1 bulb bar
2 bulb bar
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bulb bar
3 bulb bar
4 bulb bar
1) Техника: бимсовая сталь, полособульб2) Железнодорожный термин: головчатое железо -
5 bulb bar
6 bulb bar
7 bulb bar
8 bulb bar
9 tee bulb bar
Техника: тавробульб -
10 bar
I сокр. от
barometer II сокр. от
barometric III сокр. от
barrelбарабан; бочкаIV2) бар ( врубовой машины)4) лом, вага7) мн. ч. стержневая арматура ( железобетона)8) гидр. бар9) сортовой ( круглый или полосовой) прокат13) (инструментальная) оправка14) шкала; масштабная шкала; линейка, (измерительная) рейка16) бар (105 Па)17) преграда; шлагбаум || преграждать, загораживать19) полоса21) штанга ( печатающего устройства)22) прямоугольник ( в блок-схемах)23) черта ( надстрочный знак)24) швейн. закрепка; металлическая петля, петлица25) трик. гребёнка26) усиливать27) исключать, запрещать•-
A-frame tie bar
adjustable boring bar
air bar
aligning bar
angle bar
anode tail bar
antiroll bar
arch bar
armature bars
articulated roof bar
back guide bar
back needle bar
barking bar
battening bar
batten bar
bearing bar
bearing plate bar
beater bar
bent up bar
best bar
black bar
blanking bar
boring bar
box-section equalizer bar
braking bar
branch-off bar
brass bar
breakdown bar
bright-drawn bar
bulb bar
bumper bar
bundled bars
cantilever bar
carrier bar
carrier slide bar
cast-on bar
catch bar
channel bar
charging bar
Charpy V-notch bar
check bar
chill bar
chimney bar
circumferentially notched round bar
clamping bar
claw bar
closure bar
cloud bar
coiled bar
cold twisted bar
cold-drawn bar
collecting bars
color bar
commutator bar
compound bar
compression bar
compressor bar
concrete-reinforcing bar
console boring bar
contact bar
corrugated steel bar
coupling bar
cross bar
crow bar
cutter bar
datum leveling bar
deformed bar
diagonal bar
diagonal brace stabilizer bar
diamond bar
distance bar
distributing bar
dolly bar
door locking bar
dowel bar
dozer bar
draw bar
dropping bar
dummy bar
earthing bar
electrode bar
electrode hanger bar
end bar
equalizer bar
equalizing bar
error bar
expandable cross bar
extreme service shoe bar
eye bar
facing point bar
fender bar
fire bar
fireclay bar
fish bar
fishplate bar
fixed adjustment boring bar
fixed bar
flat bar
flat cold-rolled bar
flat hot-rolled bar
flat-type piling bar
fork-test bar
fraction bar
frame bar
frame needle bar
front guide bar
furnace bar
gas conductor-cooled bar
glazing bar
graduated bar
guide bar
gunwale angle bar
gunwale bar
gutter angle bar
gutter bar
hairpin tuning bar
handle bar
Hanover bars
hard bar
hatch bar
hatch-securing bar
hinged bar
Holdcroft bars
hooked bar
hum bars
impact bar
indented bar
index bar
ingoing bar
ingot bar
inlay bar
Ioffe bars
joint bar
Jominy bar
lead bar
lead sinker bar
lengthening bar
lifting bar
link bar
loader bar
loading bar
lock bar
locking bar
loop bar
magazine bar
magnetic bar
mandrel bar
measuring bar
microadjustable boring bar
needle bar
noise bar
notched bar
notch bar
numerically controlled spindle bar
outgoing bar
pattern bar
pedestal tie bar
piercer bar
piling bar
pinch bar
plain bar
point bar
polished rod carrier bar
port bar
porter bar
power draw bar
presser bar
print bar
proofing bar
pry bar
push bar
pusher bar
rack bar
railway crossing bar
rapping bar
reaction bar
red-hot bar
refractory bar
reinforcement bar
reinforcing bar
repeating space bar
replaceable sprocket tip bar
replacement grouser bar
rest bar
reverse-lock sheet piling bar
rider bar
ripping bar
rocker bar
roll bar
roller-nose bar
roof bar
rotary bar
rubbing bar
running-on bar
sash bar
scanty bar
shuffle bar
sine bar
sinker bar
sinker guide bar
skim bar
skimmer bar
slay bar
slick bar
slide bar
sliding bar
solid bar
