automatic opening circuit breaker - automatic opening cover - automatic optimization - automatic overload control - automatic overload limiter - automatic overload stop - automatic packing - automatic pallet handler - automatic pallet storage-retrieval system - automatic part gaging - automatic part-loading conveyor - automatic photodetector - automatic pipe handling system - automatic pipe stabber - automatic placement - automatic plant - automatic polishing machine - automatic positioning - automatic power control - automatic power drawbar control - automatic power rotary scraper - automatic power slips - automatic press for cold pressing of nuts - automatic press for stamping electric motor stator and rotor notches - automatic pressure control - automatic pressure regulator - automatic probe changer - automatic probe changing - automatic probing cycle - automatic punch - automatic rack stacker - automatic radiator shutter - automatic ram pile driver - automatic reading - automatic reclosing circuit breaker - automatic recovery - automatic recovery program - automatic regulation - automatic regulation of belt tension - automatic regulation of drive chain tension - automatic regulation rod - automatic regulator - automatic release - automatic releaser - automatic repeat - automatic remote control - automatic reset - automatic reset-data circuit - automatic restart - automatic return - automatic return valve - automatic rotary line - automatic router - automatic routine - automatic rpm changer - automatic safety device - automatic sample changer - automatic sampler - automatic sampling - automatic sampling device - automatic sampling equipment - automatic sand-blasting machine - automatic scales - automatic screen - automatic selective overdrive - automatic sensitivity control - automatic set point - automatic shaft-position data encoder - automatic shaker bag - automatic shank spindle - automatic shift - automatic shut-off valve - automatic shutdown - automatic side-dumping - automatic signaling - automatic signalization - automatic size control tooling - automatic sorting machine - automatic spark advance - automatic spark advance governor - automatic spark advance magneto - automatic spark timer - automatic spectrometer - automatic spectrophotometer - automatic speed compensation - automatic speed control - automatic speed selection device - automatic spider - automatic spindle gear changing - automatic sprinkler fire control system - automatic stability - automatic stability controls - automatic stabilization and control system - automatic stabilizer - automatic stacker crane - automatic start - automatic starting - automatic starting motor - automatic start-up - automatic steel - automatic steering - automatic step selection - automatic stop - automatic stop switch - automatic straightening and cutting machine - automatic strip-straightening machine - automatic submerged-arc welder - automatic submerged-arc welding - automatic sucker rod spanner - automatic suction pump - automatic surveillance - automatic switch - automatic switchable redundance - automatic switchboard - automatic swivel spindle - automatic synchronization - automatic synchronizer - automatic takeup - automatic takeup mechanism - automatic temperature recording controller - automatic temperature regulator - automatic tensioning winch - automatic test analysis system - automatic test equipment - automatic test system - automatic thrust adjustment - automatic time switch - automatic time-delay switch - automatic timed magneto - automatic timer - automatic timing - automatic timing control - automatic timing device - automatic tipper - automatic tool changing apparatus - automatic tool transport mechanism - automatic tool wear-tool broken sensing system - automatic toolsetting - automatic tongs - automatic training idler - automatic transmission - automatic transmission fluid - automatic trip - automatic troubleshooting - automatic tuning - automatic two-speed geared head - automatic update - automatic vacuum deposition system - automatic valve - automatic valve adjustment - automatic viscosity controller - automatic voltage control - automatic voltage regulator - automatic warehousing - automatic warning - automatic washer - automatic water bowl - automatic water spray fire-fighting system - automatic weight controller - automatic weighing machine - automatic weigher - automatic weld - automatic welder - automatic welding - automatic welding machine - automatic wire feed - automatic workhandling - automatic workhandling device - automatic zero adjustment - automatic zero set -
20 curve
1) кривая || проводить кривую2) выгиб, закругление3) изгиб, искривление || изгибаться, искривляться4) лекало5) траектория6) характеристика; график•to run a curve — мат. снимать характеристику
См. также в других словарях:
Calibration curve — In analytical chemistry, a calibration curve is a general method for determining the concentration of a substance in an unknown sample by comparing the unknown to a set of standard samples of known concentration.The calibration curve is a plot of … Wikipedia
Ion selective electrode — An ion selective electrode (ISE), also known as a specific ion electrode (SIE), is a transducer (or sensor) that converts the activity of a specific ion dissolved in a solution into an electrical potential, which can be measured by a voltmeter or … Wikipedia
градуировочный образец — Нрк. образец для градуировки Образец сравнения или набор таких образцов, используемый для градуировки в химическом анализе вещества или материала объекта аналитического контроля. Примечание Разновидностями градуировочного образца являются… … Справочник технического переводчика
калибровочный образец — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN calibration sample … Справочник технического переводчика
Radiocarbon dating — (sometimes simply known as carbon dating) is a radiometric dating method that uses the naturally occurring radioisotope carbon 14 (14C) to estimate the age of carbon bearing materials up to about 58,000 to 62,000 years.[1] Raw, i.e. uncalibrated … Wikipedia
Calorimeter — This article is about heat measuring devices. For particle detectors, see Calorimeter (particle physics). The world’s first ice calorimeter, used in the winter of 1782 83, by Antoine Lavoisier and Pierre Simon Laplace, to determine the heat… … Wikipedia
Chemometrics — is the science of extracting information from chemical systems by data driven means. It is a highly interfacial discipline, using methods frequently employed in core data analytic disciplines such as multivariate statistics, applied mathematics,… … Wikipedia
analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… … Universalium
Moisture analysis — covers a variety of methods for measuring moisture content in both high level and trace amounts in solids, liquids, or gases. Moisture in percentage amounts is monitored as a specification in commercial food production. There are many… … Wikipedia
Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy — Beckman DU640 UV/Vis spectrophotometer. Ultraviolet visible spectroscopy or ultraviolet visible spectrophotometry (UV Vis or UV/Vis) refers to absorption spectroscopy or reflectance spectroscopy in the ultraviolet visible spectral region. This… … Wikipedia
Radiometric dating — (often called radioactive dating) is a technique used to date materials such as rocks, usually based on a comparison between the observed abundance of a naturally occurring radioactive isotope and its decay products, using known decay rates.[1]… … Wikipedia