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  • Caesaropapism — is the idea of combining the power of secular government with, or making it superior to, the spiritual authority of the Church; especially concerning the connection of the Church with government. The term caesaropapism (Cäseropapismus) was coined …   Wikipedia

  • Caesaropapism — n. the doctrine that the state is supreme over the church in ecclesiastical matters. Syn: Erastianism, Byzantinism. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • caesaropapism — caesaropapist, n., adj. /see zeuh roh pay piz euhm/, n. 1. the possession of supreme authority over church and state by one person, often by a secular ruler. 2. the supremacy of the state over the church in ecclesiastical matters. [1885 90;… …   Universalium

  • Caesaropapism — noun the doctrine that the state is supreme over the church in ecclesiastical matters • Syn: ↑Erastianism, ↑Byzantinism • Hypernyms: ↑theological doctrine * * * |sēzə(ˌ)rōˈpāˌpizəm noun ( s) Usag …   Useful english dictionary

  • Caesaropapism —    A term invented by 19th century western European scholars to describe how the Byzantine emperor (q.v.) allegedly acted as both caesar (i.e., emperor) and pope (qq.v.). The term infers that, in effect, the Byzantine church was under the control …   Historical dictionary of Byzantium

  • caesaropapism — control of the church by a secular ruler Ecclesiastical Terms …   Phrontistery dictionary

  • caesaropapism — cae·sa·ro·pa·pism …   English syllables

  • caesaropapism —  Цезаропапизм …   Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов

  • Eastern Orthodoxy — the faith, practice, membership, and government of the Eastern Orthodox Church. * * * officially Orthodox Catholic Church One of the three major branches of Christianity. Its adherents live mostly in Greece, Russia, the Balkans, Ukraine, and the… …   Universalium

  • Constantinian shift — Battle of the Milvian Bridge, Raphael, Vatican Rooms. The artist depicted the troops of Constantine bearing the labarum. Constantinian shift is a term used by Anabaptist and Post Christendom theologians to describe the political and theological… …   Wikipedia

  • Church and state in medieval Europe — The relationship between the Church and the feudal states during the medieval period went through a number of developments, roughly from the end of the Roman Empire through to the beginning of the Reformation. The events of the struggles for… …   Wikipedia

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