1 build of military forces
Дипломатический термин: наращивание военной мощи, наращивание военной силыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > build of military forces
2 build of military forces
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > build of military forces
3 build-up of military forces
Общая лексика: наращивание военных силУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > build-up of military forces
4 build-up of military forces
Language of the modern press. English-Russian Glossary of active vocabulary > build-up of military forces
5 build\ up
1. Ithe tension (the pressure, etc.) is building up напряжение и т. д. растет /нарастает/, their pressure (upon us) is building up их давление (на нас) усиливается2. IIIbuild up smth.1)build up a house (a wall, etc.) возводить дом и т. д., build a barrier воздвигать /создавать/ преграду: they built up the whole garden они застроили весь сад2)build up a door (a window, etc.) заделывать дверь и т. д., build up a broken wall закладывать /заделывать/ (кирпичом и т. п.) разрушенную или пробитую стену3)build up a modern army (a powerful navy, a model state, a business, a practice, a fund, an empire, etc.) создавать современную армию и т. д., he managed to build up quite a fortune ему удались сколотить солидное состояние; he is trying to build up a reputation он стирается создать себе хорошую репутацию; build up public opinion создавать общественное мнение (вокруг чего-л.), формировать общественное мнение (определенным образом)4)build up a sentence (по-)строить предложение; build lip a system of arguments (по)строить систему доказательств; build up one's character вырабатывать характер5)build up one's clientele (one's power, the military forces, etc.) увеличивать свою клиентуру и т. д.; build up war potential наращивать военный потенциал; build up the army morale поднимать боевой дух армии; build up a resentment подогревать недовольство; build up suspense нагнетать атмосферу напряженности6)build up one's health (one's constitution, one's wasted body, etc.) укреплять свое здоровье и т. д.build up, you will build up vitality while you sleep сон восстановит энергию), во время сна восстанавливаются силы3. IVbuild up smb. /smb. up/ to some extent don't build me up too much не надо так преувеличивать мои достоинства4. XIbe built up at some time the place (this area, all that ground, etc.) is built up now это место и т. д. сейчас застроили /за build up строено/; be built up at some place something is getting built up here здесь что-то строят; be built up of smth. spoken words are built up of sounds слова в речи складываются из звуков; be built up.to smth. the army has been built up to its wartime strength численность армии доведена до размеров военного времени5. XVI1) build up into smth. these books will build up into a fine library эти книги составят хорошую библиотеку: these stamps built up a good collection из этих марок получилась неплохая коллекция2) build up to smth. tension (pressure, stress, etc.) is building up to a climax /to the highest pitch/ напряжение и т. д. достигает высшей точки6. XXI1build up smth. around smth. build up a story around an insignificant incident a) построить рассказ на незначительном событии; б) раздуть целую историю вокруг незначительного события; build up smth. in smb.'s favour build up public opinion in smb.'s favour склонять общественное мнение на чью-л. сторону /в чью-л. пользу/; build up а геsistance to smth. вырабатывать сопротивляемость /иммунитет/ к чему-л.; build up smth. against smth. build up one's defences against a possible attack укреплять /усиливать/ оборону, чтобы обеспечить себя от /в случае/ возможного нападения -
6 build
[bɪld] 1. сущ.1) внешний вид, форма, стильSyn:2) строение, конструкцияSyn:3) телосложениеslight / slim build — изящное, хрупкое телосложение
Syn:2. гл.; прош. вр., прич. прош. вр. built1) сооружать, строить; возводитьThe house was built in the early 19th century. — Дом был построен в начале 19 века.
A district was built up with new blocks of flats. — Район был застроен новыми домами.
Before bricks were invented, people built their houses out of wood. — До изобретения кирпичей люди сооружали свои дома из дерева.
After raising the money, the hospital was able to build out a whole new section. — После сбора средств больница смогла оплатить постройку нового корпуса.
Use more bricks to build the wall up. — Используй больше кирпичей чтобы надстроить эту стену.
He took some nails and bits of wood, and built them into a rough cupboard. — Он набрал каких-то деревяшек, гвоздей и сделал из этого некое подобие шкафа.
If the TV was built into the ceiling, you could lie there while watching your favourite programme. — Если бы телевизор был встроен в потолок, вы могли бы лёжа смотреть свою любимую программу.
- build a nestThe fields where I played as a child have been built over. — Поля, где я играл ребёнком, теперь застроены домами.
Syn:Ant:2) создаватьto build (out) of — делать (что-л.) из (какого-л.) материала
Their purpose is to build a fair society and a strong economy. — Их цель - построить справедливое общество и сильную экономику.
Syn:Ant:3) = build up расти, нарастать; усиливатьсяThe military pressure on Croatia continues to build. — Военное давление на Хорватию продолжает нарастать.
The clouds are building up. — Тучи собираются.
Enemy forces have now built up to a dangerous strength. — Враг скопил поистине устрашающие силы.
Our hopes for peace are building up. — Наши надежды на мир, кажется, начинают реализовываться.
You must build up your strength after your illness. — Тебе нужно восстанавливать силы после болезни.
Syn:4) вводить (в систему, политику)We have to build computers into the school curriculum. — Мы должны ввести в школьный курс компьютерное обучение.
5) ( build in(to)) сделать составной частью (чего-л.), включать в себяThe difficulties seem to be built in. — Кажется, заниматься этим делом и иметь массу проблем - одно и то же.
The rate of pay was built into her contract. — В её контракте было вписано её жалование.
6) ( build on) основывать, базироватьrelationships built on trust — отношения, основанные на доверии
The town's nineteenth-century prosperity was built on steel. — Благосостояние города в 19 веке было основано на производстве стали.
Don't build your hopes on the chairman's promises. — Не стоит надеяться, что председатель выполнит свои обещания.
The insurance business is built on trust. — Страховочный бизнес основан на доверии.
Syn:7) ( build (up)on) рассчитывать на (что-л. / кого-л.), полагаться на (что-л. / кого-л.)I'd like to come with you but that's not a promise, don't build on it. — Я бы хотел пойти с тобой, но я не обещаю, не строй особо планов.
