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  • 1 bull

    1) (the male of the ox family and of the whale, walrus, elephant etc.) bulius, stambių gyvūnų patinas
    2) (a bull's-eye.) taikinio centras
    - bullfight
    - bullfighter
    - bullring
    - bull's-eye

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > bull

  • 2 bull's-eye

    noun (the centre of a target, especially in archery, darts etc.) taikinio centras

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > bull's-eye

  • 3 cock-and-bull story

    (an absurd, unbelievable story.) nesąmonė, prasimanymas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > cock-and-bull story

  • 4 bullock

    1) (a young bull.) jautukas
    2) (a castrated bull, an ox, often used to pull bullock carts.) jautis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > bullock

  • 5 ox

    plural - oxen; noun
    1) (a castrated bull used (formerly in Britain and still in some countries) to pull carts, ploughs etc: an ox-drawn cart.) jautis
    2) (any bull or cow.) bulius, karvė

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > ox

  • 6 beef

    (the flesh of a bull, cow or ox, used as food.) jautiena

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > beef

  • 7 bellow

    ['beləu] 1. verb
    (to roar like a bull: The headmaster bellowed at the children.) (už)bliauti, (su)staugti
    2. noun
    (an act of roaring.) bliovimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > bellow

  • 8 bullfight

    noun (in Spain etc a fight between a bull and men on horseback and on foot.) bulių kova, korida

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > bullfight

  • 9 bullshit

    noun, interjection
    ((also bull) (slang) nonsense; lies; exaggeration: That's bullshit!; Bullshit! Do you expect me to believe that?) nesąmonė, kvailystė

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > bullshit

  • 10 castrate

    [kæ'streit, ]( American[) 'kæstreit]
    (to remove the sexual organs of (a male animal): The bull has been castrated.) kastruoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > castrate

  • 11 cock

    [kok] 1. noun
    1) (the male of birds, especially of the domestic fowl: a cock and three hens; ( also adjective) a cock sparrow.) gaidys, patinėlis
    2) (a kind of tap for controlling the flow of liquid, gas etc.) čiaupas
    3) (a slang word for the penis.)
    2. verb
    1) (to cause to stand upright or to lift: The dog cocked its ears.) pakelti, pastatyti
    2) (to draw back the hammer of (a gun).) atlaužti gaiduką
    3) (to tilt up or sideways (especially a hat).) nusmaukti
    - cocky
    - cock-and-bull story
    - cock-crow
    - cock-eyed
    - cocksure

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > cock

  • 12 cow

    I noun
    1) (the female of cattle used for giving milk: He has ten cows and a bull.) karvė
    2) (the female of certain other animals eg the elephant, whale.) patelė
    - cowherd
    - cowhide
    II verb
    (to subdue or control through fear: The pupil was cowed by the headmaster's harsh words.) įbauginti, įgąsdinti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > cow

  • 13 gore

    [ɡo:] 1. noun
    (blood (especially when it is thick and solid): After the battle, the knight was covered in gore.) kraujas
    2. verb
    ((of an animal) to pierce with its horns, tusks etc: The bull gored the farmer to death.) subadyti, persmeigti (ragu)

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > gore

  • 14 hit

    [hit] 1. present participle - hitting; verb
    1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) trenkti, suduoti
    2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) smogti
    3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) padaryti nuostolių, sukelti skausmą
    4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) pataikyti
    2. noun
    1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) smūgis
    2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) pataikymas
    3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; ( also adjective) a hit song.) hitas
    - hit-or-miss
    - hit back
    - hit below the belt
    - hit it off
    - hit on
    - hit out
    - make a hit with

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > hit

  • 15 matador

    (the man who kills the bull in a bullfight.) matadoras

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > matador

  • 16 prize

    I 1. noun
    1) (a reward for good work etc: He was awarded a lot of prizes at school.) prizas, apdovanojimas
    2) (something won in a competition etc: I've won first prize!; ( also adjective) a prize (= having won, or worthy of, a prize) bull.) prizas, premija; apdovanotas
    2. verb
    (to value highly: He prized my friendship above everything else.) vertinti
    II see prise

