1 building-site survey
2 building-site survey
English-Russian cartography dictionary > building-site survey
3 work
1) работа; труд; действие; функционирование2) обработка3) обрабатываемая заготовка; обрабатываемая деталь; обрабатываемое изделие4) механизм5) конструкция6) мн. ч. завод; фабрика; мастерские; технические сооружения; строительные работы7) мн. ч. работающие части механизма, подвижные органы механизма8) работать; обрабатывать9) действовать, двигаться, поворачиваться ( о подвижных частях механизмов)10) коробиться•work performed with materials in a smaller quantity — работа, выполненная с недостаточным использованием материалов
work performed without the necessary diligence — работа, выполненная небрежно
work which is not in accordance with specifications — работа, не соответствующая техническим требованиям
work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the engineer — работа, не отвечающая требованиям инженера
to work down — 1) осаживать ( вниз); оседать 2) обрабатывать на меньший размер
to work in — вделывать, вмонтировать
to work into — углубляться во что-либо, уходить внутрь
to work off — 1) соскакивать, соскальзывать ( во время работы) 2) снимать (напр. стружку)
to work on — действовать на что-либо, оказывать влияние на что-либо
to work out — 1) разрабатывать (план, проект) 2) вырабатывать (что-либо) из чего-либо (напр. вытачивать, выстрагивать, выфрезеровывать) 3) выскакивать, выпадать во время работы
to work over — обрабатывать вторично, перерабатывать, подвергать переработке
to work upon — действовать на что-либо, оказывать влияние на что-либо
- work executed - work in process - work of acceleration - work of deformation - work of ideal cycle - work of resistance - work on arbour - works under way - access to works - actual progress of works - amendment of the date of completion of works - amount of the executed works - applied work - asphalt work - assessment of works - auxiliary work - bank work - bargain work - beat-cob work - betterment work - black and white work - bluff work - bonus work - bosh brick work - branch work - branched work - bright work - carpenter's work - cast steel work - cessation of works - chased work - check of works - checking of works - chequer work - chequered work - cindering work - civil works - civil and erection works - clay work - clearing work - commencement of works - completed works - completion of works - concrete work - diversion work - condensing works - construction works - consumed work - continuous execution of works - contract works - cost of works - cost of uncovering works - covered-up works - date of commencement of works - date of completion of works - day-to-day work - day wage work - dead work - defective works - delay in completion of works - delayed completion of works - demolition works - description of works - design and survey works - desilting works - diaper work of bricklaying - drainage work - dredge work - dressing works - drove work - earth works - effective work - embossed work - emergency works - engineering works - erecting works - erection works - examination of works - excavation works - execution of works - expected period of works - extension of the time for completion of works - external work - face work - fascine work - field works - finely finished work - finishing work - fitter's works - flat trellis work - float work - forming work - forthcoming works - frosted rustic work - gauge work - gauged work - geologic works - geological works - grading works - gunite work - heading work - health work - hot work - hydro-meteorologic works - hydro-meteorological works - inadequate progress of works - incomplete lattice work - indicated work - inlaid work - inspection of works - installation work - intake works - irrigation works - jack works - jobbing work - joggle work - ladder work - line work - link work - locksmith's work - machine work - main works - maintenance work - management of works - maritime works - metal work - milling work - motion work - multiple lattice work - nature of works - neat work - negative work - night work - no-load work - odd works - on the site works - order of execution of works - outlet work - outstanding works - overhead works - panel work - partially completed works - part of works - paternoster work - period of works - period of execution of works - permanent works - pilot-scale work - plane frame work - planer work - pneumatic work - port work - portion of works - pottery work - precision work - preliminary works - preparatory works - pressure cementing work - programme of works - progress of works - proper execution of works - prospecting works - public works - pump works - quantity of works - rag work - R and D work - random work - range work - reclamation work - recoverable-strain work - recuperated work - reflected