Syn:•- build up -
7 force
1. n1) сила, мощь2) действенность; действие, воздействие (соглашения, закона и т.п.)3) применение силы, насилие, принуждение4) pl войска, вооруженные силы; вооружения5) группа6) сила (производительная, политическая и т.п.); фактор7) численность8) (the Force) полиция (особ. Великобритании)•to be in force — иметь (юридическую) силу; оставаться в силе
to beef up one's military forces — укреплять свои вооруженные силы
to build up military forces — наращивать военную мощь; сосредоточивать войска
to clear rebel forces from somewhere — очищать какой-л. район от войск мятежников
to continue in force — оставаться в силе; действовать (о законе и т.п.)
to disband / to dismantle forces — демобилизовывать / распускать войска
to encourage all progressive forces (to) — поощрять / поддерживать все прогрессивные силы
to enter a city in force — брать город приступом; вводить в город крупные воинские формирования
to have no force — быть недействительным; не иметь силы
to improve one's defense forces — совершенствовать свои силы самообороны
to join forces — объединяться; объединять силы
to join forces with smb — объединять силы с кем-л.
to maintain the balance of forces — поддерживать равновесие / соотношение сил
to modernize one's forces — модернизировать свои вооруженные силы
to put in force — осуществлять, проводить в жизнь; вводить в действие
to put the armed forces on full alert — приводить вооруженные силы в состояние полной боевой готовности
to reduce conventional forces in / throughout Europe — сокращать количество войск и обычных вооружений в Европе
to remain in force — оставаться в силе, действовать (о законе и т.п.)
to reshape one's armed forces — реорганизовывать свои вооруженные силы
to resort to force — прибегать к силе / насилию
to rule a country by sheer force — управлять страной, опираясь исключительно на силу
to seek negotiated reductions in conventional forces — добиваться сокращения обычных вооружений путем переговоров
to suppress smth by brute force — подавлять что-л. грубой силой
to take recourse to force — прибегать к силе / насилию
to use force against smb — использовать силу против кого-л.
- accelerated development of productive forcesto withdraw forces from... — выводить войска из...
- active forces
- activities of forces
- actual force
- advance force
- aggressive forces
- aggressor forces
- air forces
- alignment of forces
- alliance of the forces
- allied forces
- allocation of forces
- anti-aircraft forces
- anti-colonialist forces
- anti-fascist forces
- anti-government forces
- anti-kidnap force
- anti-monopoly forces
- anti-national forces
- anti-popular forces
- anti-war forces
- armed forces of a country
- armed forces
- assault force
- Atlantic Nuclear Force - binding force
- bomber forces
- border forces
- border-security forces
- brutal force
- build-up forces
- build-up of forces
- by force
- by sheer force
- carrier striking force
- Central American task force
- character of the armed forces
- coalition forces
- combatant forces
- combined forces
- Commonwealth Military Force
- competing forces
- competition forces
- compulsory force
- conditions of entry into force
- conservative forces
- consistent force
- consolidation of all forces
- contributor to the multinational force
- Conventional Force in Europe
- conventional forces
- correlation of forces
- crack forces
- cross-border force
- crude force
- deep cuts in conventional forces
- defense forces
- democratic forces
- determining force in social development
- deterrent force
- directing force
- display of force
- disquiet in the armed forces
- division of political forces
- dominant force
- economic force
- effective forces
- elemental forces of nature
- enforcement forces - extraction force
- follow-on force
- force is not the answer
- force of a clause
- force of a treaty
- force of an agreement
- force of argument
- force of arms
- force of example
- force of law
- force of occupation
- force of public opinion
- force of weaponry
- force to be reckoned with
- forces in the field
- forces of aggression and war
- forces of flexible response
- forces of internal and external reaction
- forward-based forces
- free play of democratic forces
- full force of the treaty
- general purpose forces
- ground forces
- guiding force
- hired labor force
- in force
- in full force
- independent force
- inequitable relationship of forces
- influential force
- intermediate range forces
- international balance of forces
- international peace-keeping forces
- internationalist forces
- interplay of political forces
- interposing force
- invasion forces
- irregular forces
- joint NATO armed forces
- labor force
- land forces
- landing force
- lawful use of force
- leading force in smth
- leading force
- left-wing forces
- legal force
- liberation forces
- local forces
- logistical forces
- main force
- major force
- mandatory force
- manifestation of force
- material force
- member of a peace-keeping force
- military force
- monetary forces
- motive force
- moving force
- multilateral forces
- mutinous forces
- mutual non-use of military force
- national forces
- national liberation forces
- national political forces
- natural forces
- nature of forces
- naval forces
- noneconomic forces
- non-use of force
- nuclear forces
- nuclear strike force
- obligatory force of international treaties
- observer force
- occupation force
- occupying force
- of legal force
- on entry into force
- operation of market forces
- operational forces
- opposing forces
- organizing force
- pan-Arab force
- paramilitary forces
- patriotic forces
- peace forces
- Peace Implementation Force
- peace-keeping forces
- peace-safeguarding forces
- people's armed forces of liberation
- phased withdrawal of the forces
- police force
- policy of force
- political force
- posture of forces
- potent force
- powerful force
- professionally led force
- progressive forces
- pro-independence forces
- proportions of forces
- punitive forces
- quick-reaction force
- Rapid Deployment Force
- Rapid Reaction Force
- rapid-action force
- rebel forces
- recourse to force
- reduction in the armed forces
- regional security forces
- regrouping of forces
- relationship of forces
- reserve force
- reserve of the forces
- resistance forces
- resort to force
- retaliatory forces
- revanchist forces
- revolutionary forces
- rightist forces
- right-wing forces
- rough parity of forces
