1 broken-up stock
Лесоводство: масса после разбивного ролла -
2 broken-up stock
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > broken-up stock
3 broken-up stock
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > broken-up stock
4 brick
1) кирпич || класть кирпичи; выкладывать кирпичом || кирпичный2) блок (бетонный, песчаника, известняка)3) стеклоблок4) пищ. брикет•to bond brick — класть кирпич вперевязку;to extrude brick — получать кирпич на ленточном прессе;to fix bricks together — класть кирпич вперевязку;to brick in — закладывать кирпичом (напр. отверстие);to mold brick — формовать кирпич;to press brick — прессовать кирпич;to repress brick — допрессовывать кирпич;to brick up — закладывать кирпичом (напр. отверстие)-
acidproof brick
adobe brick
air brick
air-dried brick
alumina brick
American brick
antracite-base carbon brick
arch brick
ashlar brick
backing brick
blue brick
body brick
broken brick
broken fireclay brick
broken silica brick
building brick
bullnose brick
burnt brick
calcareous brick
capping brick
cavity brick
chamotte brick
checker brick
chrome-magnesite brick
circle brick
clay brick
clinker brick
closer brick
cob brick
compass brick
concrete brick
coping brick
cored brick
cove header brick
cove stretcher brick
crown brick
crushed brick
curved brick
deaerated brick
dolomite brick
double bullnose brick
dry-pressed brick
Dutch brick
economy brick
enameled brick
engineering brick
English brick
engobed brick
face brick
feather-edge brick
fire brick
fire-clay brick
fixing brick
fountain brick
fritted brick
full brick
gaged brick
glass brick
glazed brick
green brick
grog brick
gun-flue brick
hard brick
hard-burnt brick
high-duty fireclay brick
hollow brick
hot repair brick
internal bullnose brick
jumbo brick
key brick
keyed brick
kiln brick
lightweight brick
lime-sand brick
low-duty fireclay brick
magnesia brick
magnesite-chrome brick
metal-cased magnesite brick
modular brick
nailable brick
nonspalling brick
Norman brick
pale brick
paving brick
perforated brick
porous brick
powder-pressed brick
press brick
radial brick
radiating brick
radius brick
refractory brick
rider brick
Roman brick
runner brick
sanding brick
sawdust brick
second-hand brick
sewer brick
shale brick
shaped brick
silica brick
slag brick
soft-mud brick
spalling-resistant brick
steel-plate jointed bricks
stiff-mud brick
stock brick
sun-dried brick
suspension-roof brick
tapestry brick
tar-bonded brick
tar-dolomite brick
timber brick
unburnt brick
used brick
vitrified brick
voussoir brick
wall brick
wet-mud brick
whole brick
wire-cut brick
wood brick -
5 rail
1) рельс || укладывать рельсы2) брус(ок)3) направляющая4) перила; поручень || обносить перилами; ограждать поручнем5) строит. горизонтальная обвязка6) строит. схватка7) мор. леер8) лонжерон, балка ( автомобильной рамы)11) регистр ( наборной машины)•to rail off — огораживать; обносить перилами-
back rail
balcony rail
bilge grab rail
bilge rail
bottom rail
broken rail
bull-headed rail
canted rail
cap rail
carcass dressing rail
carriage rails
carrying rail
centershift rail
chain rail
chair rail
channel rail
check rail
closure rail
cogged rail
conductor rail
conduct rail
connection rail
contact rail
continuous welded rail
conveyor rail
counter rail
curved point rail
curved rail
curved stock rail
door rail
drip rail
earthed rail
edge rail
facing rail
flat-bottomed rail
girder rail
grab rail
gripper rail
guard rail
guide rail
hand rail
hanging rail
heavy rail
high rail
ink rail
inner rail
insulated rail
intermediate rail
junction rail
keel rail
link rail
live rail
lock rail
low rail
lower rail
meeting rails
middle rail
opening rail
outer rail
overhead rail
piston oil ring rails
point rail
power rail
pressure rail
railroad rail
reaction rail
ribbon rail
ring rail
running rail
safety rail
screed rail
seat rails
side rail
sight rail
single rail
skid rails
spindle rail
spring-loaded rail
standard-length rail
stock rail
storage rail
storm rail
superelevated wing rail
switch rail
tee rail
tension rail
third rail
top rail
towing rail
tow rail
track link rail
tractor frame rail
trolley conveyor rail
turnout rail
uninsulated rail
upper rail
used rail
window rail
wing rail
wooden guard rail
yarn carrier rail
yarn feeder rail -
6 tainted
ˈteɪntɪd прил. испортившийся, испорченный Syn: spoilt, broken загнивающий;
начинающий гнить, портиться - * meat несвежее мясо, мясо с душком - * wine испорченное /прокисшее/ вино - * milk прогорклое молоко нехороший, грязный, нечистый - * heredity сомнительная наследственность - born of a * stock нечистых кровей - * money грязные деньги бойкотируемый - * goods бойкотируемые товары tainted p. p. от taint ~ испорченный -
7 line
1) линия || проводить линии, линовать2) матем. прямая3) черта; штрих || штриховать4) контур, очертание5) кривая ( на графике)6) геофиз. профиль8) геод. ход9) экватор10) линия ( единица длины)13) мн. ч. границы, пределы ( земельного участка)14) граничить15) направление движения, курс16) располагать(ся) в одну линию; устанавливать соосно17) трубопровод; нитка трубопровода (см. тж
pipeline) || прокладывать трубопровод, тянуть нитку трубопровода18) водовод19) облицовка ( внутренняя) || облицовывать ( внутри)20) футеровка || футеровать21) горн. обшивка || обшивать22) строит. причалка ( в каменных работах)24) конвейер25) номенклатура продукции; серия изделий26) мн. ч. теоретический чертёж ( судна)27) железнодорожный путь; линия28) (электрическая) линия; (электрическая) цепь; провод; шина29) линия связи; линия передачи ( данных или сигналов)30) строка программного кода, развёртки изображения, набора31) ярус ( орудие лова рыбы)32) лён; льняная пряжа33) нефт. струна ( оснастки талевой системы)•to be in line with one another — располагаться (лежать) на одной линии;to close contour line — геод. замыкать горизонталь;to connect a line from... to... — подсоединять линию одним концом к..., а другим к...;to feed off a line from a drum — сматывать канат с барабана;to figure (to index, to number) a contour line — геод. оцифровывать горизонталь;to pay out a line — разматывать канат;to reeve a line — 1. натягивать канат перед подъёмом 2. пропускать талевый канат через кронблочный шкив ( от лебёдки);to run a line (in)to — подводить линию к чему-л.;to run out a contour line — геод. проводить горизонталь;to snap a chalk line — отбивать линию с помощью (мелёного) шнура;to line up — 1. располагать(ся) на одной линии 2. настраивать; регулировать;to valve off a line — перекрывать трубопровод задвижкойline of action — 1. линия действия силы 2. машиностр. линия зацепленияline of flux — линия силового поля (электрического, магнитного, гравитационного)line of rivets — ряд заклёпокline of sight — 1. визирная ось 2. линия прямой видимости 3. линия визированияline of thrust — 1. линия распора ( арки) 2. линия действия равнодействующей бокового давления грунта ( в подпорной стене)-
absorption line
ac line
access line
acoustic bulk-wave delay line
acoustic delay line
acoustic line
action line
active line
adiabatic line
admission line
aerial line
aftercooler water line
air intake line
air line
aircraft break line
aircraft production break line
ammonia line
anti-Stokes line
arrival line
assembly line
automated line
automatic transfer line
auxiliary line
available line
avoiding line
back line
backbone transmission line
background line
backing line
backup line
backwash line
bailing line
balanced line
bank line
base line
bead-supported line
bead line
bearing line
beef dressing line
belt pitch line
bipolar line
bisecting line
bit line
black line
blast line
blast-furnace line
bleed line
bleeder line
blowing line
bottling line
brake line
branch bus line
branch line
branch main line
bridging line
broad-gage line
broadside lines
broken line
building line
bundle-conductor line
buoy line
burn line
burnt lines
bus line
buttock line
bypass line
cable line
cable pole line
calf line
can assembly line
capacitor-compensated transmission line
capacity line
car line
carrier line
casing line
catalyst transfer line
catenary line
cathead line
caving line
cell line
cementing line
center line
chain line
chalk line
channel line
character line
charging line
choke line
choker line
circle line
circular main line
cleaning line
clear line
clock line
closed refrigerant line
closing-head line
coastal line
coast line
coaxial line
code line
coil buildup line
coil cutup line
coil packaging line
coil slitting line
cold adjustment line
comb line
command line
comment line
common-use line
communications line
communication line
commuter line
compartment line
composed line
compressibility line
computation line
concentric line
concurrent lines
condensate line
conductor line
constant pass line
constant-pressure line
construction lines
contact line
contact-wire line
continuous annealing line
continuous assorting line
continuous pickling line
continuous processing line
contour line
control line
convergence line
copy lines
corrugating line
coupled transmission lines
course line
crease line
crosscutting line
cryoresistive transmission line
current line
current-flow line
curved line
cutoff line
cutting line
cutting-up line
cut-to-length line
cutup line
cylinder block line
cylinder head line
dash-dotted line
dashed line
data line
datum line
dc line
dead line
dedicated line
deenergized line
deflection line
delay bar line
delay line
delivery line
departure line
depth line
dial-up line
dial line
dimension line
direct line
discharge line
disengaged line
dispersive delay line
dispersive transmission line
display line
distributed-constant line
distribution trunk line
distribution line
district heating line
divergence line
divergent lines
diverter line
divide line
dot line
double line
double-circuit line
double-track line
