1 brush carrier
1) Техника: щёткодержатель2) Автомобильный термин: корпус щётки -
2 brush-carrier
Авиация: щёткодержатель -
3 brush carrier
4 brush-carrier
5 brush-carrier
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > brush-carrier
6 brush carrier
корпус щётки; щёткодержатель -
7 brush
щётка; контактная щётка; кисть; легкое прикосновение; заросль; кустарник; II подметать; обсаживать кустарником (дорогу); чистить щёткой; пробиваться сквозь; сметать- brush angle - brush axle - brush broom - brush carrier - brush collector - brush contact resistance - brush drag - brush for cleaning electrodes of spark plugs - brush gear - brush guard - brush holder - brush holder arm - brush holder stud - brush lead - brush pig tail - brush plough - brush pressure - brush revetment - brush shift - brush shifting device - brush spindle - brush spring - brush stud - brush vibration - brush voltage - brush with natural bristles - ceramic bearing of top brush free end - metal brush with stainless steel wire bristles - scratch brush - scratching brush - scrubbing brush - side brush carriage - top brush lift wiring -
8 carrier
1) кронштейн; опора2) транспортёр3) перевозчик; транспортная компания•- auto carrier
- battery carrier
- bearing carrier
- brush carrier
- container carrier
- differential carrier
- hub carrier
- infant carrier
- jet carrier
- log carrier
- luggage carrier
- pinion carrier
- piston-ring carrier
- planet gear carrier
- ring carrier
- roof carrier
- spare-wheel carrier
- tank carrier
- timber carrier
- tire carrier
- wheel carrier* * * -
9 developer
1. проявитель; проявляющий растворdeveloper brush — проявляющая кисть; проявляющая щётка
2. проявочное устройствоaccelerated liquid developer — жидкий проявитель, содержащий катализатор
color developer — цветной проявитель, проявитель для цветных плёнок
developer tank — бак для проявителя, проявочный бак
3. проявитель для работы при дневном свете4. устройство для проявления при дневном свете5. электрофотографический проявитель6. электрофотографическое проявочное устройство7. проявитель электростатического изображения8. устройство для проявления электростатического изображенияfixating developer — фиксирующий проявитель, проявляюще-фиксирующий раствор
line developer — проявитель для обработки штриховых материалов, проявитель типа «лайн»
lith developer — проявитель типа «лит»
9. магнитный проявитель10. магнитное проявляющее устройствоmonobath developer — монованнофиксирующий проявитель, проявляюще-фиксирующий раствор
physical developer — физический проявитель, проявитель для физического проявления
residual powdered developer — остаточный порошковый проявитель; остатки проявляющего порошка
short-factor developer — проявитель, имеющий малую величину фактора проявления
10 wire
1. проволока; скреплять проволокой2. круглый стержень, пруток, цилиндрический стержень3. проволочная сетка4. телеграф; телеграфироватьto send a wire — послать телеграмму, телеграфировать
wire off — телеграфировать; посылать деньги телеграфом
11 ratio
1) отношение; соотношение; пропорция5) матем. частное•-
4:1:1 ratio
abundance ratio
activity ratio
adjacent-channel protection ratio
advance ratio
air/oil ratio
air-fuel ratio
alumina ratio
amplitude ratio
anamorphic ratio
anode-to-cathode ratio
aperture ratio
apparent slip ratio
aspect ratio
atomic ratio
attenuation ratio
augmentation ratio
availability ratio
axial ratio
axle ratio
balance ratio
balanced steel ratio
beam aspect ratio
beam-depth ratio
beam-draft ratio
bearing ratio
best power mixture ratio
blade aspect ratio
blade-area ratio
blending ratio
blip-scan ratio
blocking-to-forward resistance ratio
blowup ratio
boilup-feed ratio
boost pressure ratio
boosting ratio
boss-diameter ratio
boss ratio
braking ratio
breeding ratio
brush coverage ratio
burnout ratio
by-pass ratio
C/B ratio
cancellation ratio
capacity/deadweight ratio
capture ratio
carbon ratio
carrier-to-interference ratio
carrier-to-noise ratio
cascade pitch-chord ratio
catalyst-oil ratio
catalyst ratio
cement-aggregate ratio
cetane ratio
charge ratio
charge-to-mass ratio
circulation ratio
coal-to-coke replacement ratio
coherence ratio
common ratio
common-mode rejection ratio
compression ratio
contact ratio
continuous casting ratio
contrast ratio
control ratio
convergence ratio
conversion ratio
copper-to-superconductor ratio
correlation ratio
cost/performance ratio
critical power ratio
crown diameter ratio
cumulative fatigue ratio
current instability ratio
current ratio
current transfer ratio
current unbalance ratio
cutoff ratio
damping ratio
deadweight-displacement ratio
deadweight ratio
defective ratio
defect ratio
delivery ratio
dependability ratio
desired-to-undesired signal ratio
developed blade-area ratio
deviation ratio
disk-area ratio
