1 buoyant lift
Морской термин: подъём путём продувания цистерн -
2 buoyant lift
3 buoyant lift
выталкивающая сила; аэростатическая подъемная сила -
4 controlled buoyant lift
Подводное плавание: контролируемое всплытие на компенсатореУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > controlled buoyant lift
5 controlled buoyant lift
6 net buoyant lift
свободная подъемная сила, сплавная сила < аэростата> -
7 lift
1. подъемная сила; вертикальная тяга < подъемного двигателя>2. подъем/ поднимать(ся)3. подъемник, лифтlift due to blowing1-g liftadverse lift from the tailaerodynamic liftaileron liftairfoil liftasymmetric liftaugmented-power liftblade liftbody liftbuoyant liftcanard liftcirculation liftcirculation-control liftcirculatory liftclean liftcompression liftcushioning liftdeck liftdeployment liftdirect jet liftejector liftejector augmented liftelevon liftflexible liftforebody liftfountain liftfuselage liftgust liftgust-induced lifthigh lifthydraulic liftincremental liftindicial liftinduced liftintra-theater liftjet liftjet-induced liftlevel-flight liftlocal liftmaneuver liftmaneuvering liftmissile liftnet liftnet buoyant liftnoncirculatory liftnonlinear liftnosewheel liftoscillatory liftoverall liftpower-off liftpowered liftrigid liftrotor liftsection liftspoiler liftstatic liftsteady liftsubsonic lifttail lifttotal lifttrim lifttrimmed liftunpowered liftuntrimmed liftusable liftvortex liftvortex-induced liftwing liftwing spanwise liftwing-body lift -
8 full lift
9 roll lift
10 valve lift
11 aircraft
1. (атмосферный) летательный аппарат [аппараты], воздушное судно [суда]; самолет(ы); вертолет(ы);см. тж. airplane,2. авиация/ авиационный; бортовой <об оборудовании ЛА>4-D aircraft4-D equipped aircraft9-g aircraftADF aircraftadvanced-technology aircraftadversary aircraftaerobatic aircraftaft-tail aircraftaggressor aircraftagile aircraftagricultural aircraftair defence aircraftair-refuellable aircraftair-to-ground aircraftairborne early warning and control aircraftalert aircraftall-digital aircraftall-training aircraftall-electric aircraftall-metal aircraftall-new aircraftall-out stealth aircraftall-weather aircraftamateur built aircraftamphibious aircraftantisubmarine warfare aircraftaround-the-world aircraftartificial-stability aircraftasymmetric aircraftattack aircraftattrition aircraftaugmented aircraftautomated aircraftbackside aircraftBAI aircraftbalanced aircraftbattle-damaged aircraftbattle-tolerant aircraftbattlefield aircraftbulbous-nosed aircraftbuoyant quad-rotor aircraftbush aircraftbusiness aircraftbusiness-class aircraftcalibrated pace aircraftcanard aircraftcanard controlled aircraftcanard-configured aircraftcanard-winged aircraftcargo aircraftcargo-capable aircraftcarrier aircraftcarrier-based aircraftcarrier-qualified aircraftCAS aircraftcenterstick aircraftcenterstick controlled aircraftChristmas tree aircraftclass IV aircraftclear weather reconnaissance aircraftclose-coupled canard aircraftcoated aircraftcombat air patrol aircraftcombat training aircraftcombat-damaged aircraftcombat-loaded aircraftcombi aircraftcombustible fuel aircraftcommuter aircraftcomposite material aircraftcomposite-built aircraftcomposite-wing aircraftcomputer-generated aircraftconceptual aircraftconceptual design aircraftconflicting aircraftcontrol reconfigurable aircraftcontrol-by-wire aircraftconventional tailled aircraftconventional take-off and landing aircraftconventional variable-sweep aircraftconventionally designed aircraftcorporate aircraftcounter insurgency aircraftcropspray aircraftcropspraying aircraftcruise matched aircraftcruise-designed aircraftCTOL aircraftcurrent-generation aircraftdamage tolerant aircraftday-only aircraftday/night aircraftde-iced aircraftdefence-suppression aircraftdelta-wing aircraftdemonstrator aircraftdevelopment aircraftdevelopmental aircraftdivergence prone aircraftdouble-deck aircraftdrug interdiction aircraftdrug-smuggling