1 by element in category
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов > by element in category
2 utilization category (of a fuse-link)
категория применения( плавкой вставки)
Совокупность требований, предъявляемых к условиям, в которых плавкая вставка выполняет свое назначение, и выбранных с целью отражения определенной группы практических случаев применения (см. 5.7.1).
[ ГОСТ Р 50339. 0-2003 ( МЭК 60269-1-98)]
категория применения плавкой вставки предохранителя
Совокупность установленных требований, относящихся к условиям, в которых плавкая вставка предохранителя выполняет свои функции, и выбранных с той целью, чтобы в них была отражена характерная группа практических случаев применения.
[ ГОСТ 17242-86]EN
utilization category (of a fuse-link)
combination of specified requirements related to the conditions in which the fuse-link fulfils its purpose, selected to represent a characteristic group of practical applications
[IEC 60269-1, ed. 4.0 (2006-11)]FR
catégorie d'emploi (d' un élément de remplacement)
ensemble d’exigences spécifiées relatives aux conditions dans lesquelles l'élément de remplacement remplit son office, choisies pour représenter un groupe caractéristique d'applications pratiques
[IEC 60269-1, ed. 4.0 (2006-11)]Недопустимые, нерекомендуемые
Примечание(1)- Мнение автора карточкиТематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > utilization category (of a fuse-link)
3 cost element
элемент затрат
Затраты, однородные по своему экономическому содержанию. Затраты, образующие себестоимость продукции (работ, услуг), группируются в соответствии с их экономическим содержанием по следующим элементам: материальные затраты; затраты на оплату труда; отчисления на социальные нужды; амортизация основных фондов; прочие затраты.
[ http://www.lexikon.ru/dict/buh/index.html]
элемент затрат
(ITIL Service Strategy)
Категория среднего уровня, на которую относятся затраты в бюджетировании и учёте затрат. Категория верхнего уровня – тип затрат. Например, тип затрат «персонал» может состоять из таких элементов затрат, как «зарплата», «премии», «обучение», «переработки», «текущие расходы» и т.п. Элементы затрат могут быть разбиты на единицы затрат. Например, элемент затрат «текущие расходы» может состоять из таких единиц затрат, как «отели», «транспортные расходы», «питание» и т.д.
[Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]EN
cost element
(ITIL Service Strategy)
The middle level of category to which costs are assigned in budgeting and accounting. The highest-level category is cost type. For example, a cost type of ‘people’ could have cost elements of pay roll, staff benefits, expenses, training, overtime etc. Cost elements can be further broken down to give cost units. For example, the cost element ‘expenses’ could include cost units of hotels, transport, meals etc.
[Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > cost element
4 set
1) набор; комплект- semiconductor assembly set - set of Belleville springs - set of conventional set - set of drawing instruments - set of gate patterns - set of gauge blocks - set of logical elements - set of statistical data - set of technical aids- snap set2) партия3) совокупность; множество4) установка; агрегат- desk telephone set - dial telephone set- gear set- local-battery telephone set - man-pack radio set - multi-operator welding set - sound-powered telephone set - wall telephone set5) регулировка; настройка || регулировать; настраивать6) группа; ансамбль7) класс; семейство9) схватывание || схватываться10) затвердевание || затвердевать11) крепление || закреплять12) геол. свита пород13) осадка (грунта) || оседать ( о грунте)14) радиоточка15) спорт сет16) включать, приводить в действие17) мат. множествоset closed under operation — множество, замкнутое относительно операции
- absolutely compact set - absolutely continuous set - absolutely convex set - absolutely irreducible set - absolutely measurable set - affinely independent set - affinely invariant set - algebraically independent set - almost finite set - almost full set - angular cluster set - asymptotically indecomposable set - at most denumerable set - centro-symmetric set - completely bounded set - completely continuous set - completely generating set - completely improper set - completely irreducible set - completely nonatomic set - completely normal set - completely ordered set - completely productive set - completely reducible set - completely separable set - constructively nonrecursive set - convexly independent set - countably infinite setto set aside — не учитывать, не принимать во внимание; откладывать