distortion ratio
disturbance ratio
disturb ratio
double ratio
downtime ratio
drafting ratio
drop-off-to-pickup ratio
drowning ratio
dryout ratio
duty ratio
effective pitch ratio
effective slip ratio
electric/heat output ratio
elongation ratio
empty run ratio
empty weight-to-carrying capacity ratio
energy-to-volume ratio
energy-to-weight ratio
engine displacement to horsepower ratio
engine pressure ratio
enhancement ratio
error ratio
escape ratio
excess noise ratio
excitation response ratio
extraction ratio
extrusion ratio
false alarm ratio
fat-to-lean ratio
field-forcing ratio
filter open area ratio
flow ratio of mold
flowing fluid ratio
focal ratio
frame aspect ratio
freeboard ratio
free-fluid ratio
frequency multiplication ratio
frequency ratio
friction ratio
front-to-back ratio
fuel ratio
fuel-air equivalence ratio
fuel-air ratio
fuel-oil consumption ratio
gas ratio
gas recovery ratio
gas-condensate ratio
gas-oil ratio
gasoline-oil consumption ratio
gas-water ratio
geometric pitch ratio
grain-to-air mass ratio
gross-to-net ratio
harmonic ratio
heat sharing ratio
hit ratio
hub-diameter ratio
hub ratio
humidity ratio
hydrogen carbon ratio
idle mixture ratio
image ratio
image signal-to-noise ratio
image-frequency rejection ratio
image rejection ratio
input-to-output frequency ratio
intensifier ratio
interference-to-noise ratio
internal breeding ratio
inversion level ratio
inversion ratio
ionization ratio
irregularity ratio
isolation ratio
jamming-to-signal ratio
jam-to-signal ratio
lay ratio
length-beam ratio
length-depth ratio
length-draft ratio
lift/drag ratio
light output ratio
likelihood ratio
limiting drawing ratio
line-interlace ratio
liquor ratio
load ratio
locked rotor current ratio
luminance ratio
magnetoresistive ratio
main-beam-to-sidelobe ratio
mark-to-space ratio
mark-space ratio
meander ratio
melting-speed ratio
metal-restitution ratio
mismatch ratio
miss ratio
mixing ratio
mobility ratio
moderating ratio
modular ratio
molar ratio
mold ratio
negative sequence current ratio
negative sequence voltage ratio
noise-power ratio
noise-to-signal ratio
notch yield ratio
notched-unnotched tensile strength ratio
nutritive ratio
offset ratio
oil-steam ratio
one-to-zero ratio
on-off ratio
operating ratio
output voltage ratio
output-input ratio
overall combined feed ratio
overall gear ratio
overburden ratio
overvoltage ratio
partition ratio
peak ratio
peak-to-average ratio
penetration shape ratio
pin-to-gate ratio
pitch damping ratio
pitch ratio
pitch-diameter ratio
pluviometric ratio
Poisson's ratio
power amplification ratio
power-loss ratio
precipitation-evaporation ratio
press ratio
pressure-viscosity ratio
processing ratio
producing water-oil ratio
proof ultimate ratio
propagation ratio
propane-oil ratio
propeller solidity ratio
protection ratio
pulse-compression ratio
pulse-smoothing ratio
pulsing ratio
rated voltage ratio
ratio of break to reduction
ratio of enrichment
ratio of flow
ratio of foreshortening
ratio of similitude
ratio of slope
ratio of specific heats
reactance ratio
reactivity ratio
real slip ratio
recall ratio
recirculation ratio
recovery ratio
rectification ratio
recycle ratio
reduction ratio
reflux ratio
reflux-to-product ratio
reinforcement ratio
rejection ratio
reproduction ratio
reserve-buoyance ratio
resetting ratio
reset ratio
resolution ratio
retrace ratio
returning ratio
ripple ratio
roll damping ratio
ruffling ratio
runner ratio
scaling ratio
scrap-metal ratio
seasonal ratio
secondary-emission ratio
seizure ratio
serviceability ratio
setting ratio
shooting ratio
short-circuit ratio
shrinkage ratio
shutter-to-pulldown ratio
sidelobe ratio
signal-to-clutter ratio
signal-to-crosstalk ratio
signal-to-distortion ratio
signal-to-interference ratio
signal-to-jamming ratio
signal-to-jam ratio
signal-to-noise ratio
signal-to-quantization noise ratio
silica ratio
sinad ratio
size ratio
skin-to-brine ratio
skip-stitch ratio
slenderness ratio
slip ratio
slope ratio
solvent ratio
speed ratio
spreading ratio
spread-to-elongation ratio
squareness ratio
squeeze ratio
stall torque ratio
standing-wave ratio
starting current-to-rated current ratio
starting current ratio
starting torque-to-nominal torque ratio
static forward current transfer ratio
steel ratio
steering ratio
step-down ratio
step-up ratio
stock-catalyst ratio
stoichiometric ratio
storage ratio
strength-to-weigth ratio
stress ratio
stretch ratio
stripping ratio
sugar-acid ratio
suppression ratio
surface-to-volume ratio
swirl ratio
swirl-to-squish ratio
T/D ratio
tall gear ratio
tapping voltage ratio
target-to-clutter ratio
thermal conductivity ratio
thickness ratio
thickness-to-diameter ratio
throughput ratio
thrust-deduction ratio
torque-to-inertia ratio
torque-to-weight ratio
transfer ratio
