1 brittle strength
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > brittle strength
2 brittle strength
предел прочности при хрупком разрушенииБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > brittle strength
3 brittle strength
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > brittle strength
4 brittle strength
1) Техника: предел прочности при хрупком разрушении2) Силикатное производство: прочность хрупкого материала3) Полимеры: разрушающее напряжение при хрупком разрушении4) Химическое оружие: прочность хрупкая5) Строительные материалы: хрупкая прочность -
5 brittle strength
6 brittle strength
предел прочности при хрупком разрушении, предел прочности хрупкого материала, хрупкая прочность -
7 brittle strength
8 brittle strength
9 brittle strength
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > brittle strength
10 strength
1) сила; интенсивность2) прочность; предел прочности, временное сопротивление ( материала)3) напряжённость ( поля)4) крепость, концентрация ( раствора)5) численность, количество•-
abrasion coke strength
absorption strength
acid strength
adhesion strength
adhesive fracture strength
aged strength
air-dry strength
alcohol strength
annealed strength
aroma strength
baked strength
baking strength
base strength
beam strength
bearing strength
bending strength
bonding strength
bond strength
breakdown strength
breaking strength
brine strength
brittle strength
buckling strength
bulk strength
bursting strength
burst strength
caking strength
carcass strength
cartridge strength
Charpy impact strength
cleavage strength
coating strength
cohesive fracture strength
cohesive strength
cold-work strength
collecting strength
color strength
combined strength
compression strength
compression yield strength
conventional yield strength
corrosion fatigue strength
crack strength
creep rupture strength
creep strength
cross direction strength
cross strength
crushing strength
cube crushing strength
cured tensile strength
current strength
dielectric strength
disruptive electric strength
dry bond strength
dry strength
dye strength
dynamic strength
electric field strength
electric strength
endurance strength
field strength
film strength
flavor strength
flexural strength
flow strength
fluorescence strength
folding strength
fore-and-aft strength
full strength
gel strength
green bond strength
green strength
high-temperature strength
image strength
impact fatigue strength
impact puncture strength
impact strength
impulse strength
ink strength
insulating strength
interference field strength
interlaminar strength
knot strength
liquor strength
longitudinal strength
long-term strength
loop strength
magnetic field strength
magnetic pole strength
mask strength
mechanical strength
notch impact strength
offset yield strength
opening strength
overall strength
paper wet strength
pavement strength
peel strength
picking strength
plastic strength
plybond strength
proof strength
pull strength
puncture strength
radio field strength
raw-tensile strength
repeated flexural strength
repeated impact bending strength
retained strength
rubber-to-cord-bond strength
rupture strength
sand strength
setting strength
shearing strength
shear strength
shear-through-thickness strength
shock strength
short-time strength
signal strength
sliding strength
solution strength
solvent strength
source strength
specific dielectric strength
static strength
strength of coupling
strength of insulation
strength of pole
strength of radiation
strength of shade
stripping strength
structural strength
surface strength
tearing strength
tensile splitting strength
tensile strength
tensile yield strength
thermal short-circuit strength
thread strength
tinctorial strength
torsional strength
transverse strength
twisting strength
U strength
ultimate strength
vibration strength
wave strength
weight strength
weld strength
wet bursting strength
wet strength
wind strength
working strength
yield strength -
11 brittle
12 brittle rupture
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > brittle rupture
13 brittle fracture strength
Электрохимия: сопротивление хрупкому разрушениюУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > brittle fracture strength
14 brittle fracture strength
English-russian dictionary of physics > brittle fracture strength
15 breaking strength
1. прочность на разрыв2. сопротивление разрушению3. разрывное усилиеEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > breaking strength
16 characteristic
2. параметрcharacteristic of metal — характеристика металла
ablation characteristics — абляционные характеристики, характеристики уноса массы
aging characteristics — характеристики старения
anticorrosion characteristics — антикоррозионные свойства, коррозионная стойкость
antifriction characteristics — антифрикционные характеристики
antisticking characteristic — характеристика уменьшения липкости ( смазки)
binder characteristics — характеристики связующего [связки]
bonding characteristics — 1) характеристики соединения 2) характеристики сцепления
brittle-failure characteristic — характеристика хрупкого разрушения