- ruling forces
- sea forces
- sea-based strategic missile forces
- second-strike force
- security forces
- self-defense forces
- shifts in the alignment of forces - social and political forces
- social forces
- socio-political forces
- special forces
- spontaneous force
- Stabilization Force
- strategic air forces
- strategic forces
- Strategic Rocket Force
- strength of the armed forces
- strike force
- striking force
- suppression by force
- task force
- territorial force
- theater nuclear forces
- third force- TNF- ultra-right forces
- UN buffer force
- UN Emergency Force
- UN observer force
- unification of forces
- unification of the armed force under a single command
- unified forces
- unilateral cuts in smb's forces
- United Nation Protection Force
- United Nations forces
- United Nations peace-keeping forces
- unity of forces
- use of military forces
- use of preemptive force
- vital force
- voluntary military forces
- weakening of forces
- with political forces splintering
- withdrawal of forces
- without resort to force
- work force
- world market forces 2. vзаставлять, принуждать, вынуждать -
8 force(s)
сила; группа; группировка; формирования; части и соединения [подразделения]; мор. отряд; соединение; pl. войска, силы; вооруженные силы, ВС; форсироватьACE mobile force(s), Air — мобильные ВВС ОВС НАТО в Европе
ACE mobile force(s), Land — мобильные СВ ОВС НАТО в Европе
Air forces, Gulf — Бр. ВВС в районе Персидского залива
Air forces, Northern Army Group BBC — Северной группы армий (ОВС НАТО в Европе)
Allied forces, Central [Northern, Southern] Europe — ОВС НАТО на Центрально-Европейском [Северо-Европейском, Южно-Европейском] ТВД
Allied forces, Europe OBC — НАТО в Европе
Allied Land forces, Northern [Southern] Europe — ОСВ НАТО на Северо-Европейском [Южно-Европейском] ТВД
Allied Naval forces, Northern [Southern] Europe — ОВМС НАТО на Северо-Европейском [Южно-Европейском] ТВД
carrier submarine detection [search] and striking force — ПЛ авианосная поисково-ударная группа
earmarked (for assignment) forces — войска [силы], выделенные [предназначенные] для передачи в оперативное подчинение (командования НАТО)
insert a force (into the area) — высаживать десант; десантировать (часть, подразделение)
mobile logistical (support) force — соединение сил [судов] подвижного тылового обеспечения (ВМС)
mobile logistics (support) force — соединение сил [судов] подвижного тылового обеспечения (ВМС)
NATO-earmarked (for assignment) forces — войска, выделенные [предназначенные] для передачи в оперативное подчинение командования НАТО
On-Call Naval force, Mediterranean — оперативное соединение ОВМС НАТО на Средиземном море для действий по вызову
rapid deployment force, Air — авиационный компонент СВР
rapid deployment force, Army — сухопутный компонент СВР
rapid deployment force, Navy — военноморской компонент СВР
special service force (mobile command) — Кан. группа войск специального назначения (мобильного командования)
Standing Naval force, Atlantic — постоянное оперативное соединение ОВМС НАТО на Атлантике
UN Peace Keeping forces, Cyprus — ВС ООН по поддержанию мира на Кипре
US forces, Europe — ВС США в Европейской зоне
— ACE mobile forces— amphibious assault force— BM force— conventional armed forces— counterforce-capable forces— divert forces from— experimental naval forces— fleet-based air force— frontier-guarding force— garrison forces— in force— international forces— link-up force— main battle forces— nuclear forces— special action forces— tactical nuclear-capable forces— unconventional warfare forces— visiting armed force -
9 force(s)
сила; группа; группировка; формирования; части и соединения [подразделения]; мор. отряд; соединение; pl. войска, силы; вооруженные силы, ВС; форсироватьACE mobile force(s), Air — мобильные ВВС ОВС НАТО в Европе
ACE mobile force(s), Land — мобильные СВ ОВС НАТО в Европе
Air forces, Gulf — Бр. ВВС в районе Персидского залива
Air forces, Northern Army Group BBC — Северной группы армий (ОВС НАТО в Европе)
Allied forces, Central [Northern, Southern] Europe — ОВС НАТО на Центрально-Европейском [Северо-Европейском, Южно-Европейском] ТВД
Allied forces, Europe OBC — НАТО в Европе
Allied Land forces, Northern [Southern] Europe — ОСВ НАТО на Северо-Европейском [Южно-Европейском] ТВД
Allied Naval forces, Northern [Southern] Europe — ОВМС НАТО на Северо-Европейском [Южно-Европейском] ТВД
carrier submarine detection [search] and striking force — ПЛ авианосная поисково-ударная группа
earmarked (for assignment) forces — войска [силы], выделенные [предназначенные] для передачи в оперативное подчинение (командования НАТО)
insert a force (into the area) — высаживать десант; десантировать (часть, подразделение)
mobile logistical (support) force — соединение сил [судов] подвижного тылового обеспечения (ВМС)
mobile logistics (support) force — соединение сил [судов] подвижного тылового обеспечения (ВМС)
NATO-earmarked (for assignment) forces — войска, выделенные [предназначенные] для передачи в оперативное подчинение командования НАТО
On-Call Naval force, Mediterranean — оперативное соединение ОВМС НАТО на Средиземном море для действий по вызову
rapid deployment force, Air — авиационный компонент СВР
rapid deployment force, Army — сухопутный компонент СВР
rapid deployment force, Navy — военноморской компонент СВР
special service force (mobile command) — Кан. группа войск специального назначения (мобильного командования)
Standing Naval force, Atlantic — постоянное оперативное соединение ОВМС НАТО на Атлантике
UN Peace Keeping forces, Cyprus — ВС ООН по поддержанию мира на Кипре
US forces, Europe — ВС США в Европейской зоне
— ACE mobile forces— amphibious assault force— BM force— conventional armed forces— counterforce-capable forces— divert forces from— experimental naval forces— fleet-based air force— frontier-guarding force— garrison forces— in force— international forces— link-up force— main battle forces— nuclear forces— special action forces— tactical nuclear-capable forces— unconventional warfare forces— visiting armed force -
10 force
11 presence
nприсутствие, наличиеto boost one's military presence somewhere — наращивать свое военное присутствие где-л.
to build up one's naval presence — сосредоточивать военно-морские силы
to maintain one's military presence — сохранять свое военное присутствие
to reduce one's naval presence somewhere — сокращать присутствие своих военно-морских сил где-л.
