1 breech-block
breech-block noun mil. затвор -
2 breech-block
3 breech-block
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > breech-block
4 breech block
1) Авиация: затвор, механизм фиксации2) Морской термин: затвор орудия3) Оружейное производство: запирающий механизм, затворный механизм4) Организованная преступность: казённик -
5 breech-block
Макаров: затвор (напр. орудия) -
6 breech block
7 breech-block
8 breech block
<09> казенник -
9 breech-block
[`briːʧblɔk]затворАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > breech-block
10 breech block
2. затвор; затворный механизм -
11 breech block
12 breech block
13 breech-block
English-Russian Dictionary of Military Terms and Abbreviations > breech-block
14 breech block
затвор, затворный механизм, запирающий механизм -
15 breech block
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > breech block
16 breech block
затвор; затворный механизм -
17 breech block
18 breech-block stop
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > breech-block stop
19 breech block pivoted below the level of the chamber
Оружейное производство: затвор, расположенный ниже уровня патронникаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > breech block pivoted below the level of the chamber
20 breech-block bushing
Артиллерия: вкладыш затвора
См. также в других словарях:
breech|block — «BREECH BLOK», noun. a movable metal block which closes the breech end of the bore or barrel in certain firearms … Useful english dictionary
breech-block — pabūklo spyna statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Pro drūtgalį užtaisomo pabūklo dalis šaudmeniui į lizdą stumti, vamzdžio drūtgaliui atsklęsti ir užsklęsti, iššauti ir tūtai išmesti. Pabūklo spyna pagal veikimo principą būna automatinė, pusiau… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
breech block — The locking and cartridge head supporting mechanism of a firearm that does not operate in line with the axis of the bore … Forensic science glossary
Welin breech block — The Welin breech block is a stepped, interrupted thread breech, invented by Axel Welin in 1889 or 1890. Shortly after, Vickers acquired the British patents. Though the US Navy was offered the design a year or two later, they declined and the… … Wikipedia
sliding-wedge breech-block — pleištinė pabūklo spyna statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Šovininio ir tūtinio užtaisymo spyna, naudojama mažo ir vidutinio kalibro patrankose su vientisiniais ir dvinariais šaudmenimis. Būna vertikaliosios (mažo kalibro pabūkluose) ir… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
screw breech-block — stūmoklinė pabūklo spyna statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Tūtinio ir betūčio užtaisymo spyna, naudojama vidutinio ir didelio kalibro pabūkluose, šaudančiuose dvinariais ir trinariais šaudmenimis. Stūmoklinė pabūklo spyna susideda iš… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
breech — n. & v. n. 1 a the part of a cannon behind the bore. b the back part of a rifle or gun barrel. 2 archaic the buttocks. v.tr. archaic put (a boy) into breeches after being in petticoats since birth. Phrases and idioms: breech birth (or delivery)… … Useful english dictionary
breech face — That part of the breech block or breech bolt which is against the head of the cartridge case or shotshell during firing … Forensic science glossary
Breech — may refer to: *Breeches, certain types of trousers; this term is older than the derived meaning buttock of the word breech *In a breech loading weapon, the breech refers to the rear portion of the barrel which opens for ammunition loading, as… … Wikipedia
breech — [brēch; ] for vt. 1 [ brich] n. [ME brech < OE brec, pl. of broc < IE base * bhreg : see BREAK] 1. the buttocks; rump 2. the lower or back part of a thing; specif., a) the lower end of a pulley block b) the back end of the barrel of a gun:… … English World dictionary
Breech-loading weapon — naval breech loader. Notice that there is a series of interlocking doors that never permit an open path from the gunhouse, down which a flash might travel, to the magazine.A breech loading weapon is a firearm (a rifle, a gun etc.) in which the… … Wikipedia