1 bus-structured
bus-structured вчт. магистральный -
2 bus-structured
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bus-structured
3 bus-structured
Вычислительная техника: магистральный, с шинной организацией (об архитектуре ЭВМ) -
4 bus-structured
магистральный, с шинной организацией ( об архитектуре ЭВМ)English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > bus-structured
5 bus-structured
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов > bus-structured
6 bus-structured
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > bus-structured
7 bus-structured
магистральный; с шинной организацией -
8 bus-structured
с шинной организацией; магистральный -
9 bus-structured
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > bus-structured
10 bus-structured
English-Russian dictionary of computer science > bus-structured
11 bus structured architecture
English-Russian electronics dictionary > bus structured architecture
12 bus structured architecture
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > bus structured architecture
13 bus-structured system
Техника: система с шинной структурой -
14 bus architecture
= bus structured architecture шинная архитектураThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > bus architecture
15 architecture
1) структура; конфигурация; конструкция2) вчт архитектура•- bit-addressable architecture
- bit-slice architecture
- boundary scan architecture - bus architecture
- bus structured architecture
- chip architecture
- client-server architecture
- closed architecture - computer family architecture
- connectionist architecture
- data bus architecture
- data flow architecture
- defense-in-depth security architecture
- die architecture
- digital network architecture - dynamic power management architecture
- dynamic scalable architecture
- engagement architecture - firmware architecture
- hardware architecture
- Harvard architecture
- high-performance computer architecture
- hub architecture
- industry standard architecture
- linear addressing architecture
- machine check architecture
- medium control architecture
- micro channel architecture
- MIMD architecture
- MISD architecture
- modular architecture
- multi-issue architecture
- multiple-instruction multiple-data architecture
- multiple-instruction single-data architecture
- multiprocessor architecture
- multi-tier architecture
- network architecture
- neural network architecture - pipelined architecture
- Princeton architecture
- problem-oriented architecture
- process architecture
- PS/2 architecture - security architecture
- segmented addressing architecture
- segmented memory architecture
- serial storage architecture
- shading architecture
- shared memory architecture - single-instruction multiple-data architecture
- single-instruction single-data architecture
- SISD architecture
- slice architecture
- software architecture
- stack architecture
- stack-based architecture
- superpipelined architecture - systolic array architecture - tree architecture
- tree-and-branch architecture - unified memory architecture
- very long instruction word architecture
- virtual architecture - von Neumann architecture -
16 architecture
1) структура; конфигурация; конструкция2) вчт. архитектура•- bit-addressable architecture
- bit-slice architecture
- boundary scan architecture
- broadband network architecture
- bubble chip architecture
- bus architecture
- bus structured architecture
- chip architecture
- client-server architecture
- closed architecture
- common object request brokers architecture
- computer architecture
- computer family architecture
- connectionist architecture
- data bus architecture
- data flow architecture
- defense-in-depth security architecture
- die architecture
- digital network architecture
- distributed enterprise management architecture
- document content architecture
- document interchange architecture
- domain architecture
- dynamic power management architecture
- dynamic scalable architecture
- engagement architecture
- enhanced industry standard architecture
- extensible architecture
- final-form-text document content architecture
- firewall architecture
- firmware architecture
- hardware architecture
- Harvard architecture
- high-performance computer architecture
- hub architecture
- industry standard architecture
- linear addressing architecture
- machine check architecture
- medium control architecture
- micro channel architecture
- MIMD architecture
- MISD architecture
- modular architecture
- multi-issue architecture
- multiple-instruction multiple-data architecture
- multiple-instruction single-data architecture
- multiprocessor architecture
- multi-tier architecture
- network architecture
- neural network architecture
- office document architecture
- office document management architecture
- open architecture
- open document architecture
- open document management architecture
- open network architecture
- organizational architecture
- pipelined architecture
- Princeton architecture
- problem-oriented architecture
- process architecture
- PS/2 architecture
- revisable-form-text document content architecture
- scalable processor architecture
- security architecture
- segmented addressing architecture
- segmented memory architecture
- serial storage architecture
- shading architecture
- shared memory architecture
- signal computing system architecture
- SIMD architecture
- single-instruction multiple-data architecture
- single-instruction single-data architecture
- SISD architecture
- slice architecture
- software architecture
- stack architecture
- stack-based architecture
- superpipelined architecture
- systems application architecture
- systems monitor architecture
- systems network architecture
- systolic architecture