work - reliability of works - relief work - remedial works - repair work - repairing work - required work - research work - resumption of works - retaining works - reticulated work - right of access to works - river training works - rustic work - safety of works - schedule of works - scope of work - shaper work - sheet metal work - shift work - smith and founder work - spillway works - starting work - step-by-step check of works - step-by-step checking of works - stick and rag work - stoppage of works - subcontract works - submarine work - substituted works - sufficiency of works - supervision for works - supervision for of works - survey work - survey and research works - suspension of works - taking over of works - task work - temporary work - test work - test-hole work - three-coat work - through-carved work - time for completion of works - timely completion of works - tool work - topiary work - topographic works - topographical works - track work - treatment works - trellis work - trench work - trestle work - turning work - uncompleted works - uncovering of works - upon completion of works - variations in works - variations of works - volume of works - wiring work - X-ray workto complete works (in the time stipulated in the contract) — завершать работы (в срок, оговорённый в контракте)
* * *1. работа2. изделие3. обработка4. возводимый объект (строительства) ( по подрядному договору); конструкция, сооружение5. работа, мощность6. pl сооружение, сооружения7. pl завод, фабрика, мастерскиеwork above ground — наземные работы ( в отличие от подземных и подводных); работы, производимые на поверхности земли
work below ground ( level) — подземные работы
work carried out on site — работы, выполненные на стройплощадке
work done in sections — работа, выполненная отдельными секциями [частями]
work in open excavations — работы в открытых выемках [горных выработках]
work in progress — (строительные) работы в стадии выполнения, выполняемые [производимые] (строительные) работы; объект в стадии строительства
work in water — работы, производимые в воде [под водой]
work near water — работы, производимые близ водоёмов или рек
- work of deformationwork on schedule — работы в процессе выполнения ( по графику); работы, предусмотренные планом [графиком]
- work of external forces
- work of internal forces
- above-ground works
- additional work
- agricultural works
- alteration work
- ashlar work
- auxiliary work
- avalanche baffle works
- axed work
- backfill work
- backing masonry work
- bag work
- bench work
- block work
- brewery works
- brick work
- broken-color work
- brush work
- building work
- building site works
- carcass work
- carpenter's work
- cement works
- chemical production works
- civil engineering work
- coast protection works
- cob work
- completed work
- complicated building work
- concrete work
- concrete block masonry work
- concrete masonry work
- constructional work
- construction work
- continuous shift work
- contract work
- coursed work
- crib work
- day work
- dead work
- defective work
- defence works
- deformation work
- demolition work
- development work
- diver's works
- diversion works
- donkey work
- drainage works
- earth work
- earth-moving work
- elastic work of a material
- electric work
- electricity production works
- emergency work
- enclosed construction works
- engineering works
- erection work
- erosion protection works
- excavation works
- experimental work
- external work
- extra work
- facing work
- factory work
- fascine work
- finishing work
- finish work
- floating construction works
- flood-control works
- flood-protection works
- floor work
- floor-and-wall tiling work
- floor covering work
- food industry production work
- foundation work
- funerary works
- further day's work
- gas works
- gauged work
- glazed work
- glazier's work
- half-plain work
- hammered work
- hand work
- handy work
- heat insulation work
- heavy work
- highly mechanized work
- hot work
- in-fill masonry work
- innovative construction work
- insulating work
- intake works
- internal work in the system
- ironmongery work
- joinery work
- land retention works
- landslide protection works
- loading works
- manual work
- marine works
- metallurgical processing works
- night work
- nonconforming work
- office work
- off-the-site work
- one-coat work
- open-air intake works
- open construction works
- ornamental works
- ornate work
- outlet works
- overhang work
- overhead work
- permanent works up to ground level
- petroleum extraction works
- piece work
- pitched work
- plaster work
- plumbing work
- power production works
- precast works
- production works
- promotion work
- protection works
- protective works
- public works
- random ashlar work
- refurbishment work
- refuse disposal works
- refuse incineration works
- regulation works
