1 built-in diagnostic device
Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > built-in diagnostic device
2 встроенное средство диагностирования
1) Automation: (технического) built-in diagnostic device, (технического) extra test hardware2) Makarov: built-in test equipmentУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > встроенное средство диагностирования
3 встроенное средство (технического) диагностирования
Automation: built-in diagnostic device, extra test hardwareУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > встроенное средство (технического) диагностирования
4 встроенное средство технического диагностирования
1) Oil: built-in diagnostic device2) Makarov: extra test hardwareУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > встроенное средство технического диагностирования
5 аппаратура
▪ Test equipment: electric, electronic, mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic equipment, either automatic, manual or any combination thereof, which is required to perform the checkout function▪ Built-in test equipment: any device permanently mounted in the prime equipment, and used for the express purpose of testing the prime equipment, either independently or in association with external test equipmentаппаратура контрольно-измерительная (см. поверка) — test (and measuring) equipment; instrumentationаппаратура контрольно-измерительная и диагностическая — test, measurement and diagnostic equipment [TMDE]▪ Any system or device used to evaluate the operational condition of a system or equipment to identify, and/or isolate any actual or potential malfunction. TMDE includes diagnostic and prognostic equipment, and calibration test or measurement equipment.аппаратура контрольно-проверочная [КПА] — test equipment, checkout equipmentаппаратура поверочная — calibration equipment, calibration test equipment▪ Calibration equipment includes measurement standards, TMDE (test, measurement and diagnostic equipment), and accessories used to perform calibrationАппараты, обведенные штрих-пунктиром, входят в конструкцию агрегата — The apparatuses shown by a dash-and-dot line belong to the unitКонтрольно-измерительная аппаратура — Test and measuring equipment; test equipmentНаружный осмотр и чистка аппаратуры без вскрытия монтажа — Visual Inspection and Cleaning of Equipment Without Exposing the WiringТехническое обслуживание аппаратуры предусматривает плановое выполнение на ней комплекса профилактических работ в следующем объеме: — The maintenance of equipment involves a number of preventive maintenance services (routines) scheduled as follows:Поставки машин и оборудования. Русско-английский словарь > аппаратура
6 программа контроля
1. check routine2. checkerпрограмма контроля; контролирующая программа — check routine
3. checking routineРусско-английский большой базовый словарь > программа контроля
См. также в других словарях:
Built-in self-test — A built in self test (BIST)mechanism within an integrated circuit (IC) is a function that verifies all or a portion of the internal functionality of the IC. For example, a BIST mechanism is provided in advanced fieldbus systems to verify… … Wikipedia
Common Diagnostic Model — The Common Diagnostics Model, or CDM, is a diagnostics standard developed and maintained by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). CDM models the entire flow of diagnosis from test discovery, configuration and execution to progress updates … Wikipedia
Network interface device — In telecommunications, a Network Interface Device (NID) is a device that serves as the demarcation point between the carrier s local loop and the customer s premises wiring. Generically, an NID may also be called a Network Interface Unit (NIU),… … Wikipedia
Medical software — Logo, by Harry Gouvas In computers, medical software is a significant branch of software engineering. Many medical devices that monitor or control patients are predominantly controlled by software. Medical devices are frequently regulated and… … Wikipedia
USB — This article is about the computer bus to connect peripherals. For other uses of USB, see USB (disambiguation). Universal Serial Bus Original logo Type Computer Hardware Bus … Wikipedia
Promega — History and Background =In 1978 scientists were just beginning to understand the potential of what Boyer and Cohen had done by cutting DNA into specific fragments using restriction enzymes, rejoining them and transferring them into bacterial host … Wikipedia
Arteriograph — The TensioClinic Arteriograph is the first diagnostic medical device, which can conveniently measure the effects of the classical cardiovascular risk factors (age, blood pressure, cholesterol level etc.) on the level of the individual. Prevention … Wikipedia
Geordi La Forge — Geordi redirects here. For a similarly named regional culture in England, see Geordie. VISOR redirects here. For other uses, see visor (disambiguation). Geordi La Forge Geordi La Forge aboard the USS Enterprise D Species Human … Wikipedia
Nuclear weapon design — The first nuclear weapons, though large, cumbersome and inefficient, provided the basic design building blocks of all future weapons. Here the Gadget device is prepared for the first nuclear test: Trinity. Nuclear weapon designs are physical,… … Wikipedia
Management features new to Windows Vista — This article is part of a series on Windows Vista New features Overview Technical and core system Security and safety Networking technologies I/O technologies Management and administration Removed features … Wikipedia
railroad — /rayl rohd /, n. 1. a permanent road laid with rails, commonly in one or more pairs of continuous lines forming a track or tracks, on which locomotives and cars are run for the transportation of passengers, freight, and mail. 2. an entire system… … Universalium