double-wall fuel injection line
double-wire line
drag lines
drain line
drainage line
drawing line
dressed line
drilling line
drilling mud line
drive line
dropout line
dry-adiabatic line
duplex line
earth-return line
efficiency line
effluent disposal line
elastic line
electric flux line
electric lines of force
electrified line
electrified main line
electrolytic cleaning line
electrolytic tinning line
electrolytic zinc-plating line
emission line
enable line
end hardening line
end line
endless line
energized line
energy grade line
energy line
engaged line
engine-shutdown line
engraved line
equalized delay line
equalizing line
equilibrium state line
equipotential line
even-numbered line
excavation line
exchange line
exhaust crossover line
exhaust line
extraction line
extra-high-voltage transmission line
extra-high-voltage line
face line
fast line
fathon line
fault line
faulted line
feed line
feeder line
feedwater line
fiber-optic line
fiber line
fiducial line
field line
filling line
filling shunt line
fill-up pipe line
fill-up line
film neutral line
fin line
finish line
finishing roll line
fire line
firing line
fit line
flare line
flat line
flexible line
flexible transfer line
flight line
floor line
flow line
flow priority line
flowmeter red line
fluidlift line
flux line
fly line
flyback line
flying shear line
FMS line
foam line
folded delay line
forbidden line
four-wire line
fractional line
fraction line
frame line
frontage line
frontal line
frost line
fuel cross-feed line
fuel injection line
fuel line
fuel return line
fuel supply line
full line
full-duplex line
fusion line
gage line
gas line
gasket contact line
gasoline line
gathering line
gating signal line
generating line
geodetic line
ghost lines
glass line
glide slope limit line
gorge line
grade line
graduated line
grating delay line
grinding line
groundwater line
guy line
H lines
hair line
half-duplex line
half-wave transmission line
half-wave line
hard line
hardwired production line
haulage line
haulback line
head hardening line
heading line
heat flow lines
heater line
heating-gas line
heavy line
heavy-traffic line
help line
hem line
hemp center wire line
hidden line
high-pressure line
high-side line
high-temperature hot-water transmission line
high-voltage power line
high-voltage line
high-voltage transmission line
home line
hook line
horizontal line
hot line
hot metal line
hot-dip tinning line
hot-vapor line
housing line
hump engine line
hydraulic grade line
hydraulic line
hydrochloric acid pickling line
hyperfine line
ideal line
idle line
ignition line
improvement line
inclined line
inclusion line
incoming line
indented line
individual line
infinite line
influence line
inhaul line
initial line
injection line
intake line
interconnecting line
interconnection line
interdigital line
interswitch line
isobar line
isobathic line
isoclinal line
isodynamic line
isogonic line
isolux line
iso-stress line
isothermal line
isotropic line
jack line
jerk line
jog line
junction line
justified line
kill line
killed line
knuckle line
ladder line
lag line
land line
laser line
lead line
leased line
less robotized line
level line
leveling line
leviathan line
life line
lifting line
liquidus line
live line
load line
loaded line
loading line
local line
log line
logical line
logic line
long line
long-distance line
long-distance thermal transmission line
long-distance transmission line
loop line
loss-free line
lossy line
lot line
low-loss line
low-pressure fuel feed line
low-side line
low-temperature hot-water transmission line
low-voltage transmission line
low-voltage line
lubber's line
lubber line
luminance delay line
luminescence line
lumped-constant line
magnetic delay line
magnetic field lines
magnetic flux line
magnetic lines of force
magnetic superlattice line
main line
main refinery drainage line
main supply line
margin line
marine line
matched line
meander line
medium-voltage line
message line
metal line
meter-gage line
microslip line
microstrip line
midship line
mill line
mold match line
mold preparation line
molded line
monophase line
monopolar line
mooring line
moving line
mud line
mud-return line
multidrop line
multihop line
multiparty line
multiple-conductor line
multiplexed line
multipoint line
multirobot machining line
multistrand continuous pickle line
multiterminal line
narrow-gage line
Neumann lines
neutral line
nondedicated line
nonresonant line
nonswitched line
nontransposed transmission line
nontransposed line
nonuniform electrical transmission line
number line
observing line
obstacle clearance line
obstacle line
odd-numbered line
oil gathering line
oil line
oil pressure line
oil scavenge line
one-pole line
one-track line
one-wire line
open-circuit line
open-ended line
open-wire line
operating line
optical fiber communication line
order-wire line
oscillating line
outcrop line
outgoing line
outhaul line
overflow line
overhead cable line
overhead high-voltage line
overhead line
overhead low-voltage line
overhead transmission line
oxygen supply line
paced assembly line
packaging line
parallel lines
parameter line
parting line
party line
pass line
pedal line
performance line
periodic line
phreatic line
pickling line
pilot line
pitch line of groove
pitch line
plating line
Plimsoll line
plumb line
pneumatic conveying line
point-to-point line
polar line
pole line
polymer drain line
power bus line
power line
power transmission line
pressure inlet line
pressure jump line
pressure line
pressure relief line
primary line
priming line
printer line
printing line
private line
processing line
product line
production line
projective line
propagation line
pull line
pumping-out line
purse line
push-pull pickling line
radar line of sight
radio-frequency line
radio-optical line of distance
railway line
Raman line
raster line
ready line
reception line
recirculated line
reclaiming line
recoil line
reference line
reflection line
reflux line
refraction line
refresh line
relay repeater line
relay line
relief line
remote line
repeater line
resonant line
return line
reversed line
rhumb line
ring-and-bar structure-delay line
river line
robot transfer line
robotized line
roll line
roll parting line
roller line
roof lines
rotary-shear line
rotary-slitting line
routing line
rundown line
running line
runway center line
sand line
satellite communications line
satellite line
saturation line
scale line
scanning line
scan line
scavenge line
scrap processing line
screen line
scrubbing line
scrubbing-and-drying line
sea line
sealing line
secant line
secondary line
section line
seismic line
selected course line
selection line
serial line
serrated river line
service line
shackle-rod line
shearing line
shear line
sheer line at center
sheer line at side
sheer line
sheet-galvanizing line
sheeting line
sheet-shearing line
short-circuited line
shrinkproof finishing line
shunting line
side trimming line
signaling line
signal line
single-circuit line
single-conductor transmission line
single-hop line
single-phase line
single-pole line
single-track line
single-wire line
sinker line
six-phase line
skew lines
skidding line
slant course line
slip line
slitting-and-coiling line
slitting-and-shearing line
slitting-and-trimming line
snap line
snorkel line
snow line
solidus line
sonic delay line
space communications line
space line
spare line
spark line
spectral line
splice line
spray line
springing line
spur line
squall line
standard-gage line
status line
steam line
steam return line
steam-extraction line
steam-smothering line
steel fabrication line
steep-gradient line
steering oil lines
stock line
Stockes line
stopping line
straight line
strain line
strip line
strip processing line
strip welding line for coils
strip-grinding line
submarine cable line
submarine line
subscriber line
subtransmission line
suburban line
suction line
sulfuric acid pickling line
supercharged suction line
superconducting transmission line
superheat line
supply line
surface-acoustic-wave delay line
surge line
survey line
sweep line
switched line
switching line
takeoff line
taping line
tapped delay line
tapped line
telecom line
television active line
television line
temperature line
terminated line
terrestrial line
test line
three-phase transmission line
three-terminal high-voltage dc transmission line
thrust line
tide line
tie line
tiedown line
tiller line
time-temperature line
toll line
tool injection line
towing line
tow line
tracer line
trailing line
transit line
transmission line
transposed transmission line
trickling line
trim assembly line
trolley line
trunk line
trunk transmission line
tunnel line
twin line
twin-circuit line
two-strand line
two-wire line
type line
type-base line
ultra-high voltage transmission line
ultra-high voltage line
ultrasonic delay line
unbalanced line
unbalanced production line
undercollar break line
underground cable power line
underground power line
uniform electrical transmission line
unloaded line
unloading line
untapped delay line
untransposed transmission line
untransposed line
useful line
vapor line
vapor-pressure line
variable delay line
vector line
vent line
versatile transfer line
video line
viscose-supply line
vortex line
wash line
wastegate line
wave line
waveguide delay line
wear lines
weighted tapped delay line
weld line
wing chord line
wing split line
wire line
wire-cleaning line
word line
world line
zero line -
8 agreement
n1) соглашение, договор; контракт2) согласие; договоренность•to abide by the terms of an agreement — соблюдать / выполнять условия соглашения, придерживаться условий соглашения
to adhere to an agreement — выполнять / соблюдать соглашение, придерживаться условий соглашения
to announce a measure of agreement with smb — объявлять о достижении определенной степени согласия / договоренности с кем-л.