- systolic array architecture
- Texas Instruments graphics architecture
- three-tier architecture
- tree architecture
- tree-and-branch architecture
- twin-bank memory architecture
- two-level cache architecture
- unified memory architecture
- very long instruction word architecture
- virtual architecture
- virtual intelligent storage architecture
- VLIW architecture
- von Neumann architecture
- Windows open services architectureThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > architecture
17 BSS
1) Общая лексика: Государства Балтийского моря, Base Station Subsystem, Base Station System, Basic Social Services, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Blind Signal Separation, Business Support System2) Компьютерная техника: Basic Synchronous Subset3) Медицина: сбалансированный солевой раствор, Brown-Sequard syndrome4) Военный термин: Broadcast Satellite Service, Bronze Service Star, battlefield surveillance system5) Техника: B-mode sending station, ballistic single-stage system, basic safety standard, beach signal station, beam steering system, bipolar systems supplies, broadcasting satellite service, bus-structured system6) Химия: Base Storage Segment7) Автомобильный термин: Au British Standard Specifications Automobile8) Телекоммуникации: Basic Synchronized Subset, Broadband Switching System, Система поддержки деятельности предприятия9) Сокращение: BackScatter Sounder, Battlefield Sensor Simulator, Blind Source Separation (algorithms to separate signals)10) Вычислительная техника: Block Storage Segment, bulk storage system, Base Station System / Subsystem (GPRS, BSC, BTS), Block Started by Symbol (IBM, Assembler, Unix), Basic Service Set (WLAN)12) Космонавтика: Broadcasting-Satellite Service, радиовещательный спутник13) СМИ: Broadcast Service Satellite14) Деловая лексика: Business Support Systems, Buyer Support Services15) Сетевые технологии: Basic Service Set16) Полимеры: British Standard specification, British standard sieve17) Программирование: Block Start Symbol, Block Starting with Symbol, Block Storage Space, Block Storage Start, (Business Support Systems) системы поддержки бизнеса (см. Operation Support Systems)18) Контроль качества: British Standard Specifications19) Расширение файла: Block Started by Symbol20) Общественная организация: The Better Stage Society21) Программное обеспечение: Best Shot Selector -
18 BSS
1. ballistic single-stage system - баллистический одноступенчатый многоразовый воздушно-космический аппарат;2. basic safety standard - основной стандарт по безопасности;3. beach signal station - береговой пост связи;4. beam steering system - система управления лучом;5. bipolar systems supplies - источники питания биполярных систем;6. B-mode sending station - передатчик, работающий в режиме В;7. British standard sieve - стандартное сито британской гранулометрической шкалы;8. British standard specifications - технические условия по стандарту Великобритании;9. broadcasting satellite service - радиовещательная спутниковая служба; спутниковая служба ТВ широковещания; телекоммуникационная спутниковая вещательная служба;10. bulk storage system - запоминающее устройство большой емкости; массовое ЗУ;11. bus-structured system - система с шинной структурой -
19 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
20 system
1) система || системный2) система; установка; устройство; комплекс3) программа•- adaptive control system
- address selection system
- addressing system
- advice-giving system
- AI planning system
- AI system
- analog computing system
- analog-digital computing system
- analysis information system
- application system
- arabic number system
- arithmetic system
- assembly system
- asymmetrical system
- atomic system
- attached processor system
- audio system
- authoring system
- automated office system
- automatic block system
- automatic checkout system
- automatic control system
- automatic search system
- automatic test system
- automatically programmed system
- automatically taught system
- autoprogrammable system
- axiomatic system
- backup system
- bad system
- bang-bang system
- base-2 system
- basic system
- batch-processing system
- binary system
- binary-coded decimal system
- binary-number system
- biquinary system
- bit-mapped system
- bit-slice system
- black-board expert system
- block parity system
- buddy system
- business system
- bus-oriented system
- bussed system
- CAD system
- call-reply system
- carrier system
- cause-controlled system
- character recognition system
- character-reading system
- chargeback system
- check sum error-detecting system
- chip-layout system
- clock system
- closed loop system
- closed system
- co-authoring system
- code recognition system
- code system
- coded-decimal system
- code-dependent system
- code-insensitive system
- code-sensitive system
- code-transparent system
- coding system
- coincident selection system
- cold system
- color-coded system
- command system
- common-bus system
- communication data system
- communications-oriented system
- complete articulated system
- computer system
- computer-aided design system
- computer-aided system
- computer-based system
- computer-based weapon system
- computerized system
- computing system
- concatenated coding system
- concealment system
- conservative system
- contention system
- continuous presence system
- control system
- controlled system
- controlling system
- coordinate system
- cordonnier system
- costrained vision system
- cross system
- crossbar switch system
- data acquisition system
- data collection system
- data exchange system
- data flow system
- data gethering system
- data handling system
- data management system
- data preparation system
- data processing system
- data reduction system
