1 bridge truss
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bridge truss
2 bridge truss
3 bridge truss
1) Техника: мостовая сквозная ферма, мостовая ферма, ферма пролётного строения2) Строительство: ферма моста3) Железнодорожный термин: ферма пролётного строения моста -
4 bridge truss
5 bridge truss
6 bridge truss
7 bridge
- bridge
- n1. мост; мостовой переход; путепровод; эстакада
2. защитный козырёк (над входом, проходом, тротуаром)
3. колосник сцены
- aluminum bridge
- arch bridge
- Bailey bridge
- balance bridge
- balanced cantilever bridge
- bascule bridge
- bay bridge
- beam bridge
- below bridge
- bowstring girder bridge
- cable-stayed bridge
- cable-stayed girder bridge
- canal bridge
- cantilever bridge
- center-bearing swing bridge
- composite bridge
- composite-girder bridge
- concrete cable-stayed bridge
- continuous bridge
- continuous girder bridge
- continuous steel truss tied arch bridge
- covered bridge
- crane bridge
- curved bridge
- deck-type bridge
- deck bridge
- double-bascule bridge
- double leaf bascule bridge
- fixed arch bridge
- floating bridge
- frame-type bridge
- girder and slab bridge
- glulam bridge
- half-through bridge
- half-width bridge
- heat bridge
- heel trunnion bascule bridge
- high level bridge
- highway bridge
- hoist bridge
- hollow girder bridge
- ice bridge
- Irish bridge
- iron bridge
- lake bridge
- lift bridge
- lightweight prestressed concrete bridge
- loading bridge
- log bridge
- long span bridge
- low-level bridge
- low water bridge
- major bridge
- masonry bridge
- material-handling bridge
- military bridge
- minor bridge
- movable bridge
- movable-bascule bridge
- movable-swing bridge
- multilane bridge
- multiple-span bridge
- multispan balanced suspension bridge
- operating bridge
- orthotropic-deck bridge
- orthotropic steel plate deck bridge
- orthotropic plate deck bridge
- overpass bridge
- pedestrian bridge
- permanent bridge
- pile bridge
- pin-connected bridge
- pipeline bridge
- pontoon bridge
- post-tensioned prestressed concrete bridge
- prefabricated bridge
- prestressed concrete bridge
- prestressed concrete bifurcated box girder bridge
- prestressed segmental bridge
- prestressed wood bridge
- pretensioned prestressed concrete bridge
- railroad bridge
- reinforced bridge
- retractile draw bridge
- rigid frame bridge
- rim-bearing swing bridge
- river bridge
- riveted bridge
- road-cum-rail bridge
- rolled-beam bridge
- rolling-lift bascule bridge
- rolling-lift bridge
- scaffold bridge
- segmental box girder bridge
- service bridge
- short highway bridge
- short span steel bridge
- short span bridge
- sign bridge
- simple bridge
- simple I-beam bridge
- simply supported bridge
- single-bascule bridge
- single lane bridge
- single leaf bascule bridge
- single span bridge
- single track railway bridge
- skew bridge
- slab bridge
- slant-legged rigid-frame bridge
- square bridge
- steel bridge
- steel box-girder bridge
- steel cable-stayed bridge
- steel plate girder bridge
- steel shop-coated bridge
- steel tied-cable arch bridge
- steel truss bridge
- stiffened suspension bridge
- straight bridge
- strengthened highway bridge
- strengthened bridge
- submersible bridge
- suspension bridge
- swing bridge
- T-beam bridge
- temporary bridge
- temporary bypass bridge
- three-hinged arch bridge
- through bridge
- through-girder railway bridge
- tied-arch bridge
- timber bridge
- timber stringers-concrete deck bridge
- timber stringers-laminated deck bridge
- timber trestle bridge
- toll bridge
- transporter bridge
- trestle bridge
- trunnion-type bascule bridge
- trunnion bascule bridge
- truss bridge
- two-hinged arch bridge
- two-lane bridge
- vertical lift bridge
- welded bridge
- work bridge
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
8 bridge
1) мост; путепровод; эстакада2) защитный козырёк (над входом, тротуаром)3) хомут; бугель, скоба4) перегородка, перемычка5) наводить мост, строить мост; перекрывать•cross section of bridge — поперечное сечение моста, ферма мостового крана