- reinforced concrete work
- research work
- reticulated work
- road transport works
- roof tiling work
- rubble ashlar masonry work
- sanitary works
- sea defence works
- sediment exclusion works
- sewage disposal works
- single construction works
- smillage-axed work
- solid plaster work
- steel construction works
- steel works
- steel plate work
- structural restoration work
- surface transport works
- temporary works
- textile work
- three-coat work
- tiling work
- training works
- transport works
- treatment works
- two-coat work
- underground work
- underwater work
- unloading works
- vermiculated work
- virtual work
- waste disposal works
- water works
- water treatment works -
1) Общая лексика: building automation system, Broadband Access Server - сервер широкополосного доступа2) Компьютерная техника: broadband access switch3) Медицина: bronchial aspiration, Barnes Akathisia Scale, Bile Acid Sequestrant4) Спорт: Bay Area Slashers5) Военный термин: Ballistic Addon Studios, Baseline Assessment Strategy, Battlefield Automated Systems, Billet Access System, British Army Staff, Broad Area Search, basic allowance for subsistence, battalion aid station, bomb alarm system, Battlefield Automated System (s)6) Техника: British Acoustical Society, block automation system7) Сельское хозяйство: Bachelor of Agricultural Science8) Шутливое выражение: Bloody Anime Station9) Строительство: building automation systems10) Юридический термин: Becoming Anti Social11) Бухгалтерия: Business Activity Statement12) Автомобильный термин: Brake Assist System (Krokodil), система активной тормозной безопасности13) Грубое выражение: Big Ass Spatula, Blaster Assist Scrapper14) Телекоммуникации: Basic Activity Subset15) Сокращение: Basa, British Army Staff (Washington DC; W), Building Automation Support16) Физиология: Basal, Basophils17) Связь: Broadband Access Server (also BB-RAS or B-RAS)18) Воздухоплавание: Blind Approach System19) Экология: British Antarctic Survey20) Деловая лексика: Book Of Authorized Services21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: baseline assessment survey (a field environmental program designed to collect site-specific data in operations areas or proposed operations areas)22) Химическое оружие: bubbler absorption system23) Расширение файла: BASIC language source code file (QuickBASIC - GW-BASIC), BASIC language source (QuickBASIC, GW-BASIC)24) Антарктика: Управление британской антарктической съёмки25) Майкрософт: отчёт BAS26) NYSE. Bass, P. L. C.27) НАСА: Block Acquisition Sequence28) Хобби: The Bovine Appreciation Society -
5 Bas
1) Общая лексика: building automation system, Broadband Access Server - сервер широкополосного доступа2) Компьютерная техника: broadband access switch3) Медицина: bronchial aspiration, Barnes Akathisia Scale, Bile Acid Sequestrant4) Спорт: Bay Area Slashers5) Военный термин: Ballistic Addon Studios, Baseline Assessment Strategy, Battlefield Automated Systems, Billet Access System, British Army Staff, Broad Area Search, basic allowance for subsistence, battalion aid station, bomb alarm system, Battlefield Automated System (s)6) Техника: British Acoustical Society, block automation system7) Сельское хозяйство: Bachelor of Agricultural Science8) Шутливое выражение: Bloody Anime Station9) Строительство: building automation systems10) Юридический термин: Becoming Anti Social11) Бухгалтерия: Business Activity Statement12) Автомобильный термин: Brake Assist System (Krokodil), система активной тормозной безопасности13) Грубое выражение: Big Ass Spatula, Blaster Assist Scrapper14) Телекоммуникации: Basic Activity Subset15) Сокращение: Basa, British Army Staff (Washington DC; W), Building Automation Support16) Физиология: Basal, Basophils17) Связь: Broadband Access Server (also BB-RAS or B-RAS)18) Воздухоплавание: Blind Approach System19) Экология: British Antarctic Survey20) Деловая лексика: Book Of Authorized Services21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: baseline assessment survey (a field environmental program designed to collect site-specific data in operations areas or proposed operations areas)22) Химическое оружие: bubbler absorption system23) Расширение файла: BASIC language source code file (QuickBASIC - GW-BASIC), BASIC language source (QuickBASIC, GW-BASIC)24) Антарктика: Управление британской антарктической съёмки25) Майкрософт: отчёт BAS26) NYSE. Bass, P. L. C.27) НАСА: Block Acquisition Sequence28) Хобби: The Bovine Appreciation Society -
6 bas