- cut set- cyclically ordered set - deductively inconsistent set - derived set - doubly well-ordered set - dual set of equations - dynamically disconnected set - effectively enumerable set - effectively generating set - effectively nonrecursive set - effectively simple set - enumeration reducible set - finely perfect set - finitely definite set - finitely measurable set- flat set- full set- fully reducible set - functionally closed set - functionally complete set - functionally open set - fundamental probability set - generalized almost periodic set- goal set- internally stable set- knot set- left directed set - left normal set - left-hand cluster set - linearly ordered set - local peak set - locally arcwise set - locally closed set - locally compact set - locally connected set - locally contractible set - locally convex set - locally finite set - locally invariant set - locally negligible set - locally null set - locally polar set - locally polyhedral set - metrically bounded set - metrically dense set - multiply ordered set - nearly analytic set - nearly closed set - nonvoid set - normally ordered set- null set- open in rays set - partitioned data set- peak set- pole set- positively homothetic set- pure set- radially open set - rationally independent set - recursively creative set - recursively indecomposable set - recursively isomorphic set - recursively productive set - regularly convex set - regularly situated sets - relatively closed set - relatively compact set - relatively dense set - relatively interpretable set - relatively open set - right normal set - right-hand cluster set- scar set- sequentially complete set - serially ordered set - set of elementary events - set of first category - set of first kind - set of first species - set of possible outcomes - set of probability null - set of second category - set of second species - shift invariant set - simply connected set - simply ordered set - simply transitive set- skew set- star set- strongly bounded set - strongly closed set - strongly compact set - strongly connected set - strongly convex set - strongly dependent set - strongly disjoint sets - strongly enumerable set - strongly independent set - strongly minimal set - strongly polar set - strongly reducible set - strongly separated set - strongly simple set - strongly stratified set- tame set- tautologically complete set - tautologically consistent set - tautologically inconsistent set- test set- thin set- tie set- time set- totally disconnected set - totally imperfect set - totally ordered set - totally primitive set - totally unimodular set - totally unordered set - truth-table reducible set - uniformly bounded set - uniformly continuous set - uniformly convergent set - uniformly integrable set - uniformly universal set - unilaterally connected set- unit set- vacuous set- void set- weakly compact set - weakly convex set - weakly n-dimensional set - weakly stratified set - weakly wandering set - well chained set - well founded set - well measurable set - well ordering set - well quasiordered set -
5 unit
организационная единица; боевая единица (напр. корабль, ЛА танк); подразделение; часть; соединение; расчетно-снабженческая единица; секция; орган; элемент; комплект; агрегат; установка; см. тж. elementbulk petrol (transport) unit — Бр. часть [подразделение] подвоза наливного (бестарного) горючего
counter C3 unit — часть [подразделение] подавления системы оперативного управления и связи
Fleet Marine (Corps) reconnaissance unit — разведывательное подразделение [часть] флотских сил МП
multisensor (AA) firing unit 3PK — с приборным комплексом из нескольких систем обнаружения и сопровождения
photo (graphic) reconnaissance unit — фоторазведывательная часть [подразделение]
surface-launched unit, fuel air explosive — установка дистанционного разминирования объемным взрывом
surface-launched unit, mine — установка дистанционного минирования
tactical (air) control unit — часть [подразделение] управления ТА
war (time) strength (TOE) unit — часть, укомплектованная по штатам военного времени
— air unit— ASA unit— BM unit— border operation unit— car unit— depot support unit— dry unit— EW unit— GM unit— host country unit— HQ unit— logistics support unit— manpack radio unit— marksmanship training unit— mechanized infantry unit— missile-armed unit— nuclear weapon unit— provisional unit— QM unit— Rangers unit— supported unit— TOE unit— transportation unit— truck transport unit— van unit— wet unit* * *1) часть; 2) единица -
6 simplicial
1) симплициальный
2) симплексный
3) симплектический ∙ isomorphic simplicial complexes ≈ изоморфные симплициальные комплексы projectively simplicial polytope ≈ проективно симплициальный политоп sequence of simplicial mappings ≈ последовательность симплициальных отображений smallest closed simplicial face ≈ наименьшая замкнутая симплициальная грань - locally simplicial - simplicial algebra - simplicial approximation - simplicial arrangement - simplicial boundary - simplicial carrier - simplicial category - simplicial cell - simplicial chain - simplicial circle - simplicial cofibration - simplicial collapsing - simplicial complex - simplicial covering - simplicial decomposition - simplicial dissection - simplicial domain - simplicial element - simplicial face - simplicial geometry - simplicial group - simplicial homology - simplicial homotopy - simplicial manifold - simplicial matroid - simplicial measure - simplicial module - simplicial morphism - simplicial net - simplicial object - simplicial operator - simplicial pair - simplicial partition - simplicial polyhedron - simplicial polytope - simplicial product - simplicial pseudomanifold - simplicial realization - simplicial refinement - simplicial resolution - simplicial ring - simplicial sequence - simplicial set - simplicial sheaf - simplicial spectrum - simplicial subcomplex - simplicial subdivision - simplicial subset - simplicial trajectory - simplicial transformation - simplicial triadБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > simplicial