solid sway bar
space bar
spacer bar
spanner bar
spindle bar
splice bar
split needle bar
spreader bar
spring steel roof bar
sprocket-nose bar
stabilizer bar
standard length bar
steel bar
stem bar
stem cutting bar
stiff bar
straight web piling bar
stringerangle bar
stringer bar
strip bar
suction bar
support bar
sway bar
tabulator bar
tamping bar
tapping bar
telescopic lengthening bar
tensile bar
tension bar
test bar
thin-walled bar
throw bar
thrust bar
tie bar
tie-plate bar
tin bar
tommy bar
tongue bar
tool bar
toothed bar
torsion bar
tow bar
towing bar
track bar
track press tool holder bar
transfer bar
transom bar
treadle bar
truss bar
turning bar
type bar
universal bar
unrestrained bar
vent bar
water bar
waterway angle bar
waterway bar
weather bar
web bar
wedge bar
weft bar
weight bar
welt bar
white bar
winding bar
window bar
wire bar
wiring bar
wooden bar
wrecking bar
yarn feeder bar
zee bar
z-piling bar -
11 bar
штанга; тяга; вороток; засов; рейка; стропильная балка; связь; авто. балка; стержень; перекладина; шлагбаум; полоса (металла); брусок; кусок; пруток (напр. олова); плитка; панель; чушка (свинца); болванка; ограничение; препятствие; преграда; барометр (сокр. от barometer); бар (единица давления); с.х. бич; нфт. бур; бурильная штанга; эл. шина; пластина коллектора; ламель; II преграждать; загораживать; исключать- bar code - bar connection - bar coupler - bar coupling - bar crane - bar cutting machine - bar door - bar electromagnet - bar end - bar grizzly - bar head - bar indicator - bar iron - bar link - bar-link motion - bar-point share - bar puller - bar roller - bar shifter - bar solder - bar stock - bar suspension - bar tension - bar the engine - bar tin - bar winding - boring bar - brake bar - brass bar - bulb bar - bumper bar - bus bar - chain bar - channel bar - charging bar - circular bar - claw bar - commutator bar - contact bar - continuous draw bar - copper bar - core bar - corrugated bar - cover-bar - cramp bar - cranking bar - cross bar - crow-bar - crown bar - curved bar - cutter bar - cutter bar shoe - cutter loader bar - cutting bar - cylinder bar - deflecting bar - diamond bar - differential boring bar - disengaging bar - distance bar - doctor bar - dolly bar - dowel bar - drag bar - draw-bar - drum bar - dumping bar - equalizing bar - extension for handle bar - finger bar - fire bar - fish-bellied bar - flat bar - fly bar - foot bar - free draw bar - furnace bar - gauge bar - grate bar - grizzly bar - guard bar - guide-bar - handle bar - H-bar - hinged bar - hitch bar - joint bar - iron bar- L-bar- lace bar- lifting bar - locking bar - loop bar - marginal bar - merchant bar - natural bar - picker bar cam - pilot bar - pinch bar - plugging bar - proportional test bar - push bar - rack bar - radial bar - radial bar of a disintegrator - radius bar - rake bar - rasp bar - reel bar - reinforcing bar - rest bar - rifling bar - rocker bar - rocking bar - round bar - scraper bar - set bar - shaped bar - shackle bar - shear bar - sheet bar - sickle-bar - slide bar - splice bar - stabilizer bar- T-bar- tension bar - test bar - thin-kerf bar - threaded bar - tie bar - tool bar - toothed bar - tow bar - trailing bar - trigger bar - upper bar - water bar - wrecking bar with one chisel tip and one curved claw tip - Z-bar -
12 bar iron
1. прутковая сталь2. сортовой прокат -
13 blister bar
14 flat-bulb iron
15 merchant bar iron
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > merchant bar iron
16 бимсовая сталь
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > бимсовая сталь
17 бимсовая сталь
18 iron
1. железо; чугун2. править (на прави́льном прессе или машине)- annealed sheet iron□ to iron out — сглаживать, выравнивать (разнотолщинность полосы)
