Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 twisting

    [tw'istiŋ] n 1 torção, torcedura. 2 entrelaçamento. it gave me a twisting fig cortou-me o coração.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > twisting

  • 2 it gave me a twisting

    it gave me a twisting
    fig cortou-me o coração.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > it gave me a twisting

  • 3 screw

    [skru:] 1. noun
    1) (a type of nail that is driven into something by a firm twisting action: I need four strong screws for fixing the cupboard to the wall.) parafuso
    2) (an action of twisting a screw etc: He tightened it by giving it another screw.) apertadela
    2. verb
    1) (to fix, or be fixed, with a screw or screws: He screwed the handle to the door; The handle screws on with these screws.) aparafusar
    2) (to fix or remove, or be fixed or removed, with a twisting movement: Make sure that the hook is fully screwed in; He screwed off the lid.) (des)aparafusar
    3) ((slang, vulgar) to fuck; to have sex (with).)
    4) ((slang) to cheat or take advantage of: They screwed you - these are not real diamonds.)
    - be/get screwed
    - have a screw loose
    - put the screws on
    - screw up
    - screw up one's courage
    * * *
    [skru:] n 1 parafuso. 2 fuso. 3 hélice. 4 volta de parafuso, movimento fusiforme. 5 algo semelhante a um parafuso. 6 cavalo cansado. 7 coll guarda de prisão, carcereiro. • vt+vi 1 parafusar, atarraxar. 2 montar ou desmontar por meio de parafusos. 3 torcer, rosquear. 4 fixar com parafuso. 5 forçar, comprimir, esticar por meio de parafusos. 6 apertar, oprimir. 7 deturpar, alterar, falsificar, contorcer. 8 vulg trepar, foder. differential screw rosca diferencial. endless screw rosca sem fim. female screw rosca fêmea. male screw rosca macha. to give the screw a turn exercer pressão. to have a screw loose fig ter um parafuso solto. to put the screw on somebody exercer pressão sobre alguém. to screw down desparafusar. to screw out extorquir, arrancar, fig espremer. we screwed it out of him / sl apertamo-lo até confessar. to screw tight apertar com parafuso. to screw up 1 apertar um parafuso, instigar. 2 confundir, errar, atrapalhar tudo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > screw

  • 4 screw

    [skru:] 1. noun
    1) (a type of nail that is driven into something by a firm twisting action: I need four strong screws for fixing the cupboard to the wall.) parafuso
    2) (an action of twisting a screw etc: He tightened it by giving it another screw.) aperto
    2. verb
    1) (to fix, or be fixed, with a screw or screws: He screwed the handle to the door; The handle screws on with these screws.) parafusar
    2) (to fix or remove, or be fixed or removed, with a twisting movement: Make sure that the hook is fully screwed in; He screwed off the lid.) parafusar, desparafusar
    3) ((slang, vulgar) to fuck; to have sex (with).)
    4) ((slang) to cheat or take advantage of: They screwed you - these are not real diamonds.)
    - be/get screwed - have a screw loose - put the screws on - screw up - screw up one's courage

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > screw

  • 5 knot

    [not] 1. noun
    1) (a lump or join made in string, rope etc by twisting the ends together and drawing tight the loops formed: She fastened the string round the parcel, tying it with a knot.)
    2) (a lump in wood at the join between a branch and the trunk: This wood is full of knots.)
    3) (a group or gathering: a small knot of people) grupo
    4) (a measure of speed for ships (about 1.85 km per hour).)
    2. verb
    (to tie in a knot: He knotted the rope around the post.)
    * * *
    [nɔt] n 1 nó, laço, laçada. 2 grupo, aglomeração, aperto de gente. 3 Med nodosidade, nodulação. 4 nó de madeira, nó de ramo. 5 Bot nódulo, intumescência (no caule onde sai a folha). 6 Naut nó, milha, unidade de velocidade de um navio. 7 dificuldade, problema. 8 junção ou cruzamento de linhas. 9 fig vínculo, união. 10 cocar. • vt+vi 1 amarrar, atar, prender, ligar. 2 fazer um nó, unir com nós. 3 fig complicar(-se). the marriage knot o vínculo do casamento. to tie in knots confundir, atrapalhar.
    [nɔt] n Ornith ave pernalta da família dos Escolopacídeos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > knot

