1 byte array
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > byte array
2 byte array
Майкрософт: массив байтов -
3 array
1) массивв программировании - переменная, состоящая из конечного набора однотипных последовательно проиндексированных элементов данных (array element), имеющих общее имя. Массив характеризуется типом элементов (data type), из которых он состоит, размерностью (dimension) и числом элементов. К каждому элементу возможен прямой доступ указанием его индексов. Изменение одного элемента массива не влияет на остальные элементы. Одномерный массив называется вектором (vector), а двумерный - матрицей. Существует два метода хранения массивов в памяти: с развёрткой по строкам (элементы массива запоминаются строка за строкой) и, соответственно, с развёрткой по столбцам. Обычно предполагается, что элементы массива хранятся в последовательном блоке памятисм. тж. adjustable array, argument array, array bound, array descriptor, array initialization, array name, array processor, array variable, associative array, byte array, dynamic array, flexible array, index range, matrix, mixed array, multidimensional array, nested array, one-dimensional array, packed array, pointer array, ragged array, sparse array, subarray, unpacked array2) совокупность, набор, массив (матрица) одинаковых элементовнапример, CCD array -матрица ПЗСгруппа устройств хранения данных, управляемая таким образом, чтобы повысить скорость пересылки данных и/или обеспечить более высокую надёжность хранения. Эта группа рассматривается ОС как единый томАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > array
4 byte erasing
5 operation
1) операция; действие2) работа; функционирование4) срабатывание ( прибора)5) редк. управление•- arithmetic operation
- array operation
- asynchronous operation
- atomic operation
- attend operation
- autohorized operation
- auto-parallel operation
- auto-serial operation
- auxiliary operation
- average calculating operation
- average calculation operation
- background operation
- battery operation
- biconditional operation
- bidirectional operation
- binary operation
- bitwise operation
- bit operation
- bookkeeping operation
- Boolean add operation
- Boolean operation
- both-way operation
- branch operation
- byte operation
- byte/word operations
- byte-write operation
- carry clearing operation
- checkpointing operation
- clerical operation
- collation operation
- combination operation
- combined operation
- comparison operation
- complementary operation
- complete operation
- compound operation
- computer operation
- concurrent operation
- conditional implication operation
- conditional operation
- conjunction operation
- consecutive operation
- consistency operation
- control operation
- control transfer operation
- conversational mode operation
- conversational operation
- corner-turning operation
- cumulative operation
- dagger operation
- data processing operation
- database operation
- declarative operation
- decoded operation
- device-dependent operation
- digit-to-digit operation
- digtiwise operation
- disjunction operation
- do-nothing operation
- don't care operation
- double-address operation
- double-length operation
- double-precision operation
- down operation
- drag and drop operation
- dual operation
- duplex operation
- dyadic operation
- either way operation
- EITHER-OR operation
- equality operation
- equivalence operation
- error-free operation
- except operation
- exchange operation
- exclusive OR operation
- fade operation
- fail-safe operation
- fail-soft operation
- fast rewind operation
- fixed-cycle operation
- fixedcycle operation
- fixed-point operation
- floating-point operation
- flow of control operation
- foreground operation
- full-duplex operation
- graft operation
- grouped operation
- half-duplex operation
- handshaked operation
- hands-on operation
- high-gain operation
- high-speed operation
- housekeeping operation
- I/O operations
- identity operation
- IF-AND-ONLY-IF operation
- IF-THEN operation
- illegal operation
- immediate operation
- implication operation
- inclusive OR operation
- inference operation
- input operation
- input/output operations
- integer operation
- interframe operation
- interlaced operations
- interleaving operations
- irreversible operation
- iterative operation
- jump operation
- keystroke operation
- large-signal operation
- link-following operation
- loading operation
- logical operation
- look-up operation
- loop operation
- low-level signal operation
- machine operation
- main operation
- majority operation
- make-break operation
- manual operation
- marginal operation
- marking operation
- master-slave operation
- match operation
- match-merge operation
- matrix operation