- Armco iron
- bar iron
- black iron
- black sheet iron
- bulb iron
- bulb-angle iron
- channel iron
- checkered iron
- common iron
- corrugated iron
- corrugated sheet iron
- double-double iron
- double T-iron
- equal angle iron
- fashioned iron
- figured bar iron
- flat-bar iron
- flat-bulb iron
- flat-hoop iron
- galvanized iron
- gray iron
- gray-cast iron
- H-iron
- hexagon iron
- hoop iron
- I-iron
- inoculated cast iron
- L-iron
- L-shaped iron
- merchant iron
- off-grade iron
- plate iron
- profile iron
- rod iron
- rolled iron
- roofing iron
- round-bar iron
- section iron
- shaped iron
- sheet iron
- square iron
- strip iron
- structural iron
- T-iron
- tinned sheet iron
- U-iron
- Z-iron -
19 steel
сталь || стальной- abrasion-resistant steel
- acid Bessemer steel
- acid electric steel
- acid open-hearth steel
- acid steel
- acid-resisting steel
- age-hardenable steel
- ageing steel
- aircraft structural steel
- air-hardened steel
- air-hardening steel
- air-melted steel
- alkaliproof steel
- alkali-resistant steel
- alloy steel
- alloy tool steel
- alloyed steel
- alphatized steel
- aluminized steel
- aluminum grain-refined steel
- aluminum steel
- aluminum-coated steel
- aluminum-nickel steel
- aluminum-stabilized steel
- anchor steel
- angle steel
- annealed steel
- anticorrosion steel
- arc-furnace steel
- armco steel
- ausaging steel
- ausforming steel
- austenitic manganese steel
- austenitic Ni-Cr stainless steel
- austenitic stainless steel
- austenitic steel
- austenitic-carbidic steel
- austenitic-intermetallic steel
- automatic steel
- automobile steel
- axle steel
- bainitically heat-treated steel
- balanced steel
- ball bearing steel
- banding steel
- bandsaw steel
- bar steel
- basic Bessemer steel
- basic converter steel
- basic open-hearth steel
- basic oxygen steel
- bearing steel
- bearing-grade steel
- beaten steel
- beryllium steel
- Bessemer steel
- blanking steel
- blister steel
- blue steel
- boiler steel
- boron steel
- bottle-top steel
- bottom-run steel
- bright drawing steel
- bright steel
- bright-drawn steel
- bright-finished steel
- bronze steel
- bulb steel
- bulb-angle steel
- burned steel
- capped steel
- carbon nitrided steel
- carbon steel
- carbon tool steel
- carbonized steel
- carbon-martensite steel
- carbon-molybdenum steel
- carbon-vacuum deoxidized steel
- carburized steel
- carburizing steel
- case-hardened steel
- case-hardening steel
- cast steel
- cemented steel
- chain steel
- chilled steel
- chisel steel
- chrome steel
- chrome-manganese steel
- chrome-molybdenum steel
- chrome-nickel steel
- chrome-nickel-alloy steel
- chrome-nickel-molibdenum steel
- chrome-plated steel
- chrome-tungsten steel
- chrome-vanadium steel
- chromium steel
- chromium tool steel
- chromium-aluminum steel
- chromium-cobalt steel
- chromium-copper steel
- chromium-manganese steel
- chromium-molibdenum steel
- chromium-nickel steel
- chromium-nickel-molybdenum steel
- chromium-silicon steel
- chromium-tungsten steel
- chromium-tungsten-vanadium steel
- chromized steel
- clad steel
- cobalt steel
- cobalt-nickel steel
- coiled steel
- cold work steel
- cold-drawn steel
- cold-heading steel
- cold-rolled steel
- columbium-stabilized steel
- commercial forging steel
- commercial quality steel
- commercial steel
- common steel
- composite steel
- compound steel
- concrete-prestressing steel
- concrete-reinforcing steel
- constructional steel
- consumable electrode vacuum-melted steel
- controlled rimming steel
- converted steel
- converter steel
- copper steel
- copper-bearing steel
- copper-chromium steel
- copperclad steel
- copper-nickel steel
