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  • 1 break

    [breik] 1. past tense - broke; verb
    1) (to divide into two or more parts (by force).) σπάζω, κομματιάζω
    2) ((usually with off/away) to separate (a part) from the whole (by force).) χωρίζω, ανοίγω
    3) (to make or become unusable.) χαλώ
    4) (to go against, or not act according to (the law etc): He broke his appointment at the last minute.) αθετώ, παραβιάζω
    5) (to do better than (a sporting etc record).) καταρρίπτω, σπάζω
    6) (to interrupt: She broke her journey in London.) διακόπτω
    7) (to put an end to: He broke the silence.) σπάζω
    8) (to make or become known: They gently broke the news of his death to his wife.) ανακοινώνω
    9) ((of a boy's voice) to fall in pitch.) χοντραίνω, «βαθαίνω»
    10) (to soften the effect of (a fall, the force of the wind etc).) ανακόπτω, κοπάζω
    11) (to begin: The storm broke before they reached shelter.) ξεσπώ
    2. noun
    1) (a pause: a break in the conversation.) παύση, διακοπή, διάλειμμα
    2) (a change: a break in the weather.) αλλαγή
    3) (an opening.) άνοιγμα
    4) (a chance or piece of (good or bad) luck: This is your big break.) ευκαιρία
    3. noun
    ((usually in plural) something likely to break.) εύθραυστο αντικείμενο
    - breaker
    - breakdown
    - break-in
    - breakneck
    - breakout
    - breakthrough
    - breakwater
    - break away
    - break down
    - break into
    - break in
    - break loose
    - break off
    - break out
    - break out in
    - break the ice
    - break up
    - make a break for it

    English-Greek dictionary > break

  • 2 Break

    v. trans.
    P. and V. πορρηγνναι, καταρρηγνναι, καταγνναι, ῥηγνναι (P. generally compounded), V. ἀγνναι.
    Shiver: P. and V. συντρβειν (Eur., Cycl.), Ar. and V. θραύειν (also Plat. but rare P.), V. συνθραύειν, συναράσσειν, ἐρείκειν, P. διαθραύειν (Plat.); see Shatter.
    Transgress: P. and V. παραβαίνειν, συγχεῖν, περβαίνειν, P. λύειν, ὑπερπηδᾶν, διαλύειν, παρέρχεσθαι, V. περτρέχειν, παρεξέρχεσθαι.
    Break ( the ranks of an army): P. παραρρηγνναι.
    Break ( a seal): P. and V. λειν, V. νιέναι.
    V. intrans. P. and V. ῥήγνυσθαι, καταρρήγνυσθαι, πορρήγνυσθαι, κατάγνυσθαι, V. ἄγνυσθαι.
    Be shivered: Ar. and V. θραύεσθαι (also Plat. but rare P.), V. συνθραύεσθαι (also Xen.), διαρραίεσθαι.
    Of day, to dawn: P. ὑποφαίνειν.
    The left wing at once broke and fled: P. τὸ εὐώνυμον κέρας εὐθὺς ἀπερραγὲν ἔφυγε (Thuc. 5, 10).
    When they saw their line broken and not cosily brought into order: P. ὡς ἑώρων σφίσι τὸ στράτευμα διεσπασμένον τε καὶ οὐ ῥᾳδίως συντασσόμενον (Thuc. 6, 98).
    The ranks broke: P. ἐλύθησαν αἱ τάξεις (Plat., Laches. 191C).
    Be broken in health: P. ἀποθρύπτεσθαι, διαθρύπτεσθαι.
    Be broken in spirit: P. ἐπικλασθῆναι (aor. pass. ἐπικλᾶν), P. and V. ἡσσᾶσθαι.
    Have one's collar-bone broken: P. τὴν κλεῖν κατεαγέναι (Dem. 247).
    I hove got my head broken: V. τὸ κρνιον... κατέαγα (Eur., Cycl. 683).
    Break one's neck: Ar. and P. ἐκτραχηλίζεσθαι.
    Break camp: P. ἀνιστάναι τὸ στρατόπεδον; see under Camp.
    Break away, v. intrans.: see Escape.
    Break down, v. trans.: P. and V. καθαιρεῖν; see Destroy.
    A bridge: P. λειν.
    V. intrans. Fail in strength: P. and V. πειπεῖν, προκάμνειν (rare P.); see Faint.
    Be unmanned: P. ἐπικλασθῆναι (aor. pass. ἐπικλᾶν); see under Unman.
    Fall short: P. and V. ἐλλείπειν.
    Fail, not succeed: P. and V. οὐ προχωρεῖν.
    Break forth: see break out.
    Break in, tame: V. δαμάζειν, πωλοδαμνεῖν.
    Be broken in: P. and V. καταρτεσθαι (Plat.).
    Newly broken in: V. νεοζυγής.
    Break in, interrupt talk, v. intrans.: P. ὑπολαμβάνειν.
    Break into ( of attack), v. trans.: P. and V. εἰσβάλλειν (εἰς, acc.; V. also acc. alone), εἰσπίπτειν (εἰς, acc.; V. also acc. alone); see burst into.
    Break loose, v.: see Escape.
    Break off, put end to, v. trans.: Ar. and P. διαλειν, P. and V. λειν; see Discontinue.
    Break short off: P. and V. πορρηγνναι, ποκαυλίζειν, P. ἀνακλᾶν, κατακλᾶν, Ar. and V. ποθραύειν, Ar. συγκλᾶν.
    Break off, v. intrans.: use pass. of trans. verbs.
    Cease speaking: P. and V. παύεσθαι; see Cease.
    Break open: P. and V. ναρηγνναι, διαρρηγνναι.
    A seal: P. and V. λειν, V. νιέναι.
    A door: Ar. and P. κατασχίζειν, V. διαπαλνειν.
    Break cut, v. intrans.: see Escape.
    Of war, etc.: Ar. and P. συνίστασθαι, καθίστασθαι, P. συνερρωγέναι (perf. of συρρηγνύναι), V. ναρρηγνναι, ἐκρηγνναι (or pass.), ἐρρωγέναι (perf. of ῥηγνύναι), Ar. καταρρήγνυσθαι.
    The plague broke out there too and caused much trouble to the Athenians: P. ἐπιγενομένη ἡ νόσος καὶ ἐνταῦθα δὴ πάνυ ἐπίεσε τοὺς Ἀθηναίους (Thuc. 2, 58).
    Break out into eruptions ( of the skin): P. ἕλκεσιν ἐξανθεῖν (Thuc. 2, 49; cf. also Soph., Trach. 1089).
    Break out into (lamentations, etc.): P. and V. καθίστασθαι (εἰς, acc.).
    Break through, v. trans.: P. διακόπτειν, a wall, etc. P. διαιρεῖν.
    V. intrans.: see Escape.
    Break up, v. trans.: lit. Ar. and P. διαλειν; see Destroy.
    A meeting, army: P. and V. διαλειν, Ar. and P. λειν (Xen.), P. καταλειν.
    V. intrans.: Ar. and P. διαλεσθαι.
    Of a meeting, army, etc.: P. and V. διαλεσθαι (Eur., I.A. 495).
    Break with, rid oneself of, v.: P. and V. παλλάσσεσθαι (pass.) (gen.).
    Stand aloof from: P. and V. φίστασθαι (gen.).
    Pause: P. and V. νάπαυλα, ἡ, παῦλα, ἡ.
    Cessation: P. and V. διλυσις, ἡ.
    Respite: P. and V. ναπνοή, ἡ, V. ἀμπνοή, ἡ.
    Division: P. διαφυή, ἡ.
    Fracture: P. ῥῆγμα, τά. See also gap.
    Without a break: see Continuously.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Break

  • 3 Tear

    v. trans.
    P. and V. καταρρηγνύναι, σπαράσσειν (Plat.), Ar. and V. διασπᾶσθαι, καταξαίνειν (also Xen.), διασπαράσσειν, V. σπᾶν, ῥηγνύναι. (rare P. uncompounded), κνάπτειν, ἀρταμεῖν, διαρταμεῖν.
    Tear in pieces: V. διαφέρειν, Ar. and V. διαφορεῖν.
    Drag: P. and V. ἕλκειν.
    He shall not tear you from your purpose: V. οὐ... σε... παρασπάσει γνώμης (Soph. O. C. 1185).
    Pluck (deprive of feathers etc.): Ar. and V. τίλλειν, Ar. ποτίλλειν.
    Snatch: P. and V. ἁρπάζειν, ναρπάζειν, συναρπάζειν, V. καθαρπάζειν, συμμάρπτειν (Eur., Cycl.), Ar. and V. μάρπτειν.
    Tear away: P. and V. ποσπᾶν, φέλκειν, V. ποσπαράσσειν.
    Break off: V. ποθραύειν.
    So that they could hardly tear themselves away: P. ὥστε... μὴ ῥᾳδίως ἀφορμᾶσθαι (Thuc. 7, 75).
    Tear ( one's clothes): P. and V. ῥηγνύναι (acc.) (rare P.).
    Be torn ( of clothes): V. στημορραγεῖν, Ar. παραρρήγνυσθαι.
    Tear down: P. and V. νασπᾶν, κατασπᾶν.
    Tear down the roof: Ar. τὸ τέγος κατάσκαπτε (Nub. 1488).
    Snatch down: V. καθαρπάζειν.
    Tear ( one's hair): V. σπᾶν (acc.).
    Tear off: P. and V. ποσπᾶν, φέλκειν, V. ἀποσπαράσσειν, P. περιρρηγνύναι.
    Snatch off: P. and V. φαρπάζειν.
    Tear open: P. and V. ναρρηγνύναι; see break open.
    Tear out: P. and V. ἐξέλκειν, Ar. and V. ἐκσπᾶν.
    I will tear out your entrails: Ar. ἐξαρπάσομαι σου... τἄντερα (Eq. 708).
    Tear up: P. and V. νασπᾶν, V. ἐξανασπᾶν, νασπαράσσειν.
    Uproot: P. ἐκπρεμνίζειν, V. ἐκθαμνίζειν.
    met., destroy: P. and V. καθαιρεῖν.
    Torn, tattered, adj.: P. ῥαγείς (Xen.), V. τρυχηρός, Ar. and V. δυσπινής.
    Mangled: V. διασπρακτος.
    Torn by dogs: V. κυνοσπρακτος.
    Torn remains: V. σπαράγματα, τά.
    Rent, broken: V. διχορραγής, διαρρώξ.
    Be torn with ( emotions): use P. and V. ταράσσεσθαι (dat.), συνταράσσεσθαι (dat.).
    Torn into raw pieces: Ar. ὠμοσπρακτος.
    v. intrans.
    See Rush.
    Rent: Ar. and V. λακς, ἡ. P. and V. δάκρυ, τό, δάκρυον, τό (Plat., Tim. 83D, rare P.).
    Tears, weeping: Ar. and V. κλαύματα, τά, V. δακρματα, τά, or use V. πηγή, ἡ, νοτς, ἡ.
    A shower of tears bedimming the eyes: V. ὀφθαλμότεγκτος πλημμυρς, ἡ.
    Shed tears, v.: P. and V. δακρειν, κλειν (Dem. 431), V. ἐκδακρειν, δακρυρροεῖν.
    Tears of joy steal from my eyes: V. γεγηθὸς ἕρπει δάκρυον ὀμμάτων ἄπο (Soph., El. 1231).
    Without a tear or a groan: V. ἄκλαυστος ἀστένακτος (Eur., Alc. 173).
    Without tears: P. ἀδακρυτί.
    Do your work without lamentation and tears if you be really son of mine: V. ἀστένακτος κἀδάκρυτος εἴπερ εἶ τοῦδʼ ἀνδρὸς ἔρξον (Soph., Trach. 1200).
    To pass no day without tears: P. μηδεμίαν ἡμέραν ἀδάκρυτος διάγειν (Isoc. 391).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Tear

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