to arrive at / to attain an agreement — приходить к соглашению, достигать соглашения
to be in agreement with smb about smth — соглашаться с кем-л. в отношении чего-л.; быть единого мнения с кем-л. о чем-л.
to be in contravention of an agreement — противоречить соглашению / условиям соглашения
to breach / to break an agreement — нарушать соглашение
to enter into an agreement — заключать соглашение / договор
to extend an agreement — продлевать срок действия соглашения, пролонгировать соглашение
to find oneself in full agreement about smth — обнаруживать полное единство взглядов по какому-л. вопросу
to go back on an agreement — нарушать соглашение, отказываться от выполнения соглашения
to leave the agreement in tatters — перен. не оставить камня на камне от соглашения
to observe an agreement — соблюдать соглашение; выполнять условия соглашения
to obstruct progress towards an agreement — препятствовать достижению соглашения; затруднять достижение соглашения
to pave the way towards further agreements — открывать путь к заключению / достижению новых соглашений
to reach agreement on smth — достигать согласия / договариваться по какому-л. вопросу
to renege on an agreement — нарушать соглашение, уклоняться от выполнения соглашения
to repudiate an agreement — отвергать соглашение, отказываться от ранее заключенного соглашения
to review / to revoke an agreement — пересматривать соглашение
to sabotage an agreement — срывать / саботировать выполнение соглашения
to secure an agreement — добиваться соглашения, обеспечивать заключение соглашения
to seek an agreement — 1) добиваться заключения соглашения 2) добиваться согласия / договоренности
to stipulate smth by an agreement — обуславливать что-л. соглашением
to submit an agreement to the government for endorsement — предоставлять текст соглашения на утверждение правительства
to thwart / to torpedo an agreement — срывать выполнение соглашения
- agreement fell flatto wreck an agreement — срывать соглашение, мешать заключению соглашения
- agreement has broken down
- agreement has come into operation
- agreement in force
- agreement in principle
- agreement is effective
- agreement is in danger of collapse
- agreement is in force
- agreement is subject to approval by the General Assembly
- agreement is to come into effect on August 20
- agreement is unlikely to stock
- agreement is up for renewal
- agreement on a framework of withdrawal
- agreement on a partial pullout of troops
- agreement on all points
- agreement on limiting nuclear weapons
- agreement under negotiation
- agreement will hold
- agreement worth $...
- agreements of wages, hours and working conditions
- allied agreements
- arbitration agreement
- architect of an agreement
- armistice agreement
- arms agreement
- arms control agreement
- as a precursor to any kind of an agreement
- as part of the agreement
- avoidance of an agreement
- back-to-work agreement
- barter agreement
- basic agreement
- behind-the-scenes agreement
- bilateral agreement
- binding agreement
- branch agreements
- breach of the peace agreement
- broad agreement
- by mutual agreement
- cartel agreement
- cease-fire agreement
- clearing agreement
- collective agreement
- commercial agreement
- commodity agreement
- compensation agreement
- complete agreement on all major items
- comprehensive agreement
- compromise agreement
- conclusion of an agreement
- consensus agreement
- consular agreement
- contractual agreement
- conventional arms agreement
- cooperation agreement
- credit agreements
- cultural exchange agreement
- currency-credit agreements
- current agreement
- disarmament agreement
- disengagement agreement
- draft agreement
- durable agreement
- duration of an agreement
- economic agreement
- enslaving agreement
- enthralling agreement
- entry of an agreement into force
- equal party to the agreement
- equitable agreement
- executive agreement
- expiration of an agreement
- face-saving agreement
- far-reaching agreement
- fettering agreement
- final agreement
- final print of an agreement
- financial agreement
- foreign investment agreement
- formal agreement
- Four-Power Agreement on West Berlin
- framework agreement
- free trade agreement
- General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
- general agreement
- Geneva Agreements
- gentleman's agreement
- historic agreement
- immigration agreement
- impediment to an agreement
- in accordance with the agreement achieved
- in circumvention of the agreement
- in conformity with the terms of agreements
- in contravention of the agreement
- in line with the agreement
- in the absence of a special agreement
- in the wake of the agreement
- inconsistent with the agreement
- indemnification agreement
- inequitable agreement
- INF Agreement
- informal agreement
- initial agreement
- installment agreement
- instalment agreement
- interagency agreement
- interdepartmental agreement
- intergovernmental agreement
- interim agreement
- interlocking set of agreements
- Intermediate Nuclear Forces Agreement
- international agreement
- international fisheries agreement
- interstate agreement
- labor agreement
- landmark agreement
- large measure of agreement between...
