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  • 1 breast milk

    • äidinmaito

    English-Finnish dictionary > breast milk

  • 2 breast

    • ryntäät
    • rinta
    • rintamus
    • rinnus
    • nisä
    • etumus
    • etupuoli
    • povi
    • ponnistella vastaan
    • kohdata rohkeasti
    • sydän
    * * *
    brest 1. noun
    1) (either of a woman's two milk-producing glands on the front of the upper body.) rinta
    2) (the front of a body between the neck and belly: He clutched the child to his breast; This recipe needs three chicken breasts.) rinta
    2. verb
    1) (to face or oppose: breast the waves.) puskea päin
    2) (to come to the top of: As we breasted the hill we saw the enemy in the distance.) saapua jonkin huipulle
    - breastfed
    - breaststroke

    English-Finnish dictionary > breast

  • 3 nipple

    • nisä
    • nippa
    • nippeli
    • nänni
    • tutti
    * * *
    1) (the darker, pointed part of a woman's breast from which a baby sucks milk; the equivalent part of a male breast.) nänni
    2) ((American) the rubber mouth-piece of a baby's feeding-bottle; a teat.) tutti

    English-Finnish dictionary > nipple

  • 4 breastfeed

    verb (to feed (a baby) with milk from the breast.) imettää

    English-Finnish dictionary > breastfeed

  • 5 nurse

    • imettää
    • imettäjä
    • hemmotella
    • helliä
    • hautoa mielessään
    • hoituri
    • huolehtia
    • hoivata
    • hoitajatar
    • hoitaja
    • hoitaa
    • elätellä
    • elättää
    • vaalia
    • terveydenhoitaja
    • kipusisko
    • sairaanhoitajatar
    • sairaanhoitaja
    • lapsenhoitaja
    • lastenhoitaja
    * * *
    nə:s 1. noun
    1) (a person who looks after sick or injured people in hospital: She wants to be a nurse.) sairaanhoitaja
    2) (a person, usually a woman, who looks after small children: The children have gone out with their nurse.) lastenhoitaja
    2. verb
    1) (to look after sick or injured people, especially in a hospital: He was nursed back to health.) hoitaa
    2) (to give (a baby) milk from the breast.) imettää
    3) (to hold with care: She was nursing a kitten.) helliä
    4) (to have or encourage (feelings eg of anger or hope) in oneself.) elätellä
    - nursing
    - nursemaid
    - nurseryman
    - nursery rhyme
    - nursery school
    - nursing-home

    English-Finnish dictionary > nurse

  • 6 teat

    • nänni
    • nisä
    • tutti
    • utare
    * * *
    (the part of a female animal's breast or udder through which milk passes to the young; the nipple.) nänni

    English-Finnish dictionary > teat

См. также в других словарях:

  • Breast milk — refers to the milk produced by a mother to feed her baby. It provides the primary source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to eat and digest other foods; older infants and toddlers may continue to be breastfed. The baby nursing from… …   Wikipedia

  • breast milk — also breast milk N UNCOUNT Breast milk is the white liquid produced by women to breast feed their babies …   English dictionary

  • breast-milk — see breast milk …   English dictionary

  • breast milk — mother s milk, milk produced by a woman to be fed to her child through the breast …   English contemporary dictionary

  • breast milk — noun : milk from the human breast …   Useful english dictionary

  • breast milk — noun Milk produced by human mammary glands. Syn: mothers milk …   Wiktionary

  • breast-milk jaundice — prolonged jaundice lasting several weeks after birth in breast fed babies for which no other cause can be found. It improves with time and is not an indication to stop breast feeding …   Medical dictionary

  • breast-milk jaundice — prolonged jaundice lasting several weeks after birth in breast fed babies for which no other cause can be found. It improves with time and is not an indication to stop breast feeding …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Donor Expressed Breast Milk — is milk collected from lactating females to be used for new born babies. Breast milk contains all the essentials nutrients that are need for the baby to grow. Some mothers do not have enough breast milk to feed their babies, but do not want feed… …   Wikipedia

  • International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes — The International Code of Marketing of Breast milk Substitutes was organized by Dr. Manuel Carballo and established in 1981 by the general assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO). This Code, and a number of subsequent World Health… …   Wikipedia

  • breast milk jaundice — jaundice occurring in breastfed infants after the first 3–5 days of life. Serum bilirubin generally peaks at approximately 2 weeks and falls gradually over the next several months; the cause is unknown …   Medical dictionary

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