aircraftdual-capable aircraftducted-propeller aircraftdynamically stable aircraftdynamically unstable aircraftEarth resources research aircraftEarth resources survey aircraftejector-powered aircraftElint aircraftEMP-hardened aircraftex-airline aircraftFAC aircraftfake aircraftfan-in-wing aircraftfan-powered aircraftfirefighting aircraftfixed-cycle engine aircraftfixed-landing-gear aircraftfixed-planform aircraftfixed-wing aircraftflexible aircraftflight inspection aircraftflight loads aircraftflight refuelling aircraftflight test aircraftflightworthy aircraftfly-by-wire aircraftflying-wing aircraftforgiving aircraftforward air control aircraftforward-swept-wing aircraftfour-dimensional equipped aircraftfreely flying aircraftfreighter aircraftfriendly aircraftfront-line aircraftFSD aircraftfuel efficient aircraftfuel-hungry aircraftfull-scale aircraftfull-scale development aircraftfull-size aircraftfully-capable aircraftfully-tanked aircraftgap filler aircraftgas turbine-powered aircraftground-hugging aircraftgull-winged aircraftheavy-lift aircrafthigh-Mach aircrafthigh-alpha research aircrafthigh-cycle aircrafthigh-demand aircrafthigh-drag aircrafthigh-dynamic-pressure aircrafthigh-flying aircrafthigh-life aircrafthigh-performance aircrafthigh-speed aircrafthigh-tail aircrafthigh-technology aircrafthigh-thrust aircrafthigh-time aircrafthigh-wing aircrafthigh-winged aircrafthighest cycle aircrafthighest flight-cycle aircrafthighly agile aircrafthighly augmented aircrafthighly glazed aircrafthighly maneuverable aircrafthighly unstable aircraftholding aircrafthome-based aircrafthome-built aircrafthovering aircrafthydrocarbon-fueled aircrafthydrogen fueled aircrafthypersonic aircraftice-cloud-generating aircrafticing-research aircraftidealized aircraftIFR-equipped aircraftin-production aircraftinterrogating aircraftintratheater airlift aircraftintratheater lift aircraftintruder aircraftinventory aircraftjamming aircraftjet aircraftjet-flap aircraftjet-flapped aircraftjet-powered aircraftjet-propelled aircraftjoined-wing aircraftJTIDS aircraftjump aircraftK/s like aircraftkit-based aircraftkit-built aircraftland aircraftland-based aircraftlarge aircraftlarge-production-run aircraftlaunch aircraftlaunching aircraftlead aircraftleading aircraftleased aircraftLevel 1 aircraftlift plus lift-cruise aircraftlight aircraftlight-powered aircraftlighter-than-air aircraftlong-haul aircraftlong-winged aircraftlongitudinally unstable aircraftlook-down, shoot-down capable aircraftlow-boom aircraftlow-cost aircraftlow-observability aircraftlow-observable aircraftlow-powered aircraftlow-rate production aircraftlow-RCS aircraftlow-speed aircraftlow-time aircraftlow-to-medium speed aircraftlow-wing aircraftlow-winged aircraftlowest weight aircraftMach 2 aircraftman-powered aircraftmanned aircraftmarginally stable aircraftmechanically-controlled aircraftmechanically-signalled aircraftmedevac-equipped aircraftmicrolight aircraftmicrowave-powered aircraftmid-wing aircraftmid-winged aircraftminimum weight aircraftmission aircraftmission-ready aircraftmultibody aircraftmultimission aircraftmultipropeller aircraftmultipurpose aircraftnarrow-bodied aircraftnaturally unstable aircraftneutrally stable aircraftnew-built aircraftnew-technology aircraftnight fighting aircraftnight-capable aircraftnight-equipped aircraftnonagile aircraftnonalert aircraftnonautomated aircraft1950s-vintage aircraftnonflying test aircraftnonpressurized aircraftnonstealth aircraftnontransponder-equipped aircraftnonpropulsive-lift aircraftnortheastwardly launching aircraftnuclear-hardened aircraftnuclear-strike aircraftoblique-wing aircraftocean patrol aircraftoff-the-shelf aircraftoffensive aircraftolder-generation aircraftout-of-production aircraftoutbound aircraftpace aircraftparasol-winged aircraftparked aircraftpartial mission-capable aircraftpatrol aircraftpiston aircraftpiston-engine aircraftpiston-powered