1 brick apron
групповое МС ( перрон) с кирпичным ( клинкерным) покрытиемEnglish-Russian dictionary of aviation and missile bases > brick apron
2 wall
1) стена, вал; стенка; перегородка; переборка2) дамба, насыпь ( для защиты от наводнения)3) геол. боковая порода4) горн. забой, лава5) обыкн. мн. ч. укрепления ( в военном деле)6) стенной, настенный7) обносить стеной, валом; разделять стеной; заделывать8) укреплять, строить укрепления•to wall in — огораживать, обносить стеной
to wall off — отгораживать (стеной, забором)
- abutment wall - adiabatic wall - aisle wall - all-rowlock wall - anchor wall - anchored retaining wall - approach wall - apron wall - arch wall - area wall - areaway wall - ashlar wall - back wall - baffle wall - bag wall - barrier wall - battened wall - batter-curved wall - battering wall - bearing wall - below-grade wall - blank wall - bottom wall - boulder wall - boundary wall - boxed buttress wall - breast wall - brick wall - bridge wall - bulkhead wall - buttress wall - buttressed wall - buttress retaining wall - buttress stiffening cross wall - cantilevered wall - cantilever retaining wall - cantilever tee retaining wall - carrying wall - cavity wall - central core wall - ceramic wall - chief wall - city wall - cob wall - column-and-panel wall - common wall - composite core wall - compound wall - concrete block masonry wall - concrete block quay wall - concrete core wall - continuous training wall - coping wall - core wall - core wall of dam - counterfort retaining wall - counterforted retaining wall - counterscarp wall - crib retaining wall - cross wall - crown wall - curtain wall - cut-off wall - dead wall - deflecting wall - diaphragm wall - diathermal wall - dirt wall - divide wall - dividing wall - division wall - double-face wall - downstream curtain wall - drain wall - dry wall - dry rubble wall - dry stone wall - dwarf wall - embankment wall - enceinte wall - enclosure wall - end wall - exposed wall - facade wall - face wall - faced wall - fencing wall - fender wall - filler wall - filtration-proof wall - fire wall - fire-division wall - fireproof wall - flat wall - flood wall - foot wall - foundation wall - frame wall - free-standing sheet pile wall - front wall - furred wall - gable wall - gravity wall - gravity quay wall - gravity retaining wall - guard wall - guide wall - half-brick wall - half-timber wall - head wall - heat insulated wall - hollow wall - hollow concrete quay wall - hollow core wall - honeycombed wall - intake wall - internal wall - jacketed wall - key wall - land lock wall - latticed partition wall - lightweight wall - load-bearing wall - loam wall - main wall - masonry wall - monolith quay wall - moorage wall - mortarless wall - moving wall - mud wall - naked wall - non-bearing wall - non-loadbearing wall - one-and-half brick wall - one-brick wall - outer protective wall - outside wall - oven wall - pack wall - panel wall - parapet wall - partition wall - party wall - perforated wall - periphery wall - piling wall - plinth wall - porous wall - prefabricated wall - prefabricated area wall - puddle wall - quay wall - reed slab wall - relieving wall - retaining wall - retaining wall with surcharge - retention wall - revetment wall - ribbed wall - ring wall - river lock wall - rough wall - rubble wall - rubble retaining wall - rubble toe wall - sandwich wall - scarp wall - sea wall - sealing wall - self-supporting wall - self-sustaining wall - separation wall - serpentine wall - shadow wall - sheet-pile wall - sheet-pile retaining wall - shelter wall - short training wall - side wall - skimmer wall - skimming wall - sleeper wall - slot wall - slurry wall - socle wall - solid quay wall - soundproof wall - spandrel wall - spillway guide wall - spine wall - spiral wall - splay walls - stair wall - stepped side wall - string wall - stringer wall - structural wall - stud wall - suspended wall - tail wall - talus wall - tied retaining wall - tile-hung wall - toe wall - training wall - tube wall - turf wall - two-and-a-half brick wall - two-brick wall - unpierced wall - upstream wall - veneered wall - wake wall - wall-derrick wall - waterproofing wall - wave wall - wharf wall - whole-brick wall - window wall - wing wall - wing wall of lockto wall up —1) производить кладку стены 2) заделывать (дверь, окно), замуровывать
