1 deliberate intention
Дипломатический термин: заранее продуманное намерение, обдуманная цель -
2 deliberate intention
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > deliberate intention
3 deliberate intention
обдуманная цель, заранее продуманное намерениеEnglish-russian dctionary of diplomacy > deliberate intention
4 by deliberate intention
по заранее задуманному плану/с умыслом/преднамеренноEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > by deliberate intention
5 intention
[ɪn'tenʃ(ə)n]nнамерение, планы, стремление, замысел, цельWe had every intention of finishing the job in time. — У нас были наилучшие намерения закончить работу во-время.
I haven't the slightest intention to accept/of accepting this offer. — Я совершенно не намерен принимать это предложение.
Many thanks for your kind intentions. — Спасибо за ваши добрые намерения.
Teaching was my original intention. — Моей первоначальной целью была преподавательская деятельность.
- one's firm intentionThe road to hell is paved with good intentions. — ◊ Дорога в ад вымощена благими намерениями
- smb's original intention
- unexpressed intention
- hastily-formed intention
- intention of the poem
- chief intention of the builder is stability
- best of intentions
- purity of smb's intentions
- with very goods intention
- without personal intention
- with no intention of doing smth
- with no intention to buy
- with the intention of helping him
- by deliberate intention
- by his expressed intention
- against smb's intentions
- whatever his intentions
- have good intentions
- do smth without intention
- reveal the original intentions
- defeat the best intentions
- look for an evil intention in everything
- have serious intentions
- do smth with secret intentions
- court a woman with honourable intentions
- express one's intentions
- declare one's intentions
- give up one's intentions
- make one's intentions known
- conceal one's intentions
- accomplish one's intention
- not to carry out one's intentions
- do smth against smb's intentions
- have no intention to do smth
- have no the slightest intention of accepting
- come with the intention of discussing all our complaints
- man of excellent intentions
- good acts are better than good intentions -
6 intention
7 reason
1. n причина; основаниеby reason of …, for the reason that … — по причине того, что …, из-за того, что …
for no other reason than that I forgot — по той простой причине, что я забыл
with reason — с основанием, по основательным причинам
2. n основание, мотив, соображение; оправданиеto prove with reasons — доказать аргументами, представить резонные соображения
I have good reason to fear that … — у меня все основания опасаться, что …
give me your reasons for refusing — мотивируйте свой отказ, изложите мотивы вашего отказа
alleging as his reason that … — мотивируя тем, что …
valid reason — веское основание; уважительная причина
3. n объяснение, обоснование; мотивированное заявление4. n лог. малая посылка5. v размышлять, рассуждать; делать выводы, умозаключатьto reason from premises — делать вывод из посылок; сделать логический вывод
to reason that … — прийти к выводу, что …
6. v мыслитьthe ability to reason makes man different from animals — способность мыслить отличает человека от животного
7. v обсуждать; дебатировать, дискутировать; рассуждатьto reason what is to be done — обсуждать, что сделать
8. v уговаривать, урезонивать9. v уговорить, убедитьhis mind is pervious to reason — он поддаётся убеждению, его можно убедить
10. v разубеждать11. v преим... обосновывать, аргументировать; доказыватьto reason that … — аргументировать тем, что …; приводить в качестве довода то, что …
12. v уст. библ. спорить или беседоватьСинонимический ряд:1. argument (noun) argument; ground; proof; wherefore; why; whyfor2. basis (noun) basis; foundation; justification; warrant3. cause (noun) antecedent; cause; determinant; occasion4. explanation (noun) account; excuse; explanation; ratiocination; rationale; rationalisation; rationalization5. motive (noun) consideration; motive; spring6. objective (noun) aim; design; impetus; incentive; intention; object; objective7. point (noun) case; point8. rationalism (noun) common sense; discernment; intellect; intelligence; judgement; rationalism; understanding9. reasons (noun) grounds; motivation; purpose; reasons10. sense (noun) judgment; logic; rationale; rationality; sense11. wit (noun) acumen; lucidity; mind; saneness; sanity; senses; soundness; soundnesss; wit; wits12. argue (verb) argue; contend; convince; discuss; dispute; influence; persuade13. think (verb) analyse; analyze; cerebrate; cogitate; conclude; contemplate; debate; deduce; deliberate; examine; induce; infer; rationalise; rationalize; reflect; speculate; thinkАнтонимический ряд:fallacy; falsification; folly; guess; impropriety; intuition; irrationality; misconception; misinterpretation; pretence; pretext; wrong -
8 resolve
1. n решение, намерениеto resolve legitimately — принять решение на законном основании или в соответствии с установленной законом процедурой
2. n амер. резолюция, решение3. n полит. решительность, смелость, решимость4. v решать, принимать решениеwhat has been resolved? — что было решено?; какое решение было принято?