aircraftpiston-prop aircraftpivoting oblique wing aircraftpoint-design aircraftpowered-lift aircraftprecision strike aircraftprobe-equipped aircraftproduction aircraftproduction-line aircraftproof-of-concept aircraftprop-rotor aircraftpropeller aircraftpropeller-powered aircraftpropulsive-lift aircraftprototype aircraftpublic-transport aircraftpurpose-built aircraftpusher aircraftpusher-propelled aircraftquad-rotor aircraftradar test aircraftRAM-treated aircraftready aircraftrear-engined aircraftreceiving aircraftrecent-technology aircraftreconnaissance aircraftrefueling aircraftremanufactured aircraftresearch aircraftretrofit aircraftRogallo-winged aircraftrollout aircraftrotary-wing aircraftrotary-winged aircraftrotodome-equipped aircraftsafely spinnable aircraftscaled-down aircraftscaled-up aircraftscissor-wing aircraftsea-based aircraftsecond-hand aircraftself-repairing aircraftsensor-carrying aircraftshort range aircraftshort takeoff and vertical landing aircraftshort-coupled flying wing aircraftshort-haul aircraftside-inlet aircraftsideslipping aircraftsilent aircraftsingle engine aircraftsingle-pilot aircraftsingle-service aircraftsized aircraftsized optimized aircraftslender-delta aircraftSLEPed aircraftsmall-tailed aircraftsmuggler aircraftsolar-powered aircraftspecial operations aircraftspin-proof aircraftspinning aircraftstatically stable aircraftstatically unstable aircraftstealth aircraftstealthy aircraftSTOL aircraftstopped-rotor aircraftstored aircraftSTOVL aircraftstraight-tube aircraftstraight-wing aircraftstraight-winged aircraftstretched aircraftstrike aircraftstrike-control aircraftsub-scale aircraftsubmarine communications relay aircraftsunken aircraftsuperaugmented aircraftsupersonic cruise aircraftsupportable aircraftsurveillance aircraftswing-wing aircraftT-tail aircrafttactical aircrafttactical-type aircrafttail-aft aircrafttail-first aircrafttailless aircrafttailwheel aircrafttandem-seat aircrafttandem-wing aircrafttarget-towing aircraftTCAS-equipped aircrafttest aircraftthreat aircraftthree-pilot aircraftthree-surface aircraftthrust-vector-control aircrafttilt-fold-rotor aircrafttilt-proprotor aircrafttilt-rotor aircrafttilt-wing aircrafttop-of-the-range aircrafttrailing aircrafttrainer cargo aircrafttrajectory stable aircrafttransoceanic-capable aircrafttransonic aircrafttransonic maneuvering aircrafttransport aircrafttransport-size aircrafttrimmed aircrafttrisurface aircrafttug aircraftturbine-powered aircraftturboprop aircraftturbopropeller aircraftTVC aircrafttwin-aisle aircrafttwin-engined aircrafttwin-fuselage aircrafttwin-jet aircrafttwin-tailed aircrafttwin-turboprop aircrafttwo-aircrew aircrafttwo-crew aircrafttwo-pilot aircrafttwo-place aircraftultrahigh-bypass demonstrator aircraftultralight aircraftundesignated aircraftunpressurized aircraftunslatted aircraftutility aircraftV/STOL aircraftvariable-stability aircraftVATOL aircraftvector thrust controlled aircraftvectored aircraftvectored thrust aircraftversatile aircraftvertical attitude takeoff and landing aircraftVFR aircraftviolently maneuvering aircraftVTOL aircraftwater tanker aircraftweapons-delivery test aircraftweight-shift aircraftwell-behaved aircraftwide-body aircraftwing-in-ground effect aircraftX aircraftX-series aircraftX-wing aircraftyaw-vane-equipped aircraft -
12 heavy
1. a тяжёлый, тяжеловесныйto be heavy — иметь большой вес; быть тяжёлым
too heavy for me to lift — такой тяжёлый, что мне не поднять
heavy spar — барит, тяжёлый шпат
2. a крупный, большой; массивныйheavy line — толстая линия, жирная черта
3. a мощный, крупный4. a усиленный, мощный5. a большой; высокийheavy percentage — высокий процент; высокое процентное содержание
heavy seeding — высокая норма высева, загущённый сев
6. a сильный, интенсивныйheavy fire — сильный огонь; сильная перестрелка
heavy eater — любитель поесть, обжора
7. a крепкийheavy wet — крепкое пиво; смесь пива с портером
