1 bulk concrete
- bulk concrete
- nмассивный бетон; бетон, уложенный в большой массив
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
2 bulk concrete
1) Техника: монолитный бетон, неармированный бетон2) Строительство: бетон, уложенный в большой массив, бетонный массив, массивный бетон -
3 bulk concrete
массивный бетон; бетон, уложенный в большой массив -
4 bulk concrete
бетонный массив; монолитный бетон; неармированный бетон -
5 concrete
- concrete
- nбетон; бетонная смесь || бетонировать
concrete around reinforcing steel — бетон в зоне [между стержнями] арматуры
concrete compacted by jolting — бетонная смесь, уплотнённая ударным методом [трамбованием]
concrete cured at 20°C — бетон, выдерживаемый при температуре 20°C
concrete cured at elevated temperatures — бетон, выдержанный [отвердевший] в условиях повышенных температур
concrete in mass — массивный бетон, бетон, уложенный в большой массив
concrete in the structure — бетон в теле конструкции [сооружения] ( в отличие от бетона в контрольных образцах)
concrete placed in lifts — бетон, укладываемый слоями [послойно]
concrete placed in the work — бетон, уложенный в конструкцию
concrete strong enough to support its own weight — бетон, достигший прочности, достаточной для восприятия собственного веса
concrete strong enough to support superimposed loads — бетон, достигший прочности, позволяющей воспринимать приложенные [временные] нагрузки
concrete with a high cement factor — бетонная смесь с большим содержанием цемента, жирная бетонная смесь
- concrete of inadequate quality
- concrete of the required quality
- abrasion-resistant concrete
- acid-resisting concrete
- acrylic concrete
- aerated concrete
- air-entrained concrete
- air entrapped concrete
- air-placed concrete
- air-tight concrete
- alkali-resistant glass grain-reinforced concrete
- all-lightweight-aggregate concrete
- architectural concrete
- architectural exposed concrete
- architectural precast concrete
- asbestos foamed concrete
- as-mixed concrete
- asphaltic concrete
- asphalt concrete
- as-placed concrete
- autoclaved concrete
- backfill concrete
- basalt chippings concrete
- base course concrete
- base concrete
- belt-conveyed concrete
- biological shielding concrete
- bitumen concrete
- black concrete
- blended cement concrete
- blinding concrete
- board-finished concrete
- board marked concrete
- breeze concrete
- brick-look concrete
- brushed concrete
- bulk concrete
- bush hammered concrete
- calcium silicate concrete
- cast-in-place concrete
- cellular concrete
- cement concrete
- centrifugally cast concrete
- chloride-contaminated concrete
- cinder concrete
- clay concrete
- coarse-graded asphaltic concrete
- coarse asphaltic concrete
- coarse-graded asphalt concrete
- coarse asphalt concrete
- cold-laid asphaltic concrete
- cold asphaltic concrete
- cold-laid asphalt concrete
- cold asphalt concrete
- colloidal concrete
- colored concrete
- compacted concrete
- composite reinforced concrete
- constructional concrete
- continuously reinforced concrete
- conventional concrete
- corrosion-damaged concrete
- crushed concrete
- crushed brick concrete
- cryogenic concrete
- cured concrete
- custom concrete
- cyclopean concrete
- dense concrete
- densit concrete
- dingy concrete
- disintegrated concrete
- doubly prestressed concrete
- doubly reinforced concrete
- dry concrete
- dry mixture concrete
- dry mix concrete
- durable concrete
- earth-damp concrete
- electrically conductive concrete
- electrically heated concrete
- epoxy concrete
- exfoliated vermiculite concrete
- expanded concrete
- expanded-clay concrete
- expansive-cement concrete
- exposed aggregate concrete
- extra heavy concrete
- extreme lightweight concrete
- extruded concrete
- facing concrete
- fair-faced concrete
- fat concrete
- fiber reinforced concrete
- field concrete
- field-cured concrete
- fill concrete
- fine grained concrete
- fine grain concrete
- fire-proof concrete
- floated concrete
- flowing concrete
- flow concrete
- foamed concrete
- foamed slag concrete
- foam-gas concrete
- free-flowing concrete
- fresh concrete
- freshly laid concrete
- freshly mixed concrete
- freshly placed concrete
- fully consolidated concrete
- furnace cinder concrete
- gas concrete
- glass concrete
- glass-fiber reinforced concrete
- granolithic concrete
- green concrete
- grouted-aggregate concrete
- grouted concrete
- gunned concrete
- gypsum concrete
- gypsum fiber concrete
- hand mixed concrete
- hardened concrete
- harsh concrete
- hearting concrete
- heated concrete
- heat insulating concrete
- heat-resistant concrete
- heavyweight concrete
- weight concrete
- high-density concrete
- high-early-strength concrete
- high flowability concrete
- high-pressure steam cured concrete
- high-strength concrete
- high-temperature-resisting concrete
- high-temperature concrete
- high-workability concrete
- holdover concrete
- honeycombed concrete
- hot concrete
- hot-laid asphaltic concrete
- hot asphaltic concrete
- hot-laid asphalt concrete
- hot asphalt concrete
- hot weather concrete
- hydraulic concrete
- ice concrete
- improved quality concrete
- in-fill concrete
- initial concrete
- in-situ concrete
- insulating concrete
- integrally colored concrete
- iron-shot concrete
- latex modified concrete
- lean mix concrete
- lean concrete
- left-over concrete
- lightweight concrete
- lightweight aggregate concrete
- lime concrete
- low cement content concrete
- low-density concrete
- low-grade concrete
- low-heat concrete
- low-pressure steam cured concrete
- low-slump concrete
- low-slump dense concrete
- low workability concrete
- machine mixed concrete
- marine concrete
- mass concrete
- microsilica concrete
- monolithic concrete
- mushy concrete
- nailable concrete
- new concrete
- no-fines concrete
- no-fine concrete
- noncomplying concrete
- nonshrink concrete
- normal-weight concrete
- normal concrete
- no-slump concrete
- no-voids concrete
- ocrated concrete
- off-formwork concrete
- ordinary structural concrete
- ornamental concrete
- oversite concrete
- packaged concrete
- pattern stamped concrete
- pavement concrete
- perlite aggregate concrete
- perlite concrete
- perlite insulating concrete
- pfa concrete
- pigmented concrete
- plain concrete
- plant-mixed concrete
- plastic concrete
- plastic state concrete
- pneumatically placed concrete
- polyester resin concrete
- polyester concrete
- polymer concrete
- polymer-cement concrete
- polymer-impregnated concrete
- polymer-modified concrete
- polymer-modified glass-fiber-reinforced concrete
- polystyrene bead concrete
- polystyrene-foam concrete
- poor concrete
- popcorn concrete
- porous concrete
- Portland cement concrete
- post-tension concrete
- pourable concrete
- poured-in-place concrete
- pozzolana concrete
- precast concrete
- precast glass-fiber-reinforced concrete
- precast prestressed concrete
- precast reinforced concrete
- precast with cast-in-place concrete
- prefabricated reinforced concrete
- prefab reinforced concrete
- prepacked aggregate concrete
- prepacked concrete
- pre-post tensioned concrete
- prestressed concrete
- pretensioned concrete
- pretension concrete
- properly consolidated concrete
- pumice concrete
- pumpable concrete
- quality concrete
- quality controlled concrete
- radiation shielding concrete
- rammed concrete
- ready mixed concrete
- recycled concrete
- refractory concrete
- refractory insulating concrete
- regular concrete
- reinforced concrete
- reinforced polymer concrete
- resin concrete
- resin modified cement concrete
- returned concrete
- rich concrete
- roller compacted concrete
- rubble concrete
- salt water resistant concrete
- sand concrete
- sand blasted concrete
- sawdust concrete
- scale-resistant concrete
- scoria concrete
- sealed concrete
- seawater resisting concrete
- seawater concrete
- self-compacting concrete
- self-stressed concrete
- semidry concrete
- semilightweight concrete
- set concrete
- shielding concrete
- shrinkage compensating concrete
- shrink-mixed concrete
- shuttered concrete
- silica-fume concrete
- silicate concrete
- site concrete
- site mixed concrete
- site mixed ready mixed concrete
- slag concrete
- specialty concretes
- special concretes
- specified ready mixed concrete
- sprayed concrete
- sprayed steel fiber concrete
- spun concrete
- stabilized concrete
- stamped concrete
- standard concrete
- steam cured concrete
- steel fiber concrete
- steel fiber reinforced concrete
- steel fibrous concrete
- sticky concrete
- stiff consistency concrete
- stiff concrete
- stone concrete
- structural concrete
- structural lightweight aggregate concrete
- structural lightweight concrete
- structural precast concrete
- submerged concrete
- sulfate-resistant concrete
- sulfur concrete
- sulfur-modified concrete
- super concrete
- superplasticized concrete
- superplasticized flowing concrete
- tamped concrete
- tar concrete
- terrazzo concrete
- textured architectural concrete
- textured concrete
- textured concrete left as cast
- three component concrete
- tooled concrete
- transit-mix concrete
- translucent concrete
- tremie concrete
- trowelled concrete
- truck-mixed concrete
- two-component concrete
- ultra-high-strength concrete
- uncured concrete
- undersanded concrete
- underwater concrete
- uniform concrete
- unreinforced concrete
- unsurfaced exposed concrete
- vacuum treated concrete
- vacuum concrete
- vermiculate concrete
- vibrated concrete
- waterproofed concrete
- water-repellent concrete
- watertight concrete
- weak concrete
- wearproof concrete
- wet concrete
- white cement concrete
- white concrete
- wire prestressed precast concrete
- wire stressed precast concrete
- wood cement concrete
- wood fiber concrete
- zero slump concrete
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
6 concrete
1) бетон3) бетонный4) бетонировать; сращивать5) конкретный; определённый•to lay concrete in alternate bay — укладывать бетонное покрытие "через плиту" ( дорожное строительство)
to let into concrete — забетонировать; заделать в бетон
to mix concrete "en route" — перемешивать бетон в пути ( в автобетономешалке)
to prestress reinforced concrete by post-tensioning — предварительно напрягать железобетон натяжением на упоры
to transfer stress from the reinforcing steel to the concrete — обжимать бетон при предварительном напряжении в изделии
to strike off surplus concrete — снимать, срезать излишки бетона
