1 breaking extension
1) Текстиль: относительное растяжение при разрыве, разрывное удлинение2) Полимеры: удлинение при разрыве -
2 breaking extension
3 breaking extension
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > breaking extension
4 breaking extension
Англо-русский словарь текстильной промышленности > breaking extension
5 breaking extension
English-Russian dictionary of leather and footwear industry > breaking extension
6 breaking extension
удлинение при разрыве; разрывное удлинениеEnglish-Russian dictionary on textile and sewing industry > breaking extension
7 extension
1. растяжение2. удлинение при растяжении, вытягиваниеbreaking extension — разрывное удлинение, удлинение при разрыве
crack extension — распространение трещин
elastic extension — упругое растяжение
linear extension — линейное удлинение
longitudinal extension — продольное удлинение
permanent extension — остаточное удлинение
plastic extension — пластическое растяжение
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and space materials > extension
8 extension
1. вытягивание; 2. растяжение, удлинение @breaking extension разрывное удлинение @cumulative extension кумулятивное или нарастающее удлинение @delayed extension замедленное удлинение @recoverable extension эластичное или обратимое удлинение @ -
9 extension
1. вытягивание; 2. растяжение, удлинение @breaking extension разрывное удлинение @cumulative extension кумулятивное или нарастающее удлинение @delayed extension замедленное удлинение @recoverable extension эластичное или обратимое удлинение @ -
10 breaking
11 extension
расширение имя существительное:протяженность (extension, spread, space)надставка (extension, piece put on) -
12 strength
1) прочность; предел прочности; сопротивление; крепость2) сила, интенсивность3) крепость, концентрация ( раствора)•- strength of current - strength of extension - strength of materials - strength of solution - acid strength - actual strength - adhesive strength - aged strength - air-dry strength - alternate strength - alternate bending strength - bearing strength - bearing strength of ice - bond strength of cement to sand - bond strength - bonding strength - breaking strength - buckling strength - bulk strength - characteristic strength - cleavage strength - coating strength - colour strength - combined strength - compressive strength - concrete strength - crack strength - cross-breaking strength - crushing strength - cube crushing strength - current strength - cylinder strength - designed strength of concrete - drained strength - dry bond strength - dye strength - effective strength - elastic strength - emission strength - endurance strength - fatigue strength - film strength - flexural strength - flow strength - folding strength - frictional strength - impact strength - lateral strength - limit strength - long-time strength - mechanical strength - polluting strength - pull strength - reverberation strength - rupture strength - sand strength - sewage strength - shear strength - shock strength - short-time strength - solution strength - source strength - stressed-state strength - stripping strength - structural strength - tensile strength - thermal insulation strength - tinting strength - transverse strength - twisting strength - ultimate strength - vibration strength - weld strength - wet strength - wind strength - working strength - yield strengthstrength under shock — сопротивление удару; прочность на удар
* * *1. прочность; предел прочности; предел выносливости2. крепость, концентрация ( раствора)- strength of materialsstrength under sustained load — прочность при длительной нагрузке, долговременная прочность
- strength of sewage
- abrasive strength
- actual strength
- actual aggregate breaking strength
- actual breaking strength
- adequate strength
- adfreezing strength
- adhesional strength
- adhesion strength
- aggregate breaking strength
- alternate strength
- alternate bending strength
- axial tensile strength
- bearing strength
- bending strength
- bending compression strength
- bending oscillation strength
- bending tensile strength
- bonding strength
- bond strength
- bond strength of cement to coarse aggregate
- bond strength of cement to sand
- Brazilian test strength
- breaking strength
- buckling strength
- bursting strength
- characteristic strength
- characteristic strength of concrete
- characteristic strength of prestressing tendon
- characteristic strength of reinforcement
- characteristic cube strength
- combined strength
- compressive strength
- compressive strength affected by water-cement ratio
- compressive strength increased by revibration
- concrete strength
- concrete strength at 7 days
- concrete strength at 28 days
