1 burning issue
2 burning issue
3 burning issue
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > burning issue
4 burning issue
1) Общая лексика: безотлагательный вопрос, злободневный вопрос (в современном обществе), острейшая проблема2) Военный термин: жгучая проблема -
5 burning issue
насущный вопросАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > burning issue
6 burning issue
острая проблема, жгучая проблема -
7 burning issue
8 Burning issue
Жгучий вопросDifficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Burning issue
9 burning issue
10 burning issue
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > burning issue
11 burning issue
12 a burning issue
злоба дняEntry or non-entry into the European Common Market was one of the burning issues in British politics in the early 1970s.
Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > a burning issue
13 (a) burning issue of the day
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) burning issue of the day
14 (the) burning issue of today
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (the) burning issue of today
15 burning
['bɜːnɪŋ]прил.1) жгучий; нестерпимыйI had a burning desire to win. — Я горел желанием выиграть.
2) злободневный, насущныйSyn:3) палящий; разгорячённыйSyn:4) книжн. горящий ( о глазах)5) горящий, пылающийHe sat gazing into the burning flame of the candle. — Он сидел, созерцая пламя свечи.
They blamed the disaster on a worker who dropped a burning cigarette butt. — Они возложили вину за катастрофу на работника, бросившего непогашенный окурок.
6) горючий -
16 issue
1. n1) выпуск, издание2) номер (газеты, журнала)3) выдача, выписка (документа); выставление (тратты)4) выпуск, эмиссия (ценных бумаг)5) pl ценные бумаги; доходы, прибыль
- above par issue
- additional issue of shares
- authorized issue
- bank card issue
- bank-eligible issues
- below par issue
- benchmark issue
- blue-chip issue
- bond issue
- bonus issue
- burning issue
- capital issue
- capitalization issue
- closed issue
- complex tax issue
- conversion issue
- credit issue
- credit card issue
- currency issue
- current issue
- debenture issue
- disputed issue
- equity issue
- Eurobond issue
- external bond issue
- fiduciary issue
- first issue
- foreign bond issue
- fresh issue
- fringe issue
- government issue
- government issue of securities
- government agency issue
- guaranteed cheque issue
- hot issue
- hung-up issue
- industrial issue
- internal issue
- international debt issue
- maiden issue
- new issue
- note issue
- open issue
- outstanding issue
- oversubscribed issue
- par issue
- par-priced issue
- patent issue
- presold issue
- pressing issue
- previous issue
- public issue
- public bond issue
- red herring issue
- rights issue
- scrip issue
- seasoned issue
- second issue
- secondary issue of securities
- senior issue
- share issue
- stock issue
- uncovered issue
- unresolved issue
- unsettled issue
- unsolved issue
- issue at a discount
- issue at par
- issue at a premium
- issue below par
- issue by tender
- issue of an acceptance
- issue of an author's certificate
- issue of bank notes
- issue of a bill
- issue of a bill of exchange
- issue of bonds
- issue of capital stock
- issue of a certificate
- issue of a cheque
- issue of currency
- issue of debentures
- issue of debt evidenced by certificates
- issue of depositary receipts
- issue of a document
- issue of a draft
- issue of guarantee
- issue of an invoice
- issue of a law
- issue of a letter of credit
- issue of a loan
- issue of money
- issue of a patent
- issue of a permit
- issue of securities
- issue of shares
- issue of short-term bonds
- issue of stocks
- issue of a visa
- at issue
- be at issue with
- be in issue
- float a bond issue
- place an issue in two tranches
- reopen an issue
- resolve an issue
- restrict the issue of paper money
- settle an issue
- submit an issue for the agenda
- tackle an issue
- underwrite an issue2. v1) выпускать, пускать в обращение2) выписывать, выдавать, выставлять
- when issued -
17 issue
1. n1) спорный вопрос; предмет обсуждения, спора, разногласий- put smth. to the issue2) исход, результат (чего-л.)- bring smth. to a successful issue3) выпуск, издание; номер, экземпляр (газеты, журнала и т.п.)•2. v1) выдавать (что-л.)2) выпускать, издавать (бюллетень и т.п.) -
18 issue
1. n1) спорный вопрос; предмет обсуждения, предмет спора, предмет разногласий2) выпуск, издание; номер, экземпляр ( периодического издания)•- Baltic issueto join the issue — принимать участие в дискуссии / прениях
- burning issue
- contentious issue
- controversial issue
- crucial issue
- divisive issue
- domestic issue
- ethnic issues
- frontier issue
- global issue
- international issue
- key issue
- legal issue
- major issue
- nuclear issue
- outstanding issue
- political issue
- sensitive issue
- thorny issue
- ticklish issue
- vital issue 2. v1) выдавать (документ, визу и т.п.)2) выпускать, издавать, публиковать• -
19 issue
['ɪʃuː], ['ɪsjuː] 1. сущ.1) выпуск ( продукции); издание ( печатной продукции)2)а) выход, выходной канал, выходное отверстиеSyn:б) устье реки3) мед. гной или кровь, выделяющиеся из раны4) выпуск, номер ( периодического издания)- current issueShe found an old issue of the magazine. — Она нашла старый номер этого журнала.
