1 шкафный автоклав
Большой русско-английский медицинский словарь > шкафный автоклав
2 автоклав шкафный
cabinet-type autoclave -
3 обрабатывать в автоклаве
Русско-английский новый политехнический словарь > обрабатывать в автоклаве
4 шкафной автоклав
5 автоклав
м. autoclave -
6 автоклав
1. vulcanizer2. autoclave -
7 обрабатываемый в автоклаве
Русско-английский научный словарь > обрабатываемый в автоклаве
8 цилиндрический автоклав
Русско-английский медицинский словарь > цилиндрический автоклав
9 шкафной автоклав
Medicine: cabinet-type autoclave -
10 шкафный автоклав
Medicine: cabinet-type autoclave
См. также в других словарях:
Autoclave — For other uses, see Autoclave (disambiguation). Square Section Autoclave A modern front loading autoclave Uses Sterilization Inventor Charles Chamberland Manufacturer Astell Scientific … Wikipedia
Biosafety cabinet — A microbiologist performing influenza research within a biosafety cabinet Acronym BSC Other names Biological safety cabinet, microbiological safety cabinet Uses Bioc … Wikipedia
Sterilization (microbiology) — Sterilization (or sterilisation, see spelling differences) refers to any process that effectively kills or eliminates transmissible agents (such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, spore forms, etc.) from a surface, equipment, article of food or… … Wikipedia
Calorimeter — This article is about heat measuring devices. For particle detectors, see Calorimeter (particle physics). The world’s first ice calorimeter, used in the winter of 1782 83, by Antoine Lavoisier and Pierre Simon Laplace, to determine the heat… … Wikipedia
Histoire du procédé Haber-Bosch — L un des appareils de laboratoire qu utilisa Fritz Haber pour synthétiser de l ammoniac sous haute pression. L histoire du procédé Haber Bosch débute avec l invention du procédé de chimie homonyme à l aube du XXe siècle. Le procédé Haber… … Wikipédia en Français
passer — [ pase ] v. <conjug. : 1> • 1050; lat. pop. °passare, de passus « 1. pas » I ♦ V. intr. (auxil. avoir ou être; être est devenu plus cour.) A ♦ Se déplacer d un mouvement continu (par rapport à un lieu fixe, à un observateur). 1 ♦ Être… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Condenser (laboratory) — Two different condensers are seen here: an air cooled fractionating column on left, and a Liebig condenser on the right In a laboratory a condenser is a piece of laboratory glassware used to cool hot vapors or liquids. [1] A condenser usually… … Wikipedia
Laboratory glassware — Three beakers, a conical flask, a graduated cylinder and a volumetric flask … Wikipedia
Spectrophotometry — Spectrophotometer In chemistry, spectrophotometry is the quantitative measurement of the reflection or transmission properties of a material as a function of wavelength.[1] It is more specific than the general term electromagnetic spectroscopy in … Wikipedia
Bung — For other uses, see Bung (disambiguation). A jug with a cork bung. A bung is truncated cylindrical or conical closure to seal a container, such as a bottle, tube or barrel. Unlike a lid which encloses a container from the outside with … Wikipedia
Microscope — This article is about microscopes in general. For light microscopes, see optical microscope. Microscope Us … Wikipedia