- last-in-first-out redundancy agreement
- last-minute agreement
- lend-lease agreement
- license agreement
- licensing agreement
- long-awaited agreement
- long-term agreement
- major agreement
- marketing agreement
- market-sharing agreement
- measure of agreement between smb
- military agreement
- military-political agreement
- model agreement
- monetary agreement
- multilateral agreement
- multipartite agreement
- multipurpose international agreement
- mutual agreement
- national agreement
- nonaggression agreement
- nonattack agreement
- nonbelligerency agreement
- noncompliance with the agreement
- North American Free Trade Agreement
- no-strike agreement
- observance of the agreement
- on the brink of an agreement
- on the verge of an agreement
- onerous agreement
- on-site monitoring agreement
- outline agreement
- overall agreement
- package agreement
- patent agreement
- payments agreement
- peace agreement
- pending the coming into force of the agreement
- permanent agreement
- personal training agreement
- political agreement
- power-sharing agreement
- preliminary agreement
- procedural agreement
- progress toward a concerted agreement
- progress toward mutually acceptable agreement
- prolongation of an agreement
- prospect of an agreement
- provided by the agreement
- provision of an agreement
- provisional agreement
- quadripartite agreement
- reciprocal agreement
- regional agreement
- repatriation agreement
- safeguards agreement
- scientific and technical cooperation agreement
- search for a generally acceptable agreement
- secret agreement
- separate agreement
- short-term agreement
- show-piece of an agreement
- signs for agreement
- solid agreement
- solvent feature of the agreement
- special agreement
- special service agreement
- specific agreement
- standstill agreement
- starting-point of an agreement
- stipulated by the following article of the agreement
- strike-free agreement
- subject of an agreement
- subject to agreement
- subsidiary agreement
- substantive agreement
- superpower agreement
- tacit agreement
- tariff agreement
- technical agreement
- tentative agreement
- termination of agreement - trade and credit agreement
- trade and economic agreement
- trade-and-payments agreement
- tripartite agreement
- troop-withdrawal agreement
- trusteeship agreement
- umbrella agreement
- under the agreement
- unequal agreement
- unratified agreement
- unspoken agreement
- UN-sponsored agreement
- unwritten agreement
- verbal agreement
- verifiable agreement
- viable agreement
- voluntary price restraint agreement
- wide-ranging agreements
- working agreement
- written agreement
- zero-zero agreement -
9 unit
1) сборочная единица; узел; блок2) установка; агрегат3) единица, единица измерения || единичный; удельный4) часть; секция || секционный•as a unit — 1) в сборе 2) как единая сборочная единица; как единый узел
unit under test — 1) объект контроля 2) объект диагностирования, объект технического диагностирования
- AC unit- actuating unit
- adapter plate unit
- adaptive control unit
- address and data interface unit
- address unit
- adjusting unit
- air-aspirating unit
- answer-back unit
- arithmetic unit
- arithmetic/logic unit
- arithmetical unit
- ASC unit
- assembly unit of N-order
- assembly unit
- audio response unit
- autoloading unit
- automatic calling unit
- auxiliary data translator unit
- availability control unit
- axis unit
- axis-processing unit
- balancer unit
- banking unit
- bar feed unit
- base assembly unit
- base unit
- basic information unit
- basic length unit
- basic logic unit
- batch control unit
- bearing unit
- behind-the-tape reader unit
- belt shuttle unit
- belt-driven shuttle unit
- bench-testing unit
- blemished unit
- bolt-on unit
- booster unit
- boring spindle unit
- boring unit
- boring-and-milling unit
- brake unit
- broach retriever unit
- broach-handling unit
- broken tool sensing unit
- buffer unit
- building-block machining unit
- bulk transfer unit
- business unit
- card punching unit
- carousel loading unit
- carousel unit
- carrier unit
- cartridge unit
- cellular unit
- center unit for machine frame
- central processing unit
- central processor unit
- chain storage unit
- changer unit
- changing unit
- check unit
- chiller unit
- chip disposal unit
- clamping unit
- claw unit
- CNC machining unit
- CNC standard unit
- CNC unit
- coating application unit
- coating removal unit
- coherent unit
- column unit
- combination valve unit
- command unit
- communications central processing unit
- complementary unit
- computerized numerical control unit
- condensing unit
- cone variable-speed friction drive unit
- console unit
- constant coefficient unit
- constant delay unit
- construction unit
- control unit
- controlling unit
- conveying unit
- conveyor unit
- coolant management unit
- coolant recovery unit
- coolant unit
- cooler unit
- cooling unit
- coordinate preprogramming unit
- copying unit
- correction unit
- cover unit
- CPC handling unit
- cross tapping unit
- cross-slide unit
- cutoff unit
- cutting unit
- D unit
- damping unit
- data preparation unit
- data transmission control unit
- deep hole boring unit
- delay unit
- derived unit
- detecting unit
- detection unit
- developing unit
- digital display unit
- digital readout unit
- digital unit
- dimension readout unit
- diode array unit
- disk-type variable-speed friction drive unit
- displacement unit
- display unit
- distance-keeping unit
- double-acting unit
- double-notching unit
- double-pump and combination unit
- double-pump unit
- double-reduction gear unit
- double-reduction right-angle reduction gear unit
- double-reduction twin gear unit
- double-reduction twin unit
- double-reduction wormgear unit
- double-spindle unit
- down-hole internal deburrer unit
- dresser unit
- dressing unit
- drill unit
- drilling and milling unit
- drilling spindle unit
- drilling unit
- drilling/tapping unit
- drive unit
- drive/feed unit
- DRO unit
- dual work pallet shuttle unit
- dual-head laser beam unit
- dust-collecting unit
- dust-removing unit
- dynamic unit
- EDM unit
- electrical machining units
- electromagnetic unit
- electron-beam unit
- entry level dedicated unit
- environmental compensation unit
- exchanger unit
- fabricated unit
- facing unit
- fan coil unit
- feed box unit
- feed change unit
- feed drive cartridge unit
- feed unit
- feedback unit
- feed-in boring unit
- feed-out boring unit
- fetch-and-carry unit
- filtration unit
- fine boring unit
- flexible spindle units
- flexible tray unit
- floor unit
- focusing unit
- free-standing unit
- free-wheel unit
- free-wheeling unit
- frontal variable-speed friction drive unit
- functional unit
- fundamental unit
- gage control unit
- gage indicating unit
- gage unit
- gaging unit
- gas turbine starter auxiliary power unit
- gear unit
- gearbox unit
- gear-reversing unit
- grasping unit
- grinding spindle unit
- gripper unit
- guide unit
- handling unit
- hardware/software add-on unit
- harmonic drive unit
- head unit
- headstock-type workpiece holding unit
- hoisting unit
- horizontal power unit
- horizontal way unit
- hydraulic clamping unit
- hydraulic feed unit
- hydraulic power unit
- hydraulic testing unit
- hydraulic unit
- hydrostatic bearing unit
- ICAM manufacturing unit
- ICAM unit
- icon-driven control unit
- indexer/fourth axis unit
- indexing head unit
- indexing platen unit
- indexing table unit
- indexing unit
- in-die tapping unit
- information retrieval unit
- information unit
- input batch control unit
- input unit
- input-output unit
- in-system unit
- integral unit
- interface unit
- intermediate storage unit
- interpolating unit
- inverting unit
- keyboard unit
- knee-type unit
- lapping and superfinishing unit
- laser beam composition unit
- laser beam unit
- laser processing unit
- laser unit
- laser-calibration unit
- laser-source unit
- lead screw tap unit
- lexical unit
- lift unit
- lift-and-carry unit
- light unit
- linear ball bearing unit
- linear drive unit
- linear screw unit
- linear slide roller bearing unit
- linear unit
- live storage unit
- load/unload unit
- loading unit
- loading-and-unloading unit
- logic unit
- logical unit
- lubricating pump unit
- machine control unit
- machine tool control unit
- machine tooling unit
- machine unit
- machine-dedicated unit
- machining center unit
- machining head unit
- machining unit
- magnetic pickup unit
- magnetic tape unit
- manned flexible unit
- marking unit
- master unit
- material-handling unit
- MDI unit
- measurement unit
- measuring unit
- memory unit
- message display unit
- microdispensing unit
- microprocessor correction unit
- microprocessor NC unit
- microprocessor unit
- microprocessor-based unit