transformation ratio
transient overvoltage ratio
transmission ratio
transport ratio
traveling-wave ratio
tree-area ratio
trigonometric ratio
trim ratio
true slip ratio
tuning ratio
turn-on ratio
turns ratio
unbalance ratio
unbalance reduction ratio
up-time ratio
useful-to-takeoff load ratio
utilization ratio
valve ratio
vapor volumetric flow ratio
vapor-liquid ratio
variance ratio
vertical retrace ratio
virtual pitch ratio
viscosity/density ratio
voids ratio
voltage instability ratio
voltage nonsinusoidality ratio
voltage ratio
voltage standing-wave ratio
voltage transfer ratio
voltage unbalance ratio
waste-to-ore ratio
water use ratio
water-oil ratio
water-to-cement ratio
wide-band ratio
wind-to-coke ratio
wing taper ratio
xanthate ratio
yield ratio
zero-sequence current ratio
zero-sequence voltage ratio
zoom ratio -
12 machine
1. машина2. станок; подвергать механической обработке3. установка; устройство; агрегат4. механизмmachine for flame treating polymer articles — машина для обработки пластмассовых изделий открытым пламенем
machine for making hygienic paper products — машина для изготовления гигиенических изделий из бумаги
American machine — тигельная машина «американка»
automatic bundling machine — автомат для комплектовки пачек тетрадей и их обвязки, приёмно-прессующее и обвязочное устройство
automatic card index machine — автомат для нумерации карточек, бланков
automatic gathering, stitching and trimming machine — подборочно-швейно-резальный агрегат
automatic rewinding machine — перемоточный автомат, автомат для перемотки
automatic slitting machine — автомат для продольной разрезки, бобинорезальная машина
backing machine — машина для отгибки краёв корешка, кашировальный станок
back stripping machine — машина для оклейки корешка блока, оклеечная машина
5. машина для обандероливания6. биговальный станок7. гибочный станок; станок для изгибания клишеbook back glueing machine — заклеечный станок, станок для заклейки корешка блока
book back rounding machine — круглильный станок, станок для кругления корешка блока
book block pasting machine — заклеечный станок, машина для заклейки корешка блока
book glueing machine — заклеечный станок, станок для заклейки корешка блока
bookmatch cover production machine — машина для изготовления картонного пакетика для книжечки спичек
box stitching machine — тарная проволокошвейная машина, проволокошвейная машина для сшивания картонных коробок
buffing machine — полировальный станок; шлифовальный станок
8. пачковязальная машинаbare machine — "голая" машина
9. паковально-обжимной пресс10. машина для прессования и обвязки пачек, паковально-обжимный пресс11. приёмно-прессующее устройство12. паковальная машинаburnishing machine — полировальная машина, машина для полирования обрезов
calendering machine — каландрирующее устройство; каландр
carrier bag handle glueing machine — машина для приклеивания ручек к специальным пакетам для упаковки бутылок или консервных банок
carrier bag making machine — машина для изготовления специальных пакетов для упаковки бутылок или консервных банок
carton box fabricating machine — фальцевально-склеивающая машина, машина для изготовления картонных коробок
case assembling machine — крышкоделательная машина, машина для изготовления составных переплётных крышек
case assembling and turning-in machine — крышкоделательная машина, машина для изготовления составных переплётных крышек
13. отливной аппарат14. шрифтолитейная машинаplant-top removing machine — ботвоудаляющая машина, ботворез
15. машина для нанесения покрытий16. лакировальная машина17. дублирующая машина18. установка для нанесения светочувствительного слоя19. бумагокрасильная машина20. фотонаборная машина21. наборно-пишущая машинкаcolor grinding machine — краскотёрка, тёрочная машина
color mixing machine — краскосмеситель, краскоперемешивающее устройство
color plate preregistering machine — станок для предварительной приводки комплекта форм при многокрасочной печати
color separation machine — цветоделительная машина, цветоделитель-цветокорректор
computing machine — вычислительная машина, вычислительное устройство
converting machine — перерабатывающая машина, машина картонажного производства
22. копировальный аппарат, дубликатор23. множительная установка24. копировальный станок25. копировальный аппаратcorner-rounding machine — станок для кругления углов, углорубилка
26. крытвенная машина27. оклеечная машина28. рилевальная машина29. фальцевальная машина30. плоскопечатная машинаsifting machine — просеватель; просевная машина
31. круглосеточная бумагоделательная машинаdaylight developing machine — проявочное устройство, работающее при дневном свете
diazo copying machine — диазокопировальный аппарат; светокопировальный аппарат
die-cutter machine — высекальная машина, штанцевальный пресс