  • 6 rope

    [rəup] 1. noun
    ((a) thick cord, made by twisting together lengths of hemp, nylon etc: He tied it with a (piece of) rope; a skipping rope.) corda
    2. verb
    1) (to tie or fasten with a rope: He roped the suitcase to the roof of the car.) amarrar
    2) (to catch with a rope; to lasso: to rope a calf.) amarrar
    - rope in
    - rope off
    * * *
    [roup] n 1 corda, cabo, cordame. 2 laço. 3 baraço. 4 fig enforcamento. 5 enfiada, fileira, réstia. 6 fio de um líquido viscoso. 7 sl colar, gargantilha. • vt+vi 1 amarrar, atar com corda. 2 rodear, cingir ou separar com corda. 3 laçar. 4 sl puxar como que por corda, atrair, induzir, enredar. 5 ser formado em corda. 6 refrear o cavalo (para evitar sua vitória na corrida). 7 formar um fio viscoso ou glutinoso (líquidos). give him enough rope to hang himself deixe-o cavar a própria sepultura. give him rope deixe-o fazer como queira, dê-lhe corda. on the rope a) em posição defensiva e vulnerável. b) preso na corda (alpinismo). rope of sound segurança ilusória. the rope pena de morte por enforcamento. to be at the end of one’s rope estar no limite dos recursos, estar em situação desesperada. to hang by a rope enforcar. to know the ropes saber que apito toca, estar a par das coisas, entender do assunto. to put him up to the ropes inteirá-lo da situação. to rope down fazer descer na corda. to rope in a) cingir com cordas. b) aliciar, atrair, envolver. c) enganar, lograr, fraudar. to rope off ( out) cercar, isolar com cordas (praça, rua). to rope up fazer subir na corda.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rope

  • 7 snake

    [sneik] 1. noun
    (any of a group of legless reptiles with long bodies that move along on the ground with a twisting movement, many of which have a poisonous bite: He was bitten by a snake and nearly died.) cobra
    2. verb
    (to move like a snake: He snaked his way through the narrow tunnel.) serpentear
    - snake-charmer
    * * *
    [sneik] n 1 cobra, serpente. 2 fig pessoa traiçoeira. 3 fio de metal flexível para desentupir ralos. • vt serpentear, serpear. hooded snake cobra-de-capelo, naja ( Naja-naja). ring(ed) snake cobra-d’água (da Europa). the snake in the grass fig o perigo oculto. to see snakes ver coisas que não existem. he sees snakes / ele enxerga coisas que não existem (no delírio).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > snake

  • 8 spin

    [spin] 1. present participle - spinning; verb
    1) (to (cause to) go round and round rapidly: She spun round in surprise; He spun the revolving door round and round.) rodar
    2) (to form threads from (wool, cotton etc) by drawing out and twisting: The old woman was spinning (wool) in the corner of the room.) fiar
    2. noun
    1) (a whirling or turning motion: The patch of mud sent the car into a spin.) rodopio
    2) (a ride, especially on wheels: After lunch we went for a spin in my new car.) voltinha
    - spin-drier
    - spin out
    * * *
    [spin] n 1 rotação, giro, ato de girar. 2 corrida ou viagem rápida. 3 Aeron parafuso. 4 Amer sl interpretação particular dada a uma proposta, informação, etc. 5 torcida em roupa na máquina de lavar. • vt+vi (ps, spun, span, pp spun) 1 fiar, torcer (fio). 2 fazer fio ou fio de teia. 3 puxar, esticar, trefilar em fio. 4 girar, virar, rodar, fazer girar. 5 sentir tontura. 6 correr, andar, viajar com velocidade. 7 engendrar, inventar, contar. 8 repuxar. 9 pescar com isca giratória. 10 rodar rápida e suavemente. 11 torcer roupa na máquina de lavar. to be in a spin/ in a flat spin coll estar confuso, estar em pânico. to spin along correr (carro ou automóvel). to spin a yarn Naut contar lorotas. to spin one’s wheels sl perder tempo, trabalhar inutilmente. to spin out prolongar, fazer durar. to spin round girar, rodar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > spin