to be resolved — принять твёрдое решение, твёрдо решиться
5. v принимать решение, резолюцию; решать голосованием, постановлятьresolve on — решаться; решиться
6. v решаться7. v разрешать; устранять8. v решать; объяснять9. v редк. побуждатьthe knowledge of the facts resolved him to act at once — факты вынудили его действовать без промедления
Синонимический ряд:1. decision (noun) decidedness; decision; decisiveness; determination; firmness; purposefulness; purposiveness; resoluteness; resolution2. purpose (noun) certainty; certitude; conviction; fortitude; intention; perseverance; purpose; will3. analyze (verb) analyze; anatomise; anatomize; break down; decompose; decompound; dissect4. change (verb) change; convert; reduce; transform5. determine (verb) conclude; confirm; decide; deliberate; determine; establish; figure; fix on; rule; settle on6. separate (verb) analyse; break up; clear; disintegrate; dispel; disperse; scatter; separate7. settle (verb) reconcile; rectify; settle; smooth over; straighten out8. solve (verb) break; clear up; decipher; dissolve; explain; explicate; figure out; fix; puzzle out; solve; unfold; unravel; unriddle; untangle; work; work outАнтонимический ряд:begin; consolidate; hesitation; indecision; unite
См. также в других словарях:
deliberate intention — index forethought, premeditation Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
deliberate — de·lib·er·ate 1 /di li bə ˌrāt/ vb at·ed, at·ing vi: to think about and weigh or discuss issues and decisions carefully the jury retired to deliberate vt: to think about or evaluate de·lib·er·ate 2 /di li bə rət/ adj … Law dictionary
deliberate — adj 1 willful, intentional, *voluntary, willing Analogous words: purposed, intended (see INTEND): conscious, cognizant, *aware: mortal, *deadly Antonyms: impulsive Contrasted words: inadvertent, * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Intention tremor — Classification and external resources ICD 10 G25.2 ICD 9 333.1 … Wikipedia
intention — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ original ▪ My original intention was to study all morning, but this turned out to be impractical. ▪ declared, stated ▪ real, true … Collocations dictionary
Intention — An s intention in performing an action is his or her specific purpose in doing so, the end or goal that is aimed at, or intended to accomplish. Whether an action is successful or unsuccessful depends at least on whether the intended result was… … Wikipedia
deliberate — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} verb Deliberate is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑jury {{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}} adj. Deliberate is used with these nouns: ↑act, ↑attempt, ↑breach, ↑choice, ↑cruelty, ↑deception, ↑destruction, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
intention — Determination to act in a certain way or to do a certain thing. Meaning; will; purpose; design. Intention, when used with reference to the construction of wills and other documents, means the sense and meaning of it, as gathered from the words… … Black's law dictionary
intention — Determination to act in a certain way or to do a certain thing. Meaning; will; purpose; design. Intention, when used with reference to the construction of wills and other documents, means the sense and meaning of it, as gathered from the words… … Black's law dictionary
Paradoxical intention — In psychotherapy, paradoxical intention is the deliberate practice of a neurotic habit or thought, undertaken in order to identify and remove it (Man s Search for Meaning Victor Frankl). Frankl considers that coping with neuroses is often hinderd … Wikipedia
Sin — • A moral evil Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Sin Sin † Catholic Encyclopedia ► … Catholic encyclopedia