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  • 21 test

    [test] 1. noun
    1) (a set of questions or exercises intended to find out a person's ability, knowledge etc; a short examination: an arithmetic/driving test.) test
    2) (something done to find out whether a thing is good, strong, efficient etc: a blood test.) test, zkouška
    3) (an event, situation etc that shows how good or bad something is: a test of his courage.) zkouška
    4) (a way to find out if something exists or is present: a test for radioactivity.) zkouška
    5) (a test match.) mezinárodní zápas
    2. verb
    (to carry out a test or tests on (someone or something): The students were tested on their French; They tested the new aircraft.) zkoušet
    - test pilot
    - test-tube
    * * *
    • test
    • testovat
    • vyzkoušet
    • zkouška
    • zkoušet
    • prověřit

    English-Czech dictionary > test

  • 22 test

    [test] 1. noun
    1) (a set of questions or exercises intended to find out a person's ability, knowledge etc; a short examination: an arithmetic/driving test.) test
    2) (something done to find out whether a thing is good, strong, efficient etc: a blood test.) test, skúška
    3) (an event, situation etc that shows how good or bad something is: a test of his courage.) skúška
    4) (a way to find out if something exists or is present: a test for radioactivity.) skúška
    5) (a test match.) medzinárodný zápas
    2. verb
    (to carry out a test or tests on (someone or something): The students were tested on their French; They tested the new aircraft.) skúšať
    - test pilot
    - test-tube
    * * *
    • vodicská skúška
    • výsledok skúšky
    • vyskúšat
    • skúšat
    • skúška pred kamerou
    • skúšobný výstup
    • skúška
    • testovanie
    • test
    • testovat
    • ulita
    • preverovat
    • preverit
    • analýza
    • rozbor
    • redakcia
    • ladenie
    • kritérium
    • lastúra
    • ladit
    • nukleárna skúška

    English-Slovak dictionary > test

  • 23 test

    1) Test m

    test de embarazoMED Schwangerschaftstest m

    ( plural tests) sustantivo masculino
    test [test]

    Diccionario Español-Alemán > test

  • 24 test

    [test] 1. noun
    1) (a set of questions or exercises intended to find out a person's ability, knowledge etc; a short examination: an arithmetic/driving test.) próf
    2) (something done to find out whether a thing is good, strong, efficient etc: a blood test.) prófun, rannsókn
    3) (an event, situation etc that shows how good or bad something is: a test of his courage.) prófsteinn
    4) (a way to find out if something exists or is present: a test for radioactivity.) prófun, könnun, tilraun
    5) (a test match.) landsleikur
    2. verb
    (to carry out a test or tests on (someone or something): The students were tested on their French; They tested the new aircraft.) prófa; reynslufljúga
    - test pilot
    - test-tube

    English-Icelandic dictionary > test

  • 25 test

    [test] 1. noun
    1) (a set of questions or exercises intended to find out a person's ability, knowledge etc; a short examination: an arithmetic/driving test.) eksāmens; tests; kontroldarbs
    2) (something done to find out whether a thing is good, strong, efficient etc: a blood test.) analīze; pārbaude
    3) (an event, situation etc that shows how good or bad something is: a test of his courage.) pārbaude
    4) (a way to find out if something exists or is present: a test for radioactivity.) analīze
    5) (a test match.) (starptautisks) kriketa vai regbija mačs
    2. verb
    (to carry out a test or tests on (someone or something): The students were tested on their French; They tested the new aircraft.) eksaminēt; pārbaudīt
    - test pilot
    - test-tube
    * * *
    izmēģinājumi, pārbaude; mēraukla, kritērijs; kontroldarbs; tests; izmeklēšana; analīze; reaģents, reaktīvs; oficiāli apstiprināt; pārbaudīt; izdarīt analīzi

    English-Latvian dictionary > test

  • 26 test

    [test] 1. noun
    1) (a set of questions or exercises intended to find out a person's ability, knowledge etc; a short examination: an arithmetic/driving test.) egzaminas, kontrolinis darbas, testas
    2) (something done to find out whether a thing is good, strong, efficient etc: a blood test.) analizė
    3) (an event, situation etc that shows how good or bad something is: a test of his courage.) išbandymas
    4) (a way to find out if something exists or is present: a test for radioactivity.) patikrinimas
    5) (a test match.) tarptautinės kriketo/regbio rungtynės
    2. verb
    (to carry out a test or tests on (someone or something): The students were tested on their French; They tested the new aircraft.) egzaminuoti, tikrinti
    - test pilot
    - test-tube