to solidify one's military presence in an area — закрепляться в каком-л. районе ( о войсках)
- diplomatic presenceto step up a country's military presence somewhere — усиливать военное присутствие какой-л. страны
- heavy police presence
- military presence
- NATO's conventional presence in Europe
- naval presence
- police presence
- presence in court
- presence of the US forces
- retraction of smb's military presence
- Royal presence -
12 attack
наступление, наступательный бой; атака; нападение; удар; стрельба; воздействие; высадка десанта; группировка сил и средств для наступательных действий [удара]; наступать; атаковать; наносить удар; нападать; поражать ( цели) ; обстреливать; воздействовать; см. тж. assault, offensive, strikeattack from (march) column (formations) — наступление с ходу [марша]
attack in (successive) waves — наступление с последовательным вводом эшелонов; высадка (морского) десанта «волнами»;
— ballistic missile attack— bombing-missile air attack— chemical agent attack— close-in attack— converging axis attack— illuminated night attack— limited objective attack— low-level bombing attack— low-low attack— massive air attack— massive attack— massive ground attack— multiple pronged attack— night-time bombing attack— nonilluminated night attack— toss air attack— toxic chemical attack— two-prong ed attack -
13 strength
численность; ( боевой и) численный состав; силы и средства; сила; мощь; потенциал; прочность; сопротивляемостьthrow one' s strength (on) — сосредоточивать усилия (против); направлять удар; бросать в бой
— match strength with— peacetime authorized strength— wartime authorized strength -
14 time
время; срок; дата; продолжительность; период; темп; производить расчет времени; согласовывать ( действия) по времени, хронометрироватьnuclear weapon reaction time (from target acquisition to delivery) — время реагирования систем доставки ЯО (от обнаружения цели до нанесения ЯУ)
time on target (air) — ав. время нанесения удара по цели; время аэрофотосъемки цели
time on target (artillery) — время открытия одновременного сосредоточенного огня (различными артиллерийскими системами)
— buy time— datum time ASW— fire time nuclear— fuze running time— go time— interception time— lag time— launching time— road clearance time— setting-up time— win time -
15 troop
16 market
1. сущ.1) эк. рынок; базар (специальное место, где осуществляется торговля)COMBS:
It is cheaper to buy vegetables from the market than from a shop. — Овощи дешевле покупать на рынке, чем в магазине.
Syn:marketplace 1), bazaar 1)See:2) эк. рынок (совокупность продавцов и покупателей какого-л. товара)to place [to put\] goods on the market, to bring goods to market — предлагать товар к продаже
In 1930 the first home laundry machine and refrigerator were put on the market. — В 1930 г. на рынке появилась первая бытовая стиральная машина и холодильник.
ATTRIBUTES [structure\]: actual 1. 1), auction 1. 1), call 1. 1), n6б, captive 1. 1), n4, classical 1. 3), concentrated 1. 1) а), continuous 1. 1) а), first 2. 3) а), forward 1. 1), n4, fourth, imperfect 1. 1), б, inside 2. 1) а), intermediate 2. 2) а), inverted 1. 3), monopolistic, oligopolistic, one-sided 1. 3), one-way 2. 4) а), open outcry, outcry, over-the-counter 2. 1) а), over-the-telephone, parallel 2. 1) а), perfect 1. 1), n2б, pitching, physical 2. 1) а), public 1. 1), n4, pure 1. 1) а), retail 2. 1) а), screen-based, second 1. 1), n2, sideways 2. 6) а), spot 2. 1) а), third 2. 3) а), wholesale 2. 1) а)
ATTRIBUTES [legality\]: administered 1), bear 1. 2), black 1. 3) а), blocked 1. 2) а), controlled, democratic 1), formal 1. 1) а), free 1. 1) а), informal 1), б, illicit, kerb, organized 1), в, overt 1. 2) а), regulated, rigged 1. 2) а)
See:CHILD [product\]: product market, financial market, services market, political market, pollution permit market, related markets CHILD [structure\]: actual market 2), 3), aftermarket 1), auction market, call market, carrying market, cash market, 1), 1), continuous market, double auction market, double-auction market, first market, forward market, fourth market, imperfect market, inside market 2), inter-dealer market, intermediate market, inverted market, monopolistic market, non-exchange market, off-board market, oligopolistic market, one-sided market, one-way market, open outcry market, OTC market, outcry market, 2), over-the-counter market, over-the-counter securities market, over-the-telephone market, parallel market, perfect market, physical market, public market 2), pure market, retail market, screen-based market, second market, spot market, street market 1), third market, upstairs market 2), wholesale market CHILD [legality\]: administered market, bear market 2), black market 1) а), blocked market, closed market, controlled market, formal market, free market, free and open market, informal market, grey market 1) а), illicit market, kerb market, organized market, price-making market, regulated market 1) а), rigged market, self-regulated market, access to market, market access, market disruption, inside market 1), 1), market-determined price3)а) эк. спрос; объем спроса, размер рынка (наличие желающих купить товар; часто используется как характеристика определенной территории)COMBS:
The European market for this product is estimated at $10 billions during next 5 years. — По оценкам, объем европейского рынка этого продукта будет равен 10 млрд долл. в течение ближайших пяти лет.
ATTRIBUTES: actual 1. 1), assured 1. 2), brisk 1. 1), business 1. 4) а), commercial 1. 1), consumer 1. 1), consumers, customer 1. 1), dealer 1. 1), б, enterprise 1. 2) а), government 1. 7) а), heavy user, industrial 1. 1), а, institutional 1. 1), а, manufacturing 2. 1) а), organizational, personal 1. 2) а), potential, producer 1. 1), professional 1. 1), promising, ready 1. 1), reseller, trade 1. 2), world 2. 1) а)
