1 business capital
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > business capital
2 business capital
Экономика: капитал предприятий, капитал предприятия -
3 business capital
4 business capital
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > business capital
5 business capital
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > business capital
6 business capital
7 business capital
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > business capital
8 business capital formation
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > business capital formation
9 business capital formation
Экономика: накопление капитала предприятиямиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > business capital formation
10 business capital formation
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > business capital formation
11 capital
1. n1) капитал, денежные средства и активы для финансирования деятельности компании; финансы, инвестируемые в бизнес3) столица
- account capital
- accumulated capital
- active capital
- actual capital
- added capital
- additional capital
- additional paid-in capital
- additional share capital
- adequate capital
- advanced capital
- aggregate capital
- agricultural capital
- applied capital
- associated capital
- authorized capital
- available capital
- bank capital
- banking capital
- barren capital
- basic capital
- bond capital
- borrowed capital
- business capital
- callable capital
- called capital
- called-up capital
- charter capital
- circulating capital
- commercial capital
- commodity capital
- constant capital
- consumed capital
- contributed capital
- current capital
- dead capital
- debenture capital
- debt capital
- declared capital
- depreciable capital
- disposable capital
- dormant capital
- durable capital
- employed capital
- endowment capital
- entrepreneur's capital
- equity capital
- expended capital
- farm capital
- fictitious capital
- financial capital
- fixed capital
- flight capital
- floating capital
- fluid capital
- foreign capital
- free capital
- free-floating capital
- frozen capital
- fully paid-up capital
- functioning capital
- gross working capital
- idle capital
- immobilized capital
- impaired capital
- individual capital
- industrial capital
- initial capital
- intangible capital
- intellectual capital
- interest-bearing capital
- international capital
- invested capital
- investment capital
- issued capital
- joint capital
- junior capital
- latent capital
- legal capital
- liquid capital
- live capital
- loan capital
- locked-in capital
- locked-up capital
- long-term capital
- mercantile capital
- merchant's capital
- monetary capital
- money capital
- moneyed capital
- monopoly capital
- negative working capital
- net capital
- net operating working capital
- net working capital
- nominal capital
- nonspecific capital
- nonwage capital
- official capital
- opening capital
- operating capital
- operating working capital
- ordinary capital
- original capital
- outside capital
- owned capital
- owners' capital
- ownership capital
- paid-in capital
- paid-up capital
- partner's capital
- partnership capital
- personified capital
- potential capital
- preference capital
- primary capital
- private capital
- privately owned capital
- production capital
- productive capital
- proprietary capital
- real capital
- redundant capital
- refugee capital
- registered capital
- released capital
- rented capital
- requisite capital
- reserve capital
- risk capital
- security capital
- seed capital
- senior capital
- share capital
- shareholder ownership capital
- short-term capital
- short-term working capital
- social capital
- social overhead capital
- specific capital
- spare capital
- speculative capital
- start-up capital
- state capital
- statutory capital
- stated capital
- stock capital
- stockholder ownership capital
- subscribed capital
- subscriber capital
- subsidiary capital
- sunk capital
- supplementary capital
- surplus capital
- temporary working capital
- tenant's capital
- tied up capital
- total social capital
- trading capital
- uncalled capital
- unemployed capital
- unpaid capital
- unproductive capital
- unrealized capital
- unwatered capital
- usury capital
- variable capital
- venture capital
- vested capital
- wage capital
- watered capital
- working capital
- capital of average composition
- capital of circulation
- capital of a company
- capital of a corporation
- capital of higher composition
- capital of lower composition
- capital locked up in land
- capital paid in full
- advance capital
- allocate capital
- attract capital
- attract foreign investment capital
- break into one's capital
- commit capital
- contribute capital
- convert into capital
- create capital from savings
- expend capital
- form capital
- freeze capital
- furnish capital
- increase capital
- increase the original capital
- inject fresh capital
- invest capital
- make capital by smth
- place capital
- procure capital
- provide capital
- put capital into a business
- put up capital
- raise capital
- recall capital
- recover capital
- regroup capital
- sink capital
- spend capital
- support with capital
- tie in capital
- tie up capital
- touch capital
- use capital
- water capital
- withdraw capital2. adjглавный, основной; капитальный