- copper-plated steel
- corrosion-resistant steel
- corrosion-resisting steel
- corrugated sheet steel
- CQ steel
- creep-resisting steel
- crucible steel
- crude steel
- cutlery-type stainless steel
- cyanided steel
- damascus steel
- damask steel
- DDQ steel
- dead-hard steel
- dead-melted steel
- dead-soft steel
- deep drawing quality steel
- deep drawing steel
- deep-hardening steel
- degasified steel
- deoxidized steel
- diamond tread steel
- die steel
- direct-process steel
- dirty steel
- dopped steel
- double-reduced steel
- double-refined steel
- double-shear steel
- drawn steel
- drill steel
- duplex steel
- dynamo sheet steel
- dynamo steel
- easily deformable steel
- EDD steel
- effervescent steel
- electric furnace steel
- electric steel
- electric tool steel
- electrical furnace steel
- emergency steel
- eutectoid steel
- exotic steel
- exposed quality steel
- extra deep drawing steel
- extrafine steel
- extrahard steel
- extrahigh tensile steel
- extrasoft steel
- face-hardened steel
- fagoted steel
- fashioned steel
- fast-finishing steel
- fast-machine steel
- faulty steel
- ferrite steel
- ferritic stainless steel
- ferritic steel
- fiery steel
- figured steel
- file steel
- fine steel
- fine-grained steel
- finished steel
- first quality steel
- flange steel
- flat steel
- flat-bulb steel
- flat-rolled steel
- forge steel
- forged steel
- forging die steel
- forging steel
- free-cutting steel
- free-machining steel
- fully deoxidized steel
- fully finished steel
- galvanized steel
- gear steel
- general purpose steel
- glass-hard steel
- grade steel
- graphitic steel
- graphitizable steel
- gun barrels steel
- gun steel
- Hadfield steel
- half-hard steel
- Halvan tool steel
- hammered steel
- hard cast steel
- hard steel
- hard-chrome steel
- hardened steel
- hard-grain steel
- heat-resistant steel
- heat-treated steel
- heavily alloyed steel
- heavy-fagoted steel
- heavy-melting steel
- hexagonal steel
- high-alloy steel
- high-carbon steel
- high-chromium steel
- high-cobalt steel
- high-creep strength steel
- high-ductility steel
- high-elastic limit steel
- higher-carbon steel
- high-grade steel
- high-hardenability core steel
- high-hardenability steel
- high-manganese steel
- high-nickel steel
- high-permeability steel
- high-quality steel
- high-resistance steel
- high-speed steel
- high-strength low alloy steel
- high-strength steel
- high-sulphur steel
- high-temperature steel
- high-tensile steel
- hollow drill steel
- hot die steel
- hot-brittle steel
- hot-rolled steel
- hot-work steel
- hot-working die steel
- hot-working steel
- HSLA steel
- H-steel
- hypereutectoid steel
- hyperpearlitic steel
- hypoeutectoid steel
- hypopearlitic steel
- Indian steel
- induction furnace steel
- induction vacuum melted steel
- ingot steel
- intermediate-alloy steel
- iron-chromium stainless steel
- irreversible steel
- killed steel
- knife steel
- knife-blade steel
- lead-coated steel
- leaded steel
- lean alloy steel
- ledeburitic steel
- light gage steel
- liquid-compressed steel
- loman steel
- low earing steel
- low-alloy steel
- low-alloyed steel
- low-carbon steel
- low-ductility steel
- low-expansion steel
- low-hardenability steel
- low-hardening steel
- low-manganese steel
- low-nickel steel
- low-phosphorus steel
- low-texture steel
- machine-tool steel
- magnet steel
- mandrel steel
- manganese steel
- manganese-killed steel
- manganese-silicon steel
- maraging steel
- martempering steel
- martensitic steel
- mechanically capped steel
- medium alloy steel
- medium-carbon steel
- medium-hard steel
- medium-strength steel
- medium-temper steel
- merchant steel
- mild steel
- milling steel
- mixed steel