8. a неэкономичный, много потребляющий9. a обильный, богатыйheavy tonal areas — участки, обильно насыщенные краской
10. a тяжёлый, отяжелённый; отягощённыйa tree heavy with fruit — дерево, гнущееся под тяжестью плодов
11. a беременная12. a отупевший, утомлённый13. a тяжёлый, трудныйheavy workload — большая нагрузка; большой объём работы
14. a тяжёлый; тягостный, тяжкий15. a суровый, строгий16. a строгий, требовательныйa teacher who is heavy on his pupils — учитель, который сурово обращается с
17. a тяжёлый, грузный; неуклюжий, неловкий18. a тяжеловесный, неповоротливый19. a вялый; медлительный20. a скучный, нудный21. a непропечённый; неподнявшийся22. a вязкий, глинистый23. a хим. тяжёлый, слаболетучийheavy fuel — тяжёлое топливо, нефть
24. a крутой; ухабистый25. a мрачный, хмурый26. a разг. незаконный; нечистый27. a разг. серьёзный, важный28. a театр. серьёзный; трагический; мрачныйheavy man — актёр, играющий роль почтенного пожилого человека, благородного отца или резонёра
to come the heavy father — читать нравоучения; давать советы с важным видом
29. a вет. страдающий запаломСинонимический ряд:1. burdensome (adj.) burdensome; depressing; distressing; harsh; onerous; troublesome2. clumsy (adj.) clumsy; listless; lumbering; slow; sluggish3. coarse (adj.) blunt; broad; coarse4. dense (adj.) concentrated; dense; gelatinous; heavyweight; massive; unwieldy; viscous5. depressed (adj.) crestfallen; crest-fallen; crushed; dejected; depressed; despondent; disconsolate; downcast; downhearted; melancholy; morose6. difficult (adj.) bothersome; complex; complicated; difficult; obscure; trying; vexatious7. dull (adj.) boring; dull; lifeless; tedious; tiresome; wearisome8. fat (adj.) corpulent; cumbrous; fat; fleshy; gross; huge; obese; overblown; overweight; porcine; portly; pursy; stout; upholstered9. hard (adj.) arduous; backbreaking; demanding; difficile; effortful; exacting; formidable; hard; knotty; labored; laborious; operose; rigorous; rough; rugged; severe; slavish; sticky; strenuous; taxing; terrible; toilful; toilsome; tough; uphill10. hefty (adj.) heavyset; hefty; thickset11. high (adj.) fierce; furious; high; strong12. intense (adj.) grave; grievous; important; intense; momentous; pithy; poignant; serious; weighty13. lethargic (adj.) comatose; dopey; hebetudinous; lethargic; slumberous; stupid; torpid14. overcast (adj.) cloudy; gloomy; louring; lowering; nubilous; oppressive; overcast; overclouded15. ponderous (adj.) cumbersome; elephantine; ponderous16. powerful (adj.) powerful; severe17. pregnant (adj.) big; childing; enceinte; expectant; expecting; gone; gravid; parous; parturient; pregnant18. recondite (adj.) abstruse; acroamatic; deep; esoteric; hermetic; occult; orphic; profound; recondite; secret19. rich (adj.) rich20. substantial (adj.) abundant; copious; substantial; voluminous21. thick (adj.) lush; luxuriant; profuse; rank; thick22. villain (noun) scoundrel; villainАнтонимический ряд:agile; buoyant; calm; gay; graceful; happy; immaterial; inconsequential; inconsiderable; insignificant; joyous; light; lighthearted; little; pleasant; slim; trivial -
13 гидростатический напор
buoyancy [buoyant\] head, elevation head, gravity head, hydraulic (pressure) head, pressure head, static head, pressure height, static lift, potential pressureАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > гидростатический напор
14 order
1. n1) порядок, строй ( общественный)2) приказ; распоряжение; решение; постановление; ордер3) заказ4) очередность, порядок, повестка, регламент•to act on / under orders from smb — действовать по чьим-л. указаниям
to appeal against an order — обжаловать приказ / распоряжение
to award an order to smb — награждать кого-л. орденом
to decorate smb with an order — награждать кого-л. орденом
to defy / to disobey an order — не подчиняться приказу
to execute / to fill an order — выполнять приказ
to follow the orders given by smb — следовать приказам, отданным кем-л.
