1 busy signal
busy signal сигнал 'занято' (по телефону) -
2 busy signal
сигнал занятости
[ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]Тематики
- электросвязь, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > busy signal
3 busy signal
= busy back signal тлф сигнал занятости -
4 busy signal
clock signal — синхронизирующий сигнал; сигнал синхронизации
5 busy signal
сигнал "занято"English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > busy signal
6 busy signal
сигнал "занято"звуковой телефонный сигнал в виде гудка, прерывающегося 60 раз в минуту, означающий, что линия связи в данный момент занята.Syn:Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > busy signal
7 busy signal
сигнал 'занято' (по телефону)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > busy signal
8 busy signal
1) ж.-д. сигнал занятости пути -
9 busy signal
10 busy signal
1) Общая лексика: сигнал занято (по телефону)2) Железнодорожный термин: сигнал занятости (в телефонии)3) Телекоммуникации: сигнал "занято" -
11 busy signal
12 busy signal
сигнал «занято»Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > busy signal
13 busy signal
14 busy signal
15 busy signal
сигнал "занято"English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > busy signal
16 busy signal
тлф. сигнал "занято"English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > busy signal
17 busy signal
сигнал "занято" ( по телефону) -
18 busy signal
сигна́л "за́нято" -
19 busy signal
20 busy signal
См. также в других словарях:
Busy Signal — live auf dem Chiemsee Reggae Summer 2009 Busy Signal (bürgerlich Reanno Gordon; * 24. Januar 1982 in St. Ann, Jamaika)[1] ist ein jamaikanischer Dancehall Künstler … Deutsch Wikipedia
busy signal — busy ,signal noun count AMERICAN the sound you hear when you call someone and they are already speaking on the phone … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Busy signal — For other uses, see Busy signal (disambiguation). A busy signal (or busy tone or engaged tone) in telephony is an audible or visual signal to the calling party that indicates failure to complete the requested connection of that particular… … Wikipedia
Busy Signal — Reanno Gordon, connu sous son nom de scène Busy Signal, est un chanteur de dancehall jamaïcain originaire de West Kingston, plus précisément de Tivoli Gardens. Il commence tout petit, comme bon nombre d artistes, par chanter à l église et par… … Wikipédia en Français
busy signal — Teleph. a regular succession of buzzing tones transmitted to a caller to indicate that the circuit serving the number is blocked or in use, rapid repetition indicating that the network is blocked and normal repetition that the telephone being… … Useful english dictionary
Busy Signal (artist) — Born in Tivoli Gardens in the heart of West Kingston, Busy Signal, born Reanno Gordon, started singing hymns at his mother s church.When church was over, Reanno would sit on the corner with his friends and flip the devotional lyrics, until his… … Wikipedia
Busy signal (disambiguation) — A busy signal is information communicated to a user or apparatus attempting a connection, indicating the requested connection cannot be completed.* For busy signals in the context of telecommunication and telephony, see Busy signal (telephony). * … Wikipedia
busy signal — noun An audible signal to the calling party that indicates failure to complete the requested connection; an engaged tone … Wiktionary
busy signal — Teleph. a regular succession of buzzing tones transmitted to a caller to indicate that the circuit serving the number is blocked or in use, rapid repetition indicating that the network is blocked and normal repetition that the telephone being… … Universalium
busy signal — The sound that you hear on a phone when the phone number you are trying to reach is being used. It usually consists of 60 cycles per second. See audio monitor … Dictionary of telecommunications
busy signal — noise heard on a telephone receiver when the desired line is being used … English contemporary dictionary