  • 9 sprain

    [sprein] 1. verb
    (to twist (a joint, especially the ankle or wrist) in such a way as to tear or stretch the ligaments: She sprained her ankle yesterday.) torcer
    2. noun
    (a twisting of a joint in this way.) entorse
    * * *
    [sprein] n torcedura, deslocamento, distensão. • vt torcer, deslocar, distender.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sprain

  • 10 stem

    I 1. [stem] noun
    1) (the part of a plant that grows upward from the root, or the part from which a leaf, flower or fruit grows; a stalk: Poppies have long, hairy, twisting stems.) haste
    2) (the narrow part of various objects, eg of a wine-glass between the bowl and the base: the stem of a wine-glass / of a tobacco-pipe.) haste
    3) (the upright piece of wood or metal at the bow of a ship: As the ship struck the rock, she shook from stem to stern.) proa
    2. verb
    ((with from) to be caused by: Hate sometimes stems from envy.) provir
    II [stem] past tense, past participle - stemmed; verb
    (to stop (a flow, eg of blood).) parar
    * * *
    [stem] n 1 tronco, talo. 2 haste, pecíolo, pedúnculo, caule. 3 pé, suporte, base. 4 Gram raiz. 5 tronco ou ramo de família, geração. 6 árvore genealógica, linhagem. 7 stems sl pernas atraentes de mulher. • vt+vi 1 remover o talo ou a haste de. 2 prover de talo. 3 ser proveniente de, originar-se, descender de. to stem from Amer originar-se de.
    [stem] n Naut talhamar, proa. from stem to stern da proa à popa, do princípio ao fim.
    [stem] vt+vi 1 parar, estancar, represar. 2 diminuir, impedir. 3 enfrentar, lutar contra as ondas ou a maré. to stem the tide lutar contra a maré.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stem

  • 11 twist

    [twist] 1. verb
    1) (to turn round (and round): He twisted the knob; The road twisted through the mountains.) enroscar(-se)
    2) (to wind around or together: He twisted the piece of string (together) to make a rope.) enrolar
    3) (to force out of the correct shape or position: The heat of the fire twisted the metal; He twisted her arm painfully.) torcer
    2. noun
    1) (the act of twisting.) torção
    2) (a twisted piece of something: He added a twist of lemon to her drink.) rosca
    3) (a turn, coil etc: There's a twist in the rope.)
    4) (a change in direction (of a story etc): The story had a strange twist at the end.) desvio
    - twister
    * * *
    [twist] n 1 guinada, mudança repentina. 2 giro, volta, rotação. 3 torcedura, torção. 4 trança. 5 entrelaçamento. 6 fio torcido, retrós, cordel, corda. 7 tecido. 8 trançado. 9 esquisitice, idiossincrasia. she has got a twist in her character / ela não regula bem. 10 espiral. 11 raias (de uma arma de fogo). 12 esforço de torção. 13 fumo em corda. 14 Amer fig mulherzinha. 15 fig truque ardiloso. 16 rosca. 17 twist: dança de contorções rítmicas. • vt+vi 1 torcer, retorcer. I twisted the knife out of his hand torci a faca da mão dele. he twisted his wrist ele torceu o pulso. 2 trançar, entrelaçar, tecer. 3 enrolar, enroscar, enlaçar. 4 fig emaranhar, enredar. 5 cingir, rodear. 6 curvar, virar. 7 torcer-se, serpear. 8 retorcer, desfigurar. 9 torcer, alterar, mudar (significado, palavras). 10 fazer grinaldas, ramalhetes. 11 dançar twist. give a twist someone’s arm induzir ou persuadir. to twist someone round one’s little finger dominar alguém completamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > twist

  • 12 unscrew

    (to remove or loosen (something) by taking out screws, or with a twisting or screwing action: He unscrewed the cupboard door; Can you unscrew this lid?) desapertar
    * * *
    [∧nskr'u:] vt+vi 1 desparafusar(-se), soltar(-se). 2 desenroscar, desatarraxar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > unscrew