7 cost classification
учет классификация затрат (группировка затрат по тем или иным свойствам (напр., разбивка на текущие и капитальные затраты, на прямые и накладные и т. д.))See:cost category, direct cost, indirect cost, fixed cost, variable cost, mixed cost, labour cost, overhead cost, material cost, wage cost, distribution cost, selling cost, administrative cost, cost composition of output, cost measurement, cost modules, cost element* * * -
8 product
сущ.1)а) эк. продукт, изделие, товар (предмет, созданный человеком, машиной или природой; чаще всего имеются в виду предметы, созданные с целью продажи); мн. продукцияfood products — продукты, продовольственные товары
high-quality product — товар высокого качества, высококачественный [первоклассный\] товар
premium quality [premium grade\] product — товар высшего сорта [качества\], товар класса премиум-класса
undiscounted products — товары, продаваемые без скидки
fairly-priced product — товар по приемлемой [справедливой\] цене
See:acceptable product, accessory product, actual product, adulterated product, advanced technology products, ageing product, agricultural product, alimentary products, allied products, all-meat product, alternative products, ancillary product, anonymous product, augmented product, bakery products 1), basic product, beauty product, best-selling product, business products, by-product 1), &3, capitalized product, captive product, characteristic product, 2), co-product, commercialized product, commodity product, common product, comparable products, competing products, competiting products, competitive product, competitive products, complementary products, complete product, complicated product, conforming product, consumer products, consumer durable product, convenience products, core product, crop products, custom-designed product, customized product, custom-made product, declining product, deficient product, dehydrated product, differentiated product, diminishing marginal product, disposable product, diversified products, DIY product, do-it-yourself product, domestic product, durable products, egg product, electronics products, end product 2), &3, energy-saving product, entrenched product, essential product, established product, ethical product, ethnic product, everyday product, exclusive product, export products, fair trade product, fairly traded product, fairtrade product, fighting product, final product 1), а&2, financial product, food products, foreign products, formal product, functional product, generic product, global product, green products, grooming product, hair-care product, half-finished product, harmful product, health product, hedonic product, heterogeneous product, high performance product, high quality product, high-interest product 1), high-involvement products, high-margin product, high-reliability product, high-risk product, high-tech product, high-turnover product, high-value product, home-grown product, home-produced product, homogeneous product, hot product, household cleaning product, household maintenance products, household product, hygiene product, imitative product, imperfect product, import products, import-sensitive products, impulse product, industrial product, inferior product, information product, innovative product, in-process product, intangible product, interlocking products, intermediate product, investigated product, joint product, key product, knowledge-intensive product, known product, laundry products, lead product, leading edge product, leisure products, leisure-time products, licensed product, line extension product, livestock product, low-interest product 1), low-involvement products, low-value product, luxury product, main product 2), &3, manufactured products, marginal physical product, marginal product, mature product, me-too product, metal product, misbranded product, multinational product, multiple-use product 2), mundane product, national product, necessary product, necessity product, new product, no-name product, nonconforming product, non-conforming product, non-durable products, nonfood products, non-standard product, novel product, office products, off-price product, off-standard product, oil products, one-shot product, optional product, over-engineered product, paper products, parity products, patentable product, patented product, patent-protected product, payment product, pension product, pharmaceutical product, physical product, plant products, potential product, premium product, prestige products, price-sensitive