1) Общая лексика: building automation system, Broadband Access Server - сервер широкополосного доступа2) Компьютерная техника: broadband access switch3) Медицина: bronchial aspiration, Barnes Akathisia Scale, Bile Acid Sequestrant4) Спорт: Bay Area Slashers5) Военный термин: Ballistic Addon Studios, Baseline Assessment Strategy, Battlefield Automated Systems, Billet Access System, British Army Staff, Broad Area Search, basic allowance for subsistence, battalion aid station, bomb alarm system, Battlefield Automated System (s)6) Техника: British Acoustical Society, block automation system7) Сельское хозяйство: Bachelor of Agricultural Science8) Шутливое выражение: Bloody Anime Station9) Строительство: building automation systems10) Юридический термин: Becoming Anti Social11) Бухгалтерия: Business Activity Statement12) Автомобильный термин: Brake Assist System (Krokodil), система активной тормозной безопасности13) Грубое выражение: Big Ass Spatula, Blaster Assist Scrapper14) Телекоммуникации: Basic Activity Subset15) Сокращение: Basa, British Army Staff (Washington DC; W), Building Automation Support16) Физиология: Basal, Basophils17) Связь: Broadband Access Server (also BB-RAS or B-RAS)18) Воздухоплавание: Blind Approach System19) Экология: British Antarctic Survey20) Деловая лексика: Book Of Authorized Services21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: baseline assessment survey (a field environmental program designed to collect site-specific data in operations areas or proposed operations areas)22) Химическое оружие: bubbler absorption system23) Расширение файла: BASIC language source code file (QuickBASIC - GW-BASIC), BASIC language source (QuickBASIC, GW-BASIC)24) Антарктика: Управление британской антарктической съёмки25) Майкрософт: отчёт BAS26) NYSE. Bass, P. L. C.27) НАСА: Block Acquisition Sequence28) Хобби: The Bovine Appreciation Society -
7 plan
1) план; проект; чертёж; схема3) составлять план, планировать•- plan of social development - approved plan - basic plan - block plan - building plan - central plan - complete plan - contsruction plan - daily plan - development plan - dimension plan - erecting plan - feasible plan - fire-fighting plan - fixed plan - floor plan - general plan - general plan of town development - grid plan - ground floor plan - integrated plan - key plan - line plan - local plan - longitudinal plan - master plan - modification of a plan - port plan - production plan - rebuilding plan - regional plan - rough plan - site plan - situation plan - sketch plan - standard plan - street plan - survey plan - tonnage plan - topographic plan - topographical plan - wiring plan - working plan - zoning plan* * *1. план; чертёж; проект; схема2. планировать; составлять план- action plan
- airport master plan
- anchor bolt plan
- block plan
- building plan
- building's floor plan at ground level
- cross-sectional plan
- development plan
- dimension plan
- electrical block plan
- erecting plan
- evacuation plan
- fire procedure plan
- floor plan
- foundation plan
- framing plan
- general plan
- grid plan
- ground plan
- ground floor plan
- integrated plan
- job plan
- key plan
- landscape plan
- land use plan
- layout and location plan
- lighting plan
- line plan
- local plan
- long-term plan
- marked-up plan
- master plan
- new community plan
- obstruction clearance plan
- open plan
- outline plan
- pack plan
- plot plan
- refurbishment plan
- rejected plan
- site plan
- sketch plan
- staking plan
- standard plan
- structural floor plan
- structural roof plan
- structure plan
- testing plan
- transportation plan
- tri-winged floor plan
- water plan
- working plan -
8 WS
1) Общая лексика: steam2) Компьютерная техника: Weak Script, Weather Satellite3) Авиация: узел подвески на крыле4) Морской термин: мировая шкала, мировая шкала базисных ставок фрахта, тариф шкалы WS, фиксированная ставка тарифа World Scale, шкала базисных номинальных фрахтовых ставок для танкеров, Worldwide Tanker Nominal Freight Scale5) Военный термин: Wallops station, Weapons School, Weather Service, Women's Services, Word Send, war scale, war service, war site, war strength, war-like stores, warhead section, weapon specification, weapon system, weather squadron, weather station, wind shield (снаряда), windsonde, wing station, wireless section, wireless set, стабилизатор вооружения (weapons stabilizer)6) Техника: warm shop, watts per steradian, weak signal, weapons system, winding specification, windshield, Wet Scrubber (Gasification Technology Conference)7) Сельское хозяйство: Wire Shear, (water solution) ВР (используется для определения состояния гербицидов)8) Химия: Wash Solution9) Математика: Weight and Sum, сумма квадратов внутри блока (within-group sum of squares)10) Метеорология: Warmer South11) Юридический термин: Winchester Special, witness statements12) Страхование: Worldscale (Worldwide Tanker Nominal Freight Scale)13) Ветеринария: Week's Spawn, Working Samoyed14) Грубое выражение: Wanker Shitface, Watery Shit, Worth Shit15) Телекоммуникации: рабочее место16) Сокращение: Samoa, Walk Sequence rate category abbreviation on letter mail key line, Weapon