  • 13 whip

    [wip] 1. noun
    1) (a long cord or strip of leather attached to a handle, used for punishing people, driving horses etc: He carries a whip but he would never use it on the horse.) chicote
    2) (in parliament, a member chosen by his party to make sure that no one fails to vote on important questions.) leader da bancada
    2. verb
    1) (to strike with a whip: He whipped the horse to make it go faster; The criminals were whipped.) chicotear
    2) (to beat (eggs etc).) bater
    3) (to move fast especially with a twisting motion like a whip: Suddenly he whipped round and saw me; He whipped out a revolver and shot her.) virar-se
    - whipped cream
    - whip up
    * * *
    [wip] n 1 chicote, azorrague, açoite, látego. 2 chicotada. 3 cocheiro. 4 picador (caça). 5 num partido, o membro encarregado de fazer comparecerem os seus correligionários às sessões do parlamento. 6 Brit, Cook sobremesa de creme, ovos, etc. batidos. • vt+vi 1 chicotear, açoitar, surrar, vergastar. 2 arrancar (paletó). 3 sacar (arma). 4 coll derrotar, vencer. 5 bater (creme, ovos, etc.). 6 franzir (costura). 7 enrolar, envolver com fio (corda, etc.). 8 pescar em. 9 mover(-se) depressa, correr, saltar. 10 pôr ou puxar depressa. chief/ government whip no partido governante, o membro que cuida do comparecimento de seus partidários ao parlamento. to whip away a) tocar, expulsar. b) arrancar. to whip back a) tocar para trás. b) percorrer rapidamente. to whip in a) reunir, ajuntar como se ajunta a boiada. b) intrometer-se, entrar na conversa. to whip into fig fazer entrar à força, inculcar (lição). to whip off a) tocar, enxotar, expulsar. b) tirar bruscamente, arrancar (chapéu, paletó). c) fugir. to whip on impelir, fazer correr mais (cavalo). to whip out a) expulsar, afugentar a chicotadas. b) puxar rapidamente, sacar (arma). to whip out of a) tocar para fora. b) fig fazer criar juízo. to whip round a) virar-se, volver rapidamente. b) sair correndo. to whip up a) tocar, fazer andar batendo. b) reunir (partidários). c) Naut guindar, içar. d) excitar sentimentos. e) rebater rapidamente (tênis).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > whip

  • 14 wring

    past tense, past participle - wrung; verb
    1) (to force (water) from (material) by twisting or by pressure: He wrung the water from his soaking-wet shirt.) torcer
    2) (to clasp and unclasp (one's hands) in desperation, fear etc.) torcer
    - wringing wet
    * * *
    [riŋ] n 1 torcedura, torção. 2 espremedura. 3 aperto. 4 prensa (de queijo), espremedor de fruta. • vt+vi (ps, pp wrung) 1 torcer(-se), retorcer(-se). I’d like to wring his neck / tenho vontade de torcer-lhe o pescoço, estou furioso com ele. 2 espremer. 3 prensar (up). 4 apertar (mão). 5 distender, luxar. 6 contorcer, desfigurar (rosto). 7 arrancar à força ( from de). 8 virar, volver (pescoço). 9 extorquir ( out of de). 10 oprimir, hostilizar, atormentar, torturar. he wrung me by the hand ele me apertou a mão. I gave his hand a wring, I gave him a wring of the hand dei-lhe um aperto de mão. to wring off arrancar torcendo. to wring one’s hands in despair torcer as mãos em desespero. to wring out espremer torcendo. to wring someone’s heart/ soul cortar o coração de alguém. it wrings my heart / faz-me doer o coração, corta-me o coração. to wring something’s neck matar algo (algum animal) torcendo o pescoço. he wrung the hen’s neck / ele torceu o pescoço da galinha. to wring water out from the washing tirar água da roupa lavada espremendo-a. wrung with fustigado, atormentado por. you can’t wring blood from a stone você não pode tirar leite das pedras, você não pode tirar dinheiro de um sovina.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wring

  • 15 knot

    [not] 1. noun
    1) (a lump or join made in string, rope etc by twisting the ends together and drawing tight the loops formed: She fastened the string round the parcel, tying it with a knot.)
    2) (a lump in wood at the join between a branch and the trunk: This wood is full of knots.)
    3) (a group or gathering: a small knot of people) grupo
    4) (a measure of speed for ships (about 1.85 km per hour).)
    2. verb
    (to tie in a knot: He knotted the rope around the post.) atar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > knot

  • 16 rope

    [rəup] 1. noun
    ((a) thick cord, made by twisting together lengths of hemp, nylon etc: He tied it with a (piece of) rope; a skipping rope.) corda
    2. verb
    1) (to tie or fasten with a rope: He roped the suitcase to the roof of the car.) amarrar com corda
    2) (to catch with a rope; to lasso: to rope a calf.) laçar
    - rope in - rope off