dilitho printing machine — машина для печатания по способу «дилито»
direct lithographic machine — машина для печатания по способу «дилито» с офсетных форм без офсетных цилиндров
double-action machine — машина, использующая для печатания рабочий и холостой ход
dusting-off machine — устройство для удаления пыли, пылеотсасывающее устройство
32. фацетно-торцевой станок33. машина для обрезки блоковelectrophotographic halftone printing machine — электрофотографический аппарат для копирования растровых изображений
34. позолотный прессcubing and pelleting machine — пресс — гранулятор
35. высекальный пресс36. форзацприклеечная машина37. машина для изготовления форзацевuser machine — абонементная машина; пользовательская машина
38. станок для прикрепления глазков или пистонов39. перфораторfoil blocking machine — позолотный пресс, пресс для тиснения фольгой
foil embossing machine — позолотный пресс, пресс для тиснения фольгой
40. матрично-сушильный аппаратheart lung machine — аппарат "сердце-легкие"
41. формующее устройство бумагоделательной машиныforward skip-wheel numbering machine — нумератор с пропуском цифр при нумерации нарастающими цифрами
42. клеемазальная машина43. приклеечная машинаglue-off machine — заклеечный станок, машина для заклейки корешка
44. шлифовальный станок45. краскотёрка, тёрочная машинаgumming machine — гуммировальная машина, машина для гуммирования
hot-foil blocking platen machine — позолотный пресс, пресс для горячего тиснения фольгой
hot-metal composing machine — отливная наборная машина, машина для «горячего» набора
hot-metal typesetting machine — отливная наборная машина, машина для «горячего» набора
image reproduction machine — аппарат для копирования изображения; копировальный аппарат
13 angle
1) угол2) уголок ( металлический профиль)3) угол, фаза ( колебаний)•angle at a circumference — вписанный угол;at right angles — под прямым углом;angle is subtended by arc — угол стягивается дугой;angle is subtended by chord — угол опирается на хорду;to be at a proper phase angle — быть в фазе, совпадать по фазе;to bisect angle — делить угол пополам:to lay off angle — откладывать угол;angle to left — геод. круг лево;to make an angle — составлять угол;angle to right — геод. круг право-
acceptance angle
acute angle
addendum angle
adjacent angles
aircraft impact angle
airflow angle
alternate angles
angle of action
angle of advance
angle of approach
angle of arrival
angle of attack
angle of azimuth
angle of backing-off
angle of bell
angle of bevel
angle of boom
angle of climb
angle of convergency
angle of crossing
angle of cut
angle of deflection
angle of departure
angle of descent
angle of deviation
angle of dig
angle of dip
angle of divergence
angle of draw
angle of effective rotation
angle of elevation
angle of exaggeration
angle of exit
angle of extinction
angle of flare
angle of floor
angle of flow
angle of flute helix
angle of friction
angle of glide
angle of heel
angle of helm
angle of hip
angle of ignition
angle of incidence
angle of internal friction
angle of internal reflection
angle of lag
angle of lead
angle of list
angle of loading
angle of loll
angle of main stream
angle of pitch
angle of plane
angle of preparation
angle of prism
angle of propagation
angle of radiation
angle of reflection
angle of refraction
angle of repose
angle of rest
angle of retard
angle of roll
angle of rotation
angle of rupture
angle of scan
angle of shear
angle of shearing resistance
angle of shock
angle of sight
angle of site
angle of slide
angle of slope
angle of stall
angle of torsion
angle of transit
angle of trim
angle of twist
angle of vanishing
angle of vel
angle of view
angle of wall friction
angle of yaw
angle or flange
aperture angle
apparent visual angle
approach noise angle
aspect angle
attack angle
automatic advance angle
axes angle
azimuthal angle
azimuth angle
back angle
back relief angle
back-to-back angles
base angle
base helix angle
beam angle of scattering
beam angle
beam deflection angle
beam spread angle
bearing angle
best climb angle
bistatic angle
blade angle
blade-entrance angle
blade-exit angle
bond angle
borehole drift angle
boresight angle
bosh angle
Bragg angle
Brewster angle
brush shift angle
bucket diggings
bunching angle
burble angle
cam angle
camber angle
camera angle
canting angle
capsizing angle
carrier angle
caster angle
caving angle
central angle
clearance angle
cockpit cutoff angle
combined angle
commutating angle
commutation delay angle
complementary angles
complete angle
conduction angle
cone angle
constant climb angle
convergence angle
cord angle
corresponding angles
course angle
crab angle
crack angle
crank angle
crater angle
creascrecovery angle
critical angle
crown angle
current transformer phase angle
cut angle