- concrete compressive strength
- crack strength
- creep strength
- crushing strength
- cube strength
- cylinder strength
- deformation strength
- design strength
- design strength of materials
- design mean strength
- drained strength
- dried strength
- dynamic strength
- dynamic ultimate strength
- early strength
- early strength of concrete
- elastic strength
- endurance strength
- fatigue strength
- final strength of concrete
- fired strength
- flexural strength
- fracture strength
- guaranteed strength
- impact strength
- initial strength
- long-term strength
- mean strength
- no-load shearing strength
- offset yield strength
- peak strength
- postbuckling strength
- postcracking strength
- pull-out rebar strength
- reduced strength
- reinforcing bar pull-out strength
- rock joint strength
- rupture strength
- shearing strength
- shear strength
- short-term strength
- soil strength
- specified works cube strength
- splitting tensile strength
- stripping strength
- taking-off strength
- tearing strength
- tensile strength
- tensile splitting strength
- tinctorial strength
- tinting strength
- torsion strength
- transfer strength
- transverse strength
- ultimate strength
- ultimate tensile strength
- works cube strength
- yield strength -
13 resistance
1) сопротивление; сопротивляемость; прочность (см. тж
strength.)2) стойкость, устойчивость3) эл. (активное) сопротивление4) резистор•resistance in waves — сопротивление ( судна) при ходе на волнении;resistance to case — сопротивление относительно корпуса, сопротивление относительно земли;resistance to corrosion fatigue — коррозионно-усталостная прочность;resistance to pit corrosion — сопротивление питтинговой коррозии;resistance to poisoning — стойкость ( катализатора) к отравлению;-
abrasion resistance
abrasive wear resistance
abrasive resistance
ac resistance
acid resistance
acoustic resistance
active resistance
aerodynamic resistance
aging resistance
air resistance
alkali resistance
antenna resistance
antiinterference resistance
apparent resistance
appendages resistance
arc resistance
armature resistance
ascent resistance
asynchronous resistance
back resistance
bacterial resistance
balancing resistance
ballast resistance
bare-hull resistance
barrier-layer resistance
bearing resistance
bending resistance
bleeder resistance
block resistance
blocking resistance
body resistance
bond resistance
booster resistance
bossing resistance
brake resistance
branch resistance
brittle fracture resistance
brush resistance
buckling resistance
bulk resistance
burden resistance
calibrating resistance
calm-water resistance
cathode-interface layer resistance
cathode-interface resistance
channel resistance
charging resistance
chemical resistance
climbing resistance
cohesive resistance
coil resistance
cold resistance
collapse resistance
commutation wear resistance
compressive resistance
concussion resistance
contact pressure resistance
contact resistance
corona resistance
corrosion resistance
coupling resistance
crack growth resistance
crack initiation resistance
crack resistance
creep resistance
criticalbuild-up resistance
crushing resistance
cubic resistance
curving resistance
cutting resistance
dark resistance
dc copper resistance
dc resistance
dead resistance
decoupling resistance
deep-water resistance
devitrification resistance
dielectric resistance
differential resistance
diffusion resistance
dirtiness resistance
discharge resistance
displacement resistance
distributed resistance
drag resistance
dynamic resistance
earth-connection resistance
eddy-making resistance
eddy resistance
edge tearing resistance
effective resistance
elastic resistance
electrical resistance
electrode resistance
electrolytic resistance
end resistance
environmental resistance
equivalent resistance
erosion resistance
erosive wear resistance
etch resistance
fatigue resistance
fault resistance
field resistance
field-coil resistance
filament resistance
fire resistance
flange resistance
flat crush resistance
flexing resistance
flexural resistance
flow resistance
folding resistance
footing resistance
forward resistance
fracture extension resistance
frame resistance
free rolling resistance
freeze resistance
freeze-thaw resistance
freezing resistance
friction heat resistance
frost resistance
fungus resistance
glass attack resistance
go-and-return resistance
grease hardening resistance
head resistance
heat resistance
heat-transfer resistance
hf resistance
hot-corrosion resistance
hot-tear resistance
humidity resistance
hydraulic resistance
hydrodynamic resistance
ice resistance
impact resistance
impulse resistance
incremental resistance
indentation resistance
induced resistance
input resistance
insertion resistance