brittle-fracture characteristic — характеристика хрупкого излома
compatibility characteristics — характеристики совместимости ( материалов)
corrosion protection characteristics — характеристики защиты от коррозии
corrosive characteristics — коррозионные свойства
crack propagation characteristic — характеристика распространения трещин
creep characteristics — характеристики ползучести
curing characteristics — 1) характеристики отверждения 2) характеристики вулканизации
deflagration characteristics — дефлаграционные характеристики
elastic characteristic — упругие свойства
electrical insulation characteristics — электроизоляционные характеристики
electrophysical characteristics — электрофизические характеристики
fabricating characteristics — 1) технологические характеристики 2) технологические параметры
fatigue characteristics — усталостные характеристики
fiber-forming characteristic — характеристика формообразования волокна
characteristic flammability characteristic — характеристика горючести, горючесть
fluorescent characteristic — люминесцентная характеристика
hardening characteristic — характеристики закаливаемости, прокаливаемость
heat-transfer characteristics — характеристики теплопередачи
high-temperature characteristics — высокотемпературные характеристики
insulation characteristics — теплоизоляционные свойства
low-cycle fatigue characteristics — малоцикловые усталостные характеристики
LOX-compatibility characteristics — характеристики совместимости ( материала) с жидким кислородом
manufacturing characteristic — характеристики изготовления, технологические характеристики
material characteristics — характеристики материала
mechanical characteristics — механические характеристики [свойства]
microstructural characteristics — микроструктурные характеристики
oxidation characteristic — характеристики окисления
physical characteristics — 1) физические свойства 2) механические свойства
physicochemical characteristics — физико-химические характеристики
plastic relaxation characteristics — характеристики пластической релаксации
processing characteristics — технологические характеристики
propellant processing characteristics — технологические характеристики ракетного топлива
radiation characteristic — характеристика излучения
recrystallization characteristics — рекристаллизационные характеристики
relaxation characteristics — релаксационные характеристики
response characteristic — характеристика чувствительности
rheological characteristics — реологические характеристики
rubbery characteristics — характеристики каучука
sealing characteristics — уплотняющие [герметизирующие] характеристики
self-lubricating characteristics — самосмазывающие свойства
shielding characteristic — экранирующие [защитные] характеристики
storage characteristics — характеристики при хранении
strain-hardening characteristic — характеристика деформационного упрочнения
strength characteristics — прочностные характеристики
strength-density characteristic — характеристика удельной прочности
stress-rupture characteristic — характеристики длительной прочности
stress-strain characteristics — характеристики зависимости деформации от напряжения, диаграмма напряжений
structural characteristics — 1) структурные характеристики 2) прочностные характеристики
temperature characteristic — температурная характеристика
thermal characteristic — термическая [тепловая] характеристика
thermal radiation characteristic — характеристика теплового излучения
viscoelastic characteristic — вязкоупругие характеристики
viscosity characteristics — характеристики вязкости
wear characteristics — характеристики износа [износостойкости]
welding characteristics — сварочные свойства, свариваемость
work-hardening characteristic — характеристика деформационного упрочнения
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and space materials > characteristic
17 material
материал; вещество || материальный; вещественныйmaterial being cut — материал, обрабатываемый резанием; разрезаемый материал
material being fed — подаваемый материал, продвигаемый материал
material being machined — материал, обрабатываемый на станке, материал, обрабатываемый на металлорежущем станке
- abrasive materialmaterial to be routed — материал, обрабатываемый на быстроходном фасонно-фрезерном станке
- absorbing material
- absorption material
- acidproof material
- acid-resisting material
- activated material
- active material
- add material
- adding material
- adhering molding material
- alloy materials
- alloying material
- alternate material
- antifriction material
- antislip material
- architectural material
- as-received material
- audiovisual material
- auxiliary material
- backing material
- bad material
- balled material
- base material
- basic material
- bead material
- bearing material
- best quality materials
- binder material
- binding material
- bonding material
- brazing material
- brittle material
- building material
- bulk material
- burden material
- carbide material
- carbon electric material