to issue an order — издавать / отдавать приказ
to keep order — соблюдать / поддерживать порядок, следить за порядком
to place orders for smth abroad — размещать заказы на что-л. за границей
to put things in order — наводить порядок (в экономике и т.п.)
to serve a court order on smb — вручать кому-л. судебную повестку
- call to orderto take one's orders from smb — подчиняться кому-л.
- contempt of court order
- contravention of orders
- court order
- deportation order
- detention order
- disobedience of orders
- established order - existing economic order
- expulsion order on smb
- extradition order
- fascist order
- feudal order
- fierce competition for an order
- filled order
- gag order
- gagging order
- government orders
- illegal order
- job order
- law and order
- legal order
- letter order
- maintenance of public order
- manufacturing order
- nationalization order
- New Information Order
- New International Economic Order
- New World Information and Communication Order
- obstacle to a new economic order
- on the orders of smb
- Order of Merit
- Order of the Bath
- Order of the Garter
- order in writing
- order of agenda items
- order of business
- order of items
- order of precedence
- order of priority
- order of the day
- order of the debate
- orders dried up
- orders for French account
- orders for government account
- orders from on high
- overseas orders remain buoyant
- partial order
- presentation with an order
- pressing order
- priority order
- probation order
- profitable order
- public order
- restoration of public order
- Royal Victorian Order
- rush order
- shoot-on-sight order
- show of order - standing order - unfilled order
- unfulfiled order
- war order
- written order 2. vприказывать; распоряжаться; заказывать -
15 erect
16 device
1. устройство; приспособление; механизм; аппарат; прибор2. маркаdevice of double sheet control stop — устройство для автоматической остановки машины при подаче сдвоенных листов
air conditioning device — акклиматизационная установка, установка для кондиционирования воздуха, кондиционер
air cushion device — устройство для создания воздушной подушки, устройство для поддува
automatic rubber blanket wash-up device — автоматическое устройство для смывки офсетной резинотканевой пластины
3. устройство для копирования микрокарт4. устройство для копирования апертурных картcontrol device — управляющее устройство, контрольный прибор
corona charging device — зарядное устройство с коронатором, коронирующее зарядное устройство
cutoff device — устройство рубки, устройство резки
decurling device — устройство для разглаживания ; устройство, предотвращающее скручивание, устройство для предотвращения скручивания
detecting device — следящее устройство, детектор
doctoring device — ракельное устройство, ракель
electrophotographic fixing device — устройство для закрепления электрофотографического изображения; закрепляющее устройство электрофотографического аппарата
exposure safeguarding device — устройство, гарантирующее правильную величину экспозиции
fail-safe security device — предохранительно-блокирующее устройство, устройство, обеспечивающее безопасность работы
feeding device — питающее устройство; самонаклад
feed roller force adjusting device — устройство для регулирования степени прижима листоподающего ролика
finger guard device — рукоотталкиватель, рукоограждающее устройство
hand safety device — рукоотталкиватель, рукоограждающее устройство
imaging device — устройство, формирующее изображение
5. лентопитающее устройство6. устройство для передачи листов в захватыinking device — устройство для наката краски; накатная группа красочного аппарата
ink mist prevention device — устройство, предотвращающее пыление краски
7. устройство на входе, входное устройство8. устройство ввода данныхready/not ready device — устройство готовности
9. устройство для передачи листа в захватыattached device — навесной элемент; прикрепленное устройство
10. устройство для захватаmapping device — устройство отображения; способ отображения
11. устройство для вкладывания приложенийjogging device — сталкивающее устройство; устройство для сталкивания
magnifying device — увеличитель, устройство для увеличения
12. счётное устройствоfail-safe device — безаварийное устройство; надёжный прибор
device directory — таблица устройства; указатель устройства
addressed device — адресуемое устройство; адресуемый прибор
13. дозирующее устройство, дозатор14. мешалка15. краскотёрка16. устройство для вызова шрифта смешанного кегляmultiple point ink control device — устройство для управления регулировочными винтами ножа красочного аппарата
numbering device — нумерационное устройство, нумератор
17. устройство на выходе, выходное устройствоdirty-trick device — мина — ловушка
I/O device — устройство ввода-вывода
18. устройство вывода данныхpage makeup device — верстальное устройство; видеотерминальное устройство для пополосной вёрстки
photodetection device — фотоэлектрический щуп, фотоэлектрическое контрольное устройство
photographic composing device — фотонаборное устройство; фотонаборная машина
securing device — устройство, обеспечивающее безопасность
19. устройство для припудривания20. устройство для нанесения порошкаpowder spray device — устройство для распыления порошка, распылитель
print cutting device — устройство для обрезки оттисков; устройство для разрезки запечатываемой ленты на отдельные оттиски
processing control device — управляющее устройство; устройство, управляющее процессом
21. читающее устройствоrecording device — записывающее устройство; способ записи
22. читальный аппарат23. регистровое устройство24. устройство для регулирования приводки25. устройство для перемотки лентыdevice code — код устройства; адрес устройства
device name — имя устройства; номер устройства
26. устройство для сматывания лентыroll-type copying paper supply device — рулонная установка для подачи бумажной ленты в копировальную машину
27. сканирующее устройство28. развёртывающее устройствоselective printing device — устройство для избирательной печати; впечатывающее устройство
sheet feed tray raising and lowering device — устройство для подъёма и опускания стапельного стола самонаклада
sheet piling device — листоукладчик, устройство для укладки листов
sheet stacking device — листоукладчик, листоукладывающее устройство; листовое приёмное устройство
stirring device — перемешивающее устройство, устройство для перемешивания
stock pile level control device — устройство, контролирующее верхний уровень стопы
straightening device — выравнивающее устройство, устройство для выравнивания
tension device — устройство для регулирования натяжения, рулонный тормоз
29. термографическое устройство30. термопреобразователь изображенияthermal print device — устройство для термопечати, устройство для печатания на термочувствительном материале
threading device — устройство для заправки, устройство для проводки
toner fixing device — устройство для закрепления тонера, закрепляющее устройство
toner image fixing device — устройство для закрепления изображения, образованного тонером
trip-saving register device — устройство, предотвращающее автоматическое выключение машины при дополнительном приталкивании
unwinding device — лентопитающее устройство, устройство для разматывания
wash-up device — смывочное устройство, устройство для смывки
web directional control device — устройство, контролирующее подачу ленты
17 force
1. сила; усилие/ прикладывать усилие/ силовой2. вынуждать3. форсировать4. персонал < предприятия>5. (войсковое) соединение; части и соединения; подразделенияforce at the hubforce due to pitchingforce due to rollingforce on the pitch controlforce per unit lengthforces due to aerodynamic hinge moments1/rev forceacceleration forceaccelerative forceactuating forceactuator forceaerobatic forcesaerodynamic forceaft stick forceair forceairborne early warning forceairframe forceairframe aerodynamic forceantiautorotational forceapplied forceaxial forcebackward rotated forcebalancing forceballoon's supporting forcebending forcebody axis aerodynamic forcesbraking forcebreak-out forcebuffet onset normal forcebuffeting forcebuoyant forcecancellation forcecarrier forcecarrier forcescentrifugal forcecentripetal forcechordwise forcescirculatory forcecombined test forcecompressive forceconcentrated forceconstraint forcecontact forcecontrol forcecontrol feel forcecontroller