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > rope

  • 17 snake

    [sneik] 1. noun
    (any of a group of legless reptiles with long bodies that move along on the ground with a twisting movement, many of which have a poisonous bite: He was bitten by a snake and nearly died.) cobra, serpente
    2. verb
    (to move like a snake: He snaked his way through the narrow tunnel.) serpentear
    - snake-charmer

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > snake

  • 18 spin

    [spin] 1. present participle - spinning; verb
    1) (to (cause to) go round and round rapidly: She spun round in surprise; He spun the revolving door round and round.) girar, rodopiar
    2) (to form threads from (wool, cotton etc) by drawing out and twisting: The old woman was spinning (wool) in the corner of the room.) fiar
    2. noun
    1) (a whirling or turning motion: The patch of mud sent the car into a spin.) rodopio
    2) (a ride, especially on wheels: After lunch we went for a spin in my new car.) giro
    - spin-drier - spin out

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > spin

  • 19 sprain

    [sprein] 1. verb
    (to twist (a joint, especially the ankle or wrist) in such a way as to tear or stretch the ligaments: She sprained her ankle yesterday.) torcer
    2. noun
    (a twisting of a joint in this way.) entorse

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > sprain

  • 20 stem

    I 1. [stem] noun
    1) (the part of a plant that grows upward from the root, or the part from which a leaf, flower or fruit grows; a stalk: Poppies have long, hairy, twisting stems.) caule, haste
    2) (the narrow part of various objects, eg of a wine-glass between the bowl and the base: the stem of a wine-glass / of a tobacco-pipe.) pé, haste, tubo
    3) (the upright piece of wood or metal at the bow of a ship: As the ship struck the rock, she shook from stem to stern.) proa
    2. verb
    ((with from) to be caused by: Hate sometimes stems from envy.) provir
    II [stem] past tense, past participle - stemmed; verb
    (to stop (a flow, eg of blood).) estancar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > stem

См. также в других словарях:

  • Twisting — Twist ing, a. & n. from {Twist}. [1913 Webster] {Twisting pair}. (Kinematics) See under {Pair}, n., 7. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Twisting pair — Twisting Twist ing, a. & n. from {Twist}. [1913 Webster] {Twisting pair}. (Kinematics) See under {Pair}, n., 7. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • twisting — twist·ing n: the making of a misrepresentation by an insurance agent to cause a policyholder to surrender or lapse an insurance policy esp. for the purpose of replacing it with another policy Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster.… …   Law dictionary

  • twisting in the wind — If you are twisting in the wind, you are without help or support you are on your own …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • twisting number — twisting number. См. коэффициент закрученности. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • twisting — /twis ting/, n. the practice of an insurance agent of tricking the holder of a life insurance policy into letting it lapse so that the insured will replace it with one of a company represented by the agent. [1905 10; TWIST + ING1] * * * ▪ textile …   Universalium

  • twisting — Convincing a customer that trade are necessary in order to generate a commission. This is an unethical practice. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * twisting twist‧ing [ˈtwɪstɪŋ] noun [uncountable] disapproving MARKETING when a salesperson… …   Financial and business terms

  • twisting — n. winding, spinning; spinning of twine; rotating; revolving; distortion; overtrading, churning (Finance); use of deception to encourage clients to change life insurance companies twɪst n. instance of twisting; result of twisting; curve, bend,… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • twisting deformation — sąsūkos deformacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. torsional deformation; torsional strain; twisting deformation; twisting strain vok. Torsionsdeformation, f; Verdrehungsverformung, f; Verdrehverformung, f rus. деформация кручения,… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • twisting strain — sąsūkos deformacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. torsional deformation; torsional strain; twisting deformation; twisting strain vok. Torsionsdeformation, f; Verdrehungsverformung, f; Verdrehverformung, f rus. деформация кручения,… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Twisting — Twist Twist, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Twisted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Twisting}.] [OE. twisten, AS. twist a rope, as made of two (twisted) strands, fr. twi two; akin to D. twist a quarrel, dissension, G. zwist, Dan. & Sw. tvist, Icel. twistr the deuce in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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