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > test

  • 27 test

    test [test]
    1 testtoets, toetsing
    1    test d'aptitude vaardigheidstest
          test d'orientation professionnelle beroepskeuzetest
          test d'orientation scolaire schoolkeuzetest
          zone test testgebied
          faire passer un test à qn., soumettre qn. à un test iemand testen, iemand aan een toets onderwerpen
    test, toets

    Dictionnaire français-néerlandais > test

  • 28 test

    [test] 1. noun
    1) (a set of questions or exercises intended to find out a person's ability, knowledge etc; a short examination: an arithmetic/driving test.) δοκιμασία, τεστ
    2) (something done to find out whether a thing is good, strong, efficient etc: a blood test.) εξέταση
    3) (an event, situation etc that shows how good or bad something is: a test of his courage.) δοκιμασία
    4) (a way to find out if something exists or is present: a test for radioactivity.) δοκιμή, έλεγχος
    5) (a test match.) αγώνας πρόκρισης διεθνών ομάδων κρίκετ
    2. verb
    (to carry out a test or tests on (someone or something): The students were tested on their French; They tested the new aircraft.) εξετάζω, δοκιμάζω
    - test pilot
    - test-tube

    English-Greek dictionary > test

  • 29 test

    /test/ * danh từ - (động vật học) vỏ (tôm, cua); mai (rùa) - sự thử thách =to put on test+ đem thử thách =to stand the test+ chịu thử thách - sự thử, sự làm thử =test bench+ giá để thử xe - sự sát hạch; bài kiểm tra =a test in arithmetic+ một bài kiểm tra số học - (hoá học) thuốc thử - (nghĩa bóng) vật để thử, đá thử vàng, tiêu chuẩn, cái để đánh gía * ngoại động từ - thử thách =to test someone's endurance+ thử thách sức chịu đựng của ai - thử; kiểm tra =to test a machine+ thử một cái máy =to test out a scheme+ thử áp dụng một kế hoạch =the doctor tested my eyesight+ bác sĩ kiểm tra mắt tôi =to test a poison+ thử một chất độc - (hoá học) thử bằng thuốc thử - phân tích =to test ore for gold+ phân tích quặng tìm vàng

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > test

  • 30 test

    [toetsing] test
    1   een mondelinge test an oral test
         een schriftelijke test a written test
         iemand een test afnemen test someone
         een test op doping a drug check

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > test

  • 31 test

    test [test]
    1. n
    1) испыта́ние;

    to put to test подверга́ть испыта́нию


    to bear the test вы́держать испыта́ние


    to stand the test of time вы́держать испыта́ние вре́менем

    2) мери́ло; крите́рий
    3) прове́рочная, контро́льная рабо́та;

    a test in English контро́льная рабо́та по англи́йскому языку́

    4) психол. тест
    5) хим. иссле́дование, ана́лиз; прове́рка;

    a test for the amount of butter in milk определе́ние жи́рности молока́

    6) хим. реакти́в
    7) attr. испыта́тельный, про́бный; контро́льный, прове́рочный;

    test station контро́льная ста́нция

    2. v
    1) подверга́ть испыта́нию, прове́рке; испы́тывать
    2) хим. подверга́ть де́йствию реакти́ва
    3) производи́ть о́пыты

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > test

  • 32 Test

    Test <-[e]s, -s o -e> [tɛst] m
    1) ( Versuch) test;
    einen \Test machen to carry out a test
    2) pharm test;
    einen \Test machen to undergo a test
    3) sch test

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > Test

  • 33 test

    [test] 1. n
    1) ви́про́бування

    to put to the test — випробо́вувати

    to stand [to bear] the test — ви́тримати випро́бування

    2) міри́ло; крите́рій
    3) переві́рна́ (контро́льна) робо́та

    a test in English — контро́льна робо́та з англі́йської мо́ви

    5) хім. дослі́дження, ана́ліз; пере́ві́рка

    a test for the amount of butter in milk — ви́значення жи́рності молока́

    6) хім. реакти́в
    7) attr. випро́бни́й; про́бний; контро́льний, переві́рни́й

    test center — до́слідний центр

    test hop — про́бний полі́т

    test station — контро́льна ста́нція

    2. v
    1) випробо́вувати; піддава́ти випро́буванню; перевіря́ти
    2) хім. піддава́ти ді́ї реакти́ву
    3) прово́дити до́сліди

    English-Ukrainian transcription dictionary > test

  • 34 test

    test s.m.inv. test m.: sottoporre qcu. a un test soumettre qqn à un test, tester qqn; ( Scol) far fare un test agli studenti faire passer un test aux étudiants, faire faire un test aux étudiants.