- capital gain
- capital lossEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > capital
12 capital
1.главный, основной; капитальный2.1) деньги, имущество и активы, используемые в бизнесе• -
13 capital
1) капитал; фонды2) столица3) капитальный, основной, главный; самый важный -
14 capital
• -
15 business
n1) дело, занятие, специальность2) дело, работа, бизнес3) торговля, коммерческая деятельность; предпринимательская деятельность4) сделка5) компания, предприятие
- advantageous business
- advisory business
- agency business
- annual business
- arbitrage business
- backwardation business
- bad business
- banking business
- bankrupt business
- barter business
- big business
- bill business
- booming business
- branch business
- broker's business
- capital intensive business
- carrier's business
- carrying-over business
- cash business
- collateral loan business
- collection business
- commercial business
- competing business
- consignment business
- continuation business
- cooperative business
- core business
- credit business
- current business
- cutodian business
- defence business
- entrepôt business
- exchange business
- export business
- fair business
- farm business
- flat business
- flourishing business
- follow-on business
- foreign-exchange business
- foreign-owned business
- forward business
- forwarding business
- fresh business
- futures business
- general business
- good business
- government business
- illegal business
- illicit business
- import business
- incorporated business
- installment business
- insurance business
- joint business
- last-day business
- legitimate business
- liner business
- livestock business
- loan business
- local business
- long-term business
- losing business
- low-margin businesses
- lucrative business
- mail-order business
- margin business
- middleman's business
- new business
- odd lot business
- official business
- offshore business
- one-line business
- one-man business
- option business
- outsourcing business
- overdraft business
- paying business
- poor business
- private business
- produce business
- profitable business
- prolongation business
- proprietary business
- publishing business
- ready money business
- reinsurance business
- remunerative business
- retail business
- route business
- routine business
- seasonal business
- securities business
- shady business
- sharp business
- shipment business
- shipping business
- show business
- slack business
- small business
- spot business
- stock business
- subsidiary retail business
- thriving business
- tramp business
- trust business
- tug business
- two-way business
- underwriting business
- unincorporated business
- unprofitable business
- urgent business
- venture business
- venturous business
- volume business
- well-established business
- wholesale business
- world-wide business
- business in futures
- business on a consignment basis
- business through agents
- business to business
- be engaged in business
- be in business
- be out of business
- build up a business
- carry on business
- commence a business
- conduct business
- develop business
- direct a business
- do business
- enlarge a business
- establish a business
- finance a business
- get down to business
- give up business
- go into business
- go out of business
- handle business
- launch a business
- manage a business
- open a business
- operate a business
- participate in a business
- retire from business
- run a business
- sell out a business
- send on business
- set up a business
- settle business
- start a business
- stop business
- take over a business
- transact business
- transact a business
- undertake a business
- wind up a business
- withdraw from businessEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > business
16 business
1) дело, занятие, специальность2) дело, работа, бизнес3) торговля, коммерческая деятельность; предпринимательская деятельность4) компания, предприятие• -
17 capital
1. сущ.1) капитала) эк. (совокупность реальных и финансовых активов, которые могут быть использованы для получения прибыли)Eurobonds provide an important capital source for multinational companies and foreign governments. — Еврооблигации представляют важный источник капитала для мультинациональных компаний и иностранных правительств.
See:authorized capital, brain capital, called-up capital, circulating capital, debt capital, equity capital, financial capital, issued capital, merchant capital, net working capital, paid-in capital, physical capital, tenant's capital, capital account, capital control, capital export, capital flight, capital flow, capital import, capital inflow, capital influx, capital investment, capital lease, capital mobility, capital movement, capital spending, capital transfers, cost of capital, shareholders' equity, capitalization, decapitalize, capital redemption policy, capital-protected annuityб) общ. (в самом широком смысле: любой ресурс, являющийся источником какой-л. выгоды, напр., репутация, связи и т. д.); выгода, преимуществоto make capital by [out of\] smth. — нажить капитал на чем-л.; получить преимущество от чего-л.
The Opposition made a lot of capital out of the Minister's mistake on TV. — Оппозиция получила немалую выгоду от ошибки министра в эфире телевидения.