- molybdenum steel
- needled steel
- nickel steel
- nickel-chrome steel
- nickel-chrome-molybdenum steel
- nickel-chromium steel
- nickel-chromium-molybdenum steel
- nickel-clad steel
- nickel-molybdenum steel
- nitrided steel
- nonaging steel
- noncorrosive steel
- nondeforming steel
- nonhardening steel
- nonmagnetic steel
- nonpiping steel
- nonrustic steel
- nonshrinking steel
- nonstrain-aging steel
- normal steel
- octagon steel
- oil-hardening steel
- open-hearth steel
- open-poured steel
- ordinary steel
- oriented steel
- overblown steel
- overheated steel
- over-reduced steel
- oxidation-resisting steel
- paragon steel
- pearlitic steel
- perished steel
- permanent-magnet steel
- PH steel
- piled steel
- pipe steel
- piped steel
- plain carbon steel
- plain steel
- planished sheet steel
- planished steel
- plate steel
- plow steel
- pneumatic steel
- polished sheet steel
- polished steel
- pot steel
- powder metallurgical compacted steel
- powdered metal high-speed steel
- precipitation-hardening steel
- precision steel
- pressure vessel steel
- primary steel
- puddle steel
- puddled steel
- punching steel
- purified steel
- PV steel
- QT steel
- quality steel
- quenched-and-tempered steel
- quick-cutting steel
- quick-speed steel
- rail steel
- railway structural steel
- rapid machining steel
- rapid steel
- raw steel
- red-hard steel
- refined steel
- refining steel
- refractory steel
- reinforcing steel
- rephosphorized steel
- resilient steel
- resulphurized steel
- rimmed steel
- rimming steel
- rising steel
- rivet steel
- rolled section steel
- rolled steel
- roller-bearing steel
- rose steel
- round steel
- rustless steel
- rust-resisting steel
- saw steel
- scrap steel
- screw steel
- secondary steel
- section steel
- selenium steel
- self-hardening steel
- semideoxidized steel
- semifinished steel
- semikilled steel
- shallow-hardening steel
- shape steel
- shear steel
- shearing steel
- sheet steel
- shock-resisting steel
- Siemens-Martin steel
- silchrome steel
- silicon steel
- silicon-killed steel
- silicon-manganese steel
- silver steel
- simple steel
- skelp steel
- slowly cooled steel
- soft steel
- special steel
- special treatment steel
- spheroidized steel
- spotty steel
- spring steel
- stabilized steel
- stainless clad steel
- stainless steel
- standard steel
- stock steel
- strain-aged steel
- stress-relieved annealed steel
- strip steel
- strong steel
- structural steel
- super-corrosion-resistant stainless steel
- superduty steel
- surface-hardening steel
- surgical steel
- tap steel
- tapped-on-carbon steel
- T-bulb steel
- tee-bulb steel
- tempered steel
- tensile strength steel
- ternary steel
- thermostrengthened steel
- Thomas steel
- through-hardening steel
- titanium steel
- titanium-stabilized steel
- tool steel
- Tor steel
- transformation induced plasticity steel
- transformer steel
- treated steel
- TRIP steel
- tube steel
- tungsten steel
- turbohearth steel
- two-ply steel
- tyre steel
- ultrastrong steel
- unkilled steel
- unsound steel
- vacuum carbon deoxidized steel
- vacuum degased steel
- vacuum-cast steel
- vacuum-induction melted steel
- vacuum-remelted steel
- valve steel
- vanadium steel
- water-hardening steel
- wear-resisting alloy steel
- weathering steel
- weld steel
- weldable steel
- welding steel
- wild steel
- wire rope steel
- Wootz steel
- wrought steelEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > steel
20 iron
1) железо2) чугун3) pl железные изделия4) прочность; твёрдость•to iron down — рихтовать; править; выглаживать
- abrasion-resistant ironto iron out — выравнивать, сглаживать
- acicular iron
- acid-bessemer pig iron
- acid-resistant cast iron
