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  • 1 brightly

    adverb žiarivo

    English-Slovak dictionary > brightly

  • 2 blaze

    I 1. [bleiz] noun
    1) (a bright light or fire: A neighbour rescued her from the blaze.) plameň
    2) (an outburst (of anger, emotion etc): a blaze of fury.) výbuch
    3) (a bright display: a blaze of colour.) jas, ligot
    2. verb
    ((of a fire, the sun) to burn, shine brightly.) žiariť, planúť
    II [bleiz]
    * * *
    • výbuch
    • žiarit
    • žiara
    • horiet
    • plamen
    • plápolat
    • požiar

    English-Slovak dictionary > blaze

  • 3 bright

    1) (shining with much light: bright sunshine.) jasný, žiariaci
    2) ((of a colour) strong and bold: a bright red car.) výrazný
    3) (cheerful: a bright smile.) rozžiarený
    4) (clever: bright children.) bystrý
    - brightness
    - brighten
    * * *
    • veselý
    • živý
    • jasný
    • bystrý
    • chytrý
    • pestrý

    English-Slovak dictionary > bright

  • 4 caftan

    (a type of long flowing dress or robe sometimes brightly-coloured.) kaftan
    * * *
    • kaftan

    English-Slovak dictionary > caftan

  • 5 flower

    1. noun
    (the part of a plant or tree from which fruit or seed grows, often brightly coloured and sometimes including the stem on which it grows: a bunch of flowers.) kvet
    2. verb
    ((of plants etc) to produce flowers: This plant flowers in early May.) kvitnúť
    - flowery
    - flower-bed
    - flower-pot
    - in flower
    * * *
    • výkvet
    • dospiet
    • rozkvitnút
    • rozkvet
    • ozdobit kvetami
    • kvitnút
    • kvetina
    • kvetinový
    • kvet
    • nakreslit kvety

    English-Slovak dictionary > flower

  • 6 glare

    [ɡleə] 1. verb
    1) (to stare fiercely and angrily: She glared at the little boy.) zazerať, gániť
    2) (to shine very brightly, usually to an unpleasant extent: The sun glared down on us as we crossed the desert.) páliť
    2. noun
    1) (a fierce or angry look: a glare of displeasure.) zlostný pohľad
    2) (unpleasantly bright light: the glare of the sun.) oslnivý jas, prudké svetlo
    - glaringly
    * * *
    • žiara
    • uprený pohlad
    • prenikavý pohlad
    • prenikavé svetlo
    • hladký povrch
    • civiet
    • lesk

    English-Slovak dictionary > glare

  • 7 iris

    1) (the coloured part of the eye.) dúhovka
    2) (a kind of brightly-coloured flower with sword-shaped leaves.) kosatec
    * * *
    • dúhovka
    • clona
    • kosatec (bot.)

    English-Slovak dictionary > iris

  • 8 lurid

    1) ((too) brightly coloured or vivid: a lurid dress/painting/sky.) krikľavý; hrozivo zatiahnutý
    2) (unpleasantly shocking: the lurid details of his accident.) odporný
    - luridness
    * * *
    • zlovestný
    • senzacný
    • strašný
    • strašidelný
    • hrozný
    • bledý
    • chmúrny
    • kriklavý
    • neprirodzený
    • neblahý

    English-Slovak dictionary > lurid

  • 9 moon

    [mu:n] 1. noun
    1) (the heavenly body that moves once round the earth in a month and reflects light from the sun: The moon was shining brightly; Spacemen landed on the moon.) mesiac
    2) (any of the similar bodies moving round the other planets: the moons of Jupiter.) mesiac
    - moonbeam
    - moonlight
    2. verb
    (to work at a second job, often at night, in addition to one's regular job: He earns so little that he has to moonlight.) robiť fušky, pracovať v druhom zamestnaní
    - moonlit
    - moon about/around
    * * *
    • družica
    • luna
    • mesiac (teleso)
    • Mesiac

    English-Slovak dictionary > moon

  • 10 orchid

    (a kind of plant usually having brightly-coloured or unusually-shaped flowers.) orchidea
    * * *
    • orchidea

    English-Slovak dictionary > orchid

  • 11 parrot

    (a kind of bird found in warm countries, especially in South America, with a hooked bill and usually brightly-coloured feathers, that can be taught to imitate human speech.) papagáj
    * * *
    • papagáj

    English-Slovak dictionary > parrot

  • 12 pheasant

    plurals - pheasants, pheasant; noun
    1) (a type of long-tailed bird, the male of which has brightly-coloured feathers and certain types of which are often shot for sport: a brace of pheasant(s); two pheasants.) bažant
    2) ((the flesh of) the bird as food: We had roast pheasant for dinner.) bažant
    * * *
    • bažant

    English-Slovak dictionary > pheasant

  • 13 tulip

    (a kind of plant with brightly-coloured cup-shaped flowers, grown from a bulb.) tulipán
    * * *
    • tulipán

    English-Slovak dictionary > tulip

  • 14 angel-fish

    noun (a brightly-coloured tropical fish with spiny fin.) žralok krídlatý

    English-Slovak dictionary > angel-fish

  • 15 blazing

    1) (burning brightly: a blazing fire.) žiariaci plameň
    2) (extremely angry: a blazing row.) zúrivý

    English-Slovak dictionary > blazing

  • 16 budgerigar

    (abbreviation budgie ['bа8i]) noun
    (a type of small (originally Australian) brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet.) andulka

    English-Slovak dictionary > budgerigar

  • 17 guppy

    plural - guppies; noun
    (a small brightly-coloured fresh-water fish, often kept in aquariums.)

    English-Slovak dictionary > guppy

  • 18 hibiscus

    (a tropical plant with brightly-coloured flowers.) ibištek

    English-Slovak dictionary > hibiscus

  • 19 humming-bird

    noun (a small brightly-coloured American bird which makes a humming sound with its wings.) kolibrík

    English-Slovak dictionary > humming-bird

  • 20 kaftan

    (a type of long flowing dress or robe sometimes brightly-coloured.) kaftan

    English-Slovak dictionary > kaftan

См. также в других словарях:

  • Brightly — Bright ly, adv. 1. Brilliantly; splendidly; with luster; as, brightly shining armor. [1913 Webster] 2. With lively intelligence; intelligently. [1913 Webster] Looking brightly into the mother s face. Hawthorne. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brightly — adv. Brightly is used with these adjectives: ↑coloured, ↑marked, ↑patterned, ↑polished Brightly is used with these verbs: ↑beam, ↑burn, ↑flare, ↑flash, ↑glitter, ↑grin, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

  • brightly — adverb In a bright manner. The sun was shining brightly, making me squint …   Wiktionary

  • brightly — bright ► ADJECTIVE 1) giving out much light, or filled with light. 2) (of colour) vivid and bold. 3) intelligent and quick witted. 4) (of sound) clear and high pitched. 5) cheerfully lively. 6) (of prospects) good. ● …   English terms dictionary

  • Brightly Burning — is a 2000 novel by Mercedes Lackey. The novel is a fantasy set in the magical world of Valdemar. As such it adds to the Valdemar canon, yet stands alone and can be read without other books set in that world.Plot SummaryThe novel which focuses on… …   Wikipedia

  • brightly coloured — adj. Brightly coloured/colored is used with these nouns: ↑flower …   Collocations dictionary

  • brightly lit — adj. Brightly lit is used with these nouns: ↑corridor, ↑hallway …   Collocations dictionary

  • brightly painted — adj. Brightly painted is used with these nouns: ↑barge …   Collocations dictionary

  • brightly-colored — adjective having a bright color • Syn: ↑brightly coloured • Similar to: ↑colored, ↑coloured, ↑colorful …   Useful english dictionary

  • brightly-coloured — adjective having a bright color • Syn: ↑brightly colored • Similar to: ↑colored, ↑coloured, ↑colorful …   Useful english dictionary

  • brightly — adverb see bright I …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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