See:actual market 1), assured market, brisk market, business market, commercial market, consumer market, consumers market, consumers' market, customer market, dealer market, enterprise market, government market, heavy-user market, industrial market, institutional market, large-volume market, manufacturing market, organizational market, personal market 1), potential market 1) б), producer market, professional market, promising market, ready market, reseller market, trade market, world market 2) б)б) эк. потребителиATTRIBUTES: brand-loyal, control 3. 1), conventional 3. 2), core 2. 2), exploratory, intended, main 1. 1), mass 3. 1), personal 3. 2), potential, primary 2. 2), n2, principal 2. 2), n1, prospective, target 3. 1), test 3. 1), traditional
Syn:See:brand-loyal market, control market, conventional market, core market, exploratory market, intended market, main market 2), personal market 2), potential market 2) а), primary market 2), principal market 1) а), prospective market, target market, test market, traditional market, market acceptance, market attritionв) марк. рынок сбыта ( географический район)ATTRIBUTES: colonial, domestic 2) а), export 3. 2) а), external 1. 2) а), foreign 1. 1) а), global 1. 1) а), home 2. 2) а), internal 1. 2) а), international 1. 1) а), dispersed, distant 1. 1) а), local 1. 1) а), national 1. 1) а), nation-wide, nationwide, overseas 1. 2) а), regional, scattered 1. 1) а), world 2. 1) а), world-wide
Syn:See:colonial market, domestic market 1), export market, external market 1), foreign market 1), global market, home market, internal market 1), 2), international market, dispersed market, distant market, local market, national market, nation-wide market, overseas market, regional market, scattered market, world market 1), worldwide market, new-to-market, old-to-marketг) марк. = market segmentATTRIBUTES:
ATTRIBUTES: concentrated 1) а), craft 1. 1) а), demographic, downscale 1. 2) а), heterogeneous, homogeneous, high-income, low-end, metro, metropolitan, middle-aged, middle-class, mid-range, military, rural, specialized, specialty, silver 2. 3) а), upscale 1. 2) а), youth 2. 4) а)
See:black market 2), 2), craft market, demographic market, downmarket, down-market, downscale market, heterogeneous market, homogeneous market, high-income market, low-end market, lower end of the market, middle-aged market, middle-class market, mid-range market, military market 2) б), specialized market, specialty market, silver market 1) б), upscale market, youth market4) эк. конъюнктура, уровень цен, состояние рынка (состояние рынка в значении 2, с точки зрения активности продавцов и покупателей и соответствующей динамики изменения цен)ATTRIBUTES: active 1. 3), advancing, bid 1. 3), bear 1. 2), barren 1. 3), broad 1. 1), bull 1. 2), close II 2. 3) в), competitive II 2. 2) а), complete 1. 2), confident II 2. 1) а), congested, contango, contestable, crossed II 2. 2) а), crowded II 2. 1) а), а, dead 1. 2), declining, deep II 2. 2) а), depressed II 2. 2) а), б, differentiated, dull II 2. 1) а), efficient II 2. 1) а), б, emerging, established II 2. 1) а), expanding, falling, fast II 1. 2) а), fertile II 2. 1) а), firm I 1. 1) а), flat I 2. 4) а), graveyard, growing 1. 1), growth II 2. 1) а), heavy II 2. 1) а), inactive II 2. 2) а), increasing, jumpy II 2. 1) а), б, languid II 2. 2) а), limited II 2. 1) а), liquid I 2. 6) а), locked II 2. 2) а), lucrative, mature 1. 2), narrow 1. 1), nervous I 2. 5) б), normal I 1. 5) б), offered, overstocked II 2. 1) а), а, pegged I 1. 3) б), present I 2. 2) б), price-sensitive, productive I 1. 3) б), profitable II 2. 1) а), protected, recession-hit, restricted II 2. 1) а), restrictive II 2. 1) а), rising, sagging I 2. 2) б), saturated I 1. 3) б), seller II 2. 1) а), а, selective I 2. 5) б), sensitive I 2. 4) б), short 1. 1), shrinking, slack I 2. 2) б), sluggish II 2. 2) а), soft I 2. 4) б), sold-out, stable I 2. 1) б), stagnant II 2. 1) а), static I 2. 2) б), steady 1. 1), stiff 1. 1), б, strong II 2. 2) а), technically strong, technically weak, tight I 2. 4) б), wide II 2. 1) а)
See:active market, advancing market, bid market, bear market 1), Big Emerging Markets, broad market, bull market, buyers' market, close market, competitive market, complete market, contango market, contestable market, crossed market, crowded market, dead market, declining market, deep market, depressed market, differentiated market, dull market, efficient market, emerging market, established market, expanding market, fast market, fertile market, firm market, flat market, growing market, inactive market, jumpy market, languid market, lemons market, limited market, liquid market, locked market, lucrative market, market of lemons, mature market, narrow market, normal market, offered market, overstocked market, pegged market, present market, price-sensitive market, productive market, profitable market, protected market, recession-hit market, restricted market, restrictive market, rising market, sagging market, saturated market, sellers market, seller's market, sellers' market, selective market, sensitive market, short market, shrinking market, slack market, sluggish market, soft market, sold-out market, stable market, stagnant market, static market, steady market, stiff market, strong market, technically strong market, technically weak market, tight market, wide market5) эк., амер. розничный магазин (обычно специализированный, напр., мясной, рыбный)6) эк., пол. рынок (принцип устройства экономической системы, предусматривающий свободное формирование цен под воздействием спроса и предложения)See:7) межд. эк. рынок (экономический союз нескольких стран, в основе которого лежит создание единого торгового пространства для товаров, услуг и факторов производства)ATTRIBUTES: common 1) а), single 2) а)
See:common market, single market, Andean Common Market, Arab Common Market, Central American Common Market, Central American Common Market, common market, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa2. гл.1) эк. продавать, реализовывать, распространятьto receive approval from X agency to market the product — получить разрешение от органа Х на распространение продукта
2) марк. осуществлять маркетинг, позиционировать, продвигатьE-mail is recognized as the easiest and cheapest way to market your organization, your programs, and your issues. — Электронная почта считается самым легким и недорогим способом продвижения [рекламирования\] вашей организации, ваших программ и вашей работы.
