1 buffered computer
2 buffered computer
вычислительная машина с буферным запоминающим устройствомБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > buffered computer
3 buffered computer
1) Вычислительная техника: вычислительная машина с буферной памятью, вычислительная машина с буферным запоминающим устройством2) Программирование: буферированный компьютер -
4 buffered computer
5 buffered computer
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > buffered computer
6 buffered computer
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > buffered computer
7 buffered computer
8 computer
= cmpr1) компьютера) вычислительная машина, ВМб) электронная вычислительная машина, ЭВМ2) вычислительное устройство, вычислитель•- analog computer
- analog-digital computer - asynchronous computer
- AT-compatible computer
- automatic computer
- azimuth rate computer
- beam-steering computer
- bearing distance computer
- board computer
- briefcase computer
- bubble-domain computer
- buffered computer
- business computer
- client computer
- clipboard computer
- coherent optical computer
- communication computer
- complex instruction set computer
- control computer
- course-line computer
- cryogenic computer - dead-reckoning computer
- dedicated computer
- desktop computer
- digital computer
- discontinued computer
- diskless computer
- dockable computer
- docked computer
- electronic digital computer
- embedded personal computer
- fifth generation computer
- first generation computer
- fixed-program computer
- flight computer
- flight-path computer
- fluid computer
- fluid-jet computer
- follow-on computer
- fourth generation computer
- fuzzy computer
- general-purpose computer
- green computer
- guest computer
- guidance computer
- guidance and navigation computer
- hand-held personal computer
- high-end computer
- home computer
- host computer
- hybrid computer
- IBM-compatible computer
- industrial computer
- interface computer
- keyboard computer
- keyboardless computer
- laptop computer
- legacy-free computer
- logarithmic computer
- mainframe computer
- massively parallel computer
- master computer
- member computer
- memory test computer
- microfluidic computer
- microprogrammable computer
- mobile computer
- mobile network computer
- multiaccess computer
- multihomed computer
- multimedia personal computer
- multi-user computer
- navigation computer
- network computer
- nonsequential computer
- notebook computer
- object computer
- office computer
- off-line computer
- offset-course computer
- on-board computer
- one-address computer
- on-hand wearable personal computer
- on-line computer
- optical computer
- palmtop personal computer
- parallel computer
- parallel course computer
- parallel digital computer
- Pel computer
- pen computer
- pen-based computer
- performance optimized with enhanced RISC personal computer
- peripheral computer
- personal computer
- pipelined computer
- plugboard computer
- pocket computer
- pocket personal computer
- pocket-size personal computer
- portable computer
- process computer
- process control computer
- quantum computer
- radiac computer
- range computer
- reduced instruction set computer
- remote computer
- rho-theta computer
- ruggedized computer
- satellite computer
- scientific computer
- second generation computer
- sequential computer
- serial computer
- serial digital computer
- simultaneous computer
- single-board computer
- single-chip computer
- slave computer
- small business computer
- solid-state computer
- sonar data computer
- source computer
- special-purpose computer
- stack-oriented computer
- standalone computer
- stored-program computer
- superconducting computer
- supervisory computer
- synchronous computer
- synergetic computer
- talking computer
- tandem computers
- target intercept computer
- tesselated computer
- third generation computer
- three-address computer
- Total Talk computer
- tse computer
- ultralight computer
- undocked computer
- universal computer
- wired-program computer
- zero wait state computer -
9 computer
1) компьютера) вычислительная машина, ВМб) электронная вычислительная машина, ЭВМ2) вычислительное устройство, вычислитель•- analog computer
- analog-digital computer
- Apple Macintosh computer
- arbitrary course computer
- asynchronous computer
- AT-compatible computer
- automatic computer
- azimuth rate computer
- beam-steering computer
- bearing distance computer
- board computer
- briefcase computer
- bubble-domain computer
- buffered computer
- business computer
- client computer
- clipboard computer
- coherent optical computer
- communication computer
- complex instruction set computer
- control computer
- course-line computer
- cryogenic computer
- data analog computer
- database computer
- dead-reckoning computer
- dedicated computer
- desktop computer
- digital computer
- discontinued computer
- diskless computer
- dockable computer
- docked computer
- electronic digital computer
- embedded personal computer
- fifth generation computer
- first generation computer
- fixed-program computer
- flight computer
- flight-path computer
- fluid computer
- fluid-jet computer
- follow-on computer
- fourth generation computer
- fuzzy computer
- general-purpose computer
- green computer
- guest computer
- guidance and navigation computer
- guidance computer
- hand-held personal computer
- high-end computer
- home computer
- host computer
- hybrid computer
- IBM-compatible computer
- industrial computer
- interface computer
- keyboard computer
- keyboardless computer
- laptop computer
- legacy-free computer
- logarithmic computer
- mainframe computer
- massively parallel computer
- master computer
- member computer
- memory test computer
- microfluidic computer
- microprogrammable computer
- mobile computer
- mobile network computer
- multiaccess computer
- multihomed computer
- multimedia personal computer
- multi-user computer
- navigation computer
- network computer
- nonsequential computer
- notebook computer
- object computer
- office computer
- off-line computer
- offset-course computer
- on-board computer
- one-address computer
- on-hand wearable personal computer
- on-line computer