to delaunch a bridge — свёртывать ( временный) мост
- aqueduct bridge - arch bridge - arched bridge with struts - arched cantilever bridge - askew bridge - Bailey bridge - balance bridge - bascule bridge - bateau bridge - beam bridge - boat bridge - bottom road bridge - bowstring bridge - bowstring arch bridge - bowstring girder bridge - braced-chain suspension bridge - cable-braced bridge - cable-lift bascule bridge - cable stayed bridge - cable truss bridge - canal bridge - cantilever bridge - cantilever arch bridge - cantilever frame bridge - chain bridge - combination bridge - combined bridge - composite bridge - concrete girder bridge - continuous-beam bridge - conveyor bridge - crane bridge - curved bridge - deck bridge - deck-girder bridge - deck-type bridge - double swing bridge - double-leaf swing bridge - dry bridge - fire bridge - floating bridge - frame-type bridge - frame bridge with suspended span - free-arch bridge - handling bridge - hanging bridge - heat bridge - heel trunnion bascule bridge - high-level bridge - highway bridge - highway-railway bridge - hoist bridge - hollow girder bridge - I-beam bridge - intermediate span bridge - iron bridge - lattice bridge - leaf bridge - lift bridge - lifting bridge - lightweight prestressed concrete bridge - loading bridge - low-level bridge - low-water bridge - masonry bridge - movable bridge - multiple arch bridge - multiple span bridge - multispan bridge - oblique bridge - open bridge - opening bridge - orthotropic-plate bridge - overpass bridge - over bridge - pedestrian bridge - pile bridge - pipe bridge - plate girder bridge with plain web girders - pontoon bridge - prefabricated bridge - prestressed concrete bridge - pull-back draw bridge - railroad bridge - railway bridge - reinforced-concrete bridge - rigid frame bridge - riveted bridge - road bridge - road-cum-rail bridge - rolling bridge - rolling lift bridge - rotary bridge - scaffold bridge - scraper bridge - segmental bridge - simple span bridge - single-arch bridge - single-leaf bascule bridge - single-line bridge - single-line track bridge - skew bridge - slab-stringer bridge - spillway bridge - square bridge - steel bridge - steel concrete arch bridge - steel concrete arched bridge - steel truss bridge - stiffened suspension bridge - stone bridge - straight bridge - strut-framed bridge - suspension bridge - swing bridge - submersible bridge - temporary bridge - through bridge - timber bridge - timber trestle bridge - tipping bridge - toll bridge - top bridge - top-road bridge - transborder bridge - transfer bridge - travelling bridge - traversing bridge - trellis bridge - trestle bridge - truss bridge - tubular bridge - turn bridge - turnable bridge - turning bridge - underline bridge - unit construction bridge - unloading bridge - vehicular bridge - vertical-lift bridge - water-conduit bridge - welded bridge - wire bridge - wire suspension bridge - wooden bridgeto launch a bridge — наводить ( временный) мост
* * *1. мост; мостовой переход; путепровод; эстакада2. защитный козырёк (над входом, проходом, тротуаром)3. колосник сцены- aluminum bridge
- arch bridge
- Bailey bridge
- balance bridge
- balanced cantilever bridge
- bascule bridge
- bay bridge
- beam bridge
- below bridge
- bowstring girder bridge
- cable-stayed bridge
- cable-stayed girder bridge
- canal bridge
- cantilever bridge
- center-bearing swing bridge
- composite bridge
- composite-girder bridge
- concrete cable-stayed bridge
- continuous bridge
- continuous girder bridge
- continuous steel truss tied arch bridge
- covered bridge
- crane bridge
- curved bridge
- deck-type bridge
- deck bridge
- double-bascule bridge
- double leaf bascule bridge
- fixed arch bridge
- floating bridge
- frame-type bridge
- girder and slab bridge
- glulam bridge
- half-through bridge
- half-width bridge
- heat bridge
- heel trunnion bascule bridge
- high level bridge
- highway bridge
- hoist bridge
