1 iemand gerechtelijk vervolgen
iemand gerechtelijk vervolgen————————iemand gerechtelijk vervolgentake/institute (legal) proceedings against someone; 〈 vanwege staat〉 prosecute someoneVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > iemand gerechtelijk vervolgen
2 beschuldiging
♦voorbeelden:2 een valse/onbewezen beschuldiging • a false/an unproven accusationbeschuldigingen inbrengen tegen • bring charges againstbeschuldigingen uiten/doen • make charges/accusationsonder/op beschuldiging van moord (gearresteerd) • (arrested) on a charge of murder -
3 aanklagen
♦voorbeelden:1 iemand aanklagen wegens diefstal/moord • charge someone with theft/murder -
4 vervolgen
1 [verder volgen; voortzetten] continue♦voorbeelden:wordt vervolgd • to be continued3 iemand gerechtelijk vervolgen • take legal action against someone; bring charges against someone 〈 strafzaken〉 -
5 beschuldigingen inbrengen tegen
beschuldigingen inbrengen tegenVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > beschuldigingen inbrengen tegen
6 inbrengen
2 [voorstellen] contribute3 [aanvoeren] bring (forward)♦voorbeelden:heel wat in te brengen hebben • 〈 veel invloed〉 pull considerable weight; 〈 veel suggesties〉 have a good deal to contributeniets in te brengen hebben • 〈 geen invloed〉 have no say; 〈 geen suggesties〉 have nothing to contributewat hebt u tegen die beschuldiging in te brengen? • what do you have to say to these charges?daar is/valt niets tegen in te brengen • there is nothing to be said against thisdaar is veel tegen in te brengen • that is open to many objections -
7 vervolging
1 [het achtervolgen] pursuit2 [het vervolgd worden] persecution3 [rechtsvervolging] legal action/proceedings ⇒ suit 〈 civiele zaken〉, prosecution 〈 strafzaken〉, charges♦voorbeelden:een vervolging tegen iemand instellen • bring action/institute proceedings against someonetot vervolging overgaan • (decide to) prosecute
См. также в других словарях:
bring charges against — index incriminate, lodge (bring a complaint) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
bring charges against somebody — bring/press/prefer ˈcharges against sb idiom (law) to accuse sb formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court Main entry: ↑chargeidiom … Useful english dictionary
bring charges — index complain (charge), denounce (inform against), impeach, involve (implicate) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. Wi … Law dictionary
bring charges — Synonyms and related words: accuse, allege, arraign, article, book, bring accusation, bring to book, charge, cite, complain, denounce, denunciate, fasten on, fasten upon, finger, hang something on, impeach, imply, impute, indict, inform against,… … Moby Thesaurus
press charges against somebody — bring/press/prefer ˈcharges against sb idiom (law) to accuse sb formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court Main entry: ↑chargeidiom … Useful english dictionary
prefer charges against somebody — bring/press/prefer ˈcharges against sb idiom (law) to accuse sb formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court Main entry: ↑chargeidiom … Useful english dictionary
bring — W1S1 [brıŋ] v past tense and past participle brought [bro:t US bro:t] [T] [: Old English; Origin: bringan] 1.) a) to take something or someone with you to the place where you are now, or to the place you are talking about →↑take ▪ Did you bring… … Dictionary of contemporary English
bring — [brɪŋ] verb brought PTandPP [brɔːt ǁ brɒːt] LAW bring a case/charge/suit/lawsuit to organize a legal case against someone: • a string of lawsuits brought by jobseekers who think they re the victims of discrimination • Company directors are… … Financial and business terms
bring — / briŋ/ vt brought / brȯt/, bring·ing, / briŋ iŋ/: to begin or commence (a legal proceeding) through proper legal procedure: as a: to put (as a lawsuit) before a court this is an action brought to recover damages b: to formally … Law dictionary
bring */*/*/ — UK [brɪŋ] / US verb [transitive] Word forms bring : present tense I/you/we/they bring he/she/it brings present participle bringing past tense brought UK [brɔːt] / US [brɔt] past participle brought Collocations: If you bring, take, or fetch… … English dictionary
bring — verb /brIN/ past tense and past participle brought /brO:t/ (T) 1 to take someone or something to the place you are now, to the place you are going to, or to the place that you have been talking about: Did you bring anything to drink? | Sheila was … Longman dictionary of contemporary English