- concrete of stiff consistency - above-water concrete - acid-resisting concrete - adjustment of concrete mixture - aerated concrete - ageing of concrete - agglomerate-foam concrete - air-entrained concrete - air-entraining concrete - air-entrapped concrete - air-hardening of concrete - airfree concrete - air-placed concrete - airtight concrete - antiseptic concrete - application of concrete mixture - architectural concrete - architectural exposed concrete - armoured concrete - articulated concrete - asbestos-foamed concrete - as cast concrete - ash concrete - asphalt concrete - asphaltic concrete - asphaltic-cement concrete - as-placed concrete - autoclaved concrete - autoclaved cellular concrete - awakened concrete - balancing of proposed concrete mix - arrangement of steel in reinforced concrete - ballast concrete - batching of concrete mix - batching of concrete mix by volume - batching of concrete mix by weight - belt-conveyed concrete - biological shielding concrete - bituminous concrete - bituminous concrete pavement - bleeding of concrete - blown-out concrete - bonded to the steel concrete - booted concrete - breakdown test for concrete sample - breeze concrete - broken concrete - build concrete - buried concrete - bush-hammered concrete - cassie concrete - cast concrete - cast-in-place concrete - cast-in-situ concrete - cell concrete - cellular concrete - cement concrete - cement concrete pavement - central-mixed concrete - ceramsite concrete - cinder concrete - close-up failures in concrete structure - coarse concrete - coarseness of concrete mixture grading - cinder cement concrete - coke cement concrete - cold weather concrete - colloidal concrete - coloured concrete - compacted concrete - continuous concrete - controlled-quality concrete - copper-bearing concrete - corrosion-damaged concrete - crack safety of reinforced concrete elements - crazed concrete - crushed concrete - crushed-stone concrete - cured concrete - curing of concrete by ponding - curing of concrete units - curing of test concrete specimens - custom concrete - dead load of concrete structure - de-aerated concrete - deformation of concrete mix - delayed-setting concrete - dense concrete - dense ballast concrete - deposing of concrete - dry-mix concrete - dry concrete - early-strength concrete - earth concrete - electrically conductive concrete - epoxy concrete - excess concrete - expansive concrete - exposed concrete - extra-heavy concrete - fast-hardening concrete - fat concrete - faulty concrete - fibrous concrete - field concrete - fine concrete - finished concrete - floated concrete - floating concrete mixture plant - fluating of concrete - fluid concrete - fly-ash concrete - foam concrete - folding concrete form - fresh concrete - fully consolidated concrete - gas concrete - glass concrete - glass-fibre reinforced concrete - granite concrete - gravel concrete - gravel-aggregated concrete - green concrete - grouted-aggregate concrete - guss concrete - hand-compacted concrete - gypsum concrete - gypsum fibre concrete - hard concrete - hard rock concrete - hardened concrete - hardening of concrete - harsh concrete - haydite concrete - hearting concrete - heat-insulating concrete - heat-resistant concrete - heavy concrete - high-slump concrete - high-strength concrete - hollow concrete - homogeneous concrete - honeycombing concrete - hooped concrete - hot-laid asphaltic concrete - hydraulic concrete - ingredients of concrete - in-situ concrete - integral waterproofing of concrete - iron-shot concrete - job-mixed concrete - job-placed concrete - jonquil concrete - lean concrete - light aggregate concrete - lightweight concrete - lightweight aggregate concrete - lilac concrete - lime concrete - liquid concrete - liquid glass concrete - loose concrete - low-porosity concrete - low-slump concrete - machine-mixed concrete - marine concrete - mass concrete - mushy consistency of concrete - nailable concrete - nailing concrete - normal concrete - normal heavy concrete - no-slump concrete - off-formwork concrete - ordinary dense concrete - overnight concrete - oversite concrete - pavement concrete - placeability of concrete - placement of concrete - plain concrete - polymer concrete - polypropylene-fibre reinforced concrete - polystyrene-foam concrete - poor concrete - poor-quality concrete - popcorn concrete - porous concrete - portland-cement concrete - portland-pozzolana concrete - poured-in-place concrete - post-stressed concrete - post-tensioned concrete - precast concrete - precast structural concrete - prepacked aggregate concrete - pressed concrete - prestressed concrete - prestressed concrete with anchor loops - prestressed concrete with anchor plates - pumice concrete - pump concrete - quality concrete - rammed concrete - reactive aggregate concrete - ready-mix concrete - ready-mixed concrete - refractory concrete - reinforced concrete - rich concrete - roller compacted concrete - rough concrete - rubble concrete - sample of concrete - sand and gravel concrete - sand-cinder concrete - sandwich concrete - sawdust concrete - segregated concrete - segregating concrete - self-stressed concrete - setting of concrete - site concrete - slag concrete - slag-foam concrete - slow-setting concrete - spread concrete - spreaded concrete - spun concrete - stamped concrete - steam-cured concrete - steamed concrete - steel concrete - steel-fibre reinforced concrete - stiff concrete - stone concrete - structural concrete - stuck concrete - subaqueous concrete - substandard concrete - sulphur concrete - sulphur modified concrete - tamped concrete - tar concrete - terazzo concrete - transit-mix concrete - transit-mixed concrete - tremie concrete - ultra-high-strength concrete - undersanded concrete - underwater concrete - unworkable concrete - vacuum concrete - vacuum-treated concrete - vermiculite concrete - water-cured concrete - waterproof concrete - watertight concrete - weather resistant concrete - wet concrete - wood-fibre concrete - workability of concrete - workable concreteto strike off excess concrete — снимать, срезать излишки бетона
* * *бетон; бетонная смесь || бетонироватьconcrete around reinforcing steel — бетон в зоне [между стержнями] арматуры
concrete compacted by jolting — бетонная смесь, уплотнённая ударным методом [трамбованием]
concrete cured at 20°C — бетон, выдерживаемый при температуре 20°C
concrete cured at elevated temperatures — бетон, выдержанный [отвердевший] в условиях повышенных температур
concrete in mass — массивный бетон, бетон, уложенный в большой массив
concrete in the structure — бетон в теле конструкции [сооружения] ( в отличие от бетона в контрольных образцах)
concrete placed in lifts — бетон, укладываемый слоями [послойно]
concrete placed in the work — бетон, уложенный в конструкцию
concrete strong enough to support its own weight — бетон, достигший прочности, достаточной для восприятия собственного веса
concrete strong enough to support superimposed loads — бетон, достигший прочности, позволяющей воспринимать приложенные [временные] нагрузки
- concrete of inadequate qualityconcrete with a high cement factor — бетонная смесь с большим содержанием цемента, жирная бетонная смесь
- concrete of the required quality
- abrasion-resistant concrete
- acid-resisting concrete
- acrylic concrete
- aerated concrete
- air-entrained concrete
- air entrapped concrete
- air-placed concrete
- air-tight concrete
- alkali-resistant glass grain-reinforced concrete
- all-lightweight-aggregate concrete
- architectural concrete
- architectural exposed concrete
- architectural precast concrete
- asbestos foamed concrete
- as-mixed concrete
- asphaltic concrete
- asphalt concrete
- as-placed concrete
- autoclaved concrete
- backfill concrete
- basalt chippings concrete
- base course concrete
- base concrete
- belt-conveyed concrete
- biological shielding concrete
- bitumen concrete
- black concrete
- blended cement concrete
- blinding concrete
- board-finished concrete
- board marked concrete
- breeze concrete
- brick-look concrete
- brushed concrete
- bulk concrete
- bush hammered concrete
- calcium silicate concrete
- cast-in-place concrete
- cellular concrete
- cement concrete
- centrifugally cast concrete
- chloride-contaminated concrete
- cinder concrete
- clay concrete
- coarse-graded asphaltic concrete
- coarse asphaltic concrete
- coarse-graded asphalt concrete
- coarse asphalt concrete
- cold-laid asphaltic concrete
- cold asphaltic concrete
- cold-laid asphalt concrete
- cold asphalt concrete
- colloidal concrete
- colored concrete
- compacted concrete
- composite reinforced concrete
- constructional concrete
- continuously reinforced concrete
- conventional concrete
- corrosion-damaged concrete
- crushed concrete
- crushed brick concrete
- cryogenic concrete
- cured concrete
- custom concrete
- cyclopean concrete
- dense concrete
- densit concrete
- dingy concrete
- disintegrated concrete
- doubly prestressed concrete
- doubly reinforced concrete
- dry concrete
- dry mixture concrete
- dry mix concrete
- durable concrete
- earth-damp concrete
- electrically conductive concrete
- electrically heated concrete
- epoxy concrete
- exfoliated vermiculite concrete
- expanded concrete
- expanded-clay concrete
- expansive-cement concrete
- exposed aggregate concrete
- extra heavy concrete
- extreme lightweight concrete
- extruded concrete
- facing concrete
- fair-faced concrete
- fat concrete
- fiber reinforced concrete
- field concrete
- field-cured concrete
- fill concrete
- fine grained concrete
- fine grain concrete
- fire-proof concrete
- floated concrete
- flowing concrete
- flow concrete
- foamed concrete
- foamed slag concrete
- foam-gas concrete
- free-flowing concrete
- fresh concrete
- freshly laid concrete
- freshly mixed concrete
- freshly placed concrete
- fully consolidated concrete
- furnace cinder concrete
- gas concrete
- glass concrete
- glass-fiber reinforced concrete
- granolithic concrete
- green concrete
- grouted-aggregate concrete
- grouted concrete
- gunned concrete
- gypsum concrete
- gypsum fiber concrete
- hand mixed concrete
- hardened concrete
- harsh concrete
- hearting concrete
- heated concrete
- heat insulating concrete
- heat-resistant concrete
- heavyweight concrete
- weight concrete
- high-density concrete
- high-early-strength concrete
- high flowability concrete
- high-pressure steam cured concrete
- high-strength concrete
- high-temperature-resisting concrete
- high-temperature concrete
- high-workability concrete
- holdover concrete
- honeycombed concrete
- hot concrete
- hot-laid asphaltic concrete
- hot asphaltic concrete
- hot-laid asphalt concrete
- hot asphalt concrete
- hot weather concrete
- hydraulic concrete
- ice concrete
- improved quality concrete
- in-fill concrete
- initial concrete
- in-situ concrete
- insulating concrete
- integrally colored concrete
- iron-shot concrete
- latex modified concrete
- lean mix concrete
- lean concrete
- left-over concrete
- lightweight concrete
- lightweight aggregate concrete
- lime concrete
- low cement content concrete
- low-density concrete
- low-grade concrete
- low-heat concrete
- low-pressure steam cured concrete
- low-slump concrete
- low-slump dense concrete