Subsystem (for the "Electronically-Enhanced Soldier"), Work Station, waste stack, weather stripping, wetted surface, yard, writer to the signet (// attorney), WAN (Wide Area Network) Server, Waardenburg Syndrome, Wadley Southern Railway Company, Wage Supervisor, Walkersville Southern (railroad), Walking Stick, Wall Slide (strength-building exercise), Wall Street, Wally Szczerbiak (basketball player), Ward Save (Warhammer gaming), Ware Shoals Railroad Company, Warp Star (gaming), Warpstorm (forum), Warren Sapp (football player), Warren Shepell Consultants Corporation (Toronto, ON, Canada), Warsong (gaming, World of Warcraft), Wartungssystem, Washington Star, Watch Supervisor, Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses), Water Solubility, Water Sports, Wave Shape, Wave Soldering, Waylon Smithers (The Simpsons), Wayward Spouse, Weapon Science, Weapon Skill (Warhammer gaming), Weapon Specification/System, Weapon(s) Specification, Weapon(s) System, Web Services, Web Site, Weber-Schafheitlin Integral, Wechselstrom (German: Alternating Current), Weebl's Stuff (website), Week Starting, Weekly Summary, Weird Silence, Wembley Stadium (England), Wesley Snipes (actor), West Seattle (Washington), West Side, West-Saxon (linguistics), Western Samoa, Western Shelter (manufacturer), Wet Season, Wheelin' Sportsmen, White Sheet, Whittaker - Shannon (sampling theorem), Widescreen, Width Skew, Wilderness Society, Wildlife Services, Wildlife Society, Will Shortz (creator of popular wordless crossword puzzle Sudoku), Will Smith (actor), William Shakespeare, William Shatner (actor), Williams Syndrome, Win Shares (arcane baseball stat), Wind Shear, Wind Speed, Wing Stow, Wing Support, Winston Salem (North Carolina), Winter Sonata (Korean TV show), Winter Springs (Florida), Wintersemester (German: winter semester), Wire Send, Wisselstroom (Dutch: Alternating Current), Women in Science, Women's Studies, WonderSwan, WordStar, Work Safe, Work Server, Work Space, Work Statement, Work Status, Work Surface, Worker Safety and Health, Worksheet, Workstation, World Senior, World Series, World Service (BBC), World Services, World Studies (course/class), Write Set, Writer to the Signet, Written Submission, Wrought Steel, water surface17) Физиология: Watt Seconds18) Вычислительная техника: Web Server (Corel), (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) WorkStation (RedHat, Linux)19) Нефть: well site, whipstock, wireless station, отклонитель (whipstock), отклоняющий клин20) Бумажная промышленность: wire side21) Силикатное производство: water solid ratio22) Фирменный знак: Williams- Sonoma cookware23) Экология: Water Survey, water solution24) СМИ: Wine Spectator25) SAP. график рабочего времени27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: water station, well services, wellsite28) Полимеры: water spray, water supply, wet spinning29) Программирование: Web-сервисы (см. Web Services)30) Автоматика: working station31) Химическое оружие: work station/site32) Макаров: wait state, weather strip, wheel slide, working storage33) Велосипеды: wheel size34) Расширение файла: APL Worksheet35) Нефть и газ: World Scale36) Керамика: Water Solid37) Фармация: Working Standard38) Общественная организация: The Wildlife Society39) Правительство: Warm Springs, Georgia, White Sands, New Mexico40) Программное обеспечение: Windows Sockets -
9 ws
1) Общая лексика: steam2) Компьютерная техника: Weak Script, Weather Satellite3) Авиация: узел подвески на крыле4) Морской термин: мировая шкала, мировая шкала базисных ставок фрахта, тариф шкалы WS, фиксированная ставка тарифа World Scale, шкала базисных номинальных фрахтовых ставок для танкеров, Worldwide Tanker Nominal Freight Scale5) Военный термин: Wallops station, Weapons School, Weather Service, Women's Services, Word Send, war scale, war service, war site, war strength, war-like stores, warhead section, weapon specification, weapon system, weather squadron, weather station, wind shield (снаряда), windsonde, wing station, wireless section, wireless set, стабилизатор вооружения (weapons stabilizer)6) Техника: warm shop, watts per steradian, weak signal, weapons system, winding specification, windshield, Wet Scrubber (Gasification Technology Conference)7) Сельское хозяйство: Wire Shear, (water solution) ВР (используется для определения состояния гербицидов)8) Химия: Wash Solution9) Математика: Weight and Sum, сумма квадратов внутри блока (within-group sum of squares)10) Метеорология: Warmer South11) Юридический термин: Winchester Special, witness statements12) Страхование: Worldscale (Worldwide Tanker Nominal Freight Scale)13) Ветеринария: Week's Spawn, Working Samoyed14) Грубое выражение: Wanker Shitface, Watery Shit, Worth Shit15) Телекоммуникации: рабочее место16) Сокращение: Samoa, Walk Sequence rate category abbreviation