- optical computer
- palmtop personal computer
- parallel computer
- parallel course computer
- parallel digital computer
- Pel computer
- pen computer
- pen-based computer
- performance optimized with enhanced RISC personal computer
- peripheral computer
- personal computer
- pipelined computer
- plugboard computer
- pocket computer
- pocket personal computer
- pocket-size personal computer
- portable computer
- process computer
- process control computer
- quantum computer
- radiac computer
- range computer
- reduced instruction set computer
- remote computer
- rho-theta computer
- ruggedized computer
- satellite computer
- scientific computer
- second generation computer
- sequential computer
- serial computer
- serial digital computer
- simultaneous computer
- single-board computer
- single-chip computer
- slave computer
- small business computer
- solid-state computer
- sonar data computer
- source computer
- special-purpose computer
- stack-oriented computer
- standalone computer
- stored-program computer
- superconducting computer
- supervisory computer
- synchronous computer
- synergetic computer
- talking computer
- tandem computers
- target intercept computer
- tesselated computer
- third generation computer
- three-address computer
- Total Talk computer
- tse computer
- ultralight computer
- undocked computer
- universal computer
- wired-program computer
- zero wait state computerThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > computer
10 computer
1) компьютер; вычислительная машина; ЭВМ; вычислительное устройство; вычислитель; редк. процессор2) редк. счётная машина (см. тж calculator, machine)•- adaptive computer
- airborne computer
- all-applications computer
- all-purpose computer
- alternating-current analog computer
- analog computer
- analog-digital computer
- arbitrary sequence computer
- associative computer
- asynchronous computer
- automotive computer
- baby-sized computer
- back-end computer
- batch-oriented computer
- battery-operated computer
- binary computer
- binary-transfer computer
- board computer
- boutique computer
- brand-name computer
- breadboard computer
- buffered computer
- business computer
- business-oriented computer
- byte computer
- byte-organized computer
- byte-oriented computer
- cassette-based computer
- census computer
- central computer
- character-oriented computer
- chemical-based computer
- chess computer
- CISC computer
- commercial computer
- commodity computer
- communication computer
- communications oriented computer
- compatible computer
- complete-instruction-set computer
- concurrent computer
- consecutive computer
- consecutive sequence computer
- continuously acting computer
- control computer
- control flow computer
- correlation computer
- coupled computers
- cryogenic computer
- cryotron computer
- custom computer
- database computer
- data-flow computer
- decimal computer
- dedicated computer
- desk computer
- desk-size computer
- desk-top computer
- dialing set computer
- dial set computer
- digital computer
- direct execution computer
- direct-analogy computer
- direct-current computer
- diskless computer
- distributed logic computer
- drum computer
- dual-processor computer
- education computer
- electromechanical analog computer
- electronic tube computer
- electron tube computer
- electronic computer
- end-user computer
- ever-faster computer
- externally programmed computer
- fault-tolerant computer
- fifth-generation computer
- file computer
- first-generation computer
- fixed word-length computer
- fixed-point computer
- fixed-program computer
- flat screen computer
- floating-point computer
- fluid computer
- four-address computer
- fourth-generation computer
- fractional computer
- front-end computer
- gateway computer
- general-purpose computer
- giant computer
- giant-powered computer
- giant-scale computer
- giant-size computer
- gigacycle computer
- gigahertz computer
- guidance computer
- handheld computer
- high-end computer
- high-function computer
- high-level language computer
- high-level computer
- highly parallel computer
- high-performance computer
- high-speed computer
- hobby computer
- home banking computer
- home computer
- host computer
- hybrid computer
- IBM-compatible computer
- IC computer
- incompatible computer
- incremental computer
- industrial computer
- integrated circuit computer
- interface computer
- interim computer
- intermediate computer
- internally programmed computer
- Internet computer
- keyboard computer
- kid computer
- laptop computer
- large computer
- large-powered computer
- large-scale computer
- large-scale integration circuit computer
- large-size computer
- laser computer
- linkage computer
- local computer
- logical computer
- logic computer
- logic-controlled sequential computer
- logic-in-memory computer
- low-end computer
- low-profile computer
- low-speed computer
- LSI computer
- mainframe computer
- massively parallel computer
- master computer
- mechanical computer
- medium computer
- medium-powered computer
- medium-size computer
- medium-speed computer
- medium-to-large scale computer
- mediun-scale computer
- megacycle computer
- megahertz computer
- microprogrammable computer
- microwave computer
- mid-range computer
- molecular computer
- monoprocessor computer
- multiaddress computer
- multi-MIPS computer
- multiple-access computer
- multiple-user computer
- multiprocessor computer
- multiprogrammed computer
- multipurpose computer
- multiradix computer
- navigation computer
- net node computer
- networked computer
- N-node computer
- no-address computer
- node computer
- nonsequential computer
- nonstop computer
- non-von Neumann computer
- notebook computer
- object computer
- office computer
- off-the-shelf computer
- one-address computer
- one-and-half-address computer
- one-on-one computer
- one-purpose computer
- optical computer
- optical path computer
- original computer
- palm-size computer - parallel-processing computer
- parallel-serial computer
- parametric-electronic computer
- parametron computer
- pen-based computer
- pentop computer
- perihperal support computer
- peripheral computer
- personal computer