- low workability concrete
- machine mixed concrete
- marine concrete
- mass concrete
- microsilica concrete
- monolithic concrete
- mushy concrete
- nailable concrete
- new concrete
- no-fines concrete
- no-fine concrete
- noncomplying concrete
- nonshrink concrete
- normal-weight concrete
- normal concrete
- no-slump concrete
- no-voids concrete
- ocrated concrete
- off-formwork concrete
- ordinary structural concrete
- ornamental concrete
- oversite concrete
- packaged concrete
- pattern stamped concrete
- pavement concrete
- perlite aggregate concrete
- perlite concrete
- perlite insulating concrete
- pfa concrete
- pigmented concrete
- plain concrete
- plant-mixed concrete
- plastic concrete
- plastic state concrete
- pneumatically placed concrete
- polyester resin concrete
- polyester concrete
- polymer concrete
- polymer-cement concrete
- polymer-impregnated concrete
- polymer-modified concrete
- polymer-modified glass-fiber-reinforced concrete
- polystyrene bead concrete
- polystyrene-foam concrete
- poor concrete
- popcorn concrete
- porous concrete
- Portland cement concrete
- post-tension concrete
- pourable concrete
- poured-in-place concrete
- pozzolana concrete
- precast concrete
- precast glass-fiber-reinforced concrete
- precast prestressed concrete
- precast reinforced concrete
- precast with cast-in-place concrete
- prefabricated reinforced concrete
- prefab reinforced concrete
- prepacked aggregate concrete
- prepacked concrete
- pre-post tensioned concrete
- prestressed concrete
- pretensioned concrete
- pretension concrete
- properly consolidated concrete
- pumice concrete
- pumpable concrete
- quality concrete
- quality controlled concrete
- radiation shielding concrete
- rammed concrete
- ready mixed concrete
- recycled concrete
- refractory concrete
- refractory insulating concrete
- regular concrete
- reinforced concrete
- reinforced polymer concrete
- resin concrete
- resin modified cement concrete
- returned concrete
- rich concrete
- roller compacted concrete
- rubble concrete
- salt water resistant concrete
- sand concrete
- sand blasted concrete
- sawdust concrete
- scale-resistant concrete
- scoria concrete
- sealed concrete
- seawater resisting concrete
- seawater concrete
- self-compacting concrete
- self-stressed concrete
- semidry concrete
- semilightweight concrete
- set concrete
- shielding concrete
- shrinkage compensating concrete
- shrink-mixed concrete
- shuttered concrete
- silica-fume concrete
- silicate concrete
- site concrete
- site mixed concrete
- site mixed ready mixed concrete
- slag concrete
- specialty concretes
- special concretes
- specified ready mixed concrete
- sprayed concrete
- sprayed steel fiber concrete
- spun concrete
- stabilized concrete
- stamped concrete
- standard concrete
- steam cured concrete
- steel fiber concrete
- steel fiber reinforced concrete
- steel fibrous concrete
- sticky concrete
- stiff consistency concrete
- stiff concrete
- stone concrete
- structural concrete
- structural lightweight aggregate concrete
- structural lightweight concrete
- structural precast concrete
- submerged concrete
- sulfate-resistant concrete
- sulfur concrete
- sulfur-modified concrete
- super concrete
- superplasticized concrete
- superplasticized flowing concrete
- tamped concrete
- tar concrete
- terrazzo concrete
- textured architectural concrete
- textured concrete
- textured concrete left as cast
- three component concrete
- tooled concrete
- transit-mix concrete
- translucent concrete
- tremie concrete
- trowelled concrete
- truck-mixed concrete
- two-component concrete
- ultra-high-strength concrete
- uncured concrete
- undersanded concrete
- underwater concrete
- uniform concrete
- unreinforced concrete
- unsurfaced exposed concrete
- vacuum treated concrete
- vacuum concrete
- vermiculate concrete
- vibrated concrete
- waterproofed concrete
- water-repellent concrete
- watertight concrete
- weak concrete
- wearproof concrete
- wet concrete
- white cement concrete
- white concrete
- wire prestressed precast concrete
- wire stressed precast concrete
- wood cement concrete
- wood fiber concrete
- zero slump concrete -
7 concrete
1) бетон, бетонная смесь || бетонировать2) бетонный; бетонированный3) конкретный, определённый; реальный4) затвердевать, застывать• -
8 bulk shield
1. сплошной экран2. массивный экран -
9 bulk of building
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > bulk of building
10 tank
1. резервуар, ёмкость, хранилище, чан, бак, цистерна2. водоём; водохранилище— air tank— day tank— gas tank— mud tank— oil tank
* * *
1. бак; цистерна; танк2. резервуар || наливать в резервуар; хранить в резервуареtank on the line — резервуар с открытой задвижкой на выходе в трубопровод;
to roll a tank — перемешивать нефть в резервуаре (с каким-л. газом);
to strap a tank — измерять ёмкость резервуара;
— gas tank— oil tank
* * *
цистерна; чан, бак; хранилище, ёмкость, резервуар
* * *
1) резервуар, хранилище; сборник; чан; бак; цистерна || наливать в резервуар; хранить в резервуаре2) водоём; водохранилище•tank in use — эксплуатируемый резервуар;
tank on the line — резервуар с открытой задвижкой на выходе в трубопровод;
to bleed a tank — опорожнять резервуар;
to dismantle the tank — разбирать резервуар;
to empty a tank — опорожнять резервуар;
to erect the tank — сооружать резервуар;
to ground the tank — заземлять резервуар;
to run a tank — сливать нефть из резервуара в нефтепровод ;
to strap a tank — измерять вместимость резервуара;
- above-ground storage tankto thief a tank — отбирать пробы в резервуаре;
- accumulator tank
- acid measuring tank
- active drilling mud tank
- additive tank
- air tank
- airseparating tank
- antipitching tank
- antirolling tank
- atmospheric pressure storage tank
- automatic flow tank
- auxiliary tank
- bailing tank
- balance tank
- balancing tank
- ballast tank
- balloon roof tank
- batching tank
- blender tank
- blending tank
- blowdown tank
- bottomless offshore storage tank
- breathing tank
- bulk oil tank
- bullet tank
- buried tank
- canvas tank
- cargo tank
- cement slurry mixing tank
- cement surge tank
- cementing tank
- charging stock tank
- chemical treating tank
- collapsible tank
- compressed air tank
- compressor suction tank
- concrete tank
- concrete oil tank
- condensate tank
- condensate gathering tank
- conical bottom tank
- conical roof tank
- constant header tank
- crude oil storage tank
- cryogenic tank
- cuttings tank
- cylindrical tank
- daily tank
- daily bulk cement tank
- daily bulk mud tank
- deck tank
- degassed tank
- degassing tank
- depositing tank
- detachable tank
- diked tank
- discharge tank
- displacement tank
- dome-type tank
- drilling-mud tank
- drilling-mud mixing tank
- drilling-mud settling tank
- drilling-mud storage tank
- drilling-mud suction tank
- drip tank
- Dubai storage tank
- dump tank
- earth tank
- earthen tank
- elevated tank
- emergency head tank
- equalizing tank
- expansion tank
- expiration-roof tank
- explosion-proof tank
- fabric tank
- fabric gasoline fuel tank
- feed tank
- field tank
- filling tank
- filter-bottom tank
- fixed roof tank
- flexible tank
- float tank
- floating roof tank
- flow tank
- free-water settling tank
- fuel tank
- fuel oil tank
- fuel supply tank
- gage tank
- gaging tank
- gas tank
- gas-gathering tank
- gasoline tank
- gasoline mobile tank
- gathering tank
- globe-bottom tank
- globe-roof tank
- gravitation tank
- gravity tank
- gravity service tank
- grounded tank
- gun-barrel tank
- head tank
- hemispherical tank
- high-pressure storage tank
- horizontal tank
- impurities receiving tank
- inflatable dome-roof tank
- initial oil storage tank
- interconnected tanks
- intermediate storage tank
- knocked-down tank
- land storage tank
- landing craft tank
- lease tank
- lifter-roof tank
- low-temperature tank
- main tank
- main storage tanks
- measuring tank
- metering tank
- mixing tank
- mobile tank
- molded plastic tank
- mud tank
- mud storage tank
- mud surge tank
- multiple tank
- multisphere tank
- multiple-chamber separating tank
- offshore storage tank
- oil tank
- oil settling tank
- oil storage tank
- oil-feed tank
- oil-field tank
- oil-gathering tank
- oil-storage tank
- oil-store tank
- orifice surge tank
- overflow tank
- overhead tank
- overland tank
- overload tank
- oxidation tank
- pipeline tank
- precipitation tank
- pressure tank
- pressure-relief tank
- priming tank
- prove tank
- pumping tank
- receiving tank
- rectangular tank
- refrigerated truck tank
- reinforced concrete storage tank
- rejection tank
- relay tank
- reserve drilling mud tank
- restricted orifice surge tank
- retention tank
- riveted tank
- roll-dampening tank
- rubber-lined tank
- rubberized fabric tank
- run tank
- run-down tank
- salt-settling tank
- sedimentation tank
- sedimentation tank of water treatment system
- separating tank
- service tank
- service mud storage tank
- service storage tank
- setting tank
- settlement tank
- settling tank
- shaker tank
- shotgun tank
- simple surge tank
- single chamber separating tank
- skimming tank
- slime tank
- slop tank
- sludge tank
- sludge acid separating tank
- slurry tank
- spherical tank
- spheroidal tank
- sprayed tank
- steel drilling mud tank
- stock tank
- stock oil tank
- storage tank
- streamlined pressure tank
- stringer ballast tank
- sturry tank
- submerged tank
- subsurface tank
- subsurface storage tank
- subterraneous tank
- suction tank
- sump tank
- supply tank
- surge tank
- test tank
- transit site tank
- trip tank
- truck tank
- twin compartment test tank
- underground storage tank
- underwater tank
- underwater storage tank
- ungrounded tank
- unlined tank
- upright tank
- vapor-tight tank
- variable vapor-space tank
- vented tank
- vertical tank
- volume tank
- waste tank
- water-sealed tank
- water-sprayed tank
- water-top tank
- wax-mixture-flow tank
- weathering tank
- weigh tank
- weir tank
- welded tank
- wet-oil tank* * * -
11 machine
1) машина; станок; двигатель; механизм3) машинный4) механически обрабатывать; обрабатывать на станке•machine for laying track ballast, panels and sleepers — машина для прокладки щебня для балластировки пути, путевых звеньев и шпал