- data retrieval system
- data storage system
- data system
- data transmission system
- database management system
- database support system
- data-managed system
- decimal number system
- decimal system
- decimal numeration system
- decision support system
- decision-aided system
- decision-making system
- decision-support system
- decision-taking system
- decoding selection system
- decomposable system
- dedicated system
- degenerate system
- design library support system
- design-automation system
- design-verification system
- development support system
- development system
- digital communication system
- digital computing system
- direct-current system
- directly coupled system
- discrete system
- discrete-continuous system
- disk operating system
- display system
- distributed database management system
- distributed function system
- distributed intelligence system
- distributed parameter system
- distributed system
- distribution system
- double intermediate tape system
- down system
- drafting system
- dual system
- dual-computer system
- dual-processor system
- duodecimal number system
- duodecimal system
- duotricenary number system
- duotricenary system
- duplexed computer system
- duplex computer system
- dyadic number system
- dyadic system
- dynamic mapping system
- dynamic scene system
- dynamic support system
- electronic data processing system
- electronic sorting system
- encoding system
- equipment adapted data system
- erasing system
- error-controlled system
- error-correcting system
- error-detecting system
- executive file-control system
- executive system
- expert control system
- expert support system
- expert system
- expert-planning system
- externally pulsed system
- fail-safe system
- fail-soft system
- fan-out system
- fault-tolerant system
- feasible system
- federated system
- feed system
- feedback system
- feedforward control system
- fiche retrieval system
- file control system
- file system
- fixed-lenght record system
- fixed-point system
- fixed-radix numeration system
- floating-point system
- fluid transport system
- follow-up system
- forgiving system
- front-end system
- fuzzy expert system
- generic expert system
- geographically distributed system
- goal-seeking system
- good system
- graceful degradation system
- graphic data system
- graphics display system
- graphics system
- help system
- heterogeneous system
- hexadecimal number system
- hexadecimal system - host system
- hostless system
- host-satellite system
- human visual system
- hunting system
- hypermedia system
- imaging system
- incremental system
- independent system
- indirectly coupled system
- information storage and retrieval system
- information retrieval system
- information handling system
- information management system
- information processing system
- information system
- information-feedback system
- in-plant system
- input/output control system
- instruction system
- instrumentation management system
- integrated system
- intelligence system
- interactive control system
- interactive system
- intercommunicating system
- interlock system
- internal number system
- internal system
- Internet-enabled system
- interrupt system
- isolated system
- kernel system
- key-to-disk/tape system
- knowledge base management system
- knowledge system
- knowledge-based system
- large-scale computing system
- laser communication system
- layered control system - lexicon-driven system
- library reference system
- local-network system
- long-haul system
- lumped-parameter system
- machine tool control system
- machine-limited system
- machine-oriented programming system
- macroinstruction system
- macro system
- magnetic memory system
- magnetic recording system
- magnetic tape plotting system
- mail message system
- mail system
- mailbox system
- management information system
- man-machine system
- mapping system
- map-reading system
- mass memory system
- mass storage system
- master/slave system
- matrix memory system
- memory driver system
- memory system
- message handling system
- message system
- microcomputer system
- microfilm printing system
- midsplit system
- MIMO system
- mixed-base numbering system
- mixed-base number system
- mixed-radix numeration system
- model-based expert system
- modular system
- monitoring system
- monitor system
- mosaic system - multicomputer system
- multidimensional system
- multifrequency system
- multilevel storage system
- multiloop system
- multimaster communication system
- multimicroprocessor system
- multiple computation system
- multiple-bus system
- multiple-coincident magnetic storage system
- multiple-output control system
- multiplex system
- multiport system
- multiprocessing system
- multiprocessor system
- multiprogramming computer system
- multiprogramming system
- multisite system
- multispeaker system
- multistable system
- multitasking operating system
- multiterminal system
- multiuser computer system
- multiuser system
- multiuser operating system
- multivariable system
- multivariate system
- negative-base number representation system
- negative-base number system
- network operating system
- node-replicated system
- noncomputerized system
- nonconsistently based number system
- nondegenerate system
- number representation system
- numbering system
- number system
- numeral system
- numeration system
- numerical system
- octal number system
- octal system
- office automation system
- off-line system
- on-demand system
- one-level storage system
- one-loop system
- one-over-one address system
- on-line system
- open-ended system
- open system
- open-loop system
- operating system
- operational system
- optical memory system
- overdetermined system
- overload-hold system
- page-on-demand system
- panelboard system
- paper-tape system
- parameter-driven expert system
- pattern recognition system
- peek-a-boo system
- peripheral system
- pipeline system
- polled system
- polymorphic system
- polyphase system
- portable system
- positional representation system
- Post-production system
- priority scheduling system
- priority system
- procedural expert system
- process control system
- processor-sharing system
- production control system
- production system
- program system
- programming system
- protection system
- pulse system
- pulse-or-no-pulse system
- pulse-signal system
- punch card computer system
- pure-binary numeration system
- purposeful system
- quadruplex system
- question-answering system
- queueing system
- queue system
- radix numbering system
- radix number system
- reactive system
- reading system
- real-time expert system
- real-time operating system
- real-time system
- reasoning system
- recognition system
- recording system
- recovery system
- reduntant number system
- reduntant system
- reflected binary number system
- reflected binary system
- refreshment system
- remote-access system
- replicating system
- representation system
- request-repeat system
- rerecording system
- residue number system
- residue system
- resource-sharing system
- restorable system
- retrieval system
- retrieval-only system - robotic system
- robot system
- rule-based expert system
- rule-based system
- scalable system
- selection system
- self-adapting system
- self-adjusting system
- self-aligning system
- self-balancing system
- self-check system
- self-contained system
- self-correcting system
- self-descriptive system
- self-learning system
- self-organizing system
- self-sustained oscillation system
- self-test system
- sensor-based system
- sequential scheduling system
- sexadecimal number system
- sexadecimal system
- shared-files system
- shell expert system
- silicon-development system
- simplex system
- single-drive system
- single-inheritance system
- single-phase clock system
- single-site system
- single-user computer system
- SISO system
- skeletal expert system
- slave system
- soft-sectored disk system
- software system
- sound system
- source code control system
- source-destination system
- space-division system
- stabilizing system
- stable system
- stand-alone system
- start-stop system
- state-determined system
- stepped start-stop system
- stereo system
- stochastically disturbed system
- storage system
- stripped-down expert system
- subsplit system
- supervisor control system
- switching system
- symbolic assembly system
- syntactical system
- system explanation system
- system of logic
- system of notation
- system with delay
- system with time lag
- tabulating system
- tape data processing system
- tape drive system
- tape handling system
- tape operating system
- tape plotting system
- tape resident system
- tape-oriented system
- target system
- taught system
- telecommunictions system
- telecontrol system
- terminal system
- ternary number system
- ternary system
- test system
- testbed system
- text-to-speech system
- time-division system
- time-pattern control system
- time-shared system
- time-shared-bus system
- time-sharing system
- timing system
- total system
- translating system
- translation system
- translator writing system
- transmitting system
- tree-structured system
- trusted computer system
- two-failure mode system
- two-level return system
- two-level system
- two-phase clock system
- ultrastable system
- Unified system
- uninterruptible power system
- uniprocessor system
- unrestorable system
- unstable system
- up system
- variable-lenght record system
- virtual system
- virtual-memory operating system
- vision system
- visual system
- voice/audio processing system
- voice-response system
- volunteer system
- weighted number system
- weighted system
- writing system
- xerox copy system
- zero-one systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > system
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Structured ASIC platform — Structured ASIC is an intermediate technology between ASIC and FPGA, offering high performance, a characteristic of ASIC, and low NRE cost, a characteristic of FPGA.Using Structured ASIC allows products to be introduced quickly to market, to have … Wikipedia
Bus contention — Bus contention, in computer design, is an undesirable state of the bus in which more than one device on the bus attempts to place values on the bus at the same time. Most bus architectures require their devices follow an arbitration protocol… … Wikipedia
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List of bus operators of the United Kingdom — This list is an alphabetically ordered index of current and past operators. For a structured list of current operators, see List of current bus operators of the United Kingdom This is a of bus and coach operators of the United Kingdom. The list… … Wikipedia
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Abkürzungen/Computer — Dies ist eine Liste technischer Abkürzungen, die im IT Bereich verwendet werden. A [nach oben] AA Antialiasing AAA authentication, authorization and accounting, siehe Triple A System AAC Advanced Audio Coding AACS … Deutsch Wikipedia
Liste der Abkürzungen (Computer) — Dies ist eine Liste technischer Abkürzungen, die im IT Bereich verwendet werden. A [nach oben] AA Antialiasing AAA authentication, authorization and accounting, siehe Triple A System AAC Advanced Audio Coding AACS … Deutsch Wikipedia
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List of computing and IT abbreviations — This is a list of computing and IT acronyms and abbreviations. Contents: 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y … Wikipedia