on letter mail key line, Weapon Subsystem (for the "Electronically-Enhanced Soldier"), Work Station, waste stack, weather stripping, wetted surface, yard, writer to the signet (// attorney), WAN (Wide Area Network) Server, Waardenburg Syndrome, Wadley Southern Railway Company, Wage Supervisor, Walkersville Southern (railroad), Walking Stick, Wall Slide (strength-building exercise), Wall Street, Wally Szczerbiak (basketball player), Ward Save (Warhammer gaming), Ware Shoals Railroad Company, Warp Star (gaming), Warpstorm (forum), Warren Sapp (football player), Warren Shepell Consultants Corporation (Toronto, ON, Canada), Warsong (gaming, World of Warcraft), Wartungssystem, Washington Star, Watch Supervisor, Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses), Water Solubility, Water Sports, Wave Shape, Wave Soldering, Waylon Smithers (The Simpsons), Wayward Spouse, Weapon Science, Weapon Skill (Warhammer gaming), Weapon Specification/System, Weapon(s) Specification, Weapon(s) System, Web Services, Web Site, Weber-Schafheitlin Integral, Wechselstrom (German: Alternating Current), Weebl's Stuff (website), Week Starting, Weekly Summary, Weird Silence, Wembley Stadium (England), Wesley Snipes (actor), West Seattle (Washington), West Side, West-Saxon (linguistics), Western Samoa, Western Shelter (manufacturer), Wet Season, Wheelin' Sportsmen, White Sheet, Whittaker - Shannon (sampling theorem), Widescreen, Width Skew, Wilderness Society, Wildlife Services, Wildlife Society, Will Shortz (creator of popular wordless crossword puzzle Sudoku), Will Smith (actor), William Shakespeare, William Shatner (actor), Williams Syndrome, Win Shares (arcane baseball stat), Wind Shear, Wind Speed, Wing Stow, Wing Support, Winston Salem (North Carolina), Winter Sonata (Korean TV show), Winter Springs (Florida), Wintersemester (German: winter semester), Wire Send, Wisselstroom (Dutch: Alternating Current), Women in Science, Women's Studies, WonderSwan, WordStar, Work Safe, Work Server, Work Space, Work Statement, Work Status, Work Surface, Worker Safety and Health, Worksheet, Workstation, World Senior, World Series, World Service (BBC), World Services, World Studies (course/class), Write Set, Writer to the Signet, Written Submission, Wrought Steel, water surface17) Физиология: Watt Seconds18) Вычислительная техника: Web Server (Corel), (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) WorkStation (RedHat, Linux)19) Нефть: well site, whipstock, wireless station, отклонитель (whipstock), отклоняющий клин20) Бумажная промышленность: wire side21) Силикатное производство: water solid ratio22) Фирменный знак: Williams- Sonoma cookware23) Экология: Water Survey, water solution24) СМИ: Wine Spectator25) SAP. график рабочего времени27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: water station, well services, wellsite28) Полимеры: water spray, water supply, wet spinning29) Программирование: Web-сервисы (см. Web Services)30) Автоматика: working station31) Химическое оружие: work station/site32) Макаров: wait state, weather strip, wheel slide, working storage33) Велосипеды: wheel size34) Расширение файла: APL Worksheet35) Нефть и газ: World Scale36) Керамика: Water Solid37) Фармация: Working Standard38) Общественная организация: The Wildlife Society39) Правительство: Warm Springs, Georgia, White Sands, New Mexico40) Программное обеспечение: Windows Sockets -
10 work
1. n1) работа; труд; дело2) место работы; должность, занятие3) действие, функционирование4) изделие; изделия, продукция5) заготовка; обрабатываемое изделие6) pl завод, фабрика, мастерские7) pl инженерное сооружение
- actual work
- additional work
- adjustment work
- administrative work
- agency work
- agricultural work
- aircraft works
- ancillary work
- art work
- artistic work
- assembly work
- auditing work
- auxiliary work
- building works
- casual work
- civil work
- civil engineering works
- clerical work
- commercial work
- commission work
- commissioning work
- construction works
- contract work
- contractor's works
- daily work
- day work
- day-to-day work
- decorating work
- decoration work
- defective work
- design work
- double-shift work
- efficient work
- engineering work
- engineering works
- field work
- fine work
- finishing work
- full-capacity work
- full-time work
- future work
- hand work
- heavy engineering works
- high-class work
- highly mechanized work
- highly skilled work
- hired work
- incentive work
- installation work
- integrated works
- intellectual work
- iron and steel works
- joint work
- laboratory work
- labour-intensive work
- lorry works
- low-paid work
- machine work
- maintenance work
- maker's works
- managerial work
- manual work
- manufacturer's works
- mechanical work
- metallurgical works
- mounting work
- multishift work
- night work