- asphalt-placing machine - asphalt-spreading machine - auger brick machine - automatic arc welding machine - automatic setting machine - band-sawing machine - bending machine - bind machine - binding machine - bitumen melting, conveying and application machines for roofs - blade machine - blending machine - block machine - block-cutting machine - block-making machine - blue-printing machine - bolting machine - bolt-threading machine - borehole drilling machine - boring machine - boring and mortising machine - bottom-facing machine - box-hole boring machine - brick-moulding machine - Brinell's machine - brush machine - bucket-trenching machine - butt-welding machine - cable-dragging machine - cable-laying machine - calculating machine - cambering machine - capacity of a machine - caterpillar excavating machine - cement injection machine - cement testing machine - centrifugal machine - chain-and-tooth machine - clay-cutting machine - clay-working machine - cleaving machine - cold saw-cutting-off machine - component assembly machine - compression testing machine - concrete finishing machine - concrete smoothing machine - concrete spraying machine - concrete trowel machine - concrete vibratory machine - concreting machine - cooling machine - corrosion-fatigue testing machine - crane boom machine - crane-boring machine - crushing machine - cutting machine - dado-head machine - deairing machine - dependability of a machine operations - design of a machine - digging machine - direct stress machine - ditching machine - drawing machine - dredging machine - drill-ripping machine - dynamic machine - edge-grinding and polishing machine - excavating machine - excelsior cutting machine - extruding machine - fatigue testing machine - felling and milling machine - finishing machine - frozen-earth-excavating machine - gang-sawing machine - gas-welding machine - glass-washing machine - grooving machine - grouting machine - Guillery impact machine - gutters machine - hack-sawing machine - hand bending machine - handle attaching, screen printing, decal application machine - hardness testing machine - hoisting machine - hydraulic machine - hydraulic casing machine - idle time of a machine - impact machine - insulating tape winding machine - jarring machine - joint-cutting machine - jolt-moulding machine - jolt-ramming machine - knapping machine - kneading machine - knock-boring machine - lacerating machine - lazer-guided machine - lime hydrating machine - lining machine - loaded machine - magnetic pulsed arc welding machine - manner-type slaking machine - match-boarding machine - mixing machine - mortar-mixing machine - mortising slot machine - nail-driving machine - nailing machine - one head automatic arc welding machine - operational machine - packing machine - pavement-marking machine - paving machine - pavingstone-laying machine - percussion riveting machine - pile-drawing machine - pipe-bending machine - pipe-cleaning machine - pipe-cutting machine - pipe-laying machine - pipe-threading machine - pipe-welding machine - planing machine - plaster-floating and trowelling machine - plastering machine - plate-punching machine - polishing machine - power polymer concrete spraying machine for the road - pressure casting machine - profiling machine - ram impact machine - refrigerating machine - reinforcement welding machine - reinforcement winding machine - reversed torsion machine - road marking machine - rock-boring machine - roof bolting machine - rotating beam-type machine - rotating cantilever beam-type machine - scooping machine - scraper machine - screening machine - separating machine - service life of machine - sieving machine - skid proofing machine - slotting machine - soil-compacting machine - sorting machine - sounding machine - spinning machine - splitting machine - spot welding machine - spraying machine for road binders - standard machine capacity - stationary processing machine for sleepers and rails - stone-laying machine - strikeoff machine - stripper machine - synchronous machine - tensile-testing machine - testing machine - track lifting and slewing machine - trench-cutting machine - trenching machine - tunnelling machine - universal machine for track-laying - universal testing machine - unpiling machine - vibration machine - vibratory impact machine - welding machine - wire-winding machineto operate a machine — управлять машиной, работать на станке
* * *машина; станок; механизм; устройство; установка- absorption refrigerating machine
- absorption machine
- adsorption refrigerating machine
- adsorption machine
- air placing machine
- air refrigerating machine
- all-purpose machine
- ammonia refrigerating machine
- anchor machine
- automatic tamping and leveling machine
- axial piston machine
- backhoe tunneling machine
- bag filling machine
- bag packing machine
- ballast cleaning machine
- ballast dressing machine
- ballast screening machine
- ballast tamping machine
- bar bending machine
- bar-cropping machine
- basic machine
- bead-forming machine
- beam-molding machine
- bending machine
- bending testing machine
- bitumen spraying machine
- blasting machine
- block-making machine
- building material machines
- bulk-handling machines
- carrying and lifting machines
- casting machine
- centrifugal refrigerating machine
- Charpy impact machine
- cleaning priming and taping machine
- cold air machine
- combination floating-troweling machine
- compaction machine
- compression refrigerating machine
- compression testing machine
- concrete core drilling machine
- concrete finishing machine
- concrete molding machine
- concrete placing machine
- concrete vibrating machine
- construction machines
- creasing machine
- cribbing machine
- cutting-off machine
- ditching machine
- drafting machine
- drag scraper machine
- drilling machine
- drum digger tunneling machine
- duct forming machine
- excavating machines
- finishing machine
- flanging machine
- folding machine
- forming machine
- frost gritting machine
- gauging machine
- grinding machine
- grouting machine
- guniting machine
- hoisting machine
- Izod impact machine
- Izod machine
- joint grouting machine
- joint sealing machine
- laser-guided machine
- laydown machine
- laying and finishing machine
- lithium bromide refrigerating machine
- lockforming machine
- material handling machine
- materials testing machine
- material testing machine
- molding machine
- mortise machine
- padding machine
- pavement diamond core drilling machine
- pavement core drilling machine
- pendulum impact testing machine
- pendulum impact machine
- percussion riveting machine
- piling machine
- pipe-bending machine
- pipe-cutting machine
- pipelining machine
- pipemaking machine
- pipe threading machine
- plasma cutting machine
- pneumatic riveting machine
- pneumatic wood-boring machine
- polishing machine
- portable planing machine
- precast concrete machine
- rail-welding machine
- refrigerating machine
- road grooving machine
- rollforming machine
- rounding machine
- screeding machine
- seam closing machine
- self-propelled machine
- single rail-mounted machine
- slab-making machine
- slipforming machine
- soft ground tunneling machine
- spiking machine
- steam jet refrigerating machine
- stirrup bending machine
- strikeoff machine
- stump pulling machine
- swaging machine
- tamping machine
- tensile machine
- tensile-and-compression machine
- testing machine
- thread-cutting machine
- tile ditching machine
- towed machine
- tracked machine
- trenching machine
- triaxial compression machine
- troweling machine
- tunnel boring machine
- vacuum refrigeration machine
- vibrating machine
- vibrating and finishing machine
- vibroflot machine
- walk-behind machine
- wire winding machine
- wrapping machine -
12 strength
1) прочность; предел прочности; сопротивление; крепость2) сила, интенсивность3) крепость, концентрация ( раствора)•- strength of current - strength of extension - strength of materials - strength of solution - acid strength - actual strength - adhesive strength - aged strength - air-dry strength - alternate strength - alternate bending strength - bearing strength - bearing strength of ice - bond strength of cement to sand - bond strength - bonding strength - breaking strength - buckling strength - bulk strength - characteristic strength - cleavage strength - coating strength - colour strength - combined strength - compressive strength - concrete strength - crack strength - cross-breaking strength - crushing strength - cube crushing strength - current strength - cylinder strength - designed strength of concrete - drained strength - dry bond strength - dye strength - effective strength - elastic strength - emission strength - endurance strength - fatigue strength - film strength - flexural strength - flow strength - folding strength - frictional strength - impact strength - lateral strength - limit strength - long-time strength - mechanical strength - polluting strength - pull strength - reverberation strength - rupture strength - sand strength - sewage strength - shear strength - shock strength - short-time strength - solution strength - source strength - stressed-state strength - stripping strength - structural strength - tensile strength - thermal insulation strength - tinting strength - transverse strength - twisting strength - ultimate strength - vibration strength - weld strength - wet strength - wind strength - working strength - yield strengthstrength under shock — сопротивление удару; прочность на удар
* * *1. прочность; предел прочности; предел выносливости2. крепость, концентрация ( раствора)- strength of materialsstrength under sustained load — прочность при длительной нагрузке, долговременная прочность
- strength of sewage
- abrasive strength
- actual strength
- actual aggregate breaking strength
- actual breaking strength
- adequate strength
- adfreezing strength
- adhesional strength
- adhesion strength
- aggregate breaking strength
- alternate strength
- alternate bending strength
- axial tensile strength
- bearing strength
- bending strength
- bending compression strength
- bending oscillation strength
- bending tensile strength
- bonding strength
- bond strength
- bond strength of cement to coarse aggregate
- bond strength of cement to sand
- Brazilian test strength
- breaking strength
- buckling strength
- bursting strength
- characteristic strength
- characteristic strength of concrete
- characteristic strength of prestressing tendon
- characteristic strength of reinforcement
- characteristic cube strength
- combined strength
- compressive strength
- compressive strength affected by water-cement ratio
- compressive strength increased by revibration
- concrete strength
- concrete strength at 7 days
- concrete strength at 28 days
- concrete compressive strength
- crack strength
- creep strength
- crushing strength
- cube strength
- cylinder strength
- deformation strength
- design strength
- design strength of materials
- design mean strength
- drained strength
- dried strength
- dynamic strength
- dynamic ultimate strength
- early strength
- early strength of concrete
- elastic strength
- endurance strength
- fatigue strength
- final strength of concrete
- fired strength
- flexural strength
- fracture strength
- guaranteed strength
- impact strength
- initial strength
- long-term strength
- mean strength
- no-load shearing strength
- offset yield strength
- peak strength