product, primary products, prime product, printed products, private brand products, private label products, processed product, qualified product, quality products, ready-made product, rejected product, related product, replacement product, representative product, retirement product, revenue product, revised product, safe product, saleable product, salutary product, satisfactory product, scarce product, second generation product, secondary product, semi-finished products, shoddy product, sideline product, single-use product, skill-intensive product, slow-moving product, social product, sophisticated product, standardized products, sugared product, superior product, supplementary products, surplus product, synthetic product, tainted products, tangible product, tied product, tied products, tinned products, tobacco products 1), tying products, unacceptable product, unbranded product, unidentified product, unpatented product, unsafe product, unsaleable product, unsatisfactory product, utilitarian product, vendible product, viable product, wanted product, well-designed product, worthwhile product, product acceptability, product acceptance, product adaptability, product adaptation, product addition, product advertising, product analysis, product announcement, product application, product area, product arsenal, product assessment, product association, product assortment, product assurance, product augmentation, product availability, product awareness, product benefit, product billing, product brand, product branding, product bundling, product capabilities, product category, product choice, product claim, product class, product classification, product company, product compatibility, product competition, product comprehension, product concept, product conception, product control, product copy, product cost, product costing, product coverage, product cycle, product decision, product deletion, product demand, product demonstration, product departmentalization, product design, product development, product differences, product differentiation, product display, product distribution network, product diversification, product division, product element, product elimination, product engineering, product enhancement, product evaluation, product evolution, product exchange, product exhaustion, product expansion, product extension, product failure, product family, product field, product flows, product form, product graduation, product group, product homogeneity, product idea, product image, product improvement, product inflation, product innovation, product inspection, product integrity, product introduction, product invention, product item, product knowledge, product label, product labelling, product layout, product leveraging, product liability, product life, product life cycle, product line, product lineup, product literature, product management, product manager, product manual, product market, product marketing, product matching, product message, product mix, product modification, product name, product nameplate, product offering, product opportunity, product organization, product orientation, product origin, product patent, product perception, product performance, product personality, product placement, product plan, product planner, product planning, product policy, product portfolio, product position, product positioning, product preference, product presentation, product price, product pricing, product profile, product proliferation, product promotion, product proof, product protection, product publicity, product puffery, product quality, product quantity, product range, product rationalization, product recall, product release, product requirements, product research, product research and development, product retailer, product revision, product revolution, product safety, product sales, product sample, product sampling, product satisfaction, product segment, product segmentation, product shortage, product specialization, product specifications, product standard, product statement, product strategy, product structure, product style, product styling, product subline, product superiority, product survey, product tangibility, product team, product technology, product test, product testimony, product testing, product trial, product type, product uniformity, product usage, product validation, product variation, product variety, product warranty, endorse a product, Central Product Classification, Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product, Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers, Clay Product and Refractory Manufacturing, debt-for-products swapб) эк. продукт, объем продукции ( количество произведенных товаров или услуг)company's product — продукция компании, товары компании
See:2) общ. результат, продукт (итог какой-л. деятельности)History is the product of social and economic forces. — История — это результат взаимодействия общественных и экономических факторов.
the product of this activity is radiation — в результате этой деятельности появляется радиация.