- hollow girder bridge
- ice bridge
- Irish bridge
- iron bridge
- lake bridge
- lift bridge
- lightweight prestressed concrete bridge
- loading bridge
- log bridge
- long span bridge
- low-level bridge
- low water bridge
- major bridge
- masonry bridge
- material-handling bridge
- military bridge
- minor bridge
- movable bridge
- movable-bascule bridge
- movable-swing bridge
- multilane bridge
- multiple-span bridge
- multispan balanced suspension bridge
- operating bridge
- orthotropic-deck bridge
- orthotropic steel plate deck bridge
- orthotropic plate deck bridge
- overpass bridge
- pedestrian bridge
- permanent bridge
- pile bridge
- pin-connected bridge
- pipeline bridge
- pontoon bridge
- post-tensioned prestressed concrete bridge
- prefabricated bridge
- prestressed concrete bridge
- prestressed concrete bifurcated box girder bridge
- prestressed segmental bridge
- prestressed wood bridge
- pretensioned prestressed concrete bridge
- railroad bridge
- reinforced bridge
- retractile draw bridge
- rigid frame bridge
- rim-bearing swing bridge
- river bridge
- riveted bridge
- road-cum-rail bridge
- rolled-beam bridge
- rolling-lift bascule bridge
- rolling-lift bridge
- scaffold bridge
- segmental box girder bridge
- service bridge
- short highway bridge
- short span steel bridge
- short span bridge
- sign bridge
- simple bridge
- simple I-beam bridge
- simply supported bridge
- single-bascule bridge
- single lane bridge
- single leaf bascule bridge
- single span bridge
- single track railway bridge
- skew bridge
- slab bridge
- slant-legged rigid-frame bridge
- square bridge
- steel bridge
- steel box-girder bridge
- steel cable-stayed bridge
- steel plate girder bridge
- steel shop-coated bridge
- steel tied-cable arch bridge
- steel truss bridge
- stiffened suspension bridge
- straight bridge
- strengthened highway bridge
- strengthened bridge
- submersible bridge
- suspension bridge
- swing bridge
- T-beam bridge
- temporary bridge
- temporary bypass bridge
- three-hinged arch bridge
- through bridge
- through-girder railway bridge
- tied-arch bridge
- timber bridge
- timber stringers-concrete deck bridge
- timber stringers-laminated deck bridge
- timber trestle bridge
- toll bridge
- transporter bridge
- trestle bridge
- trunnion-type bascule bridge
- trunnion bascule bridge
- truss bridge
- two-hinged arch bridge
- two-lane bridge
- vertical lift bridge
- welded bridge
- work bridge -
9 bridge
1) мост; мостовой переход; путепровод; эстакада || наводить мост; строить мост, путепровод или эстакаду2) измерительный мост; мостовая схема || соединять мостом3) эл. параллельное присоединение; шунт; мостик; перемычка || шунтировать; соединять перемычкой4) перемычка; перегородка5) горн. полок6) горн. затягивать кровлю7) пробка, мост ( в скважине)8) хим. мостиковая связь; мостик10) хомут; скоба12) радио промежуточный преобразователь13) эл. развязывающее устройство14) переход, связка ( в радиовещательной передаче); музыкальная вставка, музыкальная связка15) судовой мостик16) полигр. перемычка высекального штампа19) перекрывать (напр. пролёт здания)•to bridge a river — строить мост через реку;to launch bridge — наводить мост;to bridge over span of 100 m — перекрывать 100-метровый пролёт;to put on ( up) bridge — наводить мост-
ac bridge
air bridge
aluminum bridge
aqueduct bridge
arch bridge
balance bridge
balanced bridge
bascule bridge
beam bridge
boarding bridge
boat bridge
bowstring arch bridge
bowstring bridge
box bridge
box-girder bridge
canal bridge
cantilever bridge
capacitance bridge
captain's bridge
carburetor bridge
cast iron bridge
coal-yard bridge
combination bridge
combined bridge
composite bridge
concrete bridge
conductance bridge
conference bridge
conning bridge
continuous bridge
continuous truss bridge
conveyor bridge
counterpoise bridge
crescent-type arch bridge
cryogenic temperature bridge
curved bridge
dc bridge
decade bridge
deck bridge
deck-girder bridge
dial bridge
differential bridge
docking bridge
double bridge
double-deck bridge
double-leaf bascule bridge
double-leaf swing bridge
double-track bridge
dredging bridge
electrolytic bridge
emergency bridge
epoxy bridge
equal-arm bridge
fixed bridge
floating bridge
fore-and-aft bridge
frame bridge
frequency bridge
girder bridge
half-through bridge
high-resistance bridge
highway bridge
holding bridge
immittance bridge
impedance bridge
inductance bridge
Kelvin bridge
lift bridge
loading bridge
magnetic bridge
masonry bridge
metal bridge
movable bridge
multiple-arch bridge
multiple-span bridge
multiplex bridge
mutual-inductance bridge
navigating bridge
ohmic bridge
out-of-balance bridge
pedestrian bridge
phase-shift bridge
pile bridge
pilot bridge
pivot bridge
pontoon bridge
pontoon swing bridge
raft bridge
railway bridge
rectifier bridge
refractory bridge
reinforced-concrete bridge
resistance bridge
resonance bridge
right bridge
rigid-frame bridge
rolling bridge
running bridge
Schering bridge
seizure bridge
self-anchored suspension bridge
signal bridge
simple-span bridge
single-arch bridge
single-leaf bascule bridge
single-leaf swing bridge
single-span bridge
single-track bridge
skew bridge
slab bridge
slide-wire bridge
square bridge
steel bridge
stiffened suspension bridge
straight bridge
strain gage bridge
sulfur bridge
superconducting bridge
suspension bridge
swing bridge
thermistor bridge
Thomson bridge
through bridge
thyristor bridge
timber bridge
torque bridge
transconductance bridge
traversing bridge
trestle bridge
truss bridge
turn bridge
unbalanced bridge
unstiffened suspension bridge
vertical-lift bridge
water-conduit bridge
Wheatstone bridge
wire bridge
wood bridge
wrought-iron bridge
zero-balance bridge -
10 truss
1) ферма; сквозная ферма; решётчатая ферма; стропильная ферма; шпренгельная ферма2) связка3) связывать; связывать в пуки; укреплять; придавать жёсткость; стягивать; соединять висячей стропильной конструкцией•truss with parallel chords — балочная ферма; сквозная ферма с параллельными поясами
- A-truss- arch truss - Belgian truss - bowstring truss - bridge truss - cable truss - continuous truss - deck truss - double-intersecting truss - English truss - erection truss - Fink truss - flat-chord truss - girder truss - hinged truss - hingeless arch truss - Howe truss - jack truss - joggle truss - K-truss - king-post truss - lateral truss - lattice truss - launching truss - mansard roof truss - N-truss - nailed truss - nail-glued roof truss - nonparallel-chord truss - parallel-chord truss - parker truss - Petit truss - pin-connected truss - pin-jointed truss - plane truss - plank truss - Pratt truss - primary truss - queen truss - queen post truss - riveted truss - roof truss - saw-tooth truss - Schwedler truss - scissor truss - secondary truss - segmental truss - steel truss - stiffening truss - suspended truss - three-hinged arch truss - triangular truss - two-hinged arch truss - Vierendeel truss - Warren truss - welded truss - wind truss* * *ферма (балочная, стропильная)- truss of deck typetruss without diagonal members — безраскосная ферма, ферма Виренделя
- truss of through type
- aluminum truss
- arch truss
- Belfast truss
- bobtail truss
- bowstring truss
- continuous truss
- deck truss
- double-intersecting truss
- English truss
- erection truss
- Fink truss
- flat-chord truss
- Howe truss
- jack truss
- king-post truss
- K-type truss
- lattice truss
- launching truss
- Linville truss
- movable form truss
- N-truss
- nailed roof truss
- nonparallel chord truss
- parallel-chord truss
- Parker truss
- Petit truss
- Polonceau truss
- Pratt truss
- queen-post truss
- roof truss
- segmental truss
- stiffening truss
- triangular truss
- tube truss
- two-span truss
- Vierendeel truss
- W-truss
- Warren truss -
11 truss
2) ферма; рама•-
Baltimore truss
Belgian truss
bowstring truss
bridge truss
camel-back truss
cantilever truss
continuous truss
deck truss
English truss
Fink truss
flat-chord truss
girder truss
hinged truss
Howe truss