5) потомство, потомки, наследникиSyn:6) исход, результат, плодHe hoped that his enterprise would have a prosperous issue. — Он надеялся, что исход этого предприятия будет благополучным.
7) спорный вопрос; предмет спора или тяжбыcollateral / side issue — второстепенный вопрос
to address an issue — обратить внимание на проблему, попытаться решить вопрос
The police have made no attempt to address these issues. — Полиция даже не попыталась решить эти проблемы.
to be at / in issue — быть предметом спора, обсуждения
America's national security is at issue. — На карту поставлена государственная безопасность США.
- join issue- burning issue
- divisive issue
- sensitive issueSyn:8) проблема; дело; тема; пункт- trivial issues
- issue of the day9) обычно мн. акции, ценные бумаги10) фин. эмиссия2. гл.1)а) вытекать, выходить, исходитьto issue from — исходить, выходить
Blood issued from the wound. — Кровь текла из раны.
Smoke issued from the chimneys. — Из труб шёл дым.
б) появлятьсяSyn:2)а) ( issue from) происходить, получаться в результате (чего-л.)Syn:б) иметь результатом, кончаться (чем-л.)Syn:result 2.3) книжн. родиться, происходить (от кого-л.)4) выпускать, издавать; пускать в обращениеbooks issued in the United Kingdom — книги, изданные в Великобритании
A new coin was issued. — Была пущена в обращение новая монета.
5) выдавать, отпускать, снабжатьThe army issued new rifles to the troops. — Армия снабдила военнослужащих новыми винтовками.
The school issued the pupils with new textbooks. — Школа выдала ученикам новые учебники.
He had not been issued with a licence. — Ему не выдали лицензию.
A person devised to his wife an annuity of 200 pounds a year, to be issuing out of his lands. — Человек завещал своей жене 200 фунтов годовой ренты, которая будет выплачиваться за счёт его земельных владений.
Syn: -
20 issue
I ['ɪʃuːˌ 'ɪsjuː] n1) выпуск, издание, номер- latest issue- back issue
- today's issue of the newspaper
- back issue of a magazine2) вопрос, проблема- political issue- side issue
- burning issue of the day II ['ɪʃuːˌ 'ɪsjuː] vвыпускать, выдавать, издавать- issue coins- issue a certificate
- this book was issued last year
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
burning issue — see ↑burning question below. • • • Main Entry: ↑burn burning question or burning issue noun One keenly discussed • • • Main Entry: ↑burn * * * burning issue/question phrase … Useful english dictionary
burning issue — pressing issue, subject which requires an immediate solution … English contemporary dictionary
burning question — or burning issue noun One keenly discussed • • • Main Entry: ↑burn * * * burning issue/question phrase something that people have strong opinions about and think is very important The burning question is: can the Internet be regulated? Thesaurus … Useful english dictionary
burning — [bʉr′niŋ] adj. 1. that burns 2. of the utmost seriousness or importance [a burning issue] … English World dictionary
burning — burn|ing1 [ˈbə:nıŋ US ˈbə:r ] adj [only before noun] 1.) on fire ▪ She was rescued from a burning building. 2.) feeling very hot ▪ Claudia put her hands to her burning face. 3.) burning ambition/desire/need etc a burning ↑ambition, desire, need… … Dictionary of contemporary English
issue — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 problem ADJECTIVE ▪ big, burning, central, critical, crucial, important, key, main, major, serious … Collocations dictionary
burning — [[t]bɜ͟ː(r)nɪŋ[/t]] 1) ADJ You use burning to describe something that is extremely hot. ...the burning desert of Central Asia. Syn: scorching ADV: ADV adj Burning is also an adverb. He touched the boy s forehead. It was burning hot. 2) ADJ: ADJ n … English dictionary
burning — burn|ing [ bɜrnıŋ ] adjective only before noun ** 1. ) being destroyed by fire: burning buildings a burning car 2. ) very hot: the burning sun of the desert I felt his burning forehead. 3. ) painful, and feeling as if a part of your body is… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
burning */*/ — UK [ˈbɜː(r)nɪŋ] / US [ˈbɜrnɪŋ] adjective [only before noun] 1) being destroyed by fire burning buildings a burning car 2) very hot I felt his burning forehead. the burning sun of the desert 3) painful, and feeling as if a part of your body is… … English dictionary
burning — [ˈbɜːnɪŋ] adj 1) being destroyed by fire 2) very hot 3) painful, and feeling as if a part of your body is touching something hot She felt a burning sensation in her mouth.[/ex] 4) felt extremely strongly burning ambition[/ex] • burning… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Burning Man — is an annual event held in the Black Rock Desert, in Northern Nevada. The event starts on the Monday before, and ends on the day of, the American Labor Day holiday. It takes its name from the ritual burning of a large wooden effigy on Saturday… … Wikipedia