- postbuckling strength
- postcracking strength
- pull-out rebar strength
- reduced strength
- reinforcing bar pull-out strength
- rock joint strength
- rupture strength
- shearing strength
- shear strength
- short-term strength
- soil strength
- specified works cube strength
- splitting tensile strength
- stripping strength
- taking-off strength
- tearing strength
- tensile strength
- tensile splitting strength
- tinctorial strength
- tinting strength
- torsion strength
- transfer strength
- transverse strength
- ultimate strength
- ultimate tensile strength
- works cube strength
- yield strength -
13 storage
1. склад; резервуар; хранилище2. хранение
* * *
1. хранение; складирование2. хранилище3. резервуарhigh-pressure gas storage in salt caverns — подземное газохранилище высокого давления в соляных отложениях
underground gas storage in depleted gas reservoirs — подземное газохранилище в истощённых коллекторах газа
underground gas storage in depleted oil reservoirs — подземное газохранилище в истощённых коллекторах нефти
* * *
склад, хранилище; хранение; накопление, аккумулирование; память ЭВМ, запоминающее устройство
* * *
память ( компьютера); запоминающее устройство (ЗУ)
* * *
1) хранение; складирование2) склад; хранилище3) резервуар•- above-surface storage
- above-water offshore oil storage
- active liquid storage
- aquifer underground gas storage
- artificial underground gas storage
- bottom-supported offshore oil storage
- bulk storage
- bulk cement storage
- bulk oil storage
- buoy storage
- cavern storage
- chamber underground storage
- container storage
- core storage
- crude storage
- cryogenic storage
- dead storage
- depleted field underground storage
- depleted gas reservoir underground storage
- depleted oil reservoir underground storage
- earth storage
- emergency underground storage
- explosion-formed underground storage
- field oil storage
- floating storage
- floating offshore oil storage
- fuel storage
- gas storage
- gasoline storage
- ground storage
- high-pressure storage
- high-pressure gas storage
- high-pressure gas storage in salt caverns
- hydrated storage
- isothermal storage
- large capacity storage
- large capacity gas storage
- lease storage
- line pack storage
- liquefied gas cavern storage
- liquefied natural gas storage
- liquefied petroleum gas storage
- liquefied petroleum gas cavern storage
- long-term storage
- low-pressure gas storage
- mine underground storage
- mine working storage
- multichamber underground storage
- multiple-bed underground storage
- multiple-tank storage
- natural-gas storage
- oil storage
- oil cavern storage
- open storage
- outdoor storage
- peak-shaving gas storage
- petrochemical storage
- pipeline storage
- pipeline oil storage
- pore storage
- protective storage
- quarry storage
- reinforced concrete storage
- reserve liquid storage
- riser pipe storage
- rock storage of oil
- run-down storage
- salt-bed cavern storage
- salt-bed underground storage
- salt-dome storage
- semisubmerged storage
- shut-in storage
- single buoy storage
- stem underground storage
- strategic underground storage
- subsea storage
- subsurface storage
- sunken storage
- surface oil storage
- tankless underground storage
- transmission line storage
- underground storage
- underground storage in abandoned mine
- underground diurnal storage
- underground gas storage
- underground gas storage in depleted gas reservoir
- underground gas storage in depleted oil reservoir
- underground oil storage
- underwater storage
- underwater gas storage
- underwater offshore oil storage
- water storage* * * -
14 machine
- machine
- nмашина; станок; механизм; устройство; установка
- absorption refrigerating machine
- absorption machine
- adsorption refrigerating machine
- adsorption machine
- air placing machine
- air refrigerating machine
- all-purpose machine
- ammonia refrigerating machine
- anchor machine
- automatic tamping and leveling machine
- axial piston machine
- backhoe tunneling machine
- bag filling machine
- bag packing machine
- ballast cleaning machine
- ballast dressing machine
- ballast screening machine
- ballast tamping machine
- bar bending machine
- bar-cropping machine
- basic machine
- bead-forming machine
- beam-molding machine
- bending machine
- bending testing machine
- bitumen spraying machine
- blasting machine
- block-making machine
- building material machines
- bulk-handling machines
- carrying and lifting machines
- casting machine
- centrifugal refrigerating machine
- Charpy impact machine
- cleaning priming and taping machine
- cold air machine
- combination floating-troweling machine
- compaction machine
- compression refrigerating machine
- compression testing machine
- concrete core drilling machine
- concrete finishing machine
- concrete molding machine
- concrete placing machine
- concrete vibrating machine
- construction machines
- creasing machine
- cribbing machine
- cutting-off machine
- ditching machine
- drafting machine
- drag scraper machine
- drilling machine
- drum digger tunneling machine
- duct forming machine
- excavating machines
- finishing machine
- flanging machine
- folding machine
- forming machine
- frost gritting machine
- gauging machine
- grinding machine
- grouting machine
- guniting machine
- hoisting machine
- Izod impact machine
- Izod machine
- joint grouting machine
- joint sealing machine
- laser-guided machine
- laydown machine
- laying and finishing machine
- lithium bromide refrigerating machine
- lockforming machine
- material handling machine
- materials testing machine
- material testing machine
- molding machine
- mortise machine
- padding machine
- pavement diamond core drilling machine
- pavement core drilling machine
- pendulum impact testing machine
- pendulum impact machine
- percussion riveting machine
- piling machine
- pipe-bending machine
- pipe-cutting machine
- pipelining machine
- pipemaking machine
- pipe threading machine
- plasma cutting machine
- pneumatic riveting machine
- pneumatic wood-boring machine
- polishing machine
- portable planing machine
- precast concrete machine
- rail-welding machine
- refrigerating machine
- road grooving machine
- rollforming machine
- rounding machine
- screeding machine
- seam closing machine
- self-propelled machine
- single rail-mounted machine
- slab-making machine
- slipforming machine
- soft ground tunneling machine
- spiking machine
- steam jet refrigerating machine
- stirrup bending machine
- strikeoff machine
- stump pulling machine
- swaging machine
- tamping machine
- tensile machine
- tensile-and-compression machine
- testing machine
- thread-cutting machine
- tile ditching machine
- towed machine
- tracked machine
- trenching machine
- triaxial compression machine
- troweling machine
- tunnel boring machine
- vacuum refrigeration machine
- vibrating machine
- vibrating and finishing machine
- vibroflot machine
- walk-behind machine
- wire winding machine
- wrapping machine
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
15 material
1) материал; вещество2) ткань, материал3) мн. ч. детали ( для обработки)•to calibrate a material — (точно) определять свойства материала-
ablative material
abrasive material
absorbent material
acceptor material
acoustical material
acoustic material
active laser material
active material
adding material
advanced material
air-equivalent material
air-wall material
amorphous magnetic material
anisotropic material
anodic material
antiferroelectric material
antiferromagnetic material
antifriction material
antihalation material
antirot material
antislip material
antisun material
asbestos-cement material
atmospheric reentry material
attached foreign material
backfilling material
backfill material
backing material
barrier material
base material
basic material
batch material
bed material
bimetallic conductor material
binding material
bituminous material
black-and-white material
blanket material
bonding material
borrow material
bottoming material
bred material
breeder material
brittle material
bubble material
building material
bulk material
bulk semiconductor material
burden material
carbon electrical material
carrier material
case material
cast stone material
caved material
cementing material
ceramic foam material
ceramic material
charge material
charging material
clad dielectric material
clad material
coal-tar raw material
coating material
coherent material
cohesionless material
cohesive material
coiled material
cold-charged material
color material
combustible material
combustion materials
compact material
composite material
compounding material
concrete materials
conducting material
conductor material
constant bandgap material
constructional material
contact conductor material
core material
corrosion-resistance material
cover material
covering material
crib material
crucible material
crystalline material
cushioning material
damping material
degenerative semiconductor material
diamagnetic material
dielectric material
difficult-to-cut material
diffusion transfer material
direct bandgap material
discrete material
disordered material
dolomite-based material
dopant material
doping material
dredged material
ductile material
dye bleach material
earthy raw materials
elastic material
electret material
electric contact material
electric insulating material
electrochromic material
electrode material
electroluminescent material
electronic-grade material
electronic material
electrooptical material
electrooptic material
electrostrictive material
electrotechnical material
ENG/EFP tape material
engineering material
epitaxial material
evaporated material
evaporation material
excavated material
excessive uncut material
expanded material
explosive material
extraneous material
extraterrestrial material
extrinsic material
fabric-filled molding material
facing material
feed material
ferrimagnetic material
ferroelectric material
ferromagnetic material
ferrous material
fertile material
fettling material
fiber glass material
fiber-filled molding material
fiber-forming material
fiber-reinforced material
fibrous material
filling material
finished material
finishing material
fireclay material
fired material
fireproof material
fire-resistant material
fissile material
fissionable material
fission material
flammable material
float material
fluxing material
foam material
foam-type refractory material
food raw material
foreign material
foundation material
frost-resistant material
fuel material
fungicidal packaging material
gaseous fissionable material
gasket material
glass-bonded reinforced dielectric material
glass-bonded dielectric material
glass-ceramic material
glass-fiber material
glass-forming material
graded bandgap material
granular material
greasy material
grinding material
gunned material
half-finished material
hard material
hard-magnetic material
hard-to-machine material