insulation resistance
interface-layer resistance
interface resistance
intergranular corrosion resistance
internal resistance
intrinsic corrosion resistance
ionic resistance
joint resistance
junction resistance
lateral resistance
leakage resistance
light resistance
linear resistance
load resistance
locomotive resistance
loop resistance
loss resistance
low-frequency resistance
lumped resistance
magnetic resistance
mass-transfer resistance
mechanical resistance
mildew fungus resistance
mildew resistance
moisture resistance
momentum resistance
motional resistance
naked-hull resistance
negative phase-sequence resistance
negative sequence resistance
negative resistance
net train resistance
neutral resistance
noise resistance
nonlinear resistance
normal resistance of superconductor
off resistance
ohmic resistance
oil resistance
on resistance
optimum linearizing load resistance
outflow resistance
output resistance
overall resistance
oxidation resistance
parallel resistance
parasitie resistance
peeling resistance
picking resistance
plug resistance
positive phase-sequence resistance
positive sequence resistance
pressure resistance
preventive resistance
puncture resistance
pure resistance
radiation resistance
radio-frequency resistance
rail resistance
rated resistance
rated zero-power resistance
real resistance
reduced resistance
relative wear resistance
replica resistance
residual resistance
resonant resistance
reverse resistance
rf resistance
rolling resistance
roughness resistance
rough-water resistance
rub resistance
running resistance
sag resistance
salt resistance
scale resistance
score resistance
seismic resistance
separation resistance
series resistance
setup resistance
shearing resistance
sheet resistance
shock resistance
shrink resistance
shunt resistance
shunt-breaking resistance
skid resistance
skirt contact resistance
slag resistance
sliding resistance
slip resistance
small-signal resistance
snag resistance
source resistance
spalling resistance
specific magnetic resistance
specific resistance
spray resistance
spring resistance
stain resistance
standard resistance
starting resistance
static resistance
streamline-flow resistance
stress crack resistance
structure-footing resistance
support resistance
surface resistance
surge resistance
switching wear resistance
switch-off resistance
switch-on resistance
takeoff resistance
tear resistance
temperature resistance
terminal resistance
thermal contact resistance
thermal resistance
thermal shock resistance
tire rolling resistance
tool wear resistance
torsional resistance
total resistance
towing resistance
tracking resistance
traction resistance
train resistance
train shunt resistance
transient resistance
true resistance
turning resistance
twisting resistance
ultimate resistance
vapor resistance
variable resistance
viscous resistance
voltage-dependent resistance
volume resistance
vortex resistance
wake traverse resistance
water resistance
water-contact resistance
wave resistance
wave-breaking resistance
wave-forming resistance
wear resistance
weather resistance
wet skid resistance
wetting resistance
white-rust resistance
wind resistance
wrinkle resistance
yield resistance
zero phase-sequence resistance
zero-power resistance -
14 strength
1. прочность; сила; крепость3. концентрация ( раствора)4. численность, численный состав— bonding strength
* * *
прочность; предел прочности
* * *
прочность, сопротивление материала; крепость (кислот, растворов), сила; концентрация ( растворов); напряжённость ( поля); интенсивность; энергия
* * *
1. прочность (определяется величиной напряжения, при которой наступает разрушение тела)2. напряжённость ( поля); интенсивность, сила
* * *
1) сила; интенсивность2) прочность; предел прочности3) крепость; концентрация ( раствора)•- strength of extension
- strength of joint
- abrasion strength
- acid strength
- anchoring strength
- bending strength
- breaking strength of rock
- coating strength
- collapsing strength
- crushing strength
- crushing strength of rock
- early strength
- early cement strength
- failure governing strength
- fatigue strength
- gel strength
- high-tensile strength
- image strength
- impact strength
- reflection strength
- repeated impact bending strength
- rock strength
- set strength
- shear strength
- shear bond strength
- signal strength
- tensile strength
- threshold strength
- tool joint strength
- torsional strength
- transverse strength
- transverse bending strength
- twisting strength
- ultimate strength
- ultimate bending strength
- ultimate cement strength
- ultimate joint strength
- ultimate tensile strength
- ultimate yield strength
- uniform strength
- vibration strength
- wave strength
- weld strength
