1 cabbage seed weevil
= cabbage seed-pod weevil скрытнохоботник рапсовый семенной ( Ceuthorrhynchus assimilis)* * * -
2 cabbage seed weevil
1) Биология: скрытнохоботник рапсовый семенной (Ceuthorrhynchus assimilis)2) Энтомология: скрытнохоботник рапсовый семенной (лат. Ceuthorrhynchus assimilis) -
3 cabbage seed-pod weevil
English-russian biological dictionary > cabbage seed-pod weevil
4 weevil, cabbage seed
1. LAT Ceuthorrhynchus assimilis Paykull2. RUS скрытнохоботник m рапсовый семенной3. ENG cabbage seed(-pod) weevil4. DEU Kohlschotenrüßler m, Rapsrüßler m5. FRA ceuthorrhynque m [charançon m] des siliquesDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > weevil, cabbage seed
5 weevil, cabbage seed-pod
1. LAT Ceuthorrhynchus assimilis Paykull2. RUS скрытнохоботник m рапсовый семенной3. ENG cabbage seed(-pod) weevil4. DEU Kohlschotenrüßler m, Rapsrüßler m5. FRA ceuthorrhynque m [charançon m] des siliquesDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > weevil, cabbage seed-pod
6 cabbage seed-pod weevil
1) Биология: скрытнохоботник рапсовый семенной (Ceuthorrhynchus assimilis)2) Энтомология: скрытнохоботник рапсовый семенной (лат. Ceuthorrhynchus assimilis)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > cabbage seed-pod weevil
7 weevil
долгоносик, слоник; pl долгоносики, слоники ( Curculionidae)- alder-tree weevil
- almond blossom weevil
- anthribid weevils
- apple blossom weevil
- apple bud weevil
- apple flea weevil
- arbor-vitae weevil
- artichoke pear-shaped weevil
- banded pine weevil
- bark weevil
- bean weevil
- beech flea weevil
- beet root weevil
- birch flea weevil
- birch weevil
- biscuit weevil
- black elm bark weevil
- black vine weevil
- blossom weevil
- boll weevil
- broad-bean weevil
- broad-nosed grain weevil
- bronze apple-tree weevil
- brown leaf weevil
- cabbage and turnip gall weevil
- cabbage seed weevil
- cabbage seed-pod weevil
- carrot weevil
- cherry weevil
- chestnut weevil
- Chinese weevil
- clover pear-shaped weevil
- clover seed weevil
- clover-head weevil
- clover-leaf weevil
- coffee-bean weevil
- cowpea weevil
- cranberry weevil
- deodar weevil
- Engelmann spruce weevil
- European strawberry weevil
- figwort weevil
- fir weevil
- flea weevil
- four-spotted bean weevil
- fungus weevils
- glaucous leaf weevil
- grain weevils
- granary weevil
- hazel leaf-roller weevil
- hazelnut weevil
- heather weevil
- ivy and hop weevil
- larch weevil
- larger pine weevil
- leaf-rolling weevils
- lentil weevil
- lesser clover-leaf weevil
- lucerne weevil
- mango seed weevil
- minor pine weevil
- Monterey-pine weevil
- nut weevil
- oak flea weevil
- palm weevil
- pea leaf weevil
- pea pear-shaped weevil
- pea weevil
- pear blossom weevil
- pear leaf-eating weevil
- pear-shaped weevil
- pecan weevil
- pine cone weevil
- pine gall weevil
- pine root collar weevil
- pine weevil
- primitive weevils
- raspberry fruit weevil
- raspberry weevil
- ribbed pine weevil
- rice water weevil
- rice weevil
- rough strawberry weevil
- scarred weevils
- short-nosed weevils
- short-winged weevils
- silver-green leaf weevil
- Sitka-spruce weevil
- spotted pea weevil
- strawberry fruit weevil
- strawberry root weevil
- strawberry weevil
- sugar-beet weevil
- sweet-clover weevil
- sweet-potato weevil
- Tahitian coconut weevil
- thurberian weevil
- tooth-nosed weevil
- turnip and cabbage gall weevil
- turnip gall weevil
- white pine weevil
- willow flea weevil
- willow weevil
- yucca weevil* * *• слоник• слоники -
8 weevil, cabbage stem
1. LAT Ceuthorrhynchus quadridens Panzer2. RUS скрытнохоботник m стеблевой капустный3. ENG cabbage stem weevil, seed-stalk weevil4. DEU kleiner gefleckter Kohltriebrüßler m5. FRA charançon m de la tige du chouDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > weevil, cabbage stem
9 weevil, seed-stalk
1. LAT Ceuthorrhynchus quadridens Panzer2. RUS скрытнохоботник m стеблевой капустный3. ENG cabbage stem weevil, seed-stalk weevil4. DEU kleiner gefleckter Kohltriebrüßler m5. FRA charançon m de la tige du chouDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > weevil, seed-stalk
10 5633
1. LAT Ceuthorrhynchus quadridens Panzer2. RUS скрытнохоботник m стеблевой капустный3. ENG cabbage stem weevil, seed-stalk weevil4. DEU kleiner gefleckter Kohltriebrüßler m5. FRA charançon m de la tige du chou -
11 5622
1. LAT Ceuthorrhynchus assimilis Paykull2. RUS скрытнохоботник m рапсовый семенной3. ENG cabbage seed(-pod) weevil4. DEU Kohlschotenrüßler m, Rapsrüßler m5. FRA ceuthorrhynque m [charançon m] des siliques
См. также в других словарях:
seed and fruit — ▪ plant reproductive part Introduction respectively, the characteristic reproductive (reproductive system, plant) body of both angiosperms (flowering plants) and gymnosperms (conifers, cycads, and ginkgos) and the ovary that encloses it.… … Universalium
Kohlschotenrüssler — Systematik Klasse: Insekten (Insecta) Überordnung: Neuflügler (Neoptera) Ordnung: Käfer (Coleoptera) Familie … Deutsch Wikipedia
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Biological pest control — Biological control of pests in agriculture is a method of controlling pests (including insects, mites, weeds and plant diseases) that relies on predation, parasitism, herbivory, or other natural mechanisms. It can be an important component of… … Wikipedia
agricultural technology — Introduction application of techniques to control the growth and harvesting of animal and vegetable products. Soil preparation Mechanical processing of soil so that it is in the proper physical condition for planting is usually… … Universalium
Coconut — For other uses, see Coconut (disambiguation). Coconut Palm Cocos nucifera Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Agriculture in the United Kingdom — A combine harvester in Scotland Agriculture in the United Kingdom uses around 71% of the country s land area and contributes about 0.6% of its gross value added. The UK produces less than 60% of the food it eats and the industry s share of the… … Wikipedia
Coincya wrightii — Lundy cabbage Lundy Cabbage, Coincya wrightii Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia
gardening — /gahrd ning/, n. 1. the act of cultivating or tending a garden. 2. the work or art of a gardener. [1570 80; GARDEN + ING1] * * * Laying out and tending of a garden. Though palatial gardens existed in ancient times, small home gardens became… … Universalium