heat-insulating material
heat-resistant material
heat-resisting conductor material
heat-resisting material
heat-softenable material
heat-transfer material
high-alloy material
high-coercivity material
high-conductivity material
high-definition material
high-expansion material
high-performance material
high-resistivity material
high-resolution material
high-Z material
honeycombed material
honeycomb material
host material
hot material
hydraulic insulating material
hydrocarbon material
hyperconductor material
ideal granular material
imaging material
incombustible material
inedible raw material
inedible material
inert material
inflammable material
in-process material
insulating material
intergranular material
intermediate material
intrinsic material
isotropic material
jointing material
joint-sealing material
laminated material
large-gap material
laser material
lasing material
library material
light-sensitive material
linearly elastic material
lining material
liquid fissionable material
loading material
loose material
lossy material
lost circulation material
low-bandgap material
low-gap material
low-coercitivity material
low-expansion material
low-loss material
low-mobility photovoltaic material
low-resistivity material
lump material
magnetic material
magnetically hard material
magnetically soft material
magnetodielectric material
magnetooptic material
magnetostrictive material
man-made material
materials of construction
metallic conductor material
metallic material
mine-run material
minus material
molding material
monocrystalline material
multicorrugating material
multilayer conductor material
multilayer material
narrow-bandgap material
natural material
negative electron affinity material
negative material
negative-image material
nonabrasive material
noncoherent material
noncombustible material
nonconductivity material
nonfired material
nonflammable material
nonfood raw material
nonmagnetic material
nonretentive material
nonsilver material
nonterrestrial material
n-type material
nuclear material
oil-resistant material
optical material
oversize material
oxide-metal material
packaging material
packing material
paintwork material
paramagnetic material
parent material
patching material
pavement material
paving material
phosphor material
photochromic material
photoconductive material
photographic material
photoresponsive material
photosensitive material
phototropic material
photovoltaic material
piezoelectric material
plastic material
polycrystalline material
poromeric material
positive electron affinity material
positive material
positive-image material
preformed material
pressure sensitive material
prestrained material
p-type material
pulp-making material
pyroelectric material
ramming material
random material
rapid-access photographic material
raw material
receiving material
recording material
recycled material
reference nuclear materials
refractory conductor material
refractory material
reject material
rejected material
resistance material
resistive material
retentive material
returned fissile material
reversal material
road-building material
roll material
roll-compacted powder material
rooting material
rough material
rubber-cord material
rubber-like material
rubber-reinforced material
rubbery material
sandwiched material
scrap material
sealing material
secondary hardening material
secondary raw materials
self-adhesive material
self-developing material
semiconducting material
semiconductive material
semisolid bituminous materials
sensitive material
sheet material
shielding material
silicate concrete material
silverless material
sintered material
sintered metal-powder material
slagging material
slip-cast material
soft material
soft-magnetic material
solar energy storage material
solid bituminous material
solid fissionable material
solid-foamed material
solvent-resistant material
sound-absorbing material
sound-insulating material
space-manufactured material
spalling-resistant material
special fissionable material
square-loop material
standard nuclear materials
starting material
stealth material
stemming material
stowing material
structural material
superconducting material
superconductive material
superrefractory material
surface-active material
surface-inactive material
tamping material
tar-dolomite material
tar-stabilized dolomite material
temperature sensitive material
termination material
textured material
thermographic material
thermomagnetic material
thermosetting material
thermost material
timber-based material
tool material
tree-length material
two-gap material
two-valley material
ultrarefractory material
unclad dielectric material
undersize material
upholstery material
vaporproof material
vesicular material
video material
vitrocrystalline material
wall-building material
washing material
waste material
waterproofing material
web material
weighting material
widebandgap material
widegap material
wood raw material
work material -
16 equipment
оборудование; снаряжение; оснащение; арматура; аппаратура
* * *
1. оборудование; аппаратура2. приспособление; установка; устройствоblowout preventer stack handling equipment — оборудование для обслуживания блока противовыбросовых превенторов
hydraulic stabilizer mounting equipment — гидравлическое устройство плотной посадки сменных стабилизаторов (на муфты бурильных труб)
snubbing equipment for pipe running — оборудование для спуска труб под воду (с противодавлением в скважине)
* * *
оборудование, техника; оснащение, арматура
* * *
1) оборудование; аппаратура2) приспособление; установка; устройство•equipment for enhanced recovery of crude oil — оборудование для повышения нефтеотдачи;
- above-surface wellhead equipmentequipment for geophysical prospecting — оборудование для геофизической разведки;
- accessory equipment
- acid-treatment equipment
- acoustic log equipment
- API nuclear log calibration equipment
- associated-gas handing equipment
- automatic checkout-and-readiness equipment
- auxiliary equipment
- blasting equipment
- blowout equipment
- blowout preventer equipment
- blowout preventer closing equipment
- blowout preventer stack handling equipment
- borehole equipment
- borehole compensated equipment
- borehole piercing equipment
- bottom equipment
- bottomhole equipment
- bulk mixing equipment
- cable tool well drilling equipment
- carbon dioxide flooding equipment
- casing equipment
- casing handling equipment
- casing hanger equipment
- caustic flooding equipment
- cement equipment
- cement log equipment
- cementation pumping equipment
- churn-drill equipment
- combination drilling equipment
- completion equipment
- compressor equipment
- concrete-handling equipment
- control equipment
- cooling equipment
- core equipment
- coring equipment
- crude-oil treating equipment
- crude-oil treatment equipment
- deep-drilling equipment
- demonstration equipment
- density-log equipment
- derrick equipment
- detonating equipment
- diagnostic equipment
- diamond-drilling equipment
- directional-drilling equipment
- disposal equipment
- distillation equipment
- downhole equipment
- downhole pumping equipment
- down-the-hole electrical log equipment
- drill stem equipment
- drill string equipment
- drilling equipment
- drilling-mud cleaning equipment
- drilling-mud handling equipment
- drilling-mud mixing equipment
- drilling-mud treatment equipment
- drill-sharpening equipment
- dual laterolog equipment
- electrical exploration equipment
- electromagnetic exploration equipment
- electronic yaw equipment
- emergency equipment
- emergency mooring equipment
- exploration equipment
- extended casing wellhead equipment
- extension drill steel equipment
- face equipment
- failed equipment
- faulty equipment
- field equipment
- field maintenance equipment
- fire fighting equipment
- fire safety equipment
- fishing equipment
- flow head equipment
- flow line equipment
- formation density equipment
- formation density compensated equipment
- fracturing head equipment
- fusion-piercing equipment
- gamma-gamma log equipment
- gas-conditioning equipment
- gaslift equipment
- gaslift flow head equipment
- gas-processing equipment
- gas-welding equipment
- geophysical equipment
- hand-held drilling equipment
- handling equipment
- harbor handling equipment
- heave-compensation equipment
- high-temperature head equipment
- horizontal-loop equipment
- hydraulical stabilizer mounting equipment
- induced-polarization logging equipment
- induction logging equipment
- induced polarization logging equipment
- in-situ combustion equipment
- installation equipment
- Kobe pumping equipment
- laterolog equipment
- life saving equipment
- lifting equipment
- log equipment
- logging equipment
- magnetotelluric equipment
- maintainable equipment
- maintenance equipment
- maintenance-and-support equipment
- maintenance-ground equipment
- manually controlled equipment
- marine riser handling equipment
- microlaterolog equipment
- mining equipment
- mud equipment
- mud degassing equipment
- mud mixing equipment
- multiple completion equipment
- multistage cementing equipment
- nonrepairable equipment
- nuclear log equipment
- offshore drilling equipment
- oil equipment
- oil-and-gas production equipment
- oil-field equipment
- oil-spill cleanup equipment
- on-board drilling equipment
- out-of-repair equipment
- perforating equipment
- personnel survival equipment
- pipeline equipment
- pipeline-launching equipment
- pipeline-laying equipment
- pipeline-scraping equipment
- playback equipment
- portable jacking equipment
- position monitoring equipment
- position mooring equipment
- pressure control equipment
- pressure maintenance equipment
- processing equipment
- production equipment
- production test equipment
- pull-down equipment
- pulling-and-running equipment
- pump-and-compressor equipment
- pumping equipment
- radioactivity log equipment
- radioactivity well logging equipment
- radiometric equipment
- reconditioning equipment
- redundant equipment
- reflection equipment
- refraction equipment
- rejected equipment
- reliable equipment
- remote control equipment
- remote metering equipment
- repair equipment
- repairable equipment
- resistivity logging equipment
- reusable drilling equipment
- rig hoisting equipment
- riser pipe equipment
- rotary drilling equipment
- round trip equipment
- running equipment
- safety equipment
- sandblast equipment
- sea-floor equipment
- seismic equipment
- seismic exploration equipment
- seismograph equipment
- separation equipment
- series cementing equipment
- service equipment
- service checkout equipment
- shallow refraction equipment
- shooting equipment
- single well completion equipment
- skid-mounted compressor equipment
- snubbing equipment for pipe running
- solids control equipment
- sonic equipment
- special support equipment
- standby equipment