- working strength
- yield strength* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > strength
15 strain
1. напряжение; 2. усилие; нагрузка; 3. натяжение; 4. деформация; 5. сорт; 6. натяжка (порок основы); 7. натягивать; 8. сжимать; 9. сгибать; 10. скручивать; 11. деформировать; 12. фильтровать @breaking strain 1. напряжение при разрыве; 2. разрывная нагрузка @cubic strain объёмная деформация @extension strain 1. растягивающее усилие; 2. деформация при растяжении @linear strain линейная деформация @permanent strain остаточная деформация @plane strain плоскостная деформация @pure strain чистый сорт @unit breaking strain относительное разрывное удлинение @volume strain объёмная деформация @ -
16 strain
1. напряжение; 2. усилие; нагрузка; 3. натяжение; 4. деформация; 5. сорт; 6. натяжка (порок основы); 7. натягивать; 8. сжимать; 9. сгибать; 10. скручивать; 11. деформировать; 12. фильтровать @breaking strain 1. напряжение при разрыве; 2. разрывная нагрузка @cubic strain объёмная деформация @extension strain 1. растягивающее усилие; 2. деформация при растяжении @linear strain линейная деформация @permanent strain остаточная деформация @plane strain плоскостная деформация @pure strain чистый сорт @unit breaking strain относительное разрывное удлинение @volume strain объёмная деформация @ -
17 расчленение
1) dismemberment;
2) воен. breaking up;
breakdown амер.;
extension расчленение по фронту ≈ deployment abreastdismembermentБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > расчленение
18 condition
1) условие || обусловливать2) состояние || поддерживать (приводить в) определённое состояние3) положение; ситуация4) мн. ч. режим5) мн. ч. параметры7) выдерживать (напр. древесину)8) горн. подвергать обработке реагентами перед флотацией9) текст. испытывать степень влажности•conditions beyond the experience — условия ( полёта), выходящие за рамки опыта ( пилота);-
abnormal operating conditions
accident condition
actual operating conditions
added-value condition
adjoint boundary condition
adverse conditions
airworthy condition
alert condition
ambient conditions
anticipated operating conditions
application conditions
as-cast condition
as-deposited condition
as-drawn condition
as-extruded condition
as-forged condition
as-received condition
as-rolled condition
as-welded condition
asymmetrical conditions
asynchronous condition
atmospheric conditions
average operating conditions
balanced conditions
beet cutting conditions
boundary condition
breaking conditions
burning conditions
busy condition
characteristic condition
chemistry conditions
close conditions
cold furnace condition
compatibility condition
condition of indeterminacy
condition of static equilibrium
conjugating boundary condition
consistency condition
contact conditions
continuity condition
continuous conditions
controlled atmosphere conditions
controlled conditions
cost optimum condition
crack arrest conditions
crack extension conditions
crew physical condition
criticality conditions
current yield condition
cutting conditions
deadlock condition
debugging conditions
Derichlet's boundary condition
design conditions
dirt load condition
disabled condition
docking initial contact conditions
don't care condition
downstream stagnation conditions
dry-bulb conditions
dust condition
dyebath conditions
dynamic conditions
elliptic boundary condition
emergency condition
end fixity condition
energized condition
environmental conditions
equilibrium condition
equilibrium fuel burnup conditions
equilibrium xenon conditions
equipment-damaging condition
error condition
exception condition
existence condition
extreme conditions
fault conditions
faulty condition
field condition
firing conditions
flight conditions
flow conditions
fracture arrest conditions
fracture conditions
free surface conditions
freezing conditions
friction boundary conditions
frost buildup conditions
full power equilibrium xenon conditions
full-load conditions
fusing condition
gap condition
general yielding conditions
geological conditions
geometric boundary condition
geotechnical conditions
governing conditions
grinding conditions
grip conditions
hazardous weather conditions
high-resistance fault conditions
highresistance fault conditions
homogeneous boundary conditions
hostile conditions
humid condition
humidity conditions
hunting conditions
hygiene and sanitary conditions
hypobaric conditions
ice conditions
ice-bound conditions
icing conditions
impact conditions
induction condition
initial condition
in-lock condition
in-pile conditions
in-place conditions
in-plane boundary conditions
in-situ conditions
instrument meteorological conditions
jump conditions
karstic conditions
landing conditions
limiting condition