- pictorial computer
- pipeline computer
- plugboard computer
- plug-compatible computer
- plugged program computer
- pneumatic computer
- pocket computer
- Polish-string computer
- polynomial computer
- portable computer
- process control computer
- production control computer
- professional computer
- professional personal computer
- program-compatible computer
- program-controlled computer
- programmed computer
- punch-card computer
- rack-size computer
- radix two computer
- real-time computer
- recovering computer
- reduced instruction set computer
- reduction computer
- remote computer
- repetitive computer
- RISC computer
- satellite computer
- scientific computer
- second-generation computer
- secondhand computer
- self-adapting computer
- self-organizing computer
- self-programming computer
- self-repairing computer
- self-repair computer
- sensor-based computer
- sequence-controlled computer
- sequenced computer
- sequential computer
- serial computer
- service computer
- service-oriented computer
- SIMD computer
- simultaneous-operation computer
- simultaneous computer
- single-address computer
- single-board computer
- single-purpose computer
- single-user computer
- slave computer
- small computer
- small-powered computer
- small-scale computer
- small-size computer
- soft-compatible computer
- solid-state computer
- SOS computer
- source computer
- space computer
- spaceborne computer
- special-purpose computer
- special computer
- square-root computer
- stack-oriented computer
- standby computer
- statistical computer
- steering computer
- stored-program computer
- subscriber computer
- super computer
- superconductive computer
- superhigh-speed computer
- superpersonal computer
- superspeed computer
- supervisory computer
- switch-control computer
- switching computer
- symbolic computer
- synchronous computer
- synchronous tracking computer
- tagged computer
- talking computer
- target computer
- technical computer
- technical personal computer
- terminal computer
- terminal control computer
- ternary-transfer computer
- tessellated computer
- thermal computer
- thin-film memory computer
- third-generation computer
- three-address computer
- three-dimensional analog computer
- timeshared computer
- top level computer
- top-of-the-line computer
- toy computer
- training computer
- transformation computer
- transistorized computer
- transistor computer
- translating computer
- tridimensional analog computer
- trip computer
- truth-table computer
- Turing-type computer
- two-address computer
- ultrafast computer
- underlying computer
- user computer
- vacuum tube computer
- variable word-length computer
- very-high-speed computer
- video-and-cassette-based computer
- virtual computer
- von Neumann computer
- wearable computer
- weather computer
- wired-program computer
- word-oriented computer
- workgroup computer
- X-computer
- zero-address computerEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > computer
11 communication
= comm1) соединение; объединение; сообщение2) связь; установление связи (напр. телефонной)3) коммуникацияа) передача информации; обмен информацией; передача данных; обмен даннымиб) среда для передачи информации или для обмена информацией; среда для передачи данных или для обмена данными; канал связи; линия связив) акт межличностного общения с целью выяснения позиций сторон или достижения взаимопонимания4) передаваемая информация; передаваемые данные; сообщение5) информационная передача; сводка новостей6) содержание информационной передачи; новости8) способ связи; сообщение (напр. телеграфное)9) pl коммуникацииб) средства передачи информации или обмена информацией; средства передачи данных или обмена даннымиг) средства массовой информации, СМИ; коммуникационная сферад) системы и средства передвижения войск и материально-технического обеспечения11) информационные службы (напр. на предприятиях)12) коммуникология•- air-to-ground communication
- amateur radio communication
- analog communication
- asynchronous communication
- antijam communication
- auroral long-distance communication
- automated communication - band-limited communication
- beyond-the-horizon communication
- binary synchronous communications
- buffered communication
- business communication
- cable communication
- carrier-current communication
- CB communication
- citizen band communication
- coherent communication
- coherent-light communication
- computer communication
- computer-mediated communication
- computer-to-computer communication
- conference communication
- cross-channel communication
- cryptographic communication
- cryptographic digital communication
- data communication
- decision-feedback communication
- deep space communication - digital voice communication
- dipole-belt communication
- direct communication
- diversity communication
- downstream communication
- duplex communication
- electrical communication
- electronic communication
- emergency communication
- enciphered facsimile communication
- facsimile communication
- fiber-optics communication
- field communication
- fixed communication
- frequency-hop communication
- frequency-hopping communication - half-duplex communication
- harmonic communication - highway communication
- host communication
- image communication
- industrial communications
- infrared communication
- in-house communication
- in-house data communication
- interactive communication
- intercomputer communication
- interplanetary communication
- interprocess communication
- interprocessor communication
- intersatellite communication
- intertask communication
- ionoscatter communication
- ionospheric communication
- jam-resistant communication
- joint communication
- laser communication
- leaky-feeder communication
- light communication
- light-wave communication
- line communication
- long-distance ionospheric-scatter communication
- long-haul communication
- long-range communication
- machine-to-machine data communication
- man-computer communication
- man-machine communication
- marine communication
- marine-vehicle communication
- message switched communication
- meteor-burst communication
- microwave communication
- MIDI communication
- mobile communication
- multicast communication
- multichannel communication
- multimedia communication
- multiple-access communication
- multiplex communication
- multipoint communication
- multi-purpose communications
- office communications
- one-way communication
- operator communication - orbital-scatter radio communication
- orbiting-dipole radio communication
- over-the-horizon communication
- packet-switched communication
- party-line communication
- personal communication
- plane-to-plane communication
- point-to-multipoint communication
- point-to-point communication
- polling communication
- queued communication
- radio communication
- radio-relay communication
- repeater satellite communication
- rural communication
- safety communication
- satellite communication
- secure communication
- self-adjusting communication
- self-optimizing communication
- sensory communication
- shore-to-ship-communication
- signaling communication
- simplex communication
- single-sideband communication
- sky-wave communication
- sonar communication
- sonic communication
- space communication
- spacecraft-to-Earth communication
- speech communication
- spread spectrum communication
- SSB communication
- supersonic communication
- synchronous communication
- telegraphic communication
- telephone communication
- television communication
- transcontinental communication
- transhorizon communication
- troposcatter communication
- tropospheric-scatter communication
- trunk communication
- two-way communication
- two-way alternate communication
- ultrasonic communication
- underwater communication
- upstream communication
- voice communication
- waveguide communication
- wire-free communication - world-wide telephone communication
- written communication -
12 communication
1) соединение; объединение; сообщение2) связь; установление связи (напр. телефонной)3) коммуникацияа) передача информации; обмен информацией; передача данных; обмен даннымиб) среда для передачи информации или для обмена информацией; среда для передачи данных или для обмена данными; канал связи; линия связив) акт межличностного общения с целью выяснения позиций сторон или достижения взаимопонимания4) передаваемая информация; передаваемые данные; сообщение5) информационная передача; сводка новостей6) содержание информационной передачи; новости8) способ связи; сообщение (напр. телеграфное) pl.9) коммуникацииб) средства передачи информации или обмена информацией; средства передачи данных или обмена даннымиг) средства массовой информации, СМИ; коммуникационная сферад) системы и средства передвижения войск и материально-технического обеспечения11) информационные службы (напр. на предприятиях)12) коммуникология•- advanced program-to-program communication
- aeronautical communication
- air-to-ground communication
- amateur radio communication
- analog communication
- antijam communication
- asynchronous communication
- auroral long-distance communication
- automated communication
- automatic secure voice communication
- background communication
- band-limited communication
- beyond-the-horizon communication
- binary synchronous communications
- buffered communication
- business communication
- cable communication
- carrier-current communication
- CB communication
- citizen band communication
- coherent communication
- coherent-light communication
- computer communication
- computer-mediated communication
- computer-to-computer communication
- conference communication
- cross-channel communication
- cryptographic communication
- cryptographic digital communication
- data communication
- decision-feedback communication
- deep space communication
- digital communication
- digital speech communication
- digitized voice communication
- dipole-belt communication
- direct communication
- diversity communication
- downstream communication
- duplex communication
- electrical communication
- electronic communication
- emergency communication
- enciphered facsimile communication
- facsimile communication
- fiber-optics communication
- field communication
- fixed communication
- frequency-hop communication
- frequency-hopping communication
- global communication
- ground-to-air communication
- half-duplex communication
- harmonic communication
- high-capacity communication
- high-frequency communication
- highway communication
- host communication
- image communication
- industrial communications
- infrared communication
- in-house communication
- in-house data communication
- interactive communication
- intercomputer communication
- interplanetary communication
- interprocess communication
- interprocessor communication
- intersatellite communication
- intertask communication
- ionoscatter communication
- ionospheric communication
- jam-resistant communication
- joint communication
- laser communication
- leaky-feeder communication
- light communication
- light-wave communication
- line communication
- long-distance ionospheric-scatter communication
- long-haul communication
- long-range communication
- machine-to-machine data communication
- man-computer communication
- man-machine communication
- marine communication
- marine-vehicle communication
- message switched communication
- meteor-burst communication
- microwave communication
- MIDI communication
- mobile communication
- multicast communication
- multichannel communication
- multimedia communication
- multiple-access communication
- multiplex communication
- multipoint communication
- multi-purpose communications
- office communications
- one-way communication
- operator communication
- optical communication
- optical-fiber communication
- orbital-scatter radio communication
- orbiting-dipole radio communication
- over-the-horizon communication
- packet-switched communication
- party-line communication
- personal communication
- plane-to-plane communication
- point-to-multipoint communication
- point-to-point communication
- polling communication
- queued communication
- radio communication
- radio-relay communication
- repeater satellite communication
- rural communication
- safety communication
- satellite communication
- secure communication
- self-adjusting communication
- self-optimizing communication
- sensory communication
- shore-to-ship-communication
- signaling communication
- simplex communication
- single-sideband communication
- sky-wave communication
- sonar communication
- sonic communication
- space communication
- spacecraft-to-Earth communication
- speech communication
- spread spectrum communication
- SSB communication
- supersonic communication
- synchronous communication
- telegraphic communication
- telephone communication
- television communication
- transcontinental communication
- transhorizon communication
- troposcatter communication
- tropospheric-scatter communication
- trunk communication
- two-way alternate communication
- two-way communication
- ultrasonic communication
- underwater communication
- upstream communication
- voice communication
- waveguide communication
- wire-free communication
- wireless communication
- wireless telephone communication
- world-wide telephone communication
- written communicationThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > communication
13 interface
1) интерфейс (в языках программирования - видимая пользователю, в отличие от реализации (implementation), часть описания (функции, модуля, класса), определяющая способ их использования)- interface of class
- module interface(соглашения, определяющие способ использования данного приложения другим приложением)- host adapter interface
- narrow interface
- object interface
- open datalink interface
- personalized interface
- screen interface
- server interface(предоставляемая пользователю система окон, меню и других элементов управления, позволяющая общаться с данным приложением)Syn:4) (аппаратный) интерфейс (устройство сопряжения; сопряжение; средства сопряжения)5) сопряжение; согласование || сопрягать; согласовывать6) граница между двумя системами или приборами; место стыковки•- adaptive interface
- analog interface
- assistive user interface
- attachment-unit interface
- buffered interface
- bus interface
- bussed interface
- cable interface
- channel interface
- command-driven interface
- command-rich interface
- common user interface
- communications interface
- computer graphics interface
- computer-process interface
- contact interface
- cryptic interface
- current loop interface
- data interface
- diagnose interface
- direct interface
- DMA interface
- dummy-proof interface
- expert-friendly interface
- external interface
- file-based interface
- flexible interface
- gateway/network interface
- general-purpose interface
- general interface
- general-system interface
- graphical interface
- graphic interface
- graphical user interface
- graphic user interface
- hardware interface
- host interface
- human interface
- human-computer interface
- human-engineered interface
- human-machine interface
- hybrid interface
- I/O interface
- input-output interface
- intelligent interface
- intergateway interface
- interlevel interface
- invocation interface
- knowledgebase interface
- language interface
- loosely-coupled interface
- machine-machine interface
- man-machine interface
- master-slave interface
- memory interface
- menu-based interface
- menu-driven interface
- mouse interface
- multimedia interface
- natural interface
- natural language interface
- network interface
- NL interface
- N-wire interface
- open prepress interface
- organization interface
- packet-switching interface
- peripheral interface
- physical interface
- pin-level interface
- power interface
- procedural language interface
- processor interface
- programmable interface
- programmer interface
- seamless interface
- serial interface
- software-to-software interface
- standardized interface
- standard interface
- stream interface
- surface-perspective interface
- sw/hw interface
- task-constrained interface
- text-oriented interface
- transparent interface
- trigger interface
- user interface
- user-friendly interface
- video interface
- virtual interface
- vision interface
- visual/iconic interface
- wimp interfaceEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > interface
14 communication(s)
1) связь, коммуникация; система связи; мн. ч. средства связи2) передача; система передачи4) взаимодействие, общение•to contact ( to establish) communication — устанавливать связь-
adaptive communication
air communication
air distress communication
air safety communication
air-to-air communication
air-to-ground communication
amateur radio communication
amateur communication
analog communication
antijam communication
asynchronous communication
bandlimited communication
base-to-mobile communication
batch communication
beam communication
beyond-the-horizon communication
buffered communication
cable communication
car-to-car communication
computer communication
conference communication
data communication
digital communications
digital communication
direct communication
disaster communication
diversity communication
domestic communication
duplex communication
emergency communication
en-route communication
facsimile communication
feedback communication
fiber-optics communications
fiber-optics communication
frequency-hop communication
full duplex communication
ground-to-air communication
guideway-transportation communication
half-duplex communication
harmonic communication
high-frequency communication
highway communication
host communication
infrared communication
intercomputer communication
interplanetary communication
interprocess communication
interprocessor communication
interstation communication
intertask communication
ionoscatter communication
jam-resistant communication
laser-beam communication
laser communication
light communication
line-of-sight communication
long-haul communication
man-computer communication
marine-vehicle communication
marine communication
message switched communication
meteor-burst communication
microwave communication
mobile communication
multichannel communication
multiple-access communication
one-way communication
optical communication
optical-fiber communications
optical-fiber communication
oral communication
packet switched communication
party-line communication
point-to-point communication
polling communication
power line communication
queued communication
radio communication
radio-link communication
railway communication
rail communication
safety communication
satellite communication
secure communication
shortwave communication
simplex communication
single-sideband communication
sky-wave communication
slave-master communication
space communication
speech communication
synchronous communication
task-to-task communication
telegraphic communication
telegraph communication
telephone communication
television communication
train-to-train radio communication
train-to-train communication
transhorizon communication
troposcatter communication
trunk communication
two-way alternate communication
two-way communication
underground communication
underwater-vehicle communication
visual communication
voice communication
waveguide communication
wire communication
wire-free communication
written communicationАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > communication(s)
15 communication(s)
1) связь, коммуникация; система связи; мн. ч. средства связи2) передача; система передачи4) взаимодействие, общение•to contact ( to establish) communication — устанавливать связь-
adaptive communication
air communication
air distress communication
air safety communication
air-to-air communication
air-to-ground communication
amateur radio communication
amateur communication
analog communication
antijam communication
asynchronous communication
bandlimited communication
base-to-mobile communication
batch communication
beam communication
beyond-the-horizon communication
buffered communication
cable communication
car-to-car communication
computer communication
conference communication
data communication
digital communications
digital communication
direct communication
disaster communication
diversity communication
domestic communication
duplex communication
emergency communication
en-route communication
facsimile communication
feedback communication
fiber-optics communications
fiber-optics communication
frequency-hop communication
full duplex communication
ground-to-air communication
guideway-transportation communication
half-duplex communication
harmonic communication
high-frequency communication
highway communication
host communication
infrared communication
intercomputer communication
interplanetary communication
interprocess communication
interprocessor communication
interstation communication
intertask communication
ionoscatter communication
jam-resistant communication
laser-beam communication
laser communication
light communication
line-of-sight communication
long-haul communication
man-computer communication
marine-vehicle communication
marine communication
message switched communication
meteor-burst communication
microwave communication
mobile communication
multichannel communication
multiple-access communication
one-way communication
optical communication
optical-fiber communications
optical-fiber communication
oral communication
packet switched communication
party-line communication
point-to-point communication
polling communication
power line communication
queued communication
radio communication
radio-link communication
railway communication
rail communication
safety communication
satellite communication
secure communication
shortwave communication
simplex communication
single-sideband communication
sky-wave communication
slave-master communication
space communication
speech communication
synchronous communication
task-to-task communication
telegraphic communication
telegraph communication
telephone communication
television communication
train-to-train radio communication
train-to-train communication
transhorizon communication
troposcatter communication
trunk communication
two-way alternate communication
two-way communication
underground communication
underwater-vehicle communication
visual communication
voice communication
waveguide communication
wire communication
wire-free communication
written communicationАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > communication(s)
16 bus
1) шинаа) вчт группа функционально объединённых проводников, образующих канал обмена информацией между различными частями компьютера; проф. магистральб) электрическая шина; сборная шина (в распределительных электрических устройствах)2) проф. магистраль, высокоскоростная магистральная линия связи; высокоскоростной магистральный тракт передачи информации•- Accessory bus
- address bus
- advanced technology bus
- advanced technology attachment bus- AT bus- ATA bus
- back-side bus
- bidirectional data bus
- broadcast bus
- buffered bus
- common bus
- control bus
- daisy-chain bus
- data bus
- destination address bus - EISA bus
- enclosed bus
- expansion bus
- extended industry standard architecture bus
- external data bus
- fault bus- host bus- global broadcasting bus
- ground bus
- I2C bus
- industry standard architecture bus
- intercluster bus
- interface bus
- inter-integrated-circuit bus
- intermodule bus
- ISA bus
- local bus
- MCA bus
- Media bus
- message bus
- micro channel architecture bus
- mix-down bus
- multi-transaction system bus
- Multi-Vendor Integration Protocol bus
- MVIP bus
- PCI bus - peripheral component interconnect bus
- peripheral component interconnection bus
- Personal Computer Memory Card International Association bus
- proprietary local bus
- PS/2 bus
- S-100 bus
- SCSI bus
- small computer system interface bus
- software bus - universal serial bus
- universal serial bus on-the-go
- Versa Module Europe bus
- VESA local bus- VL bus- VME bus
- VXI bus -
17 bus
1) шинаа) вчт. группа функционально объединённых проводников, образующих канал обмена информацией между различными частями компьютера; проф. магистральб) электрическая шина; сборная шина (в распределительных электрических устройствах)2) проф. магистраль (высокоскоростная магистральная линия связи; высокоскоростной магистральный тракт передачи информации)•- Accessory bus
- address bus
- advanced technology attachment bus
- advanced technology bus
- analog expansion bus
- Apple desktop bus
- AT bus
- ATA bus
- back-side bus
- bidirectional data bus
- broadcast bus
- buffered bus
- common bus
- control bus
- daisy-chain bus
- data bus
- destination address bus
- distributed queue double bus
- domestic digital bus
- dual independent bus
- earth bus
- EISA bus
- enclosed bus
- expansion bus
- extended industry standard architecture bus
- external data bus
- fault bus
- front-side bus
- general purpose bus
- general purpose interface bus
- global broadcasting bus
- ground bus
- H.100 bus
- Hewlett-Packard interface bus
- high performance serial bus
- host bus
- I2C bus
- industry standard architecture bus
- intercluster bus
- interface bus
- inter-integrated-circuit bus
- intermodule bus
- ISA bus
- local bus
- MCA bus
- Media bus
- message bus
- micro channel architecture bus
- mix-down bus
- multi-transaction system bus
- Multi-Vendor Integration Protocol bus
- MVIP bus
- PCI bus
- PCM expansion bus
- PCMCIA bus
- peripheral component interconnect bus
- peripheral component interconnection bus
- Personal Computer Memory Card International Association bus
- proprietary local bus
- PS/2 bus
- S-100 bus
- SCSI bus
- small computer system interface bus
- software bus
- source address bus
- status bus
- system management bus
- token bus
- universal serial bus on-the-go
- universal serial bus
- Versa Module Europe bus
- VESA local bus
- Video Electronic Standard Association local bus
- VL bus
- VME bus
- VXI busThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > bus
18 logic
2) логика, логические схемы; логическая схема•-
active logic
air logic
arbitration logic
array logic
base-coupled logic
basic logic
binary logic
bipolar logic
Boolean logic
bubble logic
buffered logic
cellular logic
charge-coupled logic
circuit logic
combinational logic
complementary MOS logic
complementary transistor logic
computer logic
control logic
controlled saturation logic
current hogging injection logic
current hogging logic
current injection logic
current-mode logic
current-sinking logic
custom logic
decision making logic
dedicated logic
digital logic
diode logic
diode-transistor logic
direct-coupled logic
direct-coupled transistor logic
emitter-coupled logic
emitter-follower logic
failure detection logic
faulty logic
formal logic
front-end logic
functional logic
fuzzy logic
glue logic
hard-wired logic
high-level logic
high-noise-immunity logic
high-threshold logic
hyphenation logic
instruction logic
integrated circuit logic
integrated injection logic
integrated Schottky logic
interface logic
internal synchronous logic
irregular logic
isoplanar integrated injection logic
Josephson logic
ladder logic
lead reduction logic
low-energy logic
low-level logic
low-power logic
low-threshold logic
machine logic
magneto-optical logic
majority-vote logic
majority logic
mathematical logic
merged transistor logic
mixed logic
multiemitter logic
multilevel logic
multiple-valued logic
negative logic
nonsaturated logic
nonthreshold logic
pneumatic logic
positive logic
probabilistic logic
processing logic
programmable array logic
programmable logic
programmed logic
random logic
refresh and character-generating logic
regular logic
resistor-capacitor-transistor logic
resistor-transistor logic
saturated logic
Schottky transistor logic
Schottky transistor-transistor logic
Schottky-coupled integrated injection logic
sequential logic
symmetrically emitter-coupled logic
ternary logic
three state logic
three-dimensional logic
three-value logic
threshold logic
timing logic
transistor coupled logic
transistor-resistor logic
transistor-transistor logic
tunnel diode logic
twin-transistor injection logic
user-programmable logic
variable-threshold logic
vertical integrated injection logic
wired logic -
19 terminal
2) нефт. тупиковый резервуарный парк3) нефт. перевалочная база4) ж.-д., мор. терминал5) аэровокзал9) концевая муфта ( кабеля)11) оконечное устройство, терминал || оконечный, терминальный12) вчт. конечный слог; конечное слово15) мор. причал16) порт назначения•-
air freight terminal
air terminal
alphanumeric terminal
alphameric terminal
area composition terminal
ASCII terminal
asynchronous terminal
audio terminal
axial terminal
battery terminal
block terminal
BTR terminal
buffered terminal
bulk terminal
cable terminal
carrier terminal
cathode-ray tube terminal
cell terminal
character terminal
circuit terminal
coil terminals
cold storage terminal
color graphic terminal
communications terminal
communication terminal
computer terminal
condenser-type terminal
conductor terminal
congested terminal
connection terminal
console terminal
container terminal
control terminal
copy input terminal
correcting terminal
CRT terminal
data terminal
data-entry terminal
dedicated memory terminal
deep-sea terminal
design terminal
desktop terminal
destination terminal
dial-up terminal
digital terminal
direct memory access terminal
discharge terminal
display terminal
distribution terminal
dry gas terminal
dumb terminal
earth terminal
edge terminal
Edison screw terminal
editing terminal
edit terminal
executive terminal
feedthrough terminal
floating terminal
freight terminal
gas pipeline terminal
gas terminal
gateway terminal
general cargo terminal
graphical terminal
graphic terminal
gravity loading terminal
ground terminal
group terminal
handheld terminal
hardcopy terminal
high intelligent terminal
high-voltage terminal
home terminal
initiating terminal
input terminal
insertion terminal
insert terminal
intelligent terminal
interactive terminal
intermodal terminal
junction terminal
keyboard terminal
lead terminal
light-wave terminal
line terminal
loading terminal
lug terminal
machine interface terminal
main terminals
makeup terminal
marine terminal
markup terminal
master terminal
measuring terminal
mobile terminal
multipoint terminal
negative terminal
network terminal
neutral terminal
nonintelligent terminal
office terminal
offshore terminal
oil-loading terminal
on-premise terminal
onshore terminal
output terminal
package terminal
packet-mode terminal
packet terminal
page view terminal
passenger terminal
phase terminal
pin-type terminal
pin terminal
plug terminal
point-of-sale terminal
pole terminal
port terminal
positive terminal
printer terminal
programmable terminal
prong-type terminal
prong terminal
quiescent terminal
radio terminal
railway terminal
raster-scan graphic terminal