- stationary compressor equipment
- steam flooding equipment
- submersible equipment
- submersible electrical equipment
- subsea equipment
- subsea wellhead equipment
- subsurface pumping equipment
- support equipment
- surface equipment
- surface preventer equipment
- surface shut-in equipment
- surface wellhead equipment
- surfactant-polymer flooding equipment
- tank cleaning equipment
- telemetering equipment
- temporary mooring equipment
- test equipment
- test-and-maintenance equipment
- through-tubing equipment
- tie-back equipment
- towing equipment
- traction-type equipment
- treating equipment
- underground equipment
- underwater equipment
- underwater drilling equipment
- underwater wellhead equipment
- unrepairable equipment
- utility equipment
- ventilating equipment
- vibrator equipment
- washover equipment
- welding equipment
- well-control equipment
- wellhead equipment
- wellhead control equipment
- well-logging equipment
- well-production disposal equipment
- well-service equipment
- well-workover equipment
- wet-type completion equipment
- wireline equipment
- wireline pressure-control equipment
- workover equipment* * *• аппарат• оснасткаАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > equipment
17 station
18 material
1) материал; мн. ч. грунты; материалы2) материальный, вещественный•material retained on sieve — остаток на сите, надрешётный продукт
- abrasive material - active material - additional materials - adsorbing material - alternate material - antirot material - asbestos-containing construction materials - auxiliary materials - backfilling material - binding material - biostatic material - bituminous road materials - blasting material - brittle material - building materials - bulk material - cartographic materials - cartographical materials - cementing material - check of design material - coating material - constructional materials - consumption of materials - contractor's materials - corroding material - customer's materials - defective materials - delivery of materials - description of materials by weight - direct materials - durable material - emulsified bituminous materials - everyday need for materials - excavated material - expendable materials - experimental constructional material - explosive material - filter material - fireproof material - fire-resistant material - flux material - foam material - frostproof material - geologic materials - geological materials - geophysic materials - geophysical materials - granular materials - graphic material - graphical material - hazardous material - heat-insulating material - high grade material - hydro-geologic materials - hydro-geological materials - import materials - improper materials - indirect material - inflammable material - insulating materials - intrusion material - ion-exchange material - jointing material - lack of materials - lining material - list of materials - load transfer material - local building materials - locally manufactured materials - loose material - low-grade material - manufactured constructional materials - mismatched material - need for materials - nonused material - operational materials - parent material - patching material - paving material - procurement of materials - qualitative roofing material - quality of materials - radioactive material - raw material - refractory material - replacement of imported construction materials - required materials - roofing materials - rough material - sandwich material - sealing material - separation material - sound-damping material - source material - spongy material - standard material - substandard material - topographic material - topographical material - transportation of materials - utilization of materials - waterproofing material - written materialto damage construction materials during transportation — повредить строительные материалы во время транспортировки
* * *1. материал, вещество2. грунт3. материальный, вещественный- abrasion-resisting materialmaterials by structural properties — материалы, классифицируемые по структурным свойствам
- abrasive material
- absorbent material
- acoustic material
- anisotropic material
- architectural constructional materials
- architectural construction materials
- argillaceous material
- artificial pozzolanic material
- backfilling material
- backing material
- bagged material
- ballast material
- binding material
- bituminous materials
- bonding material
- boxing material
- brittle material
- building materials
- calcareous material
- cellular material
- cement-bound granular material
- cementing material
- ceramic materials
- clayey materials
- coated material
- coating material
- combustible material
- combustible building materials
- composite material
- concrete materials
- concrete-making materials
- concrete repair materials
- constituent materials of concrete
- construction materials
- corrugated sheet material
- damping material
- dampproofing material
- defective material
- ductile material
- durable material
- engineering materials
- excavated material
- fast-setting repair material
- faulty material
- fiber reinforced material
- fill material
- filter material
- finishing material
- fire retarding material
- flexible sheet material
- fluid material
- foamed-in-place acoustical materials
- form material
- frost-free material
- graded material
- granular material
- granular subbase material
- gritting materials
- hazardous material
- heat insulating material
- high-grade materials
- highly insulative material
- high insulative material
- incombustible material
- industrial materials
- inorganic material
- insulating materials
- isotropic material
- jointing material
- joint-sealing material
- lagging materials
- laminated material
- lime-containing material
- linear-elastic material
- lining material
- load-bearing structural insulating material
- loose fill acoustical material
- loosely packed material
- low-tensile strength material
- maintenance patching material
- manufactured construction materials
- matrix material
- mineral fill material
- moisture-resistant insulating material
- natural mineral material
- near-by material
- noncombustible material
- nonconductive material
- noncreeping material
- nonhazardous material
- one-component material
- organic material
- original raw materials
- orthotropic material
- packaged material
- packaged dry concrete materials
- parent material
- phase change materials
- plastic material
- poultice material
- pozzolanic material
- prebagged material
- prebatched material
- radioactive material
- raw materials
- reactive silica material
- recycled material
- release material
- repair materials
- resilient materials
- restoration materials
- road materials
- rock material
- roofing material
- sealing material
- sheet acoustical material
- solar cell roofing material
- solid material
- sound material
- sound absorbent material
- sound-deadening material
- sound insulation material
- sparkle material
- sprayed-on material
- sticky material
- strain-hardening material
- structural materials
- synthetic material
- synthetic resinous material
- thermal insulating material
- toxic material
- trim materials
- unrefined raw materials
- vibration-damping material
- walling material
- waterproofing material
- waterproof material
- water-repellent material -
19 cement
1. n цемент2. n вяжущее, цементирующее вещество3. n узы; основаcustom was in the early days the cement of society — обычай — вот что в старину объединяло общество
4. n замазка5. a цементныйcement deposits — сцементированные породы, связанные породы
6. v скреплять цементом, цементироватьcement silo — силос для хранения цемента; цементный бункер
7. v скреплять неразрывными узами; устанавливать прочную связь8. v метал. цементировать, науглероживать9. v метал. цементироваться10. v метал. спец. спекать, связывать11. v метал. спец. склеиватьСинонимический ряд:1. adhesive (noun) adhesive; epoxy; epoxy resin; glue; grout; mortar; portland cement; rubber cement; white cement2. concrete (noun) concrete; pavement3. adhere (verb) adhere; bond; fuse; join; seal; secure4. stick (verb) connect; fasten; glue; mortar; paste; plaster; stick; tarАнтонимический ряд: -
20 bond
̈ɪbɔnd I
1. сущ.
1) что-л. связывающее а) связь, узы to form bond ≈ создавать to strengthen a bond (of friendship) with ≈ укреплять узы дружбы close, firm, strong bond ≈ тесная связь spiritual bond ≈ духовная связь bonds of wedlock б) строит. о разных способах прочной кладки кирпичей в) хим. связь (межатомная)
2) мн. оковы;
тюремное заключение in bonds Syn: fetter
3) то, что сдерживает;
обязательство What serves as a bond to-day will be equally serviceable to-morrow. ≈ То, что сдерживает сегодня, будет сдерживать и завтра.
4) вид ценной бумаги а) долговое обязательство to stand bond for smb. ≈ поручиться за кого-л. to issue a bond ≈ выпустить долговое обязательство to cash (in), redeem a bond ≈ погашать долговое обязательство blanket fidelity bond ≈ общая гарантия доверия government bond ≈ правительственное долговое обязательство long-term bond ≈ долгосрочное денежное обязательство;
облигация долгосрочного займа municipal bond ≈ муниципальные городские обязательства negotiable bond ≈ оборотное долговое обязательство б) обыкн. мн.;
фин. облигации;
боны to set bond ≈ выпустить облигации to furnish, post a bond ≈ предоставлять облигации to forfeit a bond ≈ терять облигации/ценные бумаги authority bond ≈ ведомственные облигации long bond ≈ долгосрочная облигация moral obligation bond ≈ облигация с моральной гарантией mortgage revenew bond ≈ ипотечная доходная облигация municipal revenew bond ≈ муниципальная доходная облигация non-callable bond ≈ безотзывная облигация (облигация, которая не может быть погашена до установленного срока) private purpose bond ≈ муниципальные облигации для финансирования частных целей unlimited tax bond ≈ бессрочная налоговая облигация zero coupon bond ≈ облигация с нулевым купоном в) таможенная закладная in bond г) ссуда под залог( в шотландском законодательстве) Syn: pledge
5) юр. залог( вносится при желании изменить меру пресечения)
6) эл. провод, исполняющий роль контакта кабель, провод
2. гл.
1) строит. класть кирпичи со сдвигом один на другой, чтобы вся конструкция держалась, то есть просто класть кирпичи, камни
2) быть крепким, прочным (о конструкции)
3) отдавать что-л. в залог, получая взамен ссуду
4) о ценных бумагах или других документах а) подписывать обязательства;
связывать себя обязательствами б) фин. эмитировать облигации в) оставлять товары на таможне до уплаты пошлины
5) эл. соединять два контакта II
1. сущ.
1) уст. бонд (свободный землевладелец, особенно в Скандинавии)
2) это и нижеследующие значения этимологически нетождественны первому уст. крестьянин, землепашец (социальный статус)
3) уст. низший уровень на вассальной лестнице;
2. прил.
