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  • 1 bulb

    1) (the ball-shaped part of the stem of certain plants, eg onions, tulips etc, from which their roots grow.) cibule, cibulka
    2) ((also light bulb) a pear-shaped glass globe surrounding the element of an electric light.) žárovka
    3) (the pear-shaped end of a thermometer.) baňka
    * * *
    • žárovka
    • baňka

    English-Czech dictionary > bulb

  • 2 flash bulb

    • bleskovka

    English-Czech dictionary > flash bulb

  • 3 light-bulb

    • žárovka

    English-Czech dictionary > light-bulb

  • 4 light bulb

    • žárovka

    English-Czech dictionary > light bulb

  • 5 bulbous

    adjective (like a bulb, especially in shape: a bulbous nose.) cibulovitý, baňatý
    * * *
    • baňatý

    English-Czech dictionary > bulbous

  • 6 clove

    I [kləuv] noun
    (the flower bud of a tropical tree dried for use as a spice.) hřebíček
    II [kləuv] noun
    (a section of a bulb: a clove of garlic.) stroužek
    * * *
    • stroužek
    • hřebíček
    • koření hřebíček

    English-Czech dictionary > clove

  • 7 crocus

    (a plant growing from a bulb and having brilliant yellow, purple or white flowers.) krokus
    * * *
    • šafrán
    • krokus

    English-Czech dictionary > crocus

  • 8 daffodil

    (a kind of yellow spring flower which grows from a bulb.) narcis
    * * *
    • narcis

    English-Czech dictionary > daffodil

  • 9 dud

    1. noun
    (something which is useless, does not work etc: This light-bulb is a dud.) zmetek
    2. adjective
    (useless or not working: a dud battery.) zmetkový
    * * *
    • šmejd
    • nefunkční

    English-Czech dictionary > dud

  • 10 filament

    (something very thin shaped like a thread, especially the thin wire in an electric light bulb.) vlákno
    * * *
    • vlákno
    • nitka

    English-Czech dictionary > filament

  • 11 garlic

    (a plant with a bulb shaped like an onion, which has a strong taste and smell and is used in cooking: The sauce is flavoured with garlic.) česnek
    * * *
    • česnek

    English-Czech dictionary > garlic

  • 12 hyacinth

    (a plant, a member of the lily family, growing from a bulb and having a sweet-smelling flower.) hyacint
    * * *
    • hyacint

    English-Czech dictionary > hyacinth

  • 13 lampshade

    noun (a cover for a light-bulb, made of eg cloth, paper or metal, which lessens, softens or directs the light coming from it.) stínidlo
    * * *
    • stínítko
    • stínidlo

    English-Czech dictionary > lampshade

  • 14 lily

    plural - lilies; noun
    (a type of tall plant grown from a bulb, with white or coloured flowers.) lilie
    * * *
    • lilie

    English-Czech dictionary > lily

  • 15 onion

    (a type of vegetable with an eatable bulb which has a strong taste and smell: pickled onions; Put plenty of onion in the stew.) cibule
    * * *
    • cibule

    English-Czech dictionary > onion

  • 16 tulip

    (a kind of plant with brightly-coloured cup-shaped flowers, grown from a bulb.) tulipán
    * * *
    • tulipán

    English-Czech dictionary > tulip

См. также в других словарях:

  • bulb — bulb …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • bulb — BULB, bulbi, s.m. 1. Tulpină (subterană) a unor plante, alcătuită din frunze în formă de tunici sau solzi suprapuşi (în care se depun substanţe de rezervă), cu un înveliş membranos uscat. 2. (În sintagmele) Bulb pilos = partea terminală, umflată …   Dicționar Român

  • Bulb — (b[u^]lb), n. [L. bulbus, Gr. bolbo s: cf. F. bulbe.] 1. (Bot.) A spheroidal body growing from a plant either above or below the ground (usually below), which is strictly a bud, consisting of a cluster of partially developed leaves, and producing …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bulb — [bulb] n. [ME < L bulbus < Gr bolbos] 1. an underground bud that sends down roots and consists of a very short stem covered with leafy scales or layers, as in a lily, onion or hyacinth 2. a corm, tuber, or tuberous root resembling a bulb,… …   English World dictionary

  • bulb — [bʌlb] n ↑filament, ↑thread [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: bulbus, from Greek bolbos plant with a bulb ] 1.) the glass part of an electric light, that the light shines from = ↑light bulb ▪ a 100 watt bulb …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bulb — (n.) 1560s, an onion, from M.Fr. bulbe, from L. bulbus bulb, onion, from Gk. bolbos plant with round swelling on underground stem. Expanded by 1800 to swelling in a glass tube (thermometer bulb, light bulb, etc.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • bulb — bulb; bulb·less; bulb·let; pseu·do·bulb; …   English syllables

  • Bulb — Bulb, v. i. To take the shape of a bulb; to swell. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bulb — [ bʌlb ] noun count * 1. ) the part of a plant that is shaped like an onion from which a flower grows. You plant bulbs in the ground: daffodil bulbs 2. ) a LIGHT BULB …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bulb — ► NOUN 1) a rounded underground storage organ present in some plants, consisting of a short stem surrounded by fleshy leaf bases. 2) a light bulb. 3) an expanded or rounded part at the end of something. ORIGIN Greek bolbos onion, bulbous root …   English terms dictionary

  • bulb — Mot Monosíl·lab Nom masculí …   Diccionari Català-Català

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