See:3. прил.1) эк. рыночныйAnt:market age, market animal, market livestock, market output, market place, market quality 1), market services, market stall, market weight 1)See:market activity 1), market behaviour 2), market capitalism, 1), market competition, market conduct, market discipline, market economy, market exchange, market fundamentalism, market ideology, market mechanism, market mode of coordination, market order of worth, market political culture, market sector 3), market socialism, market system, market transactionSee:market absorption, market acceptance, market activity 2), market appraisal, market area, market attractiveness, market attrition, market audience, market basket, market behaviour 1), market breadth, market break, market breakdown, market cap, market capacity, market capitalization, market challenger, 2), market clearance 2), market clearing, market communications, market composition, market concentration, market condition, market conditions 2), market coverage, market decline, market definition, market demand, market depth, market disequilibrium, market dominance, market dynamics, market equilibrium, market expectation, market expectations, market failure, market focus, market follower, market form, market glut, market grade, 1), market growth, market homogeneity, market interest rate, market intermediary, market jitters, market leader, market leadership, market level 2), market maker, market making, market needs, market nicher, market organization, market out, market participant, market partnership, market pattern, market position, market potential, market power, market presence, market pressure, market price, market profile, market quality 2), market quotation, market rate, market rate of interest, market range, market reaction, market requirements, market resistance, market response, market return, market satisfaction, market saturation, market segment, market selection, market sensitivity, market sentiment, market share, market situation 1), market size, market stability, market standard, market standing, market structure, market supply, market tone, market trader, market trend, market undertone, market user, market value, market value added, market volume, market weight 2) Market EyeSee:market analysis, market analyst, market approach, market arbitrage, market audit, market average, market barrier, market build-up, market channel, market clearance 1), market closing, market conditions 1), market conversion price, market cycle, market data, market development, market discount, market entry, market evidence, market exit, market expansion, market experiment, market exploration, market exposure, market factor, market fluctuation, market fluctuations, market forces, market forecast, market forecasting, 2), market hours, market incentive, market index, market indicator, market information, market inroad, market intelligence, market interface, market investigation, market letter, market level 1), market liquidity, market manager, market mapping, market matching, market maximization, market model, market modification, market movement, market multiple, market niche, market node, market opening, market opportunity, market order, market orientation, market outlet, market penetration, market performance, market period, market plan, market planning, market portfolio, market positioning, market prognosis, market ratio, market report, market research, market researcher, market reversal, market review, market risk, market rollout, market sector 1), &2, market segmentation, market selectivity, market sharing, market signal, market situation 2), market skimming, market specialist, market specialization, market stimulant, market strategy, market study, market survey, market sweep, market target, market targeting, market test, market testing, market timer, market timing2) эк. товарный, рыночный ( предназначенный для продажи на рынке)market fish — товарная рыба, рыба для продажи
market stock — товарный скот, скот для продажи
market vegetables — товарные овощи, овощи для продажи
Syn:marketable 3)See:market age, market animal, market livestock, market output, market place, market quality 1), market services, market stall, market weight 1)
* * *
market; Mkt; mart 1) рынок: организованная или неформальная система торговли товарами, услугами или финансовыми инструментами на основе четких правил (напр., фондовая биржа); 2) рыночные цены, состояние конъюнктуры; 3) совокупность людей или юридических лиц, предъявляющих текущий или потенциальный спрос на товары услуги; равнозначно спросу; 4) основные участники финансового рынка: дилеры, торгующие за свой счет, посредники и покупатели; 5) = marketplace; 6) рынок как столкновение спроса и предложения покупателей и продавцов, в результате которого определяется цена товара; 7) (to) продавать; см. marketing; 8) = market value; 9) "The Market"= Dow Jones Industrial Average.* * *рынок; рыночное хозяйство; рыночная экономика; рыночный механизм; спрос; конъюнктура. Как правило, употребляется применительно к фондовому рынку. 'Сегодня рынок упал' означает, что в этот день стоимость сделок на фондовом рынке снизилась . Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *организованное собрание/встреча людей, на которой происходит торговля ценными бумагами-----территория, на которой встречаются продавцы и покупатели, чтобы обменяться тем, что представляет ценность-----конъюнктурный обзор; бюллетень о состоянии рынка -
17 agreement
n1) соглашение, договор; контракт2) согласие; договоренность•to abide by the terms of an agreement — соблюдать / выполнять условия соглашения, придерживаться условий соглашения
to adhere to an agreement — выполнять / соблюдать соглашение, придерживаться условий соглашения
to announce a measure of agreement with smb — объявлять о достижении определенной степени согласия / договоренности с кем-л.
to arrive at / to attain an agreement — приходить к соглашению, достигать соглашения
to be in agreement with smb about smth — соглашаться с кем-л. в отношении чего-л.; быть единого мнения с кем-л. о чем-л.
to be in contravention of an agreement — противоречить соглашению / условиям соглашения
to breach / to break an agreement — нарушать соглашение
to enter into an agreement — заключать соглашение / договор
to extend an agreement — продлевать срок действия соглашения, пролонгировать соглашение
to find oneself in full agreement about smth — обнаруживать полное единство взглядов по какому-л. вопросу
to go back on an agreement — нарушать соглашение, отказываться от выполнения соглашения
to leave the agreement in tatters — перен. не оставить камня на камне от соглашения
to observe an agreement — соблюдать соглашение; выполнять условия соглашения
to obstruct progress towards an agreement — препятствовать достижению соглашения; затруднять достижение соглашения
to pave the way towards further agreements — открывать путь к заключению / достижению новых соглашений
to reach agreement on smth — достигать согласия / договариваться по какому-л. вопросу
to renege on an agreement — нарушать соглашение, уклоняться от выполнения соглашения
to repudiate an agreement — отвергать соглашение, отказываться от ранее заключенного соглашения
to review / to revoke an agreement — пересматривать соглашение
to sabotage an agreement — срывать / саботировать выполнение соглашения
to secure an agreement — добиваться соглашения, обеспечивать заключение соглашения
to seek an agreement — 1) добиваться заключения соглашения 2) добиваться согласия / договоренности
to stipulate smth by an agreement — обуславливать что-л. соглашением
to submit an agreement to the government for endorsement — предоставлять текст соглашения на утверждение правительства
to thwart / to torpedo an agreement — срывать выполнение соглашения
- agreement fell flatto wreck an agreement — срывать соглашение, мешать заключению соглашения
- agreement has broken down
- agreement has come into operation
- agreement in force
- agreement in principle
- agreement is effective
- agreement is in danger of collapse
- agreement is in force
- agreement is subject to approval by the General Assembly
- agreement is to come into effect on August 20
- agreement is unlikely to stock
- agreement is up for renewal
- agreement on a framework of withdrawal
- agreement on a partial pullout of troops
- agreement on all points
- agreement on limiting nuclear weapons
- agreement under negotiation
- agreement will hold
- agreement worth $...
- agreements of wages, hours and working conditions
- allied agreements
- arbitration agreement
- architect of an agreement
- armistice agreement
- arms agreement
- arms control agreement
- as a precursor to any kind of an agreement
- as part of the agreement
- avoidance of an agreement
- back-to-work agreement
- barter agreement
- basic agreement
- behind-the-scenes agreement
- bilateral agreement
- binding agreement
- branch agreements
- breach of the peace agreement
- broad agreement
- by mutual agreement
- cartel agreement
- cease-fire agreement
- clearing agreement
- collective agreement
- commercial agreement
- commodity agreement
- compensation agreement
- complete agreement on all major items
- comprehensive agreement
- compromise agreement
- conclusion of an agreement
- consensus agreement
- consular agreement
- contractual agreement
- conventional arms agreement
- cooperation agreement
- credit agreements
- cultural exchange agreement
- currency-credit agreements
- current agreement
- disarmament agreement
- disengagement agreement
- draft agreement
- durable agreement
- duration of an agreement
- economic agreement
- enslaving agreement
- enthralling agreement
- entry of an agreement into force
- equal party to the agreement
- equitable agreement
- executive agreement
- expiration of an agreement
- face-saving agreement
- far-reaching agreement
- fettering agreement
- final agreement
- final print of an agreement
- financial agreement
- foreign investment agreement
- formal agreement
- Four-Power Agreement on West Berlin
- framework agreement
- free trade agreement
- General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
- general agreement
- Geneva Agreements
- gentleman's agreement
- historic agreement
- immigration agreement
- impediment to an agreement
- in accordance with the agreement achieved
- in circumvention of the agreement
- in conformity with the terms of agreements
- in contravention of the agreement
- in line with the agreement
- in the absence of a special agreement
- in the wake of the agreement
- inconsistent with the agreement
- indemnification agreement
- inequitable agreement
- INF Agreement
- informal agreement
- initial agreement
- installment agreement
- instalment agreement
- interagency agreement
- interdepartmental agreement
- intergovernmental agreement
- interim agreement
- interlocking set of agreements
- Intermediate Nuclear Forces Agreement
- international agreement
- international fisheries agreement
- interstate agreement
- labor agreement
- landmark agreement
- large measure of agreement between...