cutoff angle
cutting angle
cutting edge angle
dead angle of shutter
dead angle
deadrise angle
decay angle
decrement angle
deflection angle
delay angle
depression angle
deviation angle
dielectric loss angle
dielectric phase angle
diffraction angle
diffusion angle
dip angle
direct angle
direction angle
discharge angle
displacement angle
divergence angle
dozer blade angle
draft lug angle
drift angle
dumping angle
dwell angle
effective angle of rotation
electrical angle
electric angle
electrode angle
elevation angle
elevation scan angle
emergent beam angle
end cutting edge angle
end relief angle
end-clearance angle
entering angle of driving pin
entering angle
entrance angle
epoch angle
Euler angle
exit angle
exterior angle
exterior opposite angles
face angle
fiber orientation angle
field angle
firing delay angle
fixer advance angle
flange angle
flap angle
flare angle
flat angle
flex angle
flow angle
frame toe-in angle
frame toe-out angle
front angle
front clearance angle
full angle
glancing angle
gradient angle
grain-boundary angle
grazing angle
Greenwich hour angle
groove angle
half-intensity beam angle
Hall angle
head-wrap angle
helix angle
hock angle
hole angle
horizontal angle
hose orientation angle
hour angle
hysteretic angle
idler tilt angle
ignition dwell angle
image angle
impedance angle
impinging angle
included die angle
inherent delay angle
input phase angle
inscribed angle
interfacial angle
interference angle
interhollow angle
interior angle
interior opposite angles
intersection angle
interslot angle
jet angle
lag angle
large bell angle
launch angle
lead angle
left deflection angle
light angle
limiting wetting angle
lip angle
list angle
listening angle
lock angle
locking angle
look angle
lose angle
magnetic hysteresis angle
magnetic loss angle
major cutting edge angle
making angle
margin angle
minor cutting edge angle
minor-lobe angle
miter angle
n-edged angle
nip angle
nominal angle of rotation
nozzle convergence angle
nozzle divergence angle
nutation angle
oblique angle
obtuse angle
off-axis angle
off-boresight angle
offset angle
opening angle
operating angle
opposite angle
optimum angle
orbital plane angle
out angle of claw mechanism
overlap angle
overlapping angle of maltese mechanism
perigon angle
phase angle
pickup angle
pitch angle
pivot angle
pivot stud angle
plan approach angle
plane angle
pointing angle
polar angle
polarization angle
polyhedral angle
position angle
potential transformer phase angle
power angle
power flow angle
precession angle
preset diggings
pressure angle
projection angle
pull-down angle
radiation angle
rake angle
ray angle
reciprocal angle
reclining seat angle
reentering angle
reentrant angle
reference angle
reflex angle
regular polyhedral angle
relief angle
retard angle
right angle
right deflection angle
ripper tilt angle
rise-of-floor angle
rocking angle
roll angle
rotation angle
rotor coning angle
round angle
rudder angle
running pitch angle
safety guard angle
salient angle
scanning angle
scan angle
scattering angle
screen angle
screening angle
search angle
seat angle
shadow angle
shearing angle
shooting angle
shutter aperture angle
shutter angle
side clearance angle
side cutting edge angle
side rake angle
side sill angle
sideslip angle
sieve angle
sine-wave angle
slant angle
slewing angle
slip angle
solid angle of the sun
solid angle
space angle
spanning angle
spatial angle
spherical angle
spray angle
staff angle
steering angle
step angle
stiffening angle
straight angle
subtended angle
supplementary angles
swirl angle
switch angle
swivel angle
takeoff angle
takeoff noise angle
taking angle
taper angle
tape-wrap angle
tilt angle of-polarization ellipse
tilt angle
timing angle
toe-in angle
tool angle
tool cutting edge angle
tool included angle
torque angle
torsion angle
total angle of rotation
total internal reflection angle
track angle
track cant angle
track tilt angle
tracking error angle
transit angle
triangulation angle
truck swivel angle
up angle
valve face angle
vectorial angle
vertex angle
vertical angles
video record track angle
viewing angle
vision angle
wall angle
wave angle
wave-front angle
wheel alignment angle
wheel leaning angle
winding angle
wing setting angle
wing sweep angle
wiping angle
work angle
working angle
working lead angle
zenith angle
zero-lift angle -
14 assembly
1) сборка; компоновка; монтаж ( процесс)2) сборочная единица; комплект; устройство; агрегат или узел в сборе3) фотомонтаж, монтаж ( кинофильма)4) вчт. ассемблированная программа5) вчт. трансляция( с языка ассемблера); ассемблирование•-
abrasive work engaging assembly
abutment sleeve assembly
accessory drive assembly
active docking assembly
adhesive assembly
aligned docking assemblies
androgynous docking assembly
antenna assembly
antifriction roller assembly