- meet operation
- mismatch operation
- monadic operation
- monitor-controlled operation
- move operation
- multibyte operation
- multidimensional operation
- multijob operation
- multiple operations
- multiple-computer operation
- multiple-processor operation
- multiple-shift operation
- multiple-word operation
- multiplex operation
- multiplexed operations
- multiply-accumulate operation
- multitask operation
- multitrack operation
- N-adic operation
- naming operation
- NAND operation
- N-ary operation
- nearest-value operation
- neighborhood operation
- NEITHER-NOR operation
- next higher retrieval operation
- next lower retrieval operation
- no operation
- no-failure operation
- nonarithmetical operation
- nonconjunction operation
- nondata operation
- nondisjunction operation
- nonequivalence operation
- nonidentity operation
- nonprimitive operation
- NOR operation
- NOT AND operation
- NOT BOTH operation
- NOT operation
- NOT-IF-THEN operation
- NOT-OR operation
- nullary operation
- off-line operation
- one-pass operation
- one-shot operation
- one-step operation
- one-way operation
- on-going operations
- on-line operation
- OR operation
- output operation
- overhead operation
- P operation
- packet-mode operation
- parallel operation
- parallel-parallel operation
- parallel-serial operation
- part-word operation
- paste operation
- peripheral operation
- pipeline operation
- pixel-level operation
- pointer operation
- polar operation
- primitive operation
- privileged operation
- prune operation
- pseudo off-line operation
- pulsed operation
- quarternary operation
- queue operation
- real operation
- real-time operation
- record-at-a-time operation
- red-tape operation
- reductive operation
- refinement operation
- register operation
- relational algebraic operation
- relational join operation
- remote operation
- repetitive operation
- retrieval operation
- rewind operation
- RMW operation
- scalar operation
- scale operation
- scanning operation
- scatter-write operation
- scheduled operation
- screening operation
- search operation
- sensing operation
- sensory operation
- sequential operation
- serial digit operation
- serial operation
- serial word operation
- serial-parallel operation
- serial-serial operation
- set operation
- set-at-a-time operation
- Sheffer-stroke operation
- shift operation
- simplex operation
- simultaneous operation
- single operation
- single-program operation
- single-shot operation
- single-step operation
- single-task operation
- slave operation
- small-signal operation
- split-word operation
- stable operation
- stack operation
- stacked job operation
- standard operation
- start-stop operation
- step-and-repeat operations
- step-by-step operation
- storage operation
- streaming operation
- string operation
- synchronous operation
- takedown operation
- team operation
- threshold operation
- time-consuming operation
- time-sharing operation
- transfer operation
- transmit operation
- triggerable operation
- Turing elementary operation
- two-way alternative operation
- two-way-simultaneous operation
- unary operation
- unattended operation
- unauthorized operation
- union operation
- unloading operation
- up operation
- V operation
- variable-cycle operation
- variable-length operation
- vector operation
- word operation
- write operation
- write-on match operation
- write-while read operation
- yes-no operationEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > operation
6 processor
процессор ( аппаратное устройство или обрабатывающая программа); узел обработки- airborne data processor
- airborne processor
- algorithm processor
- alterable processor
- ancillary control processor
- arithmetic processor
- array processor
- assembly language processor
- associative processor
- attached processor
- auxiliary processor
- back-end processor
- background job processor
- background processor
- basic processor
- batch-mode processor
- bit-slice processor
- bit-stream processor
- byte-slice processor
- center processor
- central data processor
- central processor
- command processor
- communications processor
- console command processor
- content-addressable processor
- control processor
- data communication processor
- data flow processor
- data interchange processor
- data link processor
- data processor
- database processor
- dead processor
- demand-paged processor
- diagnostic processor
- digital signal processor
- digital speech processor
- display processor
- distributed database processor
- dual processor - fast-Fourier-transform processor
- FFT processor
- file control processor
- file processor
- file revision processor
- flexible processor
- floating-point arithmetic processor
- floating-point processor
- front-end processor
- gateway processor
- general-purpose processor
- general-register processor
- geometric arithmetic parallel processor
- geometry processor
- graphic job processor
- graphics processor
- heterogeneous-element processor
- highly concurrent processor
- host processor
- host-language processor
- I/O processor
- idle processor
- image processor
- input/output processor
- instruction processor
- integrated array processor
- interface processor
- interruptable processor
- language processor
- language-specific processor
- large-scale processor
- linguistic processor
- local processor
- logic processor
- look-ahead processor
- loosely coupled processors
- maintenance processor
- master processor
- mathematical processor
- math processor
- matrix-vector processor
- message processor
- microprogrammable processor
- mid-range processor
- modular acoustic processor
- multipipeline processor
- multiunit processor
- nearby processor
- node processor
- non-neighbor processor
- nonsegmented processor
- N-pipe processor
- numeric processor
- off-line processor
- one-bit processor
- on-line processor
- optical matrix processor
- orthogonal processor
- out-of-order processor
- output test processor
- painting processor
- Pentium processor
- peripheral processor
- pipeline processor
- pipelined processor
- pixel processor
- programmed data processor
- queue processor
- quiescent processor
- real-time processor
- reference processor
- resource allocation processor
- RISC-based processor
- RISC-processor
- satellite processor
- scientific processor
- segmented processor
- self-dispatching processor
- sending processor
- service processor
- simulation processor
- single-cycle processor
- slave processor
- SMT processor
- soft architecture processor
- software processor
- specially designed processor
- speech processor
- speech-synthesis processor
- stand-alone processor
- stochastic processor
- support processor
- system processor
- systolic processor
- terminal processor
- test result processor
- test-and-repair processor
- text processor
- tightly coupled processors
- transform processor
- uncooperative processor
- vector processor
- video-display processor
- viewing processor
- virtual processor
- VLSI array processor
- voice processor
- wavefront array processor - word-oriented processorEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > processor
7 erasing
стирание( записи) ;
разрушение (информации) AC erasing area erasing array erasing byte erasing continuous erasing DC erasing page erasing selective erasing Стирание erasing: ac ~ вчт. стирание переменным током byte ~ вчт. побайтовое стирание dc ~ вчт. стирание постоянным током erasing: ac ~ вчт. стирание переменным током -
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Receptor Binding Assay, hum. сокр. Reproduction Biology Associates, Atlanta, Georgia, Registration Board of Assessors2) Американизм: Revolution By Assassination3) Военный термин: Ranger Battalions Association, radio beacon array, reentry body assembly, rescue breathing apparatus, rotary beam antenna, rotor blade antenna4) Техника: radial blanket assembly5) Музыка: Redwood Bluegrass Associates6) Сокращение: Royal Bhutan Army, Royal Society of British Artists, Reliability Branching Algorithm, Radio Binding Assay, Radiobinding Assay, Radioligand Binding Assay, Rat Brain Astrocytes, Receptor Binding Affinity, Relative Binding Affinity, Renaturation Blotting Assay, Respiratory Burst Activity, Retrobulbar Anaesthesia, Rhythmical Bursting Activity, Right Basilar Artery, Risk Based Approach8) Банковское дело: резервный банк Австралии (Reserve Bank of Australia), ЦБ Австралии9) Фирменный знак: Reproduction Biology Associates, Atlanta, Georgia10) Программирование: Relative Byte Address11) Макаров: relative binding affinities12) NYSE. Ritchie Brothers Auctioneers, Inc. -
9 erasing
стирание ( записи); разрушение ( информации)- area erasing
- array erasing
- byte erasing
- continuous erasing
- DC erasing
- page erasing
- selective erasingEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > erasing
10 variable
= var1) переменнаяа) в процедурном программировании и ООП - именованная область памяти данных, которой программно можно присваивать разные значения (variable value), считывать их и модифицировать. Таким образом, содержимое ячеек этой памяти - это текущее значение переменной. Для использования переменной в программе её необходимо (явно или неявно) объявить: присвоить идентификатор (identifier) и задать тип.Every variable must have a type that precedes its name. — Каждая переменная должна иметь тип, который (при объявлении переменной) предшествует её имени. Тип переменной определяет, какие возможные значения она может принимать и какие операции над ней можно выполнять. Соответствие типа переменной и её использования проверяется во время компиляции программы. В большинстве ЯВУ переменная перед тем, как её можно будет использовать в программе, должна быть инициализирована, т. е. ей необходимо присвоить начальное значение (initial value). До инициализации значение переменных неопределено (см. uninitialized variable) и их использование в программе диагностируется компилятором как ошибка. По области действия различают локальные (local variable) и глобальные (global variable) переменные