- last-in-first-out redundancy agreement
- last-minute agreement
- lend-lease agreement
- license agreement
- licensing agreement
- long-awaited agreement
- long-term agreement
- major agreement
- marketing agreement
- market-sharing agreement
- measure of agreement between smb
- military agreement
- military-political agreement
- model agreement
- monetary agreement
- multilateral agreement
- multipartite agreement
- multipurpose international agreement
- mutual agreement
- national agreement
- nonaggression agreement
- nonattack agreement
- nonbelligerency agreement
- noncompliance with the agreement
- North American Free Trade Agreement
- no-strike agreement
- observance of the agreement
- on the brink of an agreement
- on the verge of an agreement
- onerous agreement
- on-site monitoring agreement
- outline agreement
- overall agreement
- package agreement
- patent agreement
- payments agreement
- peace agreement
- pending the coming into force of the agreement
- permanent agreement
- personal training agreement
- political agreement
- power-sharing agreement
- preliminary agreement
- procedural agreement
- progress toward a concerted agreement
- progress toward mutually acceptable agreement
- prolongation of an agreement
- prospect of an agreement
- provided by the agreement
- provision of an agreement
- provisional agreement
- quadripartite agreement
- reciprocal agreement
- regional agreement
- repatriation agreement
- safeguards agreement
- scientific and technical cooperation agreement
- search for a generally acceptable agreement
- secret agreement
- separate agreement
- short-term agreement
- show-piece of an agreement
- signs for agreement
- solid agreement
- solvent feature of the agreement
- special agreement
- special service agreement
- specific agreement
- standstill agreement
- starting-point of an agreement
- stipulated by the following article of the agreement
- strike-free agreement
- subject of an agreement
- subject to agreement
- subsidiary agreement
- substantive agreement
- superpower agreement
- tacit agreement
- tariff agreement
- technical agreement
- tentative agreement
- termination of agreement - trade and credit agreement
- trade and economic agreement
- trade-and-payments agreement
- tripartite agreement
- troop-withdrawal agreement
- trusteeship agreement
- umbrella agreement
- under the agreement
- unequal agreement
- unratified agreement
- unspoken agreement
- UN-sponsored agreement
- unwritten agreement
- verbal agreement
- verifiable agreement
- viable agreement
- voluntary price restraint agreement
- wide-ranging agreements
- working agreement
- written agreement
- zero-zero agreement -
18 arm
1. n1) рука2) крыло, часть, орган3) pl оружие, вооружение4) pl военные действия5) pl юр. предмет, используемый в качестве оружия6) pl герб•to bear arms — иметь при себе / носить оружие
to build up arms — накапливать оружие / вооружение
to funnel arms to smb — направлять оружие кому-л.
to hand in / over one's arms to smb — сдавать оружие кому-л.
to hang on to one's arms — отказываться сложить оружие
to lay down one's arms — складывать оружие
to manufacture / to produce arms — производить оружие
to provide arms for smb — обеспечивать кого-л. оружием
to ship arms to smb — поставлять оружие кому-л.
to strengthen the arm of smb — усиливать чьи-л. позиции
to surrender one's arms to smb — сдавать оружие кому-л.
- broad restrictions on the armsto welcome smb with open arms — принимать кого-л. с распростертыми объятиями
- by force of arms
- chemical arms
- coat of arms
- control of arms
- conventional arms
- dissemination of arms
- fire arms - non-nuclear arms - offensive arms
- proliferation of nuclear arms
- reduction of arms and armed forces
- sales and procurement arm
- sales of arms
- shipment of arms to a country
- small arms
- strategic arms
- strategic offensive arms
- success in arms
- supply of arms to smb
- suspension of arms
- the military arm of the UN Security Council
- the peace-keeping arm of the United Nations
- trade in arms
- under arms
- use of fire arms by police
- without resort to arms 2. vto arm against smb — вооружаться против кого-л.
19 relation
n(among, between, with) отношение; связьto advance one's relations — давать новый толчок развитию отношений между своими странами
to arrange economic relations on a long-term basis — строить экономические отношения на долговременной основе
to be set on a course of improved relations with the rest of the world — идти по линии улучшения отношений с остальными странами мира
to bring relations with a country back to a balance — нормализировать отношения с какой-л. страной
to bring about a further improvement in East-West relations — приводить к дальнейшему улучшению отношений между Востоком и Западом
to clear away obstacles to better relations with smb — убирать все, что препятствует улучшению отношений с кем-л.
to contribute to the expansion of friendly relations — способствовать расширению дружественных связей
to cut (off) diplomatic relations with smb — разрывать с кем-л. дипломатические отношения
to damage relations between two countries — портить / ухудшать отношения между двумя странами
to disturb relations between two countries — портить / ухудшать отношения между двумя странами
to downgrade one's diplomatic relations with smb — понижать уровень дипломатических отношений с кем-л.
to ensure stable economic relations — гарантировать / обеспечивать устойчивые экономические отношения
to express an interest in better relations with smb — проявлять интерес к улучшению отношений с кем-л.
to foster good relations with a country — способствовать развитию хороших отношений с какой-л. страной
to have diplomatic relations — иметь / поддерживать дипломатические отношения
to heal the strained relations with a country — устранять напряженность в отношениях с какой-л. страной
to impose new strains on the government's relations with smb — еще больше осложнять отношения правительства с кем-л.