automated assembly
automatic drain assembly
automatic program assembly
band assembly
bare assembly
bearing mount assembly
board assembly
bottom hole assembly
bottom plate assembly
brake assembly
breeder assembly
brush assembly
bushing assembly
cable assembly
cam assembly
canister assembly
captive-screw assembly
carriage assembly
cathode assembly
cell assembly
centrifugal flyweights assembly
channel fastener assembly
closure head assembly
cluster assemblies
combed assembly
combustion assembly
commutator bar assembly
compatible docking assemblies
container assembly
conveyor/robot assembly
cord assembly
cowl flap actuating assembly
critical assembly
crosshead movement assembly
cutter assembly
cutting tool assembly
deflection-coil assembly
docking assembly
document assembly
dovetailed assembly
drill assembly
drilling assembly
drilling bit bearing assembly
drop-sleeve assembly
dry fuel assembly
dumbbell assembly
dummy assembly
electrode assembly
electrode-drive assembly
emergency extension assembly
engine-mounted assembly
evaporator assembly
experimental assembly
factory assembly
feed nut assembly
feeding assembly
field assembly
film assembly
film unit assembly
film-carrier assembly
first assembly
flexible structure assembly
focus-deflection assembly
friction assembly
fuel assembly
fuel rod assembly
functional assembly
grinding wheel assembly
guide bar assembly
guide vane assembly
head assembly
head drum assembly
heavy loaded fuel assembly
improper assembly
jack bar assembly
knockover bar assembly
laterally docking assembly
layer assembly
lining assembly
longitudinal docking assembly
look ahead assembly
low-maintenance rigid hitch assembly
maneuver propulsion assembly
marine riser seal assembly
marine riser stub assembly
mast-and-electrode assembly
melt distributing assembly
microelectronic modular assembly
mixture control assembly
module assembly
mold assembly
mount assembly
moving-contact assembly
multichip assembly
multilayer film assembly
multiple station assembly
multirow cylindrical bearing journal assembly
near-critical assembly
needle bar assembly
negative assembly
neutron detection assembly
OD grinding assembly
oil cooler actuating assembly
on-orbit assembly
packet assembly
packing assembly
pack-off assembly
pan-and-tilt assembly
paper path assembly
parking brake assembly
partition assembly
passive docking assembly
pipe follower roller assembly
plate fuel assembly
ply assembly
pot core coil assembly
presser bar assembly
pressure mounting assembly
pressure regulator assembly
pressure relief assembly
printed circuit assembly
program assembly
programmable assembly
radial converging assembly
radially docking assembly
reaction control assembly
reduction gear assembly
repair shop assembly
replaceable sync head assembly
replaceable video head assembly
replacement assembly
retraction/extension assembly
robotic assembly
robot assembly
roll and chock assembly
roll cartridge assembly
rolling contact fatigue assembly
rotating basket assembly
rotating head assembly
rotor clutch assembly
scanner assembly
scanning-coil assembly
seal assembly
sealed drilling bit bearing assembly
sealed drill bit bearing assembly
self-contained journal bearing assembly
self-energizing brake assembly
shear cartridge assembly
sinker bar assembly
slide bar assembly
spent fuel assembly
spindle assembly
spinneret assembly
squeeze-ratchet tool assembly
stacked assembly
stack assembly
static purity assembly
statistical assembly
stem assembly
stone assembly
storage assembly
stream feeder assembly
subcritical assembly
swing clamp assembly
tailwheel assembly
takeup assembly
target assembly
telephone headset assembly
terminal assembly
tile assembly
tool changer assembly
torque coupling assembly
tractor assembly
transformation structure assembly
trimmer board assembly
trumpet assembly
tubing joint assembly
two-row spherical bearing journal assembly
unified assembly
unitary assembly
used parts original assembly
vacuum tank assembly
video head assembly
visor assembly
wellhead assembly
wheel dressing assembly
wide opening gripping jaw assembly
winder assembly
wire-wrapped core assembly
wiring assembly
workholding assembly
wrist assembly
yarn trapper assembly
yoke assembly
zero-energy thermonuclear assembly -
15 killer
16 shift
2) перемещение; смещение; сдвиг || перемещать; смещать; сдвигать3) горн. дислокация; сдвиг4) метал. перекос ( дефект отливки)5) переключение7) перевод ( в телеграфии)8) переключение [смена\] регистров ( клавиатуры пишущей машины); вчт. установка регистра ( печатающего устройства)•-
alphabetic shift
amplitude-dependent phase shift
anti-Stokes shift
arithmetical shift
arithmetic shift
backward shift
blasting shift
Brillouin shift
brush shift
capital shift
carrier shift
case shift
circular shift
coaling shift
color balance shift
color shift
course shift
cycle shift
cyclic shift
darkened-shop operation shift
differential phase shift
dog shift
Doppler shift
electric shift
end-round shift
extended day shift
figures shift
focus shift
forward shift
frequency shift
functional shift
graveyard shift
hue shift
image shift
insertion phase shift
lading shift
laser line shift
letters shift
level shift
logical shift
logic shift
lowercase shift
minimally manned shift
mining shift
mode shift
morning shift
nonarithmetic shift
nonpower shift
number shift
numbers shift
numeric shift
phase shift
power shift
prop-drawing shift
pulse shift
Purkinje shift
Raman shift
reciprocal phase shift
relaxation shift
ring shift
secretary shift
set unit shift
speed shift
stowing shift
teletypesetter shift
transmission shift
two-to-three shift
unmanned shift
uppercase shift
wind shift
working shift
zero shift -
17 pilot
1) летчик
2) лоцман
3) лоцманский
4) пилот
5) пилотируемый
6) опытный
7) экспериментальный
8) вести
9) управлять
10) управляющий
11) пилот-волна
12) пилотный
13) ловитель
14) рулевой
15) контрольный
– automatic pilot
– civil pilot
– mechanical pilot
– pilot bell
– pilot brush
– pilot burner
– pilot carrier
– pilot cell
– pilot channel
– pilot chute
– pilot drill
– pilot electrode
– pilot error
– pilot flame
– pilot frequency
– pilot fuse
– Pilot head
– pilot hole
– pilot lamp
– pilot model
– pilot plant
– pilot production
– pilot project
– pilot raise
– pilot shop
– pilot signal
– pilot survey
– pilot tap
– pilot valve
– pilot wave
– pilot wire
– project pilot
– rated pilot
– robot pilot
– test pilot
18 roller
1) ролик
2) валец
3) валик
4) валично-шляпочный
5) валичный
6) вальцевый
7) вальцовщик
8) землеуплотнитель
9) катальщик
10) каток
11) накатчик
12) роллер
13) валкователь
– aligning roller
– bearing roller
– bog roller
– breaking roller
– brush roller
– burring roller
– carrier roller
– composition roller
– corrugated roller
– dampening roller
– dancer roller
– detaching roller
– dirt roller
– discharging roller
– disk roller
– distributing roller
– drawing roller
– drop roller
– drum roller
– evener roller
– feed roller
– flax-breaking roller
– folding roller
– form roller
– full-width roller
– fulling roller
– garden roller
– gluing roller
– grooved roller
– guide roller
– heald roller
– impression roller
– inking roller
– knife roller
– knurling roller
– lap roller
– lawn roller
– measuring roller
– mounted roller
– nap roller
– pay-out roller
– pick-up roller
– pinch roller
– plain roller
– press roller
– pressing roller
– pressure roller
– printing roller
– raising roller
– ridge roller
– roller angle-straightener
– roller beam
– roller burnishing
– roller bushing
– roller cage
– roller card
– roller chain
– roller conveyer
– roller conveyor
– roller crusher
– roller electrode
– roller gate
– roller gin
– roller grizzly
– roller jewel
– roller leather
– roller mill
– roller press
– roller sheet-straightener
– roller sizer
– roller spline
– roller stock
– roller temple
– roller thresher
– roller top card
– rubber roller
– scouring roller
– segmented roller
– self-propelled roller
– sheep's fat roller
– sizing roller
– spiked roller
– sprinkling roller
– sprocket roller
– static-weight roller
– steam roller
– stop roller
– stripping roller
– taper roller
– three-axle roller
– toothed roller
– trailed roller
– turning roller
– vibration roller
– water-filled roller
– winding-out roller
– winding-up roller
19 solid
1) твердый
2) непустотелый
3) пласка
4) телесный
5) цельнокатаный
6) <phys.> тело
7) пространственный
8) трехмерный
9) твердое тело
10) заполненный
11) компактный
12) основательный
13) сплошной
14) фундаментальный
15) нелетучий
– blast off solid
– imperfection in a solid
– set solid
– solid addition
– solid alcohol
– solid angle
– solid ballast
– solid bottom
– solid brush
– solid carrier
– solid catalyst
– solid conductor
– solid door
– solid filling
– solid frame
– solid fuel
– solid gas
– solid geometry
– solid guide
– solid harmonic
– solid injection
– solid jaw
– solid matter
– solid modelling
– solid of revolution
– solid phase
– solid pile
– solid plate
– solid pulley
– solid residual
– solid roof
– solid rubber
– solid shaft
– solid slag
– solid solution
– solid state
– solid substance
– solid wedge
– solid wheel
– solid wire
– volume of a solid
solid of light distribution — <opt.> тело фотометрическое
20 contact
1) контакт || контактировать2) ввод; вывод3) установление связи || устанавливать связь4) рлк обнаружение цели || обнаруживать цель•- a-contact
- amateur contact
- antibarrier contact
- antiblocking contact
- arcing contact
- armature contact
- b-contact
- back contact
- base contact
- beam-lead contact
- blade contact
- blocking contact
- bonded contact
- bounceless contact
- break contact
- break-make contact
- break-before-make contact
- bridging contact
- brush contact
- bump contact
- buried contact
- butt contact
- buttonhook contact
- clip contact
- closed contact
- closed-entry contact
- collector contact
- continuity-transfer contact
- crimp contact
- current contact
- diffused contact
- donor-alloy contact
- double-break contact
- dry contact
- dry-reed contact
- electric contact
- electron-injecting contact
- electroplated contact
- emitter contact
- epitaxial contact
- evaporated contact
- face contact
- female contact
- finger contact
- fixed contact
- floating contact
- formed contact
- front contact
- gold-bonded contact
- hard contact
- head-to-tape contact
- hermaphroditic contact
- high recombination-rate contact
- high-resistance contact
- hole-injecting contact
- instantaneous contact
- ion-implanted ohmic contact
- Josephson contact
- keep-alive contact
- linear contact
- locking contact
- low-capacitance contacts
- lower fixed contact
- low-impedance contact
- low-level contact
- majority-carrier contact
- make contact
- make-break contact
- make-before-break contact
- male contact
- marking contact
- mating contact
- mercury contact
- mercury-wetted contact
- metal-semiconductor contact
- Mott-Curney contact
- movable contact
- multiple-break contacts
- neutral contact
- noninjecting contact
- nonlocking contact
- nonohmic contact
- nonrectitying contact
- normal contact
- normally closed contact
- normally open contact
- off-limit contacts
- ohmic contact
- open contact
- optical contact
- overlapping contact
- pin contact
- planar contact
- plated contact
- point contact
- pressed contact
- pressure contact
- printed contact
- probe contact
- radar contact
- radio contact
- reading contact
- readout contact
- rectifying contact
- refractory contact
- relay contact
- retaining contact
- rolling contact
- Schottky barrier contact
- sealed contact
- self-cleaning contact
- self-wiping contact
- semiconductor-electrolyte contact
- slider contact
- sliding contact
- snap-action contact
- socket contact
- soft contact
- soldered contact
- solderless contact
- spacing contact
- spring contact
- stationary contact
- strip contact
- superconducting point contact
- switch contact
- tape-head contact
- tinned contact
- total groove contact
- transfer contact
- two-way contact
- upper-fixed contact
- wedge contact
- wet contact
- wiping contact
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
USS Brush (DD-745) — Career (United States) … Wikipedia
Rufe Brush — is an anthropomorphic squirrel from the book Mariel of Redwall of the Redwall series created by Brian Jacques. In the audiobook, he was voiced by Paul Braithwaite.Rufe lived all his life at Redwall Abbey with friends like Dandin the Sword Carrier … Wikipedia
digestive system, human — Introduction the system used in the human body for the process of digestion. The human digestive system consists primarily of the digestive tract (alimentary canal), or the series of structures and organs through which food and liquids pass… … Universalium
drawing — /draw ing/, n. 1. the act of a person or thing that draws. 2. a graphic representation by lines of an object or idea, as with a pencil; a delineation of form without reference to color. 3. a sketch, plan, or design, esp. one made with pen, pencil … Universalium
List of Redwall characters — There are many characters that have appeared in the Redwall series, including the books and television series written by Nick Danby. Contents 1 Characters in Redwall 1.1 Asmodeus Poisonteeth 1.2 Basil Stag Hare 1.3 … Wikipedia
USS Worcester (CL-144) — The second USS Worcester (CL 144) was laid down on 29 January 1945 at Camden, New Jersey, by the New York Shipbuilding and Drydock Corp.; launched on 4 February 1947; sponsored by Miss Gloria Ann Sullivan, the daughter of Mayor and Mrs. F. G.… … Wikipedia
Sodium-hydrogen exchange regulatory cofactor 2 — Solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 3 regulator 2 PDB rendering based on 2he4 … Wikipedia
Sodium–hydrogen antiporter 3 — Solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 3 Identifiers Symbols SLC9A3; MGC126718; MGC126720; NHE3 External IDs … Wikipedia
Sodium-hydrogen antiporter 3 regulator 1 — Solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 3 regulator 1 PDB rendering based on 1g9o … Wikipedia
Battle of the Tenaru — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of the Tenaru partof=the Pacific Theater of World War II caption=Dead Japanese soldiers, killed assaulting United States Marine positions, lie on the sandbar at the mouth of Alligator Creek, Guadalcanal… … Wikipedia
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium