Перевод: с английского на язык суахили

с языка суахили на английский


  • 1 prickly burr

    [English Word] prickly burr tree
    [English Plural] prickly burr trees
    [Taxonomy] Datura fastuosa; Datura metel
    [Swahili Word] mranaa
    [Swahili Plural] miranaa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Terminology] botany
    [English Word] prickly burr tree
    [English Plural] prickly burr trees
    [Taxonomy] Datura fastuosa; Datura metel
    [Swahili Word] mranaha
    [Swahili Plural] miranaha
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Terminology] botany
    [English Word] prickly burr tree
    [English Plural] prickly burr trees
    [Taxonomy] Datura fastuosa; Datura metel
    [Swahili Word] mrenaha
    [Swahili Plural] miranaha
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Terminology] botany

    English-Swahili dictionary > prickly burr

См. также в других словарях:

  • burr — noun count 1. ) bur or burr the part of some plants that is covered all over with PRICKLES (=small sharp parts) and contains the seed 2. ) a way of pronouncing English where the r sounds can be heard more strongly than in the standard way of… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • burr — ► NOUN 1) a whirring sound. 2) a rough pronunciation of the letter r, as in some regional accents. 3) (also bur) a prickly seed case or flower head that clings to clothing and animal fur. 4) (also bur) a rough edge left on a metal object by the… …   English terms dictionary

  • burr — noun 1》 a whirring sound.     ↘a rough pronunciation of the letter r, as in some regional accents. 2》 (also bur) a rough edge left on a metal object by the action of a tool. 3》 (also bur) a small drill used in woodworking, dentistry, or surgery.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • burr — noun (C) 1 a fairly quiet regular sound like something turning quickly; whirr: the burr of a sewing machine 2 a way of pronouncing English with a strong r sound 3 also bur the seed container of some plants, covered with prickles 1 (1) that make… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • burr drill — noun a high speed drill that dentists use to cut into teeth • Syn: ↑dentist s drill • Hypernyms: ↑drill • Part Meronyms: ↑bur, ↑burr …   Useful english dictionary

  • burr mill — noun : a mill (as a coffee mill) that grinds by means of a steel burr resembling in principle the old fashioned millstone …   Useful english dictionary

  • burr chisel — noun see burr I, 9c …   Useful english dictionary

  • burr|fish — «BUR FIHSH», noun, plural fish|es or (collectively) fish. = sea porcupine. (Cf. ↑sea porcupine) …   Useful english dictionary

  • burr|stone — «BUR STOHN», noun. 1. a siliceous rock capable of being used for a millstone. 2. a millstone made from this rock. Also, buhr, buhrstone, burstone …   Useful english dictionary

  • burr marigold — noun any of several plants of the genus Bidens having yellow flowers and prickly fruits that cling to fur and clothing • Syn: ↑bur marigold, ↑beggar ticks, ↑beggar s ticks, ↑sticktight • Hypernyms: ↑subshrub, ↑suffrutex …   Useful english dictionary

  • burr oak — noun medium to large deciduous oak of central and eastern North America with ovoid acorns deeply immersed in large fringed cups; yields tough close grained wood • Syn: ↑bur oak, ↑mossy cup oak, ↑mossycup oak, ↑Quercus macrocarpa • Hypernyms:… …   Useful english dictionary

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