to institutionalize new relations — законодательно закреплять / узаконивать отношения
to introduce new strains in smb's relations with a country — делать еще более напряженными / еще больше усложнять чьи-л. отношения с какой-л. страной
to look forward to improved relations with... — надеяться на улучшение отношений с...
to make a plea for closer relations between smb — выступать с призывом упрочить отношения между кем-л.
to mar relations between two countries — портить / ухудшать отношения между двумя странами
to open diplomatic relations with... — устанавливать дипломатические отношения с...
to patch up one's relations — восстанавливать хорошие взаимоотношения
to pave the way for an improvement of relations between... — прокладывать путь к улучшению отношений между...
to place relations between two countries on a new footing — ставить отношения между двумя странами на новую основу
to place strain on relations between... — вносить напряженность в отношения между...
to plague relations — отравлять / омрачать / портить отношения
to poison relations — отравлять / омрачать / портить отношения
to put relations between two countries on a new footing — ставить отношения между двумя странами на новую основу
to reassess one's relations with a country — пересматривать свои отношения с какой-л. страной
to rebuild one's relations with smb — восстанавливать свои отношения с кем-л.
to recast / to reconsider one's relations with smb — пересматривать свои отношения с кем-л.
to reform one's relations with smb — перестраивать свои отношения с кем-л.
to reformulate one's relations with smb — пересматривать свои отношения с кем-л.
to render inconceivable any improvement in relations — делать немыслимым какое-л. улучшение отношений
to repair relations — улучшать / нормализовать отношения
to review one's relations with smb — пересматривать свои отношения с кем-л.
to seek better relations with... — добиваться улучшения отношений с...
to sour relations between two countries — портить / ухудшать отношения между двумя странами
to test the waters for the restoration of diplomatic relations — прощупывать почву относительно возможности восстановления дипломатических отношений
to warm (up) one's relations with smb — улучшать свои отношения с кем-л.
- acceleration of relationsto worsen relations between two countries — портить / ухудшать отношения между двумя странами
- aggravation relations
- agrarian relations
- amicable relations
- antagonistic relations
- balanced relations
- bilateral relations
- breach of relations
- break in relations
- breakdown in relations
- breakthrough in relations
- brotherly relations
- business relations
- capitalist relations
- causal relation
- cause-and-effect relations
- chill in relations
- chilly relations
- church-state relations
- church-to-state relations
- civilian-military relations
- clan relations
- close relations
- cold relations
- commercial relations
- commodity-money relations
- comprehensive improvement of relations
- constructive relations
- consular relations
- continuity in foreign relations
- cool relations
- cooling of relations
- cordial relations with smb
- credit and monetary relations
- credit relations
- crisis in relations
- cultural relations
- currency and credit relations
- demographic relations
- deteriorating relations
- deterioration in relations
- development of relations
- diplomatic relations
- direct diplomatic relations
- East-West relations
- economic relations
- equitable relations
- establishing of relations
- establishment of relations
- exemplary relations
- existing relations
- exploitative relations
- export-import relations
- external relations
- family and marital relations
- feudal-patriarchal social relations
- flourishing relations
- foreign economic relations
- foreign policy relations
- foreign relations
- formal relations
- fragile relations
- fraternal relations
- freeze in relations
- friendly relations
- frostiness in relations
- frosty relations
- good neighborhood relations
- good relations
- growing warmth in relations between the two countries
- harmonious relations
- healthy relations
- high level of relations between smb
- high point in relations
- human relations
- improved relations
- in spite of improved relations
- in the field of international relations
- industrial relations
- inequitable relations
- inter-American relations
- interethnic relations
- intergovernmental relations
- international cultural relations
- international legal relations
- international relations
- interparty relations
- interpersonal relations
- interruption of relations
- interstate relations
- kinship relations
- labor relations
- landmark in relations
- legal relations
- level of relations
- lukewarm relations
- lull of relations
- marital relations
- market relations
- matriarchal relations
- mature relations
- maturing of relations
- milestone in relations between smb
- monetary relations
- money relations
- moral relations
- multilateral relations
- mutual distrust in relations
- mutual relations
- mutually beneficial relations
- national relations
- need for further improved relations between the two countries
- neighborly relations
- new era in international relations
- new page in relations
- new relations
- new type of relations
- nonantagonistic relations
- normal relations
- normalization of relations
- obstacle to better relations
- official relations
- party-to-party relations
- patriarchal relations
- peaceful relations
- permanent diplomatic relations
- political relations
- positive assessments of relations
- power lever in relations
- precapitalist relations
- prevailing relations
- prickly relations
- private economic relations
- private property relations
- production relations
- progressive relations
- proper relations
- public relations
- race relations
- reestablisment of relations
- relation of forces
- relations among states
- relations are at a low ebb
- relations are at a very sensitive stage
- relations are at an impasse
- relations are at the lowest point
- relations are complicated
- relations are going perceptibly warmer by the day
- relations are overshadowed
- relations are seriously strained
- relations are severely strained
- relations are tense
- relations are troubled
- relations at the ambassadorial level
- relations between smb are taking a turn for the worse
- relations between the two countries were slightly downhill
- relations calm down
- relations came close to breaking point
- relations clouded by smth
- relations deteriorated
- relations have plunged to a new lowebb
- relations have soured to a new lowebb
- relations have taken a decided turn for the better
- relations have taken a step forward
- relations improve dramatically
- relations improve substantially
- relations move on to a new footing
- relations of friendship
- relations of peace, good-neighborliness and co-operation
- relations of production
- relations soured
- relations turned to ice
- relations warm up
- renewal of relations
- reopening of relations
- reordering of relations
- restoration of relations
- resumption of relations
- rift in relations
- rupture in relations
- severance of diplomatic relations
- sincere relations
- Sino-Russian relations
- social and legal relations
- social relations
- socialist relations
- socio-economic relations
- souring of relations
- special relations - state of relations
- state-to-state relations
- step back in relations
- strained relations
- straining in relations
- stumbling block to improving relations between...
- superpower relations
- tense relations
- tension-free relations
- thaw in relations
- trade and economic relations
- trade relations
- trading relations
- transition nature of relations
- treaty relations
- tribal relations
- turning point in relations
- uneasy relations
- unruffled relations
- warm relations
- warming of relations
- within the frame of East-West relations
- working relations
- world economic relations -
20 security
n1) безопасность2) гарантия, обеспечение3) юр. обеспечение; гарантия, залог4) обыкн. pl ценные бумаги•
См. также в других словарях:
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