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  • 1 brick

    ((a block of) baked clay used for building: a pile of bricks; ( also adjective) a brick wall.) plyta
    - bricklayer

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > brick

  • 2 drop a brick / drop a clanger

    (unknowingly to say or do something extremely tactless.) padaryti netaktą/liapsusą

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > drop a brick / drop a clanger

  • 3 as

    [æz] 1. conjunction
    1) (when; while: I met John as I was coming home; We'll be able to talk as we go.) kai, kada
    2) (because: As I am leaving tomorrow, I've bought you a present.) kadangi
    3) (in the same way that: If you are not sure how to behave, do as I do.) (taip) kaip
    4) (used to introduce a statement of what the speaker knows or believes to be the case: As you know, I'll be leaving tomorrow.) kaip
    5) (though: Old as I am, I can still fight; Much as I want to, I cannot go.) nors, kad ir kaip
    6) (used to refer to something which has already been stated and apply it to another person: Tom is English, as are Dick and Harry.) (lygiai) kaip ir
    2. adverb
    (used in comparisons, eg the first as in the following example: The bread was as hard as a brick.)
    3. preposition
    1) (used in comparisons, eg the second as in the following example: The bread was as hard as a brick.) kaip
    2) (like: He was dressed as a woman.) kaip
    3) (with certain verbs eg regard, treat, describe, accept: I am regarded by some people as a bit of a fool; He treats the children as adults.) kaip
    4) (in the position of: He is greatly respected both as a person and as a politician.) kaip
    - as if / as though
    - as to

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > as

  • 4 drop

    [drop] 1. noun
    1) (a small round or pear-shaped blob of liquid, usually falling: a drop of rain.) lašas
    2) (a small quantity (of liquid): If you want more wine, there's a drop left.) lašelis
    3) (an act of falling: a drop in temperature.) kritimas
    4) (a vertical descent: From the top of the mountain there was a sheer drop of a thousand feet.) status skardis
    2. verb
    1) (to let fall, usually accidentally: She dropped a box of pins all over the floor.) numesti
    2) (to fall: The coin dropped through the grating; The cat dropped on to its paws.) nukristi
    3) (to give up (a friend, a habit etc): I think she's dropped the idea of going to London.) mesti, atsisakyti
    4) (to set down from a car etc: The bus dropped me at the end of the road.) išlaipinti
    5) (to say or write in an informal and casual manner: I'll drop her a note.) tarstelėti, brūkštelėti
    - droppings
    - drop-out
    - drop a brick / drop a clanger
    - drop back
    - drop by
    - drop in
    - drop off
    - drop out

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > drop

  • 5 fling

    [fliŋ] 1. past tense, past participle - flung; verb
    1) (to throw with great force: He flung a brick through the window.) sviesti
    2) (to rush: He flung out of the house.) pulti, mestis
    2. noun
    (a lively Scottish dance: They danced a Highland fling.) (toks škotų šokis)

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > fling

  • 6 point

    [point] 1. noun
    1) (the sharp end of anything: the point of a pin; a sword point; at gunpoint (= threatened by a gun).) smaigalys
    2) (a piece of land that projects into the sea etc: The ship came round Lizard Point.) iškyšulys, ragas
    3) (a small round dot or mark (.): a decimal point; five point three six (= 5.36); In punctuation, a point is another name for a full stop.) taškas
    4) (an exact place or spot: When we reached this point of the journey we stopped to rest.) punktas
    5) (an exact moment: Her husband walked in at that point.) momentas
    6) (a place on a scale especially of temperature: the boiling-point of water.) taškas, laipsnis, temperatūra
    7) (a division on a compass eg north, south-west etc.) rumbas, kryptis
    8) (a mark in scoring a competition, game, test etc: He has won by five points to two.) taškas, balas
    9) (a particular matter for consideration or action: The first point we must decide is, where to meet; That's a good point; You've missed the point; That's the whole point; We're wandering away from the point.) dalykas, klausimas, esmė
    10) ((a) purpose or advantage: There's no point (in) asking me - I don't know.) prasmė, tikslas
    11) (a personal characteristic or quality: We all have our good points and our bad ones.) bruožas, ypatybė
    12) (an electrical socket in a wall etc into which a plug can be put: Is there only one electrical point in this room?) kištukinis lizdas
    2. verb
    1) (to aim in a particular direction: He pointed the gun at her.) (nu)taikyti, (nu)kreipti
    2) (to call attention to something especially by stretching the index finger in its direction: He pointed (his finger) at the door; He pointed to a sign.) (pa)rodyti, nurodyti
    3) (to fill worn places in (a stone or brick wall etc) with mortar.) užglaistyti skiediniu
    - pointer
    - pointless
    - pointlessly
    - points
    - be on the point of
    - come to the point
    - make a point of
    - make one's point
    - point out
    - point one's toes