- acid-resistant iron
- alloyed cast iron
- alloyed iron
- alpha iron
- American malleable cast iron
- American malleable iron
- angle iron
- annealed sheet iron
- armco iron
- as-cast iron
- austenitic cast iron
- austenitic iron
- bar iron
- basic Bessemer pig iron
- basic pig iron
- bead iron
- beak iron
- bearing cast iron
- Bessemer pig iron
- beta iron
- black sheet iron
- black-cored malleable cast iron
- black-cored malleable iron
- black-heart malleable cast iron
- black-heart malleable iron
- blast-broken iron
- blow-lamp soldering iron
- box iron
- brittle iron
- broken iron
- bulb iron
- bundle iron
- bushelled iron
- carbonyl iron
- case-hardened cast iron
- case-hardened iron
- cast iron
- cerium-treated cast iron
- cerium-treated iron
- charcoal hearth iron
- charcoal pig iron
- chilled cast iron
- cinder pig iron
- clamp iron
- close-grain cast iron
- close-grained cast iron
- coarse-grain cast iron
- coarse-grained cast iron
- cobalt-nickel cast iron
- cobalt-nickel iron
- coke iron
- coke pig iron
- cold blown pig iron
- cold pig iron
- cold-blast pig iron
- cold-short iron
- commercial iron
- conversion pig iron
- converter iron
- convex iron
- core iron
- corrosion-resistant cast iron
- corrosion-resistant iron
- corrugated iron
- corrugated sheet iron
- cramp iron
- cupola iron
- delta iron
- dephosphorized iron
- desulfurized iron
- double-T iron
- dry iron
- ductile iron
- electric soldering iron
- electrolytic iron
- enameled iron
- engineering cast iron
- equal angle iron
- European malleable iron
- fagoted iron
- fashioned iron
- ferric iron
- ferritic cast iron
- ferritic modular cast iron
- ferritic modular iron
- ferrous iron
- figured iron
- fine-grained iron
- finished iron
- flake graphite iron
- flat iron
- forge iron
- foundry iron
- foundry pig iron
- free-running iron
- g iron
- galvanized iron
- gamma iron
- grab iron
- grain-oriented silicon iron
- granulated iron
- graphitic pig iron
- gray cast iron
- gray pig iron
- H iron
- hack iron
- half-round iron
- hammered iron
- hammer-headed soldering iron
- heat-resistant cast iron
- heavily alloyed iron
- hematite pig iron
- high-alloy iron
- high-carbon iron
- high-chromium cast iron
- high-chromium iron
- high-duty cast iron
- high-grade cast iron
- high-grade iron
- high-phosphorus iron
- high-quality iron
- high-silicon iron
- high-strength cast iron
- high-strength iron
- high-tensile cast iron
- high-tensile iron
- high-test cast iron
- high-test iron
- hot-blast pig iron
- hot-blown pig iron
- hot-short iron
- ingot iron
- inoculated cast iron
- L iron
- ladle-treated iron
- laminated sheet iron
- lightly mottled gray cast iron
- lightly mottled gray iron
- liquid iron
- little-beak iron
- loaded iron
- low-carbon iron
- low-expansion cast iron
- low-expansion iron
- low-manganese iron
- low-phosphorus iron
- low-silicon iron
- low-slag iron
- low-sulphur iron
- magnesium-treated cast iron
- magnet iron
- magnetic iron
- magnetic metallic iron
- malleable cast iron
- malleable iron
- manganese iron
- manganese white cast iron
- manganese white iron
- manganiferous white cast iron
- manganiferous white iron
- martensitic iron
- mechanite cast iron
- medium-phosphorus iron
- merchant bar iron
- modified heat-resistant iron
- modified iron
- molten iron
- molten pig iron
- mottled iron
- mottled pig iron
- natural alloy iron
- nodular cast iron
- nonmagnetic cast iron
- nonmagnetic iron
- off-analysis iron
- offgrade iron
- off-sulphur iron
- open-grained cast iron
- open-hearth pig iron
- ordinary quality gray iron
- oriented silicon iron
- pasty iron
- pearlitic cast iron
- phosphoric iron
- pig iron
- plate iron
- porcelain enameling iron
- porous cast iron
- powdered iron
- profile iron
- profiled iron
- puddling pig iron
- pure iron
- rapping iron
- reduced metallic iron
- refined bar iron
- refined cast iron
- refined pig iron
- remelted iron
- riffled iron
- rivet iron
- rolled iron
- roll-foundry iron
- round iron
- scrapped iron
- second-melt iron
- section iron
- sectional iron
- set iron
- sheet iron
- short-cycle malleable iron
- side irons
- silicious iron
- silicon iron
- silicon-treated gray cast iron
- slag iron
- sluggish iron
- soft iron
- soldering iron
- sow iron
- specular iron
- spherical graphite iron
- spheroidal graphite cast iron
- spheroidal graphite iron
- spherulitic iron
- spiegel iron
- sponge iron
- stainless iron
- standard Bessemer iron
- static-cast iron
- steel-making iron
- steely iron
- strap iron
- strip iron
- synthetic iron
- tamping iron
- tapping iron
- T-bulb iron
- tee iron
- telluric iron
- Thomas iron
- tilted iron
- tramp iron
- two-beak iron
- ultrasonic soldering iron
- ungraded iron
- very-open-grained pig iron
- waste iron
- wear-resistant cast iron
- weld iron
- welding iron
- white iron
- whiteheart malleable iron
- wrenching iron
- wrought iron
- young iron
- zone-purified ironEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > iron
См. также в других словарях:
bulb bar — noun : a rolled bar of iron or steel that is thickened along one edge so as to have a cross section bulbous at that edge … Useful english dictionary
bulb-tee — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective of a T bar or beam : having the web thickened into a bulbous rib at its edge … Useful english dictionary
bul|bar — «BUHL buhr», adjective. having to do with a bulb, especially the medulla oblongata, the bulb of the spinal cord: »Bulbar polio, in which the virus directly invades the medulla (Marguerite Clark) … Useful english dictionary
БУЛЬБОВАЯ СТАЛЬ — (Bulb bar) см. Сталь сортовая. Самойлов К. И. Морской словарь. М. Л.: Государственное Военно морское Издательство НКВМФ Союза ССР, 1941 … Морской словарь
ТАВРОБИМСОВАЯ или ТАВРОБУЛЬБОВАЯ СТАЛЬ — (Tee bulb bar) См. Сталь сортовая. Самойлов К. И. Морской словарь. М. Л.: Государственное Военно морское Издательство НКВМФ Союза ССР, 1941 … Морской словарь
Automotive lighting — Blinker redirects here. For other uses, see Blinker (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Magneti Marelli company AL Automotive Lighting. For lights in seafaring and aviation, see navigation light. The lighting system of a motor vehicle… … Wikipedia
Bulbar — Pertaining to a bulb, in medicine any rounded mass of tissue (that is shaped somewhat like a crocus or tulip bulb). For example, the bulbar conjunctiva is that part of the conjunctiva, a clear membrane of the eye, which covers the outer rounded… … Medical dictionary
Diesel engine — Diesel engines in a museum Diesel generator on an oil tanker … Wikipedia
Light-emitting diode — LED redirects here. For other uses, see LED (disambiguation). Light emitting diode Red, pure green and blue LEDs of the 5mm diffused type Type Passive, optoelectronic Working principle Electr … Wikipedia
List of problems solved by MacGyver — This is a list of problems that have been solved by the fictional character MacGyver from the television series of the same name. (This list is not yet comprehensive.) MacGyver employs his resourcefulness and his knowledge of chemistry,… … Wikipedia
Emergency vehicle lighting — refers to any of several visual warning devices, which may be known as light bars or beacons, fitted to a vehicle and used when the driver wishes to convey to other road users the urgency of their journey, to provide additional warning of a… … Wikipedia