- nonshift work
- office work
- one-shift work
- on-site work
- outdoor work
- outstanding work
- overtime work
- packing work
- paid work
- paper work
- partial work
- part-time work
- patent work
- permanent work
- piece work
- planned work
- planning work
- practical work
- preliminary work
- preparatory work
- productive work
- reconstruction work
- regular work
- remedial work
- repair work
- rescue work
- research work
- routine work
- rush work
- rythmical work
- salvage work
- satisfactory work
- scheduled work
- scientific work
- seasonal work
- second-shift work
- serial work
- service work
- shift work
- short-time work
- smooth work
- spare-time work
- stevedore work
- stevedoring work
- subcontract work
- subcontractor's works
- subsidiary work
- survey and research work
- task work
- team work
- temporary work
- testing work
- time work
- two-shift work
- unhealthy work
- unskilled work
- wage work
- well-paid work
- work according to the book
- work at normal working hours
- work at piece rates
- work at time rates
- work by contract
- work by hire
- work by the piece
- work by the rules
- work for hire
- work in process
- work in progress
- works of art
- work of development
- work of equipment
- work of an exhibition
- work on a contract
- work on a contractual basis
- work on hand
- work on a project
- work on schedule
- work on the site
- work under way
- ex works
- out of work
- fit for work
- unfit for work
- work done
- work performed
- accept work
- accomplish work
- alter work
- assess work
- be at work
- be behind with one's work
- begin work
- bill work
- be on short time work
- be thrown out of work
- carry out work
- cease work
- close down the works
- commence work
- complete work
- control work
- coordinate work
- correct work
- do work
- employ on work
- entrust with work
- evaluate work
- execute work
- expedite work
- finalize work
- finish work
- fulfil work
- get work
- get down to work
- give out work by contract
- go ahead with work
- hold up work
- improve work
- inspect work
- insure work
- interfere with work
- interrupt work
- leave off work
- look for work
- organize work
- pay for work
- perform work
- postpone work
- proceed with work
- provide work
- put off work
- rate work
- rectify defective work
- reject work
- remedy defective work
- resume work
- retire from work
- speed up work
- start work
- step up work
- stop work
- superintend work
- supervise work
- suspend work
- take over work
- take up work
- terminate work
- undertake work2. v1) работать2) действовать, функционировать3) обрабатывать
- work off
- work out
- work over
- work overtime
- work to rule
- work up -
11 SBS
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Society for Biomolecular Screening2) Компьютерная техника: Subscript3) Американизм: Sick Building Syndrome4) Военный термин: Site Backbone Segment, Special Boat Service, sensor-based system, small business specialist, special boat squadron, standby status, strategic bomber squadron, strategic bombing survey5) Техника: simulated Brillouin scattering, space-based surveillance6) Шутливое выражение: Steve Barton Society, Swedish Bastard Squad7) Статистика: Structural Business Statistics (структурная бизнес-статистика)8) Австралийский сленг: the Special Broadcasting Service9) Автомобильный термин: boost solenoid (Ford)10) Грубое выражение: Sex Before Sleep, sweaty bum sex11) Оптика: satellite business system, stimulated Brillouin scattering12) Сокращение: Silicon Bilateral Switch, Small Bomb System (Formerly known as Small Smart Bomb), Small Smart Bomb (Now known as Small Bomb System), Special Boat Section / Service (UK Royal Marines), Special Boat Service (British counterpart to SEALs), semiconductor bilateral switch13) Университет: Save British Science, Semester By The Sea14) Физиология: Short Bowel Syndrome15) Вычислительная техника: небольшая вычислительная сие тема для финансовых и управленческих задач16) Нефть: single-buoy storage17) Транспорт: Singapore Bus Service, Smart Battery System18) Фирменный знак: Siemens Business Services19) Экология: standard biological station20) СМИ: Scandinavian Broadcast Services, Scandinavian Broadcasting System, Special Broadcasting Service, Stanley Broadcasting System, Inc.21) Деловая лексика: Secure Benefits Systems, Smart Business Services, Step By Step, плата за дозаправку судна топливом (supplementary bunker surcharge)22) Нефтегазовая техника выносной точечный причал-хранилище23) Сетевые технологии: Small Business Server, small business system24) Полимеры: styrene-butadiene-styrene, стирол-бутадиен-стирол25) Пластмассы: Poly- Styrene Butadiene Styrene26) Сахалин Р: Small Boat Shelter27) Безопасность: Safe Bolt System28) Расширение файла: Smart Battery Specification (Duracell/Intel)29) Нефть и газ: УВС, укрытие-стоянка для вспомогательных малых судов30) Электротехника: state before switching31) Аэропорты: Steamboat Springs, Colorado USA -
12 sbs
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Society for Biomolecular Screening2) Компьютерная техника: Subscript3) Американизм: Sick Building Syndrome4) Военный термин: Site Backbone Segment, Special Boat Service, sensor-based system, small business specialist, special boat squadron, standby status, strategic bomber squadron, strategic bombing survey5) Техника: simulated Brillouin scattering, space-based surveillance6) Шутливое выражение: Steve Barton Society, Swedish Bastard Squad7) Статистика: Structural Business Statistics (структурная бизнес-статистика)8) Австралийский сленг: the Special Broadcasting Service9) Автомобильный термин: boost solenoid (Ford)10) Грубое выражение: Sex Before Sleep, sweaty bum sex11) Оптика: satellite business system, stimulated Brillouin scattering12) Сокращение: Silicon Bilateral Switch, Small Bomb System (Formerly known as Small Smart Bomb), Small Smart Bomb (Now known as Small Bomb System), Special Boat Section / Service (UK Royal Marines), Special Boat Service (British counterpart to SEALs), semiconductor bilateral switch13) Университет: Save British Science, Semester By The Sea14) Физиология: Short Bowel Syndrome15) Вычислительная техника: небольшая вычислительная сие тема для финансовых и управленческих задач16) Нефть: single-buoy storage17) Транспорт: Singapore Bus Service, Smart Battery System18) Фирменный знак: Siemens Business Services19) Экология: standard biological station20) СМИ: Scandinavian Broadcast Services, Scandinavian Broadcasting System, Special Broadcasting Service, Stanley Broadcasting System, Inc.21) Деловая лексика: Secure Benefits Systems, Smart Business Services, Step By Step, плата за дозаправку судна топливом (supplementary bunker surcharge)22) Нефтегазовая техника выносной точечный причал-хранилище23) Сетевые технологии: Small Business Server, small business system24) Полимеры: styrene-butadiene-styrene, стирол-бутадиен-стирол25) Пластмассы: Poly- Styrene Butadiene Styrene26) Сахалин Р: Small Boat Shelter27) Безопасность: Safe Bolt System28) Расширение файла: Smart Battery Specification (Duracell/Intel)29) Нефть и газ: УВС, укрытие-стоянка для вспомогательных малых судов30) Электротехника: state before switching31) Аэропорты: Steamboat Springs, Colorado USA
См. также в других словарях:
Wireless site survey — A wireless site survey, sometimes called a RF site survey or wireless survey, is the process of planning and designing a wireless network, in particular an 802.11 Wi Fi wireless network, to provide a wireless solution that will deliver the… … Wikipedia
building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… … Universalium
Site A/Plot M Disposal Site — The Site A/Plot M Disposal Site is located within Red Gate Woods and situated on the former grounds of Argonne National Laboratory and its predecessor, the University of Chicago Metallurgical Laboratory in Cook County, Illinois and is now part of … Wikipedia
Green building — *LEED 2.0 Gold certified *Green Power *Native LandscapingGreen building is the practice of increasing the efficiency with which buildings use resources energy, water, and materials while reducing building impacts on human health and the… … Wikipedia
Chicago Federal Building — The Chicago Federal Building looking southwest from Adams and Dearborn Streets with the Chicago Board of Trade Building visible behind the dome General information Architectur … Wikipedia
Autonomous building — An autonomous building is a building designed to be operated independently from infrastructural support services such as the electric power grid, municipal water systems, sewage treatment systems, storm drains, communication services, and in some … Wikipedia
National Building — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Archaeological Survey of India — The Archaeological Survey of India is an Indian government agency in the Department of Culture that is responsible for archaeological studies and the preservation of cultural monuments. According to its website, the ASI s function is to explore,… … Wikipedia
Meier & Frank Building — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Archaeological site — An archaeological site is a place (or group of physical sites) in which evidence of past activity is preserved (either prehistoric or historic or contemporary), and which has been, or may be, investigated using the discipline of archaeology and… … Wikipedia
Construction site safety — A site safety sign at a highway overpass construction site describing the mandatory safety procedures and equipment. Construction is the most dangerous land based work sector in Europe, after the fishing industry. In the European Union, the fatal … Wikipedia