See:cultural capital, economic capital 1), human capital, manufactured capital, natural capital, social capital, symbolic capitalв) эк. (один из факторов производства (наряду с землей и трудом); накопленный запас результатов прошлого труда, необходимый для создания материальных благ в будущем)г) маркс. (стоимость, которая посредством использования наемной рабочей силы приносит прибавочную стоимость, самовозрастает)See:2) фин., банк. основная сумма (долга); тело кредита ( в отличие от процентов)See:3) эк., соц. капиталисты, класс капиталистов, капиталa conflict of interest between capital and labour — конфликт интересов между капиталом и трудом [трудящимися и капиталистами\]
4) общ. столица, административный центр2. прил.Washington is the capital of the USA. — Вашингтон — столица США.
1) общ. главный, основной, капитальный, важнейший, ведущийcapital city — столица, столичный город
2) юр. тяжкий, караемый смертьюSee:3) общ., разг. превосходныйHe was a capital companion. — Он был замечательным партнером по бизнесу.
* * *
капитал: 1) участие акционеров (владельцев) в компании; 2) денежные средства в виде реальных и финансовых активов, долгосрочные инвестиции для финансирования деятельности компании; см. authorized capital;called-in capital;* * ** * *. Средства, инвестированные в компанию . Sometimes used as a synonym for the owner's equity in a business. Словарь экономических терминов .* * *Банки/Банковские операции1. капиталчасть накопленных чистых доходов, являющаяся собственностью банка; предназначена исключительно для капитализацииБанки/Банковские операции-----деньги, вложенные их владельцами в организацию, чтобы она начала действовать -
18 capital investment
1. капиталовложение2. капитальные вложенияscale of investment — размер капвложений; масштабы вложений
income - bearing investment — вложение, приносящее доход
19 Capital Gain (or loss)
. A category of gain or loss under the tax law resulting from the sale or other disposition of specified property such as stock or bond investments, real estate, etc. It does not include property used in a trade or business. However, special rules apply in such situations that can result in similar treatment for business property. . Small Business Taxes & Management 2 .Англо-русский экономический словарь > Capital Gain (or loss)
20 Capital Gain (or loss)
. A category of gain or loss under the tax law resulting from the sale or other disposition of specified property such as stock or bond investments, real estate, etc. It does not include property used in a trade or business. However, special rules apply in such situations that can result in similar treatment for business property. . Small Business Taxes & Management 2 .Англо-русский экономический словарь > Capital Gain (or loss)
См. также в других словарях:
CAPITAL RISK — Риск, связанный с необходимостью выплат банком другой стороне, которая не гарантирует соблюдение условий сделки Словарь бизнес терминов. Академик.ру. 2001 … Словарь бизнес-терминов
Capital gains tax in Australia — Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in Australia applies to the capital gain made on disposal of any asset, except for specific exemptions. The most significant exemption is the family home. Rollover provisions apply to some disposals, one of the most… … Wikipedia
Business Bay — im Juli 2009 Business Bay ist ein Stadtentwicklungsvorhaben in Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate. Gebaut wird auf einer Fläche von fast 6000 Hektar, die sich von der Al Khail Road im Osten entlang des bisher um 10 Kilometer künstlich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Business cycle — Economics … Wikipedia
capital outlay — a capital expenditure. * * * capital outlay UK US noun [uncountable] business capital expenditure Thesaurus: to do business and relating to doing businesshyponym closing a business and ceasing to operate a businesssynonym … Useful english dictionary
capital allowances — Allowances against UK income tax or corporation tax available to a business, sole trader, partnership, or limited company that has spent capital on plant and machinery used in the business. Capital allowances are also given on industrial… … Accounting dictionary
capital allowances — Allowances against UK income tax or corporation tax available to a business, sole trader, partnership, or limited company that has spent capital on plant and machinery used in the business. Capital allowances are also given on industrial… … Big dictionary of business and management
capital — 01. Jerome wants to open his own computer store, but he doesn t have enough [capital] to do it just yet. 02. Our mortgage rates are so high that we won t even begin to pay down the [capital] for another couple of years at least. 03. London has… … Grammatical examples in English
Capital Addition — The cost involved for adding new assets or bettering existing assets within a business. Capital additions can take the form of adding new parts that could be reasonably expected to increase useful life or potential, and/or adding new assets to… … Investment dictionary
Capital — 1. Financial assets or the financial value of assets, such as cash. 2. The factories, machinery and equipment owned by a business. Capital is an extremely vague term and its specific definition depends on the context in which it is used. In… … Investment dictionary
capital stabilization — n. act of making a business capital stable … English contemporary dictionary