- microprocessor-type NC unit
- middle-level 3-D representation unit
- milling spindle unit
- minicomputer control unit
- miniload AS/RS unit
- mist coolant unit
- miter saw unit
- mobile unit
- mobile work storage unit
- modular cell unit
- modular loading unit
- modular unit
- motor unit
- motor-reduction unit
- multichannel analyzer unit
- multidrill unit
- multiple screw-driving unit
- multiple-power path gear unit
- multiple-reduction gear unit
- multiple-reduction unit
- multiple-spindle torque unit
- multipurpose machining unit
- multispindle boring unit
- multitap unit
- NC data creation unit
- NC unit
- nested gear unit
- notching unit
- nutating unit
- off-machine unit
- off-system unit
- oil coalescer unit
- oil-filled feed unit
- one stage gear unit
- one stage unit
- on-machine unit
- operation unit
- operational unit
- operator-friendly program unit
- orientation transfer unit
- output batch control unit
- output unit
- overhead gantry unit
- overhead spindle unit
- pack unit
- pallet change unit
- pallet exchange unit
- pallet shuttle unit
- pallet-pool unit
- parallel-shaft reduction gear unit
- PC expansion board unit
- PC-based CAD unit
- pendant control unit
- pendant pushbutton control unit
- pendant unit
- peripheral control unit
- peripheral processing unit
- photo-eye tracing unit
- pick-and-place unit
- pickup unit
- piece-holding unit
- pilot unit
- placement unit
- planetary gear unit
- planetary reduction gearing unit
- plant unit
- plasma-arc unit
- plasmarc unit
- platen unit
- PLC unit
- plugboard input unit
- plugboard unit
- plug-in unit
- pneumatic unit
- portable unit
- power feed unit
- power supply unit
- power train unit
- power unit
- power-generating unit
- power-tooling unit
- practical correction unit
- practical unit
- presetting unit
- pressurized air bearing unit
- primary storage unit
- probe unit
- processing unit
- production unit
- program unit
- programming unit
- propulsion unit
- pulling unit
- pump unit
- pumping unit
- pump-motor unit
- quill feed cam unit
- quill spindle unit
- quill unit
- raster unit
- readout unit
- reducing unit
- reduction gear unit
- reduction gearing unit
- reduction unit
- reed make contact unit
- regulating unit
- remote display unit
- replacement unit
- retriever unit
- right-angle milling unit
- right-angled milling unit
- robot power unit
- robot unit
- robot-transfer unit
- roller bearing unit
- roller unit
- roller-marking unit
- rotary unit
- rotating seal unit
- S unit
- scanning unit
- scheduling unit
- screen projection unit
- screwing unit
- sealed reed contact unit
- self-contained NC unit
- self-contained unit
- sensing unit
- sensor unit
- servo unit
- shankless boring unit
- sheet metal stamping automatic unit
- shop replaceable unit
- shuttle unit
- shuttle-and-lift unit
- side unit
- single-acting unit
- single-light unit
- single-reduction gear unit
- single-reduction unit
- sizing unit
- slant bed unit
- slave unit
- slide unit
- sliding table unit
- smallest replaceable unit
- spare unit
- speeder unit
- speed-increase unit
- speed-up spindle unit
- speed-up unit
- spindle box unit
- spindle cartridge unit
- spindle drive unit
- spindle unit
- stabilizing unit
- stand-alone unit
- standard build units
- starter auxiliary power unit
- static tooling unit
- steam generating unit
- stock feed unit
- storage unit
- stylus unit
- sub-multiple unit
- swing arm-mounted control unit
- tangent unit
- tapping unit
- teach control unit
- terminal control unit
- test unit
- testing unit
- thermal detecting unit
- tilting unit
- tolerance unit
- tool storage unit
- tool-presetting unit
- tool-spindle unit
- toroidal variable-speed friction drive unit
- track and store unit
- transfer unit
- transmission control unit
- transmission unit
- transmitter/receiver unit
- transport unit
- triple-reduction gear unit
- triple-reduction unit
- tuning unit
- turnaround unit
- turning spindle unit
- turnround unit
- turret unit
- twin gear unit
- twin saw unit
- twin-drive unit
- twin-screen unit
- unit of displacement
- unit of measure
- unit of measurement
- unit of physical quantity
- unit of product
- unit of work per unit of time
- unmanned machining unit
- vacuum unit
- variable coefficient unit
- variable delay unit
- variable preload bearing unit
- variable ratio unit
- variable speed unit
- variable-speed friction drive unit
- V-axis grinding unit
- V-belt variable-speed drive unit
- V-drive unit
- vertical way unit
- vibratory feed unit
- vise unit
- visual display unit
- vocal output unit
- VTL unit
- waveform gear reduction unit
- wheel-dressing unit
- wheel-head unit
- wing unit
- wing-base unit
- work storage unit
- work-holding headstock unit
- workshop video unit
- work-testing unit
- worm reduction unit
- writing unit
- yet-to-be-assembled unitEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > unit
10 rate
1. n1) норма; размер2) ставка, тариф; такса; расценка3) курс (валюты, ценных бумаг); цена4) скорость, темп5) процент, доля; коэффициент6) разряд, сорт7) местный налог; коммунальный налог
- accident rate
- accident frequency rate
- accounting rate
- accumulated earnings tax rate
- accumulated profits tax rate
- actuarial rate
- administered rate
- ad valorem
- advertising rate
- advertisement rate
- agreed rate
- air freight rates
- all-commodity rate
- all-in rate
- amortization rate
- annual rate
- annual average growth rate
- annual interest rate
- annualized rate of growth
- annual percentage rate
- annual production rate
- anticipated rate of expenditures
- any-quantity rate
- applicable rate
- area rate
- average rate
- average rate of return
- average annual rate
- average growth rate
- average tax rate
- average weighted rate
- backwardation rate
- baggage rate
- bank rate
- bank discount rate
- bank's repurchase rate
- base rate
- base lending rate
- basic rate
- rate rate of charge
- basing rate
- basis rate
- benchmark rate
- benchmark overnight bank lending rate
- berth rate
- bill rate
- birth rate
- blanket rate
- blended rate
- bond rate
- bonus rates
- borrowing rate
- bridge rate
- broken cross rates
- broker loan rate
- bulk cargo rate
- burden rate
- buyer's rate
- buying rate
- cable rates
- call rate
- call loan rate
- call money rate
- capacity rate
- capital gain rate
- capitalization rate
- carload rate
- carrier rate
- carrying over rate
- cash rate
- ceiling rate
- central rate
- cheque rate
- check rate
- class rate
- clearing rate
- closing rate
- collection rate
- column rate
- combination rate
- combination freight rate
- combination through rate
- combined rate
- commercial bank lending rates
- commission rate
- commitment rate
- commodity rate
- common freight rate
- compensation rate
- compound growth rate
- composite rate
- concessionary interest rate
- conference rate
- consumption rate
- container rate
- contango rate
- conventional rate
- conventional rate of interest
- conversion rate
- cost rate
- coupon rate
- credit rates
- cross rate
- cross-over discount rate
- crude rate
- curb rate
- currency rate
- current rate
- current rate of exchange
- customs rate
- cutback rate
- daily rate
- daily wage rate
- day rate
- death rate
- deck cargo rate
- default rate
- demand rate
- demurrage rate
- departmental overhead rate
- deposit rate
- deposit interest rate
- depreciation rate
- discharging rates
- discount rate
- dispatch rate
- distress rate
- dividend rate
- double exchange rate
- downtime rate
- drawdown rate
- drawing rate
- dual rate
- duty rate
- earned rate
- earning rate
- economic expansion rate
- economic growth rate
- effective rate
- effective rate of return
- effective annual rate
- effective exchange rate
- effective tax rate
- employment rate
- enrollment rate
- equalizing discount rate
- equilibrium exchange rate
- equilibrium growth rate
- estimated rate
- euro-dollar exchange rate
- evaluated wage rate
- exchange rate
- exchange rate to the dollar
- existing rates
- exorbitant rate
- exorbitant interest rate
- expansion rate
- expenditure rate
- export rate
- express rate
- extraction rate
- face interest rate
- failure rate
- fair rate of exchange
- favourable rate
- final rate
- financial internal rate of return
- fine rate
- first rate
- fixed rate
- fixed rate of exchange
- fixed rate of royalty
- fixed interest rate
- flat rate
- flexible exchange rate
- floating rate
- floating exchange rate
- floating interest rate
- floating prime rate
- floor rate of exchange
- fluctuant rate
- fluctuating rate
- forced rate of exchange
- foreign rate
- foreign exchange rate
- forward rate
- forward exchange rate
- free rate
- free exchange rate
- freight rate
- future rate
- general rates
- general rate of profit