- carbon electrical material
- carbonaceous reducing material
- carburizing material
- casthouse materials
- categorized material
- ceramic material
- certified reference material
- charge material
- charging material
- clad material
- cleansing material
- coating material
- coiled material
- cold-charged material
- cold-worked material
- combustible material
- commercial material
- composite material
- composite metallic material
- composition material
- compound material
- conducting material
- contact conductor material
- container material
- controlled-porosity material
- core material
- corrosion-resisting material
- creep strained material
- critical material
- crucible material
- cushioning material
- cutting material
- cutting-tool material
- cycled material
- damping material
- deep-coat material
- defective material
- defense material
- depleated material
- diamagnetic material
- difficult-to-cut material
- difficult-to-machine material
- dispersion-hardened material
- dispersion-strengthened material
- dissimilar materials
- dissipative material
- document material
- dolomite-based material
- ductile material
- easy-to-cut material
- elastomeric material
- electric contact material
- electrical engineering material
- electrically active polymeric material
- electrically insulating material
- electrode material
- electrotechnical material
- elongated material
- emitting material
- engineering materials
- enriched material
- environmentally resilient material
- epoxy matrix material
- excessive uncut material
- extraneous material
- extreme pressure material
- facing material
- feed material
- ferrimagnetic material
- ferroelectric material
- ferromagnetic material
- ferrous materials
- fettling material
- fiber material
- fiber-reinforced material
- fiber-strengthened material
- fibrous composite material
- fibrous material
- filling material
- fine material
- flexible-heavy material
- fluid-extruded material
- fluorescent material
- fluxing material
- foreign material
- free-cutting material
- free-machining material
- friction material
- fuel material
- fully dense material
- fully fired material
- fully flattened material
- grain material
- granular material
- grinding material
- half-finished material
- hard material
- hard-magnetic material
- hard-to-cut material
- hard-to-machine material
- hard-to-punch material
- heat-absorbing material
- heat-conductive material
- heat-insulating material
- heat-resistant material
- heat-sensitive material
- heat-transfer material
- heavily alloyed material
- heavy material
- heavy-duty material
- heavy-gravity material
- high-coercivity material
- high-conductivity material
- high-force material
- high-friction material
- high-melting-point material
- high-resistivity material
- high-strength material
- high-technology materials
- high-temperature-resistant material
- high-tempering temperature material
- high-tensile strength material
- honest material
- host material
- hot-finished material
- hyperconductor material
- ideally plastic material
- imperfect material
- incombustible material
- incoming materials
- incompressible material
- inert material
- inflammable material
- ingoing material
- in-process material
- instructional material
- insulating material
- insulation material
- intermediate material
- iron-bearing material
- isotropic material
- jointing material
- lagging material
- laser material
- light material
- light-duty material
- light-stiff material
- limy material
- lining material
- loading material
- loose material
- low-ash reducing material
- low-coercivity material
- low-density material
- low-expansion material
- low-grade material
- low-strength material
- low-temperature material
- low-tensile strength material
- luminescent material
- lump material
- magnetic material
- magnetostrictive material
- material of construction
- material of high-absorbing power
- material of high-electric conductivity
- material of low-absorbing power
- material of low-machinability rating
- matrix material
- medium-strength material
- mix material
- moderator material
- mold material
- molding material
- multilayer bearing material
- multilayer conductor material
- multilayer material
- multimedia materials
- natural material
- no-coolant material
- noise-attenuating material
- nonabsorbent material
- noncombustible material
- nonconducting material
- noncrystalline material
- nonferromagnetic material
- nonferrous materials
- nonmagnetic material
- nonproduction material
- off-gage material
- oil-attracting material
- original material
- oversized material
- oxidizing material
- packing material
- paint material
- paramagnetic material
- parent material
- particulate material
- perfect material
- phase change material
- photoelectric material
- piezoelectric material
- plastic material
- plus material
- PM material
- polycrystalline material
- polymeric material
- poor heat conducting material
- poor machinability material
- pore-forming material
- positive active material
- powder material
- powder metallurgical material
- powdered material
- powdered refractory material
- preformed material
- prehardened material
- prepared burden materials
- prestrained material
- problem material
- radioactive material
- random material
- raw material
- recycled material
- reducing material
- reference material
- refractory backing material
- refractory conductor material
- refractory material
- refused material
- reinforced material
- rejected material
- remove material
- resistive material
- return material
- rework material
- roll-compacted powder material
- rolled sheet material
- rolling material
- rust-inhibiting material
- saleable material
- sandwiched material
- sandwich-type material
- scattering material
- scrap material
- sealant material
- sealing material
- secondary raw materials
- section material
- semiconducting material
- semiconductive material
- semifinished material
- semimanufactured material
- sheet material
- sheet-like material
- shell-mold material
- shield material
- shielding material
- shipbuilding material
- short-chipping material
- siliceous material
- siliceous refractory material
- sintered bearing material
- sintered material
- sintered metal-powder material
- slag-forming material
- slagging material
- soft material
- soft-magnetic material
- solid material
- sorted secondary raw materials
- sound-absorbing material
- sound-deadening material
- spent material
- spongy material
- sprayed material
- square-loop material
- standard cubic material
- standard material
- starting material
- stock material
- stopping material
- strain-hardened material
- strain-rate-resistive material
- strong material
- structural material
- stuffing material
- substrate material
- superconducting material
- superconductor material
- support material
- surface-active material
- suspended material
- tar-dolomite material
- target material
- tar-stabilized dolomite material
- test material
- test piece material
- textured material
- thermal insulating material
- thermally insulating material
- thermal-resistant material
- thermoplastic material
- thermosetting material
- titanium-base material
- tooling material
- tough material
- tough-to-machine material
- tracer material
- undersize material
- unprotected material
- unsized burden material
- vibration-deadening material
- virgin material
- viscoelastic material
- vitrified material
- waste material
- wearable material
- web material
- weighing material
- weld material
- welding wire material
- work material
- work-hardening material
- worthless material
- xerographic materialsEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > material
18 steel
сталь || стальной- abrasion-resistant steel
- acid Bessemer steel
- acid electric steel
- acid open-hearth steel
- acid steel
- acid-resisting steel
- age-hardenable steel
- ageing steel
- aircraft structural steel
- air-hardened steel
- air-hardening steel
- air-melted steel
- alkaliproof steel
- alkali-resistant steel
- alloy steel
- alloy tool steel
- alloyed steel
- alphatized steel
- aluminized steel
- aluminum grain-refined steel
- aluminum steel
- aluminum-coated steel
- aluminum-nickel steel
- aluminum-stabilized steel
- anchor steel
- angle steel
- annealed steel
- anticorrosion steel
- arc-furnace steel
- armco steel
- ausaging steel
- ausforming steel
- austenitic manganese steel
- austenitic Ni-Cr stainless steel
- austenitic stainless steel
- austenitic steel
- austenitic-carbidic steel
- austenitic-intermetallic steel
- automatic steel
- automobile steel
- axle steel
- bainitically heat-treated steel
- balanced steel
- ball bearing steel
- banding steel
- bandsaw steel
- bar steel
- basic Bessemer steel
- basic converter steel
- basic open-hearth steel
- basic oxygen steel
- bearing steel
- bearing-grade steel
- beaten steel
- beryllium steel
- Bessemer steel
- blanking steel
- blister steel
- blue steel
- boiler steel
- boron steel
- bottle-top steel
- bottom-run steel
- bright drawing steel
- bright steel
- bright-drawn steel
- bright-finished steel
- bronze steel
- bulb steel
- bulb-angle steel
- burned steel
- capped steel
- carbon nitrided steel
- carbon steel
- carbon tool steel
- carbonized steel
- carbon-martensite steel
- carbon-molybdenum steel
- carbon-vacuum deoxidized steel
- carburized steel
- carburizing steel
- case-hardened steel
- case-hardening steel
- cast steel
- cemented steel
- chain steel
- chilled steel
- chisel steel
- chrome steel
- chrome-manganese steel
- chrome-molybdenum steel
- chrome-nickel steel
- chrome-nickel-alloy steel
- chrome-nickel-molibdenum steel
- chrome-plated steel
- chrome-tungsten steel
- chrome-vanadium steel
- chromium steel
- chromium tool steel
- chromium-aluminum steel
- chromium-cobalt steel
- chromium-copper steel
- chromium-manganese steel
- chromium-molibdenum steel
- chromium-nickel steel
- chromium-nickel-molybdenum steel
- chromium-silicon steel
- chromium-tungsten steel
- chromium-tungsten-vanadium steel
- chromized steel
- clad steel
- cobalt steel
- cobalt-nickel steel