* * *1. стена (здания, сада)2. стенка (траншеи, котлована)3. крепостной вал- above-grade wallto wall up — заделывать [замоноличивать] в стену
- all-brick wall
- all-rowlock wall
- anchor wall
- anchored retaining wall
- anchored sheetpile wall
- anchored sheet wall
- angular retaining wall
- apron wall
- arched retaining wall
- area wall
- avalanche baffle wall
- backup wall
- baffle wall
- basement wall
- basement retaining wall
- bearing wall
- below-grade wall
- bin wall
- bin-type retaining wall
- blank wall
- blind wall
- block wall
- block quay wall
- boulder wall
- boundary wall
- bracket-type retaining wall
- breast wall
- brick wall
- brick-and-a-half wall
- bridge spandrel wall
- bulged retaining wall
- bulkhead wall
- buttressed retaining wall
- canted wall
- cant wall
- cantilevered quay wall
- cantilevered retaining wall
- cast-in-place trench wall
- cavity concrete block wall
- ceramic wall
- climbing wall
- collision wall
- common wall
- compound wall
- concrete wall
- concrete block gravity wall
- concrete block masonry wall
- concrete core wall
- concrete tile masonry wall
- concrete tile wall
- core wall
- counterfort retaining wall
- crib retaining wall
- cross wall
- curtain wall
- curved wall
- cutoff wall
- cutoff sheet pile wall
- dead wall
- diaphragm wall
- diaphragm retaining wall
- dividing wall
- division wall
- drop wall
- dry wall
- dry stone wall
- dwarf wall
- economy wall
- embankment wall
- enclosure wall
- envelope wall
- exterior wall
- external wall
- external panel wall
- face wall
- faced wall
- falling wall
- fence wall
- fender wall
- filler wall
- fire wall
- fire division wall
- fixed retaining wall
- flank wall
- flexible retaining wall
- flexible wall
- foundation wall
- freestone wall
- front wall
- gable wall
- garden wall
- garden wall with coping stones
- glass wall
- glass brick wall
- gravity masonry wall
- gravity quay wall
- ground wall
- guard wall
- guide wall
- half-brick wall
- head wall
- hollow masonry wall
- hollow wall
- honeycomb wall
- hopper wall
- infilled wall
- interior wall
- knee wall
- lateral wall
- lattice retaining wall
- load-bearing wall
- mechanical core wall
- metal curtain wall
- naked wall
- noise abatement wall
- noise control barrier wall
- nonbearing wall
- one-brick wall
- operable wall
- outer wall
- panel wall
- paneled wall
- parapet wall
- party wall
- perforated wall
- periphery wall
- pierced wall
- plastered wall
- precast barrier wall
- precast barrier wall for noise control
- precast basement wall
- quay wall
- retaining wall
- revetment wall
- ribbed wall
- rising wall
- rollock cavity wall
- rubble masonry wall
- rubble wall
- sandwich wall
- screen wall
- sea wall
- sectional retaining wall
- semigravity wall
- shear wall
- shotcreted wall
- side wall
- sleeper wall
- slurry-type wall
- slurry wall
- solid masonry wall
- solid retaining wall
- sound-proof wall
- spine wall
- splitter wall
- steel curtain wall
- stone wall
- storm wall
- structural wall
- stub wall
- stud wall
- surcharged wall
- thrust resistance wall
- tied retaining wall
- timber-paneled wall
- toe wall
- training wall
- veneered wall
- waterproofing below-grade wall
- whole-brick wall
- window wall
- wing wall -
3 wall
- wall
- n1. стена (здания, сада)
2. стенка (траншеи, котлована)
3. крепостной вал
to wall up — заделывать [замоноличивать] в стену
- above-grade wall
- all-brick wall
- all-rowlock wall
- anchor wall
- anchored retaining wall
- anchored sheetpile wall
- anchored sheet wall
- angular retaining wall
- apron wall
- arched retaining wall
- area wall
- avalanche baffle wall
- backup wall
- baffle wall
- basement wall
- basement retaining wall
- bearing wall
- below-grade wall
- bin wall
- bin-type retaining wall
- blank wall
- blind wall
- block wall
- block quay wall
- boulder wall
- boundary wall
- bracket-type retaining wall
- breast wall
- brick wall
- brick-and-a-half wall
- bridge spandrel wall