1) несвободный( в разных смыслах)
2) уст. рабский III сущ. ист. название нидерландскоговорящих колонизаторов Южной Африки (долговое) обязательство, долговая расписка - * of obligation (юридическое) долговое обязательство (за печатью) залог (шотландское) закладная, ипотека таможенная закладная - goods in * товары, оставленные на таможне (до уплаты пошлины) - goods out of * товары, оплаченные пошлиной( на таможне) - to take out of * оплатить пошлиной, выкупить товары с таможни поручитель - to stand * for smb. поручиться за кого-либо обязательство;
договор - his word is as good as his * он хозяин своего слова( финансовое) облигации, боны - war *s облигации военного займа - government *s государственные облигации узы, связь - *s of friendship узы дружбы - *(s) of wedlock узы брака - common tastes make a * between us нас связывают общие вкусы - speech is the great * that holds society together язык - великая сила, которая связывает общество оковы, цепи;
тюрьма, неволя - in *s в неволе, в тюрьме - to break one's *s asunder, to burst one's *s разорвать оковы - to break from one's *s освободиться от оков (специальное) крепление, соединение, связка( специальное) перевязка( кирпичной кладки) химическая связь подписывать долговое обязательство;
оформлять ипотеку закладывать имущество( финансовое) выпускать облигации, боны оставлять товары на таможне ( до уплаты пошлины) (строительство) скреплять, связывать( кирпичную кладку) - he *ed the tiles to the floor with cement он посадил плитки пола на цементный раствор держаться( на чем-либо) ;
сцепляться - concrete *s to steel by natural adhesion цемень сцепляется со сталью благодаря естественной адгезии (устаревшее) крепостной( крестьянин) (устаревшее) крепостной active ~ облигация с большим объемом продаж administration ~ правительственная облигация Aussie ~ еврооблигация в австралийских долларах average ~ мор. страх. аварийная гарантия average ~ мор.страх. аварийная подписка average ~ мор.страх. аварийный бонд back ~ облигация с присоединенным варрантом bail ~ обязательство, выдаваемое лицом, берущим кого-либо на поруки bail ~ поручительство за явку ответной стороны в суд bank ~ банковская облигация bear-bull ~ облигация с защитой от колебаний биржевой конъюнктуры bearer ~ неименная облигация bearer ~ облигация на предъявителя bid ~ гарантия предложения bond бона ~ выпускать боны ~ фин. выпускать облигации, боны ~ выпускать облигации ~ гарантия ~ денежное обязательство ~ договор ~ долговая расписка ~ долговое обязательство;
to stand bond (for smb.) поручиться (за кого-л.) ~ долговое обязательство ~ шотл. закладная ~ закладная, гарантия ~ закладная ~ закладывать имущество ~ закладывать имущество ~ залог ~ ипотека ~ крепостной ~ уст. крепостной (крестьянин) ~ обеспечение ~ обеспечивать обязательством ~ (обыкн. pl) фин. облигации;
боны ~ облигация, бона ~ облигация ~ обязательство, денежное обязательство ~ обязательство ~ обязательство государственного займа ~ pl оковы;
перен. тюремное заключение;
in bonds в тюрьме ~ оставлять (товар) на таможне до уплаты пошлины ~ оставлять товары на таможне до уплаты пошлины ~ оставлять товары на таможне до уплаты пошлины ~ оформлять ипотеку ~ стр. перевязка (кирпичной кладки) ~ подписывать долговое обязательство ~ подписывать обязательства ~ поручитель ~ поручительство ~ связывать ~ связь, узы ~ связь ~ сдерживающая сила ~ стр. скреплять, связывать (кирпичную кладку) ~ соединение ~ таможенная закладная ~ таможенная закладная ~ узы ~ denominated in foreign currency облигация в иностранной валюте ~ drawn for early redemption облигация с фиксированной ставкой для быстрой выплаты ~ from bulk issue облигация массового выпуска ~ issued at par облигация по номиналу ~ of matrimony сем. право узы брака ~ of restricted negotiability облигация ограниченной обращаемости ~ series number номер серии облигации bottomry ~ бодмерейный договор bulk ~ облигация массового выпуска bulk-issue ~ облигация массового выпуска bull-bear ~ индексированные облигации, выпускаемые двумя равными траншами bulldog ~ облигация "Бульдог" (Великобритания) callable ~ облигация с правом досрочного погашения collateral ~ обеспеченная облигация conditional ~ условная облигация contract ~ контрактная гарантия contractual ~ договорная облигация convertible ~ конвертируемая облигация convertible ~ облигация, конвертируемая в акцию corporate ~ корпорационная облигация corporate ~ промышленная облигация customs ~ таможенная закладная Daimyo ~ облигация "Дайме" (Япония) debenture ~ облигация без специального обеспечения debenture ~ сертификат таможни для обратного получения импортной пошлины debenture: ~ фин. attr.: debenture bond облигация акционерного общества;
debenture stock облигации defaulted ~ не погашенная в срок облигация deferred interest ~ облигация, по которой отсрочена выплата процентов discount ~ облигация, текущая стоимость которой ниже номинала или стоимости при погашении domestic ~ внутренняя облигация double ~ денежное обязательство со штрафом double ~ условное денежное обязательство dual currency ~ двухвалютная облигация eurodollar ~ евродолларовая облигация fidelity ~ гарантия против злоупотреблений лица, являющегося хранителем траста fixed income ~ облигация с фиксированным доходом fixed interest ~ облигация с фиксированной процентной ставкой floating rate ~ облигация с плавающей ставкой foreign ~ иностранная облигация full coupon ~ облигация с полным купоном geisha ~ облигации "гейша" (Япония) global ~ глобальная облигация good in ~ товар, сложенный на таможенном складе и не оплаченный пошлиной government ~ государственная облигация government ~ правительственная облигация granny ~ "бабушкины облигации" (выпущенные в Великобритании в 70-х годах для поощрения сбережений пенсионеров) guaranteed ~ гарантированная облигация harakiri ~ цен.бум. очень рискованная облигация high-yield ~ цен.бум. облигация с высоким доходом highly liquid ~ цен.бум. ценная бумага, пользующаяся высоким спросом host ~ цен.бум. еврооблигация с присоединенным варрантом in ~ не оплаченный таможенной пошлиной in ~ сложенный на таможенном складе ~ pl оковы;
перен. тюремное заключение;
in bonds в тюрьме income ~ доходная облигация indemnity ~ гарантийное обязательство index-linked ~ индексированная облигация indexed ~ индексированная облигация interest-bearing ~ процентная облигация interest-free ~ беспроцентная облигация junior ~ облигация с невысоким рейтингом junior ~ субординированная облигация junk ~ бросовая облигация kamikaze ~ цен.бум. рискованная акция kangaroo ~ цен.бум. австралийская акция на Лондонской фондовой бирже leading bank ~ основная банковская облигация listed ~ облигация, котирующаяся на фондовой бирже local authority ~ облигация, выпущенная местным органом власти long ~ государственная облигация с длительным сроком погашения long ~ долгосрочная облигация long ~ долгосрочное долговое обязательство long-dated ~ государственная облигация с длительным сроком погашения long-dated ~ долгосрочная облигация long-dated ~ долгосрочное долговое обязательство long-term ~ государственная облигация с длительным сроком погашения long-term ~ долгосрочная облигация long-term ~ долгосрочное обязательство lottery ~ лотерейная облигация low-coupon ~ облигация с низкой купонной ставкой low-interest ~ облигация с низкой процентной ставкой low-yield ~ облигация, дающая низкий доход main ~ ведущая облигация matured ~ облигация, выходящая в тираж minimax ~ цен.бум. облигация с фиксированным минимумом и максимумом плавающей процентной ставки mortgage ~ закладная mortgage ~ облигация, обеспеченная закладной на недвижимость mortgage ~ облигация для финансирования ипотечных кредитов mortgage credit ~ долговое обязательство ипотечного кредита mortgage credit ~ облигация ипотечного кредита municipal ~ муниципальная облигация negative ~ обесцененная облигация negotiable ~ свободнообращающаяся облигация noncallable ~ облигация, которая не может быть погашена досрочно order ~ ордерное долговое обязательство ordinary ~ простая облигация participating ~ облигация, дающая право на участие в распределении прибыли participating ~ облигация участия pass through ~ облигация, выпущенная на базе пула ипотек или других кредитов pay-through ~ ценная бумага, выпущенная на базе пула ипотек или других кредитов payment ~ облигация, подлежащая оплате performance ~ гарантия точного исполнения контракта performance ~ контрактная гарантия perpetual ~ бессрочная облигация preference ~ облигация с первоочередной выплатой процентов и первоочередным погашением preference ~ привилегированная облигация premium ~ премиальная облигация premium lottery ~ премиальная лотерейная облигация priority ~ облигация с преимуществом по сравнению с другой облигацией того же эмитента private activity ~ облигация частной организации profit-sharing ~ облигация с правом участия в прибылях profit-yielding ~ облигация, дающая прибыль public ~ облигация государственного займа public sector ~ облигация государственного сектора puttable ~ облигация с правом досрочного погашения redeem a ~ погашать облигацию redeemable ~ облигация, подлежащая погашению redeemable ~ облигация, которая может быть погашена досрочно registered ~ зарегистрированная облигация registered ~ именная облигация reorganization ~ реорганизационная облигация retractable ~ облигация с опционом "пут" samurai ~ иеновые облигации, публично эмитированные нерезидентами на внутреннем рынке страны savings ~ сберегательная облигация secured ~ обеспеченная облигация shareholders' ~ облигация акционеров ship credit ~ облигация для кредитования постройки судна shogun ~ облигация "сегун", выпущенная на национальном рынке нерезидентом в иностранной валюте short-dated ~ краткосрочная облигация short-term ~ краткосрочная облигация simple ~ безусловное денежное обязательство simple ~ денежное обязательство без штрафа single ~ безусловное денежное обязательство specialty ~ облигация специального назначения speculative ~ спекулятивная облигация ~ долговое обязательство;
to stand bond (for smb.) поручиться (за кого-л.) straight ~ обычная облигация, не имеющая специального обеспечения stripped ~ казначейская облигация, купон и основная сумма которой покупаются и продаются раздельно subordinated ~ облигация с более низким статусом по сравнению с другими долговыми обязательствами эмитента subordinated ~ субординированный долг sushi ~ еврооблигации в иностранной валюте, эмитированнные японской компанией и предназначенные для покупки японскими инвесторами tax-exempt ~ облигация, доход по которой не облагается налогом tax-exempt ~ ценная бумага, доход по которой не облагается налогом tax-free covenant ~ пункт договора об освобождении от налога tender ~ гарантия предложения treasury ~ долгосрочная казначейская облигация unit ~ консолидированная облигация unquoted ~ облигация, которая не котируется на основной бирже virgin ~ облигация, выпущенная в результате использования варранта и основной облигации, дающей право на приобретение дополнительных ценных бумаг zero ~ облигация с нулевым купоном zero convertible ~ конвертируемая облигация с нулевым купоном zero convertible ~ конвертируемая ценная бумага с нулевым купоном zero coupon ~ облигация с нулевым купоном
См. также в других словарях:
Concrete ship — Concrete ships are ships built of steel and ferrocement (reinforced concrete) instead of more traditional materials, such as steel or wood. The advantage of ferrocement construction is that materials are cheap and readily available, while the… … Wikipedia
Bulk carrier — The Sabrina I is a modern Handymax bulk carrier. Class overview Name: Freighter Subclasses … Wikipedia
Concrete — This article is about the construction material. For other uses, see Concrete (disambiguation). Outer view of the Roman Pantheon, still the largest unreinforced solid concrete dome.[1] … Wikipedia
Reinforced concrete — is concrete in which reinforcement bars ( rebars ), reinforcement grids, plates or fibers have been incorporated to strengthen the concrete in tension. It was invented by French gardener Joseph Monier in 1849 and patented in 1867.[1] The term… … Wikipedia
Types of concrete — There are many types of concrete, variations of installation, composition, finish and performance characteristics. A highway paved with concrete … Wikipedia
Grand Coulee Dam — This article is about the dam itself. For the song by Woody Guthrie, see Grand Coulee Dam (song). Grand Coulee Dam … Wikipedia
Rinker Group — The Rinker Group is an Australian headquartered multinational building products company. Prior to its acquisition by Cemex, it was listed on both the Australian Securities Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. Rinker operates three major… … Wikipedia
bulkhead — bulk•head [[t]ˈbʌlkˌhɛd[/t]] n. 1) naut. navig. a wall like construction inside a ship or airplane, as for forming watertight compartments or strengthening the structure 2) civ a partition built in a subterranean passage to prevent the passage of … From formal English to slang
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium