1 security
noun (the state of being, or making safe, secure, free from danger etc: the security of a happy home; This alarm system will give the factory some security; There has to be tight security at a prison; ( also adjective) the security forces; a security guard.) tryghed; sikkerhed; sikkerheds-* * *noun (the state of being, or making safe, secure, free from danger etc: the security of a happy home; This alarm system will give the factory some security; There has to be tight security at a prison; ( also adjective) the security forces; a security guard.) tryghed; sikkerhed; sikkerheds- -
2 security risk
(a person considered not safe to be given a job involving knowledge of secrets because he might give secret information to an enemy etc.) sikkerhedsrisiko* * *(a person considered not safe to be given a job involving knowledge of secrets because he might give secret information to an enemy etc.) sikkerhedsrisiko -
3 security guard
sikkerhedsvagt {fk} -
4 security police
sikkerhedspoliti {n} -
5 security
sikkerhed {fk} -
6 asset-backed security
En fordring udstedt på baggrund af næsten hvilke som helst aktiver (billån, kreditkort m.v.) med periodiske betalinger, der har en nogenlunde forudsigelig tilbagebetalingsprofil. Aktiverne ejes af udsteder og placeres (normalt) hos en trustee. Forkortes ABS. -
7 bearer security
Ihændehaverværdipapir, som ikke er noteret på ejerens navn hos udsteder. -
8 Euro security
Almen betegnelse for ethvert værdipapir udstedt i Euro market. -
9 flip-flop security
En obligation, hvor ejeren har ret til at bytte frem og tilbage mellem det oprindelige papir og et andet papir med en kortere restløbetid, dog mod betaling af et strafgebyr. Se også convertible bond. -
10 International Security Identification Number
International standardbetegnelse for værdipapirer udarbejdet af ISO. ISIN-koder har erstattet alle andre fondskoder i Clearstream og Euroclear. Danske fondskoder er baseret på ISIN.Anglo-danske finansiel ordbog > International Security Identification Number
11 synthetic security
Syntetisk værdipapir. Betegner et værdipapir udstedt på grundlag af en post obligationer med tilknyttet (rente) swap. Er afkastet på obligationerne en fast rente, mens der for swap’en betales fast rente og modtages variabel rente, kan der på dette grundlag udstedes variabelt forrentede obligationer. -
12 underlying security
Det underliggende værdipapir for en futures contract eller option. -
13 zero coupon security
Et værdipapir uden pålydende rente. -
14 asset-backed security
En fordring udstedt på baggrund af næsten hvilke som helst aktiver (billån, kreditkort m.v.) med periodiske betalinger, der har en nogenlunde forudsigelig tilbagebetalingsprofil. Aktiverne ejes af udsteder og placeres (normalt) hos en trustee. Forkortes ABS. -
15 bearer security
Ihændehaverværdipapir, som ikke er noteret på ejerens navn hos udsteder. -
16 Euro security
Almen betegnelse for ethvert værdipapir udstedt i Euro market. -
17 flip-flop security
En obligation, hvor ejeren har ret til at bytte frem og tilbage mellem det oprindelige papir og et andet papir med en kortere restløbetid, dog mod betaling af et strafgebyr. Se også convertible bond. -
18 International Security Identification Number
International standardbetegnelse for værdipapirer udarbejdet af ISO. ISIN-koder har erstattet alle andre fondskoder i Clearstream og Euroclear. Danske fondskoder er baseret på ISIN.English-Danish financial dictionary > International Security Identification Number
19 synthetic security
Syntetisk værdipapir. Betegner et værdipapir udstedt på grundlag af en post obligationer med tilknyttet (rente) swap. Er afkastet på obligationerne en fast rente, mens der for swap’en betales fast rente og modtages variabel rente, kan der på dette grundlag udstedes variabelt forrentede obligationer. -
20 underlying security
Det underliggende værdipapir for en futures contract eller option.
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Security guard — Private factory guard Occupation Activity sectors Security Description A security guard (or security officer) is a person who is paid to protect pro … Wikipedia
Security — is the condition of being protected against danger, loss, and criminals. In the general sense, security is a concept similar to safety. The nuance between the two is an added emphasis on being protected from dangers that originate from outside.… … Wikipedia
Security engineering — is a specialized field of engineering that focuses on the security aspects in the design of systems that need to be able to deal robustly with possible sources of disruption, ranging from natural disasters to malicious acts. It is similar to… … Wikipedia
Security theater — consists of security countermeasures intended to provide the feeling of improved security while doing little or nothing to actually improve security. [cite book last = Schneier first = Bruce authorlink = Bruce Schneier title = Beyond Fear:… … Wikipedia
security — se·cur·i·ty /si kyu̇r ə tē/ n pl ties 1 a: something (as a mortgage or collateral) that is provided to make certain the fulfillment of an obligation used his property as security for a loan b: surety see also … Law dictionary
Security sector reform — (SSR) is a concept to reform or rebuild a state s security sector that emerged first in the 1990s in Eastern Europe. It starts where a dysfunctional security sector is unable to provide security to the state and its people effectively and under… … Wikipedia
Security controls — are safeguards or countermeasures to avoid, counteract or minimize security risks. To help review or design security controls, they can be classified by several criteria, for example according to the time that they act, relative to a security… … Wikipedia
Security level management — (SLM) comprises a quality assurance system for electronic information security. The aim of SLM is to display the IT security status transparently across a company at any time, and to make IT security a measurable quantity. Transparency and… … Wikipedia
Security of person — or security of the person is a human right guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations in 1948. It is also a right respected in the Constitution of Canada, the Constitution of South Africa and other laws … Wikipedia
Security Assertion Markup Language — (SAML) is an XML based standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between security domains, that is, between an identity provider (a producer of assertions) and a service provider (a consumer of assertions). SAML is a product… … Wikipedia
Security Level Management — (SLM) ist ein Qualitätssicherungssystem für die elektronische Informationssicherheit. SLM hat zum Ziel, den IT Sicherheitsstatus jederzeit unternehmensweit transparent darzustellen und IT Sicherheit zu einer messbaren Größe zu machen. Transparenz … Deutsch Wikipedia