- bulged retaining wall
- bulkhead wall
- buttressed retaining wall
- canted wall
- cant wall
- cantilevered quay wall
- cantilevered retaining wall
- cast-in-place trench wall
- cavity concrete block wall
- ceramic wall
- climbing wall
- collision wall
- common wall
- compound wall
- concrete wall
- concrete block gravity wall
- concrete block masonry wall
- concrete core wall
- concrete tile masonry wall
- concrete tile wall
- core wall
- counterfort retaining wall
- crib retaining wall
- cross wall
- curtain wall
- curved wall
- cutoff wall
- cutoff sheet pile wall
- dead wall
- diaphragm wall
- diaphragm retaining wall
- dividing wall
- division wall
- drop wall
- dry wall
- dry stone wall
- dwarf wall
- economy wall
- embankment wall
- enclosure wall
- envelope wall
- exterior wall
- external wall
- external panel wall
- face wall
- faced wall
- falling wall
- fence wall
- fender wall
- filler wall
- fire wall
- fire division wall
- fixed retaining wall
- flank wall
- flexible retaining wall
- flexible wall
- foundation wall
- freestone wall
- front wall
- gable wall
- garden wall
- garden wall with coping stones
- glass wall
- glass brick wall
- gravity masonry wall
- gravity quay wall
- ground wall
- guard wall
- guide wall
- half-brick wall
- head wall
- hollow masonry wall
- hollow wall
- honeycomb wall
- hopper wall
- infilled wall
- interior wall
- knee wall
- lateral wall
- lattice retaining wall
- load-bearing wall
- mechanical core wall
- metal curtain wall
- naked wall
- noise abatement wall
- noise control barrier wall
- nonbearing wall
- one-brick wall
- operable wall
- outer wall
- panel wall
- paneled wall
- parapet wall
- party wall
- perforated wall
- periphery wall
- pierced wall
- plastered wall
- precast barrier wall
- precast barrier wall for noise control
- precast basement wall
- quay wall
- retaining wall
- revetment wall
- ribbed wall
- rising wall
- rollock cavity wall
- rubble masonry wall
- rubble wall
- sandwich wall
- screen wall
- sea wall
- sectional retaining wall
- semigravity wall
- shear wall
- shotcreted wall
- side wall
- sleeper wall
- slurry-type wall
- slurry wall
- solid masonry wall
- solid retaining wall
- sound-proof wall
- spine wall
- splitter wall
- steel curtain wall
- stone wall
- storm wall
- structural wall
- stub wall
- stud wall
- surcharged wall
- thrust resistance wall
- tied retaining wall
- timber-paneled wall
- toe wall
- training wall
- veneered wall
- waterproofing below-grade wall
- whole-brick wall
- window wall
- wing wall
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
4 slab
1) плита; панель; плита дорожного покрытия; панель перекрытия3) горбыль•- anchor slab - apron slab - armoured concrete slab - back slab - balcony slab - beam slab - bending slab - building slab - cement slab - cladding slab - composite slab - concrete slab - concrete pavement slab - continuous slab - continuous foundation slab - cored slab - cork slab - corner slab - cornice slab - crest slab - cross slab - curb slab - deck slab of dam - face slab - facing slab - fibre reinforced gypsum slab - filler-concrete slab - fixed-edge slab - floating slab - floor slab - floor slab of a bridge - grade slab - ground slab - gunited slab - heat insulating slab - laminated slab - large slab - lift slab - load-bearing wall slabs - marble wall slab - mineral wool slab - multilayer slab - one-way slab - pavement slab - paving slab - peat slab - pillar wall slab - plaster slab - plinth slab - precast slab - prefabricated slabs - ready-made slab - reinforced-concrete slab - ribbed slab - road slab - roadway slab - rolled slab - roof slab - sandwich slab - sheet slab - shell slab - short span slab - side slab - single-layer slab - sluice slab - sound insulating slab - sound isolation slab - spillway slab - stiffened slab - T-beam floor slab - test slab - thickened edge slab - thin slab - three-layer slab - toe slab - truss slab - two-way slab - uniform road slab - uniform thickness slab - upstream-deck slab - ventilation slab - wall slab - wall heating slab - window slab - wind-protective slab - wood-based slab - woodfibre slab - woodwool slabslab with stiffened edges — плита с укреплёнными краями; плита с жёстко заделанными краями