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > prize

  • 17 quarter

    ['kwo:tə] 1. noun
    1) (one of four equal parts of something which together form the whole (amount) of the thing: There are four of us, so we'll cut the cake into quarters; It's (a) quarter past / (American) after four; In the first quarter of the year his firm made a profit; The shop is about a quarter of a mile away; an hour and a quarter; two and a quarter hours.) ketvirtis
    2) (in the United States and Canada, (a coin worth) twenty-five cents, the fourth part of a dollar.) 25 centų moneta
    3) (a district or part of a town especially where a particular group of people live: He lives in the Polish quarter of the town.) kvartalas
    4) (a direction: People were coming at me from all quarters.) pusė, šalis
    5) (mercy shown to an enemy.) pasigailėjimas
    6) (the leg of a usually large animal, or a joint of meat which includes a leg: a quarter of beef; a bull's hindquarters.) pasturgalis
    7) (the shape of the moon at the end of the first and third weeks of its cycle; the first or fourth week of the cycle itself.) jaunatis, delčia
    8) (one of four equal periods of play in some games.) vienas iš keturių kėlinių
    9) (a period of study at a college etc usually 10 to 12 weeks in length.) ketvirtis
    2. verb
    1) (to cut into four equal parts: We'll quarter the cake and then we'll all have an equal share.) perpjauti į keturias dalis
    2) (to divide by four: If we each do the work at the same time, we could quarter the time it would take to finish the job.) dalyti iš keturių
    3) (to give (especially a soldier) somewhere to stay: The soldiers were quartered all over the town.) apgyvendinti
    3. adverb
    (once every three months: We pay our electricity bill quarterly.) kas ketvirtį
    4. noun
    (a magazine etc which is published once every three months.) ketvirčio žurnalas
    - quarter-deck
    - quarter-final
    - quarter-finalist
    - quartermaster
    - at close quarters

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > quarter

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bull — Lema Architecte d un monde ouvert (Arquitecto de un mundo abierto) Fundación 1931 : creación Sede Les Clayes sous Bois (Francia) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bull — (englisch für: „Bulle“, „Stier“) bezeichnet: ein französisches Unternehmen, siehe Bull (Computerhersteller) ein Kartenspiel, siehe Schwimmen (Kartenspiel) Bull steht für: John Bull, Personifikation des Vereinigten Königreichs John Bull… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • bull — bull; bull·beg·gar; bull·ber·ry; bull·dog·ged; bull·dog·ger; bull·dog·gish; bull·dog·gy; bull·doze; bull·doz·er; bull·fist; bull·gine; bull·head·ed·ly; bull·head·ed·ness; bull·ish; bull·ock·ing; bull·pout; chryso·bull; wei·bull·ite; bull·shot;… …   English syllables

  • Bull — Bull, a. Of or pertaining to a bull; resembling a bull; male; large; fierce. [1913 Webster] {Bull bat} (Zo[ o]l.), the night hawk; so called from the loud noise it makes while feeding on the wing, in the evening. {Bull calf}. (a) A stupid fellow …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bull — Bull, n. [OE. bule, bul, bole; akin to D. bul, G. bulle, Icel. boli, Lith. bullus, Lett. bollis, Russ. vol ; prob. fr. the root of AS. bellan, E. bellow.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) The male of any species of cattle ({Bovid[ae]}); hence, the male of any large …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bull — Bull, John * * * (as used in expressions) Bull Run, batallas de bull terrier Bull, John Bull, Ole (Bornemann) Bull Halsey Partido Bull Moose staffordshire bull terrier …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Bull — Bull, v. t. (Stock Exchange) To endeavor to raise the market price of; as, to bull railroad bonds; to bull stocks; to bull Lake Shore; to endeavor to raise prices in; as, to bull the market. See 1st {Bull}, n., 4. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bull — bull1 [bool] n. [ME bole < OE bula, a steer; akin to ON boli, Ger bulle < IE base * bhel : see BALL1] 1. the adult male of any bovine animal, as the ox, buffalo, etc. 2. the adult male of certain other large animals, as the elephant, elk,… …   English World dictionary

  • Bull — Bụll 〈m. 6; Börse〉 = Haussier; Ggs Bear [engl., „Bulle“ (nach der Vorstellung, dass der Bulle die Aktienkurse mit seinen Hörnern nach oben treibt)] * * * I Bull,   früher Honeywell Bull, europäische Informationstechnologiegruppe mit Hauptsitz in… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • bull — Ⅰ. bull [1] ► NOUN 1) an uncastrated male bovine animal. 2) a large male animal, e.g. a whale or elephant. 3) Brit. a bullseye. 4) Stock Exchange a person who buys shares hoping to sell them at a higher price later. Often contrasted with BEAR(Cf …   English terms dictionary

  • Bull — Bull, n. [OE. bulle, fr. L. bulla bubble, stud, knob, LL., a seal or stamp: cf. F. bulle. Cf. {Bull} a writing, {Bowl} a ball, {Boil}, v. i.] 1. A seal. See {Bulla}. [1913 Webster] 2. A letter, edict, or respect, of the pope, written in Gothic… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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