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  • 1 student

    1) (an undergraduate or graduate studying for a degree at a university etc: university students; a medical student; ( also adjective) She is a student nurse/teacher.) μαθητής/ φοιτητής, σπουδαστής
    2) ((especially American) a boy or girl at school.) μαθητής
    3) (a person studying a particular thing: a student of politics.) σπουδαστής, μελετητής

    English-Greek dictionary > student

  • 2 Student

    Ar. and P. μαθητής, ὁ, P. φοιτητής, ὁ.
    Student of: P. μαθητής, ὁ (gen.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Student

  • 3 student

    1) φοιτητής
    2) φοιτήτρια

    Česká-řecký slovník > student

  • 4 student

    1) φοιτητής
    2) φοιτήτρια

    English-Greek new dictionary > student

  • 5 allocate

    1) (to give (to someone) for his own use: He allocated a room to each student.) κατανέμω
    2) (to set apart (for a particular purpose): They allocated $500 to the project.) διαθέτω

    English-Greek dictionary > allocate

  • 6 apt

    1) ((with to) likely: He is apt to get angry if you ask a lot of questions.) που έχει τάση να
    2) (suitable: an apt remark.) ταιριαστός, εύστοχος
    3) (clever; quick to learn: an apt student.) έξυπνος
    - aptness

    English-Greek dictionary > apt

  • 7 cadet

    [kə'det] 1. noun
    1) (a student in a military, naval or police school: an army cadet; a police cadet.) μαθητής στρατιωτικής σχολής, δόκιμος
    2) (a schoolboy taking military training.) μαθητής σχολείου που εκπαιδεύεται στρατιωτικά
    2. adjective
    a school cadet force.) στρατιωτικός

    English-Greek dictionary > cadet

  • 8 co-ed

    noun (a woman student at a college or at a co-educational school.) φοιτήτρια μεικτού σχολείου

    English-Greek dictionary > co-ed

  • 9 consent

    [kən'sent] 1. verb
    (to give permission or agree (to): I had no choice but to consent to the plan; Her father consented to her marrying me although I was just a poor student.) συγκατατίθεμαι
    2. noun
    (agreement; permission: You have my consent to leave.) συγκατάθεση

    English-Greek dictionary > consent

  • 10 credit

    ['kredit] 1. noun
    1) (time allowed for payment of goods etc after they have been received: We don't give credit at this shop.) πίστωση
    2) (money loaned (by a bank).) δάνειο
    3) (trustworthiness regarding ability to pay for goods etc: Your credit is good.) πίστη, φερεγγυότητα
    4) ((an entry on) the side of an account on which payments received are entered: Our credits are greater than our debits.) πίστωση
    5) (the sum of money which someone has in an account at a bank: Your credit amounts to 2,014 dollars.) πιστωτικό υπόλοιπο
    6) (belief or trust: This theory is gaining credit.) αξιοπιστία
    7) ((American) a certificate to show that a student has completed a course which counts towards his degree.) πιστοποιητικό σπουδών
    2. verb
    1) (to enter (a sum of money) on the credit side (of an account): This cheque was credited to your account last month.) πιστώνω
    2) ((with with) to think of (a person or thing) as having: He was credited with magical powers.) αποδίδω
    3) (to believe (something) to be possible: Well, would you credit that!) πιστεύω
    - creditably
    - creditor
    - credits
    - credit card
    - be a credit to someone
    - be a credit to
    - do someone credit
    - do credit
    - give someone credit for something
    - give credit for something
    - give someone credit
    - give credit
    - on credit
    - take the credit for something
    - take credit for something
    - take the credit
    - take credit

    English-Greek dictionary > credit

  • 11 diligent

    (conscientious; hardworking: a diligent student.) επιμελής
    - diligence

    English-Greek dictionary > diligent

  • 12 earnest

    1) (serious or over-serious: an earnest student; She wore an earnest expression.) σοβαρός
    2) (showing determination, sincerity or strong feeling: He made an earnest attempt to improve his work.) ειλικρινής
    - earnestly
    - in earnest

    English-Greek dictionary > earnest

  • 13 fellow

    ['feləu] 1. noun
    1) (a man: He's quite a nice fellow but I don't like him.) άνθρωπος,τύπος
    2) ((often as part of a word) a companion and equal: She is playing with her schoolfellows.) σύντροφος,συνάδελφος,συμμαθητής
    3) (a member of certain academic societies; a member of the governing body or teaching staff of a college.) υφηγητής
    2. adjective
    (belonging to the same group, country etc: a fellow student; a fellow music-lover.) συν-,ομο-
    - fellow-feeling