- coiled steel
- cold work steel
- cold-drawn steel
- cold-heading steel
- cold-rolled steel
- columbium-stabilized steel
- commercial forging steel
- commercial quality steel
- commercial steel
- common steel
- composite steel
- compound steel
- concrete-prestressing steel
- concrete-reinforcing steel
- constructional steel
- consumable electrode vacuum-melted steel
- controlled rimming steel
- converted steel
- converter steel
- copper steel
- copper-bearing steel
- copper-chromium steel
- copperclad steel
- copper-nickel steel
- copper-plated steel
- corrosion-resistant steel
- corrosion-resisting steel
- corrugated sheet steel
- CQ steel
- creep-resisting steel
- crucible steel
- crude steel
- cutlery-type stainless steel
- cyanided steel
- damascus steel
- damask steel
- DDQ steel
- dead-hard steel
- dead-melted steel
- dead-soft steel
- deep drawing quality steel
- deep drawing steel
- deep-hardening steel
- degasified steel
- deoxidized steel
- diamond tread steel
- die steel
- direct-process steel
- dirty steel
- dopped steel
- double-reduced steel
- double-refined steel
- double-shear steel
- drawn steel
- drill steel
- duplex steel
- dynamo sheet steel
- dynamo steel
- easily deformable steel
- EDD steel
- effervescent steel
- electric furnace steel
- electric steel
- electric tool steel
- electrical furnace steel
- emergency steel
- eutectoid steel
- exotic steel
- exposed quality steel
- extra deep drawing steel
- extrafine steel
- extrahard steel
- extrahigh tensile steel
- extrasoft steel
- face-hardened steel
- fagoted steel
- fashioned steel
- fast-finishing steel
- fast-machine steel
- faulty steel
- ferrite steel
- ferritic stainless steel
- ferritic steel
- fiery steel
- figured steel
- file steel
- fine steel
- fine-grained steel
- finished steel
- first quality steel
- flange steel
- flat steel
- flat-bulb steel
- flat-rolled steel
- forge steel
- forged steel
- forging die steel
- forging steel
- free-cutting steel
- free-machining steel
- fully deoxidized steel
- fully finished steel
- galvanized steel
- gear steel
- general purpose steel
- glass-hard steel
- grade steel
- graphitic steel
- graphitizable steel
- gun barrels steel
- gun steel
- Hadfield steel
- half-hard steel
- Halvan tool steel
- hammered steel
- hard cast steel
- hard steel
- hard-chrome steel
- hardened steel
- hard-grain steel
- heat-resistant steel
- heat-treated steel
- heavily alloyed steel
- heavy-fagoted steel
- heavy-melting steel
- hexagonal steel
- high-alloy steel
- high-carbon steel
- high-chromium steel
- high-cobalt steel
- high-creep strength steel
- high-ductility steel
- high-elastic limit steel
- higher-carbon steel
- high-grade steel
- high-hardenability core steel
- high-hardenability steel
- high-manganese steel
- high-nickel steel
- high-permeability steel
- high-quality steel
- high-resistance steel
- high-speed steel
- high-strength low alloy steel
- high-strength steel
- high-sulphur steel
- high-temperature steel
- high-tensile steel
- hollow drill steel
- hot die steel
- hot-brittle steel
- hot-rolled steel
- hot-work steel
- hot-working die steel
- hot-working steel
- HSLA steel
- H-steel
- hypereutectoid steel
- hyperpearlitic steel
- hypoeutectoid steel
- hypopearlitic steel
- Indian steel
- induction furnace steel
- induction vacuum melted steel
- ingot steel
- intermediate-alloy steel
- iron-chromium stainless steel
- irreversible steel
- killed steel
- knife steel
- knife-blade steel
- lead-coated steel
- leaded steel
- lean alloy steel
- ledeburitic steel
- light gage steel
- liquid-compressed steel
- loman steel
- low earing steel
- low-alloy steel
- low-alloyed steel
- low-carbon steel
- low-ductility steel
- low-expansion steel
- low-hardenability steel
- low-hardening steel
- low-manganese steel
- low-nickel steel
- low-phosphorus steel
- low-texture steel
- machine-tool steel
- magnet steel
- mandrel steel
- manganese steel
- manganese-killed steel
- manganese-silicon steel
- maraging steel
- martempering steel
- martensitic steel
- mechanically capped steel
- medium alloy steel
- medium-carbon steel
- medium-hard steel
- medium-strength steel
- medium-temper steel
- merchant steel
- mild steel
- milling steel
- mixed steel
- molybdenum steel
- needled steel
- nickel steel
- nickel-chrome steel
- nickel-chrome-molybdenum steel
- nickel-chromium steel
- nickel-chromium-molybdenum steel
- nickel-clad steel
- nickel-molybdenum steel
- nitrided steel
- nonaging steel
- noncorrosive steel
- nondeforming steel
- nonhardening steel
- nonmagnetic steel
- nonpiping steel
- nonrustic steel
- nonshrinking steel
- nonstrain-aging steel
- normal steel
- octagon steel
- oil-hardening steel
- open-hearth steel
- open-poured steel
- ordinary steel
- oriented steel
- overblown steel
- overheated steel
- over-reduced steel
- oxidation-resisting steel
- paragon steel
- pearlitic steel
- perished steel
- permanent-magnet steel
- PH steel
- piled steel
- pipe steel
- piped steel
- plain carbon steel
- plain steel
- planished sheet steel
- planished steel
- plate steel
- plow steel
- pneumatic steel
- polished sheet steel
- polished steel
- pot steel
- powder metallurgical compacted steel
- powdered metal high-speed steel
- precipitation-hardening steel
- precision steel
- pressure vessel steel
- primary steel
- puddle steel
- puddled steel
- punching steel
- purified steel
- PV steel
- QT steel
- quality steel
- quenched-and-tempered steel
- quick-cutting steel
- quick-speed steel
- rail steel
- railway structural steel
- rapid machining steel
- rapid steel
- raw steel
- red-hard steel
- refined steel
- refining steel
- refractory steel
- reinforcing steel
- rephosphorized steel
- resilient steel
- resulphurized steel
- rimmed steel
- rimming steel
- rising steel
- rivet steel
- rolled section steel
- rolled steel
- roller-bearing steel
- rose steel
- round steel
- rustless steel
- rust-resisting steel
- saw steel
- scrap steel
- screw steel
- secondary steel
- section steel
- selenium steel
- self-hardening steel
- semideoxidized steel
- semifinished steel
- semikilled steel
- shallow-hardening steel
- shape steel
- shear steel
- shearing steel
- sheet steel
- shock-resisting steel
- Siemens-Martin steel
- silchrome steel
- silicon steel
- silicon-killed steel
- silicon-manganese steel
- silver steel
- simple steel
- skelp steel
- slowly cooled steel
- soft steel
- special steel
- special treatment steel
- spheroidized steel
- spotty steel
- spring steel
- stabilized steel
- stainless clad steel
- stainless steel
- standard steel
- stock steel
- strain-aged steel
- stress-relieved annealed steel
- strip steel
- strong steel
- structural steel
- super-corrosion-resistant stainless steel
- superduty steel
- surface-hardening steel
- surgical steel
- tap steel
- tapped-on-carbon steel
- T-bulb steel
- tee-bulb steel
- tempered steel
- tensile strength steel
- ternary steel
- thermostrengthened steel
- Thomas steel
- through-hardening steel
- titanium steel
- titanium-stabilized steel
- tool steel
- Tor steel
- transformation induced plasticity steel
- transformer steel
- treated steel
- TRIP steel
- tube steel
- tungsten steel
- turbohearth steel
- two-ply steel
- tyre steel
- ultrastrong steel
- unkilled steel
- unsound steel
- vacuum carbon deoxidized steel
- vacuum degased steel
- vacuum-cast steel
- vacuum-induction melted steel
- vacuum-remelted steel
- valve steel
- vanadium steel
- water-hardening steel
- wear-resisting alloy steel
- weathering steel
- weld steel
- weldable steel
- welding steel
- wild steel
- wire rope steel
- Wootz steel
- wrought steelEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > steel
19 material
1) материал; мн. ч. грунты; материалы2) материальный, вещественный•material retained on sieve — остаток на сите, надрешётный продукт
- abrasive material - active material - additional materials - adsorbing material - alternate material - antirot material - asbestos-containing construction materials - auxiliary materials - backfilling material - binding material - biostatic material - bituminous road materials - blasting material - brittle material - building materials - bulk material - cartographic materials - cartographical materials - cementing material - check of design material - coating material - constructional materials - consumption of materials - contractor's materials - corroding material - customer's materials - defective materials - delivery of materials - description of materials by weight - direct materials - durable material - emulsified bituminous materials - everyday need for materials - excavated material - expendable materials - experimental constructional material - explosive material - filter material - fireproof material - fire-resistant material - flux material - foam material - frostproof material - geologic materials - geological materials - geophysic materials - geophysical materials - granular materials - graphic material - graphical material - hazardous material - heat-insulating material - high grade material - hydro-geologic materials - hydro-geological materials - import materials - improper materials - indirect material - inflammable material - insulating materials - intrusion material - ion-exchange material - jointing material - lack of materials - lining material - list of materials - load transfer material - local building materials - locally manufactured materials - loose material - low-grade material - manufactured constructional materials - mismatched material - need for materials - nonused material - operational materials - parent material - patching material - paving material - procurement of materials - qualitative roofing material - quality of materials - radioactive material - raw material - refractory material - replacement of imported construction materials - required materials - roofing materials - rough material - sandwich material - sealing material - separation material - sound-damping material - source material - spongy material - standard material - substandard material - topographic material - topographical material - transportation of materials - utilization of materials - waterproofing material - written materialto damage construction materials during transportation — повредить строительные материалы во время транспортировки