receiving terminal
remote terminal
ring terminal
route terminal
sales gas terminal
screw terminal
sea terminal
secured terminal
shopfloor terminal
slave terminal
smart terminal
snap terminal
softcopy terminal
spade-type terminal
spade terminal
split terminal
stand-alone terminal
subscriber terminal
supply terminal
switching terminal
synchronous terminal
system control terminal
tab terminal
tanker terminal
tape correction terminal
telecommunications terminal
telecommunication terminal
teller terminal
testing terminal
test terminal
text editing terminal
text input terminal
touch-sensitive terminal
touch terminal
transfer terminal
transshipment terminal
typesetting terminal
unloading terminal
user terminal
video display terminal
video terminal
virtual terminal
voice terminal
welding terminals
wire terminal
wiring terminal
work-station factory terminal
wrapping terminal
wrap terminal
zero terminal -
20 logic
в) логическая схема; логические схемы- active logic
- application logic
- assertion-level logic - base-coupled logic
- binary logic
- bipolar logic
- bit-serial logic
- bubble logic
- buffered logic
- buried-load logic
- business logic
- cache logic
- cellular logic
- charge-coupled logic
- charge-coupled device logic
- chroma invert logic
- clocked logic
- closed C-MOS logic
- collector-coupled logic
- combination logic
- compatible logic - complementary transistor-resistor logic
- computer logic
- control logic
- core logic
- core-transistor logic
- current-hogging logic - current-mode logic
- current-sinking logic
- current-sourcing logic
- degating logic
- designer choice logic - double-railed logic
- dynamic logic - emitter-function logic
- extensional logic
- field-effect transistor logic
- first-order logic
- first-order predicate logic
- formal logic
- full logic
- functional logic
- fuse-programmable array logic
- fuzzy logic
- glue logic - hardware logic
- hard-wired logic
- high-level logic - integrated-circuit logic - latching logic
- local-control logic
- locked-pair logic
- look-ahead carry logic - low-voltage logic - magnetic domain-wall logic
- magnetoelectronic logic
- magnetooptical logic
- majority logic
- mathematical logic - micropower logic
- microwatt logic
- microwave logic
- modal logic
- multiaperture-device logic
- multiemitter-transistor logic
- multilevel logic
- multiphase logic
- multitarget acquisition logic
- multivalued logic
- nanosecond logic
- negative logic
- neighborhood logic - n-level logic
- one-line delay logic
- operation logic
- optical logic
- optoelectronic logic
- pass-transistor logic
- positive logic
- positive true logic
- predicate logic
- programmable logic
- programmable array logic
- quadded logic
- Rambus signaling logic
- random logic
- rapid single flux quantum logic
- reacquisition logic
- Reed-Müller logic
- register transfer logic - resistor-coupled transistor logic - sampling-type logic
- saturated logic
- save-carry logic - Schottky transistor-transistor logic - shared logic
- solid logic
- solid-state logic
- standard logic
- static logic
- stored logic - ternary logic
- tertiary logic
- threshold logic
- tightly-packed logic
- track monitoring logic
- transistor logic - tunnel-diode logic - virtual logic
- voltage-stage logic
- wired program logic
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Fully Buffered DIMM — Memory controller with differential serial connections to DDR2 FB DIMMs. The AMB is visible in the center of each DIMM. Fully Buffered DIMM (or FB DIMM) is a memory technology which can be used to increase reliability and density of memory… … Wikipedia
Speicherbaustein — Ein Speichermodul oder Speicherriegel ist eine kleine Leiterplatte, auf der mehrere Speicherbausteine (Dynamisches RAM in Form von integrierten Schaltkreisen) aufgelötet sind. Speichermodule bilden oder erweitern den Arbeitsspeicher… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Speicherriegel — Ein Speichermodul oder Speicherriegel ist eine kleine Leiterplatte, auf der mehrere Speicherbausteine (Dynamisches RAM in Form von integrierten Schaltkreisen) aufgelötet sind. Speichermodule bilden oder erweitern den Arbeitsspeicher… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Happy Computers — (HCI) was a small company producing disk drive enhancements for the Atari 8 bit and Atari ST computer families. Happy Computers is most noted for the add in boards for the Atari 810 and 1050 disk drives, which achieved a tremendous speed… … Wikipedia
Scrapbooking — is a method for preserving personal and family history in the form of photographs, printed media, and memorabilia contained in decorated albums, or scrapbooks. The idea of keeping printed materials of personal interest probably dates to shortly… … Wikipedia
Actor model — In computer science, the Actor model is a mathematical model of concurrent computation that treats actors as the universal primitives of concurrent digital computation: in response to a message that it receives, an actor can make local decisions … Wikipedia
Pipeline (computing) — In computing, a pipeline is a set of data processing elements connected in series, so that the output of one element is the input of the next one. The elements of a pipeline are often executed in parallel or in time sliced fashion; in that case,… … Wikipedia
Speichermodul — Ein Speichermodul oder Speicherriegel ist eine kleine Leiterplatte, auf der mehrere Speicherbausteine (Dynamisches RAM in Form von integrierten Schaltkreisen) aufgelötet sind. Speichermodule bilden oder erweitern den Arbeitsspeicher… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Industry Standard Architecture — For other uses of ISA , see Isa (disambiguation). ISA Industry Standard Architecture Five 16 bit and one 8 bit ISA slots on a motherboard Year created 1981 Created by … Wikipedia
InfiniteReality — refers to a 3D graphics hardware architecture and a family of graphics systems that implemented the aforementioned hardware architecture that was developed and manufactured by Silicon Graphics from 1996 to 2005. The InfiniteReality was positioned … Wikipedia
Complex instruction set computing — A complex instruction set computer (CISC) ( /ˈsɪs … Wikipedia