- general cargo rates
- going rate
- going market rate
- going wage rates
- goods rate
- graduated rate
- group rate
- growth rate
- guaranteed wage rate
- handling rate
- high rate
- high rate of exchange
- high rate of productivity
- higher rate
- hiring rate
- hotel rates
- hourly rate
- hourly wage rate
- hurdle rate
- illness frequency rate
- import rate
- incidence rate
- income tariff rates
- increment rate
- individual tax rate
- inflation rate
- info rate
- inland rate
- insurance rate
- insurance premium rate
- interbank rate
- interbank overnight rate
- interest rate
- interest rate on loan capital
- internal rate of return
- job rates
- jobless rate
- key rates
- labour rates
- leading rate
- legal rate of interest
- lending rate
- less-than-carload rate
- liner rates
- liner freight rates
- loading rates
- loan rate
- loan-recovery rate
- local rate
- Lombard rate
- London Interbank Offered Rate
- London money rate
- long rate
- low rate
- lower rate
- margin rate
- marginal rate
- marginal tax rate
- marine rate
- marine transport rate
- market rate
- market rate of interest
- maximum rate
- maximum individual tax rate
- mean rate of exchange
- mean annual rate
- measured day rate
- members rate
- merchant discount rate
- minimum rate
- mixed cargo rate
- minimum lending rate
- minimum tax rate
- mobilization rate
- moderate rate
- monetary exchange rate
- money rate of interest
- money market rate
- monthly rate
- monthly rate of remuneration
- mortgage rate
- mortgage interest rate
- multiple rate
- multiple exchange rate
- municipal rates
- national rate of interest
- natural rate of growth
- natural rate of interest
- negative interest rate
- net rate
- New York interbank offered rate
- nominal interest rate
- nonconference rate
- nonresponse rate
- obsolescence rate
- occupational mortality rate
- offered rate
- official rate
- official rate of discount
- official exchange rate
- one-time rate
- opening rate
- open-market rates
- operating rate
- operation rate
- option rate
- ordinary rate
- output rate
- outstripping growth rate
- overdraft rate
- overhead rate
- overnight rate
- overtime rate
- paper rate
- parallel rate
- parcel rate
- par exchange rate
- parity rate
- par price rate
- part-load rate
- passenger rate
- pay rates
- pegged rate
- pegged exchange rate
- penalty rate
- penalty interest rate
- percentage rate of tax
- per diem rates
- personal income tax rate
- piece rate
- piecework rate
- port rates
- postal rate
- posted rate
- power rate
- preferential rate
- preferential railroad rate
- preferential railway rate
- present rate
- prevailing rate
- prime rate
- priority rates
- private rate of discount
- private market rates
- production rate
- profit rate
- profitability rate
- profitable exchange rate
- progressive rate
- proportional rate
- provisional rate
- purchase rates
- purchasing rate of exchange
- quasi-market rate
- rail rates
- railroad rates
- railway rates
- real economic growth rate
- real effective exchange rate
- real exchange rate
- real interest rate
- reciprocal rate
- redemption rate
- rediscount rate
- reduced rate
- reduced tax rate
- reduced withholding tax rate
- reference rate
- refinancing rate
- reject frequency rate
- remuneration rate
- renewal rate
- rental rate
- repo rate
- response rate
- retention rate
- retirement rate of discount
- royalty rate
- ruling rate
- sampling rate
- saving rate
- scrap frequency rate
- seasonal rates
- second rate
- sellers' rate
- selling rate
- settlement rate
- shipping rate
- short rate
- short-term interest rate
- sight rate
- single consignment rate
- soft lending rate
- space rate
- special rate
- specified rate
- spot rate
- stable exchange rate
- standard rate
- standard fixed overhead rates
- standard variable overhead rates
- standard wage rate
- statutory tax rate
- steady exchange rate
- step-down interest rate
- stevedoring rates
- stock depletion rate
- straight-line rate
- subsidized rate
- survival rate
- swap rate
- tariff rate
- tax rate
- taxation rate
- tax withholding rate
- telegraphic transfer rate
- temporary rate
- third rate
- through rate
- through freight rate
- time rate
- time wage rate
- today's rate
- top rate
- total rate
- trading rate
- traffic rate
- tramp freight rate
- transit rate
- transportation rate
- treasury bill rate
- turnover rate
- two-tier rate of exchange
- unacceptable rate
- unemployment rate
- uniform rates
- uniform business rate
- unofficial rate
- unprecedented rate
- utilization rate
- variable rate
- variable interest rate
- variable repo rate
- volume rate
- wage rate
- wage rate per hour
- wastage rate
- wear rate
- wear-out rate
- wholesale rate
- worker's rate
- year-end exchange rate
- zero interest rate
- zone rate
- rate for advances against collateral
- rate for advances on securities
- rate for cable transfers
- rate for a cheque
- rates for credits
- rates for currency allocations
- rate for loans
- rate for loans on collateral
- rate for mail transfers
- rate for telegraphic transfers
- rate in the outside market
- rate of accumulation
- rates of allocation into the fund
- rate of allowance
- rate of assessment
- rate of balanced growth
- rates of cargo operations
- rate of change
- rate of charge
- rate of commission
- rate of compensation
- rate of competitiveness
- rate of conversion
- rate of corporate taxation
- rate of cover
- rate of currency
- rates of currency allocation
- rate of the day
- rate of demurrage
- rate of dependency
- rate of depletion
- rate of deposit turnover
- rate of depreciation
- rate of development
- rate of discharge
- rate of discharging
- rate of discount
- rate of dispatch
- rate of duty
- rate of exchange
- rate of expenditures
- rate of expenses
- rate of foreign exchange
- rate of freight
- rate of full value
- rate of growth
- rate of increase
- rate of increment
- rate of inflation
- rate of input
- rate of insurance
- rate of interest
- rate of interest on advance
- rate of interest on deposits
- rate of investment
- rate of issue
- rates of loading
- rates of loading and discharging
- rate of natural increase
- rates of natural loss
- rate of option
- rate of pay
- rate of premium
- rate of price inflation
- rates of a price-list
- rate of production
- rate of profit
- rate of profitability
- rate of reduction
- rate of remuneration
- rate of return
- rate of return on capital
- rate of return on the capital employed
- rate of return on net worth
- rate of royalty
- rate of securities
- rate of stevedoring operations
- rates of storage
- rate of subscription
- rate of surplus value
- rate of taxation
- rate of turnover
- rate of unloading
- rate of use
- rate of wages
- rate of work
- rates on credit
- rate on the day of payment
- rate on the exchange
- rate per hour
- rate per kilometre
- at the rate of
- at the exchange rate ruling at the transaction date
- at a growing rate
- at a high rate
- at a low rate
- at present rates
- below the rate
- accelerate the rate
- advance the rate of discount
- align tax rates
- apply tariff rates
- boost interest rates
- boost long-term interest rates
- boost short-term interest rates
- charge an interest rate
- cut rates
- cut interest rates by a quarter point
- determine a rate
- establish a rate
- fix a rate
- grant special rates
- increase rates
- maintain high interest rates
- levy rates
- liberalize interest rates
- liberalize lending rates
- lower the rate of return
- mark down the rate of discount
- mark up the rate of discount
- prescribe rates
- quote a rate
- raise a rate
- reduce a rate
- reduce turnover rates of staff
- revise rates
- set rates
- slash interest rates
- step up the rate of growth
- suspend a currency's fixed rate
- upvalue the current rate of banknotes
- slow down the rate2. v1) оценивать, определять стоимость, устанавливать цену
- rate local and offshore funds -
11 rate
12 rail
1) рельс2) лежень, лага4) рейка; схватка5) перила, перильное ограждение, поручень6) оконная, дверная перемычка, горизонтальный брусок обвязки, оконного переплёта8) обносить перилами, оградой•- belt rail - block rail - bottom rail - breast rail - broad-footed rail - broken rail - check rail - cladding rail - cogged rail - connection rail - continuous welded rail - contact rail - counter rail - crane rail - cross rail - dado rail - door rail - double-headed rail - earthed rail - facing rail - floating rail - gantry rail - girder rail - girth rail - guard rail - guide rail - hand rail - hanging rail - high rail - inner rail - insulated rail - junction rail - live rail - low rail - meeting rail - non-floating rail - plate rail - point rail - safety rail - screed rail - sheeting rail - sight rail - sill rail - single rail - stock rail - strut rail - switch rail - tee rail - top rail - track rail - tram rail - window rail - wooden guard rail* * *1. рельс2. поручень3. лежень; лага; опорный брус4. оконная или дверная перемычка5. брусок; раскладка6. направляющая- arris rail