* * *1. материал, вещество2. грунт3. материальный, вещественный- abrasion-resisting materialmaterials by structural properties — материалы, классифицируемые по структурным свойствам
- abrasive material
- absorbent material
- acoustic material
- anisotropic material
- architectural constructional materials
- architectural construction materials
- argillaceous material
- artificial pozzolanic material
- backfilling material
- backing material
- bagged material
- ballast material
- binding material
- bituminous materials
- bonding material
- boxing material
- brittle material
- building materials
- calcareous material
- cellular material
- cement-bound granular material
- cementing material
- ceramic materials
- clayey materials
- coated material
- coating material
- combustible material
- combustible building materials
- composite material
- concrete materials
- concrete-making materials
- concrete repair materials
- constituent materials of concrete
- construction materials
- corrugated sheet material
- damping material
- dampproofing material
- defective material
- ductile material
- durable material
- engineering materials
- excavated material
- fast-setting repair material
- faulty material
- fiber reinforced material
- fill material
- filter material
- finishing material
- fire retarding material
- flexible sheet material
- fluid material
- foamed-in-place acoustical materials
- form material
- frost-free material
- graded material
- granular material
- granular subbase material
- gritting materials
- hazardous material
- heat insulating material
- high-grade materials
- highly insulative material
- high insulative material
- incombustible material
- industrial materials
- inorganic material
- insulating materials
- isotropic material
- jointing material
- joint-sealing material
- lagging materials
- laminated material
- lime-containing material
- linear-elastic material
- lining material
- load-bearing structural insulating material
- loose fill acoustical material
- loosely packed material
- low-tensile strength material
- maintenance patching material
- manufactured construction materials
- matrix material
- mineral fill material
- moisture-resistant insulating material
- natural mineral material
- near-by material
- noncombustible material
- nonconductive material
- noncreeping material
- nonhazardous material
- one-component material
- organic material
- original raw materials
- orthotropic material
- packaged material
- packaged dry concrete materials
- parent material
- phase change materials
- plastic material
- poultice material
- pozzolanic material
- prebagged material
- prebatched material
- radioactive material
- raw materials
- reactive silica material
- recycled material
- release material
- repair materials
- resilient materials
- restoration materials
- road materials
- rock material
- roofing material
- sealing material
- sheet acoustical material
- solar cell roofing material
- solid material
- sound material
- sound absorbent material
- sound-deadening material
- sound insulation material
- sparkle material
- sprayed-on material
- sticky material
- strain-hardening material
- structural materials
- synthetic material
- synthetic resinous material
- thermal insulating material
- toxic material
- trim materials
- unrefined raw materials
- vibration-damping material
- walling material
- waterproofing material
- waterproof material
- water-repellent material -
20 short
1. n краткое содержание; сутьin short — вкратце, короче говоря, одним словом
for short — для краткости, сокращённо
the long and the short of it is … — короче говоря, одним словом
2. n лингв. краткий гласный3. n лингв. краткий слог4. n лингв. знак краткостиshort and — знак союза «и»
for short. — для краткости
5. n разг. короткометражный фильм6. n разг. короткий отрывок, короткое произведениеshort ribs — короткие рёбра; ложные рёбра
short term — короткий срок; краткосрочный
7. n разг. малый рост8. n разг. эл. разг. короткое замыкание9. n разг. воен. недолёт10. n разг. бирж. спекулянты, играющие на понижение11. n разг. крепкий напиток, спиртноеshort snorter — глоток спиртного; выпивка на скорую руку
12. n разг. «стаканчик»13. a низкий, невысокий14. a короткий, краткий, недолгий15. a краткосрочный16. a краткий, сжатый17. a кино короткометражный18. a урезанный; неполныйshort measure — неполная мера, недомер
19. a неполный, примерный20. a некомплектный, неукомплектованный21. a скудный, бедныйshort purse — тощий кошелёк; безденежье
to be on short commons — скудно питаться, недоедать, «поститься»
22. a недостаточный; испытывающий нехваткуto be short of breath — задыхаться, тяжело дышать; запыхаться
23. a неудовлетворительный24. a ком. продающийся без покрытия25. a бирж. разг. играющий на понижение26. adv резко, круто; внезапно, неожиданно27. adv преждевременно, до срокаto cut the course of events short — оборвать ход событий, не дать событиям прийти к их естественному завершению