living conditions
load conditions
loading condition
local condition
local flow conditions
logical condition
lowest weather conditions
low-light-level conditions
machine conditions
machining conditions
making conditions
managed conditions
meteorological conditions
mill conditions
mining and geological conditions
mixed-boundary conditions
moding conditions
moisture conditions
motor load condition
mutual-testing conditions
natural boundary condition
natural conditions
near singing conditions
necessary condition
Newmann's boundary condition
Newton's boundary condition
no-load conditions
nominal conditions
normal conditions
off condition
off-design conditions
off-peak conditions
on condition
on-peak conditions
on-speed conditions
open-conductor operating conditions
operated condition
operating condition
operational conditions
operation conditions
out-of-balance condition
out-of-round condition
out-of-step conditions
out-of-tolerance conditions
overaged condition
overheating conditions
overload conditions
overpoled condition
overtempered condition
oxidizing conditions
peak load conditions
periodicity condition
permit conditions
petrophysical conditions
plane-strain condition
plant conditions
poor ground condition
postfault conditions
precipitation conditions
prefault conditions
process conditions
program stop condition
pulling condition
pulse conditions
pump-starving filter condition
quenched condition
quiescent condition
rated conditions
reaction conditions
ready condition
reductive conditions
reference friction conditions
refrigerating conditions
rigidity condition
roof conditions
room conditions
running conditions
runoff conditions
safety conditions
self-testing conditions
semistalled condition
service conditions
short-circuit conditions
side condition
simulated conditions
slipping condition
stability conditions
stabilized condition
stagnant conditions
standard condition
standby condition
starting conditions
start-oscillation condition
static conditions
static equilibrium conditions
steady-state condition
steady condition
storage conditions
stream conditions
strength condition
stress boundary conditions
stress condition
sufficient condition
surface condition
symmetrical conditions
takeoff conditions
technical conditions
temperature conditions
temper-brittle condition
terminal conditions
terrain undercarriage working condition
test conditions
test-bed conditions
thermal boundary conditions
thermal conditions
thermodynamic condition
traction-free boundary conditions
tractor underfoot condition
transient condition
trial conditions
turbulent conditions
turn-down conditions
unbalanced conditions
unballasted condition
under no-load conditions
unenergized condition
unmanned conditions
unpredictable conditions
unsteady-state condition
unsteady condition
upstream stagnation conditions
usage conditions
valve flow condition
viewing conditions
visibility reduced condition
visual meteorological conditions
wait condition
weather conditions
well production conditions
wet-bulb conditions
wind conditions
wing icing conditions
winter conditions
working condition
worst conditions
zero-wind condition -
19 limit
1) предел; граница; порог || устанавливать предел; ограничивать2) габарит3) допуск4) мн. ч. интервал значений•limit from the left — предел слева;limit from the right — предел справа;to exceed forward center of gravity limit — возд. превышать переднюю максимально допустимую центровку;to fall within clearance limits — вписываться в габарит;to pass to the limit — переходить к пределуlimit of drilling mud temperature stability — предельная (теоретическая) термостойкость бурового раствораlimit of "in" — предел втягивания ( руки робота)limit of "out" — предел выдвижения ( руки робота)limit of plasticity — предел пластичности, граница раскатывания ( глинистых грунтов)limit of proportionality — сопр. предел пропорциональностиlimit of superheat — предельный перегрев ( при вскипании жидкости)limit of "swing" — предел качания ( руки робота)-
age limit
allowable time limit
alternating bending stress fatigue limit
audibility limit
axleload limit
backfire limit
bilateral limit
breaking limit
burning limit
check-in time limit
clearance limit
combustion limit
condemning limit
confidence limit
constraint limit
conventional endurance limit
corrosion endurance limit
creep limit
cross-wind limit
damming limit
design limits
detection limit
dimension limit
discharge limits
elastic limit
endurance limit
estimated limit
expected destruction limit
explosive limits
exposure limit
extension limit
fatigue limit
fetch limit
fiducial limit
fire limits
fixed stop limit
flame initiation limit
flashback limit
flyover noise limit
force power limit
glass-forming limit
grade limit
gradeability limit
high stop warning limit
high torque limit
highest torque limit
hydraulic valve operating limit
ice limit
ignition limit
improper limit
inflammability limit
interlocking limit
keeping limit
kinetic limit
lean limit
liquid limit
load limit
long-wavelength limit
long-wave limit
low stop limit
low torque warning limit
lower explosive limit
lower frequency limit
lower limit
lowest torque limit
machine overload limit
magnetic limit
maximum concentration limit
maximum permissible limit
measurement limits
negative deviation limit
neutron dose limit
noise exposure limit
normal operation limits
operating temperature limit
operation time limit
page limit
pedal travel limit
permissible limit
physical limits
plastic limit
positive deviation limit
power system stability limit
predetermined maximum limit
prescribed limit
preset limit
preset size limit
processing limits
programmable limit
proportional limit
rate limit
rated limit
reaction limit
rebuild limit
reject limit
release limit
resolution limit
response limit
restricting speed limit
robot's load limit
saturation limit
semiautomatically selected limit
service limit
Shannon limit
short-wavelength limit
short-wave limit
smoke limit
solubility limit
speed limit
station limit
steady-state stability limit
stress limit
switching limit
tensile yield limit
tension-and-compression fatigue limit
thermal cracking limit
threshold concentration limit
tightening limit
time-current zone limits
tolerance limit
torque limit
torque power limit
torsional endurance limit
towing speed limit
transient stability limit
travel limit
tripping limit
ultimate stress limit
upper elevation limit
upper frequency limit
upper limit
voltage-temperature limits
warning limit
wear limit
yard limit -
20 strain
1) деформация || деформировать(ся)4) натяжение; растяжение || натягивать; растягивать5) фильтровать; процеживать6) резин. стрейнировать7) бтх штамм•to strain out fibers — цел.-бум. улавливать волокна-
age embrittlement strain
alternating strain
bending strain
brazing strain
breaking strain
buckling strain
casting strain
clay strain
compressive strain
cooling strain
creep strain
crushing strain
cubical strain
cubic strain
dielectric strain
dilatational strain
elastic strain
elastoplastic strain
extension strain
failure strain
flexural strain
forging strain
hardening strain
highly elastic strain
homogeneous strain
hoop strain
killer strain
lattice strain
linear strain
longitudinal strain
magnetic strain
magnetostrictive strain
octahedral strain
permanent strain
plane strain
plastic strain
principal strain
recoverable strain
repeated strain
residual strain
reversible strain
shear strain
shrinkage strain
stretcher strains
stretching strain
temperature strain
tensile strain
tensional strain
tension strain
thermal strain
torsional strain
transverse strain
twisting strain
ultimate strain
volume strain
welding strain
yield-point strain
yield strain
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Extension (metaphysics) — In metaphysics, extension is, roughly speaking, the property of taking up space . René Descartes defines extension as the property of existing in more than one dimension. For Descartes, the primary characteristic of matter is extension, just as… … Wikipedia
Alabama Cooperative Extension System — Infobox Government agency agency name = Alabama Cooperative Extension System logo width = 200px logo caption = Official Alabama Cooperative Extension System logo (2008) seal width = seal caption = formed = 1914 jurisdiction = Alabama headquarters … Wikipedia
Filename extension — A filename extension is a suffix (separated from the basefilename by a dot) to the name of a computer file applied to indicate the encoding (file format) of its contents or usage. Some filesystems limit the length of the extension (such as the… … Wikipedia
London Buses route 3 — Infobox London Bus number=3 operator=Travel London garage=Beddington vehicle=Dennis Trident 2/Alexander ALX400 pvr= Monday to Friday: 21 Saturday: 18 Sunday: 16 start=Crystal Palace via=West Dulwich Herne Hill Brixton Kennington Westminster… … Wikipedia
china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
Glossary of cue sports terms — The following is a glossary of traditional English language terms used in the three overarching cue sports disciplines: carom (or carambole) billiards referring to the various carom games played on a billiard table without pockets; pool (pocket… … Wikipedia
Muttiah Muralitharan — முத்தையா முரளிதரன் Personal information Full name Muttiah Muralitharan Born 17 April 1972 (1972 04 17) (age 39) … Wikipedia
India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… … Universalium