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > point

  • 7 rubble

    (small pieces of stone, brick etc.) plytgaliai, skalda

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > rubble

  • 8 wall

    [wo:l] 1. noun
    1) (something built of stone, brick, plaster, wood etc and used to separate off or enclose something: There's a wall at the bottom of the garden: The Great Wall of China; a garden wall.) siena, tvora
    2) (any of the sides of a building or room: One wall of the room is yellow - the rest are white.) siena
    2. verb
    ((often with in) to enclose (something) with a wall: We've walled in the playground to prevent the children getting out.) aptverti
    - - walled
    - wallpaper
    3. verb
    (to put such paper on: I have wallpapered the front room.) (iš)klijuoti apmušalais, (iš)tapetuoti
    - have one's back to the wall
    - up the wall

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > wall

См. также в других словарях:

  • brick — brick …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • BRICK — Apparu après 1750, le brick est un petit navire de guerre à voile, son importance étant désignée par le nombre de bouches à feu: brick de douze, de dix huit canons... Gréé en voiles latines sur deux mâts, il peut devenir un voilier très fin, le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Brick — (br[i^]k), n. [OE. brik, F. brique; of Ger. origin; cf. AS. brice a breaking, fragment, Prov. E. brique piece, brique de pain, equiv. to AS. hl[=a]fes brice, fr. the root of E. break. See {Break}.] 1. A block or clay tempered with water, sand,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • BRICK —    Brick is a form of man made masonry that can be layered to enclose a space or held together with a mortar binder to create a structural support. Brick is made of a mixture of clay and sand, while the mortar is made of sand and a paste. The… …   Historical Dictionary of Architecture

  • Brick — bezeichnet: Brick (Film), US amerikanischer Thriller aus dem Jahr 2005 Brick (Band), US amerikanische Funk Jazz Band Brick ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Abraham L. Brick (1860–1908), US amerikanischer Politiker Martin Brick (* 1939),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • BRICK — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.  Pour les articles homophones, voir brik, brique et BRIC. Un brick est un type de bateau. Brick est un film de Rian Johnson sorti en …   Wikipédia en Français

  • brick — [brik] n. [ME brike < MDu < breken, BREAK (in sense “piece of baked clay”) & MFr brique < OFr, of same orig.] 1. a substance made from clay molded into oblong blocks and fired in a kiln or baked in the sun, used in building, paving, etc …   English World dictionary

  • brick — brick; brick·field·er; brick·ie; brick·le; brick·low; gold·brick; brick·ly; …   English syllables

  • Brick — Brick, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bricked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bricking}.] 1. To lay or pave with bricks; to surround, line, or construct with bricks. [1913 Webster] 2. To imitate or counterfeit a brick wall on, as by smearing plaster with red ocher,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brick|en — «BRIHK uhn», adjective. made of brick …   Useful english dictionary

  • brick|y — «BRIHK ee», adjective. 1. like brick in shape or color. 2. consisting or made of bricks …   Useful english dictionary

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