1 buckling behavior
2 post-buckling behavior
послекритическое поведение < конструкции> -
3 post-buckling behavior
послекритическое поведение, поведение ( конструкции) после потери устойчивостиEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > post-buckling behavior
4 behavior
2. характеристика; характеристики; свойства4. протекание < процесса>; характер измененияaeroelastic behavioranisotropic behaviorautorotational behaviorbending behaviorblade behaviorbrittle behaviorbuckling behaviorcompensatory behaviorcompression behaviorconstitutive behaviorcontrol behaviorcool down behaviorcooling behaviorcrack growth behaviorcrash-impact behaviorcrashworthy behaviorcrossover behaviorcrosswind behaviorcrush behaviordamper behaviordamping behaviordeflection behaviordivergence behaviordivergent behaviordouble-valued behaviorDutch roll behaviordynamic behaviorelastic behaviorelastic-plastic behaviorelastic-plastic-creep behaviorfatigue behaviorfire behaviorflexural behaviorflight behaviorflutter behaviorfracture behaviorfrequency-domain behaviorheat up behaviorhigh-AOA behaviorhigh-incidence behaviorhigh-angle-of-attack behaviorHookean behaviorhovering behaviorimpact behaviorincompressible behaviorinelastic behaviorin-plane behaviorintake behaviorlateral behaviorlift behaviorlimit behaviorlimit-cycling behaviorload-carrying behaviorload-displacement behaviorlow-frequency behaviorlow-speed behaviormatrix-dominant behaviormechanical behaviormodal behaviornear optimum behaviornon-Hookean behaviornonlinear behaviornonminimum phase behavioropen-loop behavioroperating behavioroscillatory behaviorout-of-control behaviorpanel behaviorpilot behaviorpilot`s longitudinal behaviorpitch behaviorpitch attitude behaviorpost-buckling behaviorprestall behaviorprospin behaviorpulsive behaviorpursuit behaviorresponse behaviorroll behaviorrotor behaviorrotor-fuselage behaviorsingle-blade behaviorsinusoidal behaviorspin behaviorstability behaviorstall behaviorstall-free behaviorstalling behaviorstate space behaviorstatic behaviorsteplike behaviorstick behaviorstress-strain behaviorstructural behaviorstructural dynamic behaviorsystem behaviortemperature behaviortime dependent behaviortrajectory behaviortransient behaviortuft behaviortwist behaviorunstable behaviorviscous behaviorvortex behaviorwake-like behaviorX-wing behavior -
5 behavior
поведение ( системы) ; режим ( работы) ; характеристика; качество ( металла) ; состояние; свойства; характер изменения (напр. кривой)behavior of boundary layer — поведение [изменение характеристик] пограничного слоя
composite ablative material behavior — характеристики абляционного композиционного материала; поведение абляционного композиционного материала (при нагревании)
low-temperature behavior of fuel — низкотемпературные характеристики горючего [топлива]
pitch-up behavior of airplane — непроизвольное кабрирование самолёта, «ложка» по перегрузке
6 behavior
1. поведение2. plural свойства3. характер изменения (например, кривой)behavior of ceramics — свойства керамики
behavior of lubricant — свойства смазочного материала
behavior of materials — свойства материалов
ablation behavior — 1) абляционные характеристики 2) процесс уноса массы
aging behavior — характеристики старения
alloying behavior — режим легирования
brittle behavior — характеристики хрупкости, хрупкость
burning rate behavior — характеристики скорости горения ( топлива)
bursting behavior — взрывные характеристики
composite fracture behavior — характер разрушения композиционного материала [композиции]
composite material behavior — 1) характеристики композиционного материала [композиции] 2) поведение композиции
corrosion behavior — 1) характеристики коррозии 2) коррозионная стойкость
creep behavior — 1) характеристики ползучести 2) ползучесть
cryogenic behavior — свойства ( материала) при криогенных температурах
deformational behavior — 1) деформационное [реологическое] поведение 2) характер деформации
dielectric behavior — диэлектрические характеристики
drawing behavior — режим вытяжки; характеристика вытяжки, поведение ( материала) при вытяжке
ductile behavior — 1) характеристика вязкости 2) характеристика пластичности
elastic behavior — 1) упругие [эластичные] свойства 2) упругое поведение
elastic fiber behavior — упругое поведение [упругость] волокон
elastic matrix behavior — упругое поведение связующего [матрицы]
elastic-plastic behavior — упругопластическое поведение
electrochemical behavior — электрохимические свойства
elevated-temperature behavior — свойства при повышенных температурах
fatigue behavior — 1) усталостная характеристика 2) выносливость
foaming behavior — характеристики вспенивания
frictional behavior — 1) поведение [свойства] при трении 2) фрикционные свойства
gelation behavior — характеристики желатинизации
high-temperature plastic behavior — пластические свойства ( материала) при высоких температурах
Hookean elastic behavior — упругость по Гуку
isotropic behavior — изотропные характеристики [свойства]
linear elastic behavior — линейная упругость ( материала)
linear viscoelastic behavior — вязкоупругое линейное поведение ( материала)
liquid-propellant behavior — свойства жидкого ракетного топлива
low-cycle fatigue behavior — характеристики малоцикловой усталости
low-g propellant behavior — характеристики ракетного топлива в условиях низкой гравитации
material behavior — свойства материала
matrix behavior — 1) характеристики матрицы 2) поведение матрицы
mechanical behavior — механические свойства
microcreep behavior — характер микроползучести
micromechanical behavior — микромеханические свойства
microstrain behavior — характер микродеформации, микродеформационное поведение
microyield behavior — характер микротекучести
network behavior — свойства сетки ( эластомера)
optimum composite behavior — оптимальные характеристики композиционного материала [композиции]
oxidation behavior — 1) режим окисления 2) окислительные свойства
phase behavior — 1) фазовые превращения в системе 2) изменения в фазовой характеристике системы
physical behavior — физические свойства
plastic behavior — 1) пластические свойства 2) пластическое поведение
plastic fiber behavior — пластичность волокна
plastic flow behavior — 1) пластические свойства 2) пластическое поведение
plastic matrix behavior — пластическое поведение матрицы [связующего]
polycrystalline behavior — поликристаллические свойства
polymer behavior — свойства полимера
post buckling behavior — закритическое поведение, закритические характеристики, поведение после потери устойчивости
postcure behavior — поведение после отверждения
postwrinkling behavior — поведение после потери устойчивости
precipitation behavior — режим осаждения
propellant behavior — характеристики ракетного топлива
pyrolytic behavior — пиролитические свойства
radiative behavior — излучающие характеристики
reinforcing behavior — армирующие характеристики
relaxation behavior — релаксационные свойства
rheological behavior — реологические свойства
rigid-plastic behavior — жёстко-пластические характеристики
room-temperature behavior — свойства ( материала) при комнатной температуре
shock behavior — поведение ( материала) при ударных нагрузках
single-crystal behavior — характеристики монокристалла
solid-propellant behavior — свойства твёрдого ракетного топлива
strain-hardening behavior — характер деформационного упрочнения
stress-strain behavior — кривая [диаграмма] напряжение — деформация
stress-strain-rate behavior — кривая [диаграмма] скорость деформации — напряжение
structural behavior — 1) прочностные свойства 2) прочность конструкции
superplastic behavior — сверхпластичность, сверхпластичные свойства
superplasticity behavior — сверхпластичность, сверхпластичные свойства
tensile behavior — 1) поведение при растяжении 2) характеристика растяжения
tension behavior — 1) поведение при растяжении 2) характеристика натяжения
thermal-cycling behavior — термоциклический режим
thermochemical behavior — термохимические свойства
thermomechanical behavior — термомеханические свойства
time-dependent behavior — зависящие от времени свойства
ultimate strength behavior — характеристики временного сопротивления
unit structural behavior — структурное единство ( композиционного материала)
viscoelastic behavior — вязкоупругие свойства
wear behavior — характеристики износа
yield point behavior — характеристика предела текучести
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and space materials > behavior
7 theory
теория; учение; принцип- theory of buckling - theory of constant energy of deformation - theory of elasticity - theory of plasticity - theory of plastic behaviour - theory of plates - theory of relativity - theory of semi-flexible shells - theory of shells - theory of strength of materials - theory of structures - theory of torsion - theory of vibrations - air-mass theory - applicable theory - beam theory - beam flexural theory - bending moment theory - creep theory - design theory - displacement theory of foundations - elasticity theory - erosion theory - folded-play theory - general theory of rigid shells - line-of-creep theory - magnetic theory - maximum shear theory - maximum strain theory - maximum stress theory - membrane theory of shells - plastic theory - plastic theory of failure - plastic theory of limit design - plastic theory of reinforced concrete design - probability theory - reliability theory - similarity theory - solid-state theory - statistical theory - straight line theory - strength theory - structural theory - wedge theory* * *теория; учение; принцип; гипотеза- theory of buckling
- theory of elasticity
- theory of elastic stability
- theories of failure
- theory of plastic behavior
- theory of plasticity
- theory of plates
- theory of shallow shells
- theory of shells
- theory of stability
- theory of structures
- theory of thin shells
- theory of torsion
- barrel theory
- beam flexural theory
- beam theory
- Beltra theory of failure
- bending theory
- bending-moment theory
- Boussinesq theory
- design theory
- dynamical theory of elasticity
- elastic theory
- folded-plate theory
- fracture mechanics theory
- Huber von Mises Hencky theory of failure
- linear plastic theory
- linearized theory
- maximum-distortion-energy theory
- maximum-shear theory of failure
- maximum-shear theory
- maximum-strain theory of failure
- maximum-strain theory
- maximum-strain-energy theory of failure
- maximum-strain-energy theory
- maximum-stress theory of failure
- maximum-stress theory
- membrane theory of shells
- Mohr's theory of failure
- momentless theory of shells
- nonlinear plastic theory
- one-dimensional compression and flow theory
- prevaling theory
- Rankine's theory
- rate-process theory
- shallow-shell theory
- shell theory
- similarity theory
- stability theory
- steady-state creep theory
- straight-line theory
- strength theory
- structural theory -
8 theory
- theory
- nтеория; учение; принцип; гипотеза
- theory of buckling
- theory of elasticity
- theory of elastic stability
- theories of failure
- theory of plastic behavior
- theory of plasticity
- theory of plates
- theory of shallow shells
- theory of shells
- theory of stability
- theory of structures
- theory of thin shells
- theory of torsion
- barrel theory
- beam flexural theory
- beam theory
- Beltra theory of failure
- bending theory
- bending-moment theory
- Boussinesq theory
- design theory
- dynamical theory of elasticity
- elastic theory
- folded-plate theory
- fracture mechanics theory
- Huber von Mises Hencky theory of failure
- linear plastic theory
- linearized theory
- maximum-distortion-energy theory
- maximum-shear theory of failure
- maximum-shear theory
- maximum-strain theory of failure
- maximum-strain theory
- maximum-strain-energy theory of failure
- maximum-strain-energy theory
- maximum-stress theory of failure
- maximum-stress theory
- membrane theory of shells
- Mohr's theory of failure
- momentless theory of shells
- nonlinear plastic theory
- one-dimensional compression and flow theory
- prevaling theory
- Rankine's theory
- rate-process theory
- shallow-shell theory
- shell theory
- similarity theory
- stability theory
- steady-state creep theory
- straight-line theory
- strength theory
- structural theory
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
9 mode
2) мода, вид [форма, тип\] колебаний; вид [тип\] волн5) вчт. состояние6) швейн. мода•-
ablative pit-forming mode
abnormal mode
acceleration mode
access mode
accumulation mode
acoustic mode
acquisition mode
active mode
adaptive control mode
addressing mode
air-liquefaction mode
alternate mode
anticipation mode
approach mode
assemble mode
astable vibration mode
astable mode
automatic mode
automatic opening mode
automatic skinning mode
autopilot heading mode
autoposition mode
avalanche mode
axial mode
background mode
backward mode
backward propagating mode
backward scattering mode
backward scatter mode
backward traveling mode
bare resonator mode
basic mode
batch mode
birefringent mode
block mode
block-multiplex mode
bound modes
broadcast mode
buckling mode
burst mode
calibration mode
capture mode
cavity flipping mode
cavity mode
central mode
character generation mode
character mode
characteristic mode
charge-coupling mode
circularly polarized mode
cladding mode
clockwise polarized mode
coherently locked modes
cold mode
collective modes
command mode
common failure mode
common mode
compatibility mode
competing modes
compute mode
confined mode
constant cutting speed mode
constant speed mode
contention mode
continuous mode
continuous path mode
continuous-wave mode
contour modes
contradirectional modes
control mode
conversational mode
cooling mode
co-orbital mode
coplanar mode
core-guided mode
core mode
counterclockwise polarized mode
counterrotating circularly polarized modes
counting mode
coupled modes
cross polarized modes
cubic mode
current mode
current saving mode
cutoff mode
cutting mode
damped mode
data-processing mode
Debye-like mode
Debye mode
deceleration mode
deflected mode
degenerated mode
degenerate mode
depletion mode
design mode
dialog mode
difference mode
differential mode
diffraction-limited mode
diffusive mode
discrete mode
dispersion modes
display mode
distributed-feedback mode
DNC mode
dominant mode
double-pass mode
drift mode
dual-processing mode
duplex mode
dynamic mode
dynamic-scattering mode
E mode
edge mode
edit mode
eigen mode
electromagnetic mode
elementary mode
Emn mode
emulation mode
energy dissipating mode
enhancement mode
equal-loss modes
equally spaced modes
erase mode
evanescent mode
even mode
excited mode
exciting mode
executive mode
extensional mode
extraordinary mode
Fabry-Perot mode
face shear modes
fast mode
faulted mode
fiber mode
filamentary mode
first mode
flexural mode
forced mode
force mode
foreground mode
foreground-background mode
forward mode
forward propagating mode
forward scattering mode
forward scatter mode
forward shear mode
forward traveling mode
fracture mode
free-running mode
free-space mode
frequency-division multiplex mode
frequency-shift-keying mode
full program mode
full-duplex mode
fundamental mode
gated mode
gate mode
Gaussian mode
generator mode
go-ahead mode
graphics mode
graphic mode
guidance mode
guided-wave mode
guided mode
half-duplex mode
heating mode
height-lock mode
higher-order mode
high-frequency mode
high-loss mode
high-pass mode
high-resolution mode
Hmn mode
horizontally polarized mode
idler mode
independent mode
index mode
injected mode
injection-locked mode
in-phase modes
in-plane mode
insert mode
integer mode
interacting modes
interactive mode
internally trapped mode
interpretive mode
interrupt mode
inverter mode
isolated mode
jog mode
kernel mode
keyboard mode
laser mode
lasing mode
lattice mode
launched mode
leaking mode
leaky mode
left-hand polarized mode
left polarized mode
length extentional mode
length flexural mode
length modes
length-width flexural mode
light mode
linearly polarized mode
load mode
local mode
locate mode
lock mode
long coherence length mode
long wavelength mode
longitudinal mode
loopback mode
low-frequency mode
low-pass mode
low-resolution mode
lugdown mode
macro-by-macro mode
magnetron mode
main mode
malfunction mode
manual mode
manual skinning mode
mapping mode
maser mode
master mode
matched mode
measurement mode
message mode
mirror image mode
mixed mode
mode of behavior
mode of deformation
mode of excitation
mode of failure
mode of functioning
mode of propagation
mode of test
mode of transport
mode-locked mode
mode-match mode
monopulse mode
move mode
multiple-frame mode
multiplexed mode
multiplex mode
multitask mode
native mode
natural mode
nonaxial mode
noncounting mode
nondegenerate mode
nondegenerative mode
nonoscillating mode
nonpropagating mode
nonradiative mode
nonresonant mode
nonspiking mode
nontransparent mode
normal mode
odd mode
off mode
off-axis mode
off-design mode
off-line mode
off-normal mode
on-line mode
on-link mode
opening fracture mode
opening mode
operating mode
optical mode
ordinary mode
original mode
orthogonally polarized modes
oscillating mode
oscillation mode
oscillatory mode
out-of-plane mode
overtype mode
parallel mode
parametric mode
parasitic mode
partially suppressed mode
path following mode
path modifying mode
penetration mode
periodic mode
perturbed mode
photographing mode
photon-counting mode
pipelined mode
plane mode
plane polarized mode
plasma mode
plasma-guide mode
playback mode
point-to-point path mode
polarization mode
polarization-bistable mode
polarized mode
posttrigger mode
power-down mode
p-polarized mode
pretrigger mode
principal mode
priviledged mode
propagating mode
propagation mode
pulse counting mode
pulsed mode
pump mode
push-pull mode
Q-spoiled mode
Q-switched mode
quadrupole mode
quantum noise limited mode
radial mode
radially polarized mode
radiating mode
radiation mode
rail mode
ranging mode
ready mode
real-time mode
receive mode
record mode
rectifier mode
reflected mode
reflection mode
reflective mode
refracted mode
refrigeration mode
repetitive Q-switched mode
request mode
resonant mode
resonator mode
retropropulsion mode
return beam mode
reverse bias mode
reversible recording mode
right-hand polarized mode
right polarized mode
run mode
sample-and-hold mode
satellite mode
saturation mode
scanning mode
scan mode
scope mode
screen mode
search mode
selected mode
selector mode
self-ammoniation mode
self-heating mode
self-locked mode
self-Q-switched mode
self-refresh mode
self-reporting mode
self-trapping mode
serial mode
series mode
setup mode
severe wear mode
shear mode of crack initiation
shear mode
side mode
signal mode
simplex mode
simulation mode
single block mode
single mode
single Q-switched mode
single-channel mode
single-character mode
single-pulse mode
single-step mode
slave mode
slightly coupled modes
spatial mode
spectral mode
spiking mode
split-screen mode
s-polarized mode
spurious mode
spurious pulse mode
square mode
stable mode
standby mode
standing-wave mode
start-stop mode
static mode
stationary mode
steady state mode
stiffened mode
still-frame mode
storage mode
store-and-forward mode
stretching mode
stripped cladding modes
strong mode
strongly excited mode
substrate mode
superradiant mode
supervisor mode
switching mode
symmetric modes
synchronously pumped mode
tape auto mode
teaching mode
tearing mode
thickness-extensional modes
time compression mode
time mode
time-difference mode
time-shared mode
torsional modes
track-and-hold mode
tracking mode
transcribe mode
transfer mode
transformed mode
transient mode
transit mode
transit-time mode
transmission mode
transparent mode
transverse mode
trapped mode
trapped plasma avalanche transit time mode
traveling-wave mode
triggering mode
trimming mode
truncated mode
tuning mode
tunneling mode
twist mode
two-level mode
unattended mode
uncoupled modes
undamped mode
unmanned mode
unperturbed mode
unstable mode
unstiffened mode
vertically polarized mode
vibration mode
vibration-free mode
virtual mode
voting mode
waiting mode
walk-off mode
warped mode
wave mode
wavefront watched modes
waveguide mode
wavy slip mode
wear mode
whispering modes
whistler mode
width modes
write mode
zero-order mode -
10 behavio(u)r
поведение; свойства, характер изменения (напр. кривой) ; режим (работы) @behavio(u)r of ceramics свойства керамики @behavio(u)r of lubricant свойства смазочного материала @behavio(u)r of materials свойства материалов @ablation behavio(u)r абляционные характеристики; процесс уноса массы @aging behavio(u)r характеристики старения @alloying behavio(u)r режим легирования @brittle behavio(u)r характеристики хрупкости, хрупкость @burning rate behavio(u)r характеристики скорости горения (топлива) @bursting behavio(u)r взрывные характеристики @composite fracture behavio(u)r характер разрушения композиционного материала [композиции] @composite (material) behavio(u)r характеристики композиционного материала [композиции]; поведение композиции @corrosion behavio(u)r характеристики коррозии; коррозионная стойкость @creep behavio(u)r характеристики ползучести; ползучесть @cryogenic behavio(u)r свойства (материала) при криогенных температурах @deformation(al) behavio(u)r деформационное [реологическое] поведение; характер деформации @dielectric behavio(u)r диэлектрические характеристики @drawing behavio(u)r режим вытяжки; характеристика вытяжки, поведение (материала) при вытяжке @ductile behavio(u)r характеристика вязкости; характеристика пластичности @elastic behavio(u)r упругие [эластичные] свойства; упругое поведение @elastic fiber behavio(u)r упругое поведение [упругость] волокон @elastic matrix behavio(u)r упругое поведение связующего [матрицы] @elastic-plastic behavio(u)r упругопластическое поведение @electrochemical behavio(u)r электрохимические свойства @elevated-temperature behavio(u)r свойства при повышенных температурах @fatigue behavio(u)r усталостная характеристика; выносливость @foaming behavio(u)r характеристики вспенивания @friction(al) behavio(u)r поведение [свойства] при трении; фрикционные свойства @gelation behavio(u)r характеристики желатинизации @high-temperature plastic behavio(u)r пластические свойства (материала) при высоких температурах @Hookean elastic behavio(u)r упругость по Гуку @isotropic behavio(u)r изотропные характеристики [свойства] @linear elastic behavio(u)r линейная упругость (материала) @linear viscoelastic behavio(u)r вязкоупругое линейное поведение (материала) @liquid-propellant behavio(u)r свойства жидкого ракетного топлива @low-cycle fatigue behavio(u)r характеристики малоцикловой усталости @low-g propellant behavio(u)r характеристики ракетного топлива в условиях низкой гравитации @material behavio(u)r свойства материала @matrix behavio(u)r характеристики матрицы; поведение матрицы @mechanical behavio(u)r механические свойства @microcreep behavio(u)r характер микроползучести @micromechanical behavio(u)r микромеханические свойства @microstrain behavio(u)r характер микродеформации, микродеформационное поведение @microyield behavio(u)r характер микротекучести @network behavio(u)r свойства сетки (эластомера) @optimum composite behavio(u)r оптимальные характеристики композиционного материала [композиции] @oxidation behavio(u)r режим окисления; окислительные свойства @phase behavio(u)r фазовые превращения в системе; изменения в фазовой характеристике системы @physical behavio(u)r физические свойства @plastic behavio(u)r пластические свойства; пластическое поведение @plastic fiber behavio(u)r пластичность волокна @plastic flow behavio(u)r пластические свойства; пластическое поведение @plastic matrix behavio(u)r пластическое поведение матрицы [связующего] @polycrystalline behavio(u)r поликристаллические свойства @polymer behavio(u)r свойства полимера @post buckling behavio(u)r закритическое поведение, закритические характеристики, поведение после потери устойчивости @postcure behavio(u)r поведение после отверждения @postwrinkling behavio(u)r поведение после потери устойчивости @precipitation behavio(u)r режим осаждения @propellant behavio(u)r характеристики ракетного топлива @pyrolytic behavio(u)r пиролитические свойства @radiative behavio(u)r излучающие характеристики @reinforcing behavio(u)r армирующие характеристики @relaxation behavio(u)r релаксационные свойства @rheological behavio(u)r реологические свойства @rigid-plastic behavio(u)r жесткопластические характеристики @room-temperature behavio(u)r свойства (материала) при комнатной температуре @shock behavio(u)r поведение (материала) при ударных нагрузках @single-crystal behavio(u)r характеристики монокристалла @solid-propellant behavio(u)r свойства твердого ракетного топлива @strain-hardening behavio(u)r характер деформационного упрочнения @stress-strain behavio(u)r кривая [диаграмма] напряжение — деформация @stress-strain-rate behavio(u)r кривая [диаграмма] скорость деформации — напряжение @structural behavio(u)r прочностные свойства; прочность конструкции @superplastic [superplasticity] behavio(u)r сверхпластичность, сверхпластичные свойства @tensile behavio(u)r поведение при растяжении; характеристика растяжения @tension behavio(u)r поведение при растяжении; характеристика натяжения @thermal-cycling behavio(u)r термоциклический режим @thermochemical behavio(u)r термохимические свойства @superplasticity behavio(u)r см. superplastic behavior @thermomechanical behavio(u)r термомеханические свойства @time-dependent behavio(u)r зависящие от времени свойства @ultimate strength behavio(u)r характеристики временного сопротивления @unit structural behavio(u)r структурное единство (композиционного материала) @viscoelastic behavio(u)r вязкоупругие свойства @wear behavio(u)r характеристики износа @yield point behavio(u)r характеристика предела текучести @Англо-русский словарь по авиационно-космическим материалам > behavio(u)r
11 analysis
1) анализ; исследование2) расчёт•- analysis of behavior
- analysis of queues
- analysis of variance
- approximate analysis
- approximation analysis
- aspectological analysis
- automated analysis
- automated data analysis
- automatic document analysis
- best-fit analysis
- bottom-up analysis
- buckling analysis
- check analysis
- citation analysis
- cluster analysis
- comparative economic analysis
- compound flow analysis
- computer simulation analysis
- computer-aided design and analysis
- content analysis
- continuous analysis
- cost-effectiveness analysis
- deformation analysis
- design analysis
- diagnostic analysis
- dimensional analysis
- document analysis and synthesis
- dynamic analysis
- economic analysis
- end-point analysis
- error analysis
- facet analysis
- factory flow analysis
- failure cause analysis
- failure tree analysis
- fault analysis
- FEM analysis
- finite element analysis
- frequency analysis
- frequency domain analysis
- frequency-response analysis
- full grey scale analysis
- functional analysis
- grain size analysis
- grammatical analysis
- graphical analysis
- group analysis
- harmonic analysis
- incident sequence analysis
- information analysis
- integrated analysis
- kinematic analysis
- lexical analysis
- line analysis
- management analysis
- mean-value analysis
- metal surface alloy compositional analysis
- microprobe analysis
- model analysis
- morphological analysis
- multiple regression analysis
- network analysis
- numerical analysis
- on-board analysis
- operation analysis
- performance analysis
- predictive analysis
- production flow analysis
- quantitative analysis
- regression analysis
- reliability analysis
- sampling analysis
- semantic analysis
- semantic-syntactic analysis
- sensitivity analysis
- signature analysis
- simulation analysis
- spectral analysis
- speech analysis
- stability analysis
- statistical analysis
- strain analysis
- strength analysis
- stress analysis
- structural analysis
- structure analysis
- structured analysis
- subject analysis
- subpixel level full grey scale analysis
- syntactic analysis
- system analysis
- time domain analysis
- time-and-frequency analysis
- time-series analysis
- tooth contact analysis
- transient analysis
- trend analysis
- tridimensional analysis
- variation simulation analysis
- vectorial analysis
- vibration analysis
- what if analysis
- X-ray structural analysisEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > analysis
12 inelastic
неэластичный; неупругий; жёсткий; негибкий; негнущийся; непреклонный; твёрдый; неподатливый- inelastic bending - inelastic body - inelastic buckling - inelastic collision - inelastic cross-section - inelastic deformation - inelastic energy loss - inelastic impact - inelastic interaction - inelastic range - inelastic stress - inelastic torsion -
13 torsional
крутящий (о моменте); крутильный (о колебаниях); крутящий; скручивающий (о силе); торсионный- torsional capacity - torsional couple - torsional creep - torsional deformation - torsional ductility - torsional endurance limit - torsional failure - torsional fatigue - torsional flexibility - torsional force - torsional frequency - torsional impact - torsional modulus - torsional moment - torsional prestrain - torsional recilience - torsional reinforcement - torsional stiffness - torsional twisting - torsional vibration - torsional vibration calculation - torsional vibration damper - torsional-vibration machine - torsional vibration test - torsional wave - torsional waves - torsional wind-up -
14 constraint
ограничение, (накладываемая) связь, (ограничительное) условиеactuation constraintactuator constraintaerodynamic constraintaeroelastic constraintaltitude constraintaxial constraintbehavior constraintsbuckling constraintconnectivity constraintcontrol constraintcontrol magnitude constraintcross-section constraintdamping constraintdeflection constraintdesign constraintsdisplacement constraintdrag constraintelastic constraintequality constraintexternal constraintfixed-frame constraintfixed-time-of-arrival constraintflutter constraintflutter speed constraintfrequency constraintfrequency domain constraintgain-phase constraintgeneralized constraintgeometric constrainthandling constraintinequality constraintkinematic constraintmass constraintminimum gage constraintmoving frame constraintnode constraintsnoise constraintoperational constraintsperformance constraintsperiodic structure constraintpoint performance constraintsrate constraintreal-time constraintreal-world constraintsresponse constraintrigid body constraintrobustness constraintrotating frame constraintsaturation constraintstability constraintstall constraintstate constraintsstate variable constraintsstrain constraintsstrength constraintstress constraintstructural constraintstakeoff and landing constrainttask constraintsterminal constraintsthickness constrainttime constraintstorque constrainttouchdown constraintstravel constraintturn constraintunilateral constraintsvelocity constraint
См. также в других словарях:
Steel plate shear wall — A steel plate shear wall (SPSW) consists of steel infill plates bounded by a column beam system. Overview When these infill plates occupy each level within a framed bay of a structure, they constitute an SPSW [Kharrazi, M.H.K., 2005, “Rational… … Wikipedia
Cold formed steel — (CFS) is the common term for products made by rolling or pressing thin gauges of sheet steel into goods. Cold formed steel goods are created by the working of sheet steel using stamping, rolling, or presses to deform the sheet into a usable… … Wikipedia
Microbial cooperation — Microorganisms engage in a wide variety of social interactions, including cooperation. A cooperative behavior is one that benefits an individual (the recipient) other than the one performing the behavior (the actor).[1] This article outlines the… … Wikipedia
Structural engineering — is a field of engineering dealing with the analysis and design of structures that support or resist loads. Structural engineering is usually considered a speciality within civil engineering, but it can also be studied in its own right. [cite… … Wikipedia
Fold (geology) — For other uses, see Fold (disambiguation). Very tight folds. Formation near Moruya, New South Wales, Australia … Wikipedia
Carbon nanotube — Not to be confused with Carbon fiber. Part of a series of articles on Nanomaterials Fullerenes … Wikipedia
Strength of materials — Internal force lines are denser near the hole, a common stress concentration In materials science, the strength of a material is its ability to withstand an applied stress without failure. The applied stress may be tensile, compressive, or shear … Wikipedia
Yield (engineering) — The yield strength or yield point of a material is defined in engineering and materials science as the stress at which a material begins to deform plastically. Prior to the yield point the material will deform elastically and will return to its… … Wikipedia
Cinderella effect — This article is about parenting. For the effect with the same name in semiconductors, see floating body effect. The Cinderella effect is a term used by psychologists to describe the high incidence of stepchildren being physically abused,… … Wikipedia
Creep (deformation) — For other uses, see Creep (disambiguation). v · d · e Materials failure modes Buckling … Wikipedia
Deformation (engineering) — This article is about deformation in engineering. For a more rigorous treatment, see Deformation (mechanics). Compressive stress results in deformation which shortens the object but also expands it outwards. In materials science, deformation is a … Wikipedia