б) в языках функционального и логического программирования - переменная означает неизвестную величинусм. тж. anonymous variable, array variable, automatic variable, binary variable, byte variable, character variable, class variable, declare, definitional domain, dynamic variable, environment variable, expression, file variable, independent variable, induction variable, instance variable, integer variable, key variable, literal, loop variable, named variable, pointer variable, private variable, procedure variable, qualifier, reference variable, register variable, scalar variable, state variable, static variable, string variable, system variable, variable list, variable name, variable renaming2) изменчивый, непостоянный, изменяющийсяАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > variable
11 area erasing
12 selective erasing
13 AC erasing
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > AC erasing
14 area erasing
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > area erasing
15 digital signal erasing
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > digital signal erasing
16 registration with erasing
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > registration with erasing
См. также в других словарях:
Array data type — Not to be confused with Array data structure. In computer science, an array type is a data type that is meant to describe a collection of elements (values or variables), each selected by one or more indices that can be computed at run time by the … Wikipedia
Array — Un array (más correctamente denominado vector), es un conjunto de variables o registros del mismo tipo que puede estar almacenados en memoria principal o en memoria auxiliar. Los array de 1 dimensión se denominan vectores, los de 2 o más… … Enciclopedia Universal
Bit array — A bit array (or bitmap, in some cases) is an array data structure which compactly stores individual bits (boolean values). It implements a simple set data structure storing a subset of {1,2,..., n } and is effective at exploiting bit level… … Wikipedia
Video Graphics Array — The term Video Graphics Array (VGA) refers specifically to the display hardware first introduced with the IBM PS/2 line of computers in 1987 [cite web|title=Chronology of IBM Personal Computers|url=http://www.islandnet.com/ KPOLSSON/ibmpc/ibm1987 … Wikipedia
Video Graphics Array — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar a … Wikipedia Español
Magic-Byte — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt bedarf einer Überarbeitung. Näheres ist auf der Diskussionsseite angegeben. Hilf mit, ihn zu verbessern, und entferne anschließend diese Markierung. Eine Magische Zahl (engl. magic number) ist in der Programmierung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Magic Byte — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt bedarf einer Überarbeitung. Näheres ist auf der Diskussionsseite angegeben. Hilf mit, ihn zu verbessern, und entferne anschließend diese Markierung. Eine Magische Zahl (engl. magic number) ist in der Programmierung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Associative array — In computer science, an associative array (also called a map or a dictionary) is an abstract data type composed of a collection of (key,value) pairs, such that each possible key appears at most once in the collection. Operations associated with… … Wikipedia
Wide Video Graphics Array — 15 poliger VGA Anschluss VGA Anschlussstecker Video Graphics Array oder VGA bezeichnet einen Computergrafik Standard (EISA, 1987), der bestimmte Kombinationen von Bild … Deutsch Wikipedia
Parallel array — In computing, a parallel array is a data structure for representing arrays of records. It keeps a separate, homogeneous array for each field of the record, each having the same number of elements. Then, objects located at the same index in each… … Wikipedia
Video Graphics Array — VGA (англ. Video Graphics Array) стандарт мониторов и видеоадаптеров. Выпущен 1987 году для компьютеров PS/2 Model 50 и более старших[1]. VGA являлся последним стандартом, которому следовало большинство производителей видеоадаптеров.… … Википедия