- balcony rail
- belt rail
- bottom rail
- breast rail
- bull-headed rail
- check rail
- closure rail
- conductor rail
- contact rail
- continuous welded rail
- conveyor rail
- crane rails
- current-collecting rail
- door rail
- elevator guide rails
- gantry rails
- guard rail
- guide rail
- hand rail
- heated towel rail
- high rail
- inner rail
- junction rail
- knuckle rail
- lead rail
- live rail
- lock rail
- meeting rail
- one-piece guard rail
- outer rail of a curve
- pedestrian guard rail
- point rail
- screed rail
- sheeting rail
- side rail
- sight rail
- single rail
- switch-point guard rail
- third rail
- top rail
- vertical meeting rail
- wing rail -
13 line
линия; прямая; черта; штрих; кривая (на диаграмме); мера длины (0,1 дюйма); граница; предел; контур; график; конвейер; магистраль; труба; трубопровод; линия связи; линия транспорта; отрасль (промышленности); футеровка; внутренняя облицовка; шнур; верёвка; канат; трос; II устанавливать точно; устанавливать в одну линию; устанавливать (два вала) соосно; проводить линию; тянуть(ся) (вдоль чего-л.); прокладывать (линию, трубопровод); обкладывать; облицовывать; II линейный- line haul - line maintenance - line of action - line of centres - line of contact - line of deflection - line of engagement - line of force - line of intersection - line of pressure - line of screw - line of slide - line of traffic - line of weakness - line reaming - line shaft - line speed - line the brasses - line up - abutment line - button line - catenary line - contact line - continuous line of shafting - dotted line - double line - drilling line- gas line- generating line - high-speed line- in line- lead line - load line - oil line - parallel line - parting line - pipe line - pitch line - plumb line - pressure line - priming line - pull line - rudder line - secant line - shaft line - side line - slip line - solid line - spiral line - steam line - stock line - straight line - suction line - supply line - swing line - thrust line - tie line - top line - tow line - towing line - transmission line - transversal line - vortex line - watershed line - whirl line - working line - zero line -
14 even
1. n поэт. арх. вечер; склон дня2. n чётное число3. n целое число4. a ровный, гладкийto make even — подравнивать, выравнивать ; сглаживать
5. a ровный, равномерный6. a равный, одинаковый; такой же, тот же7. a на одном уровне, вровень8. a параллельный9. a уравновешенный10. a расквитавшийся, рассчитавшийсяto be even — свести счёты, расквитаться
11. a справедливый, честный12. a чётный13. a целый14. a точный15. a полигр. весьeven caps — слово, набранное прописными буквами
16. adv дажеeven if — даже если, хотя бы и
even though — хотя бы, даром что
he went even though we wanted him — он уехал, хотя он нам и был нужен
they agreed even though I warned them — они согласились, даром что я их предупреждал
17. adv ещё18. adv усил. как разeven as he spoke, it began to rain — как раз когда он говорил, пошёл дождь
they have the knack of looking tacky even when they are wealthy — эти люди умудряются выглядеть как оборванцы, даже когда у них есть средства
19. adv поэт. точно, именноthis is even so — это именно так; это совершенно верно
20. adv полигр. в подборto begin even — начинать в подбор; набирать без абзаца
21. v выравнивать, сглаживать, делать ровным, гладким22. v выравниваться23. v преим. амер. шотл. равнять, приравнивать, ставить на одну доску; делать или считать равнымиto even Homer and Dante — приравнивать Гомера к Данте, считать Гомера и Данте равными
even money — выигрыш, равный ставке
24. v эк. уравнять; нивелировать25. v амер. отплатить, отомститьСинонимический ряд:1. calm (adj.) calm; collected; composed; cool; cool-headed; detached; even-tempered; imperturbable; nonchalant; peaceful; placid; temperate; tranquil; unruffled2. equitable (adj.) balanced; equal; equitable; even-up; fair; fifty-fifty; impartial; just3. indeed (adj.) indeed; truly; verily4. same (adj.) equivalent; identical; same; tantamount5. smooth (adj.) flat; flush; lay; level; parallel; planate; plane; smooth; straight; surfaced6. square (adj.) exact; quit; square7. still (adj.) still; yet8. uniform (adj.) conforming; constant; equable; homogeneous; in equilibrium; regular; stabile; stable; standard; steady; unbroken; unchanging; unfluctuating; uniform; unvarying9. equalize (verb) balance; equal; equalise; equalize; equate; equilibrate; even up; square10. flatten (verb) flatten; flush; grade; lay; level; plane; roll; smooth; smoothen11. already (other) already12. also (other) also; likewise; moreover; plus13. as well (other) as well; exactly; expressly; just; precisely14. indeed (other) completely; fully; in truth; indeed; nay; quite; still; truly; verily; yea; yet15. so much as (other) so much asАнтонимический ряд:agitated; biased; broken; disparate; inequitable; intemperate; irregular; jagged; prejudiced; rough; rugged; troubled; unequal; uneven -
15 plain
1. n равнина2. n обыкн. амер. австрал. безлесные равнины; прерииwindy plain — равнина, открытая ветрам
3. n поэт. поле брани4. n ист. «болото»5. n прямая петляin plain English — прямо, ясно, без обиняков
6. a ясный; отчётливый7. a явный, очевидный8. a полный, совершенный, абсолютный9. a простой, понятныйtell her what you want in plain words — объясните ей членораздельно, что вы хотите
10. a незашифрованный11. a простой, незамысловатый, обыкновенныйplain unvarnished tale — бесхитростный рассказ; рассказ без всяких прикрас
12. a чистый, несмешанный, без добавокplain cover — «немая» обложка, обложка без титульных данных
13. a обычный14. a одноцветный, без узора или рисунка15. a простой, незнатныйplain sailing — лёгкий, простой путь
16. a прямой, откровенный17. a невзрачный, некрасивый18. a гладкий, ровный19. adv ясно, разборчиво, отчётливо20. adv откровенноothers spoke plainer than he — другие говорили более откровенно, чем он
21. adv просто, совершенно, абсолютно22. v арх. жаловаться, плакаться, сетоватьСинонимический ряд:1. clear (adj.) apparent; clear; clear-cut; conspicuous; crystal-clear; distinct; evident; intelligible; lucid; manifest; noticeable; obvious; open-and-shut; openhanded; palpable; patent; unequivocal; univocal; unmistakable; unsubtle; visible2. common (adj.) average; common; commonplace; garden-variety; run-of-the-mill; stock; unexceptional3. direct (adj.) direct; downright; sheer; transparent4. discreet (adj.) bald; bare; discreet; dry; frugal; homey; inelaborate; modest; simple; unadorned; unambiguous; unbeautified; undecorated; understandable; unelaborate; unembellished; unembroidered; ungarnished; unornamented; unpretentious5. frank (adj.) forthright; frank; man-to-man; openhearted; plainspoken; single; single-eyed; single-hearted; single-minded; straight-shooting; unconcealed; undisguised; undissembled; undissembling; unmannered; unreserved; unvarnished6. homely (adj.) homely; ugly; unalluring; unattractive; unbeauteous; unbeautiful; uncomely; unhandsome; unlovely; unpretty7. honest (adj.) artless; blunt; candid; guileless; honest; ingenuous; open; straightforward8. level (adj.) even; flat; level; plane; smooth9. ordinary (adj.) everyday; ordinary; plain Jane; quotidian; routine; unostentatious; unremarkable; usual; workaday10. straight (adj.) absolute; full-strength; neat; perfect; pure; straight; unadulterated; unblended; undiluted; unmixed11. prairie (noun) expanse; flat; level; mesa; plateau; prairie; tablelandАнтонимический ряд:affected; ambiguous; artful; attractive; beautiful; broken; cloudy; complex; complicated; concealed; confused; cryptic; cunning; lavish; mountain; obscure; tainted; unusual; vague -
16 position
1. n положение, местонахождение, расположение; местоcharted position — место, нанесённое на карту
2. n обычное, правильное место, положениеin position — на своём месте; в правильном месте
3. n воен. позиция, расположение; рубежfallback position — позиция, подготовленная для отступления
unmaintainable position — позиция, которую нельзя удержать
4. n положение, поза5. n должность, местоvacant position — незанятая должность; вакансия
6. n тк. общественное положение7. n положение, состояние8. n возможность; способность9. n позиция, точка зрения; отношение10. n филос. полагание11. n муз. позиция, положение левой руки на грифе12. n муз. положение, расположение13. n муз. фон. положение, позиция14. n амер. бирж. разг. позиция, срочный контракт; сделка на срокbull position — позиция спекулянтов, играющих на повышение
bear position — позиция спекулянтов, играющих на понижение
15. n амер. бирж. разг. остаток, сальдоdollar position — сальдо по расчётам в долларах, остаток на долларовых счетах
16. n амер. бирж. разг. запас; наличие материаловположение, позиция; поза; стойка
position of attention — положение «смирно»
down position — положение «на полу»
standing position — положение «стоя»
17. n амер. бирж. разг. спорт. место, занятое в соревновании18. v редк. ставить, помещать19. v редк. определять местонахождение; локализировать20. v редк. спорт. занимать место; выбирать позицию21. v редк. выпускать или рекламировать товар, предназначенный для определённой категории покупателейСинонимический ряд:1. arrangement (noun) arrangement; array; disposition; placement2. assertion (noun) assertion; contention; dictum; doctrine; predication; principle; proposition; thesis3. circumstances (noun) circumstances; predicament4. location (noun) bearing; capacity; employment; locale; locality; location; locus; orientation; point; site; situation; where5. place (noun) appointment; berth; billet; connection; job; office; place; post; slot; spot6. pose (noun) attitude; color; colour; condition; deportment; mien; outlook; pose; posture; stance; stand7. status (noun) cachet; character; consequence; dignity; footing; prestige; prominence; quality; rank; standing; state; station; stature; status8. view (noun) attitude; belief; conviction; idea; notion; opinion; persuasion; sentiment; view9. place (verb) arrange; discover; fix; install; locate; place; put; set; settle; site; situate -
17 record
1. n запись, записывание; письменное упоминание, письменный следI can find no record of it — это нигде не записано, это нигде не упоминается
type record — тип "запись"
2. n регистрация, учётrecord clerk, record keeper — регистратор, делопроизводитель
record department, record room — регистратура
3. n документация; учётно-отчётные документы; отчётные материалы; данныеfield records — данные полевого журнала, полевые данные
4. n протокол; стенограмма; официальный документon record — занесённый в протокол, запротоколированный, зарегистрированный
5. n юр. материалы судебного дела, письменное производство по делу6. n архив7. n факты, данные; характеристика, репутацияto have a good record — иметь хорошую репутацию; прожить жизнь честно
he has a police record — он известен полиции, у него есть приводы
contract of record — договор, облечённый в публичный акт
8. n достижения; результаты деятельности9. n спорт. рекорд10. n звукозапись; запись; фонограмма; фотограмма; кинограммаsound record — фонограмма, звуковая дорожка
photographic record — фотозапись, фоторегистрация
11. n диаграмма12. n граммофонная пластинка13. n амер. перфорированный нотный ролик14. n памятник15. n преим. юр. суть дела16. n юр. библ. свидетельское показание; свидетельto bear record to — свидетельствовать, удостоверять истинность
to call to record — призывать в свидетели; ссылаться на
God is my record that … — видит бог, что я память
to pass from record — исчезнуть из памяти; пройти, не оставив следа
I want to place on record that … — надо констатировать, что …
off the record — не для печати; конфиденциальный, не подлежащий оглашению ; неофициальный
this is strictly off the record — пусть это останется между нами; это строго конфиденциально
17. a рекордный; небывалый, неслыханныйСинонимический ряд:1. document (noun) account; annals; archive; chronicle; document; history; journal; legend; manuscript; monument; register; report2. register (verb) catalog; catalogue; chronicle; enter; inscribe; insert; log; matriculate; post; register; set down; tabulate; transcribe3. show (verb) indicate; mark; read; say; showАнтонимический ряд: -
18 threadbare
1. a потёртый, изношенный, потрёпанный2. a старый, избитый, приевшийся, не новый3. a редк. плохо одетый; в поношенной одежде; оборванныйthreadbare beggar — оборванец, нищий в лохмотьях
Синонимический ряд:1. meager (adj.) inadequate; insubstantial; meager; meagre; negligible; scanty; skimpy; slight; slim; unfulfilling2. shabby (adj.) bald; bedraggled; broken-down; decaying; decrepit; dilapidated; dingy; disreputable; down-at-heel; faded; frayed; mangy; moth-eaten; ragged; run-down; scrubby; scruffy; seedy; shabby; shoddy; sleazy; slipshod; squalid; tacky; tagrag; tattered; worn; worn out3. trite (adj.) banal; bathetic; bromidic; chain; cliche; cliched; clichй; commonplace; corny; hack; hackneyed; musty; old hat; platitudinous; shopworn; shop-worn; stale; stereotyped; stereotypic; stereotypical; stock; timeworn; tired; trite; twice-told; warmed-over; well-worn; worn-outАнтонимический ряд:new; novel -
19 work
1. n работа, труд; дело; деятельностьwork clothes — рабочая одежда; спецодежда
to do no work — ничего не делать; не трудиться
to set to work — приняться за дело, начать работать
I have work to do — я занят, мне некогда
2. n место работы; занятие; должностьfield work — полевая съёмка, работа в поле; разведка, съёмка
3. n вид деятельности4. n результат труда; изделие, продуктdonkey work — ишачий труд, большая и неблагодарная работа
shop work — механизированный труд; работа с механизмами
5. n произведение, творение, создание; труд, сочинение6. n действие, поступокdirty work — грязное дело; низкий поступок
7. n дела, деяния8. n результат воздействия, усилийthe broken window must be the work of the boys — разбитое окно — это дело рук мальчишек
9. n рукоделие; шитьё; вышивание; вязание10. n обработка11. n предмет обработки; обрабатываемая заготовка; обрабатываемая деталь12. n диал. больпена при брожении; брожение
13. n сл. краплёная кость14. v работать, трудитьсяdouble-shift work — работа в две смены, двухсменная работа
15. v работать по найму; служить16. v заставлять работатьcompany work — работа, которой можно заниматься в компании
arrears of work — недоделанная работа; отставание в работе
17. v действовать, работать; быть в исправности18. v приводить в движение или в действие19. v двигаться, быть в движении; шевелитьсяto be absent from work — не быть на работе; прогулять
20. v действовать, оказывать воздействиеwork on — воздействовать, оказывать влияние; убеждать
21. v обрабатывать; разрабатыватьwork iron — ковать железо; обрабатывать железо
22. v поддаваться обработке, воздействию23. v отрабатывать, платить трудомmental work — умственная работа, умственный труд
24. v разг. использовать25. v добиваться обманным путём; вымогать, выманиватьwork out — высчитать, вычислить, определить путём вычисления
26. v устраивать27. v заниматься рукоделием; шить; вышивать; вязатьСинонимический ряд:1. accomplishment (noun) accomplishment; achievement; deed; feat; fruit; performance; product2. bullwork (noun) bullwork; chore; donkeywork; drudge; drudgery; exertion; grind; labor; labour; moil; plugging; slavery; slogging; sweat; toil; travail3. businesses (noun) businesses; callings; employments; jobs; lines; occupations; pursuits4. enterprise (noun) enterprise; project; responsibility; task; undertaking5. piece (noun) composition; piece; production6. profession (noun) business; calling; employment; industry; job; line; metier; occupation; profession; pursuit; trade; vocation7. volume (noun) opus; publication; title; volume8. workmanship (noun) craftsmanship; workmanship9. accomplish (verb) accomplish; achieve; bring about; cause; do; effect; produce10. act (verb) act; behave; perform; react; take11. drive (verb) drive; drudge; fag; force; labor; labour; moil; push; slave; strain; strive; sweat; task; tax; toil; travail; tug12. form (verb) execute; fashion; finish; form; make13. influence (verb) influence; move; persuade14. operate (verb) control; function; go; handle; knead; manage; manipulate; operate; run; use15. solve (verb) fix; resolve; solve; work out16. tend (verb) cultivate; culture; dress; plow; tend; tillАнтонимический ряд:effortlessness; frustration; idle; idleness; indolence; inertia; leisure; miscarriage; recreation; rest; unemployment -
20 file
1. подшивка, комплект; подшивать газеты2. шкаф3. скоросшиватель, регистраторfile clerk — канцелярский служащий; делопроизводитель; регистратор
4. подшитые бумаги; подшиватьspindle file — наколка, штырь или игла для накалывания бумаг
5. файл; вводить в файлpif file — файл — описатель программы
6. картотекаmaster file — главный файл; главная картотека; главный архив
card file — файл на перфокартах; карточный файл; картотека
7. файл на картах; карточный файлjob file — файл заказа, файл задания
file mark — метка файла; маркер файла
8. картотека заказанной литературыmodus operandi file — картотека преступных «почерков»
file drawer — картотечный ящик; ящик с картотекой
9. файл команд
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
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