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burp gun

См. также в других словарях:

  • burp gun — burp′ gun n. mil Slang. a submachine gun • Etymology: 1940–45, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • burp gun — ☆ burp gun n. [echoic of the rapid bursts of fire] Mil. Slang an automatic pistol or submachine gun …   English World dictionary

  • burp gun — noun a fully automatic pistol; a small submachine gun • Syn: ↑machine pistol • Hypernyms: ↑submachine gun * * * noun : machine pistol * * * Mil. See machine pistol. [ …   Useful english dictionary

  • burp gun — noun Date: 1943 a small submachine gun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • burp gun — noun US informal a lightweight sub machine gun …   English new terms dictionary

  • burp gun — Mil. See machine pistol. [1940 45, Amer.] * * * …   Universalium

  • burp — 1. noun A belch. Syn: belch 2. verb a) To emit a burp. b) To cause someone (such as a baby) to burp. Se …   Wiktionary

  • gun — Synonyms and related words: AA gun, Armstrong, BAR, BB gun, Benet Mercie, Beretta, Big Bertha, Bren, Bren gun, Browning, Cain, Colt, Garand, Garand rifle, Garling, Gatling, Gatling gun, Hotchkiss, Krupp, Lancaster, Lee Enfield, Lee Metford, Lewis …   Moby Thesaurus

  • gun — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. firearm (see arms). II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A cannon] Syn. piece, orDNAnce, heavy orDNAnce, rifle. Types of large guns include: long gun, siege gun, howitzer, mortar, antitank gun, culverin, field… …   English dictionary for students

  • burp — v. & n. colloq. v. 1 intr. belch. 2 tr. make (a baby) belch, usu. by patting its back. n. a belch. Phrases and idioms: burp gun US sl. an automatic pistol. Etymology: imit …   Useful english dictionary

  • gun — I n. 1) to aim; fire; point a gun at smb. 2) to turn a gun on smb. 3) to draw a gun 4) to hold a gun on smb.; to hold a gun to smb. s head 5) to load; unload a gun 6) to man a gun 7) (artillery) to lay ( adjust ) a gun 8) to carry, pack (AE,… …   Combinatory dictionary

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