See:3) мат. произведение ( результат умножения двух чисел)
* * *
продукт, товар: что-либо производимое для продажи.* * ** * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * * -
9 hazard
1. n риск, опасностьat all hazards — любой ценой; чего бы это ни стоило; во что бы то ни стало
2. n источник опасностиthe hazards of the big city — опасности, подстерегающие человека в большом городе
3. n шанс; случай, случайность4. n вид азартной игры в кости5. n ударlosing hazard — удар «свой шар в лузе»
6. n уст. луза7. n обыкн. часть поля с естественными и искусственными препятствиями и помехами8. n часть площадки, куда подаётся мяч9. n стоянка экипажей10. n спец. интенсивность отказов11. v рисковать, ставить на картуto hazard all consequences — идти на всё, не задумываться о последствиях
12. v осмеливаться, отваживаться13. v уст. загнать шар в лузуСинонимический ряд:1. chance (noun) accident; chance; doubt; fortuitousness; fortuity; fortune; gamble; hap; luck; possibility; risk; uncertainty; venture2. danger (noun) danger; endangerment; imperilment; jeopardy; menace; peril; risk; threat3. endanger (verb) compromise; dare; endanger; imperil; jeopard; jeopardize; jeopardy; menace; peril; threaten4. gamble (verb) gamble; guess; offer; speculate; stake; try5. pretend (verb) presume; pretend6. venture (verb) adventure; chance; risk; venture; wagerАнтонимический ряд:calculation; certainty; confidence; conviction; decision; design; determination; fact; guarantee; law; necessity; plan; proof; protect; protection; safety -
10 cost unit
единица затрат
(ITIL Service Strategy)
Категория нижнего уровня, на которую относятся затраты. Единицы затрат – это, обычно, легко исчислимые (например, численность сотрудников, количество лицензий на программное обеспечение) или измеримые объекты (например, загрузка ЦПУ, потребленная электроэнергия). Единицы затрат являются составными частями элементов затрат. Например, элемент затрат «текущие расходы» может состоять из таких единиц затрат, как «отели», «транспортные расходы», «питание» и т.д.
См. тж. тип затрат.
[Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]EN
cost unit
(ITIL Service Strategy)
The lowest level of category to which costs are assigned, cost units are usually things that can be easily counted (e.g. staff numbers, software licences) or things easily measured (e.g. CPU usage, electricity consumed). Cost units are included within cost elements. For example, a cost element of «expenses» could include cost units of hotels, transport, meals etc.
See also cost type.
[Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]Тематики
калькуляционная единица
Единица продукции или услуг, на которую относятся затраты при калькулировании (Напр. в добыче угля – тонна, нефти – баррель, в гостиничном бизнесе – номер и т.п.)
[ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > cost unit
11 cost type
тип затрат
(ITIL Service Strategy)
Категория верхнего уровня, на которую относятся затраты в бюджетировании и учёте затрат. Например, «оборудование», «программное обеспечение», «персонал», «размещение», «внешние» и «внутренние платежи».
См. тж. элемент затрат; единица затрат.
[Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]EN
cost type
(ITIL Service Strategy)
Category to which costs are assigned in budgeting and accounting - for example, hardware, software, people, accommodation, external and transfer.
See also cost element; cost unit.
[Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > cost type
См. также в других словарях:
Category of groups — In mathematics, the category Grp has the class of all groups for objects and group homomorphisms for morphisms. As such, it is a concrete category. The study of this category is known as group theory.The monomorphisms in Grp are precisely the… … Wikipedia
element — el·e·ment n: one of the constituent parts (as a particular act, a mental state, or an attendant circumstance) of a crime as defined by statute that the prosecution must prove to win a conviction Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam… … Law dictionary
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Category of sets — In mathematics, the category of sets, denoted as Set, is the category whose objects are all sets and whose morphisms are all functions. It is the most basic and the most commonly used category in mathematics.Properties of the category of setsThe… … Wikipedia
Element (category theory) — In category theory, the concept of an element, or a point, generalizes the more usual set theoretic concept of an element of a set to an object of any category. This idea often allows to restate definitions or properties of morphisms (such as… … Wikipedia
Category theory — In mathematics, category theory deals in an abstract way with mathematical structures and relationships between them: it abstracts from sets and functions to objects and morphisms . Categories now appear in most branches of mathematics and in… … Wikipedia
Category (mathematics) — In mathematics, a category is an algebraic structure that comprises objects that are linked by arrows . A category has two basic properties: the ability to compose the arrows associatively and the existence of an identity arrow for each object. A … Wikipedia
Category of abelian groups — In mathematics, the category Ab has the abelian groups as objects and group homomorphisms as morphisms. This is the prototype of an abelian category.The monomorphisms in Ab are the injective group homomorphisms, the epimorphisms are the… … Wikipedia
Element (mathematics) — In mathematics, an element or member of a set is any one of the distinct objects that make up that set. Contents 1 Sets 2 Notation and terminology 3 Cardinality of sets 4 Exampl … Wikipedia
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