28. adv короткоin short — короче говоря,
29. adv близко, недалеко, на близком расстоянииa short distance away — недалеко, неподалёку
30. adv не доходя, не достигнув31. adv редк. кратко, сжато; отрывистоСинонимический ряд:1. abruptly (adj.) abruptly; suddenly; unawares2. bluff (adj.) abrupt; bluff; blunt; brusque; crusty; gruff; rough; short-spoken; snippety; snippy3. brief (adj.) breviloquent; brief; compendiary; compendious; concise; condensed; direct; fleeting; hasty; laconic; lean; quick; sententious; short and sweet; succinct; summary; terse4. brittle (adj.) brittle; crisp; crumbly; crunchy; friable5. curt (adj.) curt; impatient; inconsiderate; rude; sharp; short-tempered; testy; thoughtless; unceremonious; uncivil; ungracious6. deficient (adj.) deficient; failing; inadequate; incomplete; insufficient; lacking; meager; scant; scanty; scarce; scrimpy; shy; skimpy; slender; unsufficient; wanting7. dwarfish (adj.) dwarfish; squat; stubby; stunted8. inferior (adj.) below; inferior; substandard; unacceptable9. low-set (adj.) low-set; low-statured10. small (adj.) diminutive; little; low; slight; small; tiny; undersized11. substance (noun) amount; body; burden; core; crux; gist; kernel; matter; meat; nub; nubbin; pith; purport; sense; strength; substance; sum and substance; sum total; thrust; upshot12. spare (verb) scant; skimp; spare; stint13. unawares (other) aback; abruptly; asudden; forthwith; sudden; suddenly; unanticipatedly; unaware; unawaredly; unawares; unexpectedlyАнтонимический ряд:ample; bland; complete; comprehensive; congenial; copious; courteous; deferred; diffuse; distant; endless; exceeding; expanded; extended; large; long; rambling; tall
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Strength — Strength, n. [OE. strengthe, AS. streng[eth]u, fr. strang strong. See {Strong}.] 1. The quality or state of being strong; ability to do or to bear; capacity for exertion or endurance, whether physical, intellectual, or moral; force; vigor; power; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Brittle-ductile transition zone — [ continental crust and changes in dominant deformation mechanisms and fault rocks in a conceptual vertical fault zone. ] The brittle ductile transition zone is the strongest part of the Earth s crust. For quartz and feldspar rich rocks in… … Wikipedia
Strength of materials — Internal force lines are denser near the hole, a common stress concentration In materials science, the strength of a material is its ability to withstand an applied stress without failure. The applied stress may be tensile, compressive, or shear … Wikipedia
Brittle Books Program — The Brittle Books Program is an initiative carried out by the National Endowment for the Humanities at the request of the United States Congress. The initiative began officially between 1988 and 1989 and was to involve the eventual microfilming… … Wikipedia
brittle — brittleness, n. /brit l/, adj., brittler, brittlest, n., v., brittled, brittling. adj. 1. having hardness and rigidity but little tensile strength; breaking readily with a comparatively smooth fracture, as glass. 2. easily damaged or destroyed;… … Universalium
Strength of ships — The strength of ships is a topic of key interest to Naval Architects and shipbuilders. Ships which are built too strong are heavy, slow, and cost extra money to build and operate since they weigh more, whilst ships which are built too weakly… … Wikipedia
On the strength of — Strength Strength, n. [OE. strengthe, AS. streng[eth]u, fr. strang strong. See {Strong}.] 1. The quality or state of being strong; ability to do or to bear; capacity for exertion or endurance, whether physical, intellectual, or moral; force;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Upon the strength of — Strength Strength, n. [OE. strengthe, AS. streng[eth]u, fr. strang strong. See {Strong}.] 1. The quality or state of being strong; ability to do or to bear; capacity for exertion or endurance, whether physical, intellectual, or moral; force;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
brittle — brit•tle [[t]ˈbrɪt l[/t]] adj. tler, tlest, 1) having hardness and rigidity but little tensile strength; breaking readily with a comparatively smooth fracture, as glass 2) easily damaged or destroyed; fragile; frail 3) lacking warmth, sensitivity … From formal English to slang
Tensile strength — sigma {UTS}, or S U is the stress at which a material breaks or permanently deforms. Tensile strength is an intensive property and, consequently, does not depend on the size of the test specimen. However, it is dependent on the preparation of the … Wikipedia
Flexural strength — Flexural strength, also known as modulus of rupture, bend strength, or fracture strength,[dubious – discuss] a mechanical parameter for brittle material, is defined as a material s ability to resist deformation under load. The transverse bending… … Wikipedia