forcecontrolling forceCoriolis forcecornering forcecrack driving forcecross-stream forcecrush forcedamper forcedamper spring forcedamping forcedeceleration forcedecelerative forcedestabilizing forcedissipative forcesdisturbance forcedownward forcedrag forceEBO forceejection forceejection forceselastic forceembarked forceexciting forceexhaust forceseye balls out forcefield forcefinite forcefracture forcefriction forcefrictional forceG forcegeneralized forceground contact forcegyroscopic forcehub shear forceimpact forceimpulsive forcein-flight tanker forcein-phase forceinertia forceinertial forceinlet forcesin-plane forceinput forceinteraction forceinterface forcelateral forcelateral stick forcelateral-directional forcesleading-edge suction forcelift forcelongitudinal forcelongitudinal stick forcemaneuver forcemass forcemembrane forcemodal forcesnet forcenormal forcenormal-to-path forcesonce-per-revolution forceoscillatory forceout-of-phase forceoverall forcepedal forceperturbation forcespitch forcepitch stick forcepoint forcepower plant forcespressure forcespropelling forcepropulsion forcepropulsive forcepushing forceradial drag forceredundant forcesrepulsive forcerestoring forceresultant forceretarding forceretroactive forceroot mean square forcerotational forcerotor forcerotor forcesrotor head forcesrudder pedal forceseagoing air forcessection forceshear forceside forcespring forcestability axis aerodynamic forcesstick forcestick force per gstick force per inchstick force to trimstretching forcesuckdown forcesuction forcesurface forcetail forcetask forcetension forcethrust forcetorque forcetransverse forcetransverse shearing forcetrim forceV/STOL air forcevibration forcesvibratory forcesvirtual forcevortex forcevortex-induced forcevortical forcewind forcesyaw forceyawing force -
18 helicopter
pull up into the helicopter — поднимать в вертолёт (напр. человека)
ramjet(-driven, -powered) helicopter — вертолёт с ПВРД
turbine(-engined, -powered) helicopter — вертолёт с ГТД
См. также в других словарях:
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Rothensee boat lift — The Rothensee boat lift is North of Magdeburg and connects the Mittellandkanal with the Elbe via the Elbeabstiegskanal. Purpose The Rothensee boat lift was originally envisaged as part of a larger project. The lift is at the Eastern end of the… … Wikipedia
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Hybrid airship — A hybrid airship is an aircraft that combines characteristics of heavier than air, (HTA), (fixed wing aircraft or helicopter) and lighter than air, (LTA), technology. Examples include helicopter/airship hybrids intended for heavy lift… … Wikipedia
Glossary of SCUBA diving — Here is a glossary of scuba diving terms: Contents 1 A F 2 G L 3 M R 4 S Z A F Altitude Diving diving at a locat … Wikipedia
P-791 — NOTOC The P 791 is an experimental aerostatic/aerodynamic hybrid airship developed by Lockheed Martin corporation.The first flight of the P 791 was made on 31 January 2006 at the company s flight test facility on the Palmdale Air Force Plant 42.… … Wikipedia
Lockheed Martin P-791 — The Lockheed Martin P 791 is an experimental aerostatic/aerodynamic hybrid airship developed by Lockheed Martin corporation. The first flight of the P 791 was on 31 January 2006 at the company s flight test facility on the Palmdale Air Force… … Wikipedia
Diver training — is the process of developing skills and building experience in the use of diving equipment and techniques so that the diver is able to dive safely and have fun. Not only is the underwater environment hazardous but diving equipment can be… … Wikipedia
Oxygen toxicity — Classification and external resources In 1942–43 the UK Government carried out extensive testing for oxygen toxicity in divers. The chamber is pressurised with air to 3.7 … Wikipedia
glass-off — /ˈglas ɒf/ (say glahs of) noun 1. Also, evening glass off. Surfing a period, usually in the evening, when the wind has died and the waves look glassy and are ideal for surfing. 2. Hang gliding the period at the end of the day when latent heat… …
Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… … Universalium