    English-Greek dictionary > fellow

  • 14 fellowship

    1) (an association (of people with common interests): a youth fellowship (= a club for young people).) εταιρία, αδελφότητα, σύλλογος
    2) (friendliness.) πνεύμα αλληλεγγύης, συντροφικότητα
    3) (a scholarship given to a graduate student for advanced studies or for research.) επιχορηγούμενη θέση πανεπιστημιακού βοηθού, υποτροφία

    English-Greek dictionary > fellowship

  • 15 gloss

    [ɡlos] 1. noun
    (brightness or shininess on the surface: Her hair has a lovely gloss; ( also adjective) gloss paint.) γυαλάδα
    2. verb
    (to make a glossary: The student glossed the difficult terms in order to understand the article.) ερμηνεύω, επεξηγώ
    - glossy
    - glossiness
    - gloss over

    English-Greek dictionary > gloss

  • 16 minor

    1. adjective
    1) (less, or little, in importance, size etc: Always halt when driving from a minor road on to a major road; She has to go into hospital for a minor operation.) μικρός,ασήμαντος,δευτερεύων
    2) ((American) a secondary subject that a student chooses to study at university or college: Her major is in physics, but she has a minor in computer science.)
    2. verb
    ((American) to study something as a minor subject: He is minoring in French.) παρακολουθώ επιλεγόμενο (δευτερεύον) μάθημα
    3. noun
    (a person who is not yet legally an adult.) ανήλικος
    - be in the minority

    English-Greek dictionary > minor

  • 17 namely

    adverb (that is: Only one student passed the exam, namely John.) συγκεκριμένα

    English-Greek dictionary > namely

  • 18 outstanding

    1) (excellent; very good: an outstanding student.) εξαίρετος
    2) (not yet paid, done etc: You must pay all outstanding bills.) εκκρεμής

    English-Greek dictionary > outstanding

  • 19 painstaking

    adjective (going to great trouble and taking great care: a painstaking student.) φιλόπονος

    English-Greek dictionary > painstaking

  • 20 post-graduate

    [pəus'ɡrædjuət, ]( American[) -‹uət] 1. adjective
    ((of studies etc) done etc after a (first) university degree.) μεταπτυχιακός
    2. noun
    (a student doing post-graduate studies.) πτυχιούχος που κάνει μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές

    English-Greek dictionary > post-graduate

См. также в других словарях:

  • Student activism — is work done by students to effect political, environmental, economic, or social change. It has often focused on making changes in schools, such as increasing student influence over curriculum or improving educational funding. In some settings,… …   Wikipedia

  • Student voice — describes the distinct perspectives and actions of young people throughout schools focused on education. [Fletcher, A. (n.d.) [http://www.newhorizons.org/voices/fletcher.htm Broadening the bounds of involvement: Transforming schools with student… …   Wikipedia

  • Student Affairs — staff are responsible for academic advising and support services delivery at colleges and universities in the United States and abroad. The chief student affairs officer at a college or university often reports directly to the chief executive of… …   Wikipedia

  • Student loans in Canada — help post secondary students pay for their education in Canada. The federal government funds the Canada Student Loan Program (CSLP) and the provinces may fund their own programs or run in parallel with the CSLP. In addition, Canadian banks offer… …   Wikipedia

  • Student financial aid in the United States — is funding intended to help students pay education expenses including tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, etc. for education at a college, university, or private school. General governmental funding for public education is not… …   Wikipedia

  • Student Life (university ministry) — Student Life is the university ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ in Australia and New Zealand. Campus Crusade for Christ International was founded in 1951 by Bill Bright at the University of California, Los Angeles. Student Life Australia… …   Wikipedia

  • Student engagement — is increasingly seen as an indicator of successful classroom instruction, and as a valued outcome of school reform. The phrase has been identified as the latest buzzword in education circles. [Kenny, G. Kenny, D. and Dumont, R. (1995) Mission and …   Wikipedia

  • Student (newspaper) — Student is a weekly British independent newspaper produced by students at the University of Edinburgh. Founded in 1887 by author Robert Louis Stevenson, it is the oldest student newspaper in the United Kingdom and currently holds the title of… …   Wikipedia

  • Student development theories — Student development theory refers to the body of theories related to how students gain knowledge in post secondary education environments. History The earliest theory or tradition that evolved with the first universities in Europe was in loco… …   Wikipedia

  • Student welfare organisation — ( no. Studentsamskipnad) is a legal entity responsible for the welfare of students of universities, university colleges, scientific universities and other colleges in Norway. The 25 organisations are regulated by the Student Welfare Organisation… …   Wikipedia

  • Student Housing at UC Irvine — Student housing at the University of California, Irvine is separated between freshmen, continuing students, graduate students, and faculty. These accommodations serve a traditional purpose of housing residents, but also serve as a long term… …   Wikipedia

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