    Dizionario Italiano-Francese > test

  • 35 test

    Nom masculin teste masculino
    test de dépistage teste de despistagem
    * * *
    test tɛst]
    nome masculino
    soumettre à des tests
    submeter a testes
    teste de gravidez
    teste de orientação profissional
    testes psicométricos
    área experimental

    Dicionário Francês-Português > test

  • 36 test tube

    test tube n tubo de ensayo
    : probeta f, tubo m de ensayo
    probeta s.f.
    noun probeta f, tubo m de ensayo; (before n)

    test-tube baby — niño, -ña m,f probeta

    * * *
    noun probeta f, tubo m de ensayo; (before n)

    test-tube baby — niño, -ña m,f probeta

    English-spanish dictionary > test tube

  • 37 Test

    Deutsch-russische Öl-und Gas-Wörterbuch > Test

  • 38 test

    test 〈m.〉
    1   iemand een test afnemen faire passer un test à qn.
         een test op doping un test antidoping

    Deens-Russisch woordenboek > test

  • 39 test di gravidanza

    test di gravidanza
    pregnancy test.
    test di gravidanza
    pregnancy test
    →  test

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > test di gravidanza

  • 40 test

    test [tεst] <->
      sostantivo Maskulin
    Test Maskulin; test dell' Aids Aidstest Maskulin; test di gravidanza Schwangerschaftstest Maskulin

    Dizionario italiano-tedesco > test

См. также в других словарях:

  • Test-driven development — (TDD ) is a software development technique consisting of short iterations where new test cases covering the desired improvement or new functionality are written first, then the production code necessary to pass the tests is implemented, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Test pilot — Test pilots are aviators who fly new and modified aircraft in specific maneuvers, allowing the results to be measured and the design to be evaluated. Test pilots may work for military organizations or private, (mostly aerospace) companies.… …   Wikipedia

  • Test logiciel — Test (informatique) En informatique, un test (anglicisme) désigne une procédure de vérification partielle d un système informatique. Le but en est de trouver un nombre maximum de comportements problématiques du logiciel, car il est impossible de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Test Card F — is a test card that was created by the BBC and used on television in the United Kingdom and in countries elsewhere in the world for more than four decades. Like other test cards, it was usually shown while no programmes were being broadcast, but… …   Wikipedia

  • Test the Nation — is a television programme, first broadcast in 2001 by BNN in The Netherlands where the concept is owned by [http://www.eyeworks.tv/ Eyeworks Holding] who license it to TV production companies around the world. how FormatThe format is designed to… …   Wikipedia

  • Test and tagging — is a generic name given to the process of visually inspecting and electrically testing in service electrical equipment for personal use and/or safety. Colloquially, it is also referred to as; tagging, test tag, test and tag, electrical tagging,… …   Wikipedia

  • Test Rorschach — Test de Rorschach La première planche parmi les dix du test de Rorschach Le test de Rorschach ou psychodiagnostik est un outil d évaluation psychologique de type projectif élaboré par le psychiatre et psychanalyste Hermann Rorschach en 1921. Il… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Test de Charge — Test de performance Un test de performance ou benchmark est un test dont l objectif est de déterminer la performance d un système informatique. L acception la plus courante de ce terme est celle dans laquelle ces tests logiciels vont avoir pour… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Test de Khi-2 — Test du χ²  Pour la loi de probabilité, voir Loi du χ². Densité du χ² en fonction du nombre de degrés de liberté Le test du χ² (prononcer …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Test de rorschach — La première planche parmi les dix du test de Rorschach Le test de Rorschach ou psychodiagnostik est un outil d évaluation psychologique de type projectif élaboré par le psychiatre et psychanalyste Hermann Rorschach en 1921. Il consiste en une… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Test des taches d'encre — Test de Rorschach La première planche parmi les dix du test de Rorschach Le test de Rorschach ou psychodiagnostik est un outil d évaluation psychologique de type projectif élaboré par le psychiatre et psychanalyste Hermann Rorschach en 1921. Il… …   Wikipédia en Français

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