* * *1. плита ( элемент конструкции)2. горбыль ( пиломатериал)slab over basement — надподвальная плита, плита подвального перекрытия
slab rested on loose fill material — плита ( пола), опирающаяся на насыпной грунт
slab shotcreted over expanded metal — бетонная плита, выполненная методом торкретирования поверх просечно-вытяжного настила; торкрет-бетонная плита, армированная просечно-вытяжным настилом
slab simply supported on four sides — прямоугольная плита, свободно [шарнирно] опёртая по четырём сторонам
- approach slabslab spanning in two directions — плита, работающая в двух направлениях
- apron slab
- balcony slab
- basement slab
- beam slab
- beam and girder slab
- brick-lined concrete slab
- bridge deck slab
- compressed straw slab
- concrete slab
- concrete slab on grade
- continuous slab
- deck slab
- edge supported slab
- equalizing slab
- fixed-edge slab
- flat slab
- floating slab
- floor slab
- foundation slab
- ground slab
- heat-insulating slab
- hollow core slab
- hollow-tile floor slab
- infinite slab
- in-situ concrete slab
- leftward skew slab
- lift slab
- marked out facing slab
- monolithic slab and foundation slab
- mud slab
- paving slab
- plaster slab
- post-tensioned slab
- post-tension slab
- restrained slab
- ribbed slab above basement
- roof slab
- sandwich slab
- semi-infinite slab
- short span slab
- simply supported slab
- skew slab
- solid slab
- spillway slab
- structural slab
- terrazzo facing slab
- terrazzo slab
- two-way slab
- two-way ribbed flat slab
- two-way ribbed slab
- unstiffened edge slab
- upstanding beam slab
- upstand beam slab
- upstream-deck slab
- waffle slab
- wood-fiber slab -
5 slab
- slab
- n1. плита ( элемент конструкции)
2. горбыль ( пиломатериал)
slab over basement — надподвальная плита, плита подвального перекрытия
slab rested on loose fill material — плита ( пола), опирающаяся на насыпной грунт
slab shotcreted over expanded metal — бетонная плита, выполненная методом торкретирования поверх просечно-вытяжного настила; торкрет-бетонная плита, армированная просечно-вытяжным настилом
slab simply supported on four sides — прямоугольная плита, свободно [шарнирно] опёртая по четырём сторонам
slab spanning in two directions — плита, работающая в двух направлениях
- approach slab
- apron slab
- balcony slab
- basement slab
- beam slab
- beam and girder slab
- brick-lined concrete slab
- bridge deck slab
- compressed straw slab
- concrete slab
- concrete slab on grade
- continuous slab
- deck slab
- edge supported slab
- equalizing slab
- fixed-edge slab
- flat slab
- floating slab
- floor slab
- foundation slab
- ground slab
- heat-insulating slab
- hollow core slab
- hollow-tile floor slab
- infinite slab
- in-situ concrete slab
- leftward skew slab
- lift slab
- marked out facing slab
- monolithic slab and foundation slab
- mud slab
- paving slab
- plaster slab
- post-tensioned slab
- post-tension slab
- restrained slab
- ribbed slab above basement
- roof slab
- sandwich slab
- semi-infinite slab
- short span slab
- simply supported slab
- skew slab
- solid slab
- spillway slab
- structural slab
- terrazzo facing slab
- terrazzo slab
- two-way slab
- two-way ribbed flat slab
- two-way ribbed slab
- unstiffened edge slab
- upstanding beam slab
- upstand beam slab
- upstream-deck slab
- waffle slab
- wood-fiber slab
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
6 перемычка
( над проемом) bressummer, bridge, bridle, ( между котлованами) balk, barricade горн., brick beam, spandrel beam, lintel block строит., breastplate, breastsummer, bulkhead метал., cofferdam гидр., crossbar, check dam, closure dam, dam, closing dike, cross dike, dike, ( в протекторном рисунке шины) hump, lintel, patch, pen, ( ограждения котлована) puncheon, seal, ( проема) sommer, ( в многоэтажном здании) spandrel, spandril, connection strap, jumper strap, strap электрон., ( между свинцовыми оболочками кабелей) bonding strip, summer, apron wall, web
См. также в других словарях:
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