inverted queen-post truss
king-post truss
lattice truss
Linville truss
parallel-chord truss
Parker truss
Pettit truss
pin-jointed truss
plane truss
polygonal truss
Pratt truss
quadrangular truss
queen-post truss
roof truss
segmental truss
space truss
statically determinate truss
statically indeterminate truss
suspended stiffening truss
through truss
Towne truss
triangular truss
Vierendeel truss
Warren truss -
12 truss bridge
- truss bridge
- nбалочный мост со сквозными фермами, мост с фермами Гау-Журавского
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
13 truss bridge
14 truss bridge
to bridge the gap — преодолеть расхождение, «навести мосты»
15 truss
16 truss bridge
мост со сквозными фермами мост со сквозными фермамиБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > truss bridge
17 truss bridge
[ʹtrʌsbrıdʒ] -
18 truss bridge
19 truss bridge
['trʌsbrɪdʒ]1) Военный термин: мост с сквозными фермами3) Строительство: балочный мост со сквозными фермами, мост с фермами Гау-Журавского4) Железнодорожный термин: мост со сквозной фермой5) Макаров: форменный мост -
20 truss stiffened suspension bridge
Железнодорожный термин: висячий мост с фермами жёсткостиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > truss stiffened suspension bridge
См. также в других словарях:
Truss bridge — for a single track railway, converted to pedestrian use and pipeline support Ancestor Beam bridge[ … Wikipedia
Truss — For other uses, see Truss (disambiguation). In architecture and structural engineering, a truss is a structure comprising one or more triangular units constructed with straight members whose ends are connected at joints referred to as nodes.… … Wikipedia
Bridge — This article is about the structure. For other uses, see Bridge (disambiguation). The Akashi Kaikyō Bridge in Japan, the world s longest suspension span … Wikipedia
Truss rod — A truss rod is a guitar part used to stabilize and adjust the lengthwise forward curvature (also called relief ), of the neck. Usually it is a steel rod that runs inside the neck and has a bolt that can be used to adjust its tension. The first… … Wikipedia
truss — /trʌs / (say trus) verb (t) 1. to tie, bind, or fasten. 2. to make fast with skewers or the like, as the wings of a fowl preparatory to cooking. 3. Building Trades, etc. to furnish or support with a truss or trusses. 4. to confine or enclose, as… …
Bridge No. L-5573 — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Truss bridge — Bridge Bridge (br[i^]j), n. [OE. brig, brigge, brug, brugge, AS. brycg, bricg; akin to Fries. bregge, D. brug, OHG. brucca, G. br[ u]cke, Icel. bryggja pier, bridge, Sw. brygga, Dan. brygge, and prob. Icel. br[=u] bridge, Sw. & Dan. bro bridge,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
truss´er — truss «truhs», verb, noun. –v.t. 1. to tie; fasten; bind: »to truss up a bundle of plants. We trussed the burglar up and called the police. 2. to fasten the wings or legs of (a fowl or small animal) with skewers or twine in preparation for… … Useful english dictionary
Bridge — (br[i^]j), n. [OE. brig, brigge, brug, brugge, AS. brycg, bricg; akin to Fries. bregge, D. brug, OHG. brucca, G. br[ u]cke, Icel. bryggja pier, bridge, Sw. brygga, Dan. brygge, and prob. Icel. br[=u] bridge, Sw. & Dan. bro bridge, pavement, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bridge of a steamer — Bridge Bridge (br[i^]j), n. [OE. brig, brigge, brug, brugge, AS. brycg, bricg; akin to Fries. bregge, D. brug, OHG. brucca, G. br[ u]cke, Icel. bryggja pier, bridge, Sw. brygga, Dan. brygge, and prob. Icel. br[=u] bridge, Sw. & Dan. bro bridge,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bridge of the nose — Bridge Bridge (br[i^]j), n. [OE. brig, brigge, brug, brugge, AS. brycg, bricg; akin to Fries. bregge, D. brug, OHG. brucca, G. br[ u]cke, Icel. bryggja pier, bridge, Sw. brygga, Dan. brygge, and